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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 26, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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times. carroll won a lawsuit against him. trump did not rape her but is liable for sexual abuse and did defame her according to the prior case. this case is additional defamation for comments he made in 2019 when he was president. after closing arguments that should take two hours to complete today, the jury of nine people will be instructed to rule on whether trump injured carroll with his 2019 statement and acted maliciously to injured. the jury could begin to deliberate. that will happen this afternoon and hear about that verdict also this afternoon. back live in manhattan carroll is seeking $10 million in damages here. we'll keep a close eye on that and see if the former president talks on his way out. >> bill: sometimes there is movement on fridays. we'll see if that's the case. >> dana: a political powder keg building as texas defies the white house about immigration and the constitutional right of self-defense.
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welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino, good morning. >> bill: feel good to be friday? no travel this weekend. >> dana: for some. >> bill: for work. >> dana: true. >> bill: good morning. the biden administration giving the lone star state a friday deadline after the u.s. supreme court ruled that federal border patrol agents could remove razor wire installed by texas. this runs along a stretch of land near the border in eagle pass. the governor tells us on this program yesterday that the battle is far from over. jacque heinrich has the story from the north lawn today. good morning to you. >> good morning. texas governor greg abbott is citing his constitutional authority to defend against an invasion. he is also saying that the federal government broke its pact with the states to enforce laws on the books. now some democrats are pressuring the biden administration to establish sole federal control of the national guard and push back on this.
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the white house has not tell graphed its next move. some texas officials are calling biden's bluff. >> the biggest mistake the biden administration could make would be confronting law enforcement or our military and national guard at our border at this park when we're actually doing the job that the american people want. i don't think even biden will make that mistake. we aren't looking for a confrontation. we're looking for them to do their damn job. >> the focus had been on this bipartisan border policy bill being negotiated in the senate until mitch mcconnell acknowledged trump will likely be the gop presidential nominee and doesn't want this bill reportedly because it would give biden a win on immigration. it is an about face for senate gop leadership after praising the bill's substantial changes to things like asylum laws for months saying it is impossible to enact under a new administration without concession to democrats.
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they are pushing biden to put in trump policies that kept migrants out. >> is your position then that nothing is better than something and have you even read this bill? >> they won't actually give us the text. the reason they won't give us the text, the way it works in washington, if you are hiding the text, it means it is even worse than people think it is. the answer needs to be fix it and solve it and we can do that. trump or any republican president willing to enforce the law doesn't need this bill to do that. they can go back. you reverse those three decisions biden made. >> still this flip-flop from senate gop leadership plays right into the white house claim that congressional republicans are not serious about solving this issue. they have been sounding off about for months. >> bill: jacque heinrich. to be continued. >> dana: supreme court decision in favor of the biden administration allowing federal agents to cut wire fences by
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texas. it's the latest in a political and legal battle. democrats are calling on biden to seize control of the texas national guard. how will that go down? shannon bream is our chief legal correspondent and joins us now. governor abbott was on our air yesterday talking about what he thinks biden should do. >> no intent to secure the border. he talked about open border policies during the campaign and allowed it with most americans not even knowing what that meant. now people of new york know what it means and people in chicago know what it means, people across the country have having to experience what open borders mean. >> dana: what drives you crazy about some of the commentary and analysis about the supreme court ruling the other day? >> just remember that the supreme court has not heard this case on the merits. they were simply getting rid of a lower court order that said the feds can actually come in and remove the wire. there is nothing in either of
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these decisions that says texas can't just keep putting up more wire. i talked with some border patrol folks yesterday who said listen, i can't see it coming to a physical confrontation. we respect each other. again when you get the national guard and talk of the white house or president biden taking over the national guard it gets stickier. for now i think it does end up back at the supreme court on the merits. appellate court will hear arguments february 7th. i have to imagine whoever loses takes it back to the court. it is possible you would see a different decision than you did in this vote earlier this week. >> bill: since then, shannon, in light of the governor's comments with us yesterday, the feds have not moved in and cut anymore wire even though there was a two-line decision from the court, right, earlier in the week? and you wonder if they are going to make a move. we asked abbott the question would you physically stop them or prevent them? i don't think we got a real
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clearance on that but you are suggesting in your answer neither side wants any confrontation. it certainly would be ugly. and at a minimum it is a constitutional question whether or not what texas has done can be upheld. andy mccarty has a piece out this morning that says abbott is right and turley told us last hour that texas really doesn't have much of a leg to stand on. there is where the rubber meets the road in the legal arguments. >> yeah. this is pretty much been untested. texas may be the one to take this to the supreme court. there are two different articles within the constitution that they are citing for a justification for what they are doing. essentially amounts to the fact that states can act if they're facing an invasion or also in article four section four that the feds have a duty to protect states against an invasion. of course, governor abbott is saying they are failing on both those points. he think it is a legal theory.
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he is an attorney and served as attorney general and argued cases at the supreme court and he thinks it has some legs. >> dana: a political reasons for both sides of the issue to figure it out. immigration is the top issue facing the country 41%. and what do you hear from the biden administration that they are thinking even on the biden campaign. they are frustrated it looks like congress won't get a bill done. >> yeah, i think that this does turn into an election-year issue. as you said and we heard on the ground in iowa and new hampshire from folks this is top of mind. there is this back and forth about whether former president trump wants the senate deal to fall apart so he can campaign on this issue. what we're hearing from negotiators on this is listen, we're trying to tell you, mr. president, if you should win again we're putting together tools that would be helpful to you so please don't blow up this deal before you have a text to read. so the biden administration know it pollster jibly and love to
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get a win an election year. if it falls apart they'll point the finger at republicans and president trump. >> bill: we'll see who believes them. which side. coming up you have michael mccaul and the head of nato. i imagine borders out there and the issue of ukraine. they are linked at the moment, shannon, an capitol hill. a quick comment. >> they are. we may have one of the senate negotiators join us on sunday with a breaking news update. >> bill: we'll be watching. >> dana: that means you have to watch as always. have a great couple days. >> bill: thanks. on the hill now republicans are narrowing their impeachment probe into president biden over his son's foreign business deals. the house oversight committee set to question another associate of hunter biden today. david spunt live in d.c. with more on this. again behind closed doors, david, they will go. good morning. >> yeah, they will, bill. rob walker is sitting behind closed doors for a transcribed interview that began eight minutes ago with house oversight
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and judiciary staff members and jim jordan is in the room. walker helped funnel money from overseas into biden family bank accounts. it is part of the overall impeachment probe into president biden which is just an investigation at this point. both the house oversight and judiciary committees are probing hunter biden's business deals to try to find any connections leading directly to president joe biden. the next big step in this probe, at least publicly on camera, will be hunter biden sitting for a deposition in about a month on february 28th. now there is another impeachment effort on capitol hill moving at a much faster clip. talking about homeland security secretary mayorkas. they will vote on impeachment next wednesday for the dhs secretary. he may lose his job over the administration's response to the border crisis. he won't publicly call it a crisis. >> but you do think it's a
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crisis now? >> bret, it is a challenge that we have been addressing vigorously with all the tools and resources that we have been provided. >> if the committee votes to impeach him next wednesday, it could go to the full house for a vote in the coming weeks. if, a big if he is impeached in the full house he would not need convicted in the senate by 2/three vote to be removed. the last time a cabinet official was impeached but not removed by the senate, secretary of war william belknap in 1876 under president grant. >> bill: thank you, david spunt in washington. >> dana: former president donald trump has just walked out of a courtroom as carroll's lawyer was making closing arguments in the defamation trial. we are working to get more detail on this. >> apparently the judge told the
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courtroom no one in the courtroom is to say anything and there were apparently some counsel objections, i assume trump's side. no interruptions or audible comments is the judge. the plaintiff and defense were talking about certain tweets not in evidence, possibly to share with the jury. the judge ruled that they are not going to use a certain slide that shows the tweets and then trump's attorney tried stating that something quote just needs to state something for the record. the judge interrupted and said quote you are on the verge of spending some time in the lock-out, end quote. that happened a moment ago. i assume we will see the caravan pull up to trump tower in mid town manhattan. courtroom is downtown. traffic is manhattan is a mess. >> dana: it's raining and that adds more. keep you posted on what happened in there.
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idaho murder system kohberger due back no court today. will the judge set the trial date for the killing of the university students. >> bill: it keeps getting lower online. fake a.i. images of taylor swift flooding social media. can legal action be far behind? >> dana: the rnc does an about face. with -- former house speaker kevin mccarthy is ahead. >> you can't bully your way through this process. he has 32 electoral delegates, i have 17. you have to have 1215. there is a long way to go in this race and we're prepared to do that. to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made
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what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night.
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you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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>> kohberger back in court today charged with murdering four students in the university of idaho. his attorneys are trying to get the case thrown out for a second time. dan springer will spend a lot of time in moscow, idaho has the case unfolds. he is there now. good morning. >> good morning, bill. bryan kohberger's attorneys are appealing the regular ruling that allowed the grand jury indictment to stand and the case to move forward. legal experts i'm speaking to don't expect them to have any more success the second time around. they argue the grand jury that indicted kohberger on four counts of first degree murder was biased, improperly im paneled and given the wrong burden of proof. the judge was having none of it ruling in december kohberger was indicted by an impartial grand jury who had sufficient evidence to find probable cause to believe kohberger committed the crimes alleged by the state.
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it's been over 14 months since the four students were brutally stabbed to death in a house just off the campus of the university of idaho. kohberger criminology graduate student at nearby washington state university was arrested about seven weeks later at his parents' house in pennsylvania. one year later, after that arrest almost to the day, the house where the murders took place was demolished. it had been given to the university of idaho by the owner. neither the prosecution nor defense objected to the demolition. the university is planning some kind of memorial to the victims at the site. some of the parents wanted the house to stay up through the trial to help get a conviction. again, the prosecution did not have any problem with it coming down. later today, bill, we may learn when this case is going to go to trial. there is a scheduling hearing after those two appeals are made. and we may find out when this trial is going to be set. the prosecution has asked the judge to have a trial this summer. >> bill: what a case. dan springer, thanks in northern
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idaho. >> dana: taylor swift fans are rallying to her defines after dr. images of her went viral. deep fakes were made by artificial intelligence and shared on x and other social media platforms sparking a wave to tighten rules on a.i. can it be done? the director of tech policy at heritage foundation joins me now. i want to get your take on this. i feel we all knew this was coming and now it is here. it happened to somebody who is a mega star, the most famous person in the world right now. doesn't mean it's not already happening to people who aren't as famous. it is called digital rape or a.i. porn and could somebody like taylor swift perhaps break the log jam on either regulation or legislation or something to protect people? >> i certainly hope so. you know, as you said, dana, this could, i fear, be the new normal. it is coming to a high school
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near you. it already has come to high schools in new jersey and seattle where reportedly students have doctored photos and images of other students using a.i. which really makes these images much easier to distribute at speed and scale and lowers the barrier to entry to do this. so if taylor swift can use her power for good and break the log jam, that's a great thing. there is a technical aspect and a policy solutions aspect to this. there is one rub here that a lot of people talk about in the context of social media. that's section 230. this is what offers platforms immunity from civil liability for content that is posted on their platform. this law could potentially insulate such platforms from the propagation of this and from actually being targeted and in the crosshairs of people looking to sue. but after reform who knows. let's go, taylor, maybe you can make a difference. >> dana: here is a list of
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states that have laws regulating deep fake pornography. we'll put them up for you. if you are taylor swift and this happens, who do you sue? >> i think look at a couple of things. those creating the content and platforms distributing it. warner said as much. we need to hold the platforms accountable for distributing this information and the people who are doing this themselves. and frankly the a.i. companies. i have a rule of thumb when it comes to emerging technologies. if you build it bad actors will exploit it. we wouldn't necessarily be afraid but at the same time the a.i. platforms and companies what their models will do and what the a.i. image creators and generators will do and how people will exploit the technology they build. i believe these a.i. companies themselves also have a responsibility to work under
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specific frameworks and institute some technical solutions like transparency, traceability. watermarks. how people understand the prove nance of these images to target the bad actors and impose costs against them so they don't keep doing it. it is a two-prong solution, technical and policy. congress and a.i. and individuals have a role as well. >> dana: thank you so much. appreciate your expertise and one of the things i wanted to point out, bill. the percent of deep fake videos online that are -- 96% are pornographic. so we have a problem. >> bill: that's just one aspect of it. it is going to reach other areas, too. especially when celebrities start getting involved they'll willingly do their own imaging in a.i. to make money off it. you wonder where that goes. there is a pandora's box that may be opening and you can't close the lid.
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that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. >> it was his people that pushed it forward. i know how much he pushed on ronna. he pushes them to do things. they got major blowback and he had to walk it back. you can't bully your way through this process. >> bill: rnc backing down on the draft resolution that would have declared trump the presumptive nominee after pushback from both the former president and rival nikki haley. former house speaker kevin mccarthy knows them both very
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well. good morning, welcome back to our program here. she made it pretty clear in our interview she is not going anywhere. that's the plan anyway. i would expect her to say that. how do you see it playing out as of now? >> what i see now she has a right to stay in the race. the one thing i would say here is, the president trump was right to tell the rnc not to move forward. primaries you get frustrated with but also make us stronger. everyone who is supporting anybody in the republican primary remember it's about addition, not subtraction. we all have to come together. i actually believe this race will be over sooner than you think. you have south carolina coming up in the next less than 30 days. then the race will pretty much i think be solved. if i was giving advice to president trump, i would say move the focus onto president biden. bring president biden out. last time he tried to hold a rally with the vice president making -- trying to make big press. he got interrupted 14 times from
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his own people. every time he speaks people sees his weakness. he can't solve the problem his acknowledge. look what he is doing to american energy today and all our allies in europe. he is taking putin's position by saying no more l & g, if we replaced russian natural gas in europe for one year we would lower co2 emissions by more than 120 billion tons in there. and i think from the baseis of what you are looking at everything president biden has done is a misstep. we're trying to win the white house. stop fighting among ourselves. primaries people may not like but they will make us stronger in the end. keep it about ideas, not personal and it will get decided long before march 15th and we'll be in a stronger position. >> dana: president biden was in wisconsin yesterday. it will be an important state for both parties to try to win in 2024. listen to how it went. >> president biden: by the way,
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used to make beer brew here rick it is used to make beer brew -- thanks for the great lakes. >> dana: i don't know if it was a light moment. i'm not sure. when you say president trump should draw him out on the campaign trail is that what you are talking about? >> that's exactly. when i negotiated the debt ceiling with the president i would have a press conference three times a day and he would put a lid on it. if it was president trump i would stop talking about nikki haley. i would just talk about the issues and i would challenge president biden every day to a debate. any time he sets the stage where he is not even asked a question he shows his weakness and not up for the job. keep the focus off us and put the focus back onto this president. he has the lowest numbers of anybody running for re-election since jimmy carter. this is what the race is about. not with one another. make us stronger. president trump needs nikki
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haley's votes and nikki haley needs president trump's votes if we are able to win the race. >> bill: he was talking about infrastructure in wisconsin. >> that's not what came forward. that's the point. no matter what he went to talk about he lost the point of why he was there. this is the clip people are playing. >> bill: he had a bridge to sell literally. there was an investment of $5 billion in this bridge that connects wisconsin and minnesota. he has a chance to brag about that. gdp yesterday 3.3%. nobody saw that number. underneath all this stuff is the economy better than people think or is there a trap door under there? >> it all comes down -- you can take whatever data you want. how do the american people feel? can americans buy a house right now? they can't with this interest rate. can they buy a car with the interest rate? no. can a small business get a loan? if you go to the local banks it's 12% interest. these aren't happening.
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are you feeling a border that's not secure? massachusetts there is not one republican in congress from massachusetts and they have a state of emergency based upon the southern border. the president is in a fight with the governor of texas because he wants to secure his own state? new york city says the biggest challenge is immigration. illinois governor says stop sending me illegal immigrants coming through and all created by his administration. it wasn't a bill passed in the house or senate. it was simply a new person put into the white house. the same thing would go if you look at foreign policy. when president biden took office, iran was only producing 400,000 barrels a day. today they are producing 3 million. today what does he do? he shuts down american natural gas, which is clean and for our allies. he just helped putin advance and he is hurting americans one more time. >> dana: that's a stunner, that one. >> yeah. focus on him.
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>> bill: thank you, sir, happy birthday, by the way. thank you, sir. >> dana: you thought college was expensive? a report finding that childcare is even more costly. parents are forking over more money to take care of their kids than the average tuition and other fees for the state college. lydia hu is live at a daycare in new jersey with this story for us. hi, lydia. >> hi. i'm hanging out with some of my brand-new friends doing an interesting stem activity using our inside voices at the moment. but you are right. the cost of providing this type of quality childcare is becoming harder for parents because costs are just skyrocketing. the new sur veil out from shows 20% of parents say they spend more than $36,000 per year on childcare. that more than the average cost to attend a public in-state college for just one year.
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i talked to a new jersey mom of two yesterday. here is what she said? >> if you have two kids or more in daycare full-time in new jersey chances are your childcare costs are more expensive than your rent or mortgage. mine was. >> why are childcare costs just exploding? the owner of this childcare facility says the main driver for her is wages. here in new jersey minimum wage just hit $15.13 an hour. >> we need people to nurture and love and care for and educate children. so we need more than that. so entry level is $17 or $18 just for having the minimum. >> that's why the owner says she just had to tell parents they will have to pay more, 20% more this year over last. that's coming after several years of increasing rates during the pandemic. there is a bipartisan proposal
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just introduced a couple of weeks ago that would extend the childcare tax credit. the center owner says she supports that but also needs policies that support her small business, too. dana, we'll send it back to you. >> dana: i love how they are not interested at all in the tv. they have some crafts going on and they will continue with that. thanks, lydia. >> bill: good stuff. thank you. all right now jennifer gray saying she never practiced the iconic dirty dancing lift with patrick swayze. remember this on the big screen? ♪ >> bill: so he said gray is telling us they never rehearsed that until the day they filmed it. the actor said it was one of those game-day things. she trusted her co-star because
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he was a great ballet dancer. >> dana: the way she held herself -- >> bill: the core was good. >> dana: look at the swan arms. that's pretty good. >> bill: patrick swayze died has it been 12 or 13 years? he was on "fox & friends" in 2006, all right? 17 years ago. >> you watch the dancer, you watch the celebrities get on there and see them change and get in touch with something deeper inside themselves as the process goes through. >> dana: good thing they nailed it. >> bill: should we practice that some time? >> dana: we should definitely do that. next monday at 10:00 a.m. don't miss it. >> bill: make sure you're rolling. >> my son and these other men were wonderful people.
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they deserve justice. and the story, the whole story needs to come out. >> dana: a growing push for answers in the case of three kansas city fans found dead in their friend's backyard. why police aren't investigating the case as a homicide. lia thomas is reportedly making a push to compete at the paris olympics. clay travis from outkick weighs in next. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. my psoriasis was all over. i couldn't get my nails done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me.
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>> bill: we await autopsy results in the case of three kansas city chiefs fans found dead in the backyard of their friend. nate foye is watching this story. a bit of a mystery in missouri. hello. >> bill: epidemiologist is johns hopkins university says the three men who mysteriously died after a party at their friends's house could be victims of drugs.
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it is uncertain if they overdosed. listen here. >> one scenario is that these individuals succumbed from an overdose and another is simply they were essentially rendered unable to help themselves. in other words, they didn't necessarily die from the drugs, they died ultimately from exposure to the cold. >> he can only speculate until the toxicology results are in. but adds it is very plausible a fentanyl exposure killed the three men. >> fentanyl is potent enough and lethal enough it could certainly explain how three individuals that were otherwise fairly young and fairly healthy ended up having died next to each other in the freezing cold. >> family and friends of the victims believe they aren't getting the full story from the host of the party jordan willis. he claims he said goodbye to the men after midnight. his lawyer said willis fell asleep with the men still inside his home. willis is a data scientist and
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spent two full days sleeping and working from home without noticing his friends died and never left his property. a fiance broke into his home after she couldn't reach him. she found one of the victims's baits bodies on the back porch and they found the other bodies in the backyard. this is not a homicide investigation. the toxicology results are the next step in unraveling this tragedy. >> bill: thank you. transgender swimmer lia thomas taking legal action challenging a rule that bans biological males competing against women. the goal is to compete at the paris olympics come this summer. clay travis with me now. nice to see you. it has been a minute. she appealed this. based on what i understand here, you go to the court of arbitration, which governs these
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bodies with athletics. and in 2022, the world aquatics changed his policies so transgender women could only compete if they had completed their transition by the age of 12. that does not apply to lia thomas. so how are they going to take this case? >> yeah, well first of all, i don't even like that rule. some people are cite it as evidence of why you should start transing when you are 11 and ten years old before you even hit puberty, which is just -- i think it's crazy. most people out there i know don't let their 12-year-old pick every meal that they eat because of what that would lead to. i have a 13-year-old. if i let him pick every meal he would have pizza every meal and a lot of people out there say it's good but i think again you have to balance that out. this is part and parcel, bill, of the craziness here.
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the fact that the ncaa allowed lia thomas to compete and become a champion, a women's champion who changed the record books, helped to set the precedent it is acceptable and it isn't. i give credit to railey gaines and other female athletes who spoke out about how crazy it is. the expectation with lia thomas is this would be the attempt that lia believes that he is in fact a woman and should be able to compete as a women's champion despite the fact that lia is 6'4, over 200 pounds fully grown man that decided to identify as a woman after already beginning as a men's swimmer at the university of pennsylvania. remember, espn said that lia thomas was a women's athlete of the year. the university of pennsylvania nominated lia thomas as a women's athlete of the year.
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everyone in sports by and large who is in positions of authority and power has tried to countenance and encourage it from the ncaa, espn, university of pennsylvania. all of them have gotten it wrong and we'll see whether or not the olympics are willing to do what's right to keep him from competing as a woman. >> bill: i was watching a transgender golfer a week or two ago. she whipped the field and i mean it wasn't even close. >> bill, you and i, i bet, are not great golfers, right? >> bill: i like to think i can compete but not well. my point is, maybe for those who agree with the opinion you just stated, maybe this is what the world needs to see on a big stage like this, you know, an athlete of this physical ability
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just running laps around biological women. >> i can't even believe that we are having this conversation. bill, i think this is important, too. people say why do you even talk about this? why does this even get brought up? a man is trying to become an olympic women's swimming champion and has already become an ncaa women's champion. lia thomas's name now is in the books. i feel like south park has the randy savage voice character who decides to identify as a woman with a beard and go out and win championships everywhere. it is happening. you mentioned golf. i apologize for insulting your golf game. i'm sure it's better than mine. you have women's tees for a reason. the idea that men are not bigger, stronger and faster than women doesn't mean that every man is bigger, stronger and
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faster than every woman. at the apex of athletic ability at the summit men will be way bigger. this was a male college swimmer who has decided to identify as a woman and i hope the olympics stand up and disallow it. to your point if they want to allow it it would be crazy. >> bill: you don't know what kind of pressure goes down on that decision. we'll see what they say. clay, nice to see you. hear you on radio. >> appreciate it. >> dana: one democrat governor touting the success of legalizing weed in his state but he is not doing enough to address the risks according to some. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it.
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>> harris: president biden's policies just divided our nation in half. 25 states supporting texas against the white house and biden's border disaster. two of those governors are with me in "focus." don't mess with texas. they'll tell you. and if you like to drive fast,
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who doesn't, the nanny state wants to make cars to make sure you have to drive slow. plus biden's bizarre blunders have reached a whole new level. governors bryan kemp and kellyanne conway, raymond arroyo, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: illinois is touting a third year of record breaking sales in the cannabis industry. now the state's governor is facing backlash for failing to address health concerns and other risks as well. garrett tenney is live with the latest. when i saw him bragging about this the other day it was a strange things. don't you want to bring other types of jobs into the state? >> the record breaking sales brought in $417 million in tax revenue for the state. no doubt recreational marijuana has been great for illinois's coffers since it was legalized. the governor said we're building the best cannabis industry in
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the nation. his post doesn't mention the real public health impacts that have also come with increased use of cannabis. the state's own annual report shows the year after recreational marijuana was legalized fatal car crashes involving the drug jumped 12%. the number of kids taken to the e.r. for accidentally ingesting it shot up from 40 to 2019 to 150 in 2021 and 2022. some medical professionals are concerned that pritzker and other illinois lawmakers could be putting public health as risk by celebrating the growth of an industry for an addictive product. >> it's one thing to say hey, we want to -- we're looking at the public health costs versus the money we make and it is a sacrifice we're willing to make but another when we try to pretend the public health cost is there & money is raining from the sky. >> the group of people affected the most are those living in poverty with the highest rates of regular cannabis use and the group illinois democrats will be
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the most helped by all the extra tax revenue coming in. >> dana: all right, thank you. >> bill: thank you, garrett. now, an oklahoma city liquor store robbed at gun point in this new video. check this out here. >> bill: that's about as raw as it gets. security cameras capture the robber threatening the clerk, demanding his hand over his phone. at one point the gunman hops over the counter and shoves the clerk. oklahoma police are asking for help identifying this mask wearing mask, sunglasses and plan. he had a plan and idea. maybe that image right there will give you some clues. >> dana: lock him up. that is not right. i feel for the staff of these places that are being run over by criminals.
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we want to get you something good news. >> bill: let's end on a good note. >> dana: a deputy in illinois going the extra mile to serve and protect. watch what happened here. officers arrested that woman's door dash driver. they realized that the food wasn't going to get to the customer so the deputy also made the delivery to make sure they got their dinner. and then it's snowy there. she might have been not able to get out. >> bill: the cop gets the assist. good call. good decision. >> dana: great to have you with me today. >> bill: and you. >> dana: do you think we're running out of words? i will be on "the five" and see you all then at 5:00. here is harris. >> harris: texas governor greg abbott has just said no to the


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