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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  January 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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are dealing with. >> could be a huge political miscalculation. >> is there a big headline. >> in often surprises in new hampshire. >> there are. >> remember tomorrow morning on fox and friends lawrence jones catches up with former president trump, and steve doocy has an interview with nikki haley, fox and friends live in new hampshire from 6 until 9:00 a.m., tuesday night the big night on "fox nation," pete hegseth with a live party from goat bar and grill. >> we'll see you next week, liv "life, liberty and starts right now. . ♪
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mark: hello america, i am live under merkel even this is "life, liberty & levin". senator to tom cotton and brett tolman. but before we get to them, you can see the war in the middle east is widening. is it is widely not because of israel but because of joe biden and anthony blinken. appeasement, equivocation is a provocation for our enemies, not that they need one but you can see how they conduct themselves very differently under the biden regime then they did when donald trump was president. it has consequences for us, men and women in the theater, are being shot at, they are exposed, this administration has gone week need, they will not attack iran directly but has a voices of isolation and islamism in our
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own country urging them not to. but that puts our troops at great risk. iran is on the precipice of having nuclear weapons, can you imagine what it will do without. iran has essentially conquered lebanon, yemen, iran is conquering iraq, iran owns hamas, lock stock and barrel, iran has created hezbollah and what is our administration doing, they are funding them all. their funding terrorism and their funding iran, in addition to that, they are making these public relation moves to make the you think that there doing something like the houthis were on the american terrorism list under donald trump, within 48 hours of becoming president, biden removed them as they remove the sanctions against iran and billions poured in to rearm iran, the fact is when it comes to the houthis, what they did last week was nothing. i had so many exceptions to putting the houthis back on the
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terrorism list that the houthis and iran see it again as absolute 100% appeasement weakness, the only strength that anybody seizes the attack by the administration, by anthony blinken, working arabs, working the europeans, working the international community against the israelis, it is really a shocking thing that we are watching right now, i want to remind you of what robert gates former secretary of defense and national security advisor in a bush administration was asked on 60 minutes, you wrote in your book that joe biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. and robert gates was asked, he said i think he got a lot wrong pointing out biden's opposition to everyone of ronald reagan's military programs to contest the soviet union. when he was a senator on the foreign relations committee,
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when ronald reagan was trying to build up the military, trying to take on the soviets, not so much militarily but economically but to muscle up and confront them all over the world in our hemisphere and north africa and of course imparts of new york, biden was opposed, every step of the way, biden is a disaster, a disaster and it is not just biden, anthony blinken was biden stafford through all of this on the senate foreign relations committee, he was director of that committee when biden was chairman. and john mccain as i pointed out before he went to the senate floor in 2014 and he did something that he never did before, it was extraordinary because he and biden were pretty close. barack obama nominated blake and to be deputy secretary of state, obviously on the recommendation of his vice president, joe biden, he rose on the floor of the senate and he said i rise to discuss my opposition to the pending vote concerning mr. anthony tony blinken who is
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not only unqualified but in fact in my view one of the worst selections of a very bad lot that this president has chosen. >> mccain noted it's not often that he opposed the presidential nominee on the senate floor as he believed elections have consequences. he warned the anthony blanca was a danger to the nomination in the service members. that is a quote. in this case this individual has actually been dangerous to america and to the young men and women who are fighting and serving it. these are the two men right now you are destroying our foreign policy, destroying our security and if they have our way, will destroy the entire state of israel in there leaking like hell, sometimes on the record sometimes off the record to try to destroy the sitting government, the elected government in israel, focus specifically on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, this is a constant.
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you see it all and the american media and obviously of stenographers for this. you see it in the israeli media it's just as left wing as a media in the united states, they don't have other independent media outlets, not enough anyway as we do here the united states, here's nbc news from last week, andrea mitchell is a mouthpiece for joe biden who she has known for decades, when he was a senator in delaware and she was a reporter and philadelphia right on the border, how do i know, i lived there and she right secretary of state anthony blinken dialed up pressure on benjamin netanyahu last wednesday over the future of the gaza strip laying bare the growing frustration with israeli prime minister rejection of her proposal last week, what was it? cease-fire, a.k.a., surrender, help rebuild gaza, make sure the palestinians control gaza, have a second country for the palestinians in judeo answer
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area and surrender your own homelands, that is suicide, anthony blinken's comments made during an interview with thomas freedman, thomas freedman is a very stupid man and my view buddies he ended up pulitzer prize left and right which shows he's stupid man. his columns are poorly written and everybody criticized him for that. he is pushing hard to destroy benjamin netanyahu, the religious elements in israel and he has this idea as does anthony blinken, biden and malley by building up iran and building of the palestinians building of the arab and muslim countries if you can believe this, tiny little israel by demilitarized unit, by regional lysing the whole situation. by assimilating their cultures peaceful breakout. insanity. what if the wrong, what happens to israel, is obliterated as of
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the jews and of course they are wrong, what's more, senior u.s. official said the anthony blinken deliberately began last week's trip to the middle east his fourth sensor were began visiting the arab nations rather than israel to bring benjamin netanyahu up postwar proposal, anthony blinken is a special pleader for the arab countries, the palestinians and against israel. good lipservice on israel but you can see how they're playing it both ways. there is another one, and jerusalem. anthony blinken, secretary of defense and others are not meeting independently with members of benjamin netanyahu's cabinet to undermine him, they are meeting independently with opposition party leaders like lockheed, left-wingers, also very stupid people. they are literally trying to force and overthrow our coup of the existing government in israel actively, openly by
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organizing the arabs against them, by organizing opposition parties against them, by going to cabinet members independently, have you ever seen anything like this before, anthony blinken invited would never do this to any country but they do it to the jewish country because they feel what are they going to do about it. biden is kissing president xi is but, but look what he does to benjamin netanyahu is a chip off of obama's block in here within israel, it is working or at least that is the attempt according to the jerusalem post which used to be a legitimate paper, not so much anymore. the kids ministers and members are projected a united front supported party leader benjamin netanyahu, a growing number believe that days of the parties hounds are numbered, sources from the party said to the jerusalem post, in addition to the catastrophic events of october 7 amongst the parties based that the prime minister will not deliver on his promise
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to destroy hamas or return hostages. the members have noted the parties poor performance of most recent polls, you have the media in israel, the media and the united states, biden anthony blinken, the executive branch, the democrats in congress led by bernie sanders who put out a resolution that was defeated the israel is violating human rights, they don't stop it we should cut off their funds. all of these anti-somatic, anti-israel, utopian type ideas are being put on israel and trying to defend itself and save itself. biden has no more interest in israel defended its own sovereignty and borders than it does in the united states with our own sovereignty and border. he is a failed miserable politician, holding on by his fingertips with the destruction he unleashed in our country in unleashed in ukraine, with the russians in unleashed against israel with the palestinians and on and on and on, i want to
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remind the members of the likud party, i want to remind the archer members of opposition party and i want to remind the is under media and israel, are israeli friends of something. i think you will find this interesting, the second temple in israel and its destruction. there was a first temple, that's why we had a second temple. that was destroyed by the babylonians, when a place where the temple was destroyed over time, a second temple was built and what happened was i don't have enough time to get into all the details was that the romans of course were trying to conquer the jews, they consider them a problem, they have been ransacking the wealth of the jews had accumulated, they had little attacks against the temple and other individuals, the jewish population on the coast were under attack and here
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you have the second temple. the first temple as pointed out was destroyed due to idol worship and less relationship merger, as they'd attribute the destruction of the second temple, this is the key to the baseless hatred that prevailed among the jews the jews had been united they would've merited god's protection, they would've withstood the romans, it was the factionalism among jews ultimately brought about the destruction of the second temple. what you had behind those walls were jewish factions with different views and different politics and different approaches to their faith they were killing each other they were brutalizing each other and fighting each other behind the wall while the romans laid siege to the city and by the time they united, it was too late.
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it was too late, the temple was destroyed, the jews were slaughtered, jews and other places were slaughtered to and you know the rest of the story, that is a lesson to the israelis today, do not allow, do not allow your political hatred to each other do not allow biden in anthony blinken and do not allow your presser are press, do not allow a united front of arab countries put together by anthony blinken others to destroy you, certainly do not destroy yourselves from within and while the enemies lurk and organize an attack from within or you lose your country and the jews will be obliterated, that is why the enemies of israel are trying to take on benjamin netanyahu and his government and
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it would be foolish for his cabinet members and his party to join in or just like the second temple, they could be responsible for the dire consequences. i will be righ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control
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mark: will come back america, when i want to hear stated he would attempt to so many things but especially foreign policy i go to war veteran, a very accomplished man i go to senator tom cotton of arkansas, senator cotton was on the armed services intelligence committee and i want to circle back to the armed services committee, your knowledge in the intelligence committee, can you explain to the american people, please, why this administration is still funding iran, still funding hamas through unrest, still funding the pio directly while putting his foot on the throat of israel to try to force it to surrender and then surrender upwards of 30% of its country to its enemy. >> i think from a normal americans perspective, you cannot explain the i think you have to step back and look at the democratic party's worldview driven in part of the obama presidency barack obama believes
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deeply that america is a reason for the four decades of tension between iran and the united states, he believes that we overthrew a democratically elected government in the 1953 and iran nothing could be further from the truth, he believes the presidents before him consistently believe the worst about iran and put undue pressure on them if we would extend an opening and then they would respond, what did they get they got a clenched fist throughout the obama presidency in iran nuclear deal which did not block their path to a bomb but prime minister benjamin netanyahu paved their path to a bomb and they got billions of dollars in payoffs, now that turn the iran issue in part to a partisan issue because democrats view the nuclear deal is like the holy grail that has been handed down by president obama, that's why joe biden went right back to it to what of the first days in office after president trump had mounted a very successful pressure campaign against iran and against his
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proxies to include killing the terrorist mastermind soleimani. unfortunately it continues to this day, there is really as far as i can tell not a single bit of difference between our current iran policy and what it was on october 6. even as you have iran's terrorist proxies in iraq and syria and yemen shooting hundreds of missiles and rockets in one way attack drones at american citizens and service members. they have not recalibrated out all because they are so deeply invested in the worldview that america is to blame for the tension going back for decades between iran and the united states. that is what is involved in iran and all these proxies to continue to the pressure on us as opposed to what we should be doing which is putting the pressure both militarily and through other means on iran and its proxies. mark: is not one of the reasons why they treat israel the way they treat israel and israel is the reason that the palestinians are in the situation that they are in.
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as opposed to the plo which enriched itself and kept 70 palestinians in the so-called refugee camp, took their money and use it for terrorism to enrich themselves in the islamist whether it's islamic jihad or hamas all under the muslim brotherhood umbrella where the leaders are billionaires and of course they're pushing out a two state solution but a final solution of israel that israel is the problem causing all these problems in the middle east, is after mentality, do you think? >> i think that's part of the reason, the democrats are projected american public under partisan politics onto the region, if you were opposed to barack obama's nuclear deal with iran in 2015 a by definition wearing a red jersey and in line with the republican party and he was doing that more than anyone else, prime minister benjamin netanyahu he knew the nuclear deal would lead to a nuclear
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armed iran which is the next essential threat to the jewish people. not just israel its arab leaders and the united arab emirate or saudi arabia who opposed it, where did joe biden say that he was going to make him a pariah again, they even post partisan politics on the middle east. but i think it goes deeper than partisan politics. it also goes into the philosophical worldview in america, again in this diversity, equity and inclusion te i worldview, there always aligning with what they consider the oppressed or the victimized or the minorities and they bizarrely superimpose that on the middle east, specifically on hamas and palestinian terrorism and they view israel as colonizers and oppressors and hamas as victims, not the jewish victims of hamas who were tortured and mutilated and burned alive on october 7. it is a combination of the democratic party partisan views and their deeper philosophical
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views that they projected onto the middle east and specifically onto israel, that's one reason the democratic party up to and including joe biden has deeply held antagonistic feelings towards prime minister benjamin netanyahu and have for a long time. mark: my question to you is this, have you ever seen an administration like this, perhaps within obama that is literally trying to undo the elected government of another country, they would never do this to any other country but israel. they are actively seeking to destroy his coalition, they're leaking to the press a rogue operation out of the white house and out of the state department like this with no real congressional oversight or input, is this not rather shocking to you. >> it is shocking and is not the first time the democrats have done this to israel and specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu, bill clinton did in the 1990s, barack obama worked overtime to be prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu in 2015 but it's over in explicit now, the president and his senior aides in the administration have no scruples whatsoever for running off to the new york times and the washington post and saying that they think benjamin netanyahu is a problem in the obstacle to peace and stability of the middle east if they can bring down his government and elevate a center-left leader that would be more aligned with our state department and somehow peace would break out we would have all these moderate sensible palestinian leaders come forward as well. it is all insane. again the problem in the middle east, the threat to peace and stability is not israel, is not benjamin netanyahu, it is iran in their tears proxies like hamas, until our government respects the wishes of the people of israel and the government that they elected a little over a year ago it will be very hard to find a path forward after israel succeeds in gaza and destroying hamas. mark: would we come back i want
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to ask you if we keep pushing the two state solution, what with the other state look like exactly, what powers would have, how would it be kept often terrorist list, how would we prevent it from becoming terrorist. we keep talking about this in a superficial way like renna think tank or something but in reality in practical terms on the ground, what would this look like. we'll be right i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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for a number of states.
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i am jon scott, now back to "life liberty and levin". mark: welcome back america. senator tom cotton a two-part question, how does an administration conducted foreign policy which i will call a rogue foreign policy without inviting the other elected branch of government to participate, we are not talking about commander-in-chief responsibilities, we are talking about responsibilities that should involve other elected branches of government, that's why we have the treaty clause, i don't what they're doing, we all don't know what they're doing but they allow it to be leaked we don't know about their envoy, malley who used to be there they yank his ticket, but that's number one, number two the new state that they want to create, why would it be different than the syria or iran or what happened in iraq or yemen, why are they so cocksure, they'll be
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created a democracy among people who are surveyed over and over again saying they will vote for hamas and obliterate the jews. >> on your first question, i tell you plenty of democrats in the senate are asking the exact same question that you and i are, they don't know what joe biden and anthony blinken and jake sullivan think you're up to, they see what's happened over the last three years, the world is going up in flames commedia the collapse of afghanistan which humiliated america and bolding encouraged vladimir putin to go for the jugular in ukraine, iran is running wild throughout the middle east and china is becoming more aggressive towards taiwan and time and time again joe biden turns the other cheek, he appeases and conciliate, all that does is embolden aggressors, look at what happened in the middle east in the last week, we finally struck back at a band of terrorist outlaws in yemen who have been shooting up merchant ships and u.s. navy vessels in the red s
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sea, it did not deter them at all, they're not scared of joe biden, bunch of goat herders who are miraculously got antiship ballistic missiles in coastal defense all of which technological know-how came from iran, joe biden will use a decisive force that donald trump used in january 2020 to kill iran's terrorist mastermind or ronald reagan used against iran in 1988 when it sank of their navy, many of the democrats like all of americans cannot figure out what in the world joe biden thinks he is doing what it comes to the world, it reminds me of what secretary of defense bob gates once said that joe biden has been wrong on many major foreign policy and national security issues in 40 years, that was ten years ago now i guess you could update it to 50 years. the obsession with the two state solution, again what would a palestinian state look like, we don't have to speculate the people of gaza that elected hamas, hamas has been in gaza
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for 17 years now, what does gaza look like an armed terrorist camp, they took all the money in the building material that could've gone towards apartment buildings in hospitals and schools and they used it to build hundreds of miles of tunnels under gaza to protect themselves from retaliation from the brutal attack they did on october 7, imagine if it was a quasi-state and samaria but an actual state with a military with an airport and seaport where they could bring in more arms to use against israel, remember the palestinians in gaza and judea and samaria were attacking jews they don't want to two state solution either, they want a one state solution, they want to eliminate israel from the map and extremely foolish and dangerous for joe biden tony blanket in the middle of a shooting war against outlaw terrorist in gaza to continue to push for the fantasy of a two
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state solution with the medical moderate palestinian leadership that has not existed it is not likely to exist anytime soon. mark: excellent point, when lincoln goes to the middle east and is meeting the palestinians and is meeting with the terrorist behind the 1972 munich attack on the jews, he never meets with the equivalent of a martin luther king or gandhi or nelson mandela, who is a great palestinian leader who wants peace and is a moderate, where izzy, who izzy, he does not exist, if you look at the surveys and you see the votes and they have been acculturated to the anti-somatic viewpoint and the idea that you could create boundaries and drop people with the backgrounded culture into the boundary what
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would stop them from turning into another iran, what would stop them from turning into another syria, what would stop them from being a satellite of iran or china or north korea, what would stop them. >> nothing would stop them, that is what gaza has become over 17 years, there is no occupation in gaza, there is no israeli forces or israeli settlements inside of gaza before october 7. the people there were effectively self-governing and look what hamas did as the de facto government gaza, it would be so much worse if they had an actual state with the actual mechanisms that the state uses such as the power of attack so they can raise revenue to buy arms and kilmore as raley's, data what are two state solution they were no one state solution. understanding people in washington and europe want peace process but too many palestinians don't want peace, they want victory in the definition of victory is driving the jews into the city. >> we know this is what they believe because they tell us this is what they believe and
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download and join one today. mark: welcome back america in this interference in the software and all the rest. we are here with a good friend in the great former prosecutor brett tolman were prosecutor, former federal prosecutor. brett tolman, when joe biden goes out and gives the speeches about donald trump being a dictator and destroy democracy, basically comparing him to hitler, you see this in the media and the party, i don't think it's getting enough focus, it's outrageous what he's doing, don't his federal judges hear this? don't his prosecutors here this,
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whether their local democrat elected das or whether the attorney general and the department of justice. isn't this as much messaging to the criminal justice system in the democrats in it and to the poisoning of a potential jury poll and democrat cities as anything else, you don't want hitler to get elected and you might get elected it's up to you to stop them isn't that a conclusion from his behavior and conduct would give the speeches, thinks raven beyond its unprecedented to see extensive effort by the president to send a message. his only message she's got to combat what's coming. his policies have failed, his economy is terrible at this point, what does he have, yes messaging to convince the judges, the citizens of this country that donald trump is an enemy to this country. i hearken back to when he was
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first asked about this after january 6 and joe biden indicated they would use every legal means necessary to try to prevent donald trump from running for president again. you can see that's what they doing, merrick garland took to the airwaves and unprecedented statement just recently. indicating that he wants jack smith to get a quick trial, when have you ever heard the attorney general of the united states go on national television and demand a quick trial. mark: let's take each one of these one by one let's look at these cases, serious constitutional issues we have a state official bringing claims against a presidential candidate under our federal constitution. a former president under our federal constitution, i don't think we've ever seen anything like this, criminal charges brought against the candidate like this who's running for president. you could only imagine what
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could happen in all of the districts we have das of one party and then it looks like very significantly she may be corrupt that she had her alleged lover on the payroll who is leading the case, the special prosecutor who is basically handle contract in divorce cases, then we see that he made charges to the taxpayers of georgia and atlanta for visits that he made to the white house, doesn't that smell lousy to you. >> it's so offensive to those of us that have ever served and tried to do honor buyer position by as a prosecutor to see what's happening. let's clear all of the hyperbole and all the rhetoric that is out there and what we have, we have a sitting president who is afraid to death of who he is running against and he has utilized everything in his
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capacity, we have communications between the d.o.j. and the white house and the white house that occurred relative to the januar. we have fani willis in her special prosecutor, both ethically compromised. both in communication with the white house and d.o.j. immediately upon launching their investigation. what you have is a systematic attempt to use their power regardless of whether it's legal or the facts and the law into use the power to set up a series of obstacles so significant that they believe it would tear down the opposition that they fear would take their power from them. were watching this in real time and we see our rule of law the law in order that we establish in this country be pulled down by individuals who care nothing about the morality of the law and ethics above and willing to compromise anything in order to keep donald trump from running. >> joe biden is behind as you
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touch on their and the department of justice and the white house were involved with the national archives in order to start the criminal investigation of donald trump. the fact that the so-called special prosecutor in the so-called atlanta case met with the white house counsel but we don't know what they met it's on-topic that in the intentional leaks in the new york times where biden is saying we don't need a ponderous judge, weedeater prosecutor woody comes to the attorney general going after donald trump. then you have the judges. honestly, some of the most political left-wing judges i've ever seen, check-in in washington, d.c., upon on the circuit court, even when they speak they sound like good left-wing democrats and so forth trampoline over attorney-client privilege, due process, sixth amendment, the effective counsel, trampoline over immunity, post presidential, all these constitutional issues
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being raised because of what they're doing in - in a world in which the law and facts matter, it would be joe biden and it would be hunter biden the biden family investigated for corruption and it would not be 70 running for office at their freedom. mark: when we come back, i want to ask you about this case involving judge pawn she seems to get picked on all these crucial panels which is supposed to be by lottery. she was appointed by biden, her husband is a very active democrat who tried to prevent brett kavanaugh from being confirmed as was she. i want to focus on her and what she views as immunity or (♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because you know that just because it fits in the cupholder doesn't make it 'to-go'. and you know how to brake, without breaking everything.
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mark: welcome back america were brett with hunter back with brett tolman. we have a panel overseeing this immunity issue and could go to the broader court in the circuit court in d.c. we have judge pawn was extraordinarily partisan and she refuses to recuse her, she doesn't need anyone to ask her
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she can recuse herself on her own. she makes these ridiculous hypothetical questions. let me ask you this about panel on that court rules that a president does not have post presidential immunity, doesn't that mean the any subsequent administration could go through the decisions that the president the former president made and charged that president that former president for a decision that they decided may be criminalized and might i add concoct charges like smith with the clan act in the and ron extraction in the federal contractor act, not subjection or insurrection nobody is been charges insurrection so they can literally concoct charges, get in front of a radical judges support some and then have a former president charged and hope that they can imprison him wouldn't this turn us into the third world and destroy the whole notion of an executive branch. >> that is right, the constitution was set up to not
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just have separate branches but to have branches that cannot be controlled with the other, what we have here is a judiciary willing to entertain, i would be discouraged if they don't find that immunity applied, there's one way to go after president for decisions that they make while the president that is through impeachment and conviction in the congress and that was established for a reason because you did not want to see for the same reasons that the constitution allows somebody to run for president with a prior felony conviction, why is that, the reason they were very concerned about the executive branch using the power to prosecute to eliminate potential candidates. it is the same thing that applies here. if we will let somebody run with a felony because we are afraid
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of the abuse of power at the executive branch could yield, it is the same going on right now with donald trump there really getting in the way that's not intended by the constitution and it's unconstitutional. whatever the panel decides to help the supreme court slaps him back. mark: let's look at the institution to make an excellent point. ensure the mindset of the framers or something like this. a judge serves for life, nobody likes them, a jury while they selected randomly, nobody likes him. prosecutor, the case of the federal government nobody likes them there appointed to, the attorney general that would oversee a case, of course they did not exist, nobody elected them, you would literally have unelected, i will call them bureaucrats and law enforcement, and unelected jury in a democrat city that have a partisan view whether they say so or not that's why they foreign shop these prosecutors, decapitating
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potentially the executive branch of the person who's only one that selected nationally and also after they leave office there looking over their shoulder and make a decision to as president xi cannot be prosecuted for this. it will undermine the capabilities of the president of the united states, this will have an enormous effect on the way our country works and it would shift power from the elected to the unelected. wouldn't it? >> it would, think about president biden so willing to sign executive orders, expanding his power even though he knows it's illegal whether it's on border issues, the student loan forgiveness, whatever he wants he's been doing because he believes executive branch has all the power, that's with the trying to do with jack smith, there was no case sufficient for jack smith to bring january 6 issue that would eliminate president trump but the doing
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anyway. mark: i see in iowa and other places republicans have had enough. and if anything, they're trying to stand up to the tyranny and as was immigration in the economy, they know right from wrong, they love their country and they see with the party opposite in joe biden is doing, i want to thank you very much brett tolman and god bless you my friend. mark: we'll be right salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. they replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. that's service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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welcome back. i have a very honest question for you. some may consider it controversial but they are wrong. my question is this. why would the people who have bankrolled joe biden surpassed the campaign and are bankrolling this campaign and the people who voted for joe biden at last time
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intend to vote for him this ti time, why would they be encouraged to support nikki haley? why would they be encouraged to go into public republican primary in order to get her to be the nominee or have a strong showing? i would just ask people give it was going on in this country and around the world, what kind of republican do you want to nominate? to take on a biden intake on this horror story. it is is it a person who relies on the same element was of the voters in the democrat party? does not sound so smart to me. i will see you next time on life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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