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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  January 28, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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their own people do not support them this is not 100 feet high it should not be an insurmountable task for the united states to restore some order here. but again until we have a leadership is going to do that decisively i do not understand why we are putting all of our people at risk. trey: thank you both your service to our country and loaning us your expertise on the sunday night. i have a sneaking suspicion we will be talking about it again and probably soon. until then, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you trait. trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. until next week and find us online or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from sout ♪
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>> hello i am lisa boothe along with jason chaffetz, tomi lahren and joe concha. welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight. articles of impeachment revealed against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> the border is closed, the border is secure. it's my testimony the border is secure. >> you do think it's a crisis now? >> it is a challenge. >> that insistence is one reason the house as mayorkas is putting our national security at risk. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson is live to break down the details of the two articles of impeachment. >> republican member of the house homeland security committee spoke on "fox & friends" about the impeachment articles and the testimony heard earlier from the dhs chief. >> articles are very simple, article one says there is a willful and systemic refusal to follow the law that is
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nationality act in article two says there is a breach of public trust of what you just heard those two are very simple but they factually outline the refusal of secretary mayorkas to keep our country safe. >> here is the text, alejandro mayorkas knowing they made false statements at the border secure, the border is no less secure than was previously in the border is closed, dhs has operational control of the border. the text continues. throughouthout his tenure of ser light under secretary of homeland security alejandro mayorkas has repeatedly violated laws enacted by congress regarding immigration to border security in large part because of his unlawful conduct, millions availing himself illegally enter the united states on annual basis with many unlawfully remitted to the united states. his refusal to obey the law is not only an offense against the separation of powers in the constitution of the united
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states it also threatens our national security. here's a response from dhs. this farce of impeachment is a distraction from other vital national security priorities in the work congress should do to fix our broken immigration laws. many republican congressmen say the southern border should be the top national security priority, here's how sport affairs committee mike mccaul earlier on "fox news sunday". >> he knows better this is not by action it is by design and i call him the architects of distraction, 8 million encounters, 300 on the terror watch list, 200 million people dead thanks the fentanyl poisoning and the one man is responsible, that is a dereliction of duty. >> cabinet members have only been impeached one time in the history of the united states and that happened 150 years ago. >> we will see if i happens again. thank you.
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>> two articles we have refusal to follow the law, breach of public trust, are these articles of impeachment justified and what is the process, what are the next steps. >> erected the 20 pages of the articles of impeachment they are justified. the secretary has not enforced the current law, he made excuses and representation to congress that are false that are absolute total lies, you can look at the numbers and probably one of the best witnesses that you have will be somebody like a brandon judd who is a part of the order patrol union. talk to border portal agents are nonlaw interlocked imports the current law, there's a lot of other things like the whipping incident with the horses that was totally false but what about the tens of thousands and the company minors that were released into the country, he made representation about that, that is on the article talking about how that's a dereliction of duty, he lost the public trust, congress, the united states senate has a coequal vote
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and how they approved that presented be in the role and as edward needs has written in the past, the congress and the senate has a coequal voice to get rid of that person, i think he earned this unfortunately. is not going to change unless they get rid of that person that is not enforcing the current law. lisa: a tough time in the senate as well. let's listen to congresswoman elise stefanik, at the conference chair. >> we are holding the biden administration and joe biden accountable for the catastrophe at our southern border. it's a willful and refusal to comply with the law it abuse of power in the position as secretary of homeland security. every state is a border state, the committee will markup the articles of impeachment and work to the process to bring them to the floor, i think what's most telling democrats are refusing to hold joe biden accountable for the border crisis, joe biden and his cabinet have created. lisa: democrats refusing to hold joe biden accountable, how is equitably politically.
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tomi: let's be fair, republicans that are refusing to hold joe biden accountable, feels like were listening to this on a loop for the last three years, republicans say the board is a problem in the border needs to be close and the laws need to be enforced, everybody is giving us a dereliction of duty, we hear this over and over like a broken record. i love the republicans say it. it took this long for this impeachment in the inquiry to even, when it comes to mayorkas, that's been promised for many, many months. i think the american people are also sick of republicans in congress talking about this. it doesn't seemed like they have the will or the votes or the support within themselves to get it done and then you look at texas which is actually out there make it a change of the difference, holding the line i think more americans a look at governor greg abbott and saying we need 50 more greg abbott souther and that we can get something done. i'm not going to hold my breath.
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it's great that we have this nice to see some movement will go across the finish line? i don't have a lot of optimism a lot of americans don't. lisa: tommy was talking about how republicans are at odds on the issue as well, i would play the clip of just that. of the clip saturday rick scott and langford on opposite sides. let's take a listen. >> this focuses on getting us to 0 illegal crossings a day, there is no amnesty and this is not about letting 5000 in the day this is the most misunderstood section of this proposal. >> we can change all these laws, there is laws now, trump secure the border by did decide to open in the exact same laws we don't need a new bill we need something to enforce biden to comply with the law. >> you republicans at odds with each other in the backdrop of this impeachment as well and then you have the media coming to the defense of democrats on top of it, the washington post said the house gop unveils mayorkas impeachment articles despite lack of evidence in 20 pages laid out from republicans.
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what is it going to take for the media to take the border crisis seriously. >> i think you see the cowboys in the super bowl before you see them report on this honestly, 10000 people a day in december crossed into this country illegally, 300,000 in a month, what more evidence do you need when mayorkas says the border is closed and 300,000 people are coveted in a month, more than 9 million cents as president took office, executive be reported on honestly, even if we go from 10000 to 5000. you know what biden and the media are going to do, we've cut down border crossings by more than 50% just like they did with inflation. alejandro mayorkas is a useless idiot, you could remove him, it doesn't matter because another mayorkas will be put in there as long as joe biden is president and wall construction is not restarted and remade in mexico is not reinstated and catch and release is not eliminated, this
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probable continue forever. my question for jason, do they have the numbers to remove mayorkas or is it impeachment and a while we could actually get them out of there. >> i'm worried talking about my house colleague that they don't, republicans can only give up three votes or so. they don't necessarily have the numbers to actually impeach them, should they go through the process, yes, the law says if somebody comes in between the ports of entry, they shall be detained and deported but that is a catch and release go with on now a violation of the law and it's being done en masse. the impeachment says 45000 unaccompanied minors but i heard other numbers as high as 85000 imagine that, these are kids six, seven, eight, ten years old that are released and they don't know where they are, why is there no outrage, donald trump released three people into this country that were unaccompanied
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minors, if you go to the homeland security website right now type in homeland security and go to their website, they talk about human trafficking awareness month, they're the most complicit people in human trafficking that there is right now they are literally taking the work of the cartels and getting the poor young women and boys to who knows what. if you talk to the border patrol, thousands of people raped coming across the border. alejandro mayorkas is in charge of it and they're not doing his job and he needs to be removed. lisa: he's not doing his job but then you ever republicans in the senate like langford that we just heard from trying to codify 5000 illegal immigrants per day which goes to show what hope is there if the season passes the house and gets to the senate. >> we have an election coming up, republicans unhappy with the representation emigration with the number one issue, we have the power. lisa: pulling isherwood is
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becoming that, big our still ahead on "the big weekend show", fox news alert president biden's promise after the deaths of u.s. soldiers in the middle east. plus. >> the qualities in the state of mind, the quality of imagination, that is joe biden. >> gavin newsom tries putting the president step and a cause for celebration, the media is touting divorce global ops, that the right message for kids? ♪ are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstoppables in wash scent booster keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. get 6x longer-lasting freshness plus odor production with downy unstopables. try for under $5.
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>> back with the fox news alert. three u.s. service members killed, two dozen hurt in a drone attack on a base in jordan, the base sitting close to the border with syria and president biden says an iranian militant group is responsible. remember this was a presidents message for anyone who attacked u.s. forces after hamas terror attack on israel back in october. >> any country, anyone thinking about take advantage of the situation i have one word, john.
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>> more than 150 attacks on u.s. forces has happened since then. this was a presidents promise today. >> last night we lost three brave soldiers on the attack on our bases. >> we shall respond. >> fox news correspondent trey yingst has an update from tel aviv. >> we are following a massive escalation out of the middle east where a drone attack targeted an outpost along the border between jordan and syria killing three american forces and injuring more than two dozen others. we know this took place last night and was carried out by and iran back militia group in iraq or syria. tonight the biden administration
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saying there will be a response and president biden releasing the statement saying we know it was carried out by radical iran backed militant groups operating in syria and iraq. we will hold all of those responsible at a time in a manner of our choosing. the entire region bracing for the possibility of a broader conflict. there have been more than 159 attacks against u.s. forces in iraq and syria since mid-october as the war between israel and hamas was ramping up after the october 7 massacre. tonight u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin also releasing a statement saying i am outraged and deeply saddened, the president and i will not tolerate the tax on american forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our troops and our interest. today on fox news retired lieutenant keith kellogg talking about the situation and what former president trump had to say. back in 2020 when the markets took out soleimani.
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take a listen. >> back to what president trump said in his state of the union in january 2020 when he said very clearly if you attack an american, your life is forfeit, we just had some americans killed. frankly, anybody who did not see this coming in the national security is a fool. we knew it was going to happen with the amount of attacks occurring we were just dodging a bullet. >> america's closest ally, israel is on high alert understanding if there is an american response directly against iranians iran could choose to use one of the largest proxies hezbollah to fire back against america's top ally in the region. joe: thank you. let's get reaction from senator tom cotton he is a senator obviously republican who had the statement. joe biden embolden iran for years. the only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against iran's terrorist forces, anything less will confirm joe biden as a
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coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief. jason chaffetz, your reaction. >> this should not be a proportional response should be disproportional and should be overwhelming to the point that iran cannot afford to do this again we had a hundred plus attacks. i think the secretary of defense of the president of the united states need to explain to the american people why we are there and why troops are there if they can't defend themselves. not only do we have 34 injured and three dead but this is going to continue in the present has showed weakness time and time again, this is an extension of what president obama was doing mps met, enriching iran you need to take them out give him that message and when donald trump did that the world was safer when joe biden was the president extending what barack obama did the world is not a safe place, the poor families praying for them, god bless them and thank them for their service. >> two navy seals also lost their lives earlier this week
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that should be noted. gavin newsom bringing back at old defense for those concerned about president biden's age. >> i'm an old-fashioned guy i think bobby kennedy decided the best the world needs quality is not a time of life estate of mine a quality of imagination, that is joe biden. joe: okay, how is biden going to appeal to young voters. bring in the influencers, super pack is paying more than 150 instagram and tiktok influencers a million dollars to flood feeds with provided messaging. is that going to work? they are going to bring in influencers using tiktok which is a chinese pineapple, interesting. lisa: one in five voters check to talk daily and increases with younger voters. there is something really interesting happening now with the youth vote. joe biden one according to exit polling young voters in 2020 and
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now if you look at polling it's not just outlier polling, this is a consistent trend, donald trump is winning or gaining in joe biden is hemorrhaging the youth vote you can go back a few months ago the new york times did a battleground state poll showing that joe biden was up by one you can go to a recent polling like usa today and new york times poll showing trump winning the youth vote as well. i have robert on my podcast and i asked him about this and he said young voters are going to surprise is the selection cycle and he thought there looking at alternative means of media like podcasts there going against traditional media severe learning different things and getting different information. if you look at polling there is a gender divide with younger voters as well with women being more liberal in men trendy more moderate and conservative. look out for young voters, it could surprise us if these trends continue. joe: do you think young voters going to trump her staying home and not voting for biden is that
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a barrage or a real thing. tomi: were assuming joe biden is what to be the nominee. this is where i don't like the overconfidence. i wish i could have it but i don't. i don't think joe biden will do as well with young voters because joe biden's age and i think there's a lot of young people disgruntled with joe but if you take joe out of the equation and talk about roe v. wade, student loan forgiveness and everything free, the democrat agenda promises them, a heavy focus on climate change, young people will go out and vote for that no matter how many influencers on the right you try to cultivate i wish this were an easy solution trump will win the young vote but you assume joe biden will be the nominee i think we better be careful. >> jason chaffetz you have a great op-ed on fox what are the greatest op-ed's in sometime. you talk about how republicans are losing this battle as far as getting the boat out, democrats have an advantage that republicans can't seem to figure out in terms of turning people out even when the polls look
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like donald trump if he is a nominee and odds overwhelmingly to be the nominee show that he will probably win the presidency but. >> i wonder where the republican response there good use tiktok and other ways to communicate but what are the republicans going to do this is a question. great discussion. new exclusive details about the kansas city chiefs fan whose friend was found dead outside of his house. late night comedy king jay leno has jokes about politics but the impact of the promise is no laughing matter. that is next. ♪
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♪. tomi: welcome back to "the big weekend show" speculation about a kansas city chiefs man after three of his fans found dead in his backyard after they watch the big game. tonight were learning more about him christina coleman has a vaccination exclusive. >> in an exclusive vaccination interview jordan willis' family says is very depressed as people speculate about the case, the source that wants to remain anonymous says not only is a whole country accusing him of murdering his friends without factual details evidence or charges at this time but he also lost three close friends, david harrington, ricky johnson and clay mcgivney went to his house to watch the kids to the chiefs play on january 7. two days later they were found dead in his backyard his attorney remains his client did nothing wrong he thought his friends left his house and then he went to sleep. >> he slept most of the morning on monday he got up and at some point he relocated to the bedroom and got up on tuesday
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morning, he works from home he had no reason to go in the backyard, these are his buddies had he seen those guys out there he would've gotten them help immediately. >> of victims family and a fifth friend who was in the house suspect foul play. >> i imperious everybody is furious nobody believes the story. >> i personally think they got dragged and drug out the back door and put in the backyard. i would know exactly what happened. >> autopsy and reports are still pending there was no signs of foul play and no arrests have been made. reporting in los angeles, christina coleman fox news. tomi: meantime this might be the end of comedy as we know it king jay leno is done with political jokes. >> i stopped doing politics of my act altogether. when i did the tonight show you made fun of both sides equally.
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you and your democratic buddies and they would both be angry and they would think supporting the other guy now you have to take aside and people are angry if you don't and when i start to tell a political joke they want to know the punchline before. i stopped doing it i want people to come and laugh and have a good time that the idea of a comedy show. tomi: jimmy failla says that's no laughing matter. >> censorship and outreach got a folding comedy because a lot of big-name comics were like i don't want to trouble i want to the political jokes or the college gig because there will be blowback all just walk away but the laying of growth is now eliminated for the young guy in the laying of speech is controlled and steered by the people that might push back. comedy doesn't have a political party it is a party.
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tomi: that's why jimmy failla does so well with his brand-new show on saturday nights. i know you followed late-night television and the media and you mentioned on the show joe biden is target rich for comedy and they should be playing his brewery speeches in his visit to the barbershop yesterday they should be playing the on a loop because while it's sad it's also comedy but they choose not to they only choose to poke fun at donald trump do you think if we have a donald trump reelected as an ex-president they will take shots at donald trump or spice things up and go after 70 else for a change. >> the trick to comedy is unpredictable everybody from stephen colbert to jimmy fallon to jimmy kimball to john oliver and soon jon stewart he's coming back for the election year back to the daily show their utterly predictable you know the punchline before the joke is told that mason tell you something that johnny carson
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sent why do they think because of a tonight show that you must deal with serious issues that the real danger once you start to do that you start to get the self-important feeling that what you have to say has great import and strangely enough you can use that to sway people and i don't think you should do that as an entertainer. you know how many people watch johnny carson's final show 55 million people. cold air and campbell can barely get to 2 million because of predictable. lisa: would have a writer strike they can have a show because there's nothing original. i would ask you because we talked how they should leave politics out of things. jay leno say leave it out of comedy how about out of sports in music and entertainment but should politics be a part of comedy would you like to see and hear that. >> i want to see some degree of ballots but that's a great greg gutfeld and jimmy fallon is
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filling a void that should be felt, jay leno is one of the best he's going through a tough thing with his wife right now and i can think about how hard it is for what is going there with his wife and god bless him and johnny carson because they gave balance just like joe said. tomi: as were wrapping this up you look at some comedians that go there under uncensored and they don't beyond greg gutfeld jimmy failla but you look at dave chapelle and the success he refuses to back onto the woke mob in his successful. lisa: one of my favorite jokes he was soccer lgbtq and transgender and he said my friend told me there after me in his response many days are singular everyone goes by a plural but they don't even try to understand us or try to understand republicans resolve that with "saturday night live" when they're making fun of donald trump using the term d banking they were unaware that is actually happening we have financial institutions energy banking conservatives that's how unaware they are of what's
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happening with republicans but i think if comedians attacked both sides if we saw this on s&l and late-night and all-around it would bring the country together because we don't have that many shared activities were livid and tutoring countries. if we could laugh together i do think that would be beneficial. tomi: to be fair on s&l when they do the donald trump skits, their funny as a trump supporter i can watch and laugh at it and i think it's good enough they get they brought in the other side and made fun of them that would be great. lisa: joe biden is putting a workers on backwards it's like, on there's plenty a target rich environment. tomi: when it's not biden kamala harris right a couple of skits herself. tomi: up next lesson for life. >> graduates are taking their degrees off their wall because they no longer rest with pride their shameful. tomi: confidence in our universities is declining as
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people shower on traditional degrees, that is straight ahead.
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♪ ♪. jason: welcome back to "the big weekend show" donald trump's legal team flagging an insane conflict of interest they say will help in their appeal of the i ching carol $83 million defamation ruling. >> former president donald trump's attorney alina habba telling fox business charlie gasparino she never knew presiding judge lewis kaplan and i ching carroll's who art related work together in the early '90s at the same law firm, charlie told us what he learned from his source.
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>> he described the relationship as something that was mentor, mentee. we reached out to roberta kaplan and waiting to hear back a wrap of hers told charlie they overlapped for less than two years in the early 1990s at a large law firm when he was a senior partner and she was a junior associate and she never worked for him. meanwhile charlie gasparino since he got the scoop from a source who used to work at the law firm he says trump's attorney alina habba plans to use information when filing an appeal. >> her reaction was insane, this is so incestuous and we had no idea and we think this is a potential ethics violation. >> a jury of awarded i ching carol $80 million in damages in her second defamation trial against trump. nine jurors down trump acted with malice when he denied sexual assault allegations back in 2019 will president. trump continued to deny the
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allegations throughout the tri trial. a previous jury found trump is liable for sexual assault defamation, carol was awarded 5 million in that case between that verdict in the most recent one she's been awarded nearly $90 million but some say the cases will remain wrapped up in the appeals process for years so carol may not get anything anytime soon. trump knows the ins and outs of the court. >> he knows the legal system because he is been battling everybody from banks to whatever all these years and he's going to lengthen this out. >> carol spoke with the new york times of the first interview since friday's decision and says she has to figure out how to use the money but wants to do something good. back to you. >> meanwhile is getting a college education a must? >> to all you graduates as you go into the world my advice to you don't go. it is rough out there move back
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with your parents, let them worry about it. [laughter] jason: the wisdom of rodney dangerfield, a lot of people don't think so. listen to micro. >> epic employers across the country are looking at an average of gpa at harvard is 3.8 that used to be summa. [inaudible conversations] what i went to school. everybody's getting trophy and in a in a five-minute employer hiring a harvard grad i have no idea who i'm hiring, donations are drying up graduates are taking the degree off their wall because they no longer resonate with pride, their shameful. jason: everybody is above average. after the new hampshire primary "fox weather" analysis showed former president donald trump dominated noncollege educated voters. trump picked up 64% of the vote
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of full 30 points higher than nikki haley. why is the president doing so well. i think it has to do with his ability to communicate with people up and down the economic spectrum no matter where their education is. >> that's one factor, the fact that only 35% of americans have a four year degree, yet they see joe biden in this administration democrats going out of their way to forgive the student loan de debt. what if you are a cop or waitress or your working construction where is your forgiveness for debt coming from, they see that, let me share one step, 56% of americans, wall street journal poll don't believe a four year degree is a good bet anymore. if you take about imagine harvard or georgetown or duke or a lot of state schools, 50 - $80000 a year to get an education and when you get out there's no guarantee that you could pay that back if you're paying for and that there's a job waiting.
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i'm a little biased my brother runs a trade school in paterson new jersey and his placement for jobs after kids graduate is 95%. trade schools are in because you have a career waiting for you it's a fraction of the cost. >> i really think people's confidence is waning look at this pull 70% say a great deal, 90% say quite a lot, 40% say some 22% say very little do they have confidence in higher education? tomi: they don't but what our young people or students learning when they go to the universities of their pain and arm and a leg to go to and want their debt forgiven the related about gender studies, donald trump bag, divided about anti-semitism and that's been ok'd in their learning the genocide of jews is not hate speech. what are they learning they get the useless four year degrees and they go out and want to get
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a job as an influencer on instagram or tiktok and they're not making the money that the other instagram or tiktok or czar making so they feel like their degree is useless because it largely is there not specializing in things that are useful they don't have the tenacity to go out and get a job this is partly did because the universities are becoming worthless and also because students are becoming somewhat worthless as well. >> no jobs on the other end of them. >> what money you can make a lot of money with various trades. i think the death of higher education comes down to affirmative action which led us to diversity, equity and inclusion were quoted trump's merit, i think that's part of it in foreign influence on universities which have led to anti-western sentiment on the universities and campuses there is numerous reports including congressional reports were top universities are failing to disclose billions of dollars from countries like china, russia, saudi arabia, qatar and
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china spending 150 million on confucius institutes between 2006 and 2019 what are the foreign countries getting for the money. joe: the parents, think about this and kids where they put their time and money. jason: till death do us part the media claims people are celebrated divorce like other life milestones. our the breakup glow ups sending the right message to our kids, that is next well, it's spending season. but that's okay, because there's one. the app and cashback debit card that can help you earn rewards at your favorite stores. and 5.00% apy on savings to put toward those future plans. there's a lot of banking options out there. but one is not like the others.
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lisa: now the media says there is a new trend, the divorce glow up, the article reads as divorce rates have climbed in recent years and staying single as en vogue, acceptance of divorce has reached a historic high. should divorce be celebrated like this? >> i'm a little conflicted, divorce should not be celebrated but for so long divorce was a dirty word and people stated marriages that should have not stated because they didn't want the public perception of getting a divorce. there are some people that should be divorced and i think we all know many of them that should be divorced, i don't think you should celebrate divorce you should want to be in a marriage that is lasting and love filled but if you're in a bad marriage in a toxic marriage and you need to get out i don't think there's anything wrong with celebrating the fact that you got yourself out freedom a little conflicted about this but i think it depends on the situation. >> i'm knocking alive when you said some people should be divorce some names came to my head.
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why do you think is been celebrated. >> wire relationship similar to algebra, sometimes you look at your ex and you wonder why i think a lot of people show through, i had to do that, it should be celebrated when kids are involved that is for sure. during a or 10-year-old kid every other week and you shipped off to one of your parents and you know that they don't like each other. if there is no kids involved in you had to have a practice husband or wife i guess that's okay why be miserable going through this. the status of the status of the divorce rates go higher and higher and people aren't staying together money has a big role in that. >> practice wife. were getting here from a psychotherapist and that a to go to you this is what she told axios. the idea that somebody can overcome and have a sense of control or agency over their life or their love life is a
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thing to be celebrated, what you make of that. can you try to make sense of this. >> my parents got divorced when i was a young teenager it was really tough and as a young kid essentially time to figure this out was very difficult. i don't know celebration of something that failed is the right thing, we want people to be happy and get on with their lives, kids have got to be paramount but you gotta marry the right person. my wife and i are going to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary in february and i'm not letting her out of this, were staying in it. lisa: julie if you're watching your amazing. >> she really looks great. >> were being told to wrap it up. stick around the big four is next. stick with us. did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those. try dawn platinum.
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it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here!
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tomi: welcome back to "the big weekend show". our picks for the big stories everyone will be talking about this week and i will go first, often oppenheimer received reviews and 13 but one media critic is questioning at the success of a film is bringing hollywood back to the macho dad movie days. i'll just say this we need more macho dad movies. i say that as a young woman more
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macho dad movies, the woke stuff in the other films nominated anatomy of the fall i'll throw that out there, horrible film we need more films like top gun, oppenheimer and even barbie was a great film compared to some of them i say bring back the macho dad movies and the box office will think hollywood for that. joe: was one of the most well acted movies from the best director christopher nolan about the historic important events in history and somehow is being criticized to bring back macho dad movies. lisa: we need more dudes doing dude things which statue up for your topic. we will pay the as they say, leah thomas is challenging world equity addicts and hopes to change policy on transgender athletes competing in the olympics, let's throw a stat out for a moment, leah thomas when she was a male was ranked 554th in the country when she
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was that upenn and suddenly racing against women she or he becomes a champion when you have legs like christian mccaffrey and six-foot two you tend to be women begin java biological and chemical advantage. lisa: even stevie wonder can see that the dude as a former college athlete. >> i tour my acl i was heavily recruited but missed opportunity. liberal billionaire george soros is pouring money into taxes to flip the state blue, george soros donated $3 million to five left-wing groups to help the dams make gains do you think this will work. jason: i hope not but where's the republican response. republicans don't have any mon money. the rnc is very concerned about their money wanting a line of credit, maybe it's time for new leadership of the rnc.
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>> i gotta mention this for the second time in the year united states navy is lowering enlistment standards they accept recruits who have not graduated from high school or have a ged. under the new plan recruits without education credentials can join as long as they score a 50 or above on the qualification test this is not the way to have the biggest baddest fighting machine on the planet. after recent standards and we need a commander-in-chief that leads the charge they do want to follow joe biden. lisa: appeal to the macho men we need to make the military tough again. tomi: make the military great again but that does it for us. we will see you next weekend and right now "life liberty and levin" starts right now. craig: i am a shannon bream standoff in texas grandma governor abbott refuses to


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