tv Hannity FOX News January 24, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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book ever. murphy from cincinnati, ohio if biden's a no show, trump could hold a debate with an empty podium that clint eastwood tried that didn't go over too well. carl from poughkeepsie, new york. if this in this election thi, the economy, stupid. >> it's the invasions, stupiisd yeah. >> tomorrow we're going to have a special report on what looks like a real constitutionals co crisis colliding in texallids. >> johnny from tampa. maybe that woman's dying wish was to votwoman'e in the bridget election. very insensitive, jesse. that's right. she's probably signing her will and signing her signatur e. wanda from frankfort, indiana. jesse i'm a good wanda. i have never stuffed the ballot box. you're giving us a bad name. wanda'wanda.s in karen's. k >> sam from michigan. y, sam. mortars. and this is mym er world.
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>> and welcome to hannity, and thank you for being with us. state new hampshire primary is now in the books. donald trump is now two for two, but nikki haley is vowing to move forward. and coming up tonight, the very latest fallout. the polls analysisfallou. >> and we look ahead to nevada and south carolina. rvie now, also tonight, we're going to bring you a very special interview with vice pre president harris. apparently, the border czar has now dedicated more time and effort to correcting her height on wikipedia thann actually securing our wide open southern border that they keep telling us, lying to us say is closed and totally secure. meanwhile, despite not campaigning in new hampshire, it has been a very trying week for your in chief, joe biden. >> just take a look. what's donald trump now? >> a valuable lesson. don' lesson,t mess with the rumk unless you want to get u the benefit. sean: we're going to give w you multiple opportunitiesr
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to be able to decipher and determinrmine it is youbide actually said there because not only is biden now slurring his speeches, but he's also getting heckled and getting heckled repeatedlyd heckle by ms of his own party. they now are calling him. joe. and that's not all. last night's results out of new hampshire and well, frankly pretty embarrassing for joe biden. have a congressman. how many of yo joe u have heard anything about dean phillips, who you know, feutw people have heard of him. he took 21% of the vote. marianne williamson took% an 5% and biden won the stateen with what, 55% of the vote, vot? the lowest total for a sitting democratic president since jimmy carter in the republican primary. trump pulled off yet another double digit win in a hotly contested race against formeradr ambassador nikki haley. and between her campaign and super pacs. while nearly $30 million wason spent on governor haley in the state of new hampshire.
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that's twice the amount spent by former president trump. and haley got a big boost from independents and democrats who registered and dem as indeps in order to vote in the state's open primary syste im. accord now, according to even a cnn exit poll, a whoppining 70% of haley voters in new hampshire, they were not registered republicans.t and still, donald trump pulled off a double digitstered r amid record turnout in the granite state. they had a huge turnout. i and the next contest is in nevada, where haley is not even on the ballot in the state's caucus t sta. and then from there, trump and haley, they'll face off caa. th carolin i now, this is nikki haley's home state where not long ago she was a popular governor. and yet, according to the realca clear politics average, donald trump is up by 30 points in the state of south carolina. th carolnikki haley, she's facig a steep uphill battle. so it's no surprise that she and donald trump are now exchanging barbs. politicsexchangi simply spill ae
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and it's just a blood sport and almost every primary, the rage while the race gets heated therace at some point ans getting to that point. haley claims she is more electabl e than donald trump. but according to a brand new messenger harris poll, whilump ise trump is now beating biden by a whopping seven points in a hypothetical match up, that's more than double haley'setical lead againt biden in a recent poll. and needless to say, the mobth, the now simply they're just terrified. they're scared to death. 'r >> take a look. what we are looking at hereg is an extremist maga basetivate that is motivated by the politics of grievance. and that is donaldievanc trump incarnate. >> what did you think about the tim scott momente, donald ? e the stage with trump? ? i mean, i've called the great emasculation of the republican party. trump has completely emasculated these guys. trumthey have few moments in my life. >> i've been more embarrassed
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to watch tim scott, who you know, i know tim and i are bothn practicing christians, but i don't know if he could pray, like back to the other side. i mean, it wasknow humiliating to watch what tim scott did. >> joe biden will remember the margin of victory after last after tonight. but people the will that speecht which was vicious, even vile. >> what he'sech, whi offering ig man leadership, the end of politics, the end of electionsf t, the and are tt are the sidelining or domesticating, as ben-ghiat says of the judiciary and the congress. >> it'll be he'll be the man in charge and he'll get it done. and that's what he's selling. and that's what they are very eager to by attacking african-american conservatives. >> that's fairn game, as per usual. now, for the better part of a pr decade, so-called journalists, then not journalists in america, are breathless, reported that the sky is falling. donald trump's to blame europet to year. they predicted the collapse of our great american republic ,the democratic republic, and told us that donald
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trump would lead a us to world war three. and oh my goodness, he's going to have control of all of our nuclear arsenal and reality. the exact opposite turned out to be true. why? because under president trump, wh under biden, we have war. under trump, we had almost n o inflation and record low interest rates under biden. americans are getting squeezed every single day. 60% of americans now live paycheck to paycheck. under trump, we ha od secure borders under biden. well, wide open borders, a wave of unvetted illegal immigrants like we've nevera seen before. close to 10 million, if not over 10 million. every single thing you caner think of is worse underoe joe biden. housing is unaffordable. homelessness is up all over the place. crime, you know, how does that defindee no bail laws? and reimagining the police worka . and crime is up everywhere. overdose deaths, they're reachingthe reachi reco. as well. american democracy is being ri to shreds by rogue
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activist judges and state officiales. we have parents at school board meetings and pro-life activist s that are marching peacefully, being targeted by joe biden'thas doj for not staying on message. and so much is at stake this coming november of 285 daysnyon away. well, i won't tell anyone what to do with their campaignwl . i never have. i'm not going to start now. but whent start the republican e is over, it is vitally r important that everybody comeomn in the gop. everybody in that caucus t gop,t they better come together to beat joe biden. bid they better get smart when . it comes to voting early voting by mail. voting by that resistanceg and that reluctance and also democrats, their practicing c something called legal ballot lega states that allow it while republicans better match and surpass thosttere in 2024 so they don't start out election down hundreds of thousands of votes. anyway, here with reaction,
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the trump organization. >> eric trump is with us. you know, there hasn't been. well, first of all, in iowa, there was never there's never been a person by a larn that woa larger margin than bob dole, which was 1988. and that margin, i think, was 12.8%. your father won by 30 points in iowa. your father comes back and does something that hasn' bac t been done since 1976. >> he wins iowa, then goes on to win new hampshire, and he wins it by double digitsw in a state, frankly, whose system of voting in primaries syste dot like. i don't like open primaries. republicans should electdates an republican candidates. in my view, democrats should elect democratic candidates. d elect you can't deny thesehese are are historic results for your fathe r. there's no question about that, sean. frankl qy, that's exactly why the mainstream media is so petrified of him. it's why they go on anth dd do the types that you just showed right there. they're petrified of him. he wonthey are petri the largesr in a primary in iowa, as you just said, the largest margin
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ever in new hampshire. he received yesterdain newy he received the most votes in a primary ever in the history of new hampshire. and by the way, he's beating biden in every singleating be nl poll, many of them by ten, 11, 12, some 15%. the media is absolutely petrified. my god, my father' absolutelys . guy in the world. he wants strong borders. he wants a great economyrders a he wants a strong military. he doesn't want to see this country go into wathis cour. three. he's sick and tired of the games. they're sick and tired of the nonsenseired o. t and i think the enthusiasm, john, that we're seeing all over the place, massive turnouts. this is the american people who want our countryple wh back. they're tired of the worst rs president in the history. this country by far, hands down. it's not even close. they want a strongit's not e gun the white house. and that's exactly my father will do. exac will do who my father is. >> you know, you look at, forooo example the media, this is nowsn two part one caucus,y in one primary end. and here you got joe biden. he lives and says the borderth
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secure and the border is closed. that's not truede it's never beb true since he's been president. we can see with our oweepresiden he brags about biden. about60% of americans now live paycheck to paycheck. >> he lies. you know, i never once spoke to my my son, my brother or anybodther or y about the farm s deals, and he's up to his eyeballs in it. and yeeballs it here we have a m and a primary. your dad's givinar g a speech, a victory speech and fake news. cnn wants to fact check himm in real time. and most dnc wants to do the same wants after they were f excoriated for not even taking a single word of your father's speech speech. that's nbc news now. what is your reaction to that part of it? but as we took your dad'rt of it s speech, it was in my hour,n in this hour. my hand we ran the whole thing e people can decide for themselves. our re >>ac what's your reaction to how they handle this or trying to shock anybody? i mean, they've been censoring sincr. calatov
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you know, the minute he down the escalator, anything they put outythingput ou, he wor at any and all his press conferences. they would censo all ofr, they woulds word distort his words. they kicked him off of twitter. they kicked him off thd . theams. i mean, any chance that they could remove a public, you know, platformy for my father to use to communicate to the american people? they did. does it surprise you that most dnc is doing the same thing on, you know, new hampshirg on newey night? of course not. does it surprise you that cnn is doing the exact same thing agai doesn, showing their petrifiedfy of my father and his message? my father is one person who does not need this job. i talk about that all the time. his life would be exponentially better if he was at mar-a-lago, if he's enjoying life, if he's enjoying his grandkids. the guy wants to save this country. our whole family sav wants to sa this country. inr republic is going downve the tubes based on pure incompetence. and you just mentioned the border a second ago. i mean, if biden was so focused on the border, why doeed on thss federal agents going and cutting the barbed wire to allow illegal immigrants into thi barbes country?ountry i mean, why would he b?e doing that if he cared so muchr about our economy? econdould he have allowe
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inflation to hit 10%? he could have brought down gas prices. my father hawn gasd the lowest s prices in the history of this nation. e ory ofthe first thing biden ds he put a ban on the keystone xl pipeline. put all drilling. illing he effectively did a moratorium on oil and gas aon. and guess what? inflation shot through the roof and inflatioess what thrn was my outpacing wage growth in this country, whichoutpac was crammig down the ordinary people in this country was makin g lives exponentially harder. if he cared about the economy, wh.t thy he have done that? it's reckless. this guy's policies are reckless r, drivingto the our country into the ground. we're not perceived as strong anywhere in the world. i mean, literally other countries around the world. we have properties in some of these countries countrie . they're laughing at us. they're laughing at the united states of america. you have a zelenskyy they areghin last week that literally went to switzerland to try and negotiatt toswe peace. wasn't that always america's place in the world? you go to america, negotiatezer peace. you know, switzerland. you don't go to france, you don't go to these other countriefrances. a. no w you come to america. but we don't have that standing in the world anymore. we'rg ine losing our currency,
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we're losing our culture. we're losing our freedoms, we're losing our constitution. we're losing god in society. >> we're losing it all because we have an incompetent human being in the white house. and wewe h your strength againon and my father will do an unbelievable job. he wil l get this ship back on track in about 2 seconds flat. >> let me ask you this. and i've talked to a lot of people today, and nikki haley is not even competing toi halea, nevada. and i'm not really sure why i apparently i guess she didn't file the right paperwork. something happened. i'm not surehe right pap . but then the next statein that they will compete in is her home state of sout his oh. currently, the real clear politics average has your dat clea by 30 points.po >> is it even really worth your dad's time to engage in that part of the primary? >> p and maybe it's time to piv and really go after joe bidegon >> well, i think you can do whe both at the same time. and i thought, it's funny, i'm standing right behind
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my father last nighti d be and e mentioned competency, yet she lost by 30 points in the first.h she came in third in iowa. she lost decisively last nightev in newel she filed the wrong paperwork. so she's not going to be wek. e ballot next wee the bal so my father is going to go running away with nevada and then he's going to g o beat her in her home state of south carolina by a lot. and i don't think there's a single elected officia there islo ha in the state who's actually endorsed her, which tells you probably everything you need to knowdorsed os the actuali th person. so i think my father can do both. i mean, he's clearly going to winink my nevada. and w he's clearly going to win south carolina. and i think he's going to win every single statelclearl on sur tuesday. in fact, it's upsetting michigan because at this point , i believe that she's just in the race to be a spoilece trh and when you see the majority of her donors are democratic operativeser, frankly, rhinos. i mean, look at the person who who's one of her largest donors is the very guy who's funding many of ths the e lawsuits agai my father right now. so when he thinks he has to stay in newnow.someon york at every single day. reid hoffman, does that surprise anybodingly? it surprise anybody that 70%wh
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of the people who voted for nikki haley yesterday were not nikks. ere de they were democrats and some independents. i mean, shawn,mo at this point, i truly believe she's being paid or something to be in the rac some as a pure spoiler. and, you know, the party should not put up with that. you know, we need to focus our guns on. >> she wants to win. she has to win for ford so her o be competitive and. so far, that's not going. to happen. and, you know, she can overcome a 30 point deficit in south carolina. ointthat would shock me. your dad has the current governor, the sitting governor, two sitting senators, most of the congressional delegation and most ofi read somewhere a d of about 150 statewide officials that are endorsing him. eric trumpabewid, great to have you back, sir. >> thank you. we appreciate it. don't likebae just her. we appreciate you being with us. than youk you.joinin if i heard i think i heard n you right. anyway, joining us now with reaction, fox newow with s contributor joe conscious. >> joe, great to have you back. let me let me go offgreau ba ons
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issue of how the media, they feel compelled fact checkri in real time whether it's fake. it'ss who's nothe's a journalist he's a liberal talk show host oiberal tr the tl hat conspiracy theorist known as rachel maddow who peddleddle lies about trump and russia and putilin, you know, for years on nbc and now she's actually saying what he's offering that, you know, explicitly is if you pick me, that'll be the end of politics. you want to have to deal with politic you do ts anymore. o deal you won't have to deal with contests or divisions when it cor divi i'll just do what i want. >> they just make it up and. they make it up year in and year out, and nobody ever calls them out on it. they never get hit for the lies they tell, even when they telle the same lies for years on endse and it gets proven false, they never get held accountable. thever get helt? >> well, we call them out and at good thing. but the "new york times", sean, cas not endorsed a republicaimn
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presidential candidate as far as calling out since 1956.. >> right. they haven't endorsed anybodey >> in other words, they said walter mondale, that's your guy in 1984. "the washington post" has never, ever endorsedsed a a republican presidential candidate, which meant they saireicand their cau. here you go. or john kerry. perfect. >> in other words, they're going to be protected by other members, th in the mediaey are because they all are singing from the same sheet of musicll . >> it is beyond tastic, by the way, that these very members of the media who insist they're here to save democracyt ,donald trump, all while being the american version of pravda and making sure that voters don't hear directly from donald trump while filtering his speeches so they can controlhi his narrativl soks when trump talks about the crisis, that is a catastrophe at the u.s. southern border, where hundreds of terrorists have crossed into this country illegally, that's not my opinion. that's according's not m to the.
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it's according to border patrol. this is something they don'tl. th want their viewers to hear about because they know that thirs to hes is issue thatn biden is currently polling at, % what, 18% as far as his handling of the border and. >> it is a number one. but number two, in this election, behindissue in the bed the economy. >> go ahead, sean. but biden lies . about the border. he said the war is close. the border security lieshe sair. i'd never once spoke to my son, my brother or anybody for that matter. >> biden-nomics is phenomenal. bi excepteat success the american people see and know otherwise. these lies are told with regularity. but the medi a, they're so sanctimonious, so self-righteous. i guess they so believ e in their cause that they're so perfectly right that they they are goinly rightg to take it upn themselves to only fact check one person while either ignoring or regurgitatingstrati the lies of the administration. explain how that media works. feelonhoorks for. >> well, here's the good news,
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sean, that the media used to be when we were growing up. all right. you ha were gd abc, cbs, nbc and cnn. >> now you have fox. now you have social media. nol mew you have a whole bunch of different podcasts that get infinitelydifferen more listeneo most other news outlets, so to speak. poso this is where we are at ths point. there are so many options ouinto there and so much information that people can grab that the influencn e of our media isn't remotely what it used to be. i'll u it with this 2016hillary hillary clinton got 57 andn got 59 major newspaper endorsement5s . and what does that get her? a set of steak knives and a concession speech. in other k ncession, the messenger isn'tge trusted anymore. therefore, the influence isn't therr e remotely like it used to be. and that's good news for people who are looking who are h the truth sean. all right, joe concha, we're looking for the truta weh and we going to fight hard for it. appreciate it. all right. coming up. well, we're goin ming up,g to see if
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you can decipher joe biden because his struggles have now b becoming way too obvious orco f even the liberal media to ignore anor the . unfortunately for biden, his vice president, harris isn't faring much better. we're going to show you the recent lowlights. you don't want to miss it. put on your hat. see if you can decipher joe'sa comments. >> this is a test. straight out non-expert is embarrassing toenails into clear, healthy looking toenails. 90% of nails significantly improved no matter how many years you've struggled. nomics works finally in flip flops after 20 years and they are some of the hottest videos on social media. >> those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes and yet figaro is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. this one is for real. and what it does is, it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes and not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of both feet by lines
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sellers. go to ship station .com slash, try and get two months free. >> all right. biden said the struggles have become too obvious for even the liberal media now to ignore. >> last night over fake fake news, cnn's jones had a word of advice for joe biden. >> pay closed r attention is a pretty well-respected voice in democratic circlehe's as. >> listen to this. if i were biden,iden i would.
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i would stay hidden. hiy. hel tell you wh he doesn't inspire confidence. and he'snce. not a great messenr for himself. >> hide and let everyone else do the talking for him. what a great plan. plan, jjust like 2020.2020 joe's handlers might want to listen up, especiallylers mir his latest string of gaffes, including this one from a speech yesterdaying of. againw again, we're going to give you multiple opportunities tonight to see if you can a decipher what it is he's trying to actually say here. >> take a looky.. >> duote, donald trump, a valuable lesson. t don't mess with my work unless . >> you want to get the benefits better and better? no, no, i don't get it. maybe you figured it out. figured we'll give you another e later in the show to try and interpret that. unfortunately for this t administration, kamala harris is not faring much better when our so-calleala harrd border czs asked about the crisis. she launched into anotherd bizarre word, salad. >> look at thi nothers. 68% of americans disapprove
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of the way the biden administration has handled the border. soadminist handl how do you add? have you done enough, ari? there's no questionstio our immigration system is broken.n and it needs to be fixed. and as with any problem, thend s leaders will participate true leaders in the solution. shoul maybe you should go visit the border. number one, maybd bordere numbed maybe you should have figured out and stop lying to usd stop y on when you said the borders closed, the border secure, because that's been a lithe bor. three years. and while it's clear she has no solutions at all to addresswide the wide open southern border, she is working hard to fixrn bos a serious problem plaguing our country. her height as listed on wikipedia. oh, that's a big problem. >> so instead of fixingki the border, she's working on wikipedia. take a loong ok. >> i recently learned
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you're only five two. is that true? absolutely incorrect. okay, i am five,is absol four a a quarter. and i'm five and a half. and with heels, whicr.h was around five, seven and a half. thank you very much. okay, wikipedia, you're wrong, and we need to correct that. >> i've said this to my team. like what? i don't know where that. i said. it came from. it's like, literally they just want to just make a smalleeyr in every way. >> and by the way, i k you as a little kid how old they are. oh, i'm. i'm six and three >> that's what thatre wha conversation soundedt th like. it was reaction.e white house correspondent our very own peter doocy. siuse corresr, really to get a a democrat and you have people like david axelrod who's been so critical of joe biden, guysne ,james carville, even maureen dowd of the "new york times", van jones jones advices pr is probably very solid. cand let other people campaign for you. it seems like they're adoptingth that strategy based on his very light schedule over the lastat you know, 34 days or so. is that is that a fairdays t assessmentha?
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well, it's tricky because. there are certain things that the people who speak fores joe biden, like his press secretary or like the folks or lfolky in for the agencies t can't talk about. abconcer't talk about anything concerning the 2024 election because of the hatchelection acc >> it's against the law. and so as electoral issues v and as questions about what biden thinks of donald trump, i keep coming up and they will keep coming up over the next couple of months. nobody can answer those question as now except fore presid the president. >> and we do see himent. less,ce less. >> and in the press corps, it gets pretty frustrating because in the beginningtscause in dayst the first two and a half years, he would host events in the white house all the time, and he was always leaving an ear open for a shouted sho question, even if it was justo. going to be a word or two. we would have a little bit of a window into his world.
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he's only had one event at the white house this whole year. so far, two states have voted. it's the end of january. and so. >> yes. well, peter, let me tell you'vea had some great exchanges recently. >> one was about joe biden and his cognitive abilitieons. t mep karine jean-pierre. let me play that. and i want to play an exchange. ed i want , with john >> take a look. where are you, ben? just preparing for this moment . >> i think i'm going to disappoint you really badlyou . you've been preparing all this time for this moment. it's not going to be that exciting. s moment it's ni should see.hink i why do you thinkt it is thatt e more and more polled feel like over time president biden is getting and less mentally sharp? which poll is this? abc has president biden's rating for health since may down five points and for mentalr sharpness down four points. mentayou know, i have to say tu a little confusing for me becaussie you look at what this
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president has done in the last s three years, historical pieces of legislation right? it comes to a bipartisan infrastructure deal. many presidents beforefrastruc,e your favorite president, had said that you want to doent? right now. why don't you why don't we let the american people guess? >> letbut that one.d me le let me finish. let me finish. let me because you asked mt e a question on the. >> no, no, no, no. let me. let me finish. let me finish. let me finish. >> and you'll. you'll guess who i'm talking about. u will g who awhy are you guys t easier for people to enter the countre y illegally? y do i believe we are. t why do you think we are?hi well, you guys suenk we d to cuy a razor wire that was putficial in place by texas officials.s after the border patrol could actually do their jobs.r >> but keep going.oi well, you won in courtng. so now, when the border patroll union president is saying the supreme court's decision is going to undoubtedly encourage more illegal immigratiosion will unn.
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do you guys know better than the border patrol union? the border border p needed access,trol n and that's whyee we sued to gett rid of that razor wire. so razor that they could do their jobs. we want to help them do their jobs. we wanrwe want to give them more resources. and the answer we keep gettingth back from house republicans is no, no, no. >> house r for three years, thee been telling us the border is secure, the border is closed. everybodurey has been saying it. and on the issue of thisf abgnitive abilithiy, it is obvious and transparent to everybody. van jones obvious s saying he ne people to campaign for him and thato camp needs to basical shut down and hide. i thinhik that pretty much addresses his cognitive strength there as well. addressegnitive you. well, it's -- it's tough because one president at a time, right. we are there to ask questions about joe biden, the 46th president. and we hop the e to get answers from his team about joe biden.
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when we ask a question about joe biden. n, wt looking for an answerbouta about any other president. and asny van jones, his point, f that is what democrats think that's what democrats think. but there are these big things, includinbut thg questions aboutt that we want to hear joe biden answer to only he can answer. and so, mr. president, i know you're usually watching at about 930 on fox just fill one s us in a little bit. we will be the ones shouting from the lawn. what makes you think he's up this late? watching m y show? because i think the odds of that are probably nextif i to zero. and i really ought to bet. i'd say joe right now is dead asleep. that's where i put all my money out. but you to tell the teaml th tomorrowe morning what hannitya would say. and it's every day. oh, yeah. that's what i think out he'll get a print that he'll get a print out of it when he wakes up from fro his deep sleep. anyway, peter, great to see you. thank you.
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great to see youu.up next, bidel immigrant crisis. it is crippling america's biggest cities. and our very own sara carter heads biggs to new york city. with curtis sliwa. you're going to witness you owd it's gotten in that city. and we'll check in with senator linsey graham straight ahea are somed. benefi there are some things that work better together, like better together, like your workplacet savings lawyer provides tools that help you make the right vowell inv and benefit chs so you can reach today's financial goals and look forwar d to a more confident future. >> well-planned, well invested, well protected. at jones, we know one thing and one thing only backs drained backs from weekend chores, dip cold backs, doing your favorite hobbies. we even know quarterbacks don't. the experts back pain relief for more than 100 years available at a store nea r you this tax season bex docu more efficient with the all new epson and rapid receipt smart organizemereceiptsr. it's the easy way to scan, digitize and organize your tax
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the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. call meyer blair law firm at one 804 six seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> supervisor is the number one selling brand for men's, and health and for third year in a row, it's the number one urologist recommended brand
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a pretty.nearly and tonight, nearly all off ne new york city has been impactewd and affected by the border crisis. earlier today, we sent our own b sara carter and former new york city mayoral candidate curtis sliwa visit the major illegal immigrant housing sites. gues illegals what?cation those locations were under heavier guard than the actualke border. you can't make this up. take a look. tit's never ending line. i >> i mean, is it like this every single day? it is. more and more illegals are coming in.e ille we have all these illegall aliens packed in the rooseveltae every day. i was just here. firetruck came. the cops came herei was fire tru . going t before i say you're going to go in right now. we're not permitted to go in. ot pwhatwhat do you mean you're permitted to go into the roosevelt hotel? why don'to go t i, as a taxpaye, have a right to go in there and see where my money is going ? this has been a field. this is public lanhis is pd tha, you know, supposed to be used for families. >> this has beenes. all put asie for the illegal aliens cards on them to let them. >> yeah, they just shut
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the they just shut the gate on you. yoyes. now, you cannot stay right here. why not? you cannot stay. you cannot stay. what are you going to do , bad we arrest me? too bad we don't have fences like this at the border. i neve this atr. e i'd live in a country where weyr letting strangers come to ourr d borders. and yet we, the taxpayerers ans don't have a right to see what's going on. it's really orwellian. they can come in, but we're not allowed in. >> no, it was reaction. south carolina senator linsey graham is with us. so he got 10 million or so unvetted joe.en ill illegal immigrants wereeg paying for food, water, housing, education, health care. cities are overwhelmed. o even democratic mayors and governors have had iverwt. >> and yet they've been telling us the whole time that the whol,'s >> it's not.ot and look at th.e impact. i mean, what is the end game here? why do they have no interest?
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>> do they not? did they not get alarm bells in their mind when you hear people from iran and syria and egypt and afghanistan they and russia and china there, because that's where they're coming from. >> yeaming h. our fentanyl poisoning of our young people is the leading cause of deathe leadin among americanm 18 to 35 is coming across the mexican is made in china,rd. comes to mexico, comes across the border c. the drug cartels, human traffickers have been the biggest beneficiarumany of e biden presidency. why is president trump leading h in south carolina by 30 points? the people of south carolinaeveh believe that donald trump was the best republican presidentld since ronald reagan. people in south carolina do not believ reagae trump creates cha. they believe that donald trump can up the chaos being created by biden, that donalngd trump is our beste hope to secure the border, to make us energy independen bo to manage the economy, and to put out all the fires in the world. innikki haley is a good person.
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>> tim scott is one of my best friends. i endorse donald trump on day one because i saw from a front row positionsa of four years of the toughest guy i've ever seen in washington who broughte the world to a better place a b on national securityette thano anybody since reagan, who made a strong get home and strong overseas. donald trump's going to winh ca south carolina big. not because we don't like nikki haley. we do. we just believe donald trump iso best person to be president. and without donald trump, there are no trump policies. >> can you explain this to me? we're going to have an open primarolicies.>> cany if donalds the general election or not. he's won decisively in both new hampshire and iowa. thd since 1976.since she's not competing in nevada. . so now we have south carolina next and she's down. real clear politics average down 30 points. whary would she risk losinghomes in her home state by such a big
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margin when she could come back in in three or four yearssn and run a campaign in an open primary where i think anybody'so odds would be better, don't you thinddk? >> well, nikki haley has beenkil her friend forey a very long time. >> she was a two term governor. and people likshe watwo terme hs are good at home. why is she losing to president trump? >> it's no fault of her. it's the asset's ns and attribus of president trump. >> i can't express enough to then't exprs enough people wg your show that those of us in south carolina who respectlie nikki haley believe that donald trump is the most capable personp is t to be president. that can be a joe biden, but not just the joe biden. clean up a broken border, scared the hell out of the terroris scat help. >> israel who's under siege. make us energy independent again. why do i say that? because he did it before. running on on the republican side can say they've beenside c president exd
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him, donald trump. >> and when you compare his presidency to that of joe biden, he's going to beat joe bide goingn like a drum. he soat's why he's got to wingo south carolina. p that's why he's going to best the next president, united states. he's the best personat he's t to do the job and to clean up the mess created by jo ue bidenh and by the way, the way that tim scott's been treated by liberals in the media, the way many african-americantre fans are treated that are conservative in the media,in it's -- it's repulsive. anyway, good to have you back. senator graham, thank you. when we come back, details of what hunter biden's lawyers. actually told lawmakers is now starting to come out. ow start come ousome of.mments a these comments are pretty shocking. james comer updates straight aheapretty shod as we continue g for your family is a top priority. what happens when you need a portable care person? e ministries could save you up to 40% today.
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and tonight, new reports hun about 100 biden so-called sugar brothers told congress behind closed doors. according to a transcript of his testimony revieweclosed d by kevin morris, said that the first trump impeachment over ukraine created an emergencp impey hunter to file his back taxes. now, morris alsos allegedlyolds confirmed that he still holds a stake in a chinese backed private equity in a firm, whichs been at the very center of much of the controversy aroundhady b hunter biden's shady business dealings. and when pressed on the million5 dollars that he allegedly loaned to hunter, the hollywoo d attorney defended himself and saying that it was purely a produc himselfing it wt of frp with hunter and an attempt to help someon atte that he believed was the victim of political smears. really? anyway, here with reaction, house oversight committee chairman james comer is withoveh us. >> congressman, let me askme a you about this. he did talsk yk about in februay
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2020 that it was an emergency that that hunter filed the tax returns. and, you know, saying that they were under considerable risk personally and politically only to get the tax returns in political risk and amid an election cycle. now, i don't know, maybe,nance you know, campaign finance law better than i doha. is that an in-kind contribution to joe biden to take away a potential political liability from his father, that being his and his farm business deals? >> it sure looks like i think if it were any other campaign, there would campaign watchdog groups coming out screaming at the top of their lungs. >> loo k, that is a campaignca finance violation. kevin, mauricempaignce put thatn the email. he said, we have a political problem here. if w h problem e don't pay these taxesw and the political problem was we believe, joe, the embarrassment to joe biden with his son getting carted off by the irs for noed t
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paying taxes for many, many years. >> again, this for many, is to n in-kind contribution to joe biden's campaignd to the tunehos of hundreds of thousands of dollars at the time. now we're up t to millions of dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars at the time by illions a that hunter biden just met a few weeks before at a political fundraiser for joe biden. that wasl fundraiser for the fie kevin morris ever met hunter biden was at a political fund raiser for joe biden during the presidential campaign against trump. s >> and a few weeks later he sent in emails. we've got a political problem h here. >> we've got to pay this money. all right. so morris alsoave to p told your committee that he provided any er, you know, didn't have to repay any of these loans until 2025 after the next presidential election. after thand al soans can be forgiven and then confirmed that he still holds a stake in this chinese state backed equity o >> well, what do you make of those two developments? >> well, as someone that's been
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involved in banking, forgivable loan is a grant. a grant is taxable. >> look, hunter biden is likes myself or any member of congress or my my children is a politically exposed. ban one reason banks have that definition of a politically exposed is to make suresure that people like me ort biden aren't getting sweetheart deals. >> you can'tyou can' be grantedt a special interest rate. you can't be granted loans loans with a lower than then normal collateral. loan i h here we have a guy that's gote e a loan i've never seen in my entire life, and i've seen a lot of loans. no interest, no paymen t until until 2025 and what's called a balloon payment. on we asked how confident he ws that hunter would pay it back because of. hunter biden doesn't have any assets or any income and he owes, you know, at least 5 to $6 million if he's going to have to pay interest on i$6
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>> how is he going to make that payment? it's not humanly possible. so's not h the fact that a lawys even loaning their client money ,that's an ethics violations by the bar in california. tht raises campaign finance violations. >> it raises ethics violations. iolationit raises tax evasion consequences. on. i mean, the list goes on and on. and for the democrats, jim, you're askin act likg act like s is no big deal. i mean, i find it hard to believe ii find i to bef trun 5 million dollars given to himto by someone that, just metfundra donald trump at a political fundraiser a few weeks before and send an emai weeks befl. we've got to give him this money or it's going to have political consequences. i believe, jamie raskin, would h have a little bit more concern for that than he showed during d than hthat deposition. re get congressman, i think you're getting closer e truth on allthtian of this and doesn't smell good on any leve smelll. nk you congressman colmer, thank you. when we come back, hillary clinton, well, she made some comments about barbie and the oscar snub and of course, related all of that to hersel snub.f.
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cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs are deducted from your 80% share. only if we win called the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> every day can be extraordinary with rich creamy, delicious buying tony's yogurt from the campaign trail. voters turned out in record numbers for the gop race to the
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border. we witnessed about 30 migrants cross a very high real bridge and around the world. the pushes deeper into the southern part of the strip. fox news channel is watching. all right. some on the left, they are outraged. direct barbie, the movie director greta gerwig and leadad actress margot robbie were snubbed by the academy awards despite the movie's strong feminist messaging. e thryan gosling, by the way, hv however, it was nominated for best supporting actoer r for his role as ken. sorry i missed this one. now, of course,unit hillary couldn't pass up the opportunity to make this all about herself. posting on x quote while it can, sting to win the box office but not take home the gold, your millions of fans love you. >>f fa here was the host of fox news saturday night,e hostay jimmy bailey. what's up, my friend? how are you, my man? how good to see you.>> pou good to see you.r well, for hillary, i mean, of cours e she's got to make ite
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about her. and, you know, joe biden became an election denierbiden by sayig the real governor of virginia is terry mcauliffereal. in case you thought it was glenn youngkin. oh, no. so is hillary sayinggkin. s hillar that putin hacked the oscars nominations? is that where we are now? this isn't good. let's start with the obvious, sean ryan gosling apologized right away for getting nominated whil e they did it. and that doesn't surprise me because anyone who's ever played with barbie d withs knows that ken has no. but as it pertains to hilary. stick with me here. okay. it is. by the way, hilary, that. >> that might be that might be a little tmi for me, . you know. we're listen, we're handed off the gutfeld. don' t dance. it's going to get a lot worse for handing it off to gutfelg d in 3 minutes. >> he's going to go there. let me shaunie. okay. this is such pick hillary clinton, because as you said, of course, she makes it ofr. she but in the process, she really shows you how out of touch shems is with everyday americans. and what i mean by that is margo.t robbie just made $50a
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million to pretend she was a plastic doll. do you knoastiw how absurd. >> it is the people who've got to get up and go to work tomorrow t that we shouldon beh be upset on behalf of the plastic doll ladaly, the only or who deserves a trophy from tropt dads straighve who had to sit through that movie for their daughteh r show out $82 and get told dld men were the devil for 5 hours. norrell man, that you must have seen the movie. all right. now we're going to plaily a little game. you have to now, jimi, translate biden's gibberisu hav >> us? what is joe saying here? take a listee sayingn. liste >> donaln.d trump won a valuable dosson. don't necessarily work unlessnt you want to get the benefigetit. that i have it. i think what is itat he wa? i think what he was saying to the american people is gavin newsom 2024. okay. staye is n 202o wa4.y that guy
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is staying on the ticket, sean. we have a president that you couldn't play in scrabble because he makes up words. eokay? you can't do this. four more years of the matter. >> but out of my son, when s the united states when the united states president speaks at the united nationstas they're not supposed to translate it to english. >> but here we are. here we are. jimmy fallon. great. ened now i feel enlightened tonight. all right. lef unfortunately. have a great night. that's all the time we have left this evening. t always, thank you fg the show possible. please set your dvr so you neve r, ever, ever, every" miss an episode of hannity. but it is any time every time.. all the time. hannity .com. in let not your heartr be troubled why greg standing a by he'll put a smile on your face. that's next. a great nigh
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