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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 25, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. still winning, that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, our nation's billionaires did not get rich and powerful because they like to make bad investments. they got rich and powerful because they made good investments. at least one high profile nikki haley donor has decided she is a bad investment we learned linkedin founder reid hoffman a biden supporter and haley backer announced ending support for her after double dignity new hampshire loss. also more bad news for nikki. a republican fundraiser told . a republican fundraiser told cnbc on wednesday that three clients who each helped haley raise upraise $1 to $100,000 for the campaign are now opting out of her. >> so this bad fundraising newsn followedfollow pitiful post losy spinner among
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>> it is just sad at this point to run around the country carrying water for the people who despise the g.o.p. base as n otthe frenetic sarah goods tryig to convince you of the collapses not inevitable. >> two states down and only one race in the lastle w couplks.e s and she's ramped up attacks and effectively ththate incumbent presiden t for sure but every time nikki haley isn't the waydy sh oe knocks it down and pushes
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everybody out of the race. she's got one more hill to climb and that is to be trumping her home her home state. >> laura: time to switch to deuse de decaf. if haley thinks her home state. will deliver her first win it id highly unlikely. j she is cruising towards bushpshi bill. a any momentum haley can claim out of new hampshire's daunting poles and the expensive month-long campaign to reverse f them in a statd lie if not for r connections she would have little chance of success. now at the republicans have challenged trump and gone on ton be influential and extremely well produced and protected. there is a space everyone in th party can disagree like ted crud who will join us in a minute, marco rubio, rand paul, desantis they all did thatf spirit if the voters think you are against them on on the sidel of liz cheney and trumpers and
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will never forgive you. it ioughs not true the republics to step aside and bow down to trump, forget about that.s, but the more that haley takeslk biing money from trump haters, n more she repeats talking points about his mental fitness andgoin perceived to looked down onan trump in his voters, the harder it will be for her to find her wa y back to the republican party, which i think she wants toes go back to.ce just listen to the loudester voices begging her to stay inug the race. >> nikki haley, there is only ma one way through this, there is lightweight down there at the end of the tunnel. you keep going and may be don't win out right but war of attrition. >> if you are the donor class, i will put more money in your bank account. >> laura: did sh>>e say thug gec out? i actually have more respect for
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joy reid than the other one that spoke before her. even texas moderate john cornyn decided toso give up the dream someone other than trump. last t night, he said he seen enough and it's time tonight. the this is not complicated if you want to be the republican nominee in 2028 or 3032 or 2036, you have to be able to credibly stand and say donald trump did a fantastic job as president. tried to do the best for this country. w he was unfairly persecuted by the doj infer that we celebrate him and his accomplishments. i guess what i'm of the voters will have to think that you meant what you o now one of trump's go to lines on the watch. >> i will never let them take away your freedom.[c never let them take it away.he [cheers and applause] they want to silence me because i will never let them silence b
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you. and the end, i just happen to ba y.standing in their way and i wl always be in their way. >> laura: that resonates because that is how many voters feel that their own governmente not onlyth doesn't care about them, but doesn't care that their policies are hurting the mentmiddle class. theyyour actually think the government hates them. they hate your values. they hate your big maga churches in youthr gas guzzling cars, yor tofamilies and they don't like your patriotism too but trump's message will you essentially be remembered. when you go to vote for me, you are really voting for your yourselves. that will work huge for him in t south carolina and then three strikes, and the key.g me and that is "the angle." nikki haley is claiming she hads a big victory last night. r she is in it to win it. >> that is not right. this race is over.wa donald trump is the republican nominee. res you look at iowa, the results in
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iowa were staggering. he win over 51%. hewo win by 30 points, 98 out of 99 counties on theby only county he lost was by one vote. that result was staggering. that is why i endorsee donald trump, it is clear he will be the nominee. the voters have spoken overwhelmingly. but then you look at last night new hampshire and modern history a few win iowa and is new hampshire, you are the republican nominee come up without exception yoe wau are te case. new hampshire was nikki's last dance and she put everything in she had, every moderate never trtrumpers behind her. he is the nominee.s nikki is probably going to stick around because she's got money and lots of people riding herro checks that hateli donald trumpo this race will end in south carolina ande south carolina he will not just win by a little bit but by double digits. it could be a 30-point victory like iowa and crushing my
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prediction right now nikki will drop out 18 hours after south carolina. after that you cannot go onle periods be when i hear herabou people talk about, senator cruz, super tuesday. >> she won't win super tuesday. >> laurasa: you have been in these campaigns and i'm not trying to say every political consultant is bad because it is a business and it's in therethey invested interest to keep you in the race as long as possible because they make more money,t. right? >> that is absolutely right.ruz. i do a deep five dough mightto dive on the podcast and today is all about analyzing what nikkik does come i think the rational thing for nikki to do would be to drop out now.t i don't think she will do that. i put it 70/30. every persont drops out when she is broke but she's not broke. she has donors that hate trump that will write checks bute everyday she stays in this race -- >> laura: doesn't not hurt her for the future of the party and
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she doesn't care?mo >> all the consultants aroundst her and everyone of them makes money by restating in peer they are all saying stay, stay, stays here it's beenhe when she doesnt have a future in the party.out >> of course, this is about 2028 right now. 8 >> laura: this is not helping her 2028 you cannot get up at the republican convention and burn burn or speech about how you will win. >> 30% of the vote or thes establishment. nikki has decided that is who she is and that is the link she is running. b >> l30 percent does not beat 70i i think the rational thing for her to do is to recognize trump thwill be the nominee. i have to say some of the things she is saying about his mental - closeness that is ridiculous. but joe biden obviously haspe diminished massively. so the left is worriedop. aboutt you wouldn't let joe biden
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handle the remote on your television. th te less talking points, trump is old too. nikki is echoing that and to bring it t o defend joe biden.t, what i said just on the podcast dotoday, all right, find myna suggestions for the general election hernnere let's do a cognitive test joe biden versus donald trump, though winter is president and trump will with biden's. does not close. >> laura: the texas stand up on the border,ing governor abbt is now going after the biden administration for failure to secure the border and taxes is going to continue to take the border security issue into its own hands. they put up more of the razor wire. is this a common alamo right now? >> yes. joe biden has deliberately9. becaus6 e this invasion in texaa and the united states, 9.6 million illegal immigrants.g i'm proud of our governor and our legislature.n is
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we are depending texas and the legislation and joe biden is suing texas trying to stop us.go >> laura: mitch mcconnell is looking like he saying this deaw is not going. >> it is a terrible deal. look, a lot of the d.c. establishment onceob this deallc designed notol to solve the problem. telling myre colleagues, don't h any deal thaavt fails to secure the border. we have to fix the problem or give up on it. >> laura: alejandro mayorkas is goibord not going to care abe border. >> it's not only that hets alejandro mayorkas won't fix ite he wants it worse which is h why i'm fighting it. >> laura: let the voters fighting in december, great to see you. nothing more in reaching to thes left than african american who they can't control. it is why they hate clarence thomas yet love claudine. he refuses to be the race puppeh but she plays right along.ju this is an excuse to lacerate justice thomas but they bent over backwards for years to downplay and even hide herur
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academic no one should be surprised that south carolina senator tim scott would become a targed t when he endorsed trump. >> by god who is tim scott? who is tim scott? the guy that nikki haley appointed to the senate. he is supporting a guy right now. >> he is easily the most racistw president and our lifetime. >> i don't know ho hw he sleepsi night. i don't know how he faces his friends and family. >> laura: i don't know how he faces his friends and family. i don't know, but he came to>> i face me on theov "the ingraham angle." senator tim scott --of senator, were you expectingha this kind f treatment? >> i>> was not, but your is whai do i expect the left to lose their mindth because donald trump didh more for minorities thenin joe biden who will ever do. think about the fact that donald trump put more money and
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black colleges and universities than any other president, any other president. tot >> laura: how about wages and small businesses? >> the wage growth was her than the top 30% and lowest unemployment rate in the country. first under donald trump.ia you think about sickle celldo anemia who help champion theft? donald trump here and think about the greatest antipovertyny program in the history of the country, opportunity zones,. donald trump. >> laura: how about just a good economy? peo that helps the rest of us. >> he helps white people come up black people, brown people. >> laura: they are going personal but i'm used to it because of what they did too justice thomas that has been 40 years.d it is so disgusting, it is so predictable, and it is so lame. they are out of ammunition peer they are out of ideas. you have to agrence withle themr you here it's, you are an uncle tom, that is what theyes say. >> the most bigoted comments come froliberam the liberals.rd the racist that we should turn
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our focus towards teachers union with the greatest future t. they refuse -- i can't imagine why the democrats have not just said, dear people, i'm sorry, we resign, love dnc.t fr truly that is the best thing they can do for the nation. i am looking forward to bringing this rac se fotar donald trump e the next president in the home state of south carolina so the rates can be over and we can focus on firing -- >> laura: nikki haley as your body. things get uncomfortable and he was pretty tough on her last night. a tough address. i would not recommend he go do that in the address. but that is trump. was it uncomfortable for you because she is your friend? >> she has decided to be a moderate republican candidate. >> laura: she said she is not a global list.o sa >> when you are not willing to
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say unequivocally i will protect social security for every singlh senior citizen today. >> laura: if they just say it is the 20-year-olds that will have adjustment with the age. >> what's the plan, what's the plan. when you think about the fact we don't spend enough money on our iborder and we talk about ukraine, israel, which i support both here and i can tell you this if we don't hav e accountability, you can't put money into ukraine. you have to protect america's rossborder. the biggest inflation in american history is come across a southern border. >> laura: is this done at the senate, mcconnell. speaking of things reporting from jake sherman late today l was told a closed meeting with senators and may be right there, that clip fore republicaniss and linking ukraie iner t the border. >> the democrats prefer the issue and never forget any issue impacting marginal people. theyo go with probably not wit.
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solution. >> laura: mcconnell has toto come back to trump. he said trump is the nominee today, basically trump. >> the entire party coalesce aroundd trump. we are only talking about biden versus donald trump and his four years. we win because the american d people win. >> laura: do we wantowt. to save not?romiry were will you promise to come back am lot during the campaign? >> only if you love me. >> laura>>: i'm so right theto s right people insulted you by the way.oint good job.ta nikki haley 0 for 2, down 30 points in her home state so why the big money types still sticking with her? we will ask two of them next. ♪ ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ ♪y in >> laura: no nikki haley spent more money in new hampshire and iowa by donald trump i a lot anp certainly more favorable presstf coverage than donald trump. she had the support of both state governors, yet, even with the granite state drawing in the voter base, she could not close the margin against trump towh single digits. we are curious, what are the billionaires and the millionaires and sub-millionaires who are continuing to back haley thinking? joining thng joinie art two haly
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donors, ceo of bruker c corporation and anti-sabin chairman of save a metal corporation.tart both are nikki haley donors and it is great to have them both on. i will start with you, frank. what is the scenario in which you think haley can win? is it fanny smith or jack smith family willis or jane doe mike jack smith taking trump down? >> we are not nikki haley donore but nikki haley supporters. we are the independents movingva the needle and this is an independent group that tends to have a say in the selection.w ha we have just really been very successful in new hampshire. we brought out 20% new voters,. two-thirds of those voted for nikki haley who we strongly support. but we are not donors to nikki haley. we will support her in south carolina and super tuesday because the first time we have this one-on-one comparison then
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no longer confused by the attack, desantis run. this will be eliminating to the american public. >> laura: i will get back to this but she only won what was 26%, 28% of republican voters. a lot of the people you are referencing or democrats who switch their registration a few months back.exit >> we are looking at the exit polls. th >> in october and they didn't switch or lead peer those are independents, centrists, those are key republican party to not lose again as the senate under trump as they lost the house. t those are exactly the peoplehe that the republican party will need to beat to be relevant inra the general election. >> laura: just so everyone understands, losing is actually winning in new hampshire. >> no, it is called silvermout metal -- he will not put wordsto
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in my mouth. >> she must win in new hampshire and not come in second by twoe, points or one point in order to be a viable candidate, she must clearly show she is a winner. she has to win. >> laura: andy, what has changed?e ha do you agree with your analysiso ld>> you have to know when to hd them and you have to know when to fold him. it is time for her to fold them. she has absolutely no chance. to go into south carolina whents you are 31 points down and you've got two senators and a e yogovernor supporting trump, y humiliate yourself and ruin youa political career?mo she is better off taking that ecmoney. i will be the first one to write her a check in 2028. if for some unforeseen reason,r trump implodes over the next six months for something none of us
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expect, she has the money to jump back in. but she is being advised by people that see her as a moneyua chain. they like the money as her consultant. they know she drops out and it all dries up. ted is a very good friend of mine, ted cruz but i disagree withe bi him on one thing. the billionaires and millionaires that i know are not following heningr and planning o keep writing checks and senddon' good money after bad. i don't see that happening. >> laura: frank, do you want a to respond to that l?in because look, i understand a lot of people backing independent movements against trump. they have got to put their money insomewhere. i understand that but mitch mcconnell comes out of a closed door session as reported earlier and look, trump will be the all you guys do now is help biden. >> i think it is american people
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that get to have a say.r we we want they've had it. >> we are very clear. th e the candidate for the future p is nikki haley and we will support her strongly. i i think she will pull in and e gets better known.nd eri think she will pull in a lot of voters. if she is the underdog.s she advanced to the conferencewl championship game with the super bowl in november. you all want to fight the super bowl right now. she is advance d and among thetr lastum two as they take a close look at her and trump who in many ways, my opinion a flawed candidate.ra: she will get a tremendous c further boost. >> laura: do you think she will win south carolina, frank? >> i don't know, we are focusing on south carolina and super tuesday. she h has two advance further. right now, she has the underdog but it would be the absolute wrong time to give up. i thin ck we have a good chanceo do what this country wants, l
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mainly 70%au.vo >> laura: ten they should have. turned out to vote for nikki and iowa and new hampshire. really q quick everybody knows o she is. frank. real quick. i'm sorry, anti, real quick. >> anyway, she has a good candidate, 2028, why humiliate yourself in south carolina and r home30 points in you state?ll it is political suicide.s >> she won't. >> laura: you won't get those trump orders back if you continue to insult him on thea trail. andy and frank, good to see you. are out of touch press will cover trump in the general, hint, shadow of the biden campaign. and "the angle" starts its own fact-checking next
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♪ ♪ct >> laura: in aio sign of what is to come in the general election, the mainstream media is refusing to allow to them to link to a lengthy viewership with a opportunity to listen to trump speak without the peanut gallery chiming in. it is like the old mysteryst science theater but without anym of the interesting insights. now msnbc did not err trump'swa victory speechxi by ed rachelad maddow waxing on horrified that he had actually won. now last night cnn and msnbc cut trial of two fact-checked him. >> i heard two or three thingsa, that need fact-checking. >> he claimed democrats were able toa vote only register republicans and those registered undeclared wcan vote in the republicanore primary. >> if we ran his own speech, we
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would have to fact-check in 2024. >> an unusual victory speech in new hampshire outside of hisha remarks said he won new hampshire but not onlyau previous primaries but previousa elections.same >> laura: okay, this wouldso almost be understandable if they do the same to biden but of course they don't so we will. to help with biden's backcheckhs chris spafford sr. fellow of thh society, good to have you with us but here is what biden claims on the economy. >> we have the fastest growing economy in the world, in then world, in the world. have 8.6 million new jobsth since i goant in office. >> workers wages were higher now than similar month ago. i have the most inflation rate of any advanced economy in thea world. >> laura: all right, b chris, take it away. >> south korea would beg to differ, spain, japan. i guess saudi arabia has low inflation rate than the
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united states.nd to be in communications and to do that politicalld joy is a had job. you have tboo cover for the ball spirit but it is wild to see some of the talking points to come in the administration saying, we care about these e br into the economy is great. t these are tough issues for thn voters and you can have thet right facts.gdps >> laura: the countries in thetr gdp in america used to be at the top but not anymore. biden told us again and again he would fix the border. i think he truly thinks he did.u watch. >> i want to be very clear, our borders are not open. >> how do you think things arelx going at the border, sir?more >> much better than you expected. >> the president has done more to secure the border into what this immigration issue thane anybody at ellis as.ry. he really has. >> laura: chris, this is the number one issue in the country. people are hearing us and suing texas to remove the razor wire.
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>> there is a population ofno massachusetts. it is not just the border stateo that something politicians cane lie about. like they did ten years ago.w you see it in washington, d.c., boston, new york, chicago. they can't identical. it was wild to see kirby on fox earlier today, there is a fireiu in her ability to deal with the border, when a firm most important issues.: sh i felt like my grandfather, yelling layer at the television. >> laura: we should've at thats fact-check. w in ukraine over the lasten two years the damage and thety destruction but if you asked biden, everything is going along pretty well. >> ukraine to bee standing strr is a new you norma already. vladimir putin has failed. and if i his will at every turn. >> laura: what is the reality? >> this is something the b politicians cautn lie about because the average american
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can't verify this.po the reality in ukraine is greato you have seen "the washington post" pull itbst out of the top of their website. they don't want to talk about it anymore. the report is from "new york times" and thees atlantic, while might come, piles of corpseses. the entire generation of ment is being wiped out, diminished armn and corrupt government that is not going to last more than a year. >> laura: as things going soable well, zelenskyy would not be begging for money.ev >> maybe he would grind it outee with money but every one of the defenses has failed so far. the russians are taking grounds slowly. but is not what was expected than the first few months of the work but certainly award. >> laura: ukraine took some of russia's territory that russia took them back and for a while. chris, not just the state of the country that biden lies about .otugh he tells other tails in his own life. >> i got r my education, for re, in the black church.of >> a great honor of being arrested with the u.n.
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ambassador. >> i was sort of raised in thele puerto rican community at home. >> [indistinct] >> l>> i don't think a lot of ih catholic guys into what thesehi raising in black churches. he is full of it. that is part of the charm that he makes up stories. >> laura: and over at cnn, is he doing that fact-checked? >> as far as they are concerneda donald trump is the first egotistical guide to make anything up. up.n >> laura: chris, great to have you in the studio. the world health organization is cooking up a plan for the next pandemic, dr. scott atlas re reacts.
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> laura: oh, they are back. the world health organization. you love them commitment it. they are warning of the potential pandemic and bucklee upth, it is 20 times worse than covid-19. >> anything thatso w is happenis a matter of when not it. so we need to -- we don't know. and that is when we gave the name this is >> laura: oh, my god, he
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sounds like a thing. according to the w.h.o.d director general, the new global pandemic agreement, which contains a lot of bad stuff is at risk of falling apart. that imp and ihr are operating with fake news, lies despite securities. we cannot allow this historicwh achievement in global health to be sabotaged by those who spread lies. either deliberately or unknowingly.unkn >> laura: well, let me tell you the proposed treaty that has a deadliney of may 2024, it wod give the w.h.o. control ofsize international supply chains. equ it also emphasizes race and equity among other things. joining me now dr. scott atlas,o the restitution senior fellow, former white house trump advisor. x dr. atlas, when i hear him talkf about disease x, there isd
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evnothing wrong with planning ad tried toy, be prepared and nothg wrong with that, but boy, theyso shatter their credibility on soh many issues. most people, they hear this and they think planned that is what people think now.hh >> laura, you've hit on something here which is the shattering. the w.h.o. has shattered trust and public health agencies alonh with their own cdc and own leaders, by the way. why? they issued mad pseudoscience bd mandates, they issued erratic guidance. they have no transparency when it counted and when people were afraid. the reality is, you are right,oe the accord is a problem because it circumvents congress so no approval and it is legally binding. the problem is not just dimensions o, f equity word butt defines health emergency in youn country. that is thay fe gateway for all
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kinds of mandates that we justas live through. it also regulates ip and requires distribution.ds it affects pricing of goods.want no sovereign nation would want to do that. the problem is under this director, the w.h.o. is the greatest purveyoon rr of misinformation rivaling our own dr. fauci, dr. birx, and theyhua pack fact china's lies with no human transmission.spar they praise china's transparency in january 2020, february 2020.. they literally back china covering up and plucking the w.h.o. ib int so from investigat the lab in wuhan. >> laura: i remember, we covered it. this is outrageous, he said specifically china is a model of pandemic management with the most barbaric human rights violations in modern history. by the way, he is a liar in
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terms of being the health was administer before he was head of the w.h.o. of ethiopia when he covered up a outbreak. this is absurd. they have a dismal record 15 years ebola, repeatedly. there is no same reason why wers would sign on to somethingge access. we have leveraged -- the w.h.o. funded by many nations and weon are the number one funder. $400 million plus per year.oney the u.s. taxpayer money is funding them. number one note to funding atth e all for the w.h.o. until a chl of leadership. the biggest thing on the tablead with w.h.o., we need to investigate what happen and bring some accountability to their growth confidence over malfeasance. >> laura: dr. atlas, countability number one. and that includes dr. fauci andd everyone else for what they didm
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thank democrats have come up with a novel argument against it is a doozy. barbie gets snubbed and details raymond arroyo in "seen and unseen" is next.
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unse >> laura: it's time for seen and unseen. we turn to raymond arroyo. the biggest cultural story of week, how they are trying to reframe old joe. >> raymond: you have an 81-year-old cognitive ly president. listen to those making the argument. >> i will not spend too much time on donald trump's cognitive disorders. she he tried to say >> when you see donald trump in
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the spotlight everyday confusing nikki haley with nancy pelosi and uttering nonsensical senses, that will raise concerns for people. >> joe: this commentary takes stones . nancy pelosi still thinks she's the speaker. this is joe biden yesterday and today, let people decide for themselves, he is speaking to supporters and protesters. >> teach -- donald trump a valuable lesson, don't -- any product that congress, any money that congress gives the president to spend to build a -- whether aircraft carrier, automobile, tanker, a staircase, no matter what that was, it should be built -- >> usa, usa, usa!
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>> president biden: because of you, toyota, volkswagen, nissan, tulsa gave workers double-digit raises. because of you. >> joe: tulsa, a new car manufacturer, tulsa. if trump said this, it would be wall-to-wall coverage. with biden, no coverage at all. >> laura: apparently the uaw today decided it wants to get out of the automobile industry all together, there will be no american made cars by end of the biden administration. >> joe: you mention the coverage they are curtailing, with biden, they cut him off to protect from blunders being seen. voters are not blind. when you see the two side by side, simple question emerges,
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who would you rather represent the united states of america at a confrontation with putin or xi? >> laura: the gait gives it away. nikki haley is using age as a democratic talking point. >> i have long called for ment mental competency test for anyone over 75. most do not want a rematch with biden and trump. the first party to retire it's 80-year-old candidate is the party that wins this election. >> joe: i think i figured it out, i guess now it is okay for candidates to talk about age, unless you are don lemon. she says people, politicians are not in their prime, nikki haley is not in her prime. a woman in her prime in her 20s
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and 30s and maybe 40. >> joe: remember that routine? nikki haley blew her top over this. don lemon made a stupid comment, a person is in their prime when they realize their purpose no matter their age. it is not dictated by how many years you rack up. >> laura: i like to hang around with old people and unwhy people, it's people in the middle who are the problem. the old and young are fun. >> joe: there won't be a new barbie academy play set, "barbie" movie, ryan gossling says he is disappointed the actress and director were snubbed. >> get everything you want to get, they are not snubs.
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movies are subjective, movies you love may not be loved by people voting. >> joe: i love when elites complain, go vote on your people in the industry, if anybody snubbed, it was "sound of freedom," they got no nominations at all, stop complaining, this makes me want to throw up pink. >> laura: isn't gossling trying to virtue signal, i'm for the gals, the ladies, the women? that is what he's doing, all virtue signalling. >> joe: he takes home his golden globes. >> laura: i have not seen "barbie" and -- than >> carley: big money is backin


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