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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: out of time. studio audience. fox news at night is next. >> [cheers and applause]. >> trace: i am trace gallagher. 11 p.m. on the east coast and 8 o'clock in los angeles. this is america's late news, fox
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news at night. breaking news america a illegal immigrants crisis forcing a texas sized standoff between the federal government and the lone star state. pushing the leaders of democratic lead sanctuary cities to call out the biden administration. kevin cork is live in washington. but we begin with bill live with sanctuary cities at a breaking point. >> this stretches across the country. illegal immigrants are swarming in boston. 100 camped out in boston logan airport. shelters are at full capacity. dozens of families were sleeping on the cold floors. the massachusetts governor is calling on biden to act right
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now. she asked for $250-million dollars to help the overwhelmed shelters. this is not the state's making." in chicago massive of migrants are camping in train stations, police stations and airports after texas sent more than 30,000 migrants to the sanctuary cities. locals are future that resources are used for illegal immigrants rather than needy chicago residents. a democrat tells us she wants them to get rid of their sanctuary city status. >> we would like to have our
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status as a sanctuary city removed. we would like to see a better plan in happy. we are not happy with what is happening here. >> trace: texas sent more than 100,000 migrants to sanctuary cities. at the southern border itself there is a showdown in eagle pass, texas, when the state in less than 2 hours will hit the deadline from the biden administration to allow federal agents into a controversial stretch of border line. kevin cork has the latest. >> dhs said texas is impeding border agents from accessing land on the other side of the razor wire. lawmakers in texas remain
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defiant. they will act to protect their state especially since the feds can't or won't. >> we are not looking for a confrontation. we are looking for them to do their damn job and protect the guards in this country. >> don't mess with texas. the lone star state rebuffing the biden administration deadline to reopen shellby park to border agents. >> the biden administration abdicated its responsibility to enforce the law. >> texas seized this border property and banned federal agents from it 3 weeks ago. governor abbott declaring that an invasion is under way.
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the department of home land security is asking texas to indicate how much if any of the park texas will reopen. texas is not alone in its battle with the government. republican governors from several states declared their support. former president trump said if elected again in november, on day 1 instead of fighting texas, i will work hand in hand with governor abbott and other border states to stop the invasion, seal the border and rapidly again the most massive deportation deportation in history. don't get comfortable because they will go home. house speaker said he will do
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all he can do help texas and hol holding alejandro mayorkas accountable. >> trace: jason, ken paxton said this to matt fin. >> for the last 3.5 years they have not cooperated with us on anything. they ran over us. they have not let us know who is coming into our state. they bring logistics people and drop them off in the middle of the night on buses. there is no cooperation. the biden administration doesn't even pretend to care. >> trace: they care now because it's hurting their poll numbers. they need to do something about it. >> that's right. it's become so overwhelming in cities across the country. they have not been communicating
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with border states. they said they are overwhelmed. the thing that is driving me nuts is they won't talk to the border patrol themselves. it's been more than 2.5 years. if you want to a solution, talk to the border patrol. they know what to do. they won't even talk to them. >> trace: it's crazy. peter doocy and john kirby had this back and forth today. >> why are you making it easier for people to enter the country illegally? >> i don't believe we are. why do you think we are? >> well, you sued to cut razor wire that was put in place by texas officials. >> the border patrol could do their jobs. >> trace: the border patrol agents have not been allowed to do their jobs for 3 plus years? >> exactly. my husband has been a border
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patrol agent for 15 years. they never experienced anything like this. they are not allowing them to enforce the laws. the biden administration is a failure. if you are a hard working, tax paying, legal citizen of this country, life is terrible for you. under the biden administration if you cross easily into this country you get free housing, meals, you get healthcare and education and now tsa pre-check. it's a slap on the face to american people and to immigrants who came here and followed the rules to work hard and make this country better. >> trace: here are city and state leaders asking residents to take migrants in. watch. >> there are residents who are suffering right now because of economic challenges. you have spare rooms. this is a good investment to go to a family. >> if you have an extra room or
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suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. safe housing and shelter is our most pressing need. >> trace: jason, what do you think? >> go ahead. let's see how many democrats sign up to take somebody in. i think that list will be short at the end of the day. >> trace: when you look at marthiard's vineyard. not a lot of acceptance in the elite groups. i want to play this quickly. >> now you have these migrants that are flooding into cities across the united states in neighborhood that are not equipped to handle them. there is no moneys to take care. migrants or monies to take care of the people that are there. we have a mess on our hands. >> trace: under-served communities are taking the brunt
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of this. final thoughts? >> well, i am glad she is feeling the pain. because she would not be speaking out. she is feeling what we are feeling in south texas for many years. >> trace: that resonateded. thank you both. on the campaign trail in wisconsin, president biden backed off attacks on maga republicans? >> he doesn't need to because the mainstream media is taking that up flight. >> president biden told wisconsin voters he promises to be president for all americans including those who didn't vote for him. but the message is anyone who supports donald trump is part of a cult-like maga movement. >> we will not let the extreme
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maga republicans this fight! will we. >> the devotion to trump is almost a religion. nothing else matters but him. >> with cratering poll numbers, some conservatives say it's the only message that president biden can run on. >> the only play he has is maga, maga, maga. he is under water on every issue. from is not a single issue that voters say is important that he is above water on. this is his own play. it worked in the last 3 elections. >> one of former president trump's loudest media critics "l.a. times" is laying off a quarter of the staff. the cuts affect people of color. the billionaire honor called the
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layoffs painful but insisted they were necessary after posting $40 million due to a decline in subscriptions. >> trace: let's thing in the host of the podcast media and technology attorney. matthew, we talked about the "l.a. times" because a hollywood reporter said the following. talking about his daughter. she made her pro-palestinian views on her twitter feed and posted instructions to journalists who refer to israel as an apartheid state. you have the "l.a. times" reporters trying to debunk reports that hamas committed atro
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atrocities. >> absolutely. the "l.a. times" has a liberal bias and its deterioration in the last few years. her inserting herself into the "l.a. times" with the radical left wing politics has been more disruptive. it was the catalyst for the resignation from the executive edit from the "l.a. times." >> trace: look at this headline. the endorsement: reelect george gascon as los angeles district attorney. his approval rating is in the cellar. he makes joe biden look like an all-star. >> gascon is 18 to 28%. how out of touch must the paper be to endorse this person.
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you are supposed to reflect what the people in the city believe. you are out of touch with those people. >> trace: expand this nationwide. msnbc and cnn won't air a donald trump speech unless it's recorded and reviewed and fact checks. this is msnbc on trump. >> like trump hitler was also viewed as a goon who could be kept in line. trump appeals to americans who hate the liberal society they live in. >> we are naive to think pehe i tricking people into being a dictator. >> trace: they are going after maga followers.
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>> it seems so. during the first trump administration they were the propaganda arm of the democratic party. not abiding by ethics. can they do this during the trump sequel? people are not buying their story any longer. >> trace: thank you. well, first up in tonight's real news roundup. gop state house in florida passed a bill to ban children under agent of 16 from social media. it would become one of the toughest social media redistractions in the country. -- restrictions in the country. boston will study the city's
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historic role in the slave trade. one said boston is on trial to redress historical injustices. a california woman convicted of involuntary manslaughter won't serve any jail time. she claimed to have marijuana induced psychosis and the judge brought that argument. she said she had no control over her actions at the time of the killing. let fox news at night common sense department understands there is a new bill in the state senate that would mandate that cars, trucks or buses made or sold in california could not go more than 10 miles per hour above the speed limit. they would be equipped with
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a governor which is fitting because nobody loves to control your movement more in california than governor newsom. the state senator said there is no reason people should drive more than 10 miles per hour. car experts beg to differ. moving away from an unsafe situation, speed is your friend. speed limiters are not cheap. just like california has the highest cost for gas, insurance and registration fees, the vehicles will cost you the most. why not buy your car in a different state why are motorcycle exempt from this law? leaving criminals with one last
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option to get away in the hurry. the author of domestic extremists. i want to put this up on the screen. quoting here the bill is likely to face opposition from the auto industry who may view this as state over reach. they over reach on everything. >> pretty soon they will have a device that doesn't let your car leave the garage unless you are going to a gavin newsom rally. if i had this device my kids would be late to school every day. not that i break the law. >> trace: i loved your op-ed in the federalist written in the
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wake of the alaska air panel. you wrote the things middle-class once got to enjoy, are vanishing as fast as the middle-class itself. that's the backbone of this country and it's going away. you were raised in the pacific palisades. now it's unaffordable for every human being. >> yes, in the '70s and 80s it was middle-class. it was perfect. my parents bought their house for $59,000 and now it's worth over $4 million. it's insane for the middle glass to get anything including instintact airplanes. >> trace: the kids are going
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away. people are not having more kids. in your neighborhood, you are like my kids are alone. >> that's why i wrote my book. the best way to win the culture war is to encourage people to have more children. my neighborhood is like the rapture. my kids are the only kids on the block. >> trace: and the story we brought earlier. a woman stabbed her boyfriend 108 times killing him. got 100 hours of community service. you would think she would at least get an hour for each stab wounds. here's the prosecutor. >> the defense was it was involuntary intoxication. >> trace: that's a new one. we have run the gamut here.
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>> if you kill someone when you are drunk in your car, you do at least 10 years. if it's weed you get off now? it's a terrible story. not only are drugs killing you when take the drugs because they are full of fentanyl, they make you kill another person. what do you have to do in california to do jail time? i would like to know. >> trace: if you get in the car and go 10 miles above the speed limit. >> that's right. i am done. >> trace: great to have you on. coming up the fight for religious freedom and what it means for you. two cases we are following. you have seen the new music video from the grammy nominated artist john, 5 for fighting. he said the atrocities of october 7th compelled him to
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write what he is many others are feeling. we are not okay. what to do with a foul mouthed fowl. parrots are dropping f-bombs. they want to mix them with non-cussing birdies. what in the buzzing parrots gets the others to start cussing? weigh in on campi. -- x. we'll be right back. xpensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide.
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♪ ♪ mom! mom!
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every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> trace: a pair of religious freedom cases that could affect your rights back in the
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spotlight. we are keeping a close eye on boths going through the legal system. bill has new information on this. >> religious freedom cases back in the headlines including a faith based baker. the state sued her for refusing to make a cake for a gay couple. the state of california compared her religious belief about marriage to racism and argued that they harm the dignity of all californians. it we began in 2017 when the state sued her. she said had led to a wave of harassment. >> i had to lock the door within 2 hours. for the following month we were deluged with horrible threats and our social media crashed. i lost 6 employees the first 2 weeks because they were afraid. >> and two alaska airlines
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attendants said they were fired when the company pushed for inclusion. laci holds traditional views on sexuality and a terminated for asking questions during a company forum. >> they terminated me. >> that flight attendant is suing alaska airlines. she said it's personality to not just stand up for herself but others that may have to stay quiet. >> trace: she is live waiting for us. let's bring in laci and her legal representative.
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laci, the company alaska airlines said it was trying to create this inclusive environment. i want to put this scroll up. here are ways they were trying to make things more inclusive. we could roll this all night long. there is nothing in there about religion. you called for religious liberty, that was a problem, correct? >> yes, that's correct. alaska airlines and other companies these days are quiet when it comes to religious liberties and our protections in the workplace. there are a lot of employees who are ignorant to the fact we should be protected against religious discrimination. >> trace: this appears to be a blatant violation of our rights. >> we are seeing companies
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wielding these dei messages. >> trace: it seems like more than an omission. seems like a targeting. if you want to bring it up, it's a bad thing. >> yes. you can see that by how they treated marlee and laci. they posted their perspectives as christian employees. they were immediately pulled from their flights and investigated and terminated. this is after the company made promise after promise about encouraging employees to share their diverse perspectives. when you do, look what happens. >> trace: laci, the association of flight attendants released the following.
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their claims lacked sufficient merit. any or all of that statement you would disagree with? >> yes. most of it. just because somebody is nice to you. i have a couple of nice union representatives. marlee and i asked for religious accomm accommodations. they were ignored. they made sure we knew we didn't have freedom of speech as well. >> trace: what was the problem in accommodating you? it seems simple. that was not the case. >> a lot of times people with traditional views on chris christianity, a lot of times it's looked upon as negative for some people.
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there is a big controversy which is why the equality act in general was controversial. >> trace: what is next? >> so are first liberty institute. we defend people like laci across the country who are risking losing their job from religious 3w4r50e6ss. -- beliefs. we will fight this to the supreme court if necessary. >> trace: in kansas city 3 chief fans froze to death in a friend's back yard. catched chargers play the chiefs. it could take a month or more before we get answers from the toxicology report. investigators find the whole
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thing very suspicious. here's what ted williams said to us. >> normally human beings who are at a football party and leave that party in the dead of night that are sold outside don't die under these circumstances. >> trace: this story has gotten a lot of attention am we will continue tracking it and sharing any new information on that. coming up. grammy nominated artist john from 5 for fighting joins us live next. his new video okay has gotten response around the world. he will tell us why the song is so important. and still ahead. a fire truck spins out of control on an icy road. you want to go ice skating but don't have skate. not a problem. today's best viral videos are next. trip across america. a live look at roseberg, oregon,
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home to 30 wineries. a live look at harvard springs, michigan when was little traverse. until 1880. and former university of michigan coach jim harbaugh coming to the los angeles chargers. a live look at greensboro, north carolina. the birth place of dolly madison. set your dvr and watch us any time. john and his video next.
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(♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪)
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>> ♪ ♪ >> trace: we are joined by musical superstar john ondrasik who is out with a new song called following the october 7th attack for israel. he felt the need to speak out with lyrics that say we are not
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okay. john ondrasik, i am a big fan. this song has great respect around the world. i want to play some of the video. it's so compelling. it has amazing images. it all fits together. we will play it. >> ♪ we are not all right! ♪ we are not all right ♪ ♪ when we see young girls ♪ ♪ pulled from their homes ♪ ♪ and dragged through the streets ♪ ♪ we are not all right ♪ ♪ where in the city of new york ♪ ♪ those who celebrate when this devastation is taking place. ♪ this is a time to roar ♪
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♪ the moral ♪ ♪ i don't understand ♪ ♪ i don't understand ♪ ♪ how you can look ♪ ♪ at yourself ♪ ♪ in the mirror ♪ ♪ i don't understand ♪ ♪ i don't understand ♪ ♪ we are ♪ ♪ we are not ♪ ♪ okay ♪ >> trace: this is a time for choosing and a time
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to mourn. what was the inspiration? i was in israel shortly after that. what did you draw upon for these images? >> we were all horrified seeing the atrocities of 10-7 and reminded us of 9-11 and the afghanistan withdrawal. then we saw the colleges being hamas allies. the house of representatives too. it hit all of us. this is a deep problem. there is something wrong. we have evil atrocities. raping women and beheaded babies and videotaping it to be sent to the families. >> trace: we put this tweet up on the screen. thanks for 5 for fighting for
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saying what millions of jews have felt since october-7. it was humbling for to you see that. this was something you felt about. >> you don't have to be jewish to condemn the evil that is hamas. have you to be human. you have to be sane. you have to have a heart. it was humbling. i got a quick education on what jewish folks feel every day after that tweet. i got a taste of the death threats had a face every day. why common sense people in my industry, many that are jewish are silent when the music city has a history of supporting human rights. it's ace disgrace. >> trace: you wrote about 9-11 and the russian invasion of ukraine. is this a change for you or you
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think it's helpful for the situation? >> partly that. i had no intention to make political statements. i am annoyed when celebrities lecture us. >> trace: they do all the time. >> they do. there is a rule of song writers to talk about what is going on. if you can't stand up for this evil that is hamas. every time i write one ever these, the blood on my hands for afghanistan, i hope this is the last one. someone needs to say it. hopefully more will join me in this cause and speak out. it's 2024 and not 1938. the last image of my song is martin luther king saying silence in the face of evil is complicity. this would be a shame for our
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generation for the arts. >> trace: tell me the big take away from the video, what do you want people to gleam from we are not okay? >> we all have a role to play to stand up for the right thing. is not just hamas. it's for civilization and i think we are losing. >> trace: thanks for coming on. tonight's viral videos. a fire truck in missouri spun out of control onanizing street. barely misses a house and a car. luckily no injuries. a boy in missouri made the most of ice covered streets. he ice skated down the street in rain boots. and iguanas in florida are not having much fun in the winter weather. they were caught on camera
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stunned by the cold temperatures. officials reminded residents they are not dead and they could fall from trees. the l.a. county fire fighters have a reputation for rescuing pets. this pup was trapped in a golf cart wheel and was pulled to safety. share your videos with us. coming back with the night cap. foul mouthed fowls. how do you get parrots to stop cussing? do you mix the foul mouthed fowls with the ones who don't cuss? does one stop the other or one influence the other? we will figure it out in the night cap. a life earth cam shot from florida where it's still chilly. in january 1977 they saw snow
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for the first time and last time ever. we'll be right back. every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: back with the night cap crew. tonight's topic foul mouthed fowls. 8 parrots in a wild life park
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have a major cussing problem. the staff decided to house the swearing birds with 92 non-cussing parrots. is that a good idea or would you end up with 100 swearing parrots? >> i guarantee that's what you will end up with. i don't know how this happened. i call you know what on how this broke down. you will end up with more swearing parrots. >> in what world do they think putting the non-cussing parrots will make the cussing parrots stop. it will be the opposite. they will pick up the habit. >> cussing parrots is funny. end of story. parrots saying anything. parrots cussing is funny. hopefully they can't train this out of them and we will have
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this entertainment. >> trace: jesse, the parents are mean to the spectators. they are calling them out. >> i read the article. they said they have not had complaints from people coming into the zoo. they like it. they have a placard that says they are cuz cussing birdies. they are really smart. >> trace: do you think the solution will clean up the bird's fowl language? yes, 5%. instagram 18%. jill, they will parrot each other's vocabulary. house them with humans. kevin says a former parrots own each croup will learn words from
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the others. brad, one parrot can't be fixed but two can. >> if they are smart as a 5-year-old. i had 5 years old. you put them in a room with teenagers they absorb the colorful things. >> trace: chris clark. i relate to the cussing birdies. let them be. rachel all of the parrots will 100% cuss at the end of. this i am a retired principal and they will copy the foul mouths. thanks for watching "fox news reports." i am trace gallagher in los angeles. see you back here for a friday night fox news at night. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort.
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enjoy the go with charmin.
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last give anyone's guess but for now they are loving it. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> gi,


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