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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ if. ♪ ♪
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mike: the first in the nation primary in new hampshire kicking off less than 48 hours from now with all three top gop candidates set the make their rounds in the granite state today. florida governor ron desantis the heading back up north after spending some time in nikki haley's home state of south carolina. welcome to "fox news live," i'm mike emmanuel. coming up, brett bay spoke -- bret baier spoke with former president trump, we'll have him live to break it all down. but fist, fox team coverage with brian yen nas and madison alworth and alexis mcadams. alexis, good afternoon. >> reporter: [no audio] hey, mike, good afternoon from manchester, new hampshire. we can tell you it is another cold day out here, but that didn't stop trump supporters from waiting in line for hours just to catch a glimpse of the former president on that stage. finish one of the main if topics
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he hammered home here in the granite state is the issue on border security. watch. >> nikki haley will never secure the border or stop the fentanyl that is killing thousands and thousands of new hampshire citizens. >> reporter: [no audio] so take a look at that new poll there out this morning. right now trump holding 50 president support among -- 50% support while his closest competitor, former south carolina governor nikki haley, stands at 39%. now among new hampshire's registered republican voters, trump is by far the favorite there sitting at 67%. though new hampshire governor chris sununu, who's backing haley, tells me she does have big conservative yes eden,s. finish would you say nikki haley's a true conservative? >> absolutely. are you kidding? i mean, compared to donald trump? donald trump is not a conservative. trump is his own thing, right? i saw a bumper sticker that says i don't vote republican, i just
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vote trump. >> reporter: haley does much better with amongst undeclared voters. in this poll, 58% see her as their top choice. undeclared voters make up the largest voting group in new hampshire, and senator j. department vance said on "fox news sunday" that support won't transfer in the general election. >> i think a lot of of them are going to vote for donald trump but also liberal, many of them from massachusetts who are moving to new hampshire, they're never going to vote for a republican nominee even if it's nikki haley. they're just trying to play spoiler to donald trump. >> reporter: and they are expecting big turnout here in new hampshire. the weather is not expected to be too bad, so the governor does not believe that's going to impact voters' turnout. mike? mike: alexis, mcadam, a beautiful shot in manchester. many thanks. all eyes on governor ron desantis as he abruptly canceled sunday media appearances, the campaign says
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scheduling issues arose as the florida governor set to meet with voters in new hampshire later today. madison alworth is live in manchester with the latest. hello, madison. >> reporter: hello, mike. last minute scheduling changes have many people wondering about the future of florida governor ron desantis' presidential campaign. last night the governor canceled abruptly three appearances on three different networks, those being nbc, cnn and right here on fox. that led some to openly wonder what this means for his presidential run due to poor polling numbers. the campaign responded quickly tweeting this: the media hits were canceled due to a scheduling issue and will be rescheduled. the governor will be traveling sun morning with the campaign and has public events scheduled sunday evening through tuesday in new hampshire. while in myrtle beach saturday, desantis was asked directly whether his south carolina trip was a sign that he didn't think he could earn any delegates in new hampshire. here's what he had to say. >> we're doing what we think we
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need to do to accumming late delegates. -- accumulate delegates. i think just making it clear that we've got a good foothold here. >> reporter: president trump called out the governor's precarious situation last night at his rally here in manchester. >> i think he's going to be out pretty quick based on what i'm hearing, based on what i'm looking a a. you don't have to hear it, you just look at polls. ron is probably finished. he's probably finished. sad. may he rest in peace. >> reporter: so governor ron desantis had initially planned to be in south carolina all weekend with. instead, he will now be here in manchester starting at 5 p.m. with an event talking to voters. mike? mike: change of plans. madison alworth live in manchester, thanks very much. governor nikki haley is looking for a final boost of support from voters in the granite state, but recent polling shows former president donald trump is still leading by double digits. bryan llenas is live in derry, new hampshire, with more.
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hello, bryan. >> reporter: hey, mike. well, look, former governor nikki haley is 19 points behind former president donald trump, but no one has put more time, effort and money into new hampshire than haley has. she has six events today, and the campaign believes that this will all pay off when it matters most on election day on tuesday. haley has spent nearly $30 million on tv the ads in the granite state, more than double trump ask nearly quadruple desantis. and the campaign is debuting a new 3-minute ad airing in new mexico on monday, the day before the election, featuring an endorsement by the mother of otto warmbier who died in 2017 after being taken hostage by north korea. warmbier describes how haley encouraged her to stand up to korea and demand justice for her son. haley criticizes trump for publicly absolving kim jong un and praising him through all of this. here she is at a rally last night.
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listen. >> when the world is on fire, you want to talk about a contrast in foreign policy? you don't befriend dictators and those who want to -- can. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: today the boston globe and the new hampshire leader union newspapers endorsed haley, the union leader writing in part nikki haley is an opportunity to vote for a candidate rather than against those two, a candidate who can run circles around dinosaurs from the last two administrations backwards and in heels. haley, who just turned 5 52, had her first stop today at a middle school in derry, new hampshire, where she repeated her line, do we really want to have two presidential candidates in their 80s? well, a woman in that crowd replied, there are lots of senior citizens in here. this is how haley responded. >> let me explain this, because i'm not being disrespectful when i say that. but the issue is these are people making decisions on our national security. these are people making
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decisions on the future of our economy. we all know seniors who can run circles around us. this is the most pressured job in the country. >> reporter: and tonight judge judy is going to share the stage with nikki haley. he she has endorsed haley. the 81-year-old tv the star says being president is not on the list of things you can do in your 80s. mike? mike: bryan llenas live in a chilly derry, new hampshire, thanks a lot. my colleague, bret baier, supposing spoke with former president trump ahead of the primary on tuesday, a great get. fox news chief political anchor and anchor of "special report" bret baier joins me now. great to see you. >> hi, mike. good afternoon. yeah, we did this poolside. yeah. go ahead. mike: tell us about it. >> we did this poolside in this -- for his rally last night in town. pretty with attended. people lining up for a long time
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to get in, enthusiastic crowd. i just asked him a couple of things about his primary opponent here in new hampshire, nikki haley, and what she's been saying about his mental capacity. as you just heard bryan's report there about, you know, his foreign policy, that rt sort of thing. and also the fact that nikki haley is focusing and mentioning his legal troubles as part of the chaos she talks about. here's a piece of what -- of that poolside interview. so she did mention also today your indictments. and for the people out there that say there's another shoe that's going to fall with all of this stuff, i know you say it's all political, but there are people who she's tapping into who say this is going to be a problem come election. >> these are all biden indictments. these aren't indictments, these are biden. this is a political opponent. he's coming after a political opponent. he is bad for democracy. i mean, he is the one. he is very dangerous, very bad for democracy because he cannot win fair. looked at fani willis. that was, she was involved in
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the white house. her and her lover that she paid almost a million dollars in fees to, legal fees, they were in the white house dealing with the doj. and then they indict, and now we find out that they're scammers, okay? that one now is, i guess, down the tubes. we're doing very well in them. but they did this. this is all political stuff, and it's a very bad thing for our country. and remember, that goes the other way too. if a republican gets in, i'm not just saying a are republican, they can do the same thing to a democrat. it's a very dangerous thing. it's never happened in this country. it happens in third world nations. >> so one thing on the legal stuff. you say the immunity issue, you would like the supreme court to grant you immunity when you're president. >> no, no, no -- >> everybody. all presidents. >> all presidents have to have immunity. if they don't, they won't be able to funk. they won't be able to say we have to go into a war or we have to do something that's very strange, very tough. maybe it doesn't sound good, but
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it's the right thing to do. if you don't have immunity, you might as well not even have a presidency. >> the judge going over that says the hypothetical if, as president, you took out a political operative, a political opponent with a special ops team and killed them, then they would be immune. >> they were talking about a political opponent from another country, you know, the head of a country and all of this. >> you can go down this hypothetical -- >> but a president has to have complete and total immunity or the president -- as an example, harry truman. harry truman. you could say let's go get him for hiroshima, let's go get him for what he did. he killed, you know, hundreds of thousands of people. any, if you don't have immunity, anybody if coming out will be indicted by the opposing party. and it'll happen almost without question. >> but you know you could play it out. if president biden came after you, he would have immunity? >> as an example. with all of the things that he's done, with afghanistan, the worst removal in history, with
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all of the thing -- what he's done in afghanistan, 13 soldiers killed, many soldiers just obliterated, leaving people behind and giving up $85 billion worth of brand new equipment that i bought because i rebuilt the military, biden would be absolutely -- and i'm not even mentioning his personal stuff. i'm not even mentioning that. i'll stay away from that. but if a president doesn't have immunity, he will be unable to function. i i think the presidency would be a disaster without immunity. >> bret, great stuff there. so far president trump has spent a fair amount of time at courthouses dealing with some of these legal cases rather than being on the campaign trail, and yet the polling suggests he is really strong. is it your sense that republican primary voters feel like he's being taken out by allies of the current president? >> yeah, i think so. i mean, i think it's even swayed some independents, mike, who think that some of these efforts legally are political in nature as he describes them. and some people we talk to on
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the ground say, you know, there's a reason why they're going after him this hard. maybe because he is a bull in the china shop when it comes to washington. that said, there are also voters here who are concerned that another shoe is going to drop before the election. that a conviction could affect if the ability to beat president biden. so that's the battle we're seeing on the ground here in new hampshire and one that nikki haley is really trying to tap into with governor sununu if on every stop that they make, that you can't afford, they say, to have the former e president in that pole position against president biden. we'll see if it takes. right now there's still a lot of support in the state for the former president. mike: then on the democratic side it's a big awkward as a president biden wanted south carolina to go first. there's this write-in campaign for allies of the current president to write him in on the ballot, but what if joe biden loses new hampshire? what about the headlines that would come from that? >> yeah.
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it'd be embarrassing. the party heart attacks -- has, at his direction, decide decided that south carolina is going to be the first official primary. and and that really flew in the face of iowa and new hampshire. new hampshire really got upset about it and took him off the ballot here. ing congressman dean phillips from new hampshire-- from minnesota campaigning now, trying to make that moment where he possibly gets enough votes to overtake the write-in. something tells me the biden effort is going to be substantial here, and the write-in may pull it out. but it would be majorly embarrassing if you head forward. he is a weakened president as you look at the approval ratings and the numbers. mike: bret baier, we'll be looking for more clips of that great interview. tank -- thanks for your time. >> see ya, mike. mike: a number of u.s. personnel are now being value waited for traumatic brain injuries after iranian-backed militias launched a barrage of ballistic missiles at a u.s. air a base in
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westerning iraq. lucas tomlinson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware, with the latest. hello, lucas. >> reporter: mike, it's the largest attack on u.s. forces inside iraq since the october 7th massacre, and today biden administration if officials say they don't want this conflict to spiral out of control across the middle east. >> we're working very, very hard to make sure this conflict doesn't escalate. and i would tell ya and, again, the attacks over on our troops yesterday in iraq and syria notwithstanding and, of course, the continued houthi attacks on shipping in the red sea notwithstanding, nobody is really, no other actor has really jumped in with both feet to help ma mamas -- hamas in this war. >> reporter: u.s. officials tell me, mike, over 15 patriot surface to air missiles were fired to accept those incoming ballistic missiles launched by iran's proxy fighters last night. two slipped through, and two american soldiers are being treated for traumatic brain with
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injuries. u.s. forces have now been attacked over 140 times in iraq and syria over the past three months, and u.s. forces have been striking iran's rebel army in gemmen over the -- yemen over the past ten days using warships and u.s. navy superhornet jets launching from the tech of the uss dwight d. eisenhower. attacks on commercial shipping continue in the red sea. last week iran fired ballistic missiles into iraq, syria and pack that stand. pakistan retaliated with strikes of its own against iran. a $32 million u.s. reaper drone was blown out of the sky for the second time since no. israeli forces killed iranian forces in syria, turkey's been striking the kurds in iraq and syria, and israel's war against hamas and hezbollah continues. general jack keane says the u.s. needs to strike back much harder against iran and its proxies. >> i think the evidence is there. iran does not want a war with the united states, and we have to have a comprehensive
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strategy. it's not just military. we've got to recognize that appeasement is no longer a viable road here. >> reporter: this morning here in rehoboth beach president biden went out to breakfast. he did not speak to reporters before taking off for wilmington for reasons that are not quite clear. of course, wilmington is home for his reelection campaign, mike. mike: lucas tomlinson, thanks a lot. congress avoided a partial government shutdown with a continuing resolution this past week frustrating many house republicans. congressman matt gaetz joins me next on what republicans want to see there if the house speaker mike johnson. ♪ ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪)
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre--
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i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. >> right now we are about to fund the entire government of the united states as ab amendment to a bill about duck hunting. now, the that doesn't strike me as a good way to fund the government or even pass a bill about duck hunting for that matter. mike: that was congressman matt gaetz on the passage of a continuing resolution to fund the government to avoid partial shutdown. this as some republicans turn against speaker mike johnson. joining me, the house florida republican congressman and member of the house armed services and judiciary committees, matt gaetz. congressman, welcome. >> hey, thanks for having maine i'm at the trump headquarters in new hampshire, so maybe the way
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to get the house republican conference to fight a little harder for spending cuts and border security is to have a little more courage. i guess courage is contagious is, that's why i'm trying to get trump back in the white house. mike: all right. congress punted to march. what will be different in march? >> i think that the march circumstance allows us to link up this ladder c.r. and make a demand on the border. it has to. when i'm out in the country, they think it's crazy when you're funding a government with no demand that the border be shut down. what government are you funding if the border is so open that millions of people have been released into ther into if your with, as a real drain on the system? we were talking about it here with voters. i think we've got to take the political eye ground of a border fight. mike johnson has to do that in march, he's told me he will. mike: what if the president, a democrat, and the senate led by democrats say whatever you guys pass on the border is dead on arrival? >> hey, or you know what? i want to live in the world
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where joe biden is trying to explain why the world war ii memorial is closed but the border is open. like, i want joe biden to have to stand the up and saying, well, you don't get your social security check, but watch as these migrants coming over get thousands of dollars every month because, what? the american people seeing that might actually be what it takes to get the real solutions on the border. that stuff they're talking about over in the senate is nonsense. it is amnesty. it's letting 5,000 people into our country every day. and by the way, that'll only grow. and so i think we have to take a stand, we have to break the establishment now, we have to mistake a demand -- make a demand on the border, and that is not the fight that joe biden thinks it is if he wants to have it with me. mike: is speaker or mike johnson's job in jeopardy e? some of your conservative colleagues are make threats. >> i don't think so. there are some surgeries after which there's a mandatory recoup time before you can have that exact same surgery again. that's probably how i would view
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the speakership right now. i do think it's important not to score him the same way as kevin mccarthy. mccarthy had a 4-seat majority. johnson has a 1-seat majority which is actually four times less powerful than having a 4-seat majority, so we give him probably a little more grace. he also doesn't lie to us. mccarthy had a $50 million corrupt side deal, johnson clawed back $20 billion of that. not enough for my liking, but at least we're not making more corrupt side deals. those are the very things that have led to more intblaition and a diminished american economy. mike: to be fair, you have a razor thin majority in the house. what about that? >> well, in the words of chip roy, we have a thin majority, but what about we take it out for a spin? like, why don't we do something with it? you know who could have given us these continuing resolutions? nancy pelosi probably. yeah, it's a thin and tight majority and, you know what? it may not be as operational as
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it should be until donald trump is back to inspire us with the boldness and courage that is necessary. but in the meantime, i think we'll win from districts like mine in the florida panhandle to districts like michael waller's in new york, people are sick and tired of watching this invasion happen. how many times do you have to watch your kids get kicked out of school so they can house migrants before you say i might be in a biden 10 district, but i'm at least going to fight for the people who seventh me here to represent them? that's what i'm trying to get out of my colleagues. mike: i've got to believe there are people watching that think this is still personal with kevin mccarthy, that mike johnson's doing largely the same things kevin mccarthy did. >> i just disabused you of that, mike, by explaining that kevin mccarthy did $50 billion in side deals, and mike johnson clawed back $20 billion of that, most of which was out of the irs. that's typically something that republican voters are in favor of. so, yeah, while johnson has not yet engaged the border fight
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that he must if engage for us to keep our matter and for -- majority and for him to keep his job, at least he's peeling back some of the stuff that we had to deal with kevin mccarthy. it's not personal. if any person had a $50 billion side deal with joe biden and chuck schumer, i would view that as disqualifying to continue to lead the republican team no matter the size. mike: all right. so no sign of you and kevin mccarthy exchanging christmas cards, congressman matt gaetz -- >> it's after christmas. i'll send him a valentine's day. mike: fair enough. safe travels. the new hampshire primary under 48 hours away. we will hear from surrogates for the top three gop candidates after the break. wit ♪ hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. here's to getting better with age.
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can be the worst republican in the world, and he'll love you. it's all about a him. >> he's been invisible in new hampshire, invisible in south carolina. he's closer to 0 than he is to me in either one of those states, but that's his choice if that's what he wants to do. mike: it's getting feisty ahead of tuesday's first in the nation primary in new hampshire. for more, we're joined by surrogates from, well, two of the top three gop candidates, desantis surrogate josh kimbrell and florida congressman and trump surrogate mike if waltz. the haley surrogate was unable to be with us due to technical difficulties connecting. we are sorry about that. congressman, what are your expectations in new hampshire on tuesday? >> well, i expect a continuation of the momentum and the crushing victory that he showed in iowa. now, i had the honor to be out there to caucus for him. look, i mean, we're seeing the party speak loud and clear, and we're seeing the country speak
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loud and clear. they know president trump has, is the only one in the race to serve as commander in chief. he's the only president in modern history, and i say this as a veteran that left the middle east better and more peaceful than where he found it. and that's on top of the abraham accords, that's on top of once in a generation tax reform, veterans reform, the border. we can go down the risk of -- list of accomplishments that the nation is clamoring to get back to. but the other thing that i saw and you're going to see this in new hampshire, nevada and south carolina as well, is enthusiasm is through the roof. finish people drove through -36 degree temperatures out to vote for donald j. trump and, look, at the end of the day it is turnout that is going to win this. not just in this primary that i think is soon to be over. when we pivot to highlight joe
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biden's failure, the turnout for the president and get back to his policies, get back to his winning and get back to his leadership right now with the world on fire, i think it's going to be through the roof, and and that's what wins elections. mike: josh, we've seen the governor split some time between south carolina and new hampshire. or what are your expectations going into tuesday, and then looking ahead to south carolina as well. >> well, look, at least former president trump and governor desantis are courting republican voters. in new hampshire we've got a lot of rumors, and i think they're pretty well substantiated, that the haley campaign is openly egging democrats to vote in the new hampshire primary. look, the former president is going to be the dominant name, of course, and there's a moderate electorate anyway. we've got nikki haley pushing for the democrats to support her in second place. we're very much focused on south carolina, yesterday myrtle beach we had nearly a thousand people pile into a warehouse in 30-degree temperatures to support the governor of florida. we're looking forward to this contest.
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it's a natural constituency here. this is a guy who served as a veteran, the only commander in chief since 198 who will have worn the uniform of the united states in a war zone. he's fought the left on every issue whether social, fiscal, and i believe he and the former president both believe in putting america first. they both believe that. i just believe ron desantis is the only candidate who can serve two terms that does put america first. mike: to be fair to haley whose surrogate is not here, there's a huge number of voters in new hampshire that are not necessarily democrats. but, congressman, moving on, if new hampshire is closer than the polls suggest, what is the impact? >> well, i think it's a hypothetical, mike, and it's not going to be. the polling has the president up by double digits and, in fact, he just increased his lead in the latest poll i just saw this morning by another 3 points.
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and in south carolina is he's at 64%. with everybody else a distant, distant second or third mace. place. lock, here's the thing, and i see this in washington on the front lines with the progressive left every day, we need someone that can hit the ground running, and we need someone that is a true disrupter, that is going to take on the left, take on the mainstream media and most of all take on the deep state, these unelected bureaucrats that believe they're in charge and that are ruining this country. we saw that -- we've seen that across the education sphere, we've seen it in hollywood, we've seen it in the sports industry, but most deeply we've seen it in these agencies in washington d.c. is so, look, i think the writing is on the wall who is going to be the nominee, and we need -- i have nothing but respect for governor desantis and governor
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haley, but it is time to unite around donald trump. it is time to shift to pointing out the failure of the biden administration. that, at the end of the day, has got to be our number one objective. and every dollar we're spend anything this primary we're not spending in defeating joe biden. mike: let me give josh a chance to respond. >> well, look, i agree with the congressman, we need a disrupter in the race and someone to take on the deep state and drain the swamp. there's nobody in the race other than governor desantis who's actually fired -- [inaudible] soros-backed prosecutors and cleaned out these agencies. and with respect to the former president, he had a chance to do more of that in washington, and we need whoever the next president is to actually go in there and clean out these agencies. there's no question the deep state is a threat to the country, i believe it's the governor of florida who turned a purple state, made it a deep red state and managed to deliver that crushing 2022 republican wave that we hoped was going to happen nationally but happened in a swing state.
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i believe we need a disrupter, i just believe ron desantis is that disrupter. he's fought the left and won on every issue. mike: gentlemen, thanks so much. we're sorry that our sur gate for the haley campaign was unable to join us -- >> mike, send place only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. it's time to unite and win and defeat if joe biden. thanks so much. mike: gentlemen, thanks very much. finish. a florida grandmother's due in court tomorrow after being charged with con spiring to kill her own son-in-law almost a decade ago. police apprehended her a as she attempted to flee the country. madison scarpino has the details. >> reporter: hi, mike. new, dramatic video of dawn edelson being arrested at the miami airport back in november while attempting to board a flight to vietnam, a country that doesn't have an extra tradition treaty with the u.s. her arrest comes just days after her son's conviction for hiring
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two hit men to murder his brother-in-law dan markell, and now she's facing the same charges. the video shows miami-dade police arresting edelson for the murder of her son-in-law. she's with her husband harvey who was attempting to board the same flight. while her demeanor is pretty calm to police, she resists giving police her cell phone, and the video later shows her husband taking her necklace and rings off while she is in handcuffs. edelson is charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and solicitation to commit if murder. in 2014, dan markell was gunned down in his driveway. he was an fsu law professor and the ex-husband of wendy edelson, donna's daughter. the 73-year-old is the fifth person arrested in the murder for hire plot. legal experts say jail conversations between donna and her son are what led to her arrest. >> i think she was absolutely on their radar from the very beginning. you might also see some of the
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other individuals who have been convicted in this case coming to testify. >> reporter: charlie was sentenced to life in prison without parole in december, and he maintains his innocence. if donna is expected in court tomorrow morning. mike in. mike: madison scarpino, thanks very much. next, some bad blood between taylor swift and her alleged stalker. more on the man arrested for lurking outside taylor's new york city apartment building after the brach. ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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mike: taylor swift's alleged stalker arrested outside of her new york residence. police received calls about a disorderly person, and once officers arrived, they were told the man was attempting to open the door of the pop star's franklin street apartment. c.b. cotton is live with the latest in tribeca, new york. hello, c.b. >> reporter: hi, mike. the scariest part, taylor swift was reportedly home when this
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man tried to break in. now neighbors are speaking tout ott -- out to the press saying the suspect had raised eyebrows for quite some time. this all unfolding around 1:30 saturday afternoon. officers took this man into custody who with reportedly walked right up up to ms. swift's door. a police source tells me he had an active warrant if 2017 for not answering a court summons. some neighbors tell "the new york post" they've seen this guy lurking around the area for about a month. swift, sadly, is no stranger the stalkers. a serial one of hers, roger afl a rad doe, was sentenced to 2-4 years in prison back in 2019. in that case, prosecutors say he managed to break into her new york city home three times. now, the identity of the suspect in this most recent case has still not been released, but we have reached out to swift's team to see whether this scary encounter will aim impact her travel. she was supposed to head for western new york to watch her boyfriend, kansas city chiefs' tight end travis travis kelce,
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take on the buffalo bills. scary stuff out here, mike. back to you. mike: c.b. cotton live in tribeca, thanks very much. enter nil is great for players, and the change was long dee due. at the same time -- long overdue. at the same time, it has enabled a wild west environment or pay for play is rampant. mike: that was congressman gus bilirakis advocating for congress to regulate the name, image and likeness of college athleteses. the house helding a hearing on thursday to discuss what a national law could mean for athletes in the ncaa. for more on the potential impacts of nil legislation, attorney lexie rigden joins me now. >> thanks, mike. mike: i want to play an exchange between a lawmaker and the president of the ncaa, and i'll get you to respond to it. >> the problem is when we do
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this on a state by state basis, my fear is we establish this patchwork of different state regulations that would give unfair advantages to schools that are located in states that have less onerous restrictions and that affects the competitive land scape. >> actually frame a little differently which is there are statements that literally write rules that are designed to fundamentally make it easier for them to win in the nil space. mike: on the national level, it feels like nobody's in charge. what about legislation, lexie? >> well, you know, nil is relatively knew, and it was a ground breaking change in college sports. it's only about three and a half years old. and so when you have something new that is that ground breaking, you're going to have kinks to work out. the congress is basically e saying that they should, obviously, enact this fair if college act legislation to try to level the playing field, pun intended. some people are saying on the ncaa side that they don't need congress to act, they need the ncaa to form cohesive rules around this.
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but this is being proposed as a protection for students who are being taken advantage of. somebody testified at the hearing that there was a student that signed actually a very, very unfavorable contract to them because they didn't read the fine print. and so they want more cohesiveness in terms of what the contracts say, they want the people that are actually participating in these nil deals to register, and they don't want big, behemoth schools to be able to steal all of the talent from little schools. mike: right. the top earning nil athletes, let's show our audience. bronny james, son of lebron james, basketball player at usc. $6.1 million. shedeur sanders, quarterback at colorado, son of deion sanders. $3.8 million. livvy dunne, an lsu gymnast with a huge social media following, and arch manning, $2.9 million. he's the nephew of ely and peyton manning, quarterback at texas.
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and caleb williams, likely to be the first pick in the nfl craft, usc quarterback. this is a lot more than pizza money for an undergraduate or being able to go out on a date, right? >> it is. and this is just a reality. and people are going to have to accept that when you start paying college athletes, things are not going to necessarily be equal. there are standouts in life in every area, in every job, and system people are simply going to do better than other people for various reasons, and people are just going to have to accept that. that's no different than college sports even when people weren't getting paid. there were people that got more attention, that had better spots, better post-graduate opportunities. hopefully they're not going to turn this into everybody has to be super exactly equal because that's just not the reality. mike: not all athletes are in it for the money. let's play it. >> i think one thing that i really want to touch on is just going back to the core values of
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collegiate athletics; the education and the integrity of what we're doing. if we create a model where we're employees, first of all -- >> you don't feel like an employee, do you? >> i don't, i don't at all. especially since it's a voluntary thing that we're doing. we get the privilege of plague collegiate sports. mike that seems like an old school argument. you get your education, you get to play ball. final thought on that. >> i mean, it is an old school argument but, you know, we have -- we're in such a different way of life now especially with the social media. and a lot of these athletes are making the bulk of their money on social media which wasn't occurring 10 or 20 years ago. i think the ncaa and the legislation potentially just has to keep up with the times on this. mike: okay. let's quickly shift to the second topic which is mass layoffs at sports illustrated. a very sad week in sports journalism. can you explain that? >> yes. you know, it's funny, because you don't really think about these magazines.
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they're so iconic. sports illustratessed has been around for -- illustrated has been around for 730 years, ultimate -- 70 years. the prior publisher sold it to this authentic brands group which is a huge player in the industry. they represent muhammad ali's estateing elvis presley. so they licensed the ability to use sports illustrated to its publish, its current publisher, arena group. and apparently what happened was arena group defaulted on a payment to authentic brands group, and so this is not, you know, necessarily a sexy topic in terms of a marketing deal, but ultimately that's what happened. they defaulted on a contract, and so now arena group is saying that they are going to have to start laying off employees. and if this doesn't resolve within 90 days, they're going to have to lay off all of them. it seems likely with a brand this storied that this is just the end of the road for "sports illustrated." perhaps something can be worked out. i don't think abg would have a lot of public goodwill for sacking, another pun intended, this iconic brand based on a
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failure to pay some fees. i'm sure that maybe this is something that could be worked out. but it's also a commentary on the fact that print media -- mike: right. >> -- is going by the wayside. mike: anxious times at s.i.. lexie rigden, thank you very much. >> thanks, mike. mike: hard core buffalo bills fans back out on the job shoveling snow ahead of tonight's playoff game. we'll she you -- show you what they're up against after theentr break. ♪ t a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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mike: the buffalo bills asked shovelers to show up again this weekend ahead of their nfl are playoff game against the kansas city chiefs. shoveler s had to be 18 or older, but those who showed up were paid $20 an hour. the buffalo bills and the kansas city chiefs are both 12-6 for the season as they battle for the chance to advance to the next round of the playoffs tonight. a dangerous ice storm is forecast to hit the central plains and mid south starting late tonight and into monday morning possibly causing power outages and dangerous driving conditions during the morning commute. meteorologist ad am klotz has your fox weather forecast. hello, adam. adam: hey there, mike. cold winter weather still a big problem. you can tell when you look at some of these temperatures.
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wind chill, 3 degrees in chicago. the midwest one of the coldest spots, but it does stretch down into portion of the southern united states as well. one system we're currently paying attention to, that ice maker. everything in the pink is this ice, and it's running up into that a colder air currently. this is going to be a problem overnight tonight. we've got some winter weather alerts that includes oklahoma city, up towards st. louis. big swath of the plains states. icing will be the main if concern throughout portions of oklahoma, and then this ice actually even though it won't be as thick is likely to stretch all the way up into the upper -- the great lakes, chicago, getting towards indianapolis, detroit. also these areas toweled see at least some -- could see at least some icing. a little bit of good news here, i'm shooting you to tuesday, this cold weather is about to break. it continues into wednesday. we're going to be talking about temperatures that are above average after a really cold snap that we just got through. mike busy times in the weather center. adam klotz, thanks very much. "fox news sunday" is in new
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hampshire today ahead of the primary. shannon bream has interviews with senator j.d. vance, congressman thomas massie and congressman really norman -- ralph norman. that's coming up next. stay tuned or set your dvv. that's all for this hour of "fox news live." i'm mike thanksst for watching. have an awesome day. [gasping] nooo... aya... quick, the quicker picker upper! only bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and bounty is 2x more absorbent so you can use less and get the job done with one. you've got a bit of your face on your face. bounty, the quicker picker upper. and get four rolls in one with the bounty mega roll. our longest lastng roll.
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