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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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now we know an airtag on that hair product. yes. what do you have tonight? oh, airtag sure from ne. we are live from new hampshire. we were at haile y and trump rallies. >> we'll bring that to you tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> treand i had trey gowdy on the perrino on politics podcast that jusjust post postew moments ago. so you can check that one out. harold grea, do you have a great one more thing for us tonight? >> nick dunlap, amateur golfer, a university of alabama sophomore, wonwo the 2024as not american express championship over the weekend. he was not a able to accept a $1.5 million prize because he's an amateur. congrats lion to him, but he should gregi do okay. >> where is the money? he didn't even say where's the mone a y to go?n he why do we have that shot when d he didn't make it? >> yeah, i didn't go puttoge that together. i don'th. t blame i don't know. i'm going to blame greg juste be because it's fun. all right, that's it for us. everybody. have a great night. >> we'll see you tomorrow. se: e and welcome to jesse watters.
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prime time tonightlc, the radicl left democrats are supporting nikki haley for one ba she's very easy to beat. you're just not as sharp as you. usedou are j to be. >> trump, haley and the vp race is going down in new hampshire e . >> it seems very difficult whenn you have 300,000 people showing up encountered. we need a secure border. john fetterman is recovering and the democrats hate it. i don't tell any other humany being what to say, what to think. >> and there's no leashes on any of the medio think,a, uf, and free speech. >> plus, you see us outside freezing to death. >> do you think we would stand in line like that for nikki haley? we are live from the greatgrea
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state of new hampshire, where, in less than 24 hours, the polls close and the people of the granits close thee will choose the republican nominee for president.y the pa >> already the party's rallying around one man. >> last night, florida governor ron desanti s suspendedantis his campaign, endorsed donald trump anaign, d attacked nikki s on his way out. >> trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is clear. ideno back to the old republican guard of yesteryear s . this comes the same week that former candidates vivek ramaswamy intens week thae got endorsed the former president. >> as you know, donald trump lives by a code of honor. >> once you endorse him, the past is the past, he said. na will i be using the name ron? the sanctimonious? i said, that name is officially retired. but before the party can fullyte unite, one opponent is stillone standing. nikki haleopponent iy and it's g
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ugly. on tuesday, you can declarethatt that the republican party is never going back to the dayye of a weak establishment candidate. >> if you want a losing candidatnt.e who puts america last, vote for nikki haley. chaoots follows in.t have and we can't have a country in disarray and n disaa world on fire and go to four more years of chaos. we won't survive i more years os >> so donald trump is heading into the new hampshire primary he night with about n 18 point average lead. and that doesn't even really factor in the desantis drop out. >> desantis voterse dissent's dr to trump over nikki by about 2 to 1. natalie's facing pressurehaley to bow out. >> i've watched the entire mediacing pra elite yesterday ay say that i should drop out for the good of the country to support donald trump. >> america does it. do coronations.. we believe in choices. we believe in choi in democracye
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believe in freedom. >> we but not everybody believes nikki haley is going about this the right way. >> she was confronted by veterans over the weekend. watch thisrans. >> do you thinkle it's responsible to the politicians to spend like $100 million in iowa on tv ads which were to unite mainly new stations that have lied to us for years, where there's d homeless veterans out there that can use that money? wheny? you didn't even come close to beating trump and you spent like 100 million tv ad money. you know, my husband was that. that's fine. ont i'm media doesn't tell the truth. the whole reason you put commercials on is to tell the trut is to th, the media. my point is, you're not going to be charged and al thel of theo money you're wasting could go to better causes that would makeate that the republican pary actually a democracy. >> and some people in nicki's >>d had other types of proposals.
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yes. are you going to vote for me? g >> get out of here. o nikki handleuttad both of those situations. >> fine, but that was tough. but that's what new hampshirepoi politics is. you get face to face ever votercss and you have to listen to everybody in another foru m. nikki haley says she was the victim of racism. we were the only indian family in our small southern town. i was teased every day for being brown. so anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what i've said. on how hard it was to grow upthe in the deep south as aep brown girl. i know the hardships, the pain that come with racism. >> well, we feel sorry nikkitedg was discriminated against back theain and we'll find out
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tomorrow night if stories like that will get traction with republican voters. >> now, trump contends that the haley campaignno contend is a d. >> flip flicker. listen. the people behin erd nikki are pro amnesty. you like that? pro-china, pro open borders, pro war, pro deep statthate. and they're pro biden. the radical left democrats are supporting state nikki for y simple reason because they know she's easy to beat. t. so how much enthusiasm is the generating? n >> well, we sent a producer a a nikki haley event to find out. >> watchi haley what makes yout excited to vote for nikki haley. st excit i'm most excited to vote for her because i think we need somebody youngeree. start she's a fresh start for our country. i think that she f is a strong, independent thinker. >> i wouldn't say i'm excited about her to b >>honest. why do you prefer nikki haley over donald trump? i think she's very honest and i
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can't say that about him. what do you thin k about thet you unaffiliated and democratic voters supporting nikki haletht' well, people don't like trump. i mean, i understandump, i and t understand that. so she's going to get a lot of support and be one way from the election does come down to a rematch between trump and biden. lio would you vote for 100%? you i would feel forced as i felt four years ago, to vote for biden. well, if we learned anything from iowa, a majority of the basearned from io wants a totall in washington. i'm not sure haley votersthe sa are sending the same message, but it was early and maybe they hadn'methatarly, ant had t. >> now, last night, trump hosted a big rally in rochester trump h, new hampsa and here is his message. >> your vote in thise is his prp is your personal chance to score the ultimate victorl y, over the liars, cheaters c and frauds trying to destroyunt. america. we're going to have a whole different country as soon as i lift an my hand from the bible
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as your 47th president, i will seal the borde presider, shut dn the invasion of millions ind millions of people coming into our country, and we will start an energyrevoluti revolution. >> our journeyon begged me to lt him go to the trump rally. and in order to just shut him up, we got him a ticket. >> here's what he found out. when you think of presidentent r trump, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? thin to yourr. >> m my celebrity crush is our first rock star super heroity crus pr. >> and by the way, i didn't have to bring j.lo or jay-z. >> what issues are getting you out to vote? yeah, shut them more down.te we don't know who's coming a over. i want to be energy independenfb again. gy >> i am sick of the green new deal hoax. get rid of all of thdependenaine ideology in the schools. >> save the children froe locamc the cyber attacks. how many trump rallies have you been to? hi90 times.ou you're a front row, joe.ou
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yes. not a front row, sleepy joe, right? no. i think nobodyrow slee coming ta rally. but you don't you don't really have it. oh, thank god. >> but youttle low grade fevera. and everybody is talkingmore yea about four more years. what does four more years mean having compared to this? having unity within the american people, getting our lives back? >>n the am i won 40 more years. so you want trump forever. you will never find anybody like president trump. for manyr fi thousand years. you're right. what was your favorite part of trump's first term? no new wars. what other president has marche> no had? h? well, joe biden selling stock. yeah. everyone loves was ours. stocks were great. ♪oney in the bank. >> the money the governor of this state endorsed nikki >>ley. >> he's just a total rhino. it's a betrayal. what's his last name?
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>> sununu. new. new. no, no, no, no, no and no. good. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. what do you think of nikki haley? it's really important that we unite as as as republicansi hal >> everything that i've learned about her, i just think she's kind of crooked. you see us outside freezingng t to death. >> do you think we would stand in line like that for nikki haley? , right?>> ron dng ron desantis dropped out and endorsed trump. finalldroppey. i think that he was just shooting himself in the foot. see that? he was smart, ron 2028. if he succeedsnd trump learns from them. that might be good. what was ron desantis thinking ? you can beat nobody can beat trump. he's a true conservativeking?umt >> but we're always going to remember that you betrayed a friend. now you live and youil learnl ee ♪ith these people right now, trump is going to be looking for a vice presidential pick. who can you choose? kristi noem for the governoryouu of south dakota, vivek ramaswamy desantis. >> kevin ron desantis. d
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it could be a good teamwork. stop pussyfooting around. teamworktell me about joe biden. he's a grandpa. i was rooting for joe biden. me about i want him to be good. cou it's our country. i don't want him to fail. but he failed.t th >> got the iq of a sack of carrots. your >> but you have to look intoanda your heart and say somethingit nice about joe biden. what would it be? oh, i. i can't say anything. i can't name you one. m >> name me one. he's married to a school teacher. >> hhe likes the same kind of ie cream i do. >> i have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. georgia joe jesse waters. you are you kidding me? i love k jesse. what is what is your favorite part of jesse's show? hie you wait till the endnn for you. >> charlie's go thisy's go is yr d. world. >> wwee only liv oe in inlt. >> so the message from new hampshire is clear. repus are reeone eady to mov
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on to the general. but one woman wants to sayn onar and if nikki haley comes with in single digits of donald trump here in new hampshireor ba tomorrow or beats him, obviously she can justify stayin, obg in and waging anothi battle in south carolina. >> but south carolina is a month away. >> and if nikki haley doesn't overperforaway.m tomorrow, then she's a braver woman than i thought because she'll have to withstand a month of tongue lashing from the wickedd a mont is trash talr in american politics. plus, an avalanche of trump endorsements. a pressure campaign from republican voters to pack it in with grace. you know, for the sake of the party's financia grace, l health and muscle tone. the general election is notblicn going to be pretty, and the republican party's only going to win ponly when the party is y supportive of the nominee. >> keef thp the focus like a lar on the threat to the american people. >> joe biden. well, who am i to give anybody advice? the decision is yours.
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on is yokellyanne conway is a fr counselor to president trump and a fox news contributounselor rump andr. she joins me now.w. is the republican primary over ? yes. how is trump will be the nominee? welles dona, the voters don't lookk at at biology or even chemistry. politics is about math and science. you have to have more delegateuo in the universe. are you saying that he really is not following the science? haley isshe's not following the science. those who follow the science are new enough to maskwho foll a year olds. but look, the moderate wing of the partyte p, the establishment for which we're not going back and nominating mitt romney and john mccain and folks like that. and then they have to choose a vice mccain and folkat, they e who's conservative because the base is so upset that washingtois so donaldn isnd about any of that. he created this base. he expanded his base all the n articles right now, jesse, talku about him versus joe biden and who is expanding or shrinking their relative parties. joe bideor shrinn is losing hiss and african-americans and first time and young voters and independent and exposingdepd
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them to donald trump. >> trump is really asking oren g i'm asking the party to do what trump's been doing since last july, pivotintrump ceg to a general election strategy and focusing on joe biden totion stand is did a good thing. i think the best decision he made in the last year and a halfr and a was drop was drope race. >> and so kellyanne conway is asking the american bodyody politic to pivot to the general electione ge. but what happens if all of these rich wall street guys keep handing the key money wall? they still are.el and i would tell them you're always focused on thinglm s like esg and planned parenthood. geis acronym like, that acronym, focus on usa, get with it,wi because you already knowth it,oa that joe biden is raising taxes. increasing regulations, make his energyt joe bide dependent,g this keystone pipeline jobs. jesse, on day one and make us dependent on foreign dictators who don't even like this countrypendent and her pe. >> so is she standing in for clout? nikki hale stayingy? as >> i'm going to take this as far as i can go. i'm going to stack u,p a couplen delegates. >> so i go intheo the conventioo with juice and leveragnventie.
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>> is that the play? possibly, jason. leverage. possibl she's got a big future. she's in her early fifties. people will have to run agais in in 2028. >> by ten years, trump will be at one term., but i thinkk s' she's misreading the way maga looks s at everyone else, which is on the one hand you're attacking trump. on the other hand you're trying. to attract as voters. she left the administration early. e left in september of 2018. that was a little early and the reason i say that is just six weeks later was the midter m elections. we can use her juice and we canh use her out therav juie trying to campaign for this governor and senator. so in this for the sake of unity c, i hope she will useu a lot of the goodwill that she sh theret up to go outses and campaign for the nominee, donald trump. and let me say this, whenci he stuck in blue city courtrooms, i really hope everyoneeally ho will be out thr picking up the slack. yeah, it's the only way they're going to be on the prize. >> joe biden, he deserves it. all right. wisey. r juice wiseljuice >> that's what we learned. and we'll see if these guys,
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you know, give the moneymoney b' back if you're going to benefit so much from a second trump term muc, get on the right list. the one that's helping us say that's the acronym they shouldtc think about us. all right. kellyanne conway, thank you. casey, another acronym that i can't forget. >> thank you. well, primetime thingscan', we w who trump's vp will be. straight ahead. honey, honey, night equals severe honey. powerful corner of flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil, honey, the honey licious, nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching forc fever. >> best sleep with a coldd medicine wire, forced factor vitamins. vitamins. soconven stacker uses the highest powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that'swi why friends and family recommend for staff who rushed to walmart and unleash
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get back into shape fast. absolutely free. that's our air n. >> two, three two one, three two, one.>> j as wese said at the top, one'see vacancies, santas dropped out. republican voters have beek nhab gossiping about trump's vp pick. i told my staff, we're gettinges way ahead of ourselves here, but it's what everyone's talking about.e so we're going to giveant.
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the people what they want. politicians are already being asked about it. watch. >> hey, do you want to be vice president? >> well, look, i want to serve this country in whatever way i ca servetever wan, jesse, buts i'm in this race. >> and since the first place, certainly if the president askerace id, i would i would ha think about it because that would help me. >> however, i can't go. there is far more years of donald trump and a republican majority in the senatei f do a, majority in the house and the white house. and if i can help achieve that through my endorsement by being on the campaign traila in my home state of south carolina for the next four or. five weeks and then beyond, that's the goal. >> i'm not going to get into an y conversationsit with president trump, but i've said for over a year, i'd presaid e thisserv administration any capacity. >> look, i absolutely love the jo b i have. i think it's one of the best jobs i could ever ask for. and i amver asd honored to serr as governor. >> and i hope i get to do it for the next seven years. se: th >> so these are just some of the candidates whose namesess az popped up. well, it's out of las vegas, a short populist
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with youth on his side. also an interesting name for a bumpering name sticker, trump ramaswamy. you have j.d. vance in ohio,y. ideologically attuned with trump . youngish sure, he can wintrump, a state smar yt little drama. senator tim scott, south carolina, litt, got engaged thid weekend. a vp with a wife is definitely better than a vp without w one would scotitt pull in more of the black vote? not sure. elise stefanik, republican congresswoman out in new york, has shifted fromis establishment to populist. obe harvard president anbld is obviously enjoying her audition. sarah huckabee sandersjoying, arkansas governor. and, as you know, former press secretary, you kno you kw, she n talk the talk. >> other names we hear being bandied about, kristi noem, telegenic, south dakota governor, arizona senate candidate carrie lake's certa
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certainly charismatic. >> we're even hearing about katyincharis barrett, alae senator. so my producers tell me denied our invitation to join our show twice, which now makes me think she doesn't like me, which would make her a terrible vp choice. nationale. press secretary for the trump campaign, karoline leavitt joins us now. >> now there's a secret name, caroline that i'm going to reveal later, which i'm being told is in the running. sident but where is the president when it comes to picking the vp w c?a >> well, as the president said yesterday, he has t saids aboutr towards one person. that's not a lot . re ver we are very much focusedy on winning the new hampshireprir primary tomorrow and then focusing our attention to taking the fight to joey foc biden. hopefully, if nikki haley decides to realize she has no pathwahay ny to the nomination in this race and will drop out. >> i don't kno drop w, genuineld i you know, the president even knows.
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>> i thinkenws. he still thinking about it, genuinely looking over all the candidates. >>out it. i will say this. yes, he did tell fox news his very own brad barrow yesterday. yes. that's the most important quality for him, is someone who hey fosomeone knows will mt president after he's out of office. i think that'sut very >> that's interesting. we're having kari lake on late'r in the show. >> are you saying she is in the running? i am sayin she i rung everyone'h right. >> everyone is in her. i'm in the running. could bd i can't take the pay cut. i heard a secret name. kellyanne conway just broughtrig it to our attention. marco rubio for v.p.. now, i hadn't even seenubio his name on a list for anywhere. then when i thought about it, i thought, huh? that's interesting i. >> well, i will say this. the republican party has a very deeps, thepublican bench. marco rubio endorsed the former president of the united states, donaldrco rubi trump, as wellbee as senator rick scott before ron desantis even droppes evd of this race, showing the power president trump has from the great statwere of florida. e and tonight, here in new hampshire, president trump
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will be joined by vivek ramaswamy governor doug burgum senator tim scott, all membersmm of team trump. >> so what are we are you hearinp. g what we're hearing that tim scott got engaged because he thought he might be tapped for v.p.use he is that true? >> i think tim scott got engaged because he's a great mae n. >> all right. he's in love. it's true love, everybody. caroline, thank you. thanks it'se love, jesse. >> well, the democrats used >> jove fetterman, but now he's recovering and it's a major probleats usedm. >> providing for your family is a top priority. what happens when you need ? christian health care ministries could save you upp au to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without networan k restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollmepeact. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses. offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important.
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their job, which apparently was letting illegals in. >> and the conservative justices dissented.tive j but roberts and amy coneusydiss barretent sided with the liberae justices and sairad biden could cut the border wire. >> now, since the federality to government has the authority to enforce border policyorce, the court found that the federal government is within its rights its to not enforce border policy. they have discretion, governor abbott said. this isn't over. >> but what good is the federal government if it can't defenitde our border? >> that's almost the entire point of the federal governmen p t . >> and how are states supposed to defend themselves if the federal governmented tohems? >> illegal immigrants are now issuing threats when they cross. >> listen, you are smart enoug h to buck, so you get to know who i am. wh easy.e.ry
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>> the entitlement. i know i'm much better than the entitlement guys. >> when a middle eastern migrant breaks into our country and tells us you're going to know who i am pretty soon're that's the reason you leave up the razor wire. but democrats are now letting child sex offenders into wae countrto they and then lettg them walk free after they're arrested. an illegaley wer alien from hons was charged with child sex abuse and a sanctuary city in virginia. >> just let him out of jai anl. he violated a teen this summer and videotaped it. and the judge just let him out and kept ice in the dark, then got ice, just caught him. but the migran butt didn't go dn without a fight. he punched an i.c.e. agent in the fac e during the takedown and then cut another charge. but you readcaught ay? binder's blaming republicans. they released an illegalt from h immigrant from honduras who's charged with assaulting a virginia minor d with does not go tow show that, as record numbers of people appearth at the bordee
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you guys have no idea what kind of people are coming into this country. we need more resources. we need more funding, which is why we're having these negotiations on the hill. but republicans in the senate ts is working with us, republicans in the house are trying to geto in the way. >> i'm sorryin , i hate to be a stickler, but republicans in the senate is working with us. republicans in the senateh is working with us. my god, here's a better answer. binders? how about beforerepu you blame republicans who have nothing to do with our border polics who hay? >> you say, i'm so sorry for the virginia teen who was brutally by a man who was in i the country illegally. >> how aboutth you start with im deeply troubled and saddened by this horrific sex crime committed on an american minor by a foreignican national. >> that's what a normal person"t says when they hea's whar abouta crime like that. >> the republicans in the house aren'tt. getting in the way
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of anything. but there's one democrat who understands the issue, senator senator fetterman, who's recovering nicely, and no one's more excited about that >>an prime tim ae. >> i honestly don't understand why it's controversialdon't un we we need a secure border. you can be very supportivebo. of immigration, but we also need to have a secure border. and i really i thinknt t about immigration is we want to provide the american dream yor any migranide the t. but it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up. >> the democrats lov up.e fettermanerman when he was speaking gibberish, they said he was churchilliawh h and possibly the next president of the unitd states. >> his chief of staff was calling the shots. his wife was speaking on his behalf possiblyt pr. s wife w >> everything was great. but fetterman regained his abilit y, speak, and started making so much sense that the democratabils have a problem. >> the democrats can't have a straight talking senator with common sense. >> no one will know. they're democrats.
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straight talking, common sense.. politicians don't last long. they get chewed up and spid up t out. democrats can only tell the truth in secret. >> sto we're worriedman. about fetterman if he keepsim telling the truth, biden is going to win. >> geidam arizona senate candidat.e cory lake and joins me now. >> so. fetterman really? well, we got better quickly. >> that's not going to be good for the democrats. i don't know what what medicine they gave him to wake him up, s. but, you know, he's starting to make a little more sense. i agree with what you saidth, af part of it. but the part of the american dream with with am that to people coming across the border right now, americans are having a harans aa time, jesse, living the american dream. and i think we need to start puttin ha g americans first. and it's just it's astounding that theunding biden administran is using every ounce of their ee energy to fighrgy t to allow ths invasion on the border. they're obviously ignoring the constitution, the guaranteen clause, and now suing texas, taking i, t all the way to the
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supreme court so that hundreds of thousands of people can invade our border every single month. sor that fence all copper across and kill our young people soe, s that crime can skyrocket on our streetcrs in our cities. and communities. >> i mean, creatures >>, they're they're children and videotaping it. >> and democrats are letting them out of jail. i mean, what is the point of that, cory? >> it's unconscionable. unconscand then when you seerkn what they're working on in the u.s. senate,g one u.s. these three senators, including my opponent, kyrsten sinema, my it the cinema. schumer bill, because it's just outrageous. geous. they want to give all these people work permits, allow them to sta y in our country. and you see what's happening at our. have you been at an airporppeni. t lately? it looks like a migrant encampment. it's outrageou migrants. d up the american people are fed up. and that's why, frankly, i'm here in new hampshire. they're showing up in droves and they're already sleeping
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bags, which cost about 150, $200. >> no idea where they get those things. kerry, your name jesse: mentiod a couple of segments back as a possible vp contender.ha >> have you given that anyve consideration, is that something that you you might enjoyg doing? >> well, i'm runningyou might f. senate. i see myself in the senate and helpini sendg america and ho secure our border and helping make arizona a safer and better. place to live in the u.s. senate. i'm here in new hampshire right now helpinghtgump an president trump, and i really want to get him back in office. but i thind g k that we need to make sure that not only do we take back the white house, but weback the got to have the e in the senate, and that majority runs right throug h arizona. if we don't have the majority in the senate, can you imagineir how hard it's going to be forpr president trump to get things done and this outrageousp to geg by the supreme court just proves we need a law to buildsee the wall and secure the border. we need a law to finally stop people from pouring across our border and destroyingg an
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our country. and that's what i'm willing and able to do. do, andand starting on day oneo and help president trump do that. >> did you even bring a parka? because do you even own a parka? if you're from arizona, you must be freezingou even own. carrie, good luck. i do. o i do have one.met and it's sitting very close to me. they can't wait to put it back owait to pun. >> all right. stay warm. thanks so much. , jesse. >> well, the ufc is now under assault. get help reaching your goals the digital money coach and . use it to set and track your goals big and small and see how changes you make today could help put them within reach from your firstth a big move to retiren from poolside and the other goals along the way. what plan can help you get there? jpmorgan wealth management
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of new gen-x thermo x, our newest, most powerful fat incinerator ever. >> absolutely free. so the ufc had a big fight the in toronto over the weekend and the canadian sports press is aboutpress is the same as the american sports press. >> you know, instead of asking about the sporu knowt, they askt about social justice. one reporter asked , sean strickland, about transgenders in the pre-fight press conferencestrict >> listen, i've got a pretty supportive and community in this city. i did want to ask you something you wrote a couple of years ago. you said if i had a son, i would think, oh, look, another another reason i'm saying this. i'm off, you guys. this what?rt o >> you're a weak man, do you? you're like, you're part of the probleleep]m.
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>> you elected justin trudeau. like, what do you when he sees. the bank account? >> like, you're just athletic. everything that is wrongt [ble with the world is because and the best thing, an is, is te world's not buying it. >> the world's not buyin notgthg your peddling. >> this guy is the enemy. you want to look at the enemy to our world. it's that right thereleep that shows a fighter without a filter. >> and tha] ri>> jesse: he'st da crazy. because if you don't respect the police, you don't respect them at all. and that's all these sniveling pretend journalists care about the status they holdurnalt their. job becomes useless because the only power they have ovecaur us is the power we give them. >> now, the crowd in canada, not fans of the prime minister, they were chanting f all night long. we can't show it. ght longwe want to do, but we c. >> the strickland fight came down to the decision. on the cards and it was controversial. >> and i admit i didn't see the fight. i i but there could have been sm
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some home cooking. dana white said hee might have won. >> i had i ht to do to going ino the last round, and i thought strickland won the last round. but the media isn't there for the fight. they were there to fight for the transgender rights and they tagged danr rightsa white to cer his fighters. >> you obviously give a longwhat leash to your fighters about, you know, what they can say when they are up there with a ufc microphone and you are getting intoand yo territory of homophobia. transphobia is there. intot give anybody a leash. >> well, i'm saying you are a leash. ? yom like free speech and control what people say. going to tell people what to believe. i'm going to tell people i human ton't tell any other human being what to say, what ton an think. and there's no leashes on any of them. >> what is your question? i wa s asking that question. >> i'll move on, though. yeah, yeah, probably a good idea.
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>> he said the girls have lots:l of friends. wee weekend host of poison ivy on fox nation. i mean, that was just's i mean, it's funny that he would expect censorship because there's censorship everywhere. a i guess the ufc is the place where it doesn't exist. it doesn't do. i ufc in the united states is one thing. the uf thc in canada is a whole'nothe nother fight. >> they don't have the same first amendment protections. they're happy to censor speech there. everythingamendment protecthey c and then the ufc shows up, which is basicallyfc likem talk permanent locker room talk. this thi guide ts guy talks like the guys i served with in the infantry. right. served wite they make their arg. anybody else. but none of it could ever go on make and. and it all makes sense. and everyone listening, i mean, the guys wea everyonlistenr a ss a woman in every kitchen and a gun in every hand.i didn't i didn't even think he was going to say nothing. e >>he's saying we'll be politically correct. you don't have to agree with everything he said.
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lly corrsure, dana white doesn'. >> but standing firmly behind the idea that you should be allowed to say it is quintessentially american at a time where it's free speech. oh, except for misinformation. freedom of speech. except for misgendering. freedom of speech. except for the latest hate speech. >> they're not playing that. i love these sports journalistst ask about transgender rights because it's gotcha. ender riit's gotcha. they want clickbait. so we'll we'll tal k about this a lot. right. a lot of sports reporters actually hatlot ofrts repoe thee they cover. they do. they do. and so they want to find a wedgey do?e to get at thesetot athletes who are smarter than them and fasteatr than themdo and bigger than them and have hotter girlfriends than they do. soo they're angry about it. and so they try to ask gotcha questions like me. i hate whequestionn politiciansi cover. the same thing. same deal. >> but i'm not jealous. i think they want a clickbait headline to make e th the ufc look like this bigoted, whatever it is. likehie are guys that are savags that fight in the ring. what do you expect me to be polite?
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>> yeah. you don't ask about transgender rights to these guys. it's good for us to know you the answer is going to be pretty bad. >> it's good first amendment and it's good business . o do >> what do you do? try to control these guys. all right. and you can't this sean strickland of fox news, pete hegseth for telling it likek it is.d the >> thanks a lot. good to see you. the media just pulled the old switcherooeroo to andrew yang in prime time. >> come to my seminar, you'll be saying, wow, don't you really want to know? hey there. i'm dennis miller. glad to see my new three part series. the info commercials that sort of steal their nostalgic look at a time when infomercials
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grand harvest people just can't help themselves. >> grandma mistakes benign. get your own solitary grand harvest solve endless levels and enjoy fun challenges. want to get that grand feeling to download now it's free. okay. ready to get dirty the fish out of water. the one thing that's missing for me is somebody to share all this with. fox news in season nine from new hampshire, from the candidates final pushes to the issue, swaying voters. bill hemmer and dana perino have critical insight on america's then harris faulkner has smart analysis on the faulkner focus tomorrow live from new hampshire on fox news channel. now trump is on track to beto the republican nominee and hisni chances of a second term improving every day that the part s are imy coalesces behind him. >> that means democrats in the media need a plan dn d.
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impeachment, indictments and ballots tripping , not working. so now they're just going to institutionalize themballot. >> donald trump is trulyp is confused about who nikki haleyw is. think somehow that she was in charge of securthat shee d ae capitol on january 6, clearly confusing her with nancy pelosi. >> joe biden. joe biden's doing just fine. ing justi we're we're talking ae fact that time and time and time again, donald trump, who's obviously, as ron desantis said, lost more than his staff and as nikki haley says, is really nowo really confused out there. >> so trump callednf up th nanc, nikki, and now they're ready re fifth. e is20 but trump says he's sharper than ever. he too k a test to prove it. i did say, what about a test? yu he said, well, you know,not that it's not that easy. i said, well, these are our tests. it can be hard. i said, look, i got to take it
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because i got to shut it up. th and i took it and i it and let me tell you, you know, they always show you the first one like a giraffe, a tiger. there's a whale. i guarantee you, biden couldn't get number three. i think he'd probablably gety ge whale. >> and voters can judge for >> only 28% say biden'siden mentally fit, 47% say the same for trump. >> our very own stupid son of a , peter doocy, asked binder about it today. >> listen. >> what do you see? green what do you think it is that more and more people polled feel like over time president biden is getting less and less mentally sharp. which poll is this? abc has president biden's rating for health since may down five points and for mentall sharpness down four points. you know, i have to say that'ssr a little confusing for me. >> i think everything's confusing for governor yang. for as a formermer
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presidential candidate and former party co-chair. oing >> so, yang, what are you doing here in new hampshire? >> i guy in fill upsis tryin who's trying to upgrade from joe biden and thupgrade democratic party. i'm someone who thinks that we need to move m someon on from the battledeani of the 80 year olds. >> dean is a spy, 50 five years old that plays hockey of 20 gelato america. oh, you're the guy. let's go. let's go. you debated joe biden. >> have you noticed a difference in his performance? >> i haven't been around him personally up close, but i've been talking to folks and they've noticed a decline je in what way? >> oh, they say that: , you know he is not as energetic, that he sometimes seems s loseose conc concentration and focus and the fact is, the guy is 81 years old. you know, he would have toriencg be unusual not to be experiencing something that's very, very natural. most americans want to turn page. ge from both and trump, 70% of americans say they'd like to seericans s a dii
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generation take hold. >> trump said he aced his cognitive tests. >> you know, we're talkinge are about a rise of near 80.ta well, at eastern, you said acedt multiple. he doesn't think think biden con even get well, you know i'm here sayin tg that neither y of these guys is what we need in 2025 to 2028 to actually solve the problems of this era.h they get better, getting rougher and more complex all the time, includinemplex ala the border or enforcing the border in a way that makes sense to mos makt americans.>> e >> you're just a normal, rational, reasonable problem solver and you find that there's no place for you in the democrat party. >> oh yeah. >> there are a lot of people p who are finding the same thing, and that'se findin one reason ww many independents now are trying to figure out where they standg to. llips ca i think dean phillips can unify the country because he wants the e a nonpartisan, bipartisan cabinet. he wants to bring people togethe r across partyand i wo lines. and i personally would love
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to see it. i'm here for iuld perse tot all. he's here for and he's here for primetime. his favorite he's show on fox news. news. he didn't tell me that at all.te i just madll me that up. it's either you guys are. gutfeld. i don't know. thanksuys or. speaking the ufc, my wife, emily, has sent me some photos from earlier this afternoon. it is the progression of a choke hold. there'noon.ession os jesse junii in her crib. there is gigi falling a little closer to jesse jr. now he's starting to rap.s the arm around. >> and there's the chokehold. night night, gigi time for. sleep. >> let's hear some tex t. brian from vancouver, how aree t the heated sidewalks in berlin, new hampshire workinedidewalksg i mean, they were only $800,000. they're beautiful. perry from virginia beach,
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virginia trump and vic's bumper sticker can be trump. obama. oh, i it. i've now changed my v.p. choice. i it.sarah new york. >> how about fetterman for trump's vp? >> ooh. i don't know i f that would work. >> i don't think fetterman wife's a fan, if you know what i mean. work.know if jim from texas. >> any sightings of bigfoot biden? we have not seen. any sign of joe biden here. dean hasn't seen it. seng hasn't seen it. >> but we'll let you know if there's a sighting. harry from marbleheaoud in new jersey. jonny is having too much fun at those trump rallies. you need nee rein that boy in. >> i need to put him on a leash like those canadian reporters want me to do. li a leash and some. >> i need a leash and a whip. jonny's trouble. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show and always remember. i'm waters, and this is my


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