tv FOX and Friends FOX News January 24, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST
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>> todd: donald trump is accused of denying elections every now and again. yesterday joseph biden during new hampshire campaign stop in west virginia reference'ed the governor as the real governor terry mcauliffe, yet, i'm listening, i don't hear anything from the mainstream media. will we have anything into the election denial in virginia? >> oh, boy, yeah, i saw that yesterday the real governor terry mcauliffe. glenn youngkin won quite easily there. you also have the white house press secretary who also has called donald trump illegitimate after 2016. hillary clinton did the same thing. stacey abrams. i could go down the library. if democrats deny elections, they then, hey you get a free pass. new hampshire new hampshire new hampshire won no delegates. then he got heckled 11 sometimes in virginia. i would call that a mixed bag in terms of success rate for him yesterday. joe, got to leave there. have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> ainsley: it's the 6:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" on the east on this wednesday, january 24th. donald trump wins new hampshire. nikki haley vows to stay in the race. >> this race is far from over. there are dozens of states left to go. [cheers and applause] >> let's not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad night. >> steve: plus, imgray, once again, the top issue, just like it was in iowa. what was tops for democrats? stick around and find out. >> brian: a "fox & friends" exclusive. who is sexier? dwayne "the rock" johnson on or about will cain? we are about to find out because he goes up close and personal with the rock about his life. >> ainsley: how about both for different reasons. >> brian: possible political future. >> i actually got approached by both parties one after the other. and i said then as i say now i'm
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honored, thank you. most important thing i'm doing now is being a daddy to my little girls. >> steve: that's nice. >> lawrence: the first hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: hi, welcome to the post game show live from the bedford village inn where we have been camped out and hold up and this morning we actually walked to work in the snow. it was beautiful. right now we have got 28 degrees here in southern new hampshire and it was a big day yesterday bigger day today to talk about all the fallout. >> brian: tried to call in sick snow day called in to see if we
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would have offer and said no, get to work. >> steve: who do we call? who is the principal? >> ainsley: don't call anyone. >> brian: dawn will be shoveling and, once again, i would not be home when it's snowing which makes my life more difficult. >> lawrence: i got a fox news alert, dawn was prepared with the shuffle to scoop it up and she goes lawrence, i know you have been defending me on tv, it's okay. it's okay. it's approved by me. i do everything anyway, okay? so why -- what's a little snow? >> steve: yesterday, lawrence was at the tavern with breakfast with friends just literally 50 feet from where we are sitting. today we have dispatched him all the way about a block and a half to the copper kettle, which is great restaurant here in bedford. i have had the steak and wine not in dry january. it's a great place. that's where he is having breakfast with friends.
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if you are in the area, stop by he will buy you a coffee. >> ainsley: if you went to wed and didn't see the final results. 91% of the votes have been counted so far. trump winning by 11 points. 54.5% can you see and nikki haley 43.2%. >> brian: you know. she did slightly better than the latest polls that came out. she does lose in double tigs. 2.5 weeks ago. single digits of the president. dropped to 19 in the polls, ends up losing by 11. came out when it was about a 7 point difference, lawrence, and she came out and quickly said congratulations to president trump. let's make it clear, i am not quitting. in fact, on the delegate count, trump after taking iowa, and after taking new hampshire, it's proportional both those states. 31-16. and she moved on five weeks from now to south carolina. >> lawrence: i think none of us were shocked when she decided to do it. i think she had been pretty much
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saying that on every broadcast that she intended to stay in the race all the way through super tuesday. it was interesting because the president, you know, it seemed like he had started to take this very unifying tone. he was. >> brian: not last night. >> lawrence: with the analysis going on and the governor talking about his mental fitness, he really started to take on even more aggressively. and even dispatched former candidates in the race to talk about her performance as well. so, the question is, and you look at this voter analysis, and, you know, there was a lot of pundits talking about who was going to be voting, you know, i was troubled about the amount of independents and democrats that decided to rote in this race, also the question is, if donald trump is going to be running in a general election, how is he going to win those people back again that said the economy, the border was a big issue, steve?
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>> steve: right. we will get into the fox voter analysis. the number of republicans who said they would not vote for donald trump in a general election. we're going to show people the numbers in a little while, 35%, a third of the republicans who voted yesterday, and one of the interesting things is and going in people, you know, you look at the polls, and brian, i know you said they were -- she did a little better than the polls. keep in mind, yesterday, one of the big polls, insider advantage, had her losing by 27%. and a lot of them had her losing by 20. she closed the gap ultimately to a little more than 11. but she made it very clear. she's not done. she is far from over. and as you are about to see, the former president didn't like that. >> i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory tonight. he earned it. and i want to acknowledge that now, you've all heard the chatter among the political
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class. they are falling all over themselves saying this race is over. >> it's not over! [cheers] >> i have news for all of them, new hampshire is first in the nation, it is not the last in the nation. [cheers] this race is far from over. there are dozens of states left to go. [cheers] >> let your voice be heard, nikki. >> and my next one is the sweet state of south carolina. [cheers] >> this is not your typical victory speech, but let's not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night. she had a very bad night. this is an evening that i will not forget because it's the third time but, more importantly, i think it's going
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to be -- i think it's going to be the most important time. we won both. it was, i think they said -- somebody said you rarely -- if you win both, they have never had a loser. let me put that way. >> ainsley: is he right. that was historic. no one has ever won -- no candidate has won iowa and new hampshire since 1976. and then he took iowa. he made an historic victory there by winning by 30 points. no one else has done that dole won slightly less than 1%. he won by 30 points. trump has won over 75% of real republican voters. and next stop is not south carolina. it's actually nevada on februars expected to win that because nikki is not even a part of the caucus. she is art pa of the primary. the delegate count goes to the caucus. south carolina the end of february on that saturday february 24th. in the real clear politics average, which is an average of all the polls, he is up by
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30.2%. he has the support of 8 south carolina leaders. you saw tim scott standing behind him. he has governor henry mcmaster. he has lindsey graham, the two senators in south carolina. nancy mace announced. enough to she is going to support donald trump. she was on with carley and todd earlier this morning. she said nikki haley ran a great race. she made it to the playoffs. but she hasn't won the game. so the question is, what is her plan going into south carolina? if the polls are right, she is not going to win south carolina. she has the money. she is allowed to stay in this race. a lot of people want her to. a lot of people like her but what is her plan. brian sununu is coming up. it. i think it's just interesting, too, can you no longer say democrats, that well there is not much interest in this race because iowa was a little low. the turnout was great. over 320,000. still getting final number. >> steve: record breaking.
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>> brian: factor in minus 27 degrees. can we finally take that in. other thing is you have two really good candidates. historic candidate in donald trump and nikki haley is formidable. very conversant on the issues. experience, foreign policy, domestic policy. she has a choice, no state that she seems like she is set to win. she does have money. do you sock that away for another day and another campaign? like a governor cuomo still sitting around with millions of dollars. does he want to run again you? make these decisions. or does she say i'm going to run out the string and see what it's like and go over the next block for the next five weeks in south carolina, nevada, and maybe hold on tight for super tuesday. what do people care about? here is some of the voter analysis i think you care about. most important issue facing the country, 41% say the border, immigration. then the economy. foreign policy, and then abortion. that is just maybe the reverse when it comes to democrats. the analysis on the mexican border, the u.s.-mexican border. 61% strongly favor trump on
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that. 17% somewhat favor. 10% somewhat oppose. 10% somewhat oppose, too. keep in mind in 2016 trump was talking about the border people go that's interesting. that's important. but now in 2024, lawrence, this is the deal. this is -- i mean, this is the number one issue. >> lawrence: brian, it appears that the border has become the achilles heel of the democratic party right now. if you go into the analysis. 8 out of 10 of the voters that supported the candidates in our analysis said they want a wall, which is interesting if you remember back in iowa, also, we saw that inflation was first number one and right before election day, when we started to get our analysis out, border became number one, the same thing happened in new hampshire, so the question is, is donald trump going to shift to that
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general election and take on joe biden now? i think that's what a lot of folks, a lot of republican insiders are saying. why take on nikki haley when the signature issue that you brought to the forefront is right on the ballot at the top of voters' minds? >> steve: right. and, lawrence, you are absolutely right. for republican voters, when brian was doing the voter analysis, the number one issue with republicans is, without a doubt, the border. and you're going to hear from some voters. we actually went to bedford high school yesterday. a gigantic crowd of people voting. while it's big with republicans, on the democrat side, according to the voter analysis abortion, 94% of democrats say abortion should be legal in most or all cases. so, that really is -- that's what they're going to talk about. yesterday on new hampshire primary day joe was in manassas
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talking about abortion. here in new hampshire, here is some of the folks i talked to yesterday, and these are democrats, they are undecideds, and they are republicans and their issue, in new hampshire, way up here, is the border. >> steve: what's your number one issue? >> illegal immigration. >> steve: why? >> well, i think it's outrageous that we have this open border. we don't know who is come in. certainly there are foreign agents and if i were a terrorist, i would say wow, let's swarm the border. >> steve: the white house says the border is secure. >> oh, yes, exactly. just like they are saying that the balloon was only a toy. >> number one issue is the border. i mean. >> steve: way up here? >> well, we got the fentanyl crisis down here. that's a big deal. a lot of people. i think a lot of people that i know can touch somebody who has been affected by that.
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>> steve: everybody i talk to, you know, they had put a lot of thinking into what they were going to do. >> ainsley: new hampshire, the numbers are really bad here when it comes to fentanyl overdosing and drugs. so that is a big concern. something that is all over the press here locally. tom homan was on stage with donald trump and he said, you know, i have worked for six presidents. no one did more than trump for the border. he said it was the most secure border. >> steve: he is coming up. >> ainsley: is he coming up on our show. >> brian: he will go back to work. he will come out of retirement. i will go work for this president if president trump becomes the 47th. unaffiliated border, for republicans 70-28. with president trump, if he wants to campaign national candidate he has a strong case. he can do do and this a put nikki haley aside until south carolina gets closer because he is going to arizona, going to nevada. he needs both those states. he also needs those unaffiliated with voters if he wants to win the whole thing.
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>> ainsley: most of the super tuesday states are for crump, lawrence. >> lawrence: people tell you as they look at the data, new hampshire was a must-win for nikki haley. just because of the voting, makeup, a little bit more liberal, less conservative. these more independent than republican, this was a must-win. and, you know, ainsley, i think you brownt an interesting point at the top of the show. she has to outline what the path is. on the other hand, many people that are republicans, including ronna mcdaniel, who thinks that donald trump is the presumptive nominee has to lay out the vision for the general election. that's what we are going to be following this morning. >> steve: also this morning we got a note last night from bryan llenas who is on the ground here in new hampshire. and he actually figured out what the path was. he was told by a top haley surrogate or, rather,-- strike that just that going forward -- and, brian, i think you
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mentioned this yesterday. she has bought $4 million worth of tv ads in south carolina. she may actually be able to buy more. in the next week or two she will have big fundraisers in new york, florida, california and texas. and she intends to stay in the race through super tuesday because the haley team says five of 10 primary voters don't support donald trump. she is going to stay in the race in case donald trump is forced from the race ultimately. >> brian: that's the path. 15 minutes after the hour. ronna mcdaniel makes this prediction after last night's results. >> looking at the map and the path going forward, and i don't see it for nikki haley. >> brian: but nikki haley disagrees. i will show you what's next for her on the election calendar and for the former president. >> ainsley: plus, duane, the rock johnson, opens up about his humble begins in a "fox & friends" exclusive interview, that's coming up this hour. >> i didn't make it to the nfl.
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♪ >> looking at the math and path going forward and i don't see it for nikki haley. i think she has run a great campaign, but i do think there is a message come out from the voters which is very clear. we need to unite around our eventual nominee which is going to be donald trump. we need to make sure we beat joe biden. >> brian: focus. that is going to be uniting the party ronna mcdaniel saying there doesn't seem to be any path forward for nikki haley after a loss to donald trump in new hampshire. let's take a look at what the election season has coming our way. a bit of a pause. first off you have new hampshire. and we know the dynamics there. undecideds and democrats who thought early enough in october when they realized joe biden wasn't going to get in they took part in this. and, because of that, the delegate number is now 31-16 in favor of the president after victories in iowa and new hampshire can both over 50%, both in double figures. historic. first time incumbent candidate
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has won back-to-back first time contests. next, as we move ahead to what is straight ahead. it's going to be february 8th. there is going to be nevada. who was somewhat complex here is there is a primary on that tuesday. and then the 6th. and then on the 8th is going to be the caucus. primary has no delegates. haley chose to go there. it's free. so the caucus, i think it cost $150,000. for some reason they did not write that check. so nevada is going to go right to the former president of the united states. i can tell that you now. that is 26 tellings for him. s -- delegates for him. no contest until the 24th south carolina a poll dominantly for donald trump, 30 points. this is if this was a touch screen, i would circle, this poll was done in october governor of stat state and two sitting senators are all going
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to support donald trump. it's 13-1 in terms of endorsement. over the former governor of that state. when we see a south carolina poll, that could be a decision time. if she is trailing by that distance, in south carolina, what are you doing for five weeks until you get here? we'll see how that goes and what weather that does influence her decision. the biggest day obviously is march 5th. 874 delegates at stake. all the red are the states going to be up for grabs. what would i look at if we are actually going to super tuesday spilled in be looking at the states that are somewhat independent states, somewhat purple states, somewhat undecided, i would be thinking about virginia, north carolina won by the republicans by just percentage points. would they hold that again? would nikki haley do better down there? that's kind of interesting. what i also think is interesting is colorado. are they going to keep the president off the ballot? what is going to happen in that court case? in colorado, if republicans want to have that major victory, they
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are going to have to take a state like that. will she run strong there? texas seems strongly in the president's camp especially with the great numbers on immigration. so that's how we get there marcf this fight continues. so far as you see, nikki haley has no signs of giving up. and she did better than minnesota thought yesterday but another dominant performance by the president of the united states. meanwhile, steve and ainsley take it away. that's what is straight ahead but next on our show. >> steve: that's right, brian, thank you very much. two in a row for donald trump. this morning fox news voter analysis revealing nearly all republican new hampshire voters say the mental fitness to serve as president is a very important quality for the republican nominee. >> ainsley: lawrence jones is talking to voters live at the copper door here in bedford, new hampshire. hey, lawrence. larynx lawrence good morning, family a big group today here in new hampshire. we have been talking about the data. we have been talking about the fitness for the president.
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number one issue for the folks of new hampshire talk to independents and unaffiliated voters, who would they vote for? a lot of them nikki haley. the question is, if she doesn't make it, who will they vote for in the general? let's talk with some of the folks that have that point of view. ma'am, let's go to you, you said that you was supporting nikki haley, why? >> i did. i think she offers the republican as better path. >> lawrence: you were talking about a fitness of the president and mental. that was your number one issue as well. >> concerned with him. i wasn't a fan the last time around. i have a daughter. we have women's issues that we're really strongly concerned with. i just think nikki haley offers a mornings you know, competent. >> lawrence: both of you young ladies i was talking back and forth with you you said look, you could vote for nikki haley. you said if it gets between nikki haley -- i'm sorry, donald trump and joe biden again, you will vote for, who? >> i will vote for president biden. i have five grandchildren, four of them are girls. and i'm very concerned about
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women's issues and democracy. >> lawrence: thank you so much. this is the voting group that we have been tracking. great to hear from them personally. ma'am, i'm going to go to you as well. who do you see yourself voting for? >> donald trump. >> and why donald trump, ma'am? >> i just think that he ran the company -- ran the country more of a business than, you know, the government and i don't agree with everything he says and does, i think he would do a better job. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. the last family i'm going to talk to is a divided household. you got one that's for donald trump and you got the other for nikki haley. let's ask them why. all right, sir. you said that you supported donald trump. why did you support the former president? >> he got the job done the first four years i think he can do it again get us on the right track. >> you gave him a nasty look. [laughter] >> lawrence: you said that you supported nikki haley.
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and why is that? >> well, because economically, i think she can do better for the country. i think she is can do better for the country as well as i don't think she has drama and we will focus on the country vs. herself. >> lawrence: real quickly if it becomes donald trump vs. joe biden, who do you end up voting for? >> i will end up voting for trump because i do think that cognitively -- i'm worried about the country foreignly as well as economically, i would still vote for donald trump if it came down to him and biden. >> lawrence: as you can see this is a mixed group. nikki haley supporters, donald trump supporters, also independent and unaffiliated voters that we have been seeing in our analysis. we will keep talking to them guys all morning long. send it back to you guys on the couch. [applause] >> steve: very nicely done, lawrence. it's important because here in new hampshire, there are more independents than there are democrats. >> ainsley: lawrence, i'm curious, too the nikki haley voters, you will have to find out from those individuals in the bar, call it a bar ask them
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what the plan is for her where they want to go moving forward. >> steve: yeah, what her path is. that's coming up. in the meantime, we have got another story, it's a bizarre story. three kansas city chiefs fans froze to death in a friend's back door. the owner says he has no idea what happened. >> ainsley: plus, new hampshire republicans ranked immigration as their top issue. retired acting ice director tom homan is the reason why. >> he is joining us live here in new hampshire. and he was born and raised in hawaii. in a "fox & friends" exclusive, dwayne, the rock johnson, shares how he has helped the islands after last year's wildfire desks in maui. the full interview with will cain straight ahead. >> we are all connected to the hawaiian islands. at the end of january, we would have delivered over $60 million to over 8,000 survivors, which, you know, those are my people.
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♪ >> ainsley: we are back with a tragic developing story, the family of the three kansas city chiefs fans who died outside a watch party in missouri earlier this month are demanding answers. >> steve: no kidding. well, apparently the person who hosted the party, their lawyer claims their client was asleep for days on a couch. how is that possible? >> brian: todd piro joins us now with the latest. todd? >> todd: in a word, bizarre. the lawyer now saying his client has no memory of what happened to his friends, quote: he was asleep. he was asleep on the couch. the last memory he has is of them leaving out the front door. he doesn't know what happened with them until, you know, when the police came tuesday night to his house. the three friends were at willis' rental property to watch favorite team play on january 7th when the chiefs beat
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the chargers in the final week of the regular season. police did not discover the bodies until two days later when one man's fiancee requested a welfare check. family members demanding answers on how their loved ones froze to death. >> cover-up. something is wrong with the picture. man-up. tell us what happened. he knows. he has to know. he's grown man, too. he has to know what happened. >> todd: despite all the suspicion, all the questions. police say, quote: this case is 100 percent not being investigated as a homicide. the resident was at the house, was cooperative with detectives the day the deceased were discovered. for now willis is not facing any charges. unclear whether alcohol or drugs are involved. authorities say the toxicology reports should be available within the coming weeks. funerals for ricky johnson and clayton mcgeney set to be held this weekend. a celebration of life for david
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harrington chief's win over the bills on sunday. back to you. what a weird one. >> that is crazy. >> so tragic. >> thank you so much, todd. this morning, fox voter analysis revealing immigration the top issue again iowa new hampshire voters. just like we told you last week. donald trump assuring voters he feels the same way. >> you take a look at our border, so bad there has never been a border like this, in the world. four years ago we had the safest, best border in the united states i wilt hundreds of miles of border wall. >> well, our next guest was at last night's rally. fox news contributor and retired acting ice director tom homan joins us now. tom, good morning. >> good morning. >> last night you said you worked for six presidents. he was the best when it came to securing the border. now this is an issue for the democrats. why is that? >> look, for a couple reasons, i think governor abbott and desantis did a great thing by sending illegal aliens to
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sanctuary cities that caused democrat mayors and democrat governors to speak up. also give a lot of credit to fox news. you guys stayed on the story from day one. you can't deny bill melugin's videos, right? you can say the border is secure all you want. you can't deny what griff jenkins shows you. i think fox news deserves a lot of credit for telling the american people the truth proud to be part of the network. >> brian: breaking it to the worst point ever he admitted it's a crisis. he wants more money. he says give me money. what does money do. >> this isn't a money issue. it's a policy issue. >> steve: right. >> change the policies. put the remain in mexico program this in tomorrow. the highest courts in the land said it's legal then a game changer. those two things along would solve 95% of the problem. >> steve: policy come across the river we will turn you around they wouldn't come across the river. even though we are in new hampshire you are absolutely right. we have been covering this issue for 20 years here on the fox news channel. it was greg abbott who started
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busing people to the big cities, the big media towns and suddenly it's a big issue in the big towns. we are all talking about it. that's one of the reasons yesterday i went out and talked to some of the voters about five miles away from here at the bedford high school. their number one issue. it wasn't just republicans. it was democrats and undecideds. and it's the migration. it's those people coming across the river. watch what they had to say yesterday. >> i ask you who you are voting for. >> yes, for donald trump. >> for donald trump? >> yes. >> steve: why trump? >> i will tell you. i'm an eximmigrant. i'm a united states citizen. my son is a military. my brother-in-law is military i think i get along with whatever he has plan for the united states. i was out of this country and they don't think too well about united states. i want this country to go back and be proud of what we are.
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because i think a lot of people that come here because they expect something. they expect hope. and he could give this hope back to people. >> steve: tom, what i heard from people was they don't just want to make america great again they want to make america safe again. >> the made comment i worked for six presidents. i didn't make the statement. >> ainsley: didn't know going to call you up here. >> worked for six presidents ronald reagan to donald trump. every president did something to secure the border. you can't have national security without border security. president biden is the first president n nation who unsecured the border on purpose. right? i wake up every day angry because of what he did to the most secure border in my lifetime. i started border patrol in 1994. busing migrants to sanctuary cities you know whose original idea that was in president trump. i remember sitting in the oval office. talking about doing it. >> steve: great idea. >> why we didn't do it by the time the plans got together we couldn't fill a bus send to new
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york remain in mexico. third stated country agreement. the policies were a game changer. >> ainsley: that's interesting. >> this administration could secure the border tomorrow if they wanted to. they are not. they want more money to line their pockets ngos hotel room new york city 500 bucks a night while thousands of empty ice beds sitting out there $127 a night. already paid for by the taxpayers sitting empty. >> brian: why do you think he did it on purpose being he is now suffering politically because of it. >> i think he is sold out to the progressive left to become president. joe biden secure fence act. voted for border wall, first day as president he stopped building it. i think it's the left. two reasons. i think he sold out to the progressive left to be president. you got give him credit. he kept his promises. he opened the border like he said he was going to. second of all, i think the democratic party, the majority of them, they think there is a future political benefit by letting millions of people into this country. you know, they say future political voters, democrat voters, maybe. but i think the issue is they don't have to vote.
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what else did biden do when he signed 90 executive orders abolishing everything we did. he changed the trump census rule. >> steve: that's exactly it. >> counted in the census and sanctuary cities. reproportion more seats in the house for congress. >> ainsley: yes or no, more terrorists in our country because of. this absolutely. no doubt about it. >> steve: that was easy and scary. >> brian: if trump wins, you're going back? >> how do you say no to a president who gave us more secure border in our live time. been doing the border since 1984. >> ainsley: thank you for your service and your son's service this morning. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> brian: thanks, tom. coming up wrestling to acting maybe politics. dwayne "the rock" johnson sharts to what led it his successful career changes in a gfs exclusive. that's next. >> a lot of different people have tried to evolve, to change their careers. why has it worked for you? >> i think it's a conversation and convergence of my own ambition but, perhaps, more importantly than that, it's surrounding yourself with the right people.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. take a look at the maps where we have a lot of heavy rain moving across the gulf coast. flooding a concern coastal texas to louisiana. then up towards the tennessee river valley. here in the northeast where we have this wintry mix going on. we have rain, snow, sleet,
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freezing rain and it's going to impact the commute. and people traveling. so we will continue to keep you up to date. look at the heavy rain that moves in not only today but through friday for the new york city area, parts of philadelphia, the interior northeast. so this is an ongoing situation. we have wave after wave of low pressure that's going to move up from the gulf coast towards the northeast. and there's the ice, the ice potential through friday. so, ice on the roads and the power lines could cause some issues, especially for new england. heavy rain in the forecast. so one to two inches of rain. and then you have got that snow that could melt and that could also lead to flooding. speaking of flooding. go back to our friends in the south where we could get 3 to 5 inches, 5 to 8 inches and isolated amount through friday. other big story is the warm-up. we will feel temperatures very spring-like for the eastern half of the country. when you look at what it was last week to what it is this week. yeah 50-degree temperature difference in memphis, birmingham and philadelphia whit'sgoing to be 50 today.
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>> carley: headlines to get. to say shocking story out of california. a woman there was convicted of stabbing a man she was dating to death while -- and will only have to complete 100 hours of community service and serve two years' probation. a judge ruling she had no self-control after stabbing him 108 times because she was in a cannabis induced psychosis. she broke down in tears after a jury convicted her of involuntary manslaughter last month. the victim's heart-broken father calling it a miscarriage of justice and accusing the judge of being biased saying, quote: he just gave everyone in the state of california who smokes marijuana a license to kill. alaska airlines says the company found loose bolts in many of its boeing 737 max 9 planes. the discovery made after a flight was forced to make an emergency landing when a door plug blue out earlier this month.
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facility in wren ton, washington will take part in quality focus work sessions. united airlines looking at alternatives to the boeing 737 max 9. the airline ceo says he expects the company to lose money and the first three months of this year because their max 9 fleet was grounded across the country. those your headlines, steve, ainsley, and brian over to you. >> steve: i was looking at united airlines itinerary, i was supposed to be on one of those planes on friday. not going. thank you, carley. >> ainsley: he is known for being one of holiday's biggest stars. but the rock dwayne johnson started in wrestling. and now he is returning to his roots. >> steve: yesterday, the rock himself, announced his appointment to the board of directors for tko, which is the parent company of the wwe and the ufc by ringing the opening bell at the new york stock exchange. hue cool is that. >> brian: what is cooler is will
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cain was there to talk to him about that big moment. watch. >> will: all right dwayne, rock. what do i call you dwayne, rock. >> now that i own it you can call me the rock. or just rock. >> will: congratulations. >> thank you. >> will: big moment for you personally and for the company tko. [bell] >> very big moment for me personally. very big moment for my family. big moment for us, think nick and i as partners, with tko too as well big announcement today joining the board. some of the other things. and showcasing the power of that and what that could be. especially for a business that i love. i know nick loves in this world of wwe and professional wrestling. >> will: nick, why is it so important to bring in the rock. >> the rock is one of one as you and the rest of the world knows. >> what the rock is cooking. >> leading man not only in film but in television, starting his own tequila company, monetizing that in an extremely lucrative
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way. energy drink with zoya. across the board, first of its kind. to have him back into the wwe family in a meaningful way can only mean a lot for our fans, our shareholders, and the wrestlers. >> will: donald trump has a long history with w with e. what does it mean both the wwe audience and ufc audience celebration of donald trump? >> red states we sell out, blue states we sell out. it's not what we are focused on. what we're focused on is the in ring product and how it delivers to the fans. if politicians are fans of our product, they are welcome. >> got the rock. you want donald trump back in the ring at wwe? >> listen, rock against donald trump, i don't know how well that would work out in the ring for donald trump. >> how about that ovation when he comes out. >> i know presidents donald trump taking his octagon side seat for ufc. >> big ovation. no question. will that's what i'm talking about. incredible. a. fascinating thing that happens.
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you arrive at a moment and say man, look what i have done. somehow i'm unimpressed with myself. >> and then you set the bar further. this is part of that hunger. you want something more. >> i want to acknowledge what you said. i love that we talked about this idea of you never arrive. i think a lot of us are wired in that way whether vocal or internal. i don't know in i'm satisfied. reach the north star hey many i'm on top of the mountain this is great. i think there is more mountain. and you look around. i think there is more to do. >> will: you and i share something in common i don't know nick and did i as well deep connection and love for hawaii, specifically maui, specifically west maui. i grew up going to lahaina ever summer. i have been so touched by this audience. >> we raised $2.5 million. we have hit several hundred families. >> fantastic. >> will: i know you and oprah did something as well. first, let me start with this. what's an update on your fund, how it's reaching the people of lahaina. lahaina in many ways.proud to te
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end of january, we would have delivered over $60 million to over 8,000 survivors, which -- you know, those are my people. those are our people just as americans. and the tragedy that they went through is unimaginable. and, as you know, we know, and the world knows, they are still going through it. >> will: you and oprah got blowback and first of all i want to be here to be someone who defends you on that. obviously that came from a place of a good place in your heart. >> i was surprised but any time something like that happens, where i'm really taken off guard in that way, i always feel it's prudent just to pause for a second and not get pulled into the emotion of it. the best thing we could do is keep trucking forward, keep the heart in the right place, and now we delivered over $06 million. >> will: i honestly want to say thank you for that people need to know what a good effort it's been on that. i have to ask more about the presidency. you said, i believe it was to joe rogan, that one of the political parties had approached you. >> yeah.
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>> will: showed you data which shocked you about how well you would do in a run for president. >> yes. >> will: is this something you would be willing to consider? >> honored and not a politician. never had intentions to be a politician. and you know, as i -- as all this continues to take shape and form, and i get it, especially as ramping up into this year in particular with the election year. i actually got approached by both parties. one after the other. and i said then as i say now, i'm honored. thank you. most important thing i'm doing now is being a daddy to my little girls. i like school drop-offs and i like pick-ups and i like that. and i know that if i were ever to go down that road, which i have no intention to, all that goes away. i don't want that to go away. >> steve: the rock has no trouble holding both of his kids in his arms. >> brian: meanwhile the rock says the nfl was his goal in order to escape poverty. that part of the exclusive interview with will cain come up at 8:30 about will cain.
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>> ainsley: follow him on instagram so involved in his little girls' lives. he lets them put makeup on him and paint his nails. >> brian: he does also so many instagram things where he is helping people. >> ainsley: absolutely, yes. >> steve: come up, somebody who competed yesterday dean phillips. >> ainsley: tim scott and new hampshire governor's chris sununu on last night's results. ♪ oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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