tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News January 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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endl enliacce enlistment standards they g now accepted recruit, this isr not to have the -- not the way to have the biggest baddest fighting machine on the planet. you have to raise this standard, and you know, we need a commander in chief to lead this change, they don't wantthe to follow joe biden. >> appeal on macho men.n >> make military tough again.y >> no more glitter. >> we'll see you next weekend. right now "life, liberty and levin"xt starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪.
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mark: hello america i am mark levin this is life liberty and love and sunday. don't you think the democrat party has a responsibility, indeed an obligation to nominate somebody who knows how to walk and doesn't bump into the walls and complete sentences. don't you think they have an obligation to nominate 70 for president who spends most of his time on the job rather than 40% on vacation and part of the other 60% in his basement. don't you think the democrat party has responsibility to nominate somebody who will engage with differently media on a regular basis which is supposed to help the american people know what's going on in the country. don't you think the democrat party has responsibility to nominate somebody who is going to secure the border rather than
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promote sex slavery, modern-day slavery like we've never seen on a seven burner, will help stop sestop that not another killer drug scavenger country and killing our people. don't you think the democrat party has an obligation to nominate somebody for president who is in providing aid in comfort to our enemies and providing them with funds and rearming them and speaking particularly of iran and terrorist organizations like hamas and hezbollah in the houthis. don't you think the democrat party has a responsibility to the american people. i was looking at the new york times the other day the front cover in the articles, what a sinister operation it is what a complete disaster. if you love the country and hate the country at your bible. there was a column on the right going all the way down the page more time that they ever provided uncovering the holocaust and the jews in the 1940s. there it was into the second paragraph another lecture on how
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donald trump and the republicans are really at risk as if the new york times is upset about that. they may not appeal to the moderates and so forth, this is what you're going to keep hearing, because the tactic right now is the same tactic that they used against reagan as i explained last night. the tactic is to scare off moderate voters into scare off so-called independence or conservative democrats and to create the phony impression in their own reality that trump cannot win. now trump made when, he may lose but i would rather bet on trump. let me give you an example what are talking about. it is funny how trump is a radical and maga is radical in the past as i told you coldwater hitler, nixon hitler, they called george w hitler, every ronald reagan hitler, trump is
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hitler, the same game plan. their policies suck, data what it take credit for what they do into the country with their centralized government and socialist economics and their marxist classrooms and everything. they think they're going to win on one big issue, does anybody know what that issue is, abortion. their abortion obsessed. even though like any time since after the civil war slavery on our southern border under another democrat. sex slavery, child slavery, slavery is slavery. the democrats as the democrats before don't really want to talk about it, that's was going on on the southern border. it's not immigration into anarchy, inhumanity, rate, that is biden southern border they cannot talk about that. we have inflation through the roof, people are having difficulty making ends meet. it is serious, they go into grocery stores and go to the fast food restaurants and you go
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through a diner and do all these things you can see the prices. you have to ask yourself, how can nobody who is on a fixed income or 70 earning minimum wage or somebody poor or middle or lower class, how did they survive, also fuel prices, utility prices, rent prices, house prices, through the roof, you have crime everywhere. there is open season on any business in store, the soros prosecution architect charge them they made that clear, open season, the under attack of the democrat cities. with the democrat city councils will undermine local law enforcement, people don't want to join local law enforcement and they can't keep honorable local men and women honorable. military recruitment is way down because what they've done with our military with idiot policies that they're putting in place in
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the brilliant commander-in-chief in the often a-wall secretary of defense. we have a volunteer military and our numbers are way down, very dangerous to our national security, china is on the march, iran is on the march were funding iran and funding iran with her money, rushes on the move. iran is funding russia with our money. but the democrats want to talk about abortion. okay. certainly not going to spend the whole show on abortion but i have a challenge. i want to get to my point. abortion is a choice. that which is being aborted is not a human being. no science there. and besides we wanted to be safe. if it is all these things if it is a choice if it is safe and it
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is not a baby then show us there is not a single news operation in america whether a pbs or the network cable or whatever, and with everything about showing you partial-birth abortion. on tv. they will show you almost anything else. not one, they will show us what happens in the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth month in abortion. show us. it is a civil rights issue, there is a lot of debate about it. we talk about it and see drawings but we never see it. if abortion is a big issue for the democrats and if were told a results in all of these women from the suburbs and elsewhere voting democrat, then what is
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the problem, show was. you got video, video it. we want to see. i want to make a people to see and you know why they won't will change the debate all the sun is not a choice it's a human being all the sudden it's not so safe suddenly for the human being it doesn't mean people will have their own beliefs and want to do whatever they want to do but at least let's see it. i want to say one other thing i decided before the show since the dog decision which is a constitutionally correct decision which says states you decide on your abortion rules that the federal constitutional issue that is not a federal supreme court issue where a majority of lawyers in black groups get to decipher the entirety of the country. let's take a look and get a break some news that has been
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broken anywhere else. i said to my producer can you get me the figures on abortion 42020 and the latest figures which are 2023, the dobbs decision was in the middle of that, 2023 is after the dobbs decision in 2020 is before the dobbs decision and this is the way the data are gathered by a very left-wing group institute. which says a leading research and policy organization committed to sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide that would include abortion, the institute is the incidence in the united states globally every three years since 1974, hence 2020, 2023 the institute has conducted the abortion providers in all known facilities provided abortion in the united states to collect information about service
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provision including total number of abortion, what did they find? >> they found a 2020 before the supreme court decision in the united states there is approximately 77500 abortions performed every month. every month. what about 2023, they only give information for the first ten months so it's easy to extrapolate that the pretty good number. for 2023 after the dobbs decision the monthly abortion rate was 87800. about a 12% increase over 2020. before the dobbs decision. let me make this clear. this whole issue without women getting abortion and the fine and internal case here and the
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there, notice they don't find hundreds of cases, thousands of cases, 10000 cases but they want you to think that is what is going on, that is not what is going on. this is a liberal organization that tracks the number better than anybody else, they are known and the left, that's why i asked that we look at them and their numbers in their numbers show, 2020 there are 77500 on average abortions per month and there's 87800 on average abortions every month in 2023 after the dobbs decision and the democrats are still going to try to convince you, convince you that women are unable to get abortions. women are able to get as a group in the aggregate more abortions than ever before. i don't happen to think that's great, the democrats should at least tell the truth the get a run on abortion, pretty sick given everything going on in the
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country and abortions are frankly big with us in america. when we come back the great ted cruz and byron here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. a car is a car... is a spa. an office. hi! hello! a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes...
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mark: welcome back america were here with her friend ted cruz. senator cruz obviously the state of texas like arizona, new mexico and a couple others are really badly affected by joe biden's no border policy. you have slavery, slavery, child slavery, real world modern time slavery taken place in the united states of america, we have not seen since the end of the civil war and we have a president of the united states who goes to a village visit, vice president of the united states in charge and she could give a damn. what do you make of this is obviously intentional. >> absolutely right it's a catastrophe on every level is a humanitarian disaster to public health disaster in a public safety disaster and a national security disaster.
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you're also right this is deliberate it is not caused by the fact that joe biden is incompetent that alejandro mayorkas is negligent this is the deliberate outcome. when joe biden became president he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration of 45 years any deliberately broken system, he opened the border and the numbers immediately shot up, 9.6 million illegal immigrants have crossed into this country illegally and you use the word slavery you're exactly right that's what it is you may recall the last time alejandro mayorkas testified in front of the judiciary committee where he put up a poster board of colored wristbands and i asked him a question what are the colored wristbands and you and i are both lawyers and we never ask a question we don't know the answer to. i'll tell you mayorkas answer blew me away he said i have no idea what the wristbands aren't never seen them before and with complete shock i said mr. secretary you just told the
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american people you are utterly incompetent at your job and you don't give a damn to pretend why, every illegal alien that crosses this country is wearing a colored wristband there color-coded for how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels, if you stand on the banks of the rio grande river you see hundreds of those wristbands laying in the grass and what happens they turn themselves into the border patrol and joe biden sends them into every city in america. in the teenage boys when they get there or working for the cartels the committing crimes, robbing cars and houses and mugging people because they have to pay back the money and even worse the teenage girls, thousands upon thousands of them get trapped in sex slavery where they have to pay off the cartel and they can be trapped for years enforced prostitution, the colored wristbands are quite literally modern-day leg irons in joe biden kamala harris and the washington democrats do not
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care and they want this to continue. mark: is so important what the democrat party was and is, they like to lecture us about civil rights and lecture us about we conservatives need to be more moderate and they go on and on about the stuff and they continually create these disasters is going on in the southern border in humidity on both sides in the united states fentanyl, my buddy rick harrison son just passed away adam from an overdose of fentanyl. it's happening all over the country, you democrat mayors completed about what's going on but they attack greg abbott they don't attack joe biden but my question is this, you came out with other constitutional conservatives senators you and they are very angry about the republican leadership you're very angry about the deal that they're trying to cut with schumer they cut out the speaker
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of the house of the republican leaders in the house, what the hell is going on with them. >> this is a lousy deal a deal that was negotiated with chuck schumer and designed not to secure the border in my view we use the leverage to try to force is a administration to follow the law but chuck schumer and the democrats don't want to do it and unfortunately republican leadership is like charlie brown with lucy in the football although this time is lucy schumer and every time they run to kick it and lucy schumer pulls the ball away and republican leadership never seems to learn, we actually do not know what's in the bill because they won't show us the statutory text because they don't know how bad it is but the bullet points they essentially normalize 5000 illegal immigrants a day, 5000 today that works over 1.8 million illegal immigrants a year, that is ridiculous and that's where republican leadership is i think
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we should use our leverage to say fix the problem now. >> i'm constantly perplexed by the republicans in the senate and i'm constantly perplexed you look at the house concept of people in constant removal for the leadership if you look at the senate you haven't had a new leader in 15 or 16 years, mcconnell is the longest in either party he has no ability to communicate to the american people, he doesn't care that he has no ability to communicate to the american people he controls believers of power within the senate, he controls the fundraising so he tries to pick off certain people in primaries and support other people so we as people elected supportive of him, this is the old smoke-filled back rooms of the past this is not transparency and republicans and conservatives in the nation suffer as a result of this. >> you are exactly right i think
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it's time for mitch mcconnell to go i help lead the fight to defeat mitch mcconnell we ended up when i made a motion to delay leadership elections so we could debate the election of the conference i got 16 votes, i needed 25 so i was nine votes short that was encouraging the first 16 that a been cast against mitch but he has control on the conference and you're right one of the ways he holds on to control his with money if you oppose him he zeroes you out my last reelection six years ago was the most senate race in u.s. history i was outspent 3 - 1 and i ended up winning by less than three points, mitch mcconnell spent $300 million nationwide in senate races, due to how much he spent in texas, 0, not 1 penny i'm in a very tough reelection race in texas, the democrats, chuck schumer has made clear on the number one target the
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democrats intend to spend over $100 million to defeat in texas we just had a poll last week that showed a one point race and yet we can expect mitch again not suspended money to defend me which means the only way that we hold on as if the folks watching the show go to ted right now, go online to ted and make a contribution of five, ten, $100 because my race and my support is not from the big money special interest in washington, d.c. it is from constitutional conservatives across the country you go to ted and to help give me the resources to withstand $100 million from the left wing democrats and marxist were trying to invade this country and destroy this country. mark: when we come back and you tell me why nikki haley is
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14 seconds, there is no such book, who are the great moderates, who are they, what have they done for our country, where have they let us have they stood against the left, the answer is no are great heroes or principal constitutionalist who stand for something whether against slavery or securing the vote under border or sound money whatever it is, moderates, no labels means no policies when it comes to nikki haley she seems to be moving more and more left during the course of the campaign relying on exactly the wrong people to win the republican primary i think she would have a better shot the democrat primary what are the three or four principal issues and which states that she planned to win flat out in the next weeks do you think. >> i have no idea what her issues are she is not donald j trump that's what she's running on in nikki haley has no path, 0 path to winning the nomination i
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have endorsed donald trump because the race is over he will be the republican nominee and i think it's a very easy choice between donald trump and joe biden which direction the country should go. nikki haley is the vessel for the big money billionaires who hate donald trump and the flooding cash into a race, she got clobbered in iowa trump won dominating lee in iowa and in new hampshire, new hampshire was nikki haley's best date the best chance she had to potentially win because the way new hampshire works about a third of the voters in new hampshire are independents and you have the boston globe urging independence to vote in the republican primary to be trump. if there was going to be a state when nikki had a shot and it was new hampshire and she lost by double digits she is headed to her home state of south carolina and she's going to lose south carolina by double digits and could be a biggest margin as iowa it could be 30 points or
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more, there is no path, i have endorsed president trump because i think the republican party needs to unite and we need to focus on winning in november. our country is in crisis at a level we have never seen. joe biden is not going to be willing to secure the border and donald trump is going to come in and i intend to work hand-in-hand with donald trump to secure the border and turn the country around like we did in 2016 we will do it again. >> i noticed almost every person that nikki haley ran against on the debate stage other than christie i don't know what he's done the asa hutchinson not really a blip of a blip on the radar he has endorsed her all the others endorsed trump. i noticed something that the media will not report on, she gets interpersonal fights with vivek ramaswamy and personal fights with tim scott, she gets interpersonal fights with ron desantis, she gets interpersonal fights with donald trump.
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the way i see this she's not as the media and she herself tried to betray herself. >> i think nikki haley campaign have their eye on 2028 and they decided she's going to run as an establishment moderate. in any republican primary establishment moderate are about 30% of the primary base. i don't get the math of how 30% beats 70% and somehow their donors who calculators don't work and they keep writing checks to her. i don't think it makes any sense. i think the republican nominee and 2024 and i hope every time thereafter should be a principal conservative who stands with the working men and women of this country and stands with the constitution and fights to defend our liberties. the path of the republicans who year end for the days of yesteryear in the days of big government republican i think
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that's not where the party is and not where the country is. >> i discussed this last night on the program saturday that trump cannot win moderates. i went back and i looked when reagan was running they said he can't win moderates or independents. they talked about it with you you to narrow as a conservative path, what is the problem with conservatism we believe in liberty, the constitution, the rule of law, free enterprise, national security. is there something so right wing and awful about that? >> not remotely, also a lot of people in the press like to say both sides are too extreme that feels evenhanded both sides have gotten extreme re: balance by saying that. it just happens not to be true, the left the democrats have lost their ever loving minds, trump broke the democrat party and their agenda is set by the
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radical extremes. that in many ways is a gift to republicans. we could be the party of common sense when democrats embrace open borders added invasion of our country we can have the very common sense position, we should secure our dm borders. when democrats embrace defunded in abolishing the police we could have a common sense position, no we should stand for the men and women of law enforcement and lock up violent criminals and put them in jail. when democrats. money by the trillions and trillions and produce massive inflation that is hurting every american we can have a common sense position must live within our means, cut taxes on job creators. we saw incredible prosperity as a result of the 2017 tax cuts. all of these are commonsense positions and i have a begin to touch national security. if you look at joe biden inherited peace and prosperity across the world. now we have the biggest war in
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europe since world war ii and the worst war in the middle east since 50 years we need peace through strength of commander-in-chief that defends america. mark: he does believe in prosperity but apparently his own. i want to thank you very much and god bless you. >> thank you well, it's that time of year. when everyone is realizing they spent a little more than they expected. but that's okay, because genius-you joined one. the app and cashback debit card that can help you earn rewards on those ugly sweaters and trendy tech trinkets
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mark: welcome back america one of the great stars a good friend of mine byron donalds you know byron donalds the reason why you've drawn a lot of attention from a lot of people is it because you are slick, is it because you want to be on tv or demand to be on tv it is the opposite because your substantive you came to washington to do something when asking about the border when you see it in the house you duke it out trying to get bills passed to control the border you did under kevin mccarthy and mike johnson and when you look across
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the way at the senate you see the republican leadership is selling out not just the party but the american people not on a serious border bill but a border bill that would raise a whole lot of money to quickly process people into the country without vetting them, what is your take away from that. >> good to be with you, the first take away this is why we don't listen to the senate republicans this is why house republicans have done a really tough job and a hard job of trying to find consensus amongst republicans about what a good border secure the package looks like. we did that with hr2 enter would protect our nation and also protect the migrants some of which sold into sex slavery and some abuse by the cartels and the coyotes and protects them as well but what they did in the senate was a ham handed deal that would help the democrats save face and give republican leadership and ability to say that they did something and if it became law the american
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people would quickly realize except that the politicians patted themselves on the back we are not interested in that that's what our position is being clear that the negotiation they could do whatever they want but were you look at the details and with the details came out it was a bill that should never see the light of day. mark: i keep hitting this issue, this is slavery what is going on at the southern border is slavery flat out, sex slavery or whether people forced to pay back remittances. it is slavery. the democrat party is leading it, the democrat party is protected it, the democrat party is trying to negotiate to keep the status quo with 5000 illegal aliens coming in every day beyond belief in the deaths that are taking place in america as a result of what's coming across the border the drug so forth and so on. once again the democrat party stands for slavery that is the
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antislavery party, why can't it be the antislavery party of the united states senate today. >> that's a very good question in the core of it is a debate that happens in washington between a governing and leadership into often some of my colleagues in the house and to be republican senators say we have to show we can govern and we have to demonstrate to the american people that we can keep the government moving. that's not what the american people are looking for we have to demonstrate that we can lead and demonstrate that there are principles and their basic bedrock ideals that we are going to fight for in their legislative solutions that will put our country in the best position possible and are people in the best position possible. if the democrats don't want to go along with that that is their problem that is not ours but we should just try to come up with the negotiated governing arrangements so the federal government can remain open.
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what we should be doing is leading. my biggest hope at some point the senate republicans will join us to be leaders in this country and not capitulate to the democrats. mark: byron donalds when we return my question is this joe biden does not want to run on his record bidenomics, he doesn't want to run on the border or any of the stuff he wants to run on democracy and freedom. when we come back and you please tell me what joe biden has done not just as president but his entire career in washington, d.c. to promote democracy and freedom. we'll be right back. ♪ remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions.
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mark: congressman byron donalds my question to you is a simple one. joe biden claims to be the man of democracy in the manner freedom and he'll run on that against donald trump and the republicans. can you tell me in the half a century in washington, d.c. what exactly has joe biden done to promote democracy and freedom. >> that's a great question during the break i was thinking
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about that, i got nothing, 0. he has done nothing to promote democracy, the only thing he's ever wanted to do is be elected he's been doing that by any means necessary. you talked about the plagiarism that he is engaged in this is a man who sided with segregationist and the senate when he got to the united states senate a man who lied in the united states senate all to accumulate power. he has gotten anything for america our republic for the continuation of democracy. everything has been for himself. mark: i think about the word freedom and never used across his lips. he rarely references the declaration of independence with the constitution and then he runs on fifth to valley forge. he couldn't do it january 6 because it snowed and we remember what happened at valley forge it was a horrific winter he is no george washington. he is very schizophrenic useto
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agree with the attacks on george washington and he hides behind george washington. valley forge and talked about freedom and democracy. can you please tell me is this a man who believes in freedom and the bureaucracy to tell us what ceiling fans we should have them what automobile we should drive. >> joe biden is truly the man training and president he's not for the american people he's for the bureaucrats, how do we know, look at his presidency when covid-19 was still going to the country, joe biden was spying on americans, suppressing their speech and was not allowing them to share the information that they have found to address health needs of the country when cities and states are trying to open up joe biden use the federal government to keep them from doing so when we had members of our military that said i don't want a vaccine but i want to serve the nation joe biden fired them and sent them home, this is not a man that
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stood for america this is a man that used america to become president and it's time that we remove him from the job. mark: amen. it's interesting the word freedom or liberty it's not really something you can associate with the democrat party. you can associate like centralized government, powerful police, redistribution of wealth, economic socialism, cultural marxism but all of a sudden he's mr. liberty, his george washington without the wig. all of a sudden he's the guy defending america, isn't the truth the opposite in isn't that typical with the left they project what they are and what they're actually doing. >> that's absolutely correct the reason why he has to talk this way now because the american people still want a country by for the people they want a constitutional republic and secure our nation and they want economy growing and thriving and poor people and poor kids have
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opportunity at a better life through work and merit and opportunity, that's with the american people want. when joe biden the democrats explained their agenda, people rejected. when their agenda is on display like it is right now, people rebel in revolt against it. he cannot run on his record. he asked to lie and dissemble and project in the thing that we have seen this man is basically that jimmy carter off the hook he is the worst president we've ever had in this cannot be allowed to continue if the american people are going to thrive. mark: i want to thank you, be safe and god bless you. take care of yourself. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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in israel to their demise. i am not kidding about this. we are going to play for you and i want to savor for the end of the program because we have a little bit of time a hamas leader who is one of the terrorist monster kingpins. there is a wonderful group called, mbe any hires interpreters who follow the media in the middle east and they provide the english subtitles in interpretation so we know what's going on. we had people like this who served at the state department who know all kinds of languages and transcribe what the people are saying and given that biden and anthony blinken in the retro baits are well aware of what hamas intends to do or a boss with the ballot under palestinian liberation organization or hezbollah and iran. i want you to think about that when you hear what this man has to say in the so-called two
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state solution. does joe biden really support the annihilation of the jewish state, what are you talking about? he has set policies in place that resulted in murder, terrorism, the have resulted in what took place in afghanistan and ukraine, this is not a joke this is real life, you have to concentrate and focus on right here the english subheadings. [speaking in native tongue] mark: percival he wanted nothing to do with the two state solution, nothing. has anybody in the state department spoken to these people are they friends of qatar have they spoken to these people. imagine israel if they were to follow the suicide mission, grants, the palestinians, judeo and samaria 30% of the country
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in their homeland to the suicidal maniac. , these are the guys and the people that get elected there are no moderate peaceniks in the palestinian movement, if they are who are they give us their names why isn't anthony blinken meeting with them he is meeting with the terrorist and pretending is moderate. while his funding terrorism. [speaking in native tongue] mark: it is unacceptable we demand to get rid of the occupation, that is the annihilation of the jews. why do biden and anthony blinken in the american media insist on helping him. insist on it, by the way, some of the left-wing jewish leaders
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in israel, why do they support the destruction of their own country and their own people listen to what he says he represents iran and hezbollah and the houthis and hamas and the islamic jihad the whole damn bunch of them. [speaking in native tongue] mark: stop, especially since the genocide of october 7 we and hamas and most of the palestinian people believe in the river to the sea the absolute annihilation of israel in jewish. why are we providing funds to this entity and qatar that supports the lowlife. [speaking in native tongue] mark: he says folks, look at the
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streets of america and the western public, they are saying from the river to the sea, were having an influence in america and in new york, bear with us a annihilation of israel on the annihilation of the jews while our media center and defense biden and anthony blinken in our media uses the statistics against israel, while our media promotes his idea, thomas freedman and the left in israel and the rest they want to hand their country over to this genocidal terrorist nazi and destroy israel and the people in israel, no way. no two state solution. no final solution. i will see you next time on "life liberty an ♪
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