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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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he was on the couch asleep. they left as far as he can remember through the front door and that's the last time that he saw them. and he didn't know anything was wrong until the police knocked on his door at 10:00 tuesday night. >> a friefsh friend inside the home said willis and his attorney keep changing their story and one's father is not buying it. >> i think they got drugged and drug out the back door and booted in the backyard. i want to know exactly what happened. >> willis's attorney calls the dad's allegations ridiculous saying his client was close friends with all of the victims. his client has since moved out of the home. autopsy reports, toxicology results are still pending. kansas city police officers tell us they don't suspect foul play. bill. >> bill: curious story, cb cotton. a tragedy in kansas city. thank you.
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>> dana: a growing national security risk along the southern border getting worse by the day as an alarming number of foreign nationals enter the country, make a run for it and then get away. we have no idea who they are, where they are going, what they are doing, or even why they're here. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. that was a lot of questions. >> bill: yes, we'll try to answer as many as we can. good morning to you. the morning after here we're in new hampshire. big primary night last night. we get to all that analysis. i'm bill hemmer. sources telling fox news since october more than 96,000 managed to cross the border illegally and get away. those are the ones we know about spotted without being stopped. there is no telling how many more slipped in under the radar and all of this fueling a top issue in the race for the white house as we speak. >> if i was the commander-in-chief i would say the policies we've done so far have been wrong and need to secure the border and shut this down and finish building the wall where it makes sense, need
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to put the technology where asked for and agents where they are needed. >> bill: griff jenkins joins us now. what did you find out? >> well, bill, this is the number that keeps agents up at night. they aren't worrying about the massive works of give-ups but rather the ones that got away. cbp sources tell fox this morning that since the fiscal year began october 1st there have been more than 96,000 known gotaways, seen or detected but not brought into custody. that's literally, bill, more than four times the population of bedford where you and dana are sitting right nouchlt an average of more than 800 migrants illegally crossing and disappearing into u.s. every single day since october 1st. as we highlighted yesterday, that columbian criminal migrant caught after being a gotaway underscores the threat they pose and why immigration is such a big i shall knew this election and both gop candidates drove
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the point home last night. >> we have a border that is totally open and dangerous creating a disaster in our country. >> you take a look at our border. so bad. never been a border like this in the world. four years ago we had the safest, best border in the united states. i built hundreds of miles of border wall. >> this has president biden sees some of his lowest numbers ever on immigration showing only 18% approve of his handling of the border. meanwhile, texas governor greg abbott is standing his ground in the wake of that narrow 5-four supreme court decision ruling the federal government can remove razor wire on the border in eagle pass saying that texas national guard continues to hold the line in eagle pass, texas will not back down from our efforts to secure the border in biden's absence. finally consider this. we're 24 days into january and cbp has still not released the official december encounters. >> bill: okay.
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i know you will get it first, griff. >> dana: we know you'll get it friday afternoon after 5:00. one thing we've seen. immigration and the broken border are key concerns for americans casting their ballots. brandon judd is president of the national border patrol council. gotaway estimates for fiscalier 2023, 2021, 389,000. that's a lot. 2023 right now 860,000. yesterday -- monday kamala harris blamed republicans. watch here. >> there is no question that our immigration system is broken and so much so that we as the first bill that we offered after our inauguration was to fix the immigration system, which included what we must do to create a pathway for citizenship and put the resources needed into the border. but sadly, people on the other
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side of the aisle have been playing politics with this issue. >> dana: speaker mike johnson said this answer from biden's border czar is why the administration can't be trusted. they cause more pain. >> let's be clear. any time we talk about amnesty and any time we talk about a pathway to citizenship we invite more people to come illegally. as long as they think they will be able to stay in the united states and get that pathway to citizenship they will continue to come. what we have to talk about first is we have to talk about the border security measures. we have to talk about the enforcement measures. if we get those enforcement measures first, then a conversation can be had. i will never support giving a pathway to citizenship for those people that knowingly violated our laws. it is just going to invite more people. one thing ronald reagan did wrong was immigration reform and
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control act of 1986. didn't get the border security measures up front. waited until the back end and congress didn't approve it. we have to go for border security first, enforcement measures and then more talks. >> bill: voters in america may make the biden administration pay for this. anywhere you go in new hampshire, at any event, immigration and the border was always top of mind. there is this diplomacy that's happening behind the scenes right now between the administration and mexico. what do you think they could achieve from that that could make the current situation better? >> they can't achieve anything right now. we're not coming from a position of strength. you have to look at what president trump did. he entered mexico and told them if you don't give us the resources that we need, this is what i'm going to do. that's not what the biden administration is doing. if we came from a position of strength we could expect mexico to step to the plate and do something. we're not doing that. >> bill: you are also in an election year and an administration that wants a second term. would remain in mexico, a policy
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like that emerge to not stop the flow but slow it? >> the president of mexico has five months left in his term. so he doesn't have any incentive to come to the table and actually do something. if there was something that we could do to force him to the table, then maybe we could get remain in mexico. i don't see this administration ever going back to remain in mexico and i don't see mexico doing it. you have to remember the pressure the cartels are putting on the mexican government as well. they bring the will billions of dollars to the economy in mexico. if mexico was to shut it down right now that money goes away. i could see possibly the cartels scaling back their operations knowing they would rather have biden as president than president trump. that is a possibility. but i don't see the mexican government doing it. >> dana: is it your position you would want the republicans in congress to try to get to a compromise with the democrats and have biden sign something so that some sort of help could
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come your way? >> i would love to see laws passed. that's a long-term fix. we have to look at what are we going to give up to get those laws? if we give up too much we'll continue to invite illegal aliens to cross our border illegally. the long term fix is law but president biden has the authority now to fix the problem but not willing to do it. it's why everybody. when you look at this election in new hampshire it's why so many people voted for president trump because they know that he is going to do what's necessary to secure the border. if he doesn't get the laws he will use executive authority. >> bill: pretty good turnout here. ten candidates eight years ago and two this time. you blew by the number in 2016. thank you for your time. >> dana: looking at our hard copy when we walked in if you go through and look at some of these quotes from voters, immigration comes up several
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times. we know that it was number one issue for the voters last night for knows who voted for president trump. increasingly for democrats, too. they see it everywhere. it covers so many issues. >> bill: nice way to work a cross word, by the way. >> dana: i can't do it online. i'm confused. >> bill: that's that. this, the biden justice department urging u.s. supreme court to keep a controversial abortion pill on the market. a ruling could come in a matter of months maybe by june. david spunt live at d.o.j. what's the issue, david? >> d.o.j. says in a late night filing last night the drug is known as the abortion pill is safe and should remain on the market where it has been for 23 years. the government in this filing, new filing out says that judges should not be making medical policy. the fda should be making medical policy. the abortion pill first approved by the fda in 2000. it is used with another drug to
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end pregnancies. a group in texas sued the fda in 2022 arguing the process by which the fda used was flawed and harmed women. the case has gone up the chain through the lower courts and to the u.s. supreme court. the court has agreed to hear arguments whether to keep this pill on market despite the fact that roe v. wade was overturned in 2022. to the government's knowledge this case marks the first time any court has restricted access to an fda approved drug by second guessing fda's expert judgment about the conditions required to assure that drug's safe use. the abortion issue will be a major issue on the campaign trail. we saw late yesterday just how the white house wants to frame it. watch. >> trump says he is proud that he overturned roe v. wade. he said and i quote, there has to be punishment for the women exercising their reproductive freedom and describes the dobbs
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decision as a miracle. for american women it's a nightmare. >> bill: the supreme court will hear the case this spring. we can expect a decision by the end of june, even more deep into this presidential election year. >> bill: thanks. it all matters, david spunt at d.o.j. . >> dana: legal trouble mounting for district attorney fani willis. now a georgia lawmaker is calling for a special probe into her misconduct allegations. watch this. >> hello, virginia. [cheers and applause] >> the real governor, terry mcca mccauliffe. >> some are calling that an election denier allegation. >> dana: a new revelation since scott pettersson's murder case. a former investigator now says key evidence may have been mishandled. >> this has always been one of those things that sits in the back of your head and bugs you a little bit and you wonder why
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>> dana: georgia district attorney fani willis facing criticism involving allegation of a romantic relationships with a special prosecutor that she hired. tomorrow a judge will hear a motion calling for communication between willis and the federal government to be released. steve harrigan has the latest on that legal turmoil there. steve. >> this is a whole other area of inquiry being opened up as criticism mounts against the d.a. and prosecutor she hired. the total for travel for nathan wade for two months in 2022 is more than $6,000. some travel bills include plane tickets he purchased for himself and his boss, at the time, d.a.
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fani willis. plane tickets to miami, san francisco. now questions about potential white house involvement in this prosecution. defense attorneys want to know about the meetings between wade and the white house counsel. whether he was given guidance on how to prosecute president trump. >> i think it goes back to the essential defense that they have, which is this is a democratic plot across the country to make trump a victim, with baseless prosecutions. they are all politically motivated. the more information you get about meetings between prosecutors, the more it plays to that defense. >> wade will be back in court next week for his divorce proceedings. he is likely to be grilled in detail about his relationship with his boss, fani willis, wade has come under a lot of scrutiny in the past week. credentials are being questioned before being tapped to head the rico prosecution of a former
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president. he mainly dealt with personal injury law and misdemeanors. back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: let's get criminal defense attorney and former assistant d.a. phil holloway based out of georgia. welcome back. you will become an expert in this for us, okay? we're trying to find our way through the maze. where are we, phil? and where are we going? >> great to be with you guys as always. listen, we expect in america, we expect our prosecutors to bring cases into the criminal justice system based on objectivity. we expect prosecutors to be fair. fundamental fairness is what's at the heart of substantive due process under the georgia and federal constitution. so this is why how a d.a. spends her money is important. as we know, georgia is now -- the georgia senate will be looking into these things. how this money is spent because
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as you heard in the reporter package a moment ago say, this is all relevant to the motive that she has in bringing this prosecution. if she is bringing this prosecution because she wants to advance a political agenda that could be argued to be unfair. if she is bringing this prosecution to enrich herself personally by virtue of having vacations paid for, if she has a financial interest in the mere existence of this case and certainly in the continuation of this case because she is steering allegedly money to her alleged lover who is the special prosecutor who allegedly got a no-bid contract and being paid way more than perhaps maybe he should be, then that could create a conflict of interest to the point that the defense can say look, this is fundamentally unfair and a violation of due process and not only should she and her whole office be removed. they will say the case should be dismissed. this is a real problem for her, guys.
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prosecutors do not like to be the focus of attention, certainly not in this way. so it will be very interesting to see how this soap opera plays out in the days and weeks and months coming. >> dana: that might have been true with prosecutors before. a different case in new york, the attorney general of new york wants to be a part of the discussion and in the media. she was in court every day for that one. now you have this situation. you mention the vacations. look at the travel spending. vacation express, $3800. norwegian cruise line. freedom of the seas. i don't like to go on cruises. you've got the resort, spa and casino. is it possible that the trial judge would look at this and say guys, we're not going any further with this because it's tainted? >> that's entirely possible. that goes to the allegations of the conflict of interest. if she benefits in the form of cruise tickets and airfare simply by virtue of this case existing, that's a textbook in my view a textbook case of
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conflict of interest. i just got off the phone before i sat in this chair with senator from the georgia state senate. the measure they have to create a panel passed out of committee yesterday. they need 29 votes in the senate for it to pass and 30 senators actually signed on to presenting the thing. it looks like georgia is going to outside of anything the trial court does, the state legislature, the senate, will look very closely at the spending. did they take other county personnel on any of these personal trips? i would imagine that would be something that the committee would look at. i imagine that might be something that others look at. i know the county commission is looking into this. >> bill: the documents show they were purchased in her name. we don't know if she went on the trip or not. she may have. we haven't been able to nail all that down. phil, give us a final word here. even if this case were to fall apart in her hands because of
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poor judgment, would it not just be handed to another attorney and the case would continue? >> that's a very good point. the short answer is yes that's what normally would happen. there is nothing normal about this case. it would be a question, if she gets recused her whole office has to be recused. if she has a conflict of interest everybody that works for her does, that's the way it works. the attorney general's office may have to sort out who in the state of georgia, if anyone, wants this. if they can find somebody who does even want it think how much it will take for them to get up to speed because willis and the team that she has have been working on this for two or three years now. somebody else will have to come in and get up to speed. it has to be somebody who wants it. this is a hot potato. i would suspect there may not be many, if any, georgia prosecutors who would even want to pick this up. >> dana: a lot of legal drama in georgia. i love this story, it's great.
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>> dana: chinese military simulating destruction to american warships. plus a pro-biden pac recruiting help from social media influencers. are young voters buying it or will they block it? >> don't worry. >> super. >> sorry.
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>> dana: a secret lab in china reportedly carried out a war game simulated against the united states showing hypersonic missiles launching into orbit and destroying american warships. rich edson live in washington, d.c. to explain what happened here, rich. >> good morning, dana. in the reported war game a chinese simulation shows missiles evading u.s. military detection to strike an american aircraft carrier group using low orbit satellites to get the missiles through the u.s. navy's
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spy one radar. detection system on the class of guided missile destroyers, a chinese government lab ran the computer simulation. all this is reported in the south china morning post. a hong kong based chinese owned publication previously published what it has reported as chinese military advancements. a pentagon spokesperson says the defense department does not comment on virtual simulations. one analyst says the u.s. should have confidence in its radar detection systems and this could all be part of china's propaganda strategy. >> it is possible they did this to simply freak out the american people and the u.s. navy. china spends a great deal of time saber rattling and they saber rattle to basically churn up u.s. attention and anxiety and to cause stress in the u.s. military system. the u.s. navy has warned china's
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navy is larger than america and greater ship building capacity than the united states and that china is deploying the growing naval presence more aggressively around the world. defense officials warned china is spending a lot more on its military than it claims. senator dan sullivan says u.s. estimate put china's defense budget at $7 hundred billion a year. two to three times other published estimates. the u.s. budget $8 hundred billion. >> bill: we want to share findings how republicans broke down on the issues and a slice of democrats. that might be a telling story for the white house. new hampshire republicans voter analysis, most important issue facing the country. far and away was the economy and jobs. economy in new hampshire always seems to pop near the top. this year not just the economy but it was immigration. we mentioned this early in the show. everywhere you went in this state people talked about the
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border and immigration. that was top of mind for republicans. let me flip you over here to new hampshire democrats. these are voters under the age of 45 now. who did they support? remember joe biden was a write-in candidate? if you wanted to vote for him you had to physically right in the name. 43% of the vote from under age 45. dean phillips had 30%. this is a little-known congressman from the western suburbs of minneapolis, minnesota who has been pounding the pavement up here in new hampshire finished with a little bit, 21% of the vote. that might be is surprise as well. under 45, something to keep in mind where the youth in the democratic party are centered right now in this campaign. let's cruise back to dana and we'll bring in katie pavlich to address this. >> dana: let's talk about this and get into it in terms of the youth vote. did you see anything trends between iowa and new hampshire or too soon to tell?
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>> it's too soon to tell. interesting to watch the biden/phillips thing play out. it's similar to the bernie sanders/biden match-up we saw. young people want to be rebels and want something different and liberal. why they won't necessarily vote for republicans they want the try and go against the grain and more in line with what they believe in or someone just breaking what's conventional wisdom for what democrats are trying to sell. they also like dean phillips because he is younger and presenting a different point of view. the biden campaign is trying to rope in younger voters including the super boxed supporting the biden team. >> bill: you come to these events. some things surprise you and some things don't. a lot of the latter is how it plays out. maybe we could argue how the vote came in on the republican side last night. held some drama. you make the same case for the democratic side. we didn't know how the write-in vote would go. in terms of commentary among the
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candidates, the only thing that sticks out to me, it's not nikki haley's dress, it is how dean phillips talked about the maga crowd for the rally that he went to over the weekend up in rocking ham county. he made a point to say that on fox and he made a point to talk about that on cnn. >> dana: he is going for the jamie dimon vote. >> if you look at the electorate all age groups, more people getting away from the political parties and saying they are independent. they have left leaning or right leaning but people are disillusioned with the party system. we want to talk to them like a curse word or we believe they're the same as president trump. he is learning that hillary clinton did not do well when she called trump supporters a basket of deplorables. 75 million people voted for the former president and putting
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them in a box like the biden team has. it doesn't really hit people in the way that they think that you will be uniting the country in a way they feel they can move forward. >> bill: we want to get to this other topic. keep that moment in mind as a data point as we move threw that primary season. >> dana: keep this in mind. there was a biden event in virginia. the virginia governor is glenn youngkin. here is what president biden said. >> president biden: hello, virginia. [cheers and applause] the real governor, terry mccauliffe. >> dana: he was the governor. youngkin tweeted mr. president, i'm right here. >> bill: tommy tuberville, the senator out of alabama. i thought saying something like this was a threat to democracy. this man doesn't have a spec of integrity. >> the white house and biden
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team heavely creditizing anyone who may question elections. president biden goes to virginia and talking about abortion and then calling the real governor -- former governor terry mccauliffe when youngkin is the governor and has a 54% approval rating. >> dana: or did the president get confused? did he actually think governor mccauliffe? >> he said is the real governor. he knows that glenn youngkin is the governor. criticizing them over the past year when it came to the elections he was heavily involved in leading up to november last year. they know who he is. it wasn't confusing this time. >> bill: the other thing about the event. reading about it last night. it was about abortion and women's rights. the white house, i think they were smart yesterday. they launched their general election campaign but at that
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event, there were at least a dozen interruptions from people talking about gaza and the war in the middle east. a quick comment on that. something as long as this battle continues throughout the middle east it will be an issue. >> there has been a lot of talk about republicans. there is a primary going on and the split in the party. democrats have a giant split when it comes to foreign policy on the issue of the israel/gaza war. it is alarming to see the stance that a lot of democrats have. 50% of the party say they disapprove of the way joe biden has handled that situation given he supported the only democracy in the middle east, the only place that has freedom for women and people who want to live the lives they do as themselves. and so that is a problem for the biden white house and they've seen it. actually the president i think has a trip planned to detroit to try and talk to muslim voters about how they can handle this situation in terms of polling. >> dana: in the meantime the interns have sent a strongly-worded letter.
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>> they did. they also threatened to walk out. it was snowing so they had to do it a different day. >> barbie's betrayal is the hemmer celebrity news. roll it now. ryan gosling got the nomination for his role as ken in the barbie movie but is disappointed after his co-stars were snubbed from major categories. fans are ripping the academy for the irony claiming they missed the point of the year's top grossing film celebrating female accomplishments. what do you think? >> i still haven't seen barbie. i can't comment on it. >> bill: neither have i. but i know someone who got 38 seconds. >> dana: i said nope. turned right around. >> ryan gosling there is no ken without barbie is saying and he is trying to stick up for them.
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>> dana: we got all the ken we need right here, right, america? >> are you done? >> dana: i'm done now. >> bill: thank you, katie. >> dana: disturbing surveillance footage in the trial of a woman charged with playing a role in the mom of jennifer dulos. what it reveals and whether it will sway the jury. ling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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>> bill: back in the courtroom. a jury seeing graphic video in the trial of michelle. she is charged in connection to the death of a connecticut mother by the name of jennifer dulos. prosecutor say the video shows she and her then boyfriend driving through hartford, connecticut ditching evidence the day his wife disappeared. paul mauro, an attorney, retired
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nypd inspector. they have video getting in and out of the ford f-150 and individual joe to shows dulos slogan envelope into a storm drain and video of seems like just about everything, paul. where is the case? >> this is going to be a tough one for her to get around. so one of the things that's really working against her here is that there is nobody to flip on. so just to recount the facts. mr. dulos, charged with murder, she is only charged with conspiracy to commit murder. he killed himself awaiting trial in 2020. what that means is essentially michelle is the person left holding the bag here. knit video you just showed is compelling evidence. he disposes of 30 items of evidence. some of which have the victim's blood on them and she is along for the ride. very clearly in the video. even her attorney is not disputing that's her. so it is tough to come up with a
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counter narrative if she doesn't take the stand. and if you are sitting where the jury is right now i give the edge strongly to the prosecution. >> bill: the wife is dead and husband killed himself when he was in jail. so we're down to michelle on trial. want to talk about this scott peterson matter. a lot of people are shaking their heads about it. was there dna evidence that was ignored? was there evidence kept from scott peterson? i think it was hard to find people who found him to be a sympathetic character. he is still behind bars pushing for a new trial and there is an operation out of l.a. taking up his case. a good operation. a former investigator from california on abc's "good morning america." >> an agenda or opinion on his guilt or his innocence. this is for me it's a fire investigation in a vehicle that has blood, possible blood on the
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mattress and that right there is important. >> bill: i don't know if they get access to it or not, paul. but in your experience, when all of the evidence is not revealed to the other side, what gives? >> so the innocence project, by their own mission statement, is dedicated to making sure that forensics are applied correctly and everybody gets due process. just to be clear, the evidence against scott peterson was quite compelling and it has been affirmed. his conviction has been affirmed as recently as 2022 when his death penalty was commuted to life in prison. it will be tough to overturn the decision of the jury in this case. what the innocence project is looking to do as the fire marshal says is look at the brown stain on a mattress in a van found roughly a mile from the peterson residence. the investigator say he doesn't feel was fully investigated. the problem is the science to
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investigate it at the time might not have been up to snuff. whether the prosecution ruled it out on other grounds is what they will look at. a few other things they want to introduce. short of coming back with some really compelling dna evidence, it will take something really empirical and scientific to overturn a longstanding decision. the science has come a long way as we've seen. but short of something like that i feel like the investigation was good, trial was fair, and that the conviction will be upheld. >> bill: i am reading your words. peterson is guilty, there is a ton of evidence stacked up against him. you stand by that? >> i do. >> bill: okay. >> i won't equivocate. i feel that's the right decision. >> bill: thank you, paul, for your time today. see you in new york very soon. dana. >> dana: president biden's climate agenda taking heat from
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a fired worker of the keystone pipeline. he says the president is playing politics and it cost thousands their jobs. he joins us after the break. plus people are desperate to get their hands on the stanley mug. are some taking it too far? like bill hemmer? we'll tell you all about it. ♪ at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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open up your world! a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ >> harris: the white house seems confused over who the enemies really are in the biden border crisis. why is the administration more focused on fighting the state of texas instead of fighting the drug cartels and sex traffickers? plus moving on from new hampshire deeper into the republican race to the white house. what is next for donald trump versus a distant contender, nikki haley? senator marsha blackburn, gianno called well, "the faulkner focus" top of the hours. >> bill: there is a craze in getting these stanley cups.
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now it's turning criminal. a woman was arrested in california accused of stealing $2,500 worth of viral tombler. she was caught at the traffic stop after taking them from a store. i would say check perino's suitcase as she leaves new hampshire. just to make sure. >> dana: i could barely get it closed. i didn't take anything, don't worry. the stanley cup. i thought it was for hockey. i don't know what's going on. >> bill: the mind is in dana's sports. >> dana: i got my mind in gear. i want to talk to this guy. president biden's cancellation of the keystone pipeline led to the loss of thousands of jobs. our next guest was one of those workers who lost his job and saying this i had a job in a keystone xl until biden fired
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me. he is bugsy allen. you said if presidents will go after us for political reasons and ignore the damage to the national economy and our security, then we should all be worried. what did you want the message to be from this piece? >> well, i tell you right now, this man and this administration and this climate change or however they want to play it, their money trail has cost our families and kids lots of money. the thing about it is, ms. dana, the whole thing is they aren't hurting me they are hurting the families. this is our line of work. after you work for so many years and they want to just say no, you go do this or you go do this, you ain't going to have no more work. but thank the good lord we got a man coming that drill baby drill. and i can tell you right now we
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fixing to go get our work. look at the stock market. it's already going up. the economy ain't real good. they know who our coming president will be. >> dana: you also said biden's decision has affected every american, not just you or your families. prices on everything spiked, gas, groceries, electricity. when supply of energy is restricted prices go up. when energy is expensive everything is expensive. it fell the day we were fired, the first day of the biden administration. how many people do you think like you work in the emergency field are still looking for work? >> there are still thousands looking for work and it is ham strung us for three years since biden has been in office because i talk to people all the time and they are just having to get a little bit here, a little bit here and there. they're not got big long main
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line steady jobs anymore. the thing is, they have come in and knocked the permits out of the pipelines where it takes a year to two years to get a permit. i was on a small job last year. we had to build team prayers to run gas to reroute the pipe. they are still trying to get the permits and it has been a year and two months. >> dana: the other thing that i read yesterday in the "wall street journal" that i couldn't believe is that biden toys with an export permitting ban. how to hurt allies and the u.s. economy to please the climate change lobby. so you are looking at even more restriction going forward. >> this climate change, they are fixing to break the united states of america. american people better wake up and smell the roses because your energy bills are fixing to really skyrocket if you want to
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knock the band of stuff. we're energy number one. we've got all of the money and liquid gold underneath us and the people are going to have to realize oil and gas is what drives the united states of america, the world. that's what everybody fights about. that is where your most money is in oil and gas. >> dana: the other point the "wall street journal" made this piece was that if you don't sell our lng to the europeans they will go some place else to get it and we might not like the outcome. you are still in cincinnati, we are glad you came back. thank you, have a great day and happy new year. >> happy new year and y'all have a blessed day, thank you. >> dana: i love that guy. before we go, i just -- this will be my one more thing
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yesterday. behind us you saw this beautiful shot, right? fox news democracy 24. that's johnny. johnny's room is right above. right there i'm trying to be a billboard. that's johnny's room. the marching band was staying right below. here is johnny the first morning. ♪ he decided just get up and roll with it, right, johnny? such a good sport and he said he loved the marching band and wasn't bothered at all. >> bill: good sport there. 109 counties we've been through. 99 in iowa, ten in new hampshire. >> dana: that's good math. good job. >> bill: nikki haley has won two counties. over two states. donald trump has taken everything else. >> dana: trump wins big. harris faulkner is next, here she is. >> harris: we'll pick it uth


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