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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 29, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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thinking about hunger. no, you're not. you'll be thinking like me that actually you could have used that soup to feed hungry people. on every level they are completely stupid and they are having the exact opposite effect of what they are supposed to be having. >> steve: they're wasting food. i love that. moaning lisas. thank you very much. brian showed up after you slurred him regarding thanksgiving. >> brian: i'll contact your attorney and move legally against you, piers. >> 36 other examples of you being involved in disgraceful behavior involving pumpkins on thanksgiving. >> brian: that's true. not the mona lisa. >> steve: check him out on fox nation. >> brian: jay leno was his guest. >> this requires a response. we're now in different territory here with three americans killed
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and more than 30 wounded. >> bill: the headlines right there. the white house blaming iranian proxies for the killing of american troops overseas. it has happened. the pentagon vowing to respond. what is that response? will it be a tipping point? the world's on edge for good reason on this monday morning. hope you enjoyed the weekend. to have a big start today. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the attack happened yesterday in jordan. base tower 22 near the syrian border. >> these militias has been firing on u.s. for months. >> all of thieves attacks on american forces in the middle east be it houthis, hezbollah, anybody else. they're iranian-backed. the administration can't pull its punches anymore.
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they need to strike back. >> dana: let's get jennifer's update. >> a senior u.s. defense official told me this weekend we haven't been this close to regional war in the middle east since 1973. defense secretary lloyd austin's first day back in the pentagon today since he was hospitalized two weeks ago -- two weeks following prostate surgery. he will be meeting with nato secretary general at 10:00 a.m. we'll see him then. this weekend secretary austin updated the president on options for responding to this attack on u.s. forces, quote, iran backed militia's are responsible for these continued attacks on u.s. forces and we'll respond at a time and place of our changes. president and i will not toll rat attacks on american forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our troops and our interests. three american soldiers were
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killed, 34 wounded and eight medically evacuated taken to a hospital in germany and were asleep at the time of the attack. iranian proxy drone attacked while they were on their sleeping quarters at a small outpost at power 22 where 350 american troops are stationed providing logistical support to american special forces based in syria, part of the counter isis fight. this outpost has been there since 2015 and is strategically located where jordan, syria and iraq come together. sunday's attack was the 160th attack by iranian proxy forces targeting the u.s. troops in iraq, syria and jordan. chairman of the joint chiefs general brown spoke in an interview taped before this attack. >> we want to insure that we take away capability while we protect our forces, at the same time not have it broaden into a much wider conflict.
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>> a larger conflict is already playing out in the red sea where the british warship used its viper missile system to shoot down a houthi attack drone. a frig gat put out a fire carrying flammable materials after the houthis struck the ship with an anti-ship missiles this weekend. this was the large oft attack and loss of life of four u.s. troops since the abby gate bombing in 2021. >> bill: on the map here, this is the intersection for all the conflict in the middle east. iran is over here to the east. this is outpost 22. right at the confluence of jordan, syria, iraq. there are several american outposts in this part of the desert. they have significant jobs to keep a lid on isis, and try and prevent iran from using iraq and these channels of communication,
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channels of supply into lebanon for hezbollah and into damascus for the syrian war there. also concerns about the west bank and supplying through jordan. this is what their duty and responsibilities have been. this particular location, 350 forces here. at least 34 injured, three dead, eight evacuated. said to be in stable condition. we hope the best for them. on the satellite image here this is tower 22 from the air. all desert. the middle of nowhere but in the middle of everywhere now with concerns for the middle east. jennifer just reported it with as a pre-dawn attack that was designed to get the most amount of casualties to the the personnel housed in that military barracks. going back to october 17th, these are all the hits carried out against american forces stationed in western iraq and
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eastern syria on behalf of the iranian proxies. what to do now. general jack keane joins our discussion. good morning. reading through this this morning and over the weekend. does iran want war? >> not with the united states. iran's objectives is what they're about. they want to dominate and control the middle east, drive the united states out of the middle east to be able to accomplish that and weaken israel politically to the point where people don't want to live there anymore. that's what they are about here. these proxies that we're talking about. the administration has to wake up. they're saying we don't want to expand into a regional conflict. it is here. hezbollah is conducting daily attacks into northern israel and displaced 80,000 israelis in northern israel. hezbollah is an iranian proxy, houthis, the houthis have cut the traffic through the suez
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canal by over 50%. impacting the global supply economy. houthis, iranian-backed proxy. 160 attacks. you just laid it out in iraq and syria by proxies that were organized by iran and like every other proxy they arm and train them and they fund them. the war has been already expanded. what we're trying to do is stop this expansion. the administration doesn't get it. they've got to reset their strategy comprehensively here, bill. organize the international community, isolate iran. appeasement strategy failed. economically go after everything they can in terms of maximum sanctions and go after the chinese who are buying iran's fuel and guess what? they are flush with money as a result of it. sanction the chinese if we need to. militarily, we have to deal with
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this issue here of shutting down iran's backing for these proxies. they don't care how many rockets and missiles are destroyed or how many proxies are killed as a result of our strikes. what they do care about is the resources that they own. i would go after the irgc targets because they control and direct, fund and arm. it is a military target. bases and people and leaders. and also, as part of the comprehensive strategy, it goes unspoken here but iran is close to a nuclear weapon. we have to have a strategy to deal with that reality in concert with the israelis. reset come pro henceive strategies to deal with iran. a military strike is very appropriate and needs the right target in mind so iran will finally begin to shut down these proxies. >> dana: president biden in january 15th, two weeks ago, said this when he was asked on
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camera not at a formal address about iran. >> i've already delivered the message to them. they know not to do anything. >> dana: he says i told them -- they know not to do anything. last night he said we know it was carried out by radical iran-backed militant groups operating in syria and iraq. what do you think they'll do? at least call together the national security council, i imagine. but there are increasing calls from capitol hill to actually do something, strike. i don't know if the biden administration will do that. there are a lot of consequences involved in that decision. >> i'm very frustrated. our hearts go out to the three troopers and two seals we've lost.
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we've been predicting this would happen because we haven't had a strong enough response to shut this down sooner. that's what is so shameful about all this. we don't take strong action until americans get killed. we should have taken the strong action to prevent the americans from being killed. that's what is so bothersome here. the administration has to find some spine here and recognize full up that nothing is going to stop until they take something away from the iranians that they truly value. believe me it's not the missiles their proxies own. it is what is they own. we've seen the evidence of this. reagan did it when he went after the irgc capabilities and trump did it in 2020 when he went after the major leader of the irgc. we should do both. leaders and bases of the irgc. >> bill: that's the question, general. two navy seals are dead. troops injured through weeks ago. we hit a leader in baghdad.
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we know where they are. hit him with drone moving east of baghdad. mitch mcconnell said hit inside of iran. hit them hard was his quote. lindsey graham said you have to go inside of iran and you just said it, too. the other thing you said is you have to hit the right target. what's the right target? >> i think it's their capability. they don't want to lose their irgc capability and that's their bases and also their leaders. there are other targets that are available, certainly. and centcom will have more color on it than i've got on it. but it has to be something that is decisive and it has to be something that clearly the iranians value. they don't care about their fighters out there, their proxy fighters and rockets and missiles. they will ship them more rockets and missiles and radicalized these groups out there and they'll get more fighters to take the place of the ones that
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get killed. that's the reality of what we're facing here. we've got to step up and have a much better strategy overall dealing with this. it is not just the military issue. it is diplomatic as well as economic. we've got the wrong strategy right now. >> bill: wow, jack keane, thank you for your time. analysis on this monday morning. much appreciated. >> dana: house republicans unveiling articles of impeachment against dhs secretary mayorkas in its bid to remove him over the migrant crisis. at the same time lawmakers are still trying to hammer out a border security deal with the biden administration. that might be on hold. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. >> good morning. republicans promised voters impeachment of homeland security secretary mayorkas could happen on the floor as early as this week. the homeland security committee prepares the articles tomorrow.
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>> article one says there is a willeful refusal to follow the law and article two says there is a breach of public trust. what you just heard. those two are very simple but factually outline the refusal of secretary mayorkas to keep our country safe. >> house republicans need virtually all of their members on board to impeach mayorkas. it is about the math. the gop now has the smallest house majority in 90 years. a margin of only two votes. mayorkas worked with bipartisan senate negotiators on a border security plan. some republicans don't want to pass anything. >> republicans four months ago would not give funding for ukraine, for israel and southern border because we demanded changes in policy. a few months later oh, just kidding. i don't want a change in the law because it's a presidential election year.
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>> unclear if a majority of senate republicans support the bill. the bill won't actually secure the border is what is argued. >> he is smart and hard working and knows the issue. he is on a suicide mission. democrats don't want to secure the border. i'm a business guy. never did a deal where the other side didn't have the same goal i have. >> langford will not agree with the bill and johnson opposes the bill. still no bill text. >> bill: want to take you to the border. texas strong. more support for the lone star state as it battles president biden in an effort to keep illegals out. a live look now at eagle pass in texas. plus there is this. >> i think that's a huge red flag for donald trump. he is weak, he is more unhinged than he has ever been. >> dana: gavin newsom taking a
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swipe at former president donald trump. wait until you hear the name calling from president biden over the weekend. then there is this. >> protection. it goes long and on his back to ice it. >> bill: the stage is set. chiefs head to their fourth super bowl in five years. just remarkable. sports and pop culture about to collide in sin city. what is match-up that is, huh? come on back. ♪ roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic.
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>> bill: that border battle with texas and the feds heating up again. texas will not comply with biden administration demands to allow border patrol back into shelby park, the migrant hot spot that runs for about 2 1/2 miles along
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the rio grande. that's eagle pass, texas again. the a.g. in texas giving the feds a deadline of his own to prove who owns that park. the eagle pass we go for another week there of headlines and more. matt finn is live. good morning, matt. >> good morning, bill. texas state attorney general ken paxton fired back a letter to a federal attorney on friday with deadlines and demands of his own. paxton is asking the biden administration to provide proof by february 15th to support its claim that the federal government has ownership over shelby park through a previous easement. paxton tells me if the biden administration can prove it has ownership of this land texas would allow the feds back in. for now texas will continue to stand its ground. >> for the time being there is no injunction. they can come in and cut wire down. we have no obligation to let them on our property.
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as i said they are claiming now it's their property. i think they made that up. >> also fox capturing some shocking video. a man in the center of the screen on land takes off his valuables, gets into the river. presumed coyote who guides a family across the river. the coyote dumps the family on the united states side. swims back to mexico and takes off running. he used a life jacket. the family didn't have life jackets. it demonstrates what we see so often. how coyotes and migrants are taking advantage and even families with children cross the river. >> dana: more than two dozen republican attorneys general backing texas in its stand-off with the biden administration writing to the president and mayorkas what you should do is simple. enforce the law and protect the border. despite recent suggests you
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should nationalize control of the texas national guard we want to remind you you can't do so without legal authority that you currently lack. if you can't bring yourselves to en forers the law, get out of the way so texas can. what was the most thorny legal issue that you had to work through? this is something i'm sure you have never had to do before. >> we have never had to do it before. the legal issues are simple and straight forward. the federal government must secure the border. if they aren't going to do it they shouldn't be trying to keep texas from doing the job that they just won't do. >> dana: the biden administration says we are doing what we can do and that texas is in the wrong here. texas now i understand this is back at the appeals court level. what happens from there do you think? >> well, let me say this, too, to correct the record. we're doing this letter with 27 states to support texas, leading it together with utah because the biden administration has
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been cutting the wire, they even had one situation where they used a forklift to lift it and let 300 people through illegally. so they are on the wrong side of this. this goes back to district court in texas. we'll keep on fighting. we need to have a secure border. i just wish if the administration would put half as much energy into securing the border as they have fighting with texas over texas doing the job they won't do, i think this problem might be a lot better off right now. >> dana: we got the numbers of how many migrant encounters, 302,000. that was a record. do you feel that iowa can -- are you seeing the effects of this illegal immigration in iowa itself in many states feel like they also are border states at this point. >> well, iowa is a long ways from the southern border but with the border out of control, every state is a border state now. we see the effects. we see the drug cartels active
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selling illegal drugs in iowa, increased fentanyl that is killing our young people, human trafficking, you name it. it worries me the number of people suspected terrorists on the watch list that have been encountered at the southern border. it is a real danger and concern and the border must be secure. >> dana: will more iowa national guard head to texas? >> that's up to the governor. she sent folks there to help out. iowa stand ready to help texas do the job the federal government won't do. >> dana: iowa attorney general, thank you very much. >> bill: 25 past. could alex murdaugh's murder conviction be tossed out? back in court today arguing the trial which found him guilty for killing his wife and son was a total sham. then there is this. >> president biden: you are the
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reason donald trump is a loser. and you are the reason we are going to win and beat him again. >> bill: so it is all trump all the time. president biden's consuming focus on his predecessor missing a bigger picture about the election in november. ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. >> we haven't had a strong enough response to shut this down sooner. that's what is so shameful about all of this. we don't take strong action until americans get killed. we should have taken the strong action to prevent the americans from being killed. that's what is so bothersome here. >> bill: a lot of people feeling that way this morning. we're awaiting to the response of killing of three american troops in jordan near the syria border with iraq yesterday. iranian back fighters launched a drone attack on a u.s. base. the most deadly attack on u.s. forces his kabul.
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three killed. 30 wounded. president biden said the country will respond in a manner and time on our choosing. austin is back in the pentagon today after the surgery and the infection that followed at walter reed. >> dana: both friends said this weekend along the line the world feels out of control and so we are dealing with that. mike pompeo will join us next hour. great to have him and get his perspective indeed. also get you this news out of south carolina. convicted killer alex murdaugh returning to the courtroom today. his legal team is fighting for a new murder trial claiming that jury tampering may have led to his conviction. how will that go down? jonathan serrie live in atlanta with more. hi. >> hi. presiding over the hearing is a retired south carolina supreme court justice who plans to interview 11 additional jurors
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today. the judge in the case actually scheduled an earlier hearing to accommodate a 12th juror's scheduling conflict. when asked if her -- that jury replied no. after all 12 jurors have been questioned, hill herself is expected to face questioning. an attorney representing five of the jurors says the judge has set a high burden of proof for murdaugh's legal team. >> not only do you have to show the statement by becky hill but it has to be a bridge digsal statement that actually impacted the jury verdicts rendered. it's a real tall order. >> judge reminded the court this is not a trial of becky hill and the inquiry needs to focus on her interactions with the jury and not on more recent controversies such as hill's
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admission to pledge orizing portions of a book. murdaugh is serving life in prison after he was found guilty of killing his wife and son in june of 2021. he says he is innocent of the double shooting. he pled guilty to stealing millions of dollars from clients and colleagues. the judge is hoping to wrap up the hearing today but prepared to go through wednesday if necessary. we'll keep you updated. >> dana: the story that never ends. fascinating. thank you, jonathan. >> certainly. >> president biden: i want you to imagine the future nightmare if trump is back in office. i'm serious. >> he made clear his fight is not for the people. his fight is for himself. >> so the idea that he would be the president again is
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astounding. he shouldn't be within 100 miles of the white house. >> bill: kind of feels like a general election campaign. biden team sticking to a playbook using trump as a political punching back. bill mayer said it might miss the point. >> it is not great to run a democratic campaign saying how can they like this guy? some people just do. >> bill: clay travis here with me today. good morning to you. want to take viewers back two weeks ago. jamie dimon in davos wasn't asked the question but offered this answer without being prompted. >> i wish the democrats would think more carefully when they talk about maga. they have done a pretty good job with the deplore aq and hugging their beer, bible and guns. can we stop that stuff and lolls en to other people and treat them with respect. this negative talk about maga is
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going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> bill: my impression a lot of people are being more direct. jamie dimon is what. >> what democrats will try to do is disguise the fact that 75% of american, that's democrats, republicans, independent, white, black, asian, hispanic, 75% of americans don't think biden has the mental or physical fitness to be president of the united states. attacking trump for anything ultimately takes away from the question that is being asked does joe biden deserve another four years of being president of the united states? has he done a good job on the border, on crime, on inflation? do you feel in your own trips to the grocery store that you are paying substantially more and have less in your pocket than you did before he became president? and all of these things not to
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mention war in ukraine, and war in the middle east right now, the death and tragically we just saw of three servicemen as a result of what's going on in the middle east. joe biden has brought more chaos than donald trump ever did and he isn't up to the job. i just heard dana say she was talking with moms. the conversations i hear from everybody is just everything feels unsettled. what biden ultimately told america when he ran in 2020, remember he said the adults will be back in charge. i will return normalcy to the white house. does anybody feel like america feels normal today? in nine months i think the reason that joe biden will have incredible difficulty getting people to vote for him is because he has failed on all the promises he made. >> bill: the deal with iran could just get worse. that is the ominous sign that we take away from over the weekend. here is aoc on "meet the press"
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yesterday. >> do you think in this very moment president biden is doing a good enough job explaining to voters why they should vote for him and not just against former president trump? >> i think we can certainly do more to be advancing our vision and i believe that we have a strong vision that we can run on. >> bill: it goes from there. on the issues that you just ticked off. take it back domestically on the economy. there is a piece out over the weekend suggesting that pitching bidenomics may not have worked but maybe the economy lifts itself and they don't have to sell it. americans feel as if their lives are getting better in turn. and that is a card that the white house could be playing, clay. >> how about that aoc answer? i think when you get an answer like that, she knows it is coming on "meet the press." this wasn't her walking outside of a building and suddenly getting hit with a question and not being prepared for it.
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she didn't endorse biden strongly there in her response. i think you can't underrate the way that many americans have seen the response since october 7th on college campuses. and while young people may not be happy with joe biden, again i just said 75% of people don't think he is physically or mentally able to do the job, not just young people. a lot of people who are adults out of college, people in their 40s and 50s and 60s out there were stunned to see the level of anti-semitism and just what the campuses are like now. and it is not only that joe biden isn't popular with students. a lot of student opinions on what happened on october 7th on the palestinian/israeli conflict has a lot of moms and dads and grandpas and grandmas upset. people are sitting back and saying how in the world did these conversations end up happening? how did the aoc's of the world, how has that generation come to
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not see what good and evil is? that also works against biden. >> bill: how about the couple walking out of the synagogue in new york over the weekend heckled for a block and a half. people throwing water at them. unbelievable. bill maher said the kids love hamas. hold onto that, all right? hold onto that as we get closer to november. nice to see you. we'll see you in vegas in a couple of weeks. thanks. >> yeah, for sure. >> dana: singh will hold a briefing at the pentagon this afternoon. we'll have reporters there and bring you the latest. she has a lot of questions to answer and maybe news she will break as well. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, you saw it last night. championship sunday in the nfl. kansas city chiefs beat the ravens. heading to their fourth super bowl in five years. is this boring if it's always
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the same team? >> bill: still the good game every time. >> dana: the same people every time. ravens quarterback jackson had an amazing highlight. threw and caught his on deflected pass. how do you do that? >> bill: wow. >> dana: i saw that live. and i had to rewind. check it out. check it out. boom. unbelievable. that's pretty great. one more time. you have to see, run, run, run, run catch, there we go. on the nfc side the san francisco 49ers beat the detroit lions. this amazing catch that bounced off a detroit player's helmet. i went to bed thinking the lions had it won. san francisco versus kansas city february 11th in las vegas. >> bill: a good game indeed. >> dana: when you go to bad thinking someone won?
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>> bill: i wanted three teams to lose an one team to win over the weekend. detroit lost. i was pulling for the lions, it didn't happen. super bowl set. an awesome match-up. we got two weeks to talk about it. >> dana: we didn't mention her in our report. we might later. >> bill: one in a row. that's something else, right? dog owner hanging onto a car after the people inside allegedly stole her french bulldog. how it began and how it ended. the beloved burger chain in and out is moving out of oakland and another story of a longstanding industry in san francisco that is doing the same thing because of crime. residents turning on the mayor for allowing it to happy. abby and brian are with us on this monday morning to take us through it.
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>> hard to have them ripped away from you. my last resort was to stand in front of the car and tell them not to go. they drove right into me. pushed me onto the hood and i just wasn't going to leave the car at that point. i held on and they took off. >> dana: the poor woman. what happened is an alleged dog napping, she clung to the hood of the car as it speeds away with her bulldog insides. thieves grabbed her pet in broad daylight. she was flung from the hood. police are looking for the dog. a rise in french bulldog kidnappings because the breed can go for tens of thousands of
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dollars. i don't blame her for what she did. i hope they find that doggy. >> my dad, who is 74, he has put his entire life into this store. he has taken all of his retirement money, everything that he had left for retirement to put it into the toy store every year. >> dana: a family heartbroken as they close the doors to a san francisco staple. jeffrey's toy store has been a safe area for bay area kids for nearly 100 years and inspired toy story. the owners say the surge in violence and crime among other reasons is proving too dangerous to stay open. they are calling out the city's democratic leaders for letting it happen. abby hornacek and brian brenberg are here. sad. >> not only was the toy store. it was established in 1938. it survived world war ii but not
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able to survive san francisco's crime and inflation? it truly is so unfortunate. as we've seen that isn't just happening in san francisco. it is happening across the country. oakland had to shut down one of its in and out locations. you want a burger and burglary? something needs to happen. the onus falls on elected officials. >> bill: the attorney said the store has been struggling for a number of years due to the perils and violence of downtown environment, inflation, leadership of the city of san francisco have their work cut out for them how to revitrevitaa vital downtown. >> economics don't work for crime and small businesses. look what's happening here. these guys can't afford insurance anymore. no insurer that wants to insure you when your losses are that rapid when your guests aren't safe.
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you have to raise your prices to hire security if that's the route, then prices get high and customers say well do i want to go downtown where it is not safe to pay high prices for something that is no longer fun to enjoy as an experience? no. what happens is these blue big cities are throwing business to amazon. that's what this is ending up as. they are the ones who always grasp about big business. that's where it's going now. >> dana: the other thing this weekend is the idiot climate activists in france threw pumpkin soup at mona lisa. they are trying to get attention. part ever it is we shouldn't give them any but they should go straight to jail. >> absolutely. a lesson in how to handle things and how not to. this is following farmers frustrated at the conditions they are getting because france is the largest agricultural producer. farmers called up buddies and lined up tractors on the highway. you have people like this defacing one of the most valuable pieces of artwork in
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the world and the joke is on them. there is a glass thing if front of the mona lisa. >> do you know what the farmers want? they want cheaper diesel prices and fewer environmental regulations. y you -- these people are in it for themselves not the farmers. >> if you are related in sports. the referee will give you a few calls now. they eject them from the game. people who act like this you not want to do anything for them and it whats the reverse effect what they intend. >> bill: they get the pumpkin soup inside. there is a lot of security there. we like kansas city or -- >> bill: kansas city has it. >> i go for the niners out of respect for my colleague who loves them. >> bill: thank you, guys. new concerns over privacy. the government accused of buying
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up american's internet data. is it yours? probably. the taylor swift stalking matter illustrating why the law can make it difficult to protect women from predators. >> i guarantee this is happening to hundreds of thousands of women throughout the country stalked especially in places where there is no bail. habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick.
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and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. >> bill: taylor swift accuse stalker is back behind bar. arrested twice in the same week outside of her apartment and released each time. the effectiveness of the city's stalker laws are in question. live in new york, alexis. >> you can see behind me is taylor swift's apartment in new york city. investigators telling us the guy stalk ping her was arrested three times in less than a week. released two times. police say he came right back to taylor swift's house.
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this is not just a problem for celebrities that they are dealing with. it's an issue we see across the country on a daily basis. more than 13 million americans are stalked every year and in some cases those victims end up dead. the federal government all 50 states have enacted laws making stalking a criminal act. in new york repeat offenders cannot be held on bail unless their crime rises to the level of a felony offense. fewer than 1/three of all states classify stalking as a felony according to the d.o.j. state laws say the victim must have been frightened by the stalking. judges and d.a.s aren't always enforcing orders of protections or violations. >> it exposes the revolving door that is this lack of enforcement as to these orders of protection, these orders of restriction, this protection
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that is offered to people being stalked. >> investigators tell us the suspect has been following taylor swift since last year. he showed up to her apartment at least 30 times since november. people calling the police and trying to alert authorities saying they were scared. he has to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and faces charges. >> bill: we'll see what new york decides to do with it. nice to see you. >> dana: a big top rescue saving a dozen circus animals from a burning truck after an equipment failure ignited the vehicle on an indiana highway. police and circuit staff able to get all the animals out safely. what a story. >> bill: good work in indiana. good stuff. new hour begins right now. >> there will be a response. this was a big attack, no question about it. our thoughts and prayers go to the families that got the worst


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