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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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in droves. >> donald trump put immigrants in cages. >> there are more kids in custody under the biden administration. >> democrats need to own the facts that immigration is at a crisis level. >> the secretary of state announced the designation of the houthis as a specially designated global terrorists. >> we don't control the houthis. >> i'm not retiring, folks. >> congratulations. nobody cares about that, do you? >> bret: one week. monday, on "special report," we'll be live in new hampshire with a preview of tuesday's primary. i'm heading out there tomorrow. please watch shannon bream live from new hampshire on "fox news sunday." her guests are ohio senator j.d. vance along with congressman ralph norman and thomas massie. thanks for inviting us into your home fair balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle thank you so much for joining us.
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fox news is learning that former republican presidential candidate and senator tim scott will endorse president trump tonight. he's appearing with the former president in new hampshire it's happening this hour we will bring it to you when they come out. focus of tonight's angle. now, there are many reasons to be in a great mood going into this weekend because the good news keeps coming. now, first and most obvious, donald trump blew everyone out of the water in iowa which means that the party is uniting. it's only a matter of time before nikki haley and ron desantis, who both gave it a good go will drop out and if they're smart, they will endorse him taking on biden and the billionaire supporting biden is going to require all hands on deck and a laser beam focus on turnout, mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. the second piece of good news
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trump provided some clarity about his v.p. pick. and haley is not on the list. truth be told not a good fit doesn't need a liz cheney for backup. third bit of good news the uniparty back up against the wall on the immigration issue. the senate negotiation are a bait and switch. president trump has smartly and strongly come out against it. now, the final product will give democrats everything they want. their ukraine money and the flexibility for biden to keep releasing migrants into the united states what do we get in return? essentially nothing. republicans say laura, just wait until we see what is in the bill. the text of the bill. what i'm telling you don't is that's naive. because the details are irrelevant we know mayorkas and
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biden are never going to enforce the border despite the hype by schumer. >> in the senate we are making really good progress. i'm more optimistic we can come together on border and ukraine in one package. i'm more optimistic than ever before that we come to an agreement. >> if the cries for help from liberal mayors didn't compel them to stop the invasion. words in the congressional register sure aren't going to compel them to do the right thing so give me a break. now, the good news is that the g.o.p. grassroots has never been more united on this issue. democrats as a result they are panicking. now even trying to pressure speaker johnson to let the senate deal go forward and, in return they will give him votes to help him survive any leadership challenge. now, these implicit threats will not go over well even politico knows how pa they they can this makes democrats seem. the fact that some of these
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liberals are even talking about the idea shows how desperate they are to find a solution. the party knows time is running out to help ukraine and they are getting pummeled on the border issue politically and need to do something to alleviate the situation now, precisely. they are getting pummeled on the border issue and, yet, there are republicans, republicans who want to throw biden and company a lifeline? now, again, neither party has clean hands here. >> because if they really believe that russia was an existential threat and that moneys needed for europe to save europe, well, europe is going to be somehow buried by putin, i should say. if that was the case, senate republicans would demand that biden sign a bill that includes the provisions which are tough, sensible provisions in hr 2. that would be followed by aer i don't of several months of
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enforcement to show that biden and company will actually do endorsement. in other words, show good faith on the deal. but mcconnell and lankford and thune are never going to demand this and they aren't doing it. by the same token it's democrats truly truly believed that trump was an existential threat to democracy, that he was hitler. well they would close the border immediately just to take the issue away from him establishment republicans want the cheap labor for their donors and democrats want to change america demographically to win elections in the future. this, my friends, is a classic unholy alliance. but the good news so far speaker johnson has played this really cleverly he has forced the
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senate's hand and now voters are going to see what really matters to everyone. notice that the man republicans decided to keep as minority leader, mitch mcconnell he is not going on any of the shows, is he? certainly not coming on this show to explain why any of this makes any sense. i will tell you why he doesn't. because he can't. again, this is nothing personal. i have great respect for the senate leadership. but this immigration showdown simply confirms that it was a huge mistake not to replace mcconnell as leader. even when the news isn't good, at least the truth is becoming clearer and that is good like the truth about evs. remember when biden made his visit to detroit to tour and look at and inspect all the great new evs? >> look, folks, you know, the great american road trip is going to be fully electrified whether you are driving coast to coast along i-10 or on i-57 here in michigan. charging stations will be up and easy to find as gas stations are
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now. >> oh, those charging stations are really working well. that was then and this is now because americans just aren't buying it and they are not buying them as in evs. and many who have actually bought the electric vehicles aren't loving them. >> this is crazy. this -- it's a disaster, seriously. >> charging. >> not at all. >> it just isn't working. >> at all. it's just frozen and so i'm now getting it towed to the service center because that's my only option at this point. >> i have had to charge like multiple time every day the last couple days. >> their ranges are too variable and the evs are not reliable in cold weather. so ford just announced it's scaling back production of its electric f-150. which is a mask blow to the automaker that boasted about their innovation when the truck was first introduced. >> now, republican candidates
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have to warn voters if they want to preserve gas-powered cars and all the freedom that goes along with them and also gas appliances, et cetera, they will need to defeat democrats across the board and finally there is good news out of georgia where we are learning how much fanny packs as in fannie willis packing to go on vacations, sorry, work trips with her very married and very special prosecutor disoments source divorce trial willis fighting a subpoena give us more details about how busy the duo has been who knew putting together election interference would require so much travel, such as multiple purchases in october of 2022 from the royal caribbean crews line and american airlines ticket to miami in november of 2022 purchases included a hyatt
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resnort aruba and a norwegian crews line. 2023 purchases included the you rum runners freeport, the island jeep and car rental freeport and some delta airline tickets and some nights at the double tree and well napa valley, a lot of work can be done there what's the good news here? it's that georgians are now seeing the corrupt system in fulton county where hiring lovers and vacationing on the taxpayer's dime seems to be the norm. these are the people, by the way with their values who have the power potentially to change the future of america? with there prosecution of president trump? this is on or about seen and it's absurd and the good news is next november the voters will know it so it's time to send fannie packing. that would be very good news and that's the angle joining us now
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is missouri senator eric schmitt. senator, good news friday. and on this immigration deal do you sense this is actually going to make it with this compromise and negotiation supposedly in the works. >> i don't know we heard yesterday that chuck schumer may put this on the floor next week. no one seen language and that speaks to the design here in the dark and dispured on people what we know now laura and you touched on it with your intro. first of all, joe biden has every authority right now to close the border if he wanted to. he could reinstate remain in mexico working under president trump. he won't do that he could stop abusing and misusing parole which was supposed to be individual adjudications not entire classifications. that's accounted for millions of people coming across illegally, dispersed into the interior of the united states.
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we have no idea where they're and who they are. maybe they have a court date seven or eight years from now. he could do that but he won't. joe biden and the democrats are full blown open borders now. this is what they believe. not going to change because of some language change and compromise bill left in the dark. language so complex we have to wait until we actually see it. which i appreciate it. >> laura: that's what they always do. senator this is what they always do. >> and i think i'm going to say the truth of this is this is just an attempt to unlike the ukraine money, right, to have something that people can say there's enough here to unlike the ukraine money, which is wildly unpopular among republicans. it's losing support even in the republican conference in the united states senate. so let's just call it for what it is, a way to get to unlock the ukraine money. a lot of people are now calling bs on this but, look, joe biden
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can close the border now. that's the truth. he won't do it. so whatever this language change is, he has proven is he not interested in it and it's not going to change the reality on the ground. >> senator, it's irrelevant. like, i'm sorry, but the details of this so-called negotiated bill which i submit was written months ago, the details sadly do not matter because there is zero good faith on the part of democrats on the border. if they wanted to enforce the border, if trump was an existential threat and they wanted to take an issue away from him, they would enforce the border. they don't give a rip because open borders is their policy, period, end of story. any republican trying to tell the american people anything different should be defeated and primaried. i'm going to personally make sure that i work toward that. >> yeah. the truth is, look, under existing law, we had a secure border under president trump. that's what you need to know. and if we don't pass anything, guess what we're going to have
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under president trump, a secure border. this is all, again, to your point, a very elaborate cruz to ruse tounlock $60 billion plus r ukraine. talking about 100 billion after that for endless war and blanks check and i think people have had enough of this. >> laura: that the american people do not approve of, look at all the polling. they don't want this. they wish ukraine good luck. this is not what the american people are clamoring for. senator, you have been terrific on this, hold firm. thank you. i can't believe it snow, sleet, freezing temperatures, they never stopped the march for life before and today's march was no exception. thousands and thousands gathered to speak for the voiceless and the most vulnerable, the unborn. >> i am, myself, a product of an unplanned pregnancy. in january of 1972, exactly one
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year before roe v. wade, my parents, who were just teenagers at the time, chose life. and i am very profoundly grateful that they did. we have to build a culture that encourages and assists more and more people to make that same decision. >> laura: that was a really powerful and personal testimony by speaker johnson kudos to him for showing up in what was essentially a blizzard at the time. i loved it. but the butchers at planned parenthood and their allies and politics in the entertainment industry, they are not moved at all by these stories of life. because their sing singular foce hill they will die on is to sees a many babies aborted as possible at any stage of pregnancy for any reason. they're the radicals. they say champions of democracy? but they hate the fact that voters in some states do choose to limit some abortions. that's the horrible for them. and they claim to love and protect the children, but they
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support abortion up until birth and in some cases, even after birth. a recent study showed that overturning roe v. wade led to 32,000 additional births. 32,000. i would call that the most important political and moral victory of a generation. look at today's turnout. conservative candidates should not run from this issue. they should embrace it. embrace life. coming up red states save america again. plus a conceal carry instructor is here to teach you how to protect yourself when liberal governments let you down. ♪ ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices.
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♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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>> doing at the border, policy how he is getting involved. it's blocking border patrol from accessing the border. is he taking away the duties of what the border patrol is supposed to do. >> laura: red states to the rescue again sorry kjp because texas is doing exactly what the border patrol is supposed to be doing arresting illegal migrants. not welcoming them into the united states. fox news matt finn obtaining exclusive video today showing a huge change in procedure at
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eagle pass. now, for years, migrants could walk right in, process quickly by border patrol and then released. well, with that, more disturbing proof that unfettered migration creates more crime. check this story out. a four-time deported colorado man charged in a crash that killed two. and he was sentenced for a dui just two days before. and a wild melee in new york city's randall's island migrant shelter left a man stabbed in the neck and 18 people in custody. haitian illegal immigrant released streets in boston despite ice appeals? why in boston is a sanctuary city. of course, the crime surge in general has more americans worried. they are worried about their personal safety and some are deciding to fight back. now, weeks ago, a customer in
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houston shot and killed an armed robber. then there was the case of off duty federal officer in d.c. back in october shot someone attempting to car jack him tragically the suspects were a 12 and a 13-year-old. and then in north carolina, police arrested these home invasion suspects. it turns out the residents there used a machete to ward them off. even struck one of those thugs, well, that will do the trick. in august, a chicagoan packing heat fought back during attempting carjacking shooting both the suspect and his accomplice. and one of those charged is 20-year-old derek benson. then there was a female conceal carry holder who kept her car and shot a teen who was attempting to car jack her back in november of 2022. talk about leveling the playing field. i could go on and on. but this is, perhaps, my favorite. it was this week in connecticut not far from where i grew up, where a domino's driver used the
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only weapon he had to try to slow down the thugs who robbed him. as the suspects tried to flee the area, the vehicle got stuck on an icy road at which point the delivery driver threw a pizza at the suspects, police said. the suspects then abandoned the vehicle and got into another vehicle that was waiting nearby. so men and women of all races, alleth nist cities are refusing to be victims. these communities need new leadership that is pro-law enforcement and anti-criminal. until then, be careful out there. joining us now is leon spears, the conceal carry instructor in d.c. leon, it's good to see you tonight. are there more people than ever in -- on the district maryland virginia area applying for conceal carry permits and doing training and what's the reason is if so that they cite? >> it's always nice to see you,
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laura yes hung dreads of people signing up to conceal carry their firearms and being able to exercise their second amendment right to defend themselves and their family. and it's just amazing that we have to remember the benchmark for any civilized society quality of the justice. no juvenile bail law. there was a stat out two months ago in new york city of 500 crimes whited by 10 people. 10 people committing 500 crimes. and so if law enforcement is bound by ridiculous policies this is going to get worse. >> leon are you looking at more
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women getting their conceal carry permits? in d.c. for years you couldn't get one in d.c. and now obviously after supreme court decisions you can takes come work that you can sexual assaults are up in d.c. single mothers are being ass assaulted some professional women have these large homes and living by themselves they are being assaulted and abused. a lot of women coming it my office and signing up and feeling empowered that they can defend themselves if need be. and sadly for the last 10 years, i have been, you know, certifying people to the point where people still are just hesitant, they are like does d.c. even allow me to carry a
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gun? 10 years, people are jaded because government policies have stymied even the effort of getting a gun. >> laura: leon, you have a lot of friends in law enforcement. what is their biggest frustration right now in d.c. where carjackings are skyrocketing hurting the small restaurant business and other businesses what's their biggest concern? >> law enforcement are championing, a lot of officers that i speak showing up on the scene and victims and just firearm they might have been able to defend themselves and law enforcement officers are pro-gun for ie not just pro-gun, it's self-defense, they want to
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defend themselves, it's rampant, in d.c. in broad daylight, city center, just georgetown, we already know what happens in george town. chinatown they are just randomly going through and robbing people. >> laura: clearing out sister stores. >> cvs. >> laura: supposed to say have fun. leon, we have got roll. thank you for your words here. and you stay safe out there. thank you for doing what you do for the people who want to be trained. >> walking from the house building on capitol hill to the capitol, and a man, a white guy stopped me and told me i could not get into the members elevator. we have pins and i was going to vote. and he blocked me from getting into the elevator and told me i was not a member of congress and it was for members only. i said member, i'm a member of congress. i showed him my pin.
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he said whose pin did you steal? >> laura: oh my poor dear congresswoman lee. this is an obvious verbal insurrection. i mean, this is outrageous. here at the angle we take these accusations certainly like this very seriously and we are on the case. so we contacted the congresswoman's office for the exact time and location of this just outrageous act but we have not heard back yet. now, to be sure, we still did -- you know, contact the capitol police to see if they had any idea. i mean, there was a police report? a witness? anything? we need to nail this guy. we know a lot of democrats keep a tight grip on capitol security footage, video footage so we may be out of luck here. the tapes released all of them. mystery verbal insurrection is
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brought to justice. is maine becoming the next oregon and what does that mean? several disturbing reports are next. ♪
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rain shower lawyer is the state of maine becoming the next oregon meaning so crazy left that it's left america? fox's molly line is shear with a disturbing report. mollie? >> law there is pretty passed opposition new bill being pushed forward in maine in committee raising concerns the legislation would allow teenagers from across the country to travel to maine without parental consent and receive essentially sex changing medical care as i mentioned in committee, bad weather and political pushback happening on this bill.
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the new working session before the state's judiciary committee is not yet rescheduled the work. this controversial bill titled an act to safeguard gender affirming healthcare critics view it as a trafficking measure that would turn maine into a sanctuary state for minors seeking transgender care from hormone therapy to surgery even without parental consent the bill sponsor democratic state rep says amendments from the works but republican state representative has this warning about the bill as it stands. >> if this child runs away from their home, they come to maine, that 1735 says that law enforcement cannot send that child back to their parents, that they cannot work with law enforcement in other states to put that child back with their parents who are the primary caregiver. >> that is katrina smith. a portion of the bill notes that a state court can take temporary jurisdiction regarding a child if that child has been, quote,
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unable to obtain gender affirming healthcare or gender ar firming mental health care. some states pass laws restricting transgender medical care for minors, more than a dozen states have passed laws or have executive orders that seek to protect access to gender affirming care for transgender youth. generally shielding practitioners who treat young patients of the trans sanctuary law proposed in maine is very similar to abortion sanctuary laws over the past in some states. essentially restricting law enforcement and their ability to take action or work with law enforcement from another state where a certain procedure might be prohibited. laura? >> laura: mollie, that's wild, i love the state of maine. that's just -- that can't stand. thank you so much. and you think that's it? that's all? no, no, no. the democrat controlled state legislature is now pushing in maine for statewide drug decriminalization. they are also proposing an amendment to codify the
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limitless abortion into law. not to mention their attack on the democratic process. joining me now is steve robinson, editor and chief of the maine wire. steve, this is woild. is maine becoming like oregon. oregon went so far left, especially on the drug and trans issues. at least on the drug issue, they are beginning to think oops, we might have made a mistake, given what portland looks like. but what is happening in the state of maine? >> wilt, since 2019 there has been tremendous amount of migration into the state of maine into york county and cumberland county, 40,000 new democratic voters left places like new york city and boston and came to maine. and that has further entrenched the far left, left wing politics and our legislators, lori on or abouter in particular, the sponsors of the transgender trafficking bill they rock whaty
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do and says that's a good idea we should be doing that here. if it seems like maine is becoming more like oregon or california there is intention to bring it here mandates for electric vehicles, the decriminalization of all drugs or the transgender policies which the trafficking bill is just one of many measures that have been taken by the current legislator and governor to open up the door sex change drugs and surgeries for kids. right now a 16 and 17-year-old can go get sex change drugs or surgeries paid for by medicaid by the taxpayers even if their parent object to those procedures. >> okay. that is -- it takes your breath away. you almost don't believe this is the united states of america. but i want to remind everybody that the loosening of drug laws, okay, has been a disaster where it's been used. now, two years after maine
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passed decriminalization and after -- excuse me oregon passed decriminalization, violent crime shot up 17% well above the national rate. overdose rates for deaths rose 70%. opioid overdoses increased by 101%. between 2020 and 2022. but, of course, the left points to the 63 decrease in drug arrests as progress. so, is maine prepared for, this steve, given the fact that, you know, a lot of jobs are leaving maine? a lot of manufacturing has already left maine and what are people going to do but set up and shoot up all day long? that's supposed to be progress? >> yeah. they are part of the same problem, really. i think there is a lot of economic dills pair and that's one of the reasons why you are seeing increased level of drug use. but we already effectively have drug free zones in maine. homeless camps where regular recreational drug users are not going to be arrested. really only arresting people
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guilty of trafficking large quantities of fentanyl in the state. if the legalization of marijuana is any indication of where a legalized heroin or cocaine market would go. we have already seen that organized crime, foreign organized crime, particularly from china have come in and grown vast amounts of marijuana illegally using the legalization as cover. now, if you don't think they would come to maine and grow fields of poppies and make heroin or fentanyl if the drugs are legalized you are kidding yourself. all of the evidence where this decriminalization has been tried. the results have not turned out as advocates suggest they. >> i guess maine wants more psychosis, schizophrenia and manic and bipolar disorder among young people. they want that. that's why the drug legalization, especially the high thc marijuana is a good idea. you are fantastic at covering these stories. we want to save maine. we want to remember maine. remember the maine. but we want to save maine and we have got to save it from this
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leadership. the people have to wake up. thank you. up next, 9 dead are talking from politicians to comedian grants. a shocking friday follies with raymond arroyo, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday
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follies. it's always fun. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right. raymond, you have a rather odd theme tonight. >> oh, good. yes. i do indeed. i'm calling it dead man talking. bear with me and we are not going to talk about that alec baldwin shooting indictment. i promise. let's start with the president who, if you believe the polls, laura, is he on political life support though his public events are already rigor mortis. >> also want to mention congresswoman deborah roth. where is deborah? i just had my picture taken with her. that's probably why she left. lafayette no, all kidding aside anyway -- oh, she couldn't be here, actually. that's not true. i got it mixed up. >> poor man he got mixed up after gobbling down milkshakes, laura he addressed the u.s. governors just this afternoon. news flash, the president was still mixed up. >> americans have filled 16 --
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16 new -- 16 million new business applications since i became president. i love people who say the blood of liberty or excuse me, excuse me, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. well, guess, what man? i didn't see a whole lot of patriots sit out there walking around making sure that we had these weapons. if joe was here joe, hush up, boy? >> raymond: laura, these polls are so wobbly. it's amazing to me there is a new poll in new hampshire that shows him up 3 points in trump. this thing is so fluid i can't imagine that performances like this will allow him to hold any advantage. >> laura: no. live free and think. if it's -- if he is 3 points up on trump, what the heck is new hampshire thinking? i don't believe that poll for one minute. i spent four years in new hampshire. >> liberty of the blood. all right man.
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>> laura: come on, man. >> there is infrastructure in place to protect the decline of the president. kamala harris said this week that this election is a choice between chaos and competency. so they send jill biden to a high school today jill. and well, there are times when satire is unnecessary, laura. jill appeared at hunter high complete with banners. now, what competent white house staff allows the first lady to appear at hunter high when hunter's entire hinges on whether or not is he high. this is craziness. >> free cocaine on the sidelines. what is that. well, that's not a good one. all right. >> you win some and lose some. the ultimate dead man talking is comedian george carlin who just released a brand new comedy special, even though he has been dead since 2008. it was allegedly created by a.i. and is parody and drawn the ire
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of carlin's daughter says no machine will ever replace his genius. i caught up with comic legend larry the cable guy who reacted to the fake carlin special this way. >> the a.i. thing is nuts. i mean, that's not fair. they have come out against it. >> apparently they can't stop it because it's under parody. >> that's ridiculous, i mean, it's not -- no, that's not right. >> that's your name and likeness. >> they have got to come up with something. they will have hard time doing my voice. >> you'd be surprised. >> laura: i thought that was a.i. and not really you or something. i thought there was a gag there i knew george carlin a little bit from our old days appearing on imus. i had the most hilarious dinner with him once. it was one of the most fun things ever and his daughter is right, there is no replacing him with a.i. raimondo, pick up on dead man walking theme though. >> raymond: yeah, we don't want to do this. i want to change gears.
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we have fani willis video emerged, laura from april of 2020. i'm sorry to break in with this talk about a dead man walking. here is fani willis caught up in her own scandal, watch inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in the state and it really really saddens me. and it will be very unfortunate if the taxpayers of this community have to pay for any of those lawsuits. >> raymond: she is talking about sleeping with your underlings, laura. this is ripe hypocrisy. >> laura: by the way i think i have that same dress, okay? i think i just noticed. i'm focusing on what's most important. all right, raymond, never a.i. can replace friday follies. you will never believe what nbc sports did to a viral clip from one of the most inspiring players in the nfl today. dan will explain it, next. ♪
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>> your first playoff game and a record-setting performance. what does it mean? >> first i want to give all my glory and praise to jesus christ. it's been amazing being in the city for as short as i have but my love of god i've just been doing it for houston, man. >> laura: the post was reposted but that one line, he said, from the first go around, was oddly missing. >> c.j., your first playoff game, in your first record-setting moment, what does it mean? >> my love for guy, i've been doing it for houston. >> laura: corporate media now
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trying, what, to erase devout cranitis from sports good. luck with that. join us, host of "out kicks, don't at me,", dan, i have a question to you, isn't it the case at this point, that the sports media are more woke and more left wing than the political media? >> laura, the sports media is completely out of their mind. the white sports media is so afraid of being called racist or sexist and the africa american sports media they say that's who they have always been. liberal and always this way. when i saw that this is what really shocked me. okay. people want to delve into politics. we never had that in sports media, laura, but we always have had i want to thank jesus christ, my lord and savior. this goes back to the 1970s, when guys would be interviewed
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after boxing matches or basketball games or baseball games. now out of nowhere, because i've not seen this, laura. i've not seen this being handled like this anywhere else other than that, so now we're going to eliminate christianity? i'm stunned by this. i saw joy reed was complaining about the white conservatives in iowa like that's something new, we're surprised there are white conservatives in iowa. there are black -- i'm sorry, white christians in iowa, excuse me, white christians. >> laura: they don't like people of faith. they don't like people of faith. they don't like the nuclear family. that's all a big threat to their agenda. c.j., i have a feeling like, he's not really concerned about their views on christianity, because every chance he gets, at big press conferences, he makes a point to say what's most important to him.
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watch. >> like i always do, man, more than ever, just thank god, my lord and savior, jesus christ. it's been a blessing, a heck of year and i thank god i can go another week with my teammates, god is at the forefront of our minds and we play for an audience of one. >> laura: if megan rap pino wanted to thank her community for all their support and that was edited out, what do you think the reaction to that would be? but you edit out jesus they are like, yes! >> my wife and i were watching the game and when c.j. came out, i said, i bet you, i always do this with my wife, i bet you a million dollars that he talks about jesus christ first. i bet you. she's like what are you talking about? and he did and she goes how did you know that? because he always does that. on the other side of it, well, so we're good with black lives matter, we're okay with that.
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what are we good with? we're good with hamas. what all are we good after? we're good with transgender, we're okay with that but we're going to fight on christianity and draw a line on christianity. kidding me? and the startling thing is we're seeing this everywhere. this isn't just sports. this is everywhere. >> laura: yeah. well, jesus has been around for 2,000 years, his story, i think, they will survive espn. great to see you, dan, thanks so much. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: i hope you had fun with this show. i certainly did. set your dvr so you can always stay connected with us. check us out on instagram, x can, and all the rest. this is america now and forever. we have to make sure it's now and forever. jesse watters take


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