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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 22, 2024 9:15pm-10:00pm PST

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>> grab your pencils, democrats. today is the last day for biden supporters to convince folks to new hampshire to write in the name joe biden, after joe took his name off the ballot toth prioritize the race in south carolinaac.. you follow that? the secretary ofyo state's offie says, astate long as the intentf the name is clear, the vote will likely count for biden. they are not sure if the big guy or corn pop is a bad dude will make the cut, but it's a way toy make sure he wins a primary and avoid embarrassing losses toan p dean phillips. >> this is going to demonstrate that he is unelectable and weak, and that there's a candidate here who can do it's been promised for generations. >> i think joe biden is a good man, peas not standing from the press and is not here meaning.
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voters, he's not answering questions or doing town halls, and here won't do debates. s.i think is a good man, i don't think he has a cognitive issue, butit he's 81 years old. he is in decline. v >>ot meanwhile recent polls indicate that they are souring on issues of the economy, but jim clyburn wants to blame that on misinformation. >>info i'm concerned about the reporting. when i see those numbers, my goodness, if there's any truth to numbersh to, and i don't bele them, because i talk to blackk pepeople all the .i don't know where those numbes are coming from. but when you ask a question and someone is basin ag their opinin on incomplete information, or misinformation, there's a lot of misinformation going on out a lot of things being said t aren't true. >> greg: you know, i also talk to black people all the time, i.e. herald. [laughter] do you actually believe it isis
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misinformation? >> harold: i don't. i take polls. when you see a poll, if you don't believe that it may begh right, you havt,e to look at the particulars of it, and i believe it's probably accurate. i do believe that, once you get into a race between trump and biden, maybe the numbers change a bit, but we ignore those numbers at our own peril.wn p we have set on this show many times, if six months from today the economy is better, consumer , anys pa is improving incumbent president would be a much better position as theyhey headed to a general election.a gas prices, i thingek that's a g one, where that is on memorial day will have a big say where is an indicator of what may happen in the election.e but i think it iels shortsighted an is d maybe misguided, and i k president obama has even shared with president biden he's goobaw think about this more seriously and the campaign has got to beli more agile and you have to be more substantive and speak to these voters. this is the right way to loseis these
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the correct way to go about this is believe the poll and craft ao strategy to help reverse those numbers. >> greg: judge, there's thiss ri whole writing in effort. do you think he forgot he was behind this change at the beginning and he doesn'te do remember? >> judge jeanine: i'm so glad you asked me that question, greg. here's the deal -- joe biden decides he wants to change the rules. for 10 c0 years, new hampshire s been the firsts. state in the presidential primary, okay? so joe gets his pals to changehe the rules. you know the dnc, the ones who helped hillary along and got rif of you remember that.nd but that's not a question. it's rhetorical.ay so he directs them to change the rules so south carolina goes first. why?e south carolina is where he wins, and if you are 81 and inecli decline, clyburn is 83, that might explain why he doesn't understand the polls.
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so he directs the dnc to have south carolina go first, but then ho hae says, oh, my gosh, e new hampshire is a state lawhey that requires they go now, he o says okay, what we are going to do is make sure that we get people to writ te me in so i dot lose to williamson and dean phillips. two people in new hampshire say puri joe, they changed it, they. won't go along.d no, heit changed it. the dnc says no delegates will be awarded based on what happens in new hampshire, and biden is unwilling to debate, he doesn't even want to be new hampshire,ne he wants to be coordinated. know what happened the last time the last democraticned candidate wanted to be coordinated. that would be hillary. anyway, as it relates to clyburn, if you are under 50, 52% of the blacks are with you. and if you are over 50, 65% are with you. that is a real problem for joe biden. i don't think he's going to do
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as well as he thinks he's going to do in south carolina. >> greg:s jesse, joe is asking people to write in his nameil because perhaps that is what jill does on his name tag if hei ever gets lost. will you fill in his name when you vote? >> in the interest of full, transparency, my uncle is in charge of the writing in for biden campaign here in new hampshire. he is a you guessed it, state senator here. i just got off the phone with him and he said they had to doeh it because the rule is in the state constitution. they have to have a primary. the dnc made a h dumb decision i they just wanted to show their support for joe biden, so they raised money for signs and for all the grassrootssign efforts.n i say, ig s this going to bee? close? e barely going to put away this dean character? and he goes, i don't care.t if he wins by one vote, it's fine with me. i also talk to black people, an.
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harold tells me that black americans are not happy with joe biden. deliveredlack they've to the black community is illegals. >> harold: i've got to write that down. >> greg: last word to you, dana. writing in my name, is that effective campaignin is thg? >> dana: it's actually a good idea. i mean, why not give it a shot? "gutfeld" is easy to spill.ey 'swe had someone as part of the new hampshire institute of politicse. when they put out thet advertisement about doing the writing campaign, they spelled w biden's namero wrong. which might be why you can justb mark an x and they'll say it is for biden.barr it's very same for him to have to do this.d he listened to the activists otn his party whd o said new hampshe is too white, new hampshire has a lot of history. we've already established that. but there are many college-educated white people n new hampshire.
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and that's making up a big part of the president's base, so heat should want to make sure they are happy. i do think biden might eke it out.ou t.we are talking about how new hampshire can often surprise.surp maybe the surprise isn't on the republican sidone this time around. it could be on the democratic side. so i'll be watching that andme bill hemmer at the billboardr tomorrow.>> >> greg: all righty then. joe biden makes a stunning admission on thee op open borde, but wants to blame republicans for it. ♪ ♪ . here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: president biden finally speaking ensome truth about the border h left wide open. but, as usual, it comes too a
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little, too late. after lettinatg in millions of illegal immigrants, the big guy is finally admitting our southernt ou border is not secun but then he blamed the republicans for the crisis.>> y ♪ ♪ >> this question is where the speaker and the house republicans. are theyuse ready to act, as well? they have to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponizing the issues to score political points against the president. i'm readey to solve the problem i really am. sol massive changes. and i mean it sincerely. >> but bit maybe biden shouldhol start listening to john fetterman, america's hoodie-wink senator becoming thf democrat voice of reason on the border crisis. listen to it he just said. >> i honestly don't understand n why it is controversial to say we need a secure border. we can be very supportive of
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immigration but we need to have a secure border.rioulso sec we want to provide the americanr dream for any migrant, that ity seems very difficultmi when you have 300,000 people showing up at our border to do that. >> judge jeanine: and migrants are turning a new york city park into a giant toilet.gian "the new york post" reporting how migrantsork left feces ands of urine in one neighborhood. harold, i will start with you. biden says the border hasn't been secure for the last ten years. and he says "i've set it for ths last ten years." then why hasn't he fired mayorkas, who lied to congress under oath and said the board is secure? >> that's a good question. what i do know, as we sit here this evening, it looks as if the senate republicans and democrats, a bipartisan group, have found a way to come to an agreement about how to addressrr this awful broken border we have. it's going to give more money to
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law enforcement, and i think icalit's two of the things, ands is what they're able to do together. it also appears that president trump, who talks about this issue a lot and talks about intelligently, but it's been reported -- i don't know if it's true or not, it's been reported he's called members of the house and urge them not to agree to this deal and not to negotiatedo with democrats on this. dan crenshaw, republican congressman from texas, a smart guy and a veteran, over thee weekend he said, how many more thousands of illegals are going to lead and before we dowe the deal? if we believe we are? going to advantage joe biden by doing immigration deal or border deal, annot d we are not going to do t for that reason, i would ask the question, do we not arrest people because we may help democratic mayors connect to be not keep them in jail? of course not. they should pass what they shouldatic get done. they have to remember, they only have onl a 2-seat majority, they don't control the senate nor the white house. you have to do that time-honored
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american tradition of compromising. it's a good starting point. i actually think it's a really strong piece of legislation fros what i hear, because it hadn'tde been released yet. if they had a deal, support the deal. let's get more money to there border and build the wall, reform the asylum process. if that doesn't work, we will come back and do something else. >> judge jeanine: as with mostwe democrats, the answer to problems is more money. but the rub is in the money ande where it goes. should it go to a wall?ll apparently what harold is telling us is no wall, the democrats would agree to a wallw in fact, it w was a democrat to get rid of all the construction material that was left after the wall. but should be given to locals fo r schools, hospitals that havele gone under like the one in denver? shouldn't we dictate where thett money goes as opposed to more order patrol? >> greg: i think we need more sex ed.
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finding cups of urine in the park, finally i know where to go for my fox yearly drug test. why is it when elections loom sthat the democrats come to reality? i'm with you, i think there needs to be a deal made, but we waited so long for them to come to the table. it's because they only car tabeo about those and noutt people. we need to have monthly elections.uall then the democrats will actually care. i have to say -- i could take my hat off even i'm not wearing one to fetterman, because he'sng proved me wrong. and it feels good to be wrong,wn because it gives you hope that our worst instincts about people aren't always correct. a sign, like jamie dimon, that there's some d adults returning to the the dads are coming home to clean out the house and the kegger and all the partiers who have destroyed this country. we might be going up, i hope. probably wrong..
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>> harold: i think you're right.stio >> judge jeanine: the question,o is, how much work to be neatgres from congress? how about yohow u just build tht wall? >> jesse: biden can stop the flow if you wanted to like that but he doesn't want to.t he wants to squeeze cash out of congress and say he did something.nd he's just doing this because it is an election year and he's got the ukraine money tied up in aet border deal. that's the only reason.reas he could give a trillion moreol dollars if hlae still keeps cath and release. we are just a trillion dollars more in debt, and we send the department of education billionf of dollars more every year. to the schools get better? no. i knew biden was that on theas border because he's not the best father. the man can't say no to his own son. c he can'tan say stop, he can't he consequences for actions. and that's what yo cacu need.d. you need a man in charge on the border to say this is not going to be allowed, and if you doo br break in, this is what's going
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happen to you. now, fetterman, it seemed like th e democrats liked when he couldn't talk. remember when they thought he waous churchillian when yous couldn't understand a word he said and the chief of staff wasn k running the show? now he starts making sense andn everyone is like, "can you believe this guy? he's going to ben ayo real pror over here.ob" i'm with greg, it feels good to be wrong. he feels better to be right, bu it feels good to be wrong.ha >> judge jeanine: dana, how does any of what's going on in congress or jill biden finally admitting the border is not secure help cities like new york, cutting back on law enforcement protection, and chicago, because of the people already here? >> dana: it is certainly not. for president biden, is his biggest vulnerability going into the election. g at that's coming from all demographics, everyone saying that. one thing i would do if i weret on the house side is i would take a montage of ever y single
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time alejandro mayorkas ande ha karine jean-pierre have said the border is secure and i woulde b splice them all together and make them watch it's probably 15 minutes long. then i would turn to him at his impeachment hearing and say, do you still maintain that the border is secure? and when he says yes -- i'mg assuming you could just play thd clip that says absolutely it's not. and that might be a was absoluyt least wrap mig that up. >> judge jeanine: up next, our favorite white house want to be his back. gavin newsom trying to steal the new hampshire spotlight. ♪ ♪hampe sp my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society,
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♪ ♪ >> harold: it looks like somebody wants some of the new hampshire spotlight. california governor gavin newsom
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going on the bill maher show to attacked republicans and caught his own party for not being gh otough enough on the g.o.p. >> the reason i started going to those red states, the reason i started to take on desantis than do ads in the states as iii felt my party wasn't doing enough. it was crt when you are, then it's esg, dei. kee anything with three letters, they keep coming. there was timidity in the party an oughd we need to call this out. >> but bill maher wasn't ready to let him off the hook on whether he's been running a secret campaign for president. >> i was lieutenant governor and you had me on. who has lieutenant governors one it's amazing. >> and ie said thengo he would for president one day coming we know it's not this year. [laughter and applause] i'm not going even go there. >> i'm glad we are not going there. >> harold: it's not bad he's thinking about the presidency, greg, and a couple years. i think he's right. what do you think?
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>> greg: i think he's watched "american psycho" too many times. christian bale has nothing on this guy. he's like the rich kid buttering up his dying uncle as he waits for him to croak. he's out of the hallway clutching a my pillow. the moment the nurse leaves, on joe.ting it downhe'sy then he talks about that he makes his weird comment about desantis, about dei, esg, crt. he fails to mention that gavin newsom was wrong on al wr. that and desantis is right on all those three letter entities about how to helping to destroy a company by going after -- a country, by going after equal opportunity and meritocracy. now even have dems admitting that reverse racism is actuallyl yracism. t maga he jokes abou desantis, but at least he's running in public and not sneaking around like a political cat burglar.
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>> would you adviseis governor newsom to do what he'sn doing or would you have a orsdifferent set of advice for ? >> dana: i don't think he'll ever take my advice. i actually think he should focur on his own state. last year that ended up with a $97 billion surplus. a lot of thah t was all that cou money. this yearplur they have a y ha$73 billion deficit.defi how do you do that?it it was fetterman who said, go to the bathroom or get off the poty if you're going to run, run. and then bill maher is makings mafun of joe biden kind of, sayg obviously the cognitive n question,s are i and newsome just laughs along. so he does seem to be playing this a little too cute by half. >> harold: judge, what are your thoughts? >> judge jeanine: i agree with dana. it's the wink and this te nod, m not writin g this year. and it's interesting the way heg kind of categorizes the division between the red states div and e blue state ts.he wer
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they weren't strong enough. when he is very it's them versus us. and how he gloated when ron desantis got out of the race. that there is a fire sale on ron desantis merch today.s asyo you say, ron desantis got in the race and gavin newsom is being very sneaky about it.t i don't know what's going on. and he says he's doing it because he believes in women's c rights. if you believe in women's rights, are you allowings to transgenders to ruin a lot of women's hopes and dreams? and you can say -- before your created that law, you've do nothing to protect young women. so he's all hat and no cattle, i think, dana.>> >> dana: i like that one. >> greg: all mousse and no hair. i agree with dana, go to the bathroom or get off the pot. >> harold: you look the most like gavin newsom. what are your thoughts?
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>> jesse: i will consider that a compliment, jessica, so thank you very much. you're not showing her pregnancy atur all. i think you look really fit. i would say biden is in a i long-distance relationship withn with the democratic party, andps newsom keeps showing up when biden is out of town. all the sudden he set a field hockey game an fied then he's ae atorchard when she's apple pickg with her friends. just the right amount of proximity tothat let him know hs there.e he's in china? he's on bill maher the sunday t primary? greg is right, desantis could have cat blake cat-burglared too.she down to mh happen to meet the mexican president. i think either waynk w works. >> harold: he's doing something right. rig bad guys bellaire, america's most wanted is coming back to fox, and john walsh and his son join up ons next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the ground breaking true crime sensation, "america's
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most wanted" in, "s coming backo fox. john walsh has been hunting down bad guys for nearly 40 years and he's not done yet. >> before the documentaries, there was "america's most wanted," the show that brought crew crime to tv is back with the man who started out. >> i'm john walsh, host of "america's most wanted." we are more connected than ever, and you can help solve casesyou like never before. >> jesse: new episodes will be available on demand on fox nation. joining us now are johwilln walh and his son, callahan walsh, who will help his dad cohost the new episodes. john, how did you decide to bring the show back? >> well, fox was my home for 25 years. i hosted "america's most wanteda and i loved working for fox, and we had become a lawless society, fbi and marshals contacted me sayisaying you got to saddle upd e goget back in the game, and r
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wade from fox saidwa i would lot you guys to come, so we are hera and it's going to be the pre premier. >> dana: we are are excited to have you. callahan, i'm curious how angetechnology has changed over these last decadest tw and whatw perspective that bringcades to e show. >> you're absolutely right. new technology has allowed us to analyze evidence in new ways. we have genealogy. in social media, as well. we always harness the power of the public but now we have thei ability to harness these internet detectives, these internet sleuthsetec, and reallt them to work. they're sharing information in real-time and we know that harnessing then can lead to some incredible captors. >> jesse: judge? >> judge jeanine: first of>> f all, john, and to both of you, kudos for coming back. but more importantly, you have done so much to help law enforcement for decades, and myself with the robert durst case. i remember when we were lookingg
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for robert durst you had a segment on that case. so i want to thank you on behalf of law enforcement around the country for the work that you've done. how do you see this show going forward differing, if at all,al from what you've done over the past years? >> first let me say you are aec kick-assut judge and a kick-ass prosecutor and i appreciate that. as callahan said, technology is a big thing, but we are in this lawless society. dana was talking about the. border and we never had to deal with that in those days. i can't 1200 of the world's moss uncattable guys, got 17 guys ofn the fbi's ten most wanted. no fbi agent has ever done that. most of all, we recovered 61 stranger-objected missing children alive. most stranger-abducted kids are dead, like my son adam was dead,
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within four hours. dana is right about the border, it's a new challenge for us. we had mayorkas on a hearing and we kept asking him how manymi unaccompanied minors have been pushed across the border. he hemmed and hawed and one of the congressman said 85,000.aid, and then we said, did you dna youswab them in case you've goe kids to theging border, ms-13 grabbing them?them they are charging the parents and they are saying the kids are yinggoing to work in the ritz-carlton as a maid or a bus. play. no, they had them right to ms-13 mand they are traffic. so he asked them, do you take ai swab in case one of these kids -- we are talking 6-17 -- wind up dead connected you take a picture of them, ask them what country they're from? "no, we are too busy." 85,000 kids were pushed acrossao the border. t nobody knowshe where they went. and we are in this violent society, in this lawless socisociety. i've never seen anything likeg it, and i've been doing this foi
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years. o number one in the world and mass murderers, 29 school shootings last year. new orleans is per capita theer cmost dangerous murder capitalf the world. tal happened to america? it is likely have fallen apart,o it is so dangerous. so we havegero faith a lot of challenges.we are doina 17-year-old girl.hs fentanyl, 107,00, 0 deaths, 300,000 people overdose, the 107,000 deaths. this girl, 17 years old, went online on snapchat. they have drug dealers with t menus, whahat kind of drug deal want today? she was studying forstud tests,e atook adderall, she was dead ad two hours hours. i'm looking for that bastard that gave her those drugs. now it's social media it's the playground for pedophiles, sex traffickers, and they are so much more sophisticated. so it's a challenge on our hands. >> god bless. >> jesse: john and callahan, thank you so much.
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don't miss "america's most wanted" on fox and also fox nation. "one more thing" is up next. gra♪ ♪ you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your customized bundle today. >> power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient
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pushes to the issue swing voters bill hemmer and dana perino have critical insight on america's newsroom. then, harris faulkner has smart analysis on the faulkner focus tomorrow live from new hampshire on fox news channel. >> time for omd.night. greg, when you got tonight? oh, we've got a great show tonight. dining ud bake. it's joining us with emily companion to the fast ta, kat timpfrth and comedian adam hunter. >> let's do thisd ad greg's whee is jesse's moose? >> as you know, there was a crisisldn't fi in new hampshi. he couldn't find his hair care products. we sent ou reporters.t some rep. >> i think we found out that itm ended up on the tarmac thiacs is a roller filled with jesse'sn hair care products that had been left on the tarmac and then blown away in the wind. >> this is why jesse's hairem system is so shabby. poss >> we're going to try to getib that to you as soon as possible. jesse, i even go >> jt this sticky
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bag claim ticket and it's just now we know an airtag on that hair product. yes. what do you have tonight? oh, airtag sure from ne. we are live from new hampshire. we were at haile y and trump rallies. >> we'll bring that to you tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> treand i had trey gowdy on the perrino on politics podcast that jusjust post postew moments ago. so you can check that one out. harold grea, do you have a great one more thing for us tonight? >> nick dunlap, amateur golfer, a university of alabama sophomore, wonwo the 2024as not american express championship over the weekend. he was not a able to accept a $1.5 million prize because he's an amateur. congrats lion to him, but he should gregi do okay. >> where is the money? he didn't even say where's the mone a y to go?n he why do we have that shot when d he didn't make it? >> yeah, i didn't go puttoge that together. i don'th. t blame i don't know. i'm going to blame greg juste be because it's fun. all right, that's it for us. everybody. have a great night. >> we'll see you tomorrow. se: e and welcome to jesse watters. prime time t


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