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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 28, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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arthel: and breaking moments to go through u.s. service members killed and at least two dozen
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injured in a drone attack on a base in jordan along the syrian border but hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville. eric: hello everyone i'm eric shawn byrd for weeks the by the administration has been accused of not responding forcefully enough against the continuing attacks by radiant back to proxies like the houthis who have been targeting shipping and air forces the tragedy at many feared has been realized. president biden respond as president ronald reagan did in the 1980s? when iran attacked our forces. reagan retaliated against rating assets directly check out half of iran's navy. in a statement released moments ago president biden says the attack was carried out by radical iran back to militant groups operating in syria and iraq. the question what will happen? arthel: let's go to lucas tomlinson he is live at the white house. lucas what more can you tell us? works this is the deadliest attack on american forces in the middle east since the october 7
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hamas massacre. as you mention a drone strike killed three u.s. troops and wounded 25 at a base in northeast jordan near the border with syria for that is according to the white house. president biden release in the e statement moments ago which says quote what we are still gathering the facts of the attack we know it was carried out by radical ironic back to militant groups operating in syria and i rocket. joel and i joined the families and friends of our fallen and americans across the country grieving the loss of these warriors in this despicable and wholly unjust attack. there have been over one or 59 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria i now jordan over the past three months. the u.s. has responded with airstrikes in iraq and syria the bulk of it in yemen since the beginning of the month there have been increasing because as you mentioned for the u.s. to strike back at much harder for u.s. warships continue shooting down drones and missiles from iran's proxy forces off the coast of yemen there's also have been caused u.s. to strike the
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source that is inside iran. the names of those of fall and have not been released subject to next of kin notifications. arthel: a right lucas tomlinson thank you very much live at the whwidest rate of joining us on e phone chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin. jennifer, any word from the pentagon? >> we have received a notification a statement in which they confirmed the deaths of the three u.s. troops. i'm also hearing reports that up to 25 americans may have been injured and that attack on the base and a northern jordan this is a very significant escalation as lucas reported. this is bound to test not only the white house but u.s. central command. we know there has been a great deal of frustration among top senior u.s. military officials.
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thinking the u.s. needed to strike back harder against iran. that iran was not given the deterrent message as lucas mentioned there been wonder 59 attacks almost daily about u.s. bases in iraq and syria and now jordan. it was only a matter of time before some of those drones the attack drones is provided to its proxies got through. you saw just last saturday there were 17 ballistic missiles filed at the airbase were 2500 u.s. troops are based inside iraq. talks with the iraqi government have begun this week about the future of u.s. troops inside iraq it is clear iran has unleashed all of its proxies against u.s. bases in u.s. forces as well as the houthis firing on ships in the red sea. because they are trying to push the u.s. out of the middle east.
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iran believes with enough pressure from the proxy groups and they are willing to sacrifice these proxy groups and the u.s. so far has drawn a line at striking inside iran or taking out any significant targets that iran would be concerned about they are concerned about spreading the conflict. i'm so the goal of the administration since october 7 is to not spread the conflict with the daily attacks on shipping we saw yesterday the marlin had been struck by an anti- ship missile and was on fire until the u.s. carney in a french braid get put out that fire very, very significant escalation today with the confirmed deaths of at least three american troops in northern jordan. arthel: of course a lot at stake here but not to mention the lives of our service members. are we expecting a forceful response in short order?
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>> i know from conversations i have been having in recent weeks there is a very significant plan that could be activated to target iranian targets in iranian proxy targets. the question is usually what you see in this case is the u.s. military will wait for a time and place of its choosing to carry out those strikes. but there is going to be tremendous pressure on the administration to escalate and respond forcefully to end these attacks on u.s. forces because it clearly tehran is not getting the message. with the daily attacks using the property forces very thinly veiled. none of these proxy forces would be able to strike without significant help from my ron. arthel: they are saying the reason for this is they want israel out of gaza. but you have netanyahu saying
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this war will continue. his military response will continue. so how did those two things work out in this very precarious scenario? >> you need to d-link the gaza conflict which is between israel and hamas and is taking place in gaza. what iran has done, it has supported hamas for years and iran certainly is this hidden hand hamas would not have had the fire power, the training or the ability to strike israel without the support of my ron. but separately iranian proxies are focused on american forces it has nothing to do with what's going on with israel and what is happening in the gaza strip though they are using that as a pretense for attacking u.s. troops. iran is wanted to push u.s. forces out of the middle east going up back to 1979. this is using this as an opportunity the mood in the
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arabic capitol and across the middle east against both israel and the united states. they are using this as an opportunity to try and again pressure the u.s. trying to see if the u.s. will pull back its forces and leave the middle east. it's something again is back to the reagan. when u.s. marines and the u.s. marine barracks was bombed in lebanon to get the u.s. out of the middle east. this has been ironical for decades. eric: jennifer e men you mentiod iran's goal it is the cold air bombing of the towers back then. also the 1980s we been there before the iranian tanker wars when iranian mann at the samuel roberts of president ronald reagan a then attacked iranian assets and iranian oil platform and oil filled and the u.s. took out one half of the iranian n navy. the bite administration is harshly criticized for not
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responding strongly enough. now we have american blood spilled because of this. what type of reaction do you expect from the administration what targets potentially could the pentagon target? >> there are many targets that could be targeted. there has been a hesitation the pentagon the white house and the administration in particular has not wanted to spread they one to d-link what is happening with the iranian proxies from the palestinian conflict. there's a great deal of concern that it has bullet decides to release this will spread into a regional war. i spoke to a very senior u.s. defense official last night who said we have not been as close to a regional war in the middle east since 1973. it is a very, very tenuous moment and the reason there has
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there'sbeen hesitation by the we house is fear iran is trying to bait the u.s. and israel into a broader war. that is why deterrence has not worked so far they are going to i would expect an emergency situation meetings with the president about what to do now this rubicon has been crossed and u.s. troops have been killed. arthel: the rubicon has been cross you're saying this is ironic trying to bait the u.s. into a broader military exercise outright war there. so i have to ask you, everything does go to putin. you've got pooc putin supportinn and vice versa. so is this another attempt for a distraction from what putin is doing over in ukraine? >> it certainly helps to putin if you go back to october 7 there has been no intelligence
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linking per se it what has been happening in the middle east since then but notice ukraine has been knocked off of the airwaves and knocked off of the television channels and all the fronfrontline correspondents hae diverted to israel since octobe. certainly an alliance between moscow and tehran has been building. we have seen it outright. it's really important to point out, eric was talking with the tanker wars of the 80s we are now currently and eight tanker war in that red sea nobody wants to call it that but there are daily attacks in fed not been for the u.s. navy and the destroyers that had taken out most of the drones and antiship missiles you could have had more ships sunk to the bottom of the ocean. this is happening on a daily basis it is only again through
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thisthe sheer proficiency of ths carney and other u.s. navy destroyers out there who are intercepting almost daily a stunning number of antiship missiles as well as one way attack drones. iran has unleashed a tanker war in the red sea and the u.s. and others are going to have to come together to stop it. before we let you go, how involved is defense secretary austin in this situation? >> my understanding at conversations last night he is very involved he is coming back to work on a monday to the pentagon. so we will see him on monday he will be hosting an honor court of his first dates back to work he was cleared by walter reed i think he had an appointment on friday in his doctors cleared him to come back. but my understanding that even when he has been working at home he has been in constant touch with u.s. central command there
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has been a sense again they feared this date would come u.s. troops would be killed they had been lucky so far diverting and blocking the ballistic missiles and drones that have been attacking u.s. forces for over 169 separate attacks. mid october this is going to be a new challenge not only the defense secretary, the white house and ultimately the president. if i've jennifer griffin thank you as always your excellent report he will check back with you later, thank you. eric: three of our troops killed by a radiant back to proxies. president bided vowing those responsible will be held to account. what exactly does that mean? is that a green light to respond to this attack on just the iranian proxies or the military assets as president ronald reagan did back in the 1980s as we have said.
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someone who knows all about this and is and israel facing this issue. the israelis have taken it on directly facing the proxies, hezbollah and others. trey yingst is live. >> good afternoon the entire region right now racing for the possibility of much broader conflicts. this is a massive escalation there is no other way to describe what happens. these iran back i rocky and militia have been operating since the war erupted between israel and hamas 114 days ago but jennifer makes an important distinction. what's happening on the ground and now the attacks on the american forces whether 59 of them since mid-october has no longer specifically to do with what is happening on the ground in gaza. it has more to do if they want to broader aims to ignite the region into a larger conflict that serves their interests.
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remember what's happening now rising tension and enrichment continuously pushing a red at lines laid out by the bite administration you also have a situation in southern lebanon and the islamic jihad inside gaza. the news today three american soldiers were killed, 25 others injured along the border between jordan and syria. just another example of the risks american forces have when they are in the region. and remember there's a large deployment of u.s. forces to the middle east to support their key ally, israel. as the work continues to escalate on the ground. the first chapter in a large employee book that is unfolding right now across the region.
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eric: just the other day it targeted the hezbollah headquarters and responses on these attacks. obviously this is not done enough or deterred the array backed militia from trying to attack western interest in our troops. what could be, and your view, the next step? what would the israelis do? >> some of the hardliners say strikes need to take place against the iranian regime does not only funding but directing your tax against american forces. they used a militia are trained by the iranian regime. there are commanders on the ground that directly visited these forces are. they have communication with officials in tehran. when we look back just a few years, look at the beginning of 2021 during the trump administration a drone strike was oregon's top iranian general
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sosoleimani outside baghdad international airport. look at the iranian response at that moment. we are talking 13 ballistic missiles filed at the base in westewestern iraq that still hos american troops. since a large response by the iranians but now the iranians using ballistic missiles on a weekly basis. their firing rockets and drones toward american troops across the middle east. if you have a run back houthis in yemen targeting not just commercial in the red sea but also american navy ships that are operating in this area. eric: trey yingst, very volatile situation on the ground is to be a way to save the white house and pentagon does to respond to the killing of our troops. it's what everyone has always feared because of this. trey, thank you. arthel: eric, retired lieutenant general keith kellogg is with this is a form of national security adviser to vice president mike pence. also a fox news contributor. general kellogg, this is very concerning.
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this new turn of events. the commander-in-chief cannot layout has specific plans but he has to take a serious and targeted responsible. what might the miliy look like and how many options we have? >> arthel, thank you for having me. this is very, very significant. with three daedalus 25 voted that we know it is a significant escalation. i go back to what president trump said in the state of the union and in january of 2020 when he said very clearly if you attack an american your life is forfeit. we just had americans killed and frankly anybody who did not see this coming i national security is a fool. we knew it was going to happen with the amount of attacks that have been happening. we were dodging a bullet we were getting lucky. it was caused primarily because of our normalization of activities. it's kind of okay to attack forces in the middle east. it is okay to shoot missiles in the red to see it is okay for
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china to get involved with iran and saudi arabia a conducting peace we take a step back. now the president's hand, president biden's hand is forced for just a few blocks a in heren the white house conflict in the situation room i'm sure the thinking what they have to do they're going to have to do it teddy roosevelt said are 26 the president when you strike, you strike harder. he is the one who said speak softly but carry a big stick i do not believe arthel they've got any option but to go into iran and attack iranian targets as trey said a minute ago all of these attacks on american forces in the middle east be it houthis, hezbollah, they are a iranian backed this administration has pulled it's a punchers it cannot do that anymore has to make a hard strike. here's the problem we have had with normalization. when you normalize activities you accept what's going on. now changing that dynamic is
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really hard you cannot just go tit for tat you have to go what's called the escalation of the latter make a significant strike be it on people, facilities, troops on the field with the iranians and has to be something the pentagon is going to come up with options going to decide where they want to go but my concern is this administration is going to take the hard option it needs to take and strike hard against the iranians does that mean personnel? shshort couldn't mean everything going after the current leader of the force or the current leader or going after facilities that build the drones within iran, take out their naval facilities. they are going to have to make those decisions that they don't strike hard they're making a big mistake i believe will see a repeat of this in the future. >> has made this personal. and so the response has to be personal. what i do ask is what about our allies in the region? who is on board and what is the current communication between allied forces?
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quickset is a great question and you need to bring your allies along. but this is an american issue they have killed americans and as you just said this is personal and we should delete if you want to come with this come on with us if you don't we were member who came with us and who didn't. this is one of those challenges you have as americans we can't tell us get on the same boat and rowed together oh note this is our lead they killed our troops we are going to respond. going to be there be there for their reaching out to them i'm sure the reaching out to the french the brits and italians and everybody else this is our lead and might take to the allied is you better get on board because i will member quite clearly who was with me and who is not with me when we have to make this response. if i absolutely could give me 3040 seconds on this a pretty got put in standby you got jinping standing by. what are they watching for? >> great question. they are watching our response they're going to key off our
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response that's the reason is very concerned about normalization because it kind of accepted everything. they knew they could push and push hard for the going to see what our response is going to be and if it is not a strong response we are opening up ourselves to further aggression by the iranians or anybody else in the region. this is a chance for the nine states of america, for present biden to make a strong statement they are watching allies are watching adversaries are watching. eric: general keith kellogg a thank you very much would stick around for out this day for us we will have more, much more on this breaking news story coming up next. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now.
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before we have been reporting three american troops are killed more than two dozen. the drone hit a northern base in jordan near the syria border. president biden said the u.s. will quote hold all of those responsible to account at a time and in a manner of our choosing but what could that be? retired u.s. general joins us he was a commander in iraq that took down isis. in general, welcome, thank you for joining us. what type of response that i iranhas crossed the line? american blood has been spilled
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because of this this is what everyone feared and wasn't concerned about that our troops it would be killed. what would be an appropriate response against tehran and response to this? >> it is good to be with you this afternoon. there are a number of things we need to take a look at. first of all house how's a droe to attack our forces in jordan without being shot down? i've been assigned to the jordan in the past and to all of our bases they are in northern jordan. there certainly air defenses that were in place and layered systems. i am surprised the drone was able to get through. these were iranian proxies. it is time now for iran to answer to this. so action, strong action must be taken by the u.s. and our allies but u.s. should be in charge of leading the effort.
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eric: when you say strong action what would you recommend we've talked about what president ronald reagan did back in the 1988. when a mine took out her blasted one of our frigates. ronald reagan took out half the iranian navy is that appropriate or would that be too much of an escalation if the u.s. directly attacked iranian military assets? >> i do not think it is an over escalation. the iranians have been backing all of these attacks against u.s. forces throughout the middle east. the attacks are now passed 158 nearly 160 of those attacks. attacking the proxies is something we should do but we should also look at targets and iran and send a strong message to not only iran but to our ron's backers which will be china and russia a strong strike against the force i rgc should
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be appropriate. steve we talk about the codes of force, the opposition group they had a report last week. this is all directed by the supreme leader and by the leaders in tehran. what specifically could be taken out are you talking about barracks, military bases, what kind of assets could the eye rgc have that could be legitimate targets by the united states of america? >> our intel shows there's a very sensitive at targets in ironic that can be taken out. any of those targets should be on the table were present biden to decide. >> if the administration does not do that if it continues this whack a mole of trying to swat down the drones this one sadly
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and tragically unsuccessful what type of message with that said that this would continue as it has? >> the message we sent is that we are weak. the message we send us we will get more of that if we keep playing this. we must send a strong message to the source and that is iran. >> do you see your allies and other forces getting eight military coalition perhaps to face iran? >> if they are truly our allies this is the time you find out who your friends are in the neighborhood. they should meet with this weather to uk, france, nations and the middle east like saudi arabia it is time to show leadership. and then follow america's lead. eric: iran attacked the saudi arabian oil foods for example. that night resumed diplomatic relations. what kind of back channel talks do you think are going on now and will not be successful?
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apparently has not been successful so far you have iranian diplomats right here in new york at the un as some would say it's time to kick them out. >> i don't think it is every time to stop diplomatic discussions we should always keep our diplomatic channels open. we did miss a chance when iran attacked or certainly back to the attacks against saudi arabian oil fields. we should have sent a strong message then but we didn't. eric: and finally your prediction. what will we see rule out over the next couple of weeks? >> we will see more of this there will be escalation in the red sea with the houthis. we'll see possibly some activity though hezbollah does not really want to fight but as a part of this overall iranian plan we will see some activity from hezbollah in the northern part of israel. we'll see more activity from syria against u.s. bases. we'll see activity from the militia and iraq against u.s.
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bases. but the message must be sent to iran and that is a strong strike and signal at sensitive targets in iran. eric: general dana pittard thank you, and thank you for your service to our country and your analysis today. love more live news coverage on the fox news channel three of our u.s. troops have been killed in jordan. two dozen injured. what message will be sent to tehran and when will that be? who will be right back. these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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senior fellow military expert for defense priorities. colonel davis, how were our truths troops attacked by drones without the drone being shot down question that's a question posed by general dana pittard speaking with eric a little bit ago. >> i think what you are seeing as a result in ukraine and that there is of evolving technology to learn how to defeat air defense systems in regards to drones there's drone encounter drone warfare and i bet we will find out some of the ways the russians and ukrainians have succeeded in getting drones through defense systems and electronic warfare systems are probably now being used by an opponent of the united states that is one of the risks we have here there been so many we shot him so many but nothing is a perfect it has been literally i've been saying rolling the dice until an american gets killed and now it is upon us the
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big question is going to be what next? i fear that's the question nobody's asking in washington, what comes next they want to hit iran that is understandable but we have to think clearly and unemotionally so we do not make this even worse which we can do if we don't do it right. >> how do you respond and respond forcefully perhaps even on tehran's turf without being emotional and without escalating as you said. it is like a ball of nerves right now and one wrong slice paralyzes everything. quickset is exactly right which is why we do not need to take any action right now that is big without thinking it through. now any time an american gets killed i've been unequivocal in this that person has to die pointblank no questions asked if you kill an american you have to die a do not care about any of the other circumstances. as i've also been arguing it's pointless for have troops
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scattered throughout iraq and syria and now in jordan right across the border because they serve no valid purpose for the u.s. army. they are a strategic vulnerability and our troops have been ponce make it easy for the ironic back groups to hit now it has happened but we have to do is a limit whoever did that we need to do whatever it takes to kill all of those people who killed our troops. second though we need to say we are going to get rid of this invulnerability redeploy those troops were they are more protected have better assets to defend themselves and then we can worry about diplomacy and say i viewed direct these things and if this continues to happen we are going to hit and hit hard. but if you don't that we are not going to it is not an american interest to see this work spanned because considered this three troops have been killed so far. if we do it some of these people are thinking and don't think about what comes next that could be hundreds or thousands of americans at killed or wounded in a war that nobody needs.
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arthel: your talk about moving the troops that are there repositioning to them to a place they are less vulnerable big talk about the choreography involved so quickly that can happen and who is taking cover or protecting them in the process? are we calling our allies to make sure that as we move our troops t there going to be protected? quickset is a great question. and it is important to identify that. so this particular target was tower 22. basically a tiny little point in the desert over looking the base and syria which means they are vulnerable and out in the middle of nowhere but that's what i say get them out of those areas where they are not needed anyway to some of the larger basis where we have really good air defense system, 360 the border that's not going to be fast is going to take some time to do which is why diplomacy concurrent with taking out those people who killed our troops is important to say iran you do not want to go toe to toe with us
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you don't want too. we will, if you continue doing this stuff if you don't take any more action while we are redeploying our forces that we don't have to escalate this to war but it is important they know we will. but here's the key thing. we need to make sure we are telling our people we are going to protect them i keep hearing the presidents after all the strikes they been doing since october no higher priority than to take care of our american troops and yet they have done nothing to take care of our american troops by leading them on the ground. everyone is going to say ort or manypeople, not everyone wilf you take the troops out it's a position of weakness it will signal the stuff that's nonsense but everyone who matters understands it's stupid to have your troops and vulnerable it makes a lot of sense to get them where they are more strong and more protected and all of our assets are completely capable of taking any target out in the middle east. arthel: to quick important points here but in a short time. you mention the tough talk has
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to happen to iran that has been happening they don't listen, they have not responded that's why we are here where we are now and it jennifer griffin our national security correspondent reporting moments ago saying and there is a tanker war in the red sea in the gulf of eden. even if there is hesitation to call that would be your assessment? >> i agree completely do not listen to us. every time here john kirby say we sent a strong message to iran you did not you never send a strong message these are pin prick strikes that don't amount to anything for them this is awards going on in the situation. until we do it make sense for us and not pay attention to the emotional issues we are going to get sucked in for that we've got to do it make sense for america first. arthel: absolutely. colonel davis, thank you very much for joining us for this breaking news. before u.s. casualties raise questions about the issue of war authorization. previously both sides on hill
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from progressive democrats to marjorie taylor greene have criticized president biden for not seeking congressional authorization before launching attacks against the trend eight. the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell has said the president has quote clear authority to use military force when american lives and interests are under attack. that's the case now for more go to senior correspondent chad pergram who joins us now. chad i would imagine the leaders of the senate armed services committee will be consulted. what is happening on the hill concerning these attacks? >> are going to have to bring in the leadership to inform them what they know and what they found out here. as you speak to the war powers question i is often said you cannot be out little bit pregnant but a little bit war. the republican senator from alabama says in the last couple weeks the conflicts with the houthis i don't know what else she would call this conflict other than a war and that is what lawmakers from both sides
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over the past week and started to ask more questions about what we are doing overseas. what's the debt what's of vulnerabilities under article one section eight of the constitution the u.s. has the authority that congress has the authority to declare war article two section two says the presipresident as commander and chief. mitch mcconnell as you alluded to the minority leader alluded to the heat believe the president has the authority to strike out at these targets to strike out at the houthis but we get into a shooting war and in iranian or proper what you call that. there's another bipartisan letter late friday by my partisan house lawmakers saying we need to have clarification here and what we are doing for this will only intensify that conversation. the other thing, it might delete the problem the center from utah talked about this mid week last week and said i want to understand what authorization we are using there's an authorization approved in the fall of 2001 after 911 which
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they tried to repeal both of these there is also authorization a in late 2002 too into iraq which they were peeled in the senate never moved in the house of representatives. said i want to understand the objectives here. under the war powers resolution of 1973, presidents have pretty broad latitude to go in and strike and retaliate there informing congress on a regular basis. but when you get into the gray area which certainly was this attack today this is where it lawmakers say what are the objectives? this is what led to the story in 1993 blackhawk downs and bodies of u.s. service members dragged through the streets of downtown mogadishu and congress set up and said are we at war? what are we doing in the cut off the funding. congress has got to be more engaged in this the next few days. eric: going very strong reaction let me read to you what senator tom cotton of arkansas has tweeted he says quote joe biden and bold and iran for years by
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tolerating attacks on our troops, bribing the ayatollahs of billions of dollars and appeasing them to no end. he he left our troops is sitting ducks and now there are dead and dozens wounded. sadly as i predicted that would happen. the only answer to these attacks ais senator tom cotton must be quote devastating military retaliation against iran terrorist forces both and iran and across the middle east. anything less will confirm joe biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief. very strong language. you asked back to more like that from opponents? >> infer that from lindsey graham in the past few minutes in public or south carolina. he said hit iran now, hit them hard. a couple lawmakers are going to ask of it authorization. eric: we will be right back with our coverage. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing.
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arthel: continuing with our
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breaking news the courage of what her 59 attacks on our troops in the middle east since mid october. that is the three months within three months time. we are going to ring it retired general keith kellogg he is a form of national security advisor under vice president pence. general kellogg, besides the precious lives of our american troops what is at stake with the current escalation especially if the houthis and iran are not stopped in their tracks. texas is one of those things and though be doing this in the situation room it probably as we speak right now in the white house. need to be calm, deliberate, clear and decisive interaction to take the emotion out of it. i have been in the situations in four years in the white house these decisions have to be made. but they are going to have to be hard decisions and send a clear message not only to the houthis, but hezbollah, and anyone else
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in the region for though we are going to get out of this enemy that come in earlier when they normalize activities in the area it's okay to do this. it's okay to attack u.s. forces 150 times at the response. they would have to do what i call super escalate. they have to take it to a level that everybody is uncomfortable including those in the situation room you go to a level and say this is not a gamble it is a risk we understand the risks involved. but until make a clear message and we send a clear message these are going to continue. you have to go outside your normal box and break your escalation letter attacked the forces later or the supreme leader or the facilities in iran but somebody has to make a hard call because now we are in the position this is the unfortunate reason i get concerned about normalization. now we have reached a point where we are going to have to do something very hard, very strong the responses going to be from
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there and it could be proportionate so be prepared for that but it is of our own making we allow this to happen and you see everybody started to say that as well this is one of those right now and the pentagon they've already got a plan i am sure. hopefully they knew this day would come and now this is what were going to do and this is the response. what they will do in the situation room as they will lay out the options to the president of the united states he under article two section two is the commander-in-chief he is the one you'll make those decisions. arthel: general kellogg if i could get a quick answer on this our chad pergram from capitol hill is saying the drone attack in the retaliation is bipartisan calls for congress for some authorization for lawmakers for continued overseas military engagements. your military man this time of the essence?
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you've gotten this hearty and fast if this thing gets dragged out it will kinda beat normalization again for this is one of those you must respond. when we killed the soul of money that strike happened within a week of when they attacked our facilities and also in the attack the u.s. embassy in the pro-iranian forces in iraq they attacked our embassy that'll happen within a week and it quieted down right after that very few do not strike hard strike fast it's a big mistake. arthel: general kellogg a thankk you very much as always. street entrance before joining us now doctor rebecca grant fox's contributor. dr. grant you've got to think iran has prepared for this they are calibrating a response and a potential attack on them in response to what is going on and the minds of tehran? >> i hope they are in a panic because this absolutely requires a u.s. response.
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eric, we always hear it maybe iran does or does not have control over these militia. but in this case iran has been trying to kill american servicemen with a drone for several years we know of cases where aircraft's have taken out teams on the ground they were about to strike here they finally done it in the tragedy is happens. we have to respond hard not only against those militia in that area i think this time against iran as well but this cannot stand. it's different what kind of response do you see? president trump took out solo money it's his success or do we go assassinate him? >> right now i would be all in favor of that. but in reality central command should have a list of targets and options that is already been briefed up to the secretary of defense, perhaps to the
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president. this is something they have to have thought about in terms of developing the targets. they do not just start from a clean sheet of paper with the situation like this. a lot will depend on how much they were able to watch and look back at the forensics of who actually carried out that strike. i would say on the list are going to be facilities of where they store the drones, the teams that did this and i am in favor of doing something that will get iran's attention potentially including a strike on some of their oil facilities they built down at the bottom of the gulf. something has to be done. eric: president ronald reagan did that the 1990s as their oil fields and the oil platform. twenty seconds left, do you think the iranians have bit off more than they could chew they've been sitting back and laughing so far but may now say they are not prepared? >> they have they've made a big mistake and also hitting in the territory of jordan who is not
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going to have liked this. we have some facilities there. so iran has made a huge mistake they've got to pay. super king hussein and eight jordanians we will likely hear from them since it was on their territory. doctor rebecca grant thank you. more at live coverage of the afternoon here on the fox news channel.can g ♪oa you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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