tv The Big Weekend Show FOX News January 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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their own people do not support them this is not 100 feet high it should not be an insurmountable task for the united states to restore some order here. but again until we have a leadership is going to do that decisively i do not understand why we are putting all of our people at risk. trey: thank you both your service to our country and loaning us your expertise on the sunday night. i have a sneaking suspicion we will be talking about it again and probably soon. until then, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you trait. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. until next week and find us online or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. >> hello we tomi lahren and
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joe concham li could welcome to the big weekend show. big story.g we >> articles of impeachment revealed against homeland t security secretary alejandroachm >> border is closed.rkas the border is secure. >> it my familiar that the border is secure. >> you think it's a crisis now. >> it is a challenge. >> that insistence is one reason the house argues that mayorkas is putting the country at risk.orka lucas is here to break down c the tworo articles. >> republican member of homeland rep security committee spoke abouyt the impeachment articles and the testimony from the dhs chief. >> they are simple, article one said there is a willfulon refusal to follow the law, that is immigration and nationality act.
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and article ii says there ain breach of public trust, what you heard.ys t those two are simple butu they factual i outline the refusal of secretaryutli mayorkas to keep our country safe. >> alejandro mayorkas knowingly made false statements to congress that the border is security.e, and border is closed. that dhs has operationals ha control of the border, throughout his tenure zer secretary of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas violated laws enacted byut h congress regardingary immigration and borderas r security, in large partim because of his unlawful conduct. millions of illegal aliens have entered u.s. his refusal to away the law is an af offense against separation of power, here is
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the response from dhs is, saying: >> many republican congressmen say that southern border should be top issue.comm >> he knows better this is not by accident, this is bys design, you callbe him the architect of disvehicle yoution, 8 million encounters 300 on terror0 on watch list 200 million people dead now thanks to fentanyl poisoning, this one man is responsible for, that is aison dare derelict of lute. >> cabinet members have only cab been impeached one time in united states thatof t wasates nearly 150 years ago. >> lucas thank you. >> jason, two articles we have, refusal to follow the
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law, breach of public trust, are these articles of impeachment justified, whatwe is the process o hf this?ch >> i havmee read through 20e pages of the articlenes they are justified secretary hashe no 2t enforced current law, and made excuses and nade representations to congress that are that are absolute total lies you can look at numbers and probably one of the best a witnesses that you will have, will be someone like a brandon judd in part ofju border patrol union, talk to border patrol agents they're not allowed to enforce the current law. there were things with that's whippingins din incidencef th that's was false. when about the minors that were released, that is ine the article, talking aboutepre how that is a dereliction of duty here, lost public trust. and as edwi ed he
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earned this, not changing, unless they get read of thatnfor person, who is not enforcing the current law. >> a tough time in tommy, let'sug listen to w congress mamel elise stefanik. >> we're holding biden administration and joe biden accountable for the catastrophe at our southern border, a willful refusal tomply comply with the law and abuse of power. in position of homeland security, every state is a border state, committee will markup articles of impeachment. and work through process tose brincrg them to the floor. whatt' is most telling democrats refuse to hold joe biden accountable for this border crisis. >> democrats refuses to hold joe biden accountable how am that play out. >> some republicans that are
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refusing to hold joe biden ao accountable, feelsco that we'veun been listening to this on a loop for last 3e years. anlaearsd everyone is giving usa dereliction of duty, we hearder this over and over, like aen broken board, love to hear republicans say it but it took this long for impeachment quire to comeen up. but i think that america it nco people areom sicisk of republicans and congress talking about it does.s not seem they actualng have the will or votes orve support within themselves to get it done, luke at texas d -- you look at texas, out there making a change,th holding the line, more, ho americans are looking at ame governor abbott saying maybe we need 50 more greg abbotts, it is great we have this will it go across the finish line, down have a lot of optimism, a lot ofe
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americans don't.wi >>ll republicans are at odds on this issue, play thiss ar clip of just that, i want to play this clip of senator rick scott as well as lankford. >> there is noamest iny, thisng u is not about letting n 5,000 people in, a day thisne isst most misunderstood section. >> we could change the laws,ders there are laws now, trump secured border, we don't need a new bill we need something to enforce.w, force biden to t comply withy di the >> you have republicans at t odds with each other in the backdrop of this impeachment as well, then you have the i media coming to defense of democrat on top. washington posted said this is housecrat g.o.p. unveiled mayorkas impeachment article despite lack ofs every, despite 20 pages of it laidls out from republicans, so, why -- what will it take for
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mead twr media to take the border crisis seriously. >> i think you will sees cowboys in super bowl beforey. a report on this.or 10,000 people t a day in december crossed into thisssed country illegally, 300 thousand in a month, so, what more evidence do you need that when mayorkas said that border is closed then 300 thousand people are coming in a month, more than you 9 million since thee president took office, it not reported on, h honestly, you know even if we go to 5,000 a day, they will say we cut down border 5 crossing0%s by more than 50%, alejandro mayorkas is a useless idiot, you could remove him, that does not b matter, that are mayorkas will bmae put in as long as joe bidelon isng president and wall cobb is notd restarted and catch and release is not eliminated.
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my question for jason, do they have the number the to remove mayorkas or just prime mini impeachment. a >> i am worried talking tof th my former house collisions republicans don't -- theyre can onlypu give up 3 votes, they don't necessarily have the numbers to impeach him, should they go through the thr process, yes, the law says they shall be detained and deported, the catch and release now is violation of that law en masse, the impeachment said, i think 45 thousand unakeuacompany heed minors, they are kids, 6, 10 years old they are ten released they don't know yea where they are.d there is -- whany is there no outrage, if donald trump released 3 people in toe country that werine unacom
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acompany kied minors, they talk about humanta trafficking awareness month. because they are taking the work of the cartels, and gets the poor young women and boys, to who knows what, you talk to the borderif patrol, thousands of people that are raped coming acrossple that border, alejandro mayorkas is in charge of it and he is not doing his job,t he needs to be remove. >> you have a republicans in senate like lankford tries to codify 5,000 a day, which goes to show what hope is there if this even passesho house. >> we have ats tn election coming up, republicans who are unhappy with representation, immigration should be number one issue, e the power. >> polling is showing it is that, a big hour still ahead on big weekend show. o
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fourx news alert president biden promise after the deaths of u.s. soldiers in middle east.lert >> and -- qualities not aus time o.f life, a state of qua mind that is joe biden.e >> gavinof newsom tries to putin a pep in aging president'sg step. >> and a cause for celebration, media is touting divorce clubs, is that the the right message forth kids?
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>> we're back with fox news alecto alert, 3 u.s. service members killed, on a base in jordan with a dp drone attack. remember, this was theia president's message fonr anyone who attacked u.s. forces av the hamas terror attack on israel back in october. >> any country, any organization, anyone thinking of taking advantage of this situation, i have one word, don't. >> more than 150 attacks on u.s. forces happened since
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then, this was the president's promise today. >> last night -- lost three brave soldiers attack on one of our bases. a moment of silence for those fallen soldiers. we shall respond. >> fox news correspondent trey yingst ? tel aviv. > in middle east, a drone attack attacked an out postor alondag the border killing 3e am american forces and injuring more thaore n two dozen others, in jordan, it was carried out by iran backed militiagr group,ou tonight biden administration saying thereia will be .a response, and president biden releasing a
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statement saying quote. we know it was carried out by radical iran backed militant groups we will hold those responsible to anl account atho time and manner of our choosing, region placing for possibility of a broader conflict there is been more than 159 attacks against u.s. forces in iraqr and save syria since mid october since after octobergh t 7 massacre, secretary of date lloyd austin releasing a statement saying: >> today on fox news,on retires d lieutenant generald kellogg talking about the situation, and what former president trump said in 2020 when americans took out qassam soleimani. >> to what president trump
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said in his state of the union in january of 2020, when me said clearly, if attack an american, your life is forfeit, we have had some americans killed. anyone who did not see this coming is a fool, we knew it was happening with the amount of attacks that were occurring we were justa fo dodging the bullet. reporter: america's closest ally in middle east, israel on high alert, understanding that if there is an american response against the iranians, iran could choose to use one is of their lack ofest proxies hezbollah to t fire bachek against america's top ally in the region. >> trey thank you. >> let's get reaction from senator come -- tom cotton,an with thi ws statement:cowa
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>> jason chaffetz. >> this should not be a p over -- this should be overwhelming to point that iran cannot afford to do this again, i think secretary of defense, and president of united states,di need to explain to thespwhel american people why are werd t there and why are our troops therofe if t they can't t defendhe themselves, this is continue, and thean president had s shown weakness time and time again, this is an extension of what h president obama waass being,n of appeasement and enriching iran. when joe biden has been president,i extending what barack obama did. the world is not safe, i am praying for the poor family, s them, thank them for their service.em >> two navy seals earlier this weak also lost their lives that should be noted.
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>> and gavin newsom on joeconc biden's age. >> i'm an old fashion guy, the word needs a state of mind, a that is joe biden.mi >>ne okay. so, how is biden going to appeal to young voters, bring in the influencers, ars super pac paying more than 150 instagram and tiktok influencers, a million of dollars to flood thieves with pron biden messaging it will work. a boothe. they will bring in w influencers, uses tiktok, last check with a chinese spying app. >> one if five voters check tiktok dale that's number increasingto with younger voters there, is something interesting happening right now with youth vote.y joe biden won according to exit polling the youngte voters by double digits in 2020, now if you look at polling, not just outlier but the trend, donald trumput
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isli winning or gaining by youtm know joe biden's hemorrhaging the youth vote, you coul d go back a fow few months ago, joe biden wamos up by one and more recent like "usa today" and "new york times" with trump winning the youth vote.ay ai had robert with the trafalgar group on myke podcast, hd e said young voters will surprise us thisoung election cycle, they are looking at alternative meanst mideastia, they are learningik different things, and if you look atradt polling there is a y genderou divide.wi withth women, you know more a liberal and then more moderate. and conservative. so, look out for young voters, they could surprise us. >> tomi do you think that young voters, is a mirage or a real thing. >> here is the problem we'reun assuming that joe biden will be nominee, this is where i
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don't like over 9 confidence, i don't think that joe biden will do as well with young voters, joen biden's age,wi and i think they are a lot of young people are disgruntled with joe,i you take joe out andtl yoedu talk about rev roe v. wade, and student loan forgiveness and everything, that democrat agenda promises them, young people will c vote for that, no matter how many influencers,vote i wish this was ease solution. but you are assuming joe biden will be nominee.. i thin yk we getter be careful. >> jason chaffetz you with a great op-ed on you talk about how republicans are losing this battle, as far as getting the vote out, democracies have an advantage that republicans condition figure out in a terms of -- can't figure out in adn terms of turning people out. even when polls likely
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donald trump. right now show he willmi probably winne the presidency,he but, but. >> i wor worry about wher e is republicanan response, they use tiktok and other ways to respond,o what do republicans do. >> ahead, great discussion. nowi detail about kansast city chiefth fan whose friends were found dead outside ofou his house.ts >> late night comedy king jay leno is swearing off jokes about politics but the impact of that is no i laughing matter. that is next.
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marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking
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the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too. marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today. join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many.
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swirling about kansas city chiefs fan after 3 of his friends were found dead in his backyard after watching the big game, we'rere learning more about him, cristina coleman with theha fos x nation >> aat source close to jordan willis a family said he ise. depressed as peopleon speculate about the case, thamile source said, not only is whole country accusing him of murdering his friendsanon without details he lostng three clos he friends. the three went to his house to watch the steves play onn januarany 7.his two days later police say they were found dead in hisja backyardnu, his attorneyback claims his client did nothing wrong, willis thought his friends left andey he went to sleep.t >>di he slept monday, he got up, at some point relocatede to bedroom, he works fromin
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home, heg, had no reason to go in the backyard, these areson his buddies, had he seene hi them he would have gottens them help.ose >> the victims families and a fifth dproaho fifth friend who w was in the house suspect foul play. eve >> i am furious, nobodybo believes his storydy. >> i think they got druggedll and were drug out theut backdoor and t put in the backyard, up to know what happened. >> reports are still pendingened there were no signs of foul play, and no arrests have been made. h >> cristina coleman fox news. >> meantime this might be end of comedy as we know it, jayjay leno is done with political jokes. >> i stopped doing politics in my act, when i did "the tonight show," you made funlt ofog both sides equally.qual
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than would be angry, that is good. they would think you areot supporting the other guy,th now you have to take aey side, people get angry if you don't, i find what i tell a political joke, they want to they -- want to know the punch like before, is itre pro or against, i just stopped doing it i want people to come, laugh and have a good time, that isla comedyug. >> jimmy failla said, that is no laughing matter of. >> since censorshipso anrsd outrage culture got a grip to comedy, i will justo walk away that lane of w growth is now eliminated for the young guy and the lane of speech is now controls and steered by people who might push back against the comedian, comedy does not have a political party, comedy is a >> that is why jimmy failla
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does well with his brand-new show on saturday nights, joe, you follow late night television, media, and you mentioned it last night, joe biden is target rich for comedy, the late night shows should be playing the speeches and center of the toe the barber shop, they should play that in a loop. ifwhile it is sad it is also comedy, they only choose to poke fun at donald fun trump, do you think if we have a donald trump reelected will they takeha shots at donald trump or maybe spice it up and goat d after someone else. >> thece trick to comedy is to be unpredictable. everyone from stephen colbert to jimmy fallen tocolb jimmy kimmel and joncomi stewart, they are predictable. you know punch line before the joke is told. let me tell you somethingow johnny carso tn said, he said, why do they think that just because you have a tonight
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show you must deal with serious issues that say danger, once you do, thatat you start to get that self important feeling that what you have to say has great import, you know, you could use that show as a form to slay people, down think thately you should do that as an entertainer, do you know how many peach watched johnny carson's final show, 55 million. colbert, kimmel they could barely get to 2 million at this point. they are predictable. >> they have a writers strike they can't a show, they have nothing original: wo to say. >> good point.a >> we talk about a lot howuld they should leave h politicianows out, leno saying leave politics out of comedy, maybe out of sports a and musiboc and entertainment but should to be party ofut comedy, would you see and hear that. >>t yeah, but ton --' to see some degree of balance. jay lepo i jay
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leno is one of the guest, hean is -- best, he is going through a tough thing with his wife right now, and johnny carson. >> you see some comediansha that go there. you look at dave chappelle, he refuses to back down to woke >> i lik be he talked about lgbtq, and transgender, my jok friend told me they ared after me, and his responsere was, many theys or singular they, you know, they go by a plural, they don't try continued to us, they don't try to understand republicans we saw that is "saturday night live" making fun of donald trump using"s wordat debanking, they were unaware it was happening, you have financial institutions debanking conservatives, they is how unaware they are of what isns happening, i e think if
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comedians attacked both o sides, it would bridge bring us together. >> to be fair on snl when they do donald trump skits they are funny, as a trumpthei supporter, i can watch andin laugh, if they brought in the other tried that would could great.he >> joe biden is putting ajo worker's hate on backyardsds there is i -- target rich environment. >> it is not joe biden, kamala harris writes a couple jokes herself. i >> ut'p next, lessons for life? >> graduates are taking degrees off their wall they noates longers re resonate with pride. >> confidence in the universities, is declining people sour on traditional degrees, ahead. ♪ ♪ hat is straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show, former president trump legal team flagging what they call an insane conflict of interest. they say will happen in their appeal of the e. jean carroll 83 million dollar defamation ruling. >> former president trump attorney habba telling fox business new as she never knewt the judges worked together in early 90 from same law firm.'9 >> h0se described theirle relationship as somethingd
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thatth was something mentor and mente e, we reached out the roberta kaplan and are waitinr g to hear back, a represent said they overlapped for less than twopped years at a large law she nevenir worked for him.wo >>rk gasperino said he got the scoop from a source who used to work at that law firm, he said trump's attorney habbaw will use this information when filing an appeal. >> her reaction was insane. this is so insistious we had no idea. >> on friday, a jury awarded writer ejean ca -- ej e. jean carroll over 80 million in damages. while president.ct trump continueeds to deny thell allegations throughout theeg trial.
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a previous jury found trump is liable for sexual assaultfoun and give may be, carol wasfa awarded ma5 million in in case, between that verdict and this one she has been awarded nearly 90 million, some say that cases will remain wrapped up in the appeal process for years, e. jean carroll may notess get a cent any time soon, trump knows the ins and outs.e >>so he knows will l legale le team, he has been battling everyone for years here,l will lengthen it out. >> esaid he has to figureme out to use thes money, but wants toe fr do something quote, good. >> back to you. >> is getting a college education a must?ll >> tego you graduates, as you go out into the world, mygr advice tado you is, don't go. it's rough out there move back with your parents, let
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them worry about it. [cheers and applause] >> the wisdom of rodneyn: dangerfield, a lot o tf people don't think so, listen to mike rowe.t >> i thinkth employers right now are looking at an average gpa at harvard of 3.8. it is like, everyone is getting a trophy, everyoneen is getting an a, if i'm an employer, hiring a harvard grad. i have no idea who i amng hiring a. donations are drying up. grat yegraduates are taking their degree off their wall, they no longerua resonate witteh pride, they'reey shameful. >> everyon nate ise above average. after the new hampshire primary fox voter analysis showed former president trump do dominatedsh noncollegeir educated voters, picking up 64% of vote,
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30points higher than nikkii ha haley, i think it has to with his ability to communicate with people up and downo the economic spectrum. no matteasr where theirca education iste.d >>do one, also the fact that about 35% of americans have a 4 year degree.fa theyct see joe biden and this administration democrats going out of their way to, forgivyee the student loan debt, what if you are a cop, or a waitress or working construction where is yourss o forgiveness from december coming from, they see -- for debt coming from, they see that and say that is a whole ball of wrong, f 56% of, americans don'56t believe that a et j4 year degree is a good bet any more, you think about, a lot of state schools 50 to 80 thousand a50 year to ge -t an education, when you get out there is noed guarantee you caucn pay it back, if you are paying for it or there a job waiting, my brother runs a trade
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school in patter son, new jersey, his placement rate for jobs after kids gra graduate is 95%, you have a career waiting for you at a fraction of the cost. b >>ec it is -- i rail think that people's confidence isos waning, look at thist. poll, 17% say a great deal, 19% say, quote a lot, 40% say some. 22% very little, do they have confidence in highero education. >> thethy don't, but what are young people -- students learning when they go to the don universities, they are paying an arm and a leg to go to and' their dbt f their debt forgiven, they are learning white people are bad, donald trump ised bad, a and genocide of jews is not hate speech, they getet ususeless 4 year degrees, they want ast
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job asag influencer, they are not specializing in things are that useful, they don't i haves tenacity to get a job, this inacis partly because universities becoming worth less and students are becoming somewhat worthless as well.s >> a lotas of degrees to nowhere. >> i think that death of higher education comes down to affirmative action thats tr let to us diversity, equity and inclusion where quote us trump meris, then, foreignnd influence on universities,in they have led to f antiwestern sentiment on the university, and campus, there has been reports including congressiona cl where top universities fail to disclose billions of dollarng from t country like china, russia, saudi arabia, qatar, china spending 150 million on confusion institutes.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to the big weekend show, some peopleli say that divorcesa is like a death but not everyone >> guess whose getting a divorce? what. >> if i did go to europe without her, i would come back it would be 20 more years of boredom., i'm going to be single. >> put cans on your car, beep your horn.vo >> therc media says there is a new trend, divorce glow up,no
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articlw e reads. >> tomi should divorce besing celebrated like this.ig >> i'mh. conflicted. no divorce is not, but i k for so long, divorce was a dirty word, and people stayed in a marriage they should not have stayed in a because they didn't want public perception of getting a divorce, are some peopleting out there that should beou divorce, we know manldy of t themhi.ny so, i don't think you should celebrate divorce, yourced should want to be in a marriage that is losting into love-filled but if youti are in ang toxic marriage and you need to get, there is noc wrong with sep celebrating the fact that you gotk yourselfit out. >> there are some people youom said, no one here. thank god. >> you know why do you think it is celebrated?nk
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>> i don't know. why are relationships similar to algebra. >> you tell us. >> sometimes you look at your x, and you wonder y . a with the of people -- i am sorry i had to do, that it should not be celebratede when kidces are involved,or imagine, 8 years old and every other weekend you arer shipped off to10 apparent, you know they don't like each e no kids'there ar involved and you had ach practice husband or wife that inos okay. but, this stats are stats, divorce rates keep going higher and higher, peoplest are noatt staying together,go and mone hy actually has ata big,yi roll in that. h >> aas practice has husband and wife. >> let's hear. p >> ira am happily married. >> jason, we hear from a wha psychotherapist, and said: what.
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>> my -- my parents got divorced when i was young teen it was tough. it was really tough. add a young kid.s trying tgoo figure on tut oout, it was difficult, i don't know that ati celebration of somethingon that failed is right, we want people to get on with their lives and be happy, you have to mayoirr tunt marry the wr right person, we are celebrating our 33 anniversary. >> all right. >> she looks great. >> who big 4 is next stay with us. us.
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joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month,
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they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [♪ music playing ♪]
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>> welcome time for the big our, our picks for biggest". stories, i will go first. >> oppenheimer received rave reviews and 13 oscar nominations. but one media critic is questioning if the success of a a film is bringing hollywood back to macho dadmo movie daysvi, i'll say we needsa more of those, i say it as a young women, more macho dad
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movies, the other woke stuff, nominated stuff. horrible films, we need more like top gun, and oppenheimer, even barbie wasfilm a great film. >> and bring back macho dad movies. >> ihinkt was one of the most well acted movies from best for example or in game, about one of most historictant evens in history, it is criticized as macho dad. to >> we need more dude, doing dude things. >> thank you for that lisa. >> pivot. ncaa swimmer leah thomas the challenges world ac to hope to change policy on trans gender athletes competing in olympics, leah thomas, when she was a male, was 554th in the country.a when she wa she u
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upenn, then suddenly she or he is a champion, you beat women because you have a biological >> evee n stever wonder can see it a dude. >> all right moving on.>> >> i liberal billionaire george soros pouring moneyity. to texas in an attempt to bliflip state blue, tole 5 left wing groups, will itlp work? >> boy the, i hope where is the republican response? that is the worry. no republicans.e >> republicansre don't have any money.s do >> elon musk where are you? >> rnc is concerned aboutt their money, maybe it's time for new leadership at rnc. >> any million ors. >> for this second time in a
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year,u u.s. navy is lowering endl enliacce enlistment standards they g now accepted recruit, this isr not to have the -- not the way to have the biggest baddest fighting machine on the planet. you have to raise this standard, and you know, we need a commander in chief to lead this change, they don't wantthe to follow joe biden. >> appeal on macho men.n >> make military tough again.y >> no more glitter. >> we'll see you next weekend. right now "life, liberty and levin"xt starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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