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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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jason kelce got a little fan shirtless and brought the little fan up to take the picture with taylor swift, just echo rex, a humor columnist for "u.s.a. today," i'm sorry, the only sensible super bowl halftime is taylor swift singing with jason kelce dancing shirtless. >> emily: my co-hosts are generous today. i don't hold their same sentiment. >> i'm pro jason kelce stealing the show. looking at the glass boxes, great to see jason kelce enjoying the show and for his brother and loving it and clearly the fans did, too. >> emily: some fans. guys, our condolences again to buffalo, but thanks to everyone for watching us today. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> sandra: all right, thank you, team. a live look now at the white house briefing room where any moment karine jean-pierre is set
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to brief reporters. john kirby will be at her side as well after the death of two navy seals. we will be watching for this closely. those seals going missing in the waters during a mission to seize iranian weapons headed to yemen. all this as the tehran-backed terror group shows no signs of letting up. keenly interested what happens in the briefing room a few moments from now. sandra smith in new york. >> john: john roberts in washington. that weekend went by quickly, didn't it? president biden mourning the loss of two navy seals releasing a statement writing in part "they represented the very best of our country." >> sandra: and it all comes as the biden administration is reportedly preparing for a sustained military campaign targeting the houthis as they continue to attack commercial shipping in the red sea. >> john: and breaking a short time ago, the pentagon revealing 11 iranian proxy attacks on u.s.
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bases in just the past five days, upping the total number of attacks to a whopping 151 now. >> sandra: right to chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin, an update live at the pentagon for us at this hour after learning of this tragic news last evening. jennifer. >> the navy is mourning two best and brightest after an exhaustive ten-day search off the northern coast of somalia, two u.s. navy seals have been declared dead. the seals were part of a team that boarded a ship smuggling iranian ballistic and cruise missile parts to yemen. these photos of the seized propulsion guidance and warheads were taken and provided by the u.s. military. one of the navy seals slipped and fell into the water off the ladder as they were boarding the dow for a flag verification and the other u.s. navy seal dove in to rescue his teammate.
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both were lost at sea. u.s., japan and spain searched more than 21,000 square miles to locate these missing americans. the seal team was operating from the u.s.s. lewis puller, expeditionary vessel, transported by helicopters and drones. this is the second loss of u.s. special operations forces in the middle east since the conflict in gaza erupted and the u.s. military began its shadow war with iranian proxies. on november 10, 5 u.s. special operations aviation soldiers were killed in the mediterranean when the mh60 blackhawk helicopter crashed during an aerial refueling training exercise. this weekend the u.s. ramped up attacks on houthis missile sites and iran's proxy groups in iraq and syria continue to attack u.s. troops. several u.s. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries and at least one iraqi service member was wounded when iran's proxy fighters launched
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over a dozen ballistic missiles and rockets at the al-asad air base where 2500 troops are stationed. the u.s. fired 15 patriot surface to air missiles from al-asad to intercept the 17 iranian proxy missiles. two iranian missiles managed to get through the air defense and hit the base. today the u.s. treasury imposed sanctions on fly glad, iraqi airline and ceo for providing material support to the iranian revolutionary guard corps force and affiliated iraqi groups who have been attacking u.s. forces. fly baghdad denied. >> sandra: quite a weekend, and we all stopped and honor those who lost their lives, two navy seals and their families and everything they are going through. it's absolutely tragic and that
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ten-day search has concluded. >> john: so we have a number of u.s. service members and other personnel suffering traumatic brain injury from the attack on the al-asad air base. two navy seals presumed dead involved in an operation to interdict weapons, and the question for lieutenant general keith kellogg, when will this administration decide to do something to shut this down as opposed to just try to keep it at bay. >> sandra: we'll also be looking for reaction from the white house when john kirby takes to the microphone a few minutes from now. you can see karine jean-pierre stepped up there, she does a bit of housekeeping and then they'll get into the question and answers and we'll listen for that, john. now this. >> look at fani willis, she was involved in the white house. her and her lover that she paid almost a million dollars in fees to, legal fees, they were in the white house dealing with the doj. and then they indict, and now finds out that they are
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scammers, ok. that one now is i guess down the tubes. >> john: former president donald trump blasting fulton county district attorney fani willis for hiring her alleged lover, nathan wade, to be the special prosecutor in the rico case against him. a judge granted willis a temporary stay to not testify in wade's divorce proceeding. fox team coverage now, leo terrell standing by on whether the courtroom drama could eventually lead to willis' ousting. first steve in marietta, georgia, what was the big take away from today's hearing? >> two things. willis does not have to talk about her relationship with the prosecutor yet but also the divorce documents are going to be unsealed for nathan wade, the prosecutor she hired. we saw friday what can happen
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when the documents come out. estranged wife released several bank statements that wade purchased a number of plane tickets for himself and his boss willis, to san francisco, to miami, caribbean cruise, as well as hotel in napa valley. some are saying it's time for the d.a. to move out. >> i think that the case is -- it has not gone off the rails already, it's about to. and i don't see -- i don't see anything good coming from her staying in charge of the case at this point. and i think a lot good can happen if she steps away. this is obviously a huge distraction. >> the judge has already scheduled a hearing for february 15th to determine if the two had an improper relationship and if they improperly used government money to enrich themselves and also to take trips together. president trump is already on the attack calling them love
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birds, trying to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. john, back to you. >> john: we'll keep watching this proceeding. the next court date is january 31st. steve, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: leo terrell, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. jump on in here. what should happen. should anybody get bumped from this case? >> leo: yes, fani willis and nathan wade. sandra, there is strong evidence that she used taxpayer funds and the power of the district attorney's office to go after trump, 18 defendants and this evidence is being discovered in divorce court. when she has to testify under oath, four questions. did you go on personal trips with nathan wade, did you know that he had no criminal experience in handling felony cases or rico cases, has he received more money than any other prosecutor. those four questions alone indicates a conflict of interest
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and she has to be forced to answer the questions sooner or later. all she did was buy time. january 30th or no later than february 15th, has to admit her relationship and recuse herself. no other alternative. >> sandra: meanwhile, interesting angle to all of this. a top fani willis ally is calling for the lead prosecutor, nathan wade, to step aside. but basically making the case this is norm issen, that she should not -- he should not step aside because the importance of the case, and because the voters of fulton county elected her to the job. >> the law of disqualification in georgia does not require either of them to step aside. the challenge with mr. wade remaining on this case is that it's become a distraction. we need to get the case on track, not mandatory, but he should do the right thing. >> sandra: he makes the case,
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leo, there's no legal basis to disqualify nathan wade, but he says the controversy is not going away and threatens to delay the case against the former president, which he says should be avoided. what do you think of that take? >> leo: sandra, 100% direct. he is absolutely wrong. sandra, the whole motivation behind the filing of those charges is under suspect because again, this case is historic. she went after a former president, 19 other defendants, and all -- this is historic. she's gone to washington, d.c. you have to question the motivation. i would question to you, and the fox viewers, if another district attorney independent eyes objectivity would all these charges be filed. i would say to you no. trump is a victim along with those other defendants. that individual who just gave that comment honestly has a bias against trump. >> sandra: after nearly two
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weeks of these salacious headlines, she has not denied or directly addressed the accusations and trey says this whether or not the jury may or may not hear the evidence tied to the affair. >> let me tell you who is probably not interested. trial judge in the state of georgia versus trump. i was involved in a case where the prosecutor and the fbi agents lied to a republican congressman, ok. they lied to him. both prosecutor and the federal agents. the judge would not allow the jury to hear it. whether a jury ever hears any of this in georgia versus trump, i'm not sure. >> sandra: what do you think, leo? >> leo: i love my buddy trey, but every case is different. this is historic. the fact pattern is unique in this case. to answer your question, we'll know on february 15th. conflict of interest case. how he rules no one on earth knows but i guarantee, i don't rule it in or out, we don't know
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until february 15th. >> sandra: all right, leo terrell, always good to have you, sir. thank you. >> thank you, sandra. thanks for having me. >> john: the royal family announcing king charles iii and kate middleton's hospitalizations will take place. we will ask a royal family expert if it's due to a change in the monarch and why we are learning more about the king's health than our own secretary of defense. >> sandra: waiting for the white house briefing, and karine jean-pierre to take to the microphone and john kirby as well. the first of the briefings since we learned of the deaths of the two navy seals, and another attack on u.s. troops in the middle east where servicemen were injured. lieutenant general keith kellogg is up next what it will take for president biden to effectively launch a direct strike on iran. >> we have to go back to maximum pressure. the administration is backing us into another protracted conflict
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> john: now at least 151 attacks on u.s. forces since mid october after iran-backed militants struck an air base in iraq over the weekend. several u.s. personnel evaluated for traumatic brain injury. lieutenant general keith kellogg for more on this. iran-backed proxy hit the al-asad air base with a number of ballistic missiles. a number of u.s. personnel were hurt. is it time for president biden t finally go after iran to put a stop to all of this? >> john, i've been saying that for a long time, they should have done it a lot earlier. here is the problem with this administration. they have normalized this activity. what i mean by that, you know, what happens if iranians or proxy forces attack, we really
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don't do anything, we have limited attacks after attacks on the vessels in the red sea, look at the allies who don't believe what we are doing with operation prosperity guardian, italians and the spanish and the french have kind of gone their own way. the middle east with the chinese brokering a deal between the iranians and the saudis and this builds into deterrence and people don't believe us that we are serious about deterrence, and it's going to take something super hard to bring this all back and put it back into a box. iranians don't believe it, proxy forces don't believe it. this administration has a major problem. >> john: patriot missiles took out all by two, which is why we have injuries, i assume we watched on satellite why fired from. why didn't we launch airstrikes against the positions. >> we know where they are coming from, radar reaches out 100
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miles and the missiles do, it was a major attack by iran. when they came after us after we killed soleimani, they only shot 15 missiles at us. we know they fired more than 15 at al-asad air base. they are pushing and we have not responded. >> john: you mentioned al-asad air base attack in january of 2020 after soleimani was taken out. some video aftermath here. and some video aired on "60 minutes" of incoming missiles. donald trump did not respond to this and the reason why is? >> well, the reason he didn't respond, once we had taken out soleimani, we were told by the protecting power, the swiss, we don't have relations in iran, that iranians told the swiss to tell us, they did, we are going to fire missiles into al-asad, away from the troops, don't worry about it. we told the iranians if you kill another american, one in assault, we told kohlmeini we
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are coming after you. people forgot what happened at al-asad, they shot down an airliner, you have to deter, super escalate. you can't go tit for tat on escalation. >> john: iran through the swiss told the united states, told president trump they are going to fire ballistic missiles in response to the soleimani takeout but make sure we don't hit troops. there were some traumatic brain injuries and then they said that will be it, no more and the u.s. sent a strong message, if you kill one more american, kohlmeini is the next to go. >> i was in the situation room, we are watching the missiles actually coming into al-asad air base and all in the situation room watching it, and the president just sat there for
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about five minutes, and then he said we are done, and he walked out and we didn't do anything. ok, iranians had to do something, had to do what they did, they got the message we were coming after them hard and passed it to the swiss and the russians. >> john: do you believe that's the sort of deterrence the administration needs to show to iran? >> i do, john. if they don't do that, you will continue to see it happening and repeat of what we saw almost four years ago with the lebanon bombing and marine barracks. >> john: over the weekend, the two navy seals declared dead, search-and-rescue operation is over, now recovery effort. such a tragedy, and here we have american personnel being injured in missile attacks and we have american forces dying, not by direct attack, but this is related. >> absolutely, and god bless those seals. one of the hardest missions,
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vbbs, visit, board, search and siege, and i have gone alongside the seals when they do that and it takes your breath away. but when we put young men and women in harm's way, we need to respond accordingly. you know, they are putting their lives on the line for the united states of america and for us to say well, that's normal, that kind of stuff happens, it's wrong. we should have responded before, we should respond now and the state power that's involved is iran, and we can -- there's ways to do it, john, there is. >> john: safe to say, if iran doesn't doing this malign behavior, they would still be alive. >> yes. >> john: sandra. >> what we were waiting on. we said it was a two-person race, it now is. >> sandra: desantis dropping out gives nikki haley the one-on-one she has craved but is it too late? a spin on the touch screen with our panel next. >> john: plus the biden team
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>> john: we want to jump to the white house now where spokesman john kirby is briefing saying that the united states is sanctioned iranian airline for supporting the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps and as well a fifth round of sanctions against hamas. listen to what else he's got to announce this afternoon. >> humanitarian assistance into gaza and ukraine, the urgent need ukraine is facing for additional supplemental funding and support to defend themselves on the field of battle. and lastly, speaking about the field of battle if i did not point you to the president's statement today acknowledging and mourning the death of two navy seals who were killed while
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conducting an interdiction operation in the gulf of aden munitions and weapons we believe were headed to iran for the houthis in yemen, underscores how dangerous the mission can be and the dangers the brave warriors face every day. and as we go about our day, take a moment to remember a couple of families just got the worst news possible, and it's important they know that the president and first lady will stay solidly behind them and their families, make sure they get all the support they need and the same sentiment expressed to them from the defense department and from the navy department. take questions. >> john, just wanted to go back to the president's comments from last week about there being a number of types of two-state solutions referencing the idea a number of u.n. members don't have their own military. is it the president's current
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view that palestinian state that's demilitarized is the most viable outcome? >> i won't get ahead of where we are in the process of trying to achieve a two-state solution. it's the president's view that a two-state solution is the best path forward for the people of gaza, for the palestinian people as well as the israeli people and as he said in those comments, there's a lot that can go into creating what that construct looks like and when we say two-state solution, what does it actually mean? and there's many different interpretations, lots of ways to get at that ultimate solution. and the president, as he has always done, kept an open mind about trying to pursue that. he's also under no illusions how difficult to get there, particularly with the conflict in gaza. so keep the discussions going with our israeli counterparts, talk about it with abbas, and the counterparts in the region in the hopes more progress can be made.
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>> john: john kirby at the white house talking about the knot here, the one that's impossible to untie and that is how do you get to a two-state solution in the middle east when you have so many competing factions just between the palestinians themselves let alone with the israelis as well. we'll keep watching that briefing for you and bring you any news if it happens. >> sandra: we will indeed. we'll have more on that coming up, john, and on the news on the additional sanctions, listening for the white house additionally karine jean-pierre will take to the microphone a short time from now as well. >> john: back to politics now and new hampshire getting ready to hold its primary without president biden on the ballot. that is because the democratic national committee bucked tradition, shifting the party's first primary to south carolina and new hampshire refused to allow that to happen because it's in their constitution. so now they are wanting write-in votes for the president.
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juan and sean ahead on that, but lucas tomlinson, live in rehobeth beach, delaware. it's a long way from new hampshire, lucas. >> that's right, john, probably another reason they moved the primary to south carolina instead of being on the ballot in new hampshire, president biden's fifth place finish when he was a candidate in 2020, finishing just behind elizabeth warren. and one democratic senator from new hampshire explained this writing campaign. >> writing campaigns are really tough but we are feeling good about what we are seeing on the ground here. that's why it's so important for democrats and independents, given the stakes in the election, to go to the polls on the list, write in joe biden's name. >> here is new hampshire gop chairman about the write-in campaign. >> we are hoping that people send a message that you can't skip a primary and then hope that people write you in.
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that's ridiculous from our perspective. >> john, here in rehobeth beach this weekend, biden did not speak to reporters. i tried to ask him after breakfast if he wanted people to write his name in, he didn't answer. one democratic name is on the ballot. >> i'm a member of congress, see the train wreck occurring and someone has to say the quiet part out loud. i'm telling the truth. the same thing everybody in washington talks about quietly, behind closed doors, in front of tv cameras it's a different ball game. >> no sitting member of the house of representatives has been elected president since james garfield back in 1880, john. a long shot for phillips. >> john: and a long shot for biden to win on the write-in, see if it happens, cooling his heels in rehobeth. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: our panel is here now, juan williams, fox news senior political analyst and
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sean duffy, co-host of "the bottom line" on fox business. thank you for joining us. the numbers, registered voters, republicans, 267,000, democrats 261,000, undeclared is the number everybody is talking about, who can grab their attention. juan, who do they go to? >> well, i mean, right now it looks like the polls indicate pretty much 2-1 in terms of desantis folks who are now, don't have a candidate to vote for. but in terms of those undeclared, i think they want to participate in the republican primary. that's where the ball game is tomorrow, and that's what -- where the action is, and so they want to get involved there, and of course nikki haley is hoping that she is going to woo most of them. >> sandra: sean, what about the democrats and biden snubbing new hampshire. how will that play out? >> philosophically, why would they make that decision. south carolina is a solid republican state so you have your first primary there, maybe
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a play to the african american vote, but new hampshire is actually a swing state so to say i'm going to give new hampshire the heisman and not actually go and campaign there and whoever votes in new hampshire, they are not going to count, not going to get delegates for democrats out of new hampshire. the real risk for joe biden, if dean phillips, you played his video there. if he plays well, he's not going to make it as the nominee for the democratic party but david axelrod, members of the house are grumbling about joe biden's performance. if dean phillips does well, it could give a reason for democrats who don't want joe biden to make the case they should take someone else, maybe newsom, michelle obama, and they are sitting in the wings waiting for that opportunity in new hampshire, it could give them to them. >> sandra: very interesting. just taking a look at how people are feeling heading into this. this is exactly what we have learned so far. this is the cnn unh poll on feelings if president biden were
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the democratic nominee, an i among new hampshire registered democrat, enthusiastic or satisfied, nearly 80%. angry or dissatisfied, one out of five. among those undeclared, watching closely heading into tomorrow, undeclared voters in new hampshire, 47% say they are angry or dissatisfied with president biden. how are those feelings gonna play out? >> i don't think it's going to be the same come november. obviously it's a different point. right now, look, biden is the nominee. he's running unopposed. you know, you think about donald trump, essentially running as an incumbent republican and he did not take part in the debate. so you have on the democratic side some of this write-in vote we have just been talking about, sandra, and you'll get some of those, i mean -- i think you have an effort here, ro khanna is up here, you saw the senator, hassan up here, the mayor of
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boston has been up here, even on those signs you see a qr code. that's pretty sophisticated. they are making some effort. i think the only person that dean phillips is going to surprise is himself, maybe his ego. i agree, you know, i don't think he's going to be the nominee and i don't think he's going to get much support tomorrow. >> sandra: sean, i'll have you respond to that, the team tee up some sound of the president going after those maga republicans ahead of playing that, i want to point out back in 2020 and new hampshire voters, those who identified as liberal, 32%. moderate, 31%. conservative, 37%. yet this is the targeted attack on the maga republicans by the sitting president. listen. >> this maga crowd is the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. maga republicans are destroying american democracy. today's republican party is driven and intimidated by maga
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republican extremist. not only embrace political violence but laugh about it. >> sandra: and the first choice, 71% of the conservatives are throwing their support behind donald trump. sean, your response to the continued attacks on maga republicans. >> i look -- yeah, first i'll tell you it looks like the strongest democrat in the race is nikki haley. she has the moderate democrat and liberal vote base tied up, donald trump has the conservatives. it's interesting joe biden would take that tack. he ran as a guy to unite the country after donald trump and look at the language and divisive. 40% of americans probably would fancy themselves as make america great again republican. america first republicans. might have ten in the middle but are sensitive to their brothers who are maga supporters. even democrats don't view maga family members and friends like joe biden is classifying them.
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i think it's a really bad strategy and in the end will not play well for him. but when you don't have a record to run on, you can't run on the economy, the border, your foreign policy, you have to run against donald trump and demonize him, you have to have a bright positive vision for the country, which joe biden cannot seem to stir up in his speeches. >> sandra: finish off with first choice among likely new hampshire gop primary voters, desantis dropping out yesterday, obviously you see the support continuing to go for donald trump in recent days, up to 50%. also growing for nikki haley at 39%, still leading the former president by 11 points. all right, thank you to our panel. juan, sean, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, sandra. >> sandra: and tune in for tomorrow's two-hour special coverage of the new hampshire primary co-anchored by martha and bret, live from new bedford, new hampshire, kicks off here 2:00 p.m. eastern time tomorrow. and john, that is happening so
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fast. new hampshire already. >> john: yep, we'll see if it goes on beyond tomorrow night. that's the big question. former president donald trump heading back to new hampshire for a final push before tomorrow's first in the nation primary. his campaign national press secretary will join us for a look at the current state of the race for the republican nomination. plus this. >> just isn't working. >> it's just frozen, i'm not going to tow it to the center because it's the option. >> charge multiple times every day the last couple days. >> sandra: cold weather problems have drivers hitting the brakes on electric vehicles. what it means for the big auto companies and the dealers as they switch gears to satisfy those upset consumers. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro!
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>> john: former president donald trump getting a big boost after ron desantis dropped out of the race, throwing his support behind trump. that sets the stage for a two-person race between trump and nikki haley. the national press secretary for the trump campaign, caroline, great to see you again. >> great to see you too, thanks for having me. >> john: tonight on the eve of the primary, the former president will be joined on stage by tim scott of south carolina, vivek ramaswamy, and doug burgum for a big get out the vote rally. you know what nikki haley would say, backed by people who had no chance of becoming the nominee and even your governor on friday with martha said nobody cares what tim scott thinks. what do you say? >> well, first of all, nikki haley does not have a chance at becoming the nominee either. it's welcome news that governor desantis dropped out of this race. he did the right thing by
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endorsing president trump and as you mentioned, we have doug burgum and tim scott and vivek ramaswamy joining the president in new hampshire tonight, a great place, to show the republican party is unified around donald trump. the majority, vast majority of republican voters want to see him re-elected back to the white house, and tomorrow will send another suffering blow to nikki haley's campaign. republican voters here in new hampshire are realizing that nikki haley is more of a liberal than she is a conservative. she was opposed to president trump's border wall in 2016, she supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, and implementing 23% national federal sales tax, in new hampshire we don't have a sales tax at all. and campaign is targeting democrat voters. she does not have a chance and hopefully she will unify.
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>> john: what she told bill and dana earlier today. >> i know the desantis voters, they love america and they wanted a new generational leader and they wanted a conservative that was going to go in there and clean up government. and that's what we are gonna do. >> john: some analysis maybe about 62% of ron desantis voters would go to president trump, which leaves potentially 38 for her. and new hampshire has a way historically speaking of surprising us. do you think we might be in for a surprise tomorrow? >> john: i think we'll be in for a surprise and that surprise will be a devastating blow to nikki haley's campaign and another historic victory for president trump as we saw in iowa, which was a great surprise. he breached that 50% margin, he won every single demographic across the board, winning 98 of 99 counties and i think we will see the same great victory for him here tomorrow. i will tell you the trump campaign we have the most organized and robust army of active volunteers on the ground. we have ten county chairs for
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all then counties, 2000 great patriots, knocking on doors, getting out the vote for president trump tomorrow. these are not paid political actors, these are great granite staters who love this state, love this country, believe in president trump's vision for the next four years. >> so what are the big talking points he is using against nikki haley as the democrats will come out for her. what he said. >> undependents and democrats are allowed to vote. to try to stop trump they sign up and can sign up easily and sununu should have stopped it. >> john: you know that is not fully true and is misleading. yes, the democrats could be in the gop primary but have to be undeclared and the deadline for undeclared if you were a registered democrat was on october 6th. you could have some democrats undeclared, but to say that democrats are going to vote for
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nikki haley tomorrow i think would be a little bit misleading. secretary of state said 4,000 democrats did change before the october 6th deadline from registered democrat to undeclared. but would you allow what the president saying is a little misleading? >> no, i think he's absolutely right. and you said it too, you said democrats will be playing in tomorrow's primary and cited the data from our secretary of state. nearly 5,000 formerly registered democrats did switch parties so that they could infiltrate this republican primary tomorrow and specifically vote for nikki haley and her campaign has been very vocal about targeting those voters. she is taking money from big democrat donors such as reed hoffman, also funding the witch hunts and the lawsuits against president trump right now in new york and other states, and some of her campaign staffers are former democrat lobbyists and she and chris sununu are vocal of getting the formerly registered democrats out to vote
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in the primary. that is not welcome news to the hundreds of thousands great patriots who want the right to vote in the primary, and we encourage them to get out and vote. it goes to show you who nikki haley is, the fact she's targeting these former democrats. and nearly 50% of nikki haley supporters say they will vote for joe biden over donald trump in a general election. that tells you everything you need to know where she stands on policy. >> john: if registered democrats switch affiliation four months ago to play in the republican primary, they were playing the long game, no question about that. carolyn, good to talk to you. we'll watch for the results tomorrow. >> thanks, john. good to see you. >> sandra: have you seen the signs at the airport allowing migrants to board planes with no id? this is really happening. the shocking rules that are outraging u.s. travelers. >> john: plus, president biden finally admitting the border is
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not secure and says that's been the case for at least a decade. but he continue to pass the buck on why it's the case. outkick mary katherine ham ahead on that. car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. having triplets is... -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it.
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>> sandra: outrage growing over
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migrants getting special treatment at america's airports as signs posted at tsa checkpoints say migrants can pass through security without showing a proper id. william has the details for us. is this actually the case? >> sandra, it is. but the tsa never posted it before and then it blows up on social media because of what appears to be a double standard. the feds say you need a photo i.d. and have your picture taken to board an airplane. but at miami international, this sign says illegal immigrants are not obligated to do either if they use the cbp1 app. >> if you are a foreign-born national, it should be mandatory your photo gets taken before you get on that aircraft. you shouldn't be able to opt out. >> turns out the tsa says photos at screening are not necessary. you can opt out and they just don't advertise it. and you can still fly if you lose your i.d. after additional screening. so, why is it an issue?
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the numbers. tsa allows migrants to fly not taking a bus since about 2019, with simply a notice to appear in court as their id. the agency has defended itself and issued a statement friday saying recent reports that noncitizens have lower security bars for travelling on a domestic flight are false. >> before they can get on the aircraft they go through a full patdown, they go through a full bag search in addition to the regular screening process. so we have mitigated risk substantially in that process. >> bigger issue is many migrants discard their i.d. at the border and use a fake name and place of birth in hopes of staying in the u.s. so the underlying document, nt, a, may not represent who they really are. tsa would not tell us, sandra, if this exists at all airports. we believe it is. back to you. >> sandra: remarkable stuff. william, thank you. john. >> john: just how deep are
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hunter biden's connections within the white house? it turns out the ties go well beyond his father. brand-new reporting you'll see right here only on fox. >> sandra: and why is south carolina congresswoman nancy mace supporting donald trump and not nikki haley, who lives in her district? we will ask her. she's joining us next. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at
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>> john: jump back to the white house briefing where peter doocy is asking karine jean-pierre an immigration question. let's listen in. >> this is why the president is having negotiations with the senate, senators, republicans and democrats, right, for the past couple weeks to deal with what's going on at the border security, right, as it relates to border security. this is why the president on day one put forward a comprehensive immigration plan that more than three years now congress didn't do anything about. but he's appreciative that we are having these conversations in the senate. we have de


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