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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 29, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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subway series sub today. at typical insurance, you're just another senior. that's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> steve: good morning, everybody. 7:00 in new york city. monday, january 29th. you're watching "fox & friends." republican lawmakers want alejandro mayorkas out as we hit record crossings. texas congressman pat fallon is pushing for his impeachment and the congressman will be with us this hour.
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>> kayleigh: plus president biden has choice words for the sitting president, not realizing it's still him. >> steve: whoopsz. >> kayleigh: roll the tape. >> brian: calling out gaffe that's questionable. starbucks employee suing claimed he was being hired for being a hero. >> they starting frisking us down and pushing us and taking our personal belongings, we started to fight back. >> brian: unbelievable. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. you can believe that remember, your mornings are better with friends so, please, get dressed. ♪ ♪ >> steve: we start this hour with the biden administration's crisis at the southern border. impeachment against alejandro mayorkas are written up and
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released. >> brian: president biden said he would take action now if only congress could agree on spending bill to send to his desk. >> kayleigh: peter doocy back at the white house this morning and joins us now with the details. peter? >> peter: the move to impeach alejandro mayorkas isn't because the border is a mess. it's because he said the border is not a mess right now and these lawmakers feel like they have been lied to by him. so, in the articles of impeachment, you've got article 1, willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law and then article 2 is a breach of public trust. the house speaker mike johnson is saying this vote to impeach him is going to happen as soon as possible and speaker jobs is one of the most outspoken voices against the bipartisan senate negotiations on the border. but, he is taking incoming, speaker johnson, from the white house before 7:00 on aened no. they just pointed out in a new memo johnson once said he only thought congress had the authority to tighten border security. now johnson says president biden should be doing more.
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the senate bill everybody has been talking about that appears like it's dead on arrival is at the heart of president biden's claim that he can do something quickly and on his own. >> that bill were the law today i would shut down the border right now and fix it quickly bipartisan bill would be good for america and fix our immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here. >> peter: very unlikely this president would say over the last couple years my immigration policy hasn't worked; however, what he is saying now is sure different than what he was saying four years ago as a candidate when he said that he wanted people seeking asylum to surge the border and he said at a primary debate the quote is: we're a nation who says if you want to flee and you are freeing oppression, you should come. so it's from you should come to i could shut the border if i want to.
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back to you. >> steve: peter, between there he also said okay, don't come but that's why we are right where we are. peter, thank you very much. >> brian: no one trusts that president biden will ever do this. even if he had this new bill thoroughly passed in his hands. why would he crack down now. he has to prove himself to be able to do it. for example, put the remain in mexico policy in place. finish building the wall. $653 million just laying there. the fence is actually paid for. the contractors are ready to go. you could actually go and do the first nation policy right away. the first nation you step into is where you apply and we will decide with new rules whether it comes to asylum. do you not need this bill yet. if you show yourself cracking down, this bill would reinforce it and would put pressure on republicans to pass it. but now the republicans feel with great after they seen the last three years it doesn't senator what we give this guy, is he not going to use it. after all, when he has some power, all he did was take on texas and sues them to cut down the razor wire because he won't finish the wall.
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>> to your point still a red herring. take them at face value. you need this bill so bad because you are helpless as president. you had control of congress, unilateral control of the house and the senate. we are democrats during the first two years of your presidency. but that's a lie. you don't need conscious to act. you took 94 executive actions in your first 100 days to roll back the trump era policies. and now you say i would close the border if i could? he has a problem. progressives won't allow that they panicked when they heard him say that but his problem is so untenable with mainstream america he must act even if it means losing some progressives. >> steve: republicans from the great state of oklahoma, james lankford, the senator who has been working on this bill, he was on one of the chat shows yesterday and talking about all there are all these internet rumors about what is in the bill. people are saying a million things. they're all wrong. and so he tried to set the record straight. he said this bill would not let 5,000 people in a day. it's actually a shutdown of the
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border and everybody actually gets turned around at the border, which sounds good. he said the bill gets us to zero illegal crossings a day. there is no amnesty. it increases detention beds so we can detain and deport people quickly it. changes the asylum process so people can get asylum screenings not in years but in six months and returns them back to their home country on the spot. joe biden has praised it. donald trump has said i oppose it because it is a gift to the democrats. but here's the thing. chris murphy, the democrat senator from the great state of connecticut, who is working on the bill, said it probably will come up for a vote this week. and we know that the democrats control the senate, so, it's going to pass. the question is how many republicans are going to be on board and it's going. >> brian: they need 60 votes. >> steve: they need 51 votes.
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>> brian: they need 60 votes to pass it. they are going to need some republican to get on board with this for the bill to pass. >> steve: i thought just simple majority before you start no ren should sign off on this. something this impactful they will need time to read it. >> kayleigh: it's interesting. say this bill comes out and decent in the eyes of the american people. give the left a talking point. talking point joe biden will use that ad nauseam here to election day. meaningful change. border change. republicans refused to pass it. look, that's null and void. i don't think this bill and we haven't seen what's in it will do anything to stop what's going on at the border. hr 2 will. that's what republicans at the house passed. restart border construction. 22,000 minimum border patrol agents. restart remain in mexico.
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the problem is we have a president who is deciding he does not want to enforce the laws of congress. the immigration and nationality act is on the books he has obligation to do that without the will you have a problem. >> steve: presidential election year. joe biden is tie trying to take this issue away from the republicans. while he might not stop the flow, ultimately, if it does not pass, he is going to be age to say look, i pulled out all the stops. i said i was willing to do something, but the republicans just want this as an issue. it is a big issue coast-to-coast, lawrence jones, our guy is missing today here in "studio m" but he is going to be live from chicago and denver and boston looking at how those cities are feeling the impact of migrant chaos from coast to coast. >> kayleigh: i will be watching, fascinating. now to a fox news alert. we are waiting to see how the white house will respond this morning after iran-backed militants killed three u.s. service members and hurt more than 30 others in a drone attack
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in jordan. >> steve: this weekend's deadly drone strike is the 160th attack on our troops in the middle east since the war broke out between israel and hamas on october 7th. >> brian: madeline rivera joins us now from washington. madeline? >> good morning, brian, steve, and kayleigh. this is stoking fears that the u.s. could get pulled further into the conflict in the middle east. but the biden administration is facing pressure to do more but critics saying its actions have done little to reter wave of aggression in the force in the region so are if a. the president promising they will act after yesterday's attack in jordan. >> last night, we lost three brave souls in an attack on one of our bases. >> yeah. >> i have asked a moment of silence for all three of those souls. >> the drone attack hit a logistic support base tower 22 in northeast jordan near the
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syrian border. 350 u.s. army and air force are deployed there. one of their roles includes helping to defeat isis. 8 of those that were hurt had to be medically evacuated from jordan. but they are believed to be in stable condition. the president has been working to thread the needle trying to avoid a wider war in the middle east. some republican senators and military experts say u.s. strikes in recent months against iran-backed groups and assets in yemen, iraq and syria have not worked. they say the u.s. must now hit iran directly. >> look, war is politics by other means. and, in this case, you are going after the iranian regime. so what are the things that they care about? well, first of all, economically, they care about oil. they sell weapons to russia. the iranian leaders themselves have personal assets that you can put at risk. got to get iran to stop attacking and go after those things that the iranian leaders desire, cherish or are part of their personal assets. >> the identities of the service members killed in jordan have
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not yet been released in line with a dod policy that their names be withheld until 2 # hours after the next of kin have been notified. guys? >> steve: madeline, thank you very much. >> nobody i know thinks it's going to stop here. does anyone think it's going to stop here. >> , it's thought. >> brian: how is he going to hit back? >> steve: where is he going to hit back? if he does something directly, you know, what i have heard -- what i have read today with a lot of the analysts is they are going to go for the goldie locks approach. nothing too hard that would provoke a response. nothing to soft to make him look weak. something just right. but the question is what do the military advisers and his national security team think is just right? >> kayleigh: there needs to be a soleimani style takedown. something of meaning to iran. not these pinprick strikes. the 16 total that they have done, it needs to be something
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like soleimani. we will see if he does it and does it quickly. president biden, this was interesting. to say give you faith in your commander-in-chief, we just lost three u.s. troops. we will learn their names soon. the deadliest attack since the abby gate where we lost 1 soldiers. where, here is president biden. do you have faith in your commander-in-chief? >> did you see what they recently said about -- the owe-he wants to see the economy crash this year? >> yes. >> a sitting president. as they say in my faith bless me father for i -- i mean, come on, man. [laughter] >> kayleigh: is he referring to trump there as the sitting president. >> steve: he said sitting president. he is the sitting president. news flash. >> brian: hitting trump over the weekend saying basically he is losing it. trump for the most part more measured. even time he went up to sean and said on camera, sean, easy on the hnl last town hall. if you are going to go after president trump on losing it. game on.
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i'm pretty sure most people, even though other networks won't play it, we saw two gaffes in the two days you had the campaign back-to-back. we saw massive gaffes where you just ate three or four sentences in a row you forgot to include vowels. i think that might be a dry hole for new terms of attacking the president. how many times did he call kamala harris the sitting president? >> kayleigh: iran, north korea, russia, china, they believe the words of president trump. they believed he was unpredictable and you didn't see a single u.s. service member die in the final year of his presidency. >> keep eye on two navy seals lost their lives in trying to go after the houthi rebels boarding that ship. >> steve: the president went to south carolina over the weekend essentially jump start the primary down there. even though we have already done iowa and new hampshire, the democrats want to give joe biden essentially as a launch pad the state that he essentially was launched into the white house, there you see james clyburn, the
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congressman from the great state of south carolina who really turned joe biden who had finished way back in the pack in iowa and new hampshire into the president of the united states. and so, this was really kind of the kick al-jaafari of the whole campaign. joe biden has got to get a little sharper. you know, ultimately. >> brian: you think so? >> steve: are you sure? >> steve: okay give him four more years. >> brian: get sharp period. he has been a dull blade for two and a half years. i think he ate half his inaugural speech and reuters head to to head with trump. losing by 6. r.f.k. losing by 6. r.f.k. gets 8. recent usa suffolk poll trump leading biden by 4 points. so, no matter what you think of trump, and the trials and what have you, even though he is still battling with nikki haley. people still look at him as better alternative than joe biden.
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to see his surrogates out there going to bat for him and saying that gavin newsom saying how much energy he has, no one even buys that. >> kayleigh: my dad likes to say this man is a lost ball in tall grass. south carolina will be fascinating we have seen black voters and latino voters to the republican party i can't wait to he soot exit polls. >> steve: lost ball or pickleball? >> kayleigh: in the south it's a football. >> steve: more on this a little later. in the meantime, coming up, more developments on those three kansas city chief fans who were found dead in their friend's backyard as the tragic mystery deepens. refound in pa alcohol just on dr. michael baden on what he would be looking for in the. >> brian: soup these idiots. their justification for it. >> kayleigh: tell us how you really feel, brian: the buzz on
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social media coming up. >> brian: all i think about. >> kayleigh: me too. ♪ i'm going crazy ♪ thinking about you, baby ♪ 5-1-5-0 just this side of -- i'm going crazy ♪ i love you, baby ♪ businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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disgraced south carolina attorney convicted killer alex murdaugh will return to court today. seeking retrial for murders of wife and son. county clerk tampered with the jury by telling them to the to believe him a pressuring them reach a quick verdict. she and members of the original jury will testify today. the mona lisa is not smiling today after activists tried vandalizing the da vinci painting. threw soup at the painting at the louvre in paris yesterday shouting slogans advocating for sustainable food system. then maybe don't throw soup at the painting. the women had the response food response. luckily the historic painting was not damaged thanks to the glass covering it. the masterpiece is one of the most valuable paintings in the world.
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95% of restaurant owners oppose legislation that would require restaurants to pay staff whose tips are less than the minimum wage. according to new survey hospitality alliance. 76% of owners say the change could lead to higher menu prices if they're forced to pay staff the $16 minimum beige why 88% say it would be an overall disaster for business. those are your headlines, steve, over to you. carley, thank you very much. jordan willis found dead in backyard after the kansas city chargers game is reportedly depressed over constant speculation that he was somehow involved. a close source telling fox nation not only murdering his friends without factual details evidence or any charges at this time but he also lost three close friends. so what happened? here with reaction, forensic pathologist and fox news contributor dr. michael baden.
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doctor, good morning. >> good morning, steve so pusz bling mr. willis of the four people it the house. there was a fifth but he left at midnight. of the four people, he is the one guy whose house it was and the one guy who didn't die. >> it sounds like what has been released so far that he slept for a long period of time it. may be that all four of them took something that made them pass out. he passed out indoors and slept it off. they passed out in the cold weather and snow and within an hour the body temperature would go down from 98 degrees to 80 degrees and the heart rhythm goes awry and a person dies of cardiac arrest because ever the cold hypothermia and the toxicology will be very helpful. because the toxicology tell us
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what was present and the level. this may be a recreational level and they didn't die of a drug overdose. >> steve: so puzzling. because it would be one thing if it was one person. but the simultaneous deaths of three people? >> you are actually right. the most common simultaneous deaths are caused by carbon monoxide but that's indoors, always. outdoors you don't die of carbon monoxide. and that's why i think they took something that drug users. >> steve: you are all saying. >> all four may have taken the same unknown. may not have known what was in the material they were taking. and they got confused. they passed out. one passes out indoors and sleeps it off. the others are outdoors and die of the cold. and the -- i'm sure the police already know. they were at the scene, they got information from the scene what
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was used or not. they, i'm sure, this willis person is talking and cooperating with what he knows. the police are looking for whoever supplied the drug and when they find out, they will release the information. they know the cause of death. they know what the toxicology is by now. >> steve: the cops, the k.c. cops are playing it close to the vest so as not to tip off whoever might have supplied. >> that would be my impression, yes. the medical examiner stuff is finished we are purely speculating. we don't have any inside information. i don't, maybe you do. what sort of drugs could they have taken to do this? >> many different -- about 20 different kinds of fentanyl, analogues. and some of them do cause rapid fainting. really passing out. fainting. >> steve: knocks you out. >> at recreational level. they sleep it off.
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>> steve: do people buy it for that purpose? >> no. they know most drug abusers. chronic -- these are not chronic users. but most people who abuse drugs know out if they pass out almost always they will sleep it off and come through it. you don't die every time you pass out then they wake up and that's part of what they are going through, especially with the narcotic drugs. >> steve: sure, real quickly, i read some reports, friends, family members of the people who died, this guy didn't use drugs. if they are drinking, first of all, sometimes do you stuff. >> alcohol and drugs and no natural diseases that would cause three healthy persons to die simultaneously. so there is no natural disease. no criminal stabbing shooting or anything. it is alcohol and drugs probably
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that caused them to pass out and they die from the cold. >> steve: nobody knows more about this stuff than do you dr. baden thanks so much. >> sad situation. >> steve: it's terrible. we need answers. maybe we will get more this week. >> i hope so. >> steve: 27 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, dhs secretary, that guy right there, mayorkas is in the hit seat as house republicans have released articles of impeachment against him. texas congressman pat fallon wanted to impeach mayorkas a year ago. the congressman is next as republicans close in on making that happen. and a brig controversy. a former starbucks employee suing the chain claiming he was fired for being a hero. what did he do? what happened? that story straight ahead on "fox & friends." but this is my story. ( ♪ )
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brian bribe house republicans unveil articles of impeachment against homeland secretary hall alejandro mayorkas. g.o.p. leader saying his failure to obey the law is not only an offense against the separation of powers and constitution in the u.s. also threatens our national security. texas congressman pat fallon filed the original articles of impeachment against mayorkas a year ago and joins us now as the g.o.p. closes in on making it happen. so, congressman, for people who say he just is terrible at his job, but it's not impeachable, what do you say? >> well, i would say that when you lie under oath to congress, brian, that that is impeachable. that's what alejandro mayorkas has done. not only that, but he has violated the immigration and nationality act of seven, eight times over. these articles spell that out in specificity. for instance, let me read you an exact quote mayorkas said under oath to congress that the border was no less secure than it was
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previously. now, if that's true, let's look at the numbers, in the last two administrations obama and trump, at this point in their presidencies, three years deep, they had about 1.6 million illegal encounters. joe biden has 8.5 million. that's not just about like it was before. we have never had a month that we had over 200,000 illegals border crossings. we had 20 under joe biden. and i mean the list goes on and on. i could take up the whole program telling you how much chaos is on the border. it needs to end. >> brian: you know what is so interesting tom homan worked with him he said he knows better. you can't just say is he incompetent. he said this has to be intentional. do you feel the same way? >> 100 percent. this is a willful and systematic refusal to comply with statutory law. i mean, it's -- there is no other explanation for it. how in the world did things explode? i mean, think about december was
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the worst month we had ever had. 300,000 illegal encounters. under president trump in fiscal year 2017, we had 300,000 all year. so you could argue this is 12 times worse than it was before. >> brian: are you going to go ahead with articles of impeachment. only have two or three vote margin. do you have every republican on board to pass this? >> right now it looks like there is one or two republicans that are wavering. so we should, i think it will pass i really do chairman mark green my good friend from the homeland security committee has done an exceptional job here proof is in the pudding. alejandro mayorkas perjured himself. opioid deaths have doubled under the biden administration. that's hundreds of thousands of american lives at stake here. i think we must go forward. it's our constitutional cute to do so. >> brian: the fbi is really concerned about the border. in fact, they came out and said the threat we called today is new and unfamiliar in modern history. the u.s. has never suffered an
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invasion of homeland. yet, one is you unfolding right now. military aged men across the globe. many from countries or regions notten friendly to the united states are landing on waves on our soil by the thousands. right there, every american not republican or democrat should be concerned with that. and we see it every single day. that's why you see the extreme circumstances with the texas national guard is pulling back the border patrol and says we'll take it from here. and there has been zero crossings in -- on shelby park. >> yeah. think about our greatest geopolitical competitor, china. a couple years ago, brian, 323 chinese nationals that were encountered on the southern border. last year 24,000. so, yes, this is alarming. and russian nationals as well have spiked dramatically. we don't even know who these people are some, even if 1% with saboteurs. what if china invades taiwan and couple hundred or 500 chinese national trained military men
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seeking of committing sabotage in open society that's not that difficult. >> brian: we have this border bill that is going to be released any day now. no one has seen the whole text outside of senator lankford and senator sinema and senator senar murphy and representative from the white house i don't know who it is. from what you know, from the highlights have you seen, do you like any parts of this bill? >> i think it's just window dressing. maybe these senators want to feel good about themselves at cocktail parties. you want to put real teeth, first of all joe biden can fix it today. can he fix it right now, this morning by simply reinstituting wait in mexico which president trump so brilliantly did. go down to the border and ask the agents what is one thing to stem this tide. reinstituted wait in mexico where your asylum claim would be adjudicated while you wait in mexico. but joe biden refuses to do it. they are very egoier to sue texas but they won't confront the mexican drug cartels. >> brian: couple things they do do.
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asylum claims no long unless you have proof. if you say i'm under threat. not going to work. throw you back right away. within six months get a review of your status. expand the ex'at the indicted deportations. get rid of that catch and release and said there is going to be a threshold of 5,000. that will be an automatic shutdown of the border. they hope not to get to 5,000. but they said it will be automatic shutdown if they get to that almost like the stock market, once certain level of a sell-off. some of those things can you get on board with right? >> well, yes. but the 5,000 is ridiculous. we can't normalize 5,000 illegal encounters every single day. if that number was 1,000, then we could talk. in fact, i talked to some of the republican senators about that and they also have grave concerns about that 5,000 number. that's a large number. you know, 150,000 a month? normally, back a few years ago, that would break records. so i definitely don't want to normal rides that. that's a horrible part of the agreement. >> last question, what's the mechanics?
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is the vote today? is the presentation today? what can we expect? >> it will be this week. i think from what leadership tells us, it will be this week. and, you know what? heck, i wanted to do it a year ago as you mentioned. i'm glad that, you know, the wheels of the federal government grinds slowly i'm will glad we are here. >> brian: you are grinding. congressman fallon thank you very much. appreciate it? >> thanks, brian. >> brian: number one issue in the country immigration. carley shimkus other breaking news. >> update on the story we are following. marshals capture a teen wanted for murder after five days on the run. shane breyer is said to have escaped police custody at a hospital last wednesday before he was found and caught last night. the teen had been behind bars since he was charged in a 2020 murder at just 14 years old. he is still awaiting trial in that case. tax season officially kicks off today and despite a funding boost. the irs is already behind. an independent watchdog group
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the irs is struggling with backlog identity theft cases. answering phone calls and processing returns. when it comes to processing returns, the backlog has quadrupled. going from 500,000 in 2019 to 1.9 million last october. and this just in, kate middleton has been discharged from the hospital 13 days after having planned abdominal surgery. buckingham palace announcing the princess will continue her recovery at home in windsor. she is not expected to return to royal duties until at least easter. we wish her the best of luck. brian? >> brian: hopefully she is okay. meanwhile, coming up, former starbucks employee chain. he says fired for standing up to robbers. cdc officials warning healthcare workers of a rise in midieval m. dr. marc siegel put on a stethoscope. hopefully he gets a heart beat ♪
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>> steve: welcome back. a former barista who worked in that building suing the coffee chain at starbucks for discrimination after he says he was fired for standing up to robbers. but he was provoked. and todd piro spoke to that worker earlier this morning and he joins us right now. todd? >> todd: steve, this just does not seem right. michael ho harrison were tryingo rob pistol whipping him while demanding cash. he helped subdue the criminals until police arrived. weeks after that incident harrison said he got a call saying he was being fired for violating the company's partner safety policy. is he planning to sue for wrongful termination. we spoke with him on "fox & friends first." here's what he had to say along with his attorney. >> i tried to ask supervisor off
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the ground but at that point i got pistol whipped in the back of the head. they started frisking us down, like pushing us around. taking our personal belongings. and we started to fight back. >> todd: harris' attorney tells us that starbucks policies do not allow you to do such things but they also go against human rights. listen. >> you have the human right to defend yourself from being attacked. in missouri we have a stand your ground law, and that would supersede any corporate policy. no corporation should have the ability to put a policy in place that overrides your human rights. >> todd: a starbucks spokesperson told the "new york post" we were deeply concerned to learn of this frightening incident in situations like this. our training and protocols guide our partners to comply and deescalate not just for their safety but for the safety of all in the store. steve, what this ultimately comes down to is if you are assaulted, you have a right to protect your person and a
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corporation cannot disclaim that right for you. >> steve: right. exactly. when the cops arrived, you know, after apparently one of the guys' gun he hit something. and the gun fell apart and they realized, wait a minute, that ♪ a real gun. and this guy and another guy, were able to subdue one of the people, but this guy, mr. harrison completely went along with everything they said until they hit him in the head. >> todd: all bets are off at that point. you have to realize missouri does have a stand your ground law. i think starbucks is going to be in a little bit of pain from this one. >> steve: all right. todd, thank you very much. kayleigh is downstairs with the doctor. >> kayleigh: fired for doing the right thing. welcome to 2024. unreal. on to this. the cdc issuing a dire warning ukraineing healthcare workers to be on high alert for measles. pennsylvania, new jersey, delaware and the washington, d.c. area.
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dr. marc siegel the best of the best joins us now measles? >> measles is keeping people up at night worrying. we already saw it in thrirts fold increase in measle cases. around the world, we are not seeing kids getting vaccinated. only 83% of the kids in the world have had their first 1409. what does that mean? if you don't get your measle shot. the measle shot works. one shot gives you 93% protection. if you don't get it and get, this kayleigh, if you are in a room where measles is, and the person who had measles leaves the room, two hours later you can get measles in a room almost 100 percent of the time if you are not vaccinated. that's how contagious measles is. number one on the planet respiratory contagious virus. one out of five kids end up in the hospital out of this. this isn't what we thought when i was growing up. measles can get you really, really sick. >> kayleigh: highly contagious
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it's crazy to think about two hours later you could go in the room and get measles. >> exactly. >> kayleigh: most of us have had mmr measles, mumps, rubella 93% protection. >> from one shot. >> kayleigh: what about chicken pox? >> 97% if you had the both shots. second one before you went to kindergarten. studies show it can last over 50 years. i test people for who who are traveling or maybe in communities where there isn't a lot of vaccine uptake. this vaccine is supposed to last for a lifetime and it looks like it does. it's extremely important. >> the resurgence is because not enough vaccine. again, there's a lot of sentiment against vaccines right now. this is extremely dangerous not to get this vaccine. >> kayleigh: especially our young kids as you mentioned could land you in the hospital. >> pneumonia. >> kayleigh: absolutely. i want to get to this. it's remarkable. a study that claims colon cancer could be stopped by turning on a protein. they say it's like a light switch.
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how does this work? >> you already asked the smartest question before we came on which is could it work for beyond colon cancer, yes? whether a this protein is ko 70. repair. d.n.a. breaking down and having mutations. do you know what we do to d.n.a. when it does that? we repair it. not 100 percent of the time. if you can't repair your d.n.a., cancer can result. colon cancer results from a lot of mutations occurring. this protein repairs the d.n.a. what are the implications of this? going forward, we could use this to mark people. if you don't have a lot of this protein, you may be more at risk for cancer. maybe we are going to be able to infuse this protein in the future. this study was done in australia. it's ground-breaking. shows you a path forward for genetic thearns for cancer. >> kayleigh: if you are someone who has cancer, worried about cancer. it's in your family history do we know how far down the road. >> i think it's only a couple years away from me being able to
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have it as a marker test it in someone's blood. probably another five years after that some treatments are going to come out of this. this is personalized medicine. this is the road to the future. cancer is due to mutation. we can reverse them. >> kayleigh: we know alcohol rectal cancer on the rise for young people this could be a game changer. >> lifestyle, too much weight. people not exercising and eating right. this is absolutely a game changer. >> kayleigh: dr. marc siegel i said you are the best of the best and you brought it home. >> you are the best of the best. great to see you. >> kayleigh: thank you. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: hello, good morning. it's a cold morning. we have a little bit of wintry mix, some rain, a little bit of snow in central long island. let's take a look at the maps. this storm is exiting, which is good news. do you know what the big story record temperatures. potential record warm lows. lows overnight that are surpassing what they normally are this time of year.
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and as you look today, tuesday, wednesday, this will move across much of the country with close to 200 million above average. so, feeling almost like the beginning of spring instead of the end of january. the storm system across the northeast, that's going to exit. we do have some delays and some cancellations at the airports. keep that in mind. then we have a clipper system going to push across the great lakes and the upper midwest. you can see that slug of moisture making its way across the west coast over the next couple of days and that's going to be our next storm we are going to be watching. travel trouble as i mentioned. new york looks like we have got delays and cancellations also in chilling, seattle and los angeles. forecast high today as you can see. lots of yellows and maybe a few reds here where temperatures are going to be very warm, which i think we'll take. although i wish we had a little bit more snow. but that's personal. carley? over to you. >> carley: janice, we still have many, many more weeks to go. >> janice: i'm optimistic.
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>> carley: let's get social, shall we? we have some stories taking the internet by storm. the kansas city chiefs topping the baltimore ravens in the afc championship game purging their ticket to super bowl lviii. chiefs tight end travis kelce joined by brother jason, with his shirt on this time, and girlfriend taylor swift on the field during post game celebration. whether or not taylor will make the big game in vegas remains up in the air. swift is performing in japan the day before the super bowl, meaning she will have to almost immediately have to jump back on a plane back to the states. according to the math from social media users, she should be able to make it in plenty of time before kick-off. people have actually crunched the numbers online. >> move over quiet luxury and coastal grandma. there is a new fashion trend and it's called acomplicity particular grand parks it puts comfort first. shoppers are buying up colorful knit wear, loafers.
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the picking outs clothes and accessories that fit their personality. and relationships are being put to the test in the latest social media trend called the ketchup challenge had ladies leaving spilled condiments on kitchen surfaces like a counter or table and asking their partner to clean it up. >> okay. i'm going to try t dripping ketchup on the counter and see how my husband cleans it up. is he a clean freak in general so we'll see what he does. >> kayleigh: challenge going viral threarn male counterpart may not be as good cleaning up messes as they originally thought. kayleigh, that ketchup would be on the counter pap for months if i left it to my husband. >> deal breaker wipe up the ketchup. travis kelce would do that for taylor swift. >> carley: i'm sure he would. i'm going to try in this week
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and report back. >> kayleigh: do. so a big show still ahead. senator dan sullivan and tony gonzales and piers morgan join us next. ♪ alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor.
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>> steve: according to the clock on the wall, ita:0


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