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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  January 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> ♪ ♪ >> greg: out of time. thanks to jim, piers morgan, kat timpf and our studio audience. i love you, america. >> [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone.
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i'm anita vogel along with joey jones, kennedy and charlie hurt welcome to the big weekend show the big story tonight the count down is on to the new hampshire primary with three days until granite state voters go to polls and president trump about to rally supportsers in manchester and listen in to some of it in a few minute and mickey haley rallying as well and listen in there too. and there is breaking news about ron desantis, a big shakeup to his campaign plans is coming up in just minutes. >> nikki haley made unholy alliance with never trumpers, americans for no prosperity to get liberals and biden supporters to vote for her in the republican primary. >> i voted for donald trump twice. i think he was the right president at the right time. chaos follows him, and we keapght be a country in disarray with a world on fire.
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>> so we're in south carolina. can someone tell me major achievements of nikki haley when she was governor? >> i think that's remarkable -- >> and we have team coverage tonight in new hampshire and south carolina. we begin with alexis mcadams live in manchester where former president trump is about to take the stage. hi alexis. reporter: hi anita it is a bitter cold night but that has not stopped trump supporters from lining up outside that arena for hours just trying to catch him on that stage. take a live look right now, this is the inside of this arena here. and manchester, new hampshire you can see the crowd kind of filing in there as he's set to take the stage any minute. people are also selling trump gear like t-shirts and hats outside so that's different some of the other rallies we've seen on the ground like a party-like atmosphere but to crowds and rallies transfer to the polls is the main question and latest tracking poll shows it might
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this week trump is sitting at 53% in the granite state and ron desantis polling lower there and a poll of primary voters in the state that's taken on a daily basis. and as we get closer to the primary day the political attacks have ramped up which is not a surprise. haley saying that trump is too old to be in the white house and trump has fired back saying that he would, quote, probably not picker to be his vp. >> she was not -- she's not presidential timber now when i say that, that probably means that she's not going to be chosen as vice president. >> this is what he does when he feels insecure i worked with him i know exactly how he is. >> so endorsements you guys continue to pop up if you keep a close eye on that we know just last night, senator tim scott dropped out of the presidential race through his support behind
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former president and then governor of new hampshire kristin has been backing niki nikki haley said upfront today and today who cares what tim scott thinks. watch. >> as we yoongt our country and get this nation going towards another american century -- we'll just prove what we can do here in new hampshire -- and take it home to south carolina. >> tim scott wouldn't have a job without anyway can nikki haley d would have been driven out three months ago. >> and every time you turn on the local news here, there are so many attack ads nikki haley spent big money here in new hampshire to go after donald trump and we expect to hear more from him tonight about nikki haley on that stage guys. >> we'll wait for that alexis mcadams thank you for that report he's not pickingny can i haley as number two -- is that pretty obvious? >> so charlie gasparino said his
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sources within trump campaign have narrowed it down to -- j.d. vance and wouldn't rule out byron donalds. >> does he need florida it is an interesting mix because you know, and i honestly think that this vp pick is the most critical element of the presidential race. because i think most voters assume that whoever is elected president if it is donald trump or joe biden, they're not going to make it to the end for whatever reason and host of reasons for joe biden and might be his agent helped and trump for indictment so number two person the country has no faith in kamala harris. so that means whoever this vp pick will be the most powerful person in the country. >> charlie what did you think about this whole flap with the governor chris sununu and mocking senator tim scott you heard that? >> no --
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it's stupid politics. i don't think it is very effective. the idea that you know, that he's going say tim scott wouldn't have a job like tim scott owes something to nikki haley for her appointing him to fill out the senate seat. that's kind of old school politics that people are ready to move away from. it is a stupid fight. i agree that i don't think normally, normally i don't think vice presidential picks matter much. but i agree with you. that i think this time vice president or the vice president -- because on the republican and it kind of cuts both ways a lot of people desantis and haley try to say he's going to serve four more years. so you know we want to get somebody for eight years whatever -- that makes the -- the veep pick all that much more important if donald trump wins is going to be sort of almost guaranteed the nomination '28 so it is a crucial pick for him in terms of finding somebody who can carry on the --
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you know, his agenda after that four years and in a weird way sort of helps him because it mean okay instead of eight years i'm talking about 12 years. [laughter] >> so you know, a lot of people say, though, he needs to have a woman. joy what do you think about that. there's a couple of female names out there governor kristi noem of south carolina and representative of new york. let's take a look at what "the wall street journal" had to say the headline there fierce support for trump puts her in the vp conversation. now here's what she said, just today about that. she kind of dodged it. listen. >> i've said for well over a year, i would be honored to serve in a future trump administration. >> have you -- have there been discussions between you and trump about vice president? >> i'm not getting into any of my discussions with trump i'm proud to call him a friend and proud to be first member of congress to have endorsed his campaign. >> okay not showing her cards
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there but joey does he need to pick a woman? >> donald trump has no rules whatever we're about to discuss and all of the conventional wisdom we've thrown on the table it doesn't always apply to him as we saw in 2016 and to a lesser extent in 2020 you know if you ask me having worked on the hill been in d.c. longer than meant to be and sane for ten years since, what does it take to be vp pick and it is not the splash, name it is two thing what is money do they bring to the table that yaw can't get or votes they preferable what state do they bring to the table? if you're looking at that pennsylvania, michigan, places where you think trurp can win and maybe he doesn't. so j.d. vance comes in and when it comes to president trump it feels so much more about do they fit the brand and what he's trying to do what -- what in the presidential trump array of policy can hay be in attack dog on but i think for trump when it comes a vp pick it has to do with money. can they bring money to the table? that maybe he can't get --
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on his own. now i look at nevada he hasn't made people in vegas happy. but are there any personalities there and that world that he can bring to the table? i think that elise stephonic has never stared away from what is maga what is pump from that's what he wants when he brought in mike pence it was to bring in evangelicals. >> we are going to watch that and hearing about that at some point soon and i want to move on to desantis camp which is in south carolina tonight. not new hampshire -- but he'll be heading there tomorrow after he canceled his media rounds on the sunday talk shows. fox news senior national correspondent rich edson is in myrtle beach with desantis's response. hi, rich. >> governor ron desantis been in south carolina all day and got word he's canceling tv
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appearances for tomorrow reached out to the campaign to figure out why exactly that was. got this response, quote, the media hits for canceled due to scheduling issue -- and will be rescheduled. the governor will be traveling sunday morning with the campaign and has public events scheduled sunday evening through tuesday in new hampshire. now desantis began the day here in myrtle beach on his way to columbia, south carolina, capitol where then governor nick can nicky haley said and punish is on haley to win her home state if not, she's got to get out of the race. >> you look at this constituent city this is a great constituent for me being a veteran is huge heavy state military and conservative state. i think pretty clearly, there's just too many conservative voters here for someone like nikki haley to win the state i think that that's obvious. >> now haley ahead maintained
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this is a two candidate race between her and front runner former president trump and desantis trip here haley spokesperson says hope desantis team enjoys vacation time in south carolina and calls it invisible in south carolina and in new hampshire -- desantis says he already has a good organization here in south carolina. that his campaign denies he's skipping new hampshire. they note he campaigned there last night and returning tomorrow both desantis and haley chasing former president front runner donald trump here in south carolina trump has endorsements of both u.s. senators and the governor. back to you. >> rich live for us in south carolina tonight. charlie i heard you chuckle when rich said he was canceling because of media and scheduling conflicts. what do you think? >> no, this is just continuing this -- complete disarray of the desantis campaign which we've seen for the last several months. and if you talk to republicans on the ground there, they will tell you there's no presence of
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the desantis campaign there. he's very much given it up. and you know, obviously, we'll see what happens on tuesday. but -- >> yeah. >> doesn't look good for him. >> kennedy he might be looking for an offramp. : hearing from people inside his camp. he's never gotten his footing all i can think about was the campaign launch on twitter -- and what a failure that was and it took forever and so botched we were saying is this what the campaign is like and actually campaign arguably has been worse. which is unfortunate because he had so much mojo. >> where do you think desantis has gone wrong it wasn't a good ground game like a big secret but it was secret because he didn't have one. >> it is so reminiscent of what marco rubio did with youthful
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energy people really wanted to like him but they just he couldn't get out of his own way and had an incredibly disjointed campaign that was the biggest problem and ron desantis the opportunity to win this thing, was before it started. that's what -- only line of attack to pound government and money spent and start trump difference and did neither of the two early on and trump had already won it in my opinion. >> never seen any candidate with more potential accomplishments at the beginning of this, and to have failed disastrously as he has in terms of just the basic mechanics of politics and one of the worst things a minute ago we shared sound bite of him talking about veterans in -- in south carolina. he wasn't talking about veterans as like -- the issues that matter to them. he was talking about them as like pieces on a chess board and when you're a politician is talking like that, you're losing people. you're not winning. it is terrible. you should never -- no politician should ever talk mechanics in public.
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>> all right. i want to move on now we're going a fox news alert look live now -- national in new hampshire where nikki haley is rallying her supporters. let's listen in. >> i haven't had a chance to talk to him about it and to the first event they introduce him and he picks welcome to the jungle by guns n' roses and i look at him like nice sounds really good my first concert was motley crue and guns n' roses opened up for them so we're going to have a good time so give it up for chris sununu he's fantastic. thank you. [applause] so -- two almost two more days now until new hampshire goes to vote. and i know how excited you are. i'm excited because i have spent the last 11 months campaigning touching every hand answering every question being the last person to leave. but i know y'all are excited
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because it is two more days until the commercials go away. and all of the mail goes away -- and all of that and you have been patient and we appreciate it. but boy do you have a big decision to make on tuesday. and you know just think about where we are right now. times are tough. and you don't have to turn on the news for them to they will you how tough they are. we are 34 trillion dollars in debt. we're having to borrow money just to make our interest payments. china owns some of that debt. and i would love to tell you that biden did that to us. and he sent us down this roller coaster of socialism that's dangerous. but i've always spoken in hard truths i'll do that with you tonight. our republicans did that to us too. >> okay. so you've been listening a little bit there to nikki haley rallying in new hampshire, she's trailing president trump in polls there and hoping for a
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strong second place. we will see how she does there. kennedy. kennedy: we've got a massive grassroots effort to write in president biden on the new hampshire primary ballot even though skipper -- yeah. he wanted to skip the whole thing dnc decided to ditch granite state for first primary in south carolina next month. fox business correspondent madison alworth is live in manchester, new hampshire live. >> it is a mess and joe biden is not only in the state he's not even on the ballot. but that has not prevented his friends from stomping for him here in new hampshire both the boston mayor michelle wu and congressman spent the day here with the grassroots campaign called write in biden some political analyst think this write-in campaign needs to do well saying biden can't just win here.
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he needs to win by a handsome margin. but supporters say a win is a win even if by one vote. ro kona saying he's confident the president will prevail. >> i believe that president biden will win and it is going to be a hard fought victory as a write-in victory that's a big deal. >> reporters of the president are pushing the write-in campaign because they fear optics of incumbent president running for reelection losing the state to a challenger. those challengers, though, disappointed that president is not participating in democracy here in new hampshire. listen. >> every single one of you that took moments out of your day to come here today and practice democracy with me -- now i have no towards joe biden but i believe he should be here and should be on the ballot and i do believe he should be defending the very democracy that i believe is at risk. particularly, particularly if donald trump is reelected.
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reporter: we spent the whole day at write-in biden events at all of the evens we went to they spent more time talking about where former president trump shouldn't return over why president biden deserves to be reelected. kennedy. kennedy: madison stay warm and stay awesome, thank you. president biden trying to smooth over his rocky campaign and sway voters by sipping on smoothies and while on his junk food tour biden offered to buy members of the press some snacks -- but he must be out of touch with the impact his own bidenomics is having on voters because he was shocked to discover that smoothies now cost $6. watch. >> anybody want a coffee it is on me -- a smoothie -- 6 bucks but i'll do it anyway. >> back in my day we paid a
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nickel for four moon pies but media is debating whether it is a faux pas for biden to be drinking a milk shake in winter. [inaudible conversations] simple -- [inaudible conversations] >> can i get a spoon to gum my milk shake? apparently saying biden is returning politics to bolster campaign ahead of november. so charlie is that really the biggest issue? drinking a milk shake in winter considering all of the things that we're facing as a country right now that's top of the list? >> it is really incredible and it is amazing that even at the stage the softball coverage he gets no matter what he does and could you imagine and i hate playing this game but it is important can you imagine if a republican let alone donald trump -- had decided to skip the new hampshire primary the first time
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in 100 years that this has been the first primary? in order to go straight to south carolina -- and then faces losing there and it is going to get completely covered up no one is going to pay attention to this after joe biden either loses or does horribly in the primary. because they're covering for him the way they've covered for him the entire -- >> that's why we are here anita we're here to tell the truth and to tell the whole story a $6 smoothie not expensive if you go to air one a grocery store in los angeles they have an $18 smoothie called haley bieber that's real. >> where can i get a smoothie for $of approaching cocktail in most places why did he skip? new hampshire, i mean what's the logic there and why does he keep talking about ice cream? i don't understand the obsession with ice cream? is it getting him anywhere and connecting with anyone? >> my nana did the same thing it
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was so sweet and put her into a home. so joey they say he's a master of retail politics. do we really want to see more of this? >> this all plays right into his hand in my opinion we're literally talking about him offering to buy a coffee for the press we're talking about him enjoying a milk shake and about how people are infatuated with a milk shake not the circus that was his son going into congress last week we're not talking about the border we're not talking about -- we're not talking about this massive snowstorm that swept the south left every ev pretty much immovable we're not talking about what's happening in israel we're not talking about what's happening in ukraine we're not talking about what's happening -- like i said on our own southern border we're talking about biden in context of he likes milk shakes and he doesn't want smoothies to cost $6. that plays into his hand. because we're just evil old republicans so every other
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network can say fox news freaks out about a smoothie costing $6 and they tell biden offering to buy coffee -- he is probably one of the most corrupt presidents we've ever had -- in the entire multimedia outlet the whole industry minus a few us included could care less. and that's a problem. and republicans have made such a mess of themselves in the house they can't do nothing about it no investigation on a house will sway election or voters perception because republicans can't get their own house together in the house. >> sometimes it makes one want to adverb into their milk shake to be able to -- joey: that would be something we can go to on -- >> he's a teetotaler and responsible person and wonderful patriot. coming up on the big weekend show -- >> no, no, i would never point a gun at anybody and pull a trigger at them never. >> no, no, no yes, yes, yes --
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alec baldwin indicted again a brand new analysis of the gun he used on the rust movie set you'll only see right here on the big weekend show plus another taylor swift stalker arrested hours ago trying to break into her apartment. we'll give you all of the details. stay with us. ♪ ♪ i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back tox news alert i want to take you to manchester, new hampshire where president trump is talking to his supporters and rally. let's listen in. >> running the war laptop from his stomach laying in a hospital bed. can't do that. same people that gave us afghanistan. that removal the worst removal, the worst i think the most embarrassing event in the history of our country. those are the people that are running these wars. nobody ever gets fired. i fired comey i fired a lot of people, in fact, people said i fired so many people.
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when somebody is bad you have to fire them. there's a guy that don't win wars and do nothing right and nobody ever gets fired i guess they know too much. does anyone know what that means, i know what that means. sadly not everyone is willing to put our country first. this is called america first territory. it is america first. [cheering] here in new hampshire -- nikki haley i know her well -- [booing] the guy is screaming bird brain only in new hampshire does that happen -- but she's made an unholy alliance with the rhinos never trumpers, americans for no prosperity, globalists, the radical left communist and they want to get liberals and biden supporters that's what they want
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and you know you have a governor here that allows democrats to vote in the republican primary. what's that all about? your governor -- [booing] and you know he'll be coming and he'll be calling me after the election sorry just i want to congratulate you very much. this guy allows independence, many of whom are democrats, independents and democrats to vote in the republican primary what the hell is all about that and despite that we're going to win by very big numbers. >> all right you've been listening to trump criticizing nikki haley criticizing the governor of new hampshire, and i'm sure he will go on for some time. charlie. >> thank you, anita. so a man accused of stalking taylor swift accused of breaking into her apartment fox news correspondent c.b. cotton live. >> well the global pop star
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reportedly home when the man tried to break in we're trying to learn more about this case. but the nypd tells me at around 1:30 this afternoon, officers received a call for a disorderly person in tribeca neighborhood once officers got on scene to the building, police took a man into custody who witnesses say had tried to open a door. the suspect already had an active warrant for not responding to a court summons gossip column of the new york post says eyewitness sought suspect go right up to ms. swift's door otherrings telling publication they've seen him lurking around area for about a month including one neighbor who was quoted as saying when he arrived before christmas, my husband asked what he was doing here and he said, i want to see taylor he even had flowers at one point end quote. now identity of the suspect still has not been released. but swift is expected to be in western new york tomorrow to watch her boyfriend kansas city chiefs tight end travis kelce
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play against buffalo bills swift is no stranger to stockers a serial one of hers sentenced to four years in prison back in 2019 in that case new york post reported stalker got into her bed in an incident and managed to get on her patio. charlie. >> thank you c.b.. alec baldwin indicted again and grand jury hit baldwin with a charge in the rust movie shooting and refile manslaughter charges joining us now is joey to take a look at the mechanics at big board whatever, the joey board now -- touch screen that works -- >> most of the time. joey: yeah so let me i want to go over some of the parts of this gun to you guys and kind of show you what alec baldwin is alleging happened and what now this new analysis and the fbi are collaborating saying probably happened so as you see here is a picture of alec
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baldwin calling a break down of the gun and dirchts parts. and really going to hone in on the one area here and reach across to be able to draw on it. here we go and we'll pick red and so what we're talking about here this is where your bullet lies. so this barrel has a bullet in it lies right here and sits here, and the back of the bullet is a primer piece of powder so here you have what is basically your firing pin so this gets pushed forward hits back the bullet and goes through the barrel. what happens here is this is called -- your hammer sometimes hammer has what's called a sere involved in it so what the hammer does is it gets pulled back it gets brought all the way back and it locks into place. and there's a spring in there and when you -- when you squeeze on trigger a piece of metal moves allows that hammer to fly forward hit this -- firing pin and into the round. reason why i want to point this out let me go to the next slide and clear this off first. reason why i want to point this out is that it is a very simple
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mechanism that is -- really -- parts and pieces that cause this firing pin to hit the back of the bullet and cause it to fire. so alec baldwin says he didn't squeeze trigger to make that firing pin go forward, you have to ask yourself then something must have, obviously, been broke for this to be cocked back released without the piece of metal stopping it being broke what could have happened? ten times out of ten, i would say probably squeezed trigger on it and might not have known it i've had buddies that have sent negligent discharge they didn't realize they have their finger on the trigger and may have legitimately think he didn't but really hard to have a gun like this, malfunction the way he alleges it happened and now we have an analysis that says it didn't malfunction quick this guy gun has been around since 18 -- 72. it's been in service by police officers all the way up in the 1990s incredibly reliable and
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very accurate as well. and it is not the type of gun that just malfunctions like that. and it is also -- it is a what we would call single action so requires more movement by person holding it to make it fire that's remarkable. >> something tells me you can take your pistol apart and put it back together blind folded. >> maybe not blind folded not forrest gump enough for that but we know what we're handling. >> i can barely clean any gun thank you for that. coming up should we pay kids cash to go to kindergarten? how about to graduate? that's next. ♪ ♪ (♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway.
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and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you.
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♪ ♪ joey: i'm a man, i'm a man.
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welcome back to "the big weekend show" president biden made stunning admission about migrant crisis at the southern border in re beach, delaware. >> not a crisis but did admit to our own jackie heinrich the border is not secure. >> the border is secure -- >> no it's not. i haven't -- i've said it for the last ten years. give me the money. >> do policies enabled any -- at the border? >> no i've asked for thousands more -- [inaudible conversations] judges -- >> biden is not on the ballot in upcoming new hampshire primary on tuesday, someone to write in his name he will also be competing with the word cease-fire and voters in the
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granite state say immigration is one of the top issues and rick scott said in the last hour president long ignored the border. >> why doesn't biden secure border and he can secure border today if he wanted to do it we have millions coming across our southern border unvetted we have no idea who they are. we have drugs, criminals terrorists come across biden you have the law right now you can do it as a candidate joe biden finished fifth in the new hampshire primary in 2020. just behind elizabeth warren. joey. >> i hope you got your smoothie, coffee. as an education crisis strikes the nation ohio lawmakers are trying unconventional way to get students back in the classroom hope to get them from ditching like this. >> where's the back building? it burned down in 1987. >> won't we get in some sort of trouble for in? >> why would we get you into trouble? we're your friends. >> i know it is wrong to skip
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class but janice said we're friends and i was no no position to pass up friends i guess i'll never know what i missed on health class. >> proposed bell to use taxpayer dollars to get kids to go back to school we're talking $25 for two weeks in school $150 in a student makes it to class for a full quarter of year get this $500 crisp dollar bills if they show up all year long. anita -- i feel absolutely robbed. i feel like my childhood was a joke. i went to class every day of the year for certificate maybe an ice cream party we're talking about kids from kindergarten up to get this money and what are your thoughts on this? >> what would it be worth today? so this reminds me a little bit guys of universal basic income where they pay people to stay home and not go to work. it takes away a critics say incentive to go to work. what happens when they stop
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paying kids to go to school or not going to want to go? i think that's my question there. >> kennedy i don't know there's a word that exist in our culture called truanty i guarantee you with limited resources if a kid that isn't old enough to drop out of school isn't going to school -- they're going to find out where that kid is and why not? it is not a kids' choice are they trying to pay to be a parent? >> we shouldn't be paying people to do what they should be doing. the problem is a lot of these schools are awful and in so many these urban areas and especially in rural areas, parents don't have a choice. and that's why -- you know, there have been many rational voices advocating for quite some time for school choice. so instead of paying kids to go to school, parents can take their money back from the state and sending their kids to a better private school if they want. so there's a proliferation of choices which makes education
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better. because if you have good schools, you will have engaged kids and parents and that is a recipe for -- success and for kids showing up. no it doesn't make any sense and last i checked, we didn't have budget surpluses. [laughter] across the country -- where we could just pay people willy-nilly to do things they're supposed to be doing. >> plus kindergarten is fun right -- kid should want to go to kindergarten without being paid. j i got naps and honey bears and honey grams. >> but kennedy that is right the problem with private school is, you -- if you save your money and sending your kid to private school you're paying for public education but it is just -- stinks so bad to pay for it twice and school choice is only answer to it. but this is terrible one level is you point out paying kids to do -- things that they should be doing anyway. is no way to teach responsibility if you want to teach them and pay them for doing extra things or for --
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actually working i think that's fantastic. but other thing is, from the politician, this is a bipartisan solution. this is what people -- politicians do when they get to spend other people's money. which is why we don't have any money left and -- they're going still make it rain for kindergarteners and for doing what they're supposed to be doing. joey: i think it is indictment on ohio public school and culture there of your kids are going to go to school because you're making them go to school and respect that because parenting them to me it just doesn't add up as a possibility i don't understand it. i live in a small town in virginia and no reason why any school can't do that and i don't really understand it. coming up, some gen-zers are getting way more than pep talks from mom and dad as they hunt for a job. this is insane and it's next. [laughter] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show some employers are hesitant to hire recent college graduates it might be because some gen-z job interviews are starting to look like this scene from the movie stepbrothers. >> human resources lady -- >> i think it is actually pam. >> i'm sorry. >> well, pan -- >> no my name is pam. >> saying pan or pam? >> i'm saying pam. >> yeah i'm sorry who is this gentlemen sitting behind you? >> hello ms. lady i'm stepbrother and i think i might be able to help with a pan, pam
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dilemma. [laughter] >> young adults putting new twist on bringing your child to workday. a new survey found that one in five employers conducted job interviews with college graduates who brought a parent with them. and managers are saying youngsters are struggling with interviews but can we blame them especially if -- you have school districts paying them in order to go to school. but kennedy this is the thing that just blows my mind more than anything these are things that -- that the complaints that employers have noted about some of these raising college factor 53% of them struggle with eye contact. 50% ask for unreasonable compensation, 47% dressed inappropriately and 27% said used inappropriate language like dropped f-bombs in the interview i guess. >> in the interview that is
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bold -- >> was it andrew dice, clay? >> you actually wait to the second interview to start working in the swears, and always make eye contact. i'm looking at you. yeah that's -- i can't -- and part of -- part of this is the pandemic. and we won't understand the reverberations for the pandemic for years kids are still very much in the sort of emotional prisons, and shaming them isn't going to break them out of it. but good parenting will certainly help. and you, obviously, have to start younger, but it's not shocking to me if you've been around some gen-z's in the work place some are hardworking and run the world and others are avoiding them every way possible and they're hiring people in their 50s and 60s because they have a much better work ethic. >> such a great point, of course, if you can get out of this, and like get a job you are going to rule the world anita this is from a guardian article,
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quote, the hardest parts of interviews for 25-year-old who works in advertising are what she calls the bs questions such as describe yourself in three words or identify your biggest weakness, it feels like we're being judged off of something trivial. she said gen-z as a whole doesn't like that. >> oh, my goodness get a spine right those are pretty simple questions. but now i would admit something here. when i was looking for my first job in television, 21 or 22 years old and look for a job in a small market, i drove up and down the state of california. on one occasion -- my mother accompanied me in the car on the drive to palm springs which is about two and a half hours from l.a. she did not come in the building with me. she sat in the car and air-conditioned car while i went in and dropped off my tape and you know i would have never brought her in with me i can't believe this. >> she was your über didn't try to answer a question -- >> they would have hired my mom that's why i never took her.
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>> i would live on a different planet from other people. i don't get it. look, i wear a white collar -- you know, most of the time but i didn't grow up that way and very first job interview that wasn't for someone i was kin to and i was worked since i was 12 years old and might be rowing rugs somewhere i had cut and clean business where i cut grass and cleaned your vinyl siding for you. as soon as i was old enough to drive but first real job right they took out taxes i told this guy i had eight years experience driving a forklift and i was 18 years old so he looked at me over his glasses said my dad had a tractor with fork lifts on it and i drive it all of the time and entitlement meets insecurity they don't have experiences i just described they have a sense of entitlement don't know where it came from and so insecure because they've been told what they can't do that they don't know how to prepght themselves to be confident and own room. it is not something we should
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make fun of them about and mentor them on and get us past because it will be the absolute rind of our country our culture and our people. >> just so you know i would have hired you on the spot if you told me that you'd been driving forklift for eight years at 18. >> most impressive thing i've heard all day. stick around, big weekend flops are next. ♪ ♪ men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great "before and after". then, there's the 'after the after' that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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these are my tissue box covers. remember, tissues come in their own boxes. it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. there we go. alright, who's next? i've been holding on to these pieces of crown molding, 'cause you never know when you're gonna need them. i do, and it's never.
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it can be a lot for them. do you still own that car? -i do not. -okay. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. empty tubs of butter are for recycling, not for my leftovers. that's a big one, people.
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♪ ♪ welcome back into the biggest of big weekends a show for it is the big weekend show time now for big weekend flops our picks for the biggest veils of the week. i will go first. outgoing climates are john kerry says critics sounding the alarm on electric vehicles are guilty of, you guessed it, spreading disinformation. check this out. >> there has been a very, very clear policy which are regrettay has been attacked by people who are in high levels of different disinformation that been trying to scare people about the range of vehicles so there is a range anxiety out there. >> range anxiety, no dingdong it's called word-of-mouth. people who do not like electric vehicles tell other people not to buy them and that is working.
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global warming would be solved if you'd shut up. [laughter] first lady joe biden is being mocked for an awkward sign after she shocked students in salt lake city reading hunter hi, no irony loss there. brexit is too funny. [laughter] >> this is going to be an important public service announcement it has been a dangerous mess this winter including where i live in the south. i drove through arkansas, and then mississippi, and into alabama on monday all that whole time we're getting snow this is me driving right here. i drove to 6 inches of snow the left lane is the other way and occultists note lena put i in four-wheel-drive and passive traffic. when the moment i got to alabama the roads were clear and i just need to say if you are in arkansas and mississippi, right your governor and let them know they should clear the roads we have 6 inches of snow the. >> requests gotta be careful out there.
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>> democratic representative maxwell frost of florida's challenging his republican colleagues to introduce a bill that removes the statue of liberty because the disagrees with the border policy of cracking down on the asylum process and wedding to create stricter regulations for people trying to come into the country. >> good luck where that goes. >> the big weekend show is making big moves guy benson, molly line, will be bringing you live from new hampshire tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. don't miss it. >> that is going to do it for us here. got to watch tomorrow night. "life, liberty & levin" is going to start a just a few minutes but it's great to be with you guys did a chart it will look out for its martin n part new he it is excellent it's going to be fun. ♪ ♪ ♪


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