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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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behind us you saw this beautiful shot, right? fox news democracy 24. that's johnny. johnny's room is right above. right there i'm trying to be a billboard. that's johnny's room. the marching band was staying right below. here is johnny the first morning. ♪ he decided just get up and roll with it, right, johnny? such a good sport and he said he loved the marching band and wasn't bothered at all. >> bill: good sport there. 109 counties we've been through. 99 in iowa, ten in new hampshire. >> dana: that's good math. good job. >> bill: nikki haley has won two counties. over two states. donald trump has taken everything else. >> dana: trump wins big. harris faulkner is next, here she is. >> harris: we'll pick it up with
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a fox news alert. donald trump has one rival left and her home state of south carolina is where they will go head-to-head against next. his message, get out. hers i'm all in. you are in "the faulkner focus." voter turnout in new hampshire set a record. trump is the first republican presidential candidate to win contests in iowa and new hampshire since both states began leading the election calendar in 1976. despite back-to-back losses, though, nikki haley is making the case that she is the one with the momentum. trump disagrees. >> when you win iowa and you win new hampshire, they have never been a loss. we won't be the first. we'll win this. we have no choice. >> this race is far from over. there are dozens of states left to go.
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i'm a fighter. [cheers and applause] and i'm scrappy. we still have a ways to go, but we keep moving up. >> harris: today's "new york post" with this cover. don it again. very cute. fox news voter analysis of new hampshire republicans showing 74% say it is very important for the republican nominee to be able to win in november's general election. bryan llenas is in manchester, new hampshire. bryan. >> the voters who said the afwoilt win in the general election is the most important thing. of those voters president trump won them. that's one of the many reasons why he beat his former u.n. ambassador last night by 11 points here in new hampshire according to that fox news voter analysis of some 2,000 new hampshire republican primary voters. analysis showed trump won 70% of the republican vote in new
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hampshire and won by 47 points over voters who said that immigration is the most important issue facing this country. >> you know, i think we called it right, immigration is a big deal. a big deal. a very big deal. we have millions of people flowing into our country illegally. we have no idea who the hell they are. you take a look at our border. so bad. there has never been a border like this in the world. four years ago, we had the safest, best border in the united states. >> as for former governor nikki haley she won 62% of the independent voters in new hampshire. 26 points over trump. she argues that makes her the most electable against president biden. perhaps surprisingly 95% of new hampshire voters said the most portrait voters are looking for in a republican nominee is if they are mentally fit. haley challenged trump who said
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he would do better than haley on a mental competency test. >> trump claims he would do better than me in one of those tests. maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't. but if he thinks that, then he should have no problem standing on a debate stage with me. >> the former governor of south carolina just released two brand-new ads in her home state of south carolina reminding voters of her accomplishments there. governor there from 2011 to 2017. she has a rally in charleston tonight, harris. the polls show trump leads in that state by some 30 points. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. bryan mentioned the fox news voter analysis is shedding some light on what drove donald trump's victory. voters there putting illegal immigration as their top concern and they also say they are financially in pretty bad shape. nearly 90% are either holding steady or falling behind. only 12% are getting ahead.
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some voters here. >> maybe it slowed down a little bit in the last year or so but it doesn't mean it was a lot worse than four years ago. >> you are getting less for your buck now. >> harris: gianno caldwell, just looking ahead now to south carolina, if the trend continues now, the electorate will be so very different than it was in new hampshire. if trump just won by 77% of the republican vote in new hampshire, and republican representative nancy mace told me last week they like nikki haley but they love trump, what could it look like in haley's home state? >> according to fox news republicans in the new hampshire primary voted for trump over 70%. we know that nikki haley big part of her vote total was independents or democrats who came out to try to save her candidacy. honestly, harris, i don't know
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if nikki haley is running for the republican nomination or a participation trophy. it looks like a participation trophy after last night. there is no clear path for her. donald trump is beating her by 30 points in south carolina. we know that winning the general election is very important obviously. but it is republican voters believe that donald trump could actually do that. i think right now if i were to be giving advice to the trump campaign i would say it's time to pivot to the general election strategy and in your outreach strategy with african-americans, hispanics and young people. he is polling well against joe biden in general. we need to pivot right away. now the conversation is about nikki haley and we spend money on nikki haley, republicans now, and i believe the race is over. the primary race is over in my eyes. >> harris: what's interesting about what you said. that donald trump is now looking farther out.
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i didn't mention this. nikki haley doesn't contest him head on in nevada. that's where he will be next. he is going to a commit to caucus rally in las vegas, nevada this saturday. so that's interesting. he is going to do that. the next four weeks could be very long for nikki haley politically. you have to pick up donor money to stay in the race. if he is already going to pick up more delegates in nevada and she can't contest that because he is in the caucus and she is in the primary, it is kind of a little confusing how it worked out but it wasn't a secret. so they don't go head-to-head again until south carolina. if he wins and we don't see a trend where he wouldn't win in nevada, he continues to pick up delegates at this point without her even contesting it. >> exactly right. i think you hit on one of the very key elements here, harris, which is the donors are going to begin to drop off. we had on our air yesterday neil
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cavuto. a donor said if she doesn't win it will go to trump. many other believe the same thing. you have 30 days in south carolina trying to raise your vote tallies but 30 days where donors will be saying i'm leaving you and going with trump. this race is over. if you remember this, harris, in november "the new york times" had a poll which said that in six battleground states, six of those battleground states 20% of african-americans say they would support donald trump's presidency. we need to get out into the battleground states. great he is going to nevada, absolutely. we need to go to south carolina, we need to be all over the map but the focus should be on the general election. joe biden's focus is certainly on the general election and no longer on the primary and he said that last night. >> harris: he didn't want to leave the basement until he has to. ask dean phillips that.
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he got 20% of the vote where biden was a write-in last night. move forward. more interesting fox news voter analysis to dig into now. 15% of new hampshire republicans who backed nikki haley say they want to see a total change in the way the country is run. among trump voters that number skyrockets to 83%. they are looking for wholesale change and that's interesting how different the intensity level is for that, for each candidate. >> and that's exactly right. for a lot of folks they understand donald trump's track record in terms of policy. they understand the migrant issue is a real issue as we continuously mentioned on this program and others, every state in a border state. this is something that is especially impacting and i have to continue to hit this one home. it's impacting african-americans across the country who feel as though the democratic party has taken them for granted and
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disenfranchised them on this particular issue. there are so many issues that donald trump can win on in a general election. joe biden has completely and totally failed. >> harris: i hear you saying it. you want to hit biden where you know he is tender now, with the black and hispanic vote. >> and youth. >> harris: all president trump has to do is show up and he knows that and remind people that he lifted the economy for black americans to a higher point than it had been in 50 years during his presidency. >> exactly right. >> harris: the pandemic folded in, too. he made that mark. a lot of different takes on nikki haley's performance last night. "politico" with the headline. south carolina probably won't save nikki haley. "new york times," nikki haley was an illusion and it just shattered. the "wall street journal" editorial board said she was
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strong and -- >> i did read "the new york times" piece on illusion. it talked about how the media, especially those on the left, had said she had a dazzling performance in the debate when it was a decent one. they encouraged democrats to support her to stop trump. these are things that have absolutely occurred and i will tell you the truth, it hasn't worked. ultimately what we're going to find ourselves in is a debate between joe biden and his failures and what donald trump would do differently. but we also have to keep in mind donald trump's personality is on the ballot. it is something that still some people may not like. it is some people consider it divisive and also consider joe biden divisive. it will have to be a reset overall and we should see a different tone and tenor from donald trump. not sure if it will happen or
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not. we certainly need to see some changes take place in the coming months. >> harris: we're starting to hear it. with the town hall with martha and bret three weeks ago he started to focus less on the retribution and retaliation and the cases and the history with the legal press against him and more on moving america forward. we started to hear some of that from him. gianno, great to have you start us off this hour. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> harris: absolutely always. the united states again has now struck iran-backed terrorists in the middle east. finally we're starting to do some fighting back here. we aren't hitting iran. critics say iran could not care anything about what we're doing right now because we aren't touching them. the administration has to do more. lawmakers in both political parties have been going after the president on many voters' top concerns. >> joe biden using the power of the courts, using every tool to
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prevent texas from doing what joe biden should be doing, which is enforcing the southern border. >> harris: we're looking right now at eagle pass, texas. you know i've been down there and they have been trying to reinforce as best they can to stem the tide of illegals coming across our border. breaking down our sovereignty. they are not backing down in the state of texas, installing even more of that razor wire to protect the border in defiance of a u.s. supreme court decision. republican senator marsha blackburn in "focus" next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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>> harris: defrocks as is taking care of -- texas is taking care
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of its business installing more razor wire even though the supreme court said government could cut it down. illegal immigrants using clothing and blankets to crawl across the razor barrier. they don't care. they want to break in. our nation is seeing criminals breaking laws at the border non-stop. border patrol reports more than 96,000 gotaways have escaped into the united states since october 1st. that's 800 a day. wow. republicans are outraged at the u.s. supreme court's decision. texas congressman chip roy says if the supreme court wants to ignore that truth, texas leaders still have the duty to defend their people. he then told the high court exactly where they could go. it's on your screen. and then a feisty exchange on the issue at the white house. >> why are you guys making it easier for people to enter the
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country illegally? >> i don't believe we are. why do you think we are? >> you guys sued to cut razor wire that was put in place by texas officials. you won in court. so now what? the border patrol union president is saying the supreme court's decision will undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigration. >> the border patrol needed access and that's why we sued to get rid of that razor wire so that they could do their jobs. we want to give them more resources and the answer we keep getting back from house republicans is no, no, no. >> harris: republican senator marsha blackburn of the great state of tennessee member of veterans affairs, and finance committees. when you talk about razor wire and securing something, what do you make of john kirby's argument that they have to cut down that wire to let the border agents do their job?
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>> you know, harris, it's amazing to me. but this administration continues every single day to work to find ways to make illegal immigration legal. and now they are going after texas. let me tell you something. article four, section four. article one, section ten of the constitution gives texas the right to go in there and to protect themselves, to protect the private property of their citizens, to protect what they have that they are to protect themselves against invasion. so texas has the ability to put this wire up. now, i think it's interesting that the court said border patrol could cut that. not they must. but that they could. but it did not say texas cannot put that wire back up. so that's why texas is going ahead and putting the wire back up.
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>> harris: that's an important detail. >> yes. >> harris: one that the white house from the lectern has not pointed out. it doesn't benefit their argument i suppose. one columnist argues democrats are trying to make the crisis work. biden dragged texas to the supreme court because he wanted to remove the physical barriers erected to stop the surge of border crossings. you could not do more to enable the border crisis unless you were using taxpayer dollars to pay the smugglers directly. biden, harris and the democratic party are not seriously trying to solve this crisis. they want to push the blame off on republicans. it is an election year, your thoughts. >> they need to make certain they continue the influx of people. 302,000 in the month of december. 30 people on the terrorist watch list since the first of this fiscal year. this is the imperative. we have to secure our border. we have to know who is coming in
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the country. we have to stop people from countries of interest coming in across our border illegally. we have to know who is coming and why they are coming. and harris, the democrats continue to say open border is their policy. the other thing is there is nothing humane or compassionate about this open border policy because the way that women and children are being treated. the drugs that are coming into the country, as i continue to say every town is a border town, every state a border state. because of what this administration is subjecting the people of this country to with that open border policy. >> harris: all right, so i want to hit a point here because you have been pushing, you sent a letter, i want to know all the details about this. you are trying to say stop putting illegal immigrants in front of our veterans. first of all, what's happening? >> yes, what we know is we have
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hundreds of thousands of veterans on a wait list for benefit and healthcare services. at one point, it was 400,000. we hear it is continuing to grow. now, harris, what we found out, the v.a. was using some of their money, millions of dollars like $94 million to secure claims and payment processing for illegal immigrants and also they were using v.a. resources to allow illegal immigrants to access healthcare in communities. and we're saying no. when you have veterans that are being pushed to the back of the queue and they cannot get healthcare and benefits, and you are prioritizing those that are illegally entering the country, that is wrong. it needs to stop immediately. >> harris: how did we get here? can't we all agree that the men
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and women who served this country deserve better than being put at the back of the line behind illegal immigrants who don't have our rights? >> we should be able to agree on that. everyone should agree on that. but you know, this administration continues to do and take that approach two wrongs make a right. you and i know two wrongs never make a right. and so to take money from the v.a., to take resources, to take caseworker time and to prioritize services and access to healthcare for those that have illegally entered the country, they broke the law to get into the country. this is something completely inappropriate. >> harris: you wonder why recruitment is struggling right now. it keeps piling on and piling on in our effort to keep our military mission ready. senator, great to see you. thank you. please keep us updated on that
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situation. that's critically important. newly unsealed documents revealing fani willis's luxury cruise trips with the prosecutor she hired tore trump's election interference case is what we'll dig into. former president trump beat nikki haley in the new hampshire yesterday. polling expert lee carter is with me. she brings those graphs, those realtime graphs of voters next in "focus."
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election interference case, arguably the biggest of her career. never mind that he has 0 experience in appropriate areas for that job like adjudicating a felony. he was a municipal court judge who worked mostly traffic and family law. important areas but not like this case. credit card statements unsealed yesterday show wade spent thousands of dollars on four separate luxury cruise trips. attorneys for his wife say the evidence clearly shows fani willis was his travel partner for some of trips. it could be bad news for wade and willis. charlie hurt told me someone could benefit. >> it plays to donald trump's benefit because it is such a soap opera. right when you think politics can't get any crazier, this stuff happens. it reminds people everywhere you
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have the highly partisan charges against donald trump. >> harris: that was new hampshire. now let's go to steve harrigan in atlanta for the drama and the details, steve. >> there are crunching the numbers and it appears that the prosecutor wade spent more than $6 thousand on travel in just two months of the year 2022 when he was working for the d.a. fani willis. two of those trips he bought plane tickets for himself and wade both to san francisco and to miami and now a whole new line of inquiry and attack has opened up against the prosecutors. defense attorneys want to know about white house meetings between wade and white house officials. why did the meetings take place? what was discussed there? were they given instructions how to prosecute former president donald trump? the criticism has gotten to the point where some in the legal community are asking whether the d.a. can continue to do her job. >> they've managed to kick up enough dust that the real issue,
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her ability to go forward as a prosecutor, is becoming more and more obscured as more and more revelations are being brought out. >> nathan wade will be back in court again next week for his divorce proceedings. they have been extremely bitter dragging on for three years and likely he will be grilled in detail about his relationship with his boss, district attorney fani willis. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you. donald trump appears to be inching closer to the gop nomination with his win in new hampshire last night. fox news voter analysis shows trump winning by a landslide among voters whose top priority is immigration. the former president won the voters who prioritized the economy but by a smaller 9% margin. 60% of voters supporting abortion rights picked nikki haley, 38% picked donald trump. in "focus" lee carter, a polling
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expert who serves as president of a company. let's get into that. what's going on with the abortion argument for each of them. that's where there is daylight perhaps. >> what's interesting is nikki haley is pro-life. she is still getting the pro-choice support. donald trump has said about his candidacy he knows this is a big issue for republicans and he will be able to address it. this is an issue to watch and really important for whatever the republican candidate has to do to get it right. independent voters, this is so critical. seven in ten independent women one of the primary reasons they go to the polls is to protect their right to abortion. >> harris: i want to bring in what you brought us today. this is nikki haley last night. >> in every single thing that donald trump has said or put on tv has been a lie. don't want to cut social security and raise the retirement age. i never once said that, not
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once. if anything we'll make it coll solvent. i said you can't just good a border wall but stop everything happening at the border. he says i love war. you don't have a husband in the military and love war. if he is going to lie about me, i will tell the truth about him. >> harris: i do want to make a correction for the team. that was monday night. i went to both rallies. give us the grades on that. democrats got -- >> democrats with the blue line gave nikki haley an a. fascinating. independents yellow line gave him a c plus. republicans gave her a d. so many people ask why don't they go after donald trump more? here is why. it resonates and galvanizes democrats and some independents but not galvanizing republicans.
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republicans want to hear more about what is her vision and what does it mean if i elect nikki haley? what does it mean for me and america? she has made the case why not donald trump. too old, lies, chaotic. people don't care. >> harris: you hit the nail on the head. being in the audience people are saying we know why she is here but what will she do next? the same stump speech. maybe the last night and they start voting at midnight a few hours after you get off the stage is when you make a different type of thing. i've never done it before. something people were mentioning to me in the audience. went to this one monday night. here is trump. >> all we want is an honest election because if you don't have honest elections and strong borders you don't stère a country. joe biden is truly a threat to democracy for two reasons. number one, we just said part of it. number two, he is incompetent and that's probably the biggest threat we have is his
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incompetence. this is only happening because we're leading big in the polls. if i didn't run or if i wasn't leading by so much in the polls. if i was in number four place, none of when this would be happening. >> it is a mirror image. an absolute opposite of what just happened with nikki haley. he got an a with republicans. democrats gave him an f. he is resonating with republican base and why he is running away with the republican primary. nikki haley won with independents. you could see that seven in ten of those unregistered or undecided voters in new hampshire voted for nikki haley. seven in ten republicans voted for donald trump. donald trump has a message that resonates because people say if i stand with donald trump i know what it means. it certainly means something on immigration, which we saw is important in the polling. it certainly means something on the economy. i was better off then and by the way, they reconciled themselves saying i'm okay with his
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toughness and gruffness and the roughness around the edges. i want a fighter back. >> harris: you would know. you are talking to voters every day for years. quickly, nikki haley talked a lot about the border. she wanted to differentiate herself from the rest of the pack on the left and said just like donald trump she would build a wall and do more. here is trump from monday night again. we showed you haley hitting trump. here is trump hitting haley. >> radical left democrats are supporting nikki for one simple reason. they have know she is easy to beat. you see that with the polls that came out tonight. we're beating biden by so much, probably get indicted three or four more times by tomorrow. they will indict and keep indicting and keeps driving my numbers up. i can't figure that one out. i don't believe she is electability. >> harris: one gentleman said i'll donate.
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>> it does galvanize his base. republicans gave in an a, independents don't like the mudslinging going on. he is on to something. every time there is an indictment he gets a pump. this story going on in georgia will give him a bump. americans say the system is rigged. eight and ten americans say the system is rigged. only 4% of americans say the political process is working. this all is seen as a political witch hunt by so many americans. they want somebody fighting back and he seems to be donald trump. you will agree he is a fighter frnlt eight in ten americans who voted for donald trump between iowa and new hampshire said i did so because he will fight for our rights and fight for people like us. >> harris: that's so interesting. eight in ten say it is rigged and believe he is the guy that will fight it. thank you. nice to see you. fellow democrats tore into congressman dean phillips
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continuing his primary challenge to president biden. maybe he hasn't seen the polls showing voters what an option. anybody but biden. president biden heckled by anti-israel protestors again. [shouting] >> harris: very interesting numbers on the president from new hampshire democrats and it is not sunshine and roses in all cases. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm...i...added...the garnish. book direct at
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[shouting] >> harris: president biden's campaign event went sideways. anti-israel hecklers interrupted 14 times. the president did win new hampshire but the fox news voter analysis found just more than half of democrats in the state would be satisfied if biden won the nomination. 13% said they would not vote for
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him in the general election. a former obama official with some pretty brutal advice. >> if i were biden, i would stay hidden. i tell you why. he doesn't inspire confidence. and he is not a great messenger. he hid during the last campaign and now come out and be flash gordon and save his own campaign. >> harris: scheduled to begin moments from now the first white house press briefing since trump and biden both won in new hampshire. white house correspondent peter doocy is live from the white house with more. we understand if you have to move out of the way as the briefing starts. take it away. >> until then there was a conference call with biden campaign folks in wilmington today and said to president biden sympathizes with the hecklers last night. all 14 of them. >> listen, i think what you saw yesterday was a president who
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understands and respects americans' fundamental first amendment rights to peacefully protest. that stands in stark contrast to donald trump and the republicans who don't seem to understand the same thing. >> as the primary results came in president biden played pundit. he said it is now clear that donald trump will be the republican nominee. the biden team really wants to pivot to the general election and so does the trump team. that won't happen for a while. >> every single day we're not talking about joe biden is a day wasted as republicans. but more importantly, it's a day wasted as americans. we must make it clear that a 10-million person illegal immigration invasion of our southern border is devastating. devastating in crime and opportunity and devastating in employment. >> yesterday president biden tried to elevate abortion access as an election issue. today union jobs, next hour he will go across town to an auto
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workers union meeting here in washington. harris. >> harris: interesting. i wonder how much he will shove his favorite topic of electric vehicles in their faces. a lot of these car companies are having to make tough decisions right now. peter doocy, we'll monitor all of it and you'll let us know when it starts. for more on this sirius radio host and -- let's start with what we think will be a victory lap for the white house after new hampshire but they have some problems. mark penn. >> well, it is a victory lap. i think that he did very well on the last minute write in and defrock new hampshire in the end they shouldn't have done that at all and should have just -- but no question that immigration has surged as an issue. i was stunned in our national poll that we just got back a couple of days ago it was the number one issue in the country.
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that's not good. >> harris: i would taught us that, didn't they? that's how it was in iowa. the states are actually inside the united states so we will see some commonality there. >> look, i think the most troubling thing for democrats and joe biden has to be the fact that most democratic voters in new hampshire don't want joe biden to run again. most of them believe he is too old. they are not excited about him. not enthusiastic about him. it is as if you are sitting at a camp fire and you want the fire to be flaming and burning hot to keep you warm. the reality is biden's flame is dimming. people are beginning to walk away and looking for something else. anyone out there but him. i think that's a real problem. you are seeing this with young voters, with black voters and latino and asian voters. critical blocks that helped him in 2020. he only won by less than 100,000 votes. i'm not certain that momentum can be maintained this time
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around. >> harris: it isn't anybody but him. they don't seem to want the vice president. she ticks off some of the boxes. president biden facing backlash for saying this. >> president biden: hello, virginia. [cheers and applause] the real governor, terry mccauliffe. >> harris: social media users called him out. libidos of tiktok. i was informed denying election results was against democracy. start the impeachment hearings. not sure how our democracy survives this kind of election denialism. why would he have done that? he knows what's at stake? or does he? >> i just think he likes terry mccauliffe and >> harris: he lies about the election and how it turned out because you like somebody? >> same thing that's done with trump. whenever either of these two presidents make a joke, everybody takes it seriously. >> harris: if trump jokes about
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being an election denier it is not okay. if that happened, we saw it happen with biden but it is okay. >> if trump jokes about it, it's okay. the problem with trump was serious about it. but if he wants to joke about it, i cut them both a little slack on their jokes. i'm not going to -- >> it wasn't -- the joke fell flat. >> harris: if it was a joke. we still don't know. >> you had democratic strategists saying you can't criticize the former president about this issue while the president is out there making the same joke. glenn youngkin won by a significant margin. i voted for him and he is doing a great job. i think joe biden it goes to the enthusiasm issue. whatever you may think about donald trump. he can go in front of an awed yen whence for two or three hours and riff without a teleprompter.
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he seems energetic and passionate about the issues of importance to his voters. it's not the same thing for president biden and why you see him going in front of the crowd telling a joke that no one really laughed at. they don't see the same enthusiasm. the fire isn't there, harris. the has to concern a lot of people. as it was stated on cnn, many people look at joe biden and they are saying you can't run your campaign from the basement this time. you have to get out there and campaign. when he is campaigning, they realize this guy just doesn't quite have it. >> harris: a new washington examner opinion lays out the six questions every democrat has to answer. one, how exactly does trump pose a threat to democracy? two, why do you hate trump? three, can you name three accomplishment of the biden administration? four, do you honestly believe biden is mentally competent? five, are you proud of biden on the global stage, six, are you better off now than you were three years ago? reverse order now.
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back to you. >> look, age is a big thing that no one can change, harris. we will all age differently. a lot of talk about the president's faculties. i won't get into that. there are more critical issues that americans care about like the economy, like millions of people coming into the country we don't know where they are. costing some cities millions of dollars a day. remember new york, harris, they have to call parents and tell them to come get your kids so they could house illegal immigrants for one day. that is a problem. that's a problem. so again when you think about the most fundamental issues in this country, the fact that the divide between winners and losers is expanding. the whole dignity is work is no longer existence. elites on the east coast look down on the rest of americans. joe biden isn't speaking to those very real problems. >> harris: when will joe biden get to his bill clinton moment i feel your pain on the economy? >> he just may have an improving
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economy. he has low unemployment. >> harris: you can't be more delusional about the messaging not working than he is. we can only take one of you at a time. this is serious. people don't feel what you are saying. >> i agree with you today. it is improving and i don't want to make a judgment on the economy until summer. what has happened is immigration is the number one issue. that means people are a little happier with the economy than they were because it is the first time i think it may be 20 years that it is not the number one issue. >> harris: are you polling people on this? the polls aren't showing this. >> if i could rebut quickly. cnbc had an article that came out several days ago. 62% of americans living pay doak paycheck is a problem. >> harris: gentlemen, i will bring you back. thank you so much. "outnumbered" after the break. at
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of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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