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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 26, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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for me? is it that gold bar? >> it is not the gold bar, but t know you like to show your faith. so maybe you would like something along the lines -- >> laura: what is that?ines made out of rhinestones? >> that is a diamond cross where veyou can have it in opal. >> laura: i like it, that is. pretty. i'm not sure i would wear that.u >> for you, laura, what you can imagine, we can make it happen. >> laura: those are fake jewels. those are not real. are those real? >> we are in the diamond district right now, laura. >> laura: okay, that is another daredevil move.wa nthey, trax, great to see you. i will find you in the city too. t>> thank you so much. >> laura: that gold brick move. i >> todd: a fox news alert, the battle is on between the white house and text. governor greg abbott refuses to
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comply with president biden's demand to give federal agents full access to shelby park today, along the rio grande river in eagle pass. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. 10 retired executives at fbi says in modern history u.s. never suffered invasion of the homeland and one is taking place now. military-aged men are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotect with ready-access granted. brooke singman is here with more. >> brooke: so far governor abbott is showing no sign to caving to biden's demand and
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installing even more razor wire to crack down on the invasion. watch. >> this is not just a text issue, it is an american issue. this could affect my state and entire country long after joe biden is gone, we'll be dealing with potential terrorist threats. >> text has a right as a state to stop criminals from coming into our states, to arrest criminals. we have national guard and text depend of public safety to deny entry. joe biden has an option, his option is to enforce the laws of the united states and stop illegal entry. >> brooke: 25 republican governors are siding with abbott in support of text, south dakota's kristi noem is one of them and she's heading to the
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border today. >> i'm willing to send national guard to stand alongside, i wanted different arrangements this time. if we're going to enforce text law and i can use the soldiers in a way that is effective, that will be fantastic. they are enjoying partnering with the text national guard in the past. what is interesting to me, nobody supports joe biden's policy. >> brooke: text invokes constitutional right to defend itself, white house is refusing to say if biden will federalize the state's national guard. >> is the administration considering federalizing the text national guard? >> i talked about this the other way, i don't have any decisions to speak to for the president, i don't have any comment. >> brooke: when it comes to resources, border funding is tied up as republicans and democrat continue to try to
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compromise. >> todd: not just text, this is california, a boat full of migrants landing on a beach. you see 30 migrants jumping off the boat and running into a nearby neighborhood where cars were waiting for them. this happened an hour and a half after another migrant boat landed near san diego. cbp are still searching for migrants from the boat and believe they could be part of drug smuggling operation. >> carley: a wild scene out in california. another fox news alert, russian court extending "wall street journal" evan gershkovich detention until march 30th. he will spend a year behind bars before his trial begins evan gershkovich his been held on accusations of espionage. this is fourth time his detention has been extended. >> todd: to the race for the
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white house. rnc yanking resolution to name donald trump as presumptive 2024 nominee before he clinched required number of delegates. this after the former president spoke out against it on truth social. they have far more votes necessary, i feel for party unity, they should not go forward with this plan, i should do it the old-fashioned way. nikki haley's campaign addressing the proposal. who cares what the rnc says, let republican voters who should be the party nominee, not a bunch of washington insiders. haley continueings to push for a debate with trump and her team raised $2.5 million over the last two days. >> he got upset and said he would take one and challenge me to one and he would beat me. maybe he would. maybe he wouldn't. what i said is okay, if that is
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the case, get on the debate stage and let's go. >> carley: on the left, president biden is set to visit south carolina touting his bidenomics agenda ahead of the first 2024 primary by the dnc next month, same state joe manchin attended on thursday, further fuelling speculation over potential third-party run coming after super tuesday, which would be interesting timing. he's still on the listening tour, his ears are working overtime. >> todd: we'll figure out who the two nominees and have to do it all over again for no labels, wild next nine months. >> carley: to america's crime crisis, new video of liquor store robbery in oklahoma city, wait until you hear what the violent criminal said to the
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cashier, it is terrifying. >> todd: it is chilling. we're taking you inside those things, those are caves where homeless people are living in california. >> yeah. concrete room over here is fireplace and a metal chimney going out the top here. they had bedding here. stuff over here. bottles, food. >> todd: this is america right now and it is absolutely insane. the woman who recorded this video found caves blocks from her home, she is here live, don't miss it. >> i'm michael exit, i'm in pennsylvania in my basement, i work out with you every morning. have a good day. >> carley: nice! we love you! ♪
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listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor?
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>> carley: convicted murderer kenneth eugene smith became first inmate in country executed with nitrogen gas. he was sentenced to death after killing elizabeth senate in
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1998. here is her son after the execution. >> her debt was paid tonight. she got her justice tonight. >> carley: alabama, where smith was executed, is one of three states to approve nitrogen gas executions. >> todd: shocking video of liquor store robbery in oklahoma city. the criminal jumped the counter with a gun, listen to what he said to the clerk. >> i'm going to shoot you right now -- your phone, i'm not stupid. you want to lose your life right now? [indiscernible] >> i'll kill you right here, bro. >> todd: i'll kill you right here, bro. that suspect still on the loose after a week. that clerk was not hurt, unreal. a story everybody is talking
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about. the father of the host renting property where his friends were found frozen to death is defending his son. >> carley: so many questions remaining. lucas tomlinson live in washington with more on this. hi, good morning. >> lucas: good morning, carley and todd. the father who hosted the watch party defending his son after three of his friends were found dead outside his house. jordan willis's father saying he would never in a million years do anything. these were all good friends of his, people he went to school with and he took them to a football game the day before. the father of one victim tells fox digital this might be the motive. there were four of you in the house and now three of them are dead and you're not, that does not add up. i'm thinking three of them learned something or saw something they should not have seen and he decided to get rid
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of you now, friends or not. the brother of another victim spoke on "fox and friends" yesterday. >> there are too many questions needing to be answered and nobody can answer the questions except for jordan. for myself, this has been difficult and i don't think i can fully heal until i find out what happened and i'll never be fully healed. i admired my brother so much. >> lucas: here is photo of jordan willis's rental home where the three bodies were found outside on january 9. david harrington, clayton mcgeeney and ricky johnson were found dead two days after they came over to watch the football game. foul play is not suspected, says police. they are waiting on toxicology reports. willis's attorney says jordan
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had been asleep for two days when his friend's bodies were found. there are oddities and inconsi inconsistencies. the father says he took them to a football game the day before for the chiefs. this was a watch party at the house. the game was in los angeles, not kansas city, that is an odd statement. >> carley: one of the victim's father says the chance the group was doing drugs, the idea was to get high, not dead. sleeping for 48 hours makes no sense unless you are on drugs. questions still remain. let's go to senior meteorologist janice dean with the fox weather
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forecast. >> janice: we could have a storm in the northeast, todd. starts to go to the computer and i say that, what? take a look. current temperatures feel like spring in east coastern -- east coastern? does that make sense? did i just make something up. east coast cities and states, a storm system across great lakes and this frontal boundary that is draped over the coast. that is heaviest rainfall and could see potential for stronger storms for southeast, including hail, damaging winds, isolated tornados as low pressure moves offshore, it is a coastal storm and pulls cold air from the north. there is rain forecast and snow as we get into sunday and monday night for the northeast. here is future radar. this moisture and on the backside we see snow for the
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mountains of the appalachians and new york city and long island and this is 2 a.m. monday. it will be out by monday afternoon. on the east coast, watch your app and fox there are forecast highs today, warm for eastern third of the country in advance of that next storm system. feeling like springtime for northwest, east coast and on sunday, the west gets into warm temperature action. look at some temperatures, last week we were talking about single digits and teens and now into 55 in memphis and philadelphia 43. very much of a see-saw, people are complaining they are going to get sick because of the temperatures, that is not scientifically proven, i get it. >> carley: springtime in
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january. >> janice: i'll update you on connecticut. >> todd: i know you will. >> carley: please put your thinking cap on, remember when don lemon said nikki haley was past her prime, and he got fired by cnn. ladies of "the view" are coming to his defense. >> todd: way to strike while the irons are hot. man, he can give a speech. >> president biden: used to make beer brew here, it is used to make -- thanks to the great lakes. >> todd: who can argue with that? decipher that with joe concha next. i'm a parking gate. and i'm all out of whack.
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>> this whole talk makes me uncomfortable, wrong road to go down. she says politicians are not in their prime, nikki haley is not in her prime, a woman is considered in her prime in know 20s and 30s and maybe 40s. the facts, google it. >> todd: controversial comments about a woman's prime. lem on was fired about a month later and now ladies of "the view" reliving that moment and flipping the script on the republican candidate, watch. >> she went off because don lemon said she was older and past her prime. she starts attacking joe biden and donald trump on their age. she is an ageist, yet she was offended when someone talked about her age. >> i have to defend don lemon a
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little bit, he said a woman is perceived over the hill. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. joe, a surprising defense of don lemon from the ladies of "the view." >> joe: let's stop calling them ladies, ladies imply class and for this abc news show, you don't get a lot these days. don lemon will be the first male co-host soon. defending don lemon, he is perfect for the show, liberal, sanctimonuous and has cnn on their resume. joy behar and sunny hostin and anna navarro, also have cnn on their resume. this is craptastic. say a male or female on this
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show said gretchen whitmer is past her prime or kamala harris is past her crime, the pitchfork store would run out of pitchforks calling for our fires and execution. how do you defend don lemon saying nikki haley is past her prime. it is twisted logic. >> carley: what don lemon was talking about, talking about nikki haley in her 20s, meaning she is past her reproductive prime. nikki haley is talking about cognitive ability of commander-in-chief, there is a huge difference there and to raise you one further, imagine if donald trump said that and said that a woman is only in her prime in her twenties and 30s, what would that "the view" segment look like? >> joe: apocalypse if donald trump or any republican said something like that. nikki haley -- put this way, three quarters of science would
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have to retire if we had age limit of assistant secretary of labor for policy. we have a lot of old people in our government and she's saying we have to go younger. will it work? no, donald trump will probably get it. >> todd: wake up with extra pep in our step, i does, i have never been more excited to do a segment than this next topic. president biden stopping in wisconsin and no idea what he was trying to say. roll this. >> president biden: by the way, used to make beer brew here, it is used to make the brew -- thanks for the great lakes. >> todd: joe? >> joe: yeah, can we play that again? i watched six times objectively. the crowd laughed. a sign saying please clap or laugh. play that again, sara, control
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room, thank you. >> president biden: by the way, used to make beer brew here, it is used to make brew -- thanks to the great lakes. >> todd: i tried for you, loosely translated, the beer brewed here, it is used to make the beer -- used to make the brewed beer, straight kamala harris there. kamala harris logic. he continues, during is define -- oh, earth writer, thanks for the great lakes. i wonder why. end quote. >> carley: 3.7 million views on twitter. joe biden is better hiding from the campaign trail, he does not inspire confidence when on it. >> joe: i used to do keg stands on the jersey shore, i sound like that.
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i am sure he is sober and sounds like this. >> todd: did you put your ear up to the keg like joe biden did? he puts his ear off to the barrel of beer like he wants to listen to the fermentation. we have that video, right? here we go, listen to the beer, joe. not you, biden. here we go. don't get what he's doing now. >> joe: does beer made sound in a keg? >> todd: at least i could somewhat transalate what he said here, not always that way. trying to define america in a single word. roll it. >> joe: interesting. >> president biden: america is nation that can be defined in a single word -- himlayas of xi jinping. >> todd: leader of the free
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world. you are the media guy, this is broadcast to american media and all over the world, xi jinping see this and vladamir putin see this and they have to be licking their chops everyday. >> joe: if you think that was played on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, it did not happen. there is social media and there is this network and it is getting to most people. 7 in 10 americans, this president, they believe does not have mental capacity to do the job. if you are part time at quickie mart or a crossing guard in retirement because you want something to do, that is fine. this is the commander-in-chief. and this is him at 81, picture him at ages conviction, that is what he will be if he wins
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reelection. >> carley: one more point, a picture that klobuchar posted of joe biden wearing a hard hat and people point out he is wearing it backward. 0-3 for the wisconsin trip. this is why nikki haley says that if joe biden wins reelection, you are not going to be looking at president biden, you will be looking at president kamala harris. >> todd: stay there it is conference championship. the chiefs head to baltimore to take on ravens. patrick mahomes looking for his sixth straight playoff game without an interception. in the nfc, detroit lions getting ready for 49ers and quarterback jared goff taking exception to how one reporter characterized his team.
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>> you have a lot of really good players. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. maybe super stars like 49ers have. >> all right, never mind. >> todd: you can see for yourself how well the lions players are playing when the fc championship airs on sunday. chiefs and ravens will play. all four looking to book a ticket to las vegas for super bowl 58. rob gronkowski will join "fox and friends" later this morning to preview the games, first we get joe concha preview, your picks. >> joe: baltimore ravens will beat the chiefs despite the great patrick mahomes. ravens have been lights out all year, they beat the 49ers on the road. i like ravens and we don't have
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to watch the kelce brothers. >> carley: i'm writing down your pick. we love rob gronkowski on "fox and friends." >> todd: one more pick. >> joe: lions beat 49ers on the road because samuel may not be playing and when he doesn't play, this team does not win. they pull this out with ryan gossling, i'm sorry, jared goff. >> carley: another big day for nancy pelosi, big payday, she knows how to play the stock market. >> todd: we'll tell you how much her latest investment has already made. cheryl casone next. >> starting my morning everyday with "fox and friends" in the gym, thank you for getting my day started.
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>> carley: "fox and friends" business alert. biden administration is looking to pull back on natural gas, putting future of massive gulf projects in jeopardy. >> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: it is about climate and politics and that is why they are doing this. let me give you this, this is southwest louisiana coast. this massive project is largest terminal ever called cp 2. it is up for approval. all of a sudden, the department
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of energy says we are going to pause and look at how it impacts the economy, the climate again. this would be 20 million tons for year coming out of this facility. with russia invading ukraine, europe is using a lot of nat gas from the united states. if you want to talk about national security, that is another discussion. mcconnell criticizing, he says potus continues to sellout for greater reliance from iran and it is not in our interest. hunt, natural gas is cleanest worldwide, biden administration must reconsider to prevent huge job loss. democrat warned us to follow the science, we are, natural gas is
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cleanest found anywhere in the world and this would shock the global energy market if they put brakes on projects like this. secretary grantholm, we're exporting gas and we don't need to export anymore. >> carley: and donald trump is saying, thank you so much, you made it easier for me to run on if you want energy independence argument vote for me, i will take that and run. what is going on with nancy pelosi? >> cheryl: either a brilliant investor or there is insider information going on. she put 50 call options on nvidea for a strike price of $120 and stock dumped 21% and she made $500,000 off this. her husband is former venture
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capitalist, maybe they are both that brilliant, back in november, that value jumped 21%. question marks coming up with her. look, todd and i have talked about this, doing options is extremely complicated and risky investing, it is broader picture of criticism against her and shoo congress be able to do this type of investment. >> todd: it requires making a calculated risk and having information helps you make that risk. what information does she have, if any the reft of us do not and that is what people are objecting to. we are finally getting ready to hear zuckerberg speak about antisemitism. >> cheryl: tonight on zoom, he
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and his wife will speak out about antisemitism at harvard and sam lesson is somebody that used to work at facebook, a tech investor that has gone after harvard. listen to sam lesson, i'll tell you. he said antisemitism at harvard is disappointing and a huge problem, it is the canary in the coalmine in terms of a free speech problem. here is the video, look at him. >> harvard needs to return to academic institution, and focus on fostering a safe and positive learning environment. there are disruptions in classes and shutting when people are studying. >> cheryl: we will know more tonight when the zoom call happens this is first time we hear from zuckerberg himself and bill ackman.
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there are 30 people on the board and harvard is hurting financially because all the guys have pulled donations. >> carley: focus on academics not politics, that is the message. have a great day. happy friday. >> know cokreet room over here is fireplace and metal chimney going out the top here you can see on the outside where it opens temperature is all burned. they put the mantels in. they had bedding here. stuff over here. bottles, food. >> todd: showing homeless people in california living in caves, 20 feet below street level and cleared out by police and they found beds, furniture and personal belongs. >> carley: tracey rohus filmed
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that and joins me now. this may be a first, people living in caves 20 feet below the ground. how did you find out these homeless caves were in your backyard and what was the experience of walking through the elaborate caves? >> they were doing a clean-up along the river's edge, they do every few months or so and i happen to be driving by and i stopped to ask the volunteer park ranger why wasn't the neighborhood notified, we like to participate in the cleanup. it is a community area, kids play, they ride their bikes, families go to exercise. in the conversation, he advised they had discovered eight caves along the riverbank. when i heard caves, i considered dug out in the dirt, simple,
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maybe a little shelter. later that afternoon, one of the volunteers shared with me and my neighbors a video of what exactly was found along the riverbank. as you can see, that is more than just a single dug out in the side of a riverbank temperature is a home practically underground. >> todd: items i mention and you told our producers they found drugs, they found weapons, that has to be frightening to be a neighbor in and around this area. what happens when you complain to your city about this? >> when we made a complaint and a concern, not only because of families and children and safety, we were told to keep an eye on the area, if we saw people going over the embankment to call it in or report it on an app called modetogo app and they
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would continue to patrol. that was not satisfactory. it is a safety issue for the homeless living in there and children can get in there, a number of things, it is a huge safety hazard. >> carley: the caves have been cleared out and caution tape put up, does that mean problem solved? >> oh, no, they put up caution tape in the afternoon, by that evening, they had gone down there, the homeless, there is stuff in that cave, people have started lining the riverbank, if you will and setting up shop again. they come at night, leave in the morning while news media is there and come at night. there was stuff back in the cave in less than 24 hours after initial report. >> carley: living in california near a riverbank sounds like a
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dream location and now you deal with this. there is a big problem with fires, homeless people setting fires. can you explain that? >> sure. yeah, it's a beautiful waubway, wonderful in the summer, the problem is, it ises lure to the neighborhood and homeless, they will start fires to keep warm or to cook and unfortunately with all the dry grass and trees along the bank. in summer it can be 107 or 108 degrees. instant hazard for fires and i can think of five reported fires i did personally to 911 that was started by the homeless. >> carley: massive safety issue. sorry you are dealing with this, thank you for speaking out about it. thank you for joining us, have a great day. florida just moved a step closer
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to banning social media for kids under 16. it is also one of 25 states standing with text and border battle with the white house. ashley moody is here next to talk about the two important topics. >> todd: text-size standoff, lawrence jones will preview what is coming up on "fox and friends." text's favorite son, lj. >> lawrence: never mess with text, not something you do. the border battle in text intensifies, governor abbott has no plans to comply with biden's deadline to reopen the border to federal agents today. 25 states pledging support for text, including oklahoma governor kevin stitt, he joins us live. rnc withdrawing resolution to declare trump as presumptive nominee after facing backlash from the front-runner himself.
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more on that and biden blasted for his best gibberish while trying to tout bidenomics, growing concern about his health ahead of election day. and big man rob gronkowski stops by fox, the four-time super bowl champion is here live, join us at the top of the hour, it is going to be a busy friday. ' dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. (♪) we come from a long line of cowboys.
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>> texas says it has no plans to comply with the biden administration's deadline to turn over control of parts of the border to federal agents. and now 25 governors are backing the state in the standoff. >> todd: florida attorney general ashley moody joins us now. a.g. moody it feels like our country is dividing into two camps. liberal states that for some reason want to allow an invasion and republican states like florida, like where you are, that want to do everything in their power to help texas and fight back against the biden administration. so, what steps are you taking in florida to help texas fight this invasion? >> >> well, you are right. this is becoming an untenable situation. states that have been in this long battle with the federal government with our president in the interest of protecting americans. think about that. you have a president that is fighting against us every step of the way to protect foreign nationals over his own citizens. today, florida will be in court battling against them to keep
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them from releasing en masse. they have mass release quotes into the u.s. texas is battling as they are putting up physical barriers in every step of the way biden has been fighting them in court forcing them to take them down. and, so, when new york and chicago and massachusetts and all these places are complaining because they are overrun, they are in a crisis situation, here it is right here today. texas and florida are fighting to keep this country safe and secure and our border strong. and biden has waged war against us every step of the way. >> carley: governor abbott is also making a constitutional argument. he's saying that if the federal government doesn't do the job to protect the states, then the states don't v. to do it for the federal government. it's called the right of self-defense. can you talk about that? >> absolutely. and what governor abbott is saying, look, we can't be at the
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mercy of a lawless president who refuses to do his job and protect this country. and, therefore, because of this invasion. and, again, biden allows records to be broken every single month like we have never seen before. just last month, another record broken. texas can't take it anymore. and what governor abbott is saying, look, we have a right to defend ourselves. if our president won't do it, it's like having the police come to your home and tie your hands and let your home be overrun with people you don't know, people that are possibly there to hurt you, to hurt your home. it is untenable and states have been left with the position of standing strong. not just for their own citizens but for the safety and security of this country. >> it's important, also, to cut through the legal noise on this. the supreme court of the united states did not say texas cannot put up this wire. it simply allowed, based upon a
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procedural ruling the federal government to take it down. so we can go back on this back and forth for as long as potentially possible. we will be watching it. meantime, want to get your thoughts on this. the florida house just approved a bill to ban social media for kids under t the age of 16. if it makes it to desantis' desk and he signs bill platforms anyone younger than 16, regardless of parental approval require platforms use a third party service to age. terminate accounts for users under 16. final thoughts for you, a.g. moody on the importance of a bill like this? >> i think you're going to see leaders all over the nation that are parents. we all have children. folks are getting to our children, adults that want to do them harm are getting to our children through social media. our children are being exposed to inappropriate material. they are being addicted online. we have to do something to stand
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up for our kids. i'm proud of the state of florida who is exploring ways to do that. and i think you're going to see that all over the nation. >> carley: attorney general what would you say to a parent who says i live in the state of florida so i can make the decisions for my own children? i don't want the government to get in our way? you have about 20 seconds remaining to answer that question? >> look, there are numerous examples where we want to protect the safety of our children, especially from those, you know, perpetrators, bad actors, i think florida is trying to balance the protection of parental rights with the protection of our children. and we have always done a great job of that, we will continue to do that. >> carley: all right attorney general ashley moody, thanks so much for joining us on this friday. we appreciate it. have a great day. >> great to be with you. >> todd: as parents, i love this. it takes one thing off of our plate and i think it's important. >> carley: todd, thanks so much. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> steve: hello, everybody from studio m. it's 6:00 on the easas


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