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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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guess. she shouldn't be liberal. she should be a total conservative. >> people can giver about whether she's good for the game, bad for the game, that can all be debated but there is no debate that the biden administration is now saying privately and publicly they would like to use taylor swift and get her endorsement. this has been in "the new york times" and "newsweek." >> laura: of course. i should hope, you would be dumb not to want it. >> there is a poll where 18% of the electorate say they would follow her endorsement and three out of 10 people under 35. if they can get the taylor swift endorsement they think they can push them over the finish line but i talked to marcia blackburn first who defied and flamed out spectacularly. >> laura: she has a good brand management style. the bidens could learn from taylor swift. see you tomorrow night. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight -- what was it and what
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is it about him? >> i really think he has a heart for the common man. >> he's not with the status quo. >> eight years later and the media still treating trump voters like zoo animals. >> what's your message to iran? >> don't, don't, don't, don't. >> jesse: guess what? they didn't, and now three americans are dead. >> along the way we discovered secret chinese staging hotels embedded with an illegal alien caravan that rode the next san train of death. >> a look inside a migrant caravan where biden's approval rating is a hundred percent. [chanting biden] >> we're drinking a hundred beers and a hundred vodkas. ♪ >> jesse: it was the end of the korean war and soldiers returned home.
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the "new york times" dropped the bombshell. some g.i. captives fear converted was the headline. it was the government's biggest nightmare come true. american prisoners of war were coming home converted by communist brainwashers. the story kicked the cia into high gear. just weeks into his job as cia director, allen -- approved one of the biggest mind control experiments known to man. code named mkultra. the goal was to manipulate the minds through electroshock therapy, hypnosis and psychedelic drugs like lsd and they picked their guinea pigs from military bases, college campuses, hospitals, prisons. former crime boss, whitey bulger, described his experience as "hallucinating, hours of paranoia and feeling violent, guys turning to skeletons in front of me. i saw a camera change into the head of a dog. i felt like i was going insane."
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these experiments lasted for two decades with hundreds of victims. now, democrats want to make mind control great again. just the other day, hillary clinton, she said we have to de program you. and this weekend the deep programming officially commenced. martha with abc grabbed a few trump supporters off the street, threw them all into a room together and observed them in their natural habitat. >> new hampshire's primary results do appear to have cemented donald trump's grip on the republican party so we sat down with three of his staunchest supportners in allentown, pennsylvania this week to see what drives them. there is no changing their minds. >> they are the definition of dry hard trump supporters. >> the way they described trump supporters kind of makes me expect to see animals with
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customer gets and maga hats. we just saw normal republicans who appreciated trump's policies. martha, whose idea of a republican's chris christie was still stunned. they couldn't be de programmed. she admits she was just there to diagnose them. >> here's this guy coming down the escalator. a rich guy. married three times. pretty foul mouth. what was it and what is it about him? >> has he made mistakes. oh, my goodness, yes, but i do believe that his heart is in the right place for me. how many presidents, how many politicians, have come out on the stage and hugged the american flag? that really means something to me. >> you said something that interested me which is donald trump cares about me. >> yes. >> what do you mean by that? >> the common man, i really think he has a heart for the common man.
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i really do. >> jesse: the man says trump cares about me and he said what do you mean by that? a president who cares about americans appears to be a foreign concept for a washington journalist. he prefers presidents who care about foreigners and the interrogation continued. >> having him elected back into office is a step that we need to make this country great. >> and what was wrong with the country? >> to me, what's wrong with the country is we're under financial tyranny. we're under corporate tyranny. >> what does that mean? explain that to me. >> that we're overtaxed. hyper taxation. >> and you think donald trump can change that and do you blame joe biden for that? >> well, i don't blame joe biden. i blame his failed policies, just because the s&p 500 is at an all-time high doesn't mean that gas isn't higher than it was several years ago. i run a restaurant.
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so the cost of beef went up five to 6%. >> jesse: this puzzles martha. a restaurant owner having an opinion about the economy, in an election year. do peasants know about the economy? your opinion only counts if you have a ph.d.. what's next? you're going to say gas is too expensive? jay leno says why should we listen to truck drivers about the price of gas? >> i think he's done a really good job with the economy. but you have people now who just, if someone says -- this is one thing i love about america now, we're the only place in the world, if you go to europe we -- we went to the university of economics -- we went to a truck stop in lima, ohio. you go a truck stop. i would rather have an expert, you know. >> jesse: economists have predicted nine out of the last five recessions, why wouldn't
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leno listen to them? an economy is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. so truck drivers and restaurant owners shouldn't be listened to or cared about. the experts will tell them how to feel. they say you're better off? you are? if they say biden is a young man trapped in an old man's body, he is. >> we all have spent time with biden. three hours on photo lines and three events a day, than giving speeches. are you kidding? at 80 years old, to be in that kind of health, i have no issues whatsoever. by the way, i'm an old fashion guy. i think bobby kennedy said it best. the world needs the qualities of youth. not a time of life. a state of mind. a quality of imagination. that's joe biden. >> did newsom just say age is just a number because that's just a pick up line for old guys? what are these youthful
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qualities of joe biden? >> donald trump -- we'll teach him a valuable lesson. don't mess with men and women in america unless you want to get the benefit. >> if gavin says those are the qualities of youth don't believe your eyes. these expert and when biden gets heckled at every event, they are really russian plants. >> some of these protestors are spontaneous and organic and sincere, some i think are connected to russia, and i say that having looked at this for a long time now. >> you think some of these protests are russian plants? >> i think some financing should be investigated, and i want to ask the fbi to legislate. >> jesse: don't you see, bide isn't young and popular and if you protest them you're a domestic terrorist and the fbi will visit. don't believe your eyes. don't do your own research. sit back and make yourself
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comfortable while the media spoon feeds you the approved story line. >> you seem to trust journalists more than i do. >> i trust certain journalists. >> certain ones i do. not a lot. >> not a lot? >> no. >> whatever source it's only half the truth. they print the narrative. they don't print truth. >> generalization, though. >> it's generally true. [applause] >> that's exactly what donald trump wants. what you just said is exactly what he wants. >> it doesn't matter. >> don't trust the reporters. don't trust the journalists. >> hitler was a vegetarian. doesn't mean i'm one. they print the half that they want -- that's going to make people like you who are partisan, very partisan, you want to read something, that makes me feel good. >> jesse: hear that? democrats would rather be wrong than agree with trump. when trump says dont's believe everything you read in the media, the democrats don't say,
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yes, kind of agree. they say you must believe everything you read in the media. democrats don't want you to have your own opinion because they aren't allowed to have their own. democrats are scornful because they are jealous that you're a free thinker. they are projecting. i wrote about this in how i saved the world. you have to save yourself before you can go around and start saving everyone else. the de programming starts here. >> these blue bubbles, where everyone has gone insane, i used to be part of the blue bubble. i was a hundred percent a left leaning person who lived in los angeles. at the end of the day, way more left than i am right but california went nuts, man. it's gone like full communist. it's out of it's [ bleep ] mind. they ruined the city. >> i'm in the middle now. >> i'm in the middle. >> i never would have thought i would ever say that. they are a cult. >> jesse: the american people haven't changed at all. we like low crime and low prices
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and we like politicians who listen to us and love the country. we always have and we always will. it's the left that's changed. and just because our minds can't be changed about what makes america great doesn't mean we're a cult. it just means we're right and always have been. a fox news contributor joins us, charlie, every four years the media goes out and talks to people outside of new york and washington and they scratch their chin and it's like they have never heard these people before. [laughter] >> i think it was a very generous description to talk -- your analogy. it is like zoo animals. they are treating people like zoo animals but what's so funny about that scene with martha and these voters, i don't think she realizes she's the zoo animal. they aren't the zoo animal. they are the ones who are observing her like, man, you're nuts, lady. you actually don't care about, you know, these normal things
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that we care about, and all voters care about? democrats and republicans. there are two things going on here. the first thing is, this profound contempt that they have for trump voters. and that's so depressing. listen to jay leno, because i always thought of jay leno being above this nonsense but even he can't help it. he wallows in and has such contempt for a truck driver who would know the cost of a gallon of diesel fuel that he has to put into his truck. to the cent. >> this is a car guy, jay leno, of all people. >> exactly. because he can't make his truck payment because the price of diesel fuel has gone too high, but the other thing that's going on here is, they had such profound contempt, not just for people, and voters, but for the whole american system of allowing people to have a vote and allowing voters to be in
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charge of who runs our country. they hate it. they are all in favor of people having an opinion as long as it's exactly their opinion. you're not allowed to have an opinion if it's different from them and if it is, they are going to lie about it. >> jesse: they aren't allowed to have a different opinion. have you ever heard anybody say something contrary in the legacy lead yeah. you lose your job. the only reason bill mar is getting away with it is because he's on hbo and he's what you call f-u money. you said the right thing. it's martha and her crew who are the zoo animals. they are in these little boxes in the studios in d.c. and in new york, and they are like, yes, we think men should play women's sports and everybody in the country is like, you freak, what's wrong with you? >> not a single one of them asks the question about it and the clip with bill mar was absolutely hysterical because the whole time, adam schiff is sitting there. he has no idea.
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like these people have gone hog wild. like bill mar is saying things that no one is allowed to say and, he looks actually scared like maybe he's about to get hurt, because somebody is not, as you say, abiding by the whatever prescribed words and thoughts that everyone is supposed to have and he's like really frightened like maybe they are going to come after him next and i hope they do. >> jesse: i think when mar was talking about journalists, he doesn't trust, he's talking about all the journalists that schiff leaked to for 2 1/2 years. >> exactly. talking about all of his best friends. >> jesse: all of his best friends, if he has them. charlie, thank you so much. >> yes, good to see you. >> jesse: prime time was at the ravens-chiefs game. chiefs is that a politically correct name? >> they should change their name. >> to -- >> kansas city cry babies!
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>> jesse: nobody listens to joe biden. not the migrants, not putin, not the mullahs, because the president is all talk. the president says don't and they walk all over him. >> do you have to say quite clearly don't come? >> yes, i can say quite clearly don't come. >> as ukraine succeeds on the battlefield, vladimir putin is becoming embarrassed and pushed into a corner, and i wonder, mr. president, what you would say to him? >> don't. >> don't. don't. >> don't. >> don't. >> don't. >> i have one word. don't. don't. >> and i wonder what is your message to hezbollah and its
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backer, iran. >> don't. don't. don't. >> jesse: the migrants came, putin invaded, and don't didn't work on iran either because iran just did. in fact, they did over a hundred times. and this weekend, iranian proxies killed three american soldiers. 25 more americans were injured after a drone strike on a u.s. base in jordan. it's the deadliest attack on u.s. troops since the airport attack at in afghanistan. our hearts go out to the families of these brave service members. a simple message that the white house had trouble expressing. >> what i will say, our deepest, obviously our deepest condolences go out, and our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost three brave, three brave -- three folks who are military folks who are drive, always fighting fighting on behalf of this
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administration, of the american people, obviously, more so, more importantly. we lost those souls. >> jesse: this is how come it's just a few weeks after we lost two navy seals trying to clean up joe biden's mess in the arabian sea? biden's policies are making the iranians money and money they are using to kill american soldiers now with proxies. biden's weakness is so predictable that he allows iranians to use our men and women as target practice while telling them he doesn't want any trouble. >> he'll have oceans to look at as commander-in-chief and we'll look -- we're not look for a conflict with iran but make no mistake iran is supporting these groups, resourcing then, training them. we will respond in the time and manner of our choosing. >> jesse: no one wants war. we want peace in the middle east. kind of like we had a few years ago but without deterrence, there will never be peace and once again biden is being forced to react.
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do you have confidence that he'll manage this middle east situation responsibly? i don't. if the president decides to strike inside iran, we should target an iran island in the gulf that serves as its main crude oil terminal. all of the petroleum coming in and out of iran go through this little export hub. if biden strikes the island it cripples the iranian economy, something trump knew a thing or two about. >> iran was broke. they had no money to sell out for terror because they are the primary source of terror. they are totally stone cold broke and hamas wasn't getting money and hezbollah wasn't getting money. nobody was getting money. >> jesse: fox news contributor and former intel guy -- joins us. what has the don't gotten us?
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>> myself and others have been screaming about this over and over again. how many more u.s. soldiers do we need to lose before the administration wakes up and realizes it. when is this administration going to finally do something to protect american lives? this is the fallout from doing nothing. nothing, jesse, and just talking instead of taking action. i said it when it came to the recent attacks of israel that iran only understands strength. when trump killed soleimani iran was quiet for a long time. we don't want more but us doing nothing and cowering in the corner in the face of evil it allows evil to per significance and it will continue to persist until good men stand up for what's right. it's been a long time since america has stood up. look, if the options were to write nice letters and drop flowers and gum drops over these evil forces in the world who wish americans harm then we would do that but this is not the reality of an enemy we face today. that's not the strength that
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this region understands. people of our government have always had these concerns about this escalation between us and iran that could lead to war but the american people need to realize they are already at war with us. they have been at war with us for some time. i personally have lost friends in iraq to iranian made weapons and groups like qatar and hezbollah, when we never attacked iran. many soldiers during the days of iraq will remember being instructed not to attack iranian despite having information about them targeting us but at some point we have to protect ourselves, our citizens and soldiers abroad and do something. >> we're kind of escalating things right now for the last six months there. has been escalation. how do we strike or do anything because we don't want a war, we don't want conflict but how do we strike and send a message that takes this escalation down? >> we need to reestablish deterrence. those oil fields for one should already be on fire. why are we even talking about it at this point? iran is an evil that can't exist
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in the world today. why aren't those oil fields on fire after the previous strike on our soldiers? why don't we have some sort of strategic campaign to strike the same iranian officers who have been killing u.s. soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and terrorizing globally wunderlich impunity. we need to take the gloves off our special operations soldiers and intelligence apparatus and let them go to work. let them do what they have been designed and trained to do instead of sitting behind desks in military foreign lands wondering when the next ballistic missile will come in or the next drone strike will come in. we need to take the handcuffs off of them and we need a project strategic campaign to go after these people, who are causing turmoil around the world. >> jesse: because the iranians have a lot of clients in china and europe and biden want everybody to get along. a little shortsighted. that's always been biden's strategy. >> no vision whatsoever. brett, thank you as always.
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>> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: primetime goes inside a migrant caravan. [chanting biden] ♪ deserve the best eggs. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so deliciously fresh. with better nutrition, too. we love our eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪
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>> jesse: another huge migrant caravan is launching out of southern mexico right now gaining steam as it heads up here. today we're finding out what and who is behind the millions of migrants breaking into the country. documentary filmmaker, anthony ruben, went to south america and then traveled with the caravan all the way up to our border. wicked jungles, death trains, cartels, he was there the whole time. it started in colombia, where nonprofit groups like the red cross are giving migrants maps to help them get here. >> consider this map. which shows the route from colombia to the united states. and marks 12 u.s. border crossing points with flags. many similar maps are
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distributed by other organizations. this map distributed by the red cross shows the route from panama to the united states in pain-staking detail. >> jesse: we reached out to the red cross and they say their work is strictly humanitarian but there is nothing humane about any of this. not for the american people or the migrants. the filmmaker went through a gap, a deadly jungle that migrants have to cross to go north. >> it's so crystal clear how people are dropping dead left and right. if you hurt yourself there is zero way you'll get out of the jungle and add to the danger people attacking you. criminals on the route. extremely dangerous. children walking by crying. like right here. this is the trail of tears. >> jesse: if you survive the darian gap you're put into a temporary refugee camp run by the u.n. migrants are given another map and told america is that way.
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>> after illegal aliens exit the darian gap and enter panama they are transported out of the jungle by boats and buses, and moved into panamanian refugee camps. it's here that illegal aliens are processed and given the aid and instruction necessary to continue their journey to the united states. so-called migration route maps can be found everywhere. >> from there you pay off the cartel to get into anthony and he joined a highly organized caravan whose leader held a crucifixion with the words containment is my death etched in it. the next stop, all aboard the migrant express. they call at this time train of death. a freight train that smuggles migrants across mexico and does mexico stop it? no. at around 1:00 a.m., conductors intentionally stop the train about one mile from the ngo and cartel members assist in the board process. >> jesse: every step of the
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journey is facilitated by nonprofits. hebrew nonprofits, french nonprofits. they are making it easier to break in, maps, trains, food, and once they get here there is no resistance. the door is wide open and the migrants are grateful. [speaking in spanish] >> president biden or president trump? >> biden. >> biden. >> how do you like joe biden? [chanting biden] >> biden has a hundred percent approval rating with the migrants. at least they can't vote. yet. anthony rube isn't the founder, and the reporter who shot this
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documentary. all right. you look like a pretty white fellow with proper english skills. how were you able to fit in, in this caravan? >> well, we did our best. i mean, as far as fitting in, we kind of stuck out like sore thumbs, but, you know, you've just got to get along and beware of your surroundings, and honestly hope for the best because it was just my brother and i and luckily we came out the other end alive. >> jesse: there is a lot of outside money pouring into this car van. they hand out maps and food. where is all this money coming from? outside the united states? >> well, a lot of the money comes from the united states. if you're talking about as far as where they are getting these maps from, where they are getting a lot of these food packages from and all this other aid that you see a lot of it comes directly from the united states, when you're in these panama refugee camps. there is the big united states
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flag. with the support of the united states, you will see the european union flag in there as well. and then, of course, you know, there are outside funding from different charitable organizations but the united states, and u.s. taxpayers are funding a lot of what you see in the documentary for sure. >> jesse: the u.s. is funding the invasion. it doesn't make much sense to me. when you cone encountered a chi camp -- >> this is a place -- for chinese people, last night we were eating at this hotel restaurant and we were the only florence that were not chinese. i mean, literally the entire hotel is just chinese foreigners, while there are some limited children it's mostly military age males, among all the foreign nationals that are entering the united states illegally. the chinese are among the most well funded and the most sophisticated in the way they go about getting into the united states. >> jesse: why did you say the chinese are the most
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sophisticated throughout the caravan travel? >> because you see a lot of these other groups that are on the way up here. for example, the venezuelans. these are people that generally speaking don't have that much money. they have been wiped out with hyper inflation, and they are just trekking to the u.s. on foot where as the chinese, they are taking airplanes everywhere, and they have dedicated hubs like the one you see in that video and there were other ones that we saw along the way. these dedicated hotels where they all fly into. we were the only nonchinese people there during the knife. -- night. we confirmed that. they hand each other different instructions on how to get to the united states. i obtained these blueprints and published them on a website. people can find it. >> jesse: you're say you didn't find a single trump supporter in this entire caravan. >> no. we looked pretty hard. i'm not sure that any exist. at least not any that we encountered for sure. >> jesse: they like biden
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because he's a nice guy, they say? >> because he's a nice guy, because he's opened up the border, and because he's going to let them all in. yes, correct. >> jesse: and their plans when they arrive here what do they tell you? >> you know, it's usually more of the same. we're coming for work. we're coming for a better life and then you say what kind of work are you looking to do? they will say, i don't know. some will say i'm going to work as a cashier, i think that's what, you played a clip of a man from pakistan who said he liked joe biden because he opened up the border but a lot of them say they don't know. they are coming up here, thinking they will have a better life and that's that. >> jesse: so it's not a lot of legitimate asylum claims at all. did you run into any trouble with the cartels? >> we got kidnapped by the gulf cartel as we were about to cross into the united states. >> jesse: and they released you because you knew you were going to appear on jesse watters primetime? >> i suppose.
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i did warn them of that. you don't want to do this. they took us, blindfolded myself. put a hood of my brother's head and we got driven out to an abandoned field. these are armed men with assault rifles, drive us out to the middle of an empty field. open up the door, you know, they take the hood off my brother, take the blind folds off myself and i thought they were going to possibly put bullets in our head. why else are we in the middle of the field? to make a long story charlotte they smashed our electronics with a crowbar. we had to go back into mexico, back into enemy territory to recapture a lot of the footage that we lost. when you lost that documentary, it's actually two trips in one. >> jesse: you're a brave guy. your brother is brave man. good luck. we're glad you made it. it's really difficult to get that kind of in depth footage so thank you. >> thank you very much. >> jesse: joe biden and taylor
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>> jesse: taylor swift might be the most famous pop star in the world. right now you can't go anywhere without seeing her face. billion dollar concert tour, "time" magazine covers, and, of course, every single chiefs game. turns out a relationship with travis kelsey is way popular generating an extra $330 million for the chiefs and the league this season. swift covers a massive and emotionality demographic. if taylor likes something they love it. the women who run the biden campaign want to set the big guy up. the most unpopular president of all time wants to have a relationship with taylor swift. the "new york times" says the centerpiece of the biden re-election strategy is begging taylor swift for an endorsement. "fundraising appeals for ms. swift could be worth millions of dollars for mr. biden." one idea that's been tossed around a bit in jest sending the
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president to a stop on ms. swift's heiress tour. biden won't go to east palestine but he'll go on tour with taylor swift. >> there are a lot i know, there are a lot of swiftys, if you will, fans of taylor swift. and so i'm just going to leave it there. >> jesse: the white house is packed with swiftys. to primetime this feels a little bit like an arranged marriage. biden doesn't even know who taylor swift is. >> liberty and bell had to beat some tough odds. could you say it's even harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or -- britney spears tour. it's kind of warm in brazil right now. >> taylor, brittany, dylan, same thing. he doesn't get bogged down on details. he can't name a taylor swift song. swift can't same a biden policy.
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it's a match made in corporate heaven. could you imagine if the chiefs win the super bowl? ben, who do you have? the chiefs? >> i'm thinking if biden wants to use taylor swift to get reelected he's given up on the black vote. >> jesse: kanye was not a supporter of either person, as a matter of fact. do you think this could be an effective endorsement? >> well, apparently 18% of taylor swift fans say they would vote for whoever taylor votes for. but i'm assuming that's as long as she doesn't vote for donald trump. >> jesse: right. donald trump just secured a pretty significant endorsement. snoop dogg just came out and said he ain't done nothing wrong to me. he's done only great things for me. he pardoned michael harris. so i have nothing but love and respect for donald trump.
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mike harris, i guess, was a death row guy. did that surprise you? >> well, it kind of makes me feel like snoop dogg's next song will be with ben shapiro. all rappers vote for trump because they know if they get gun charges they will probably get pardoned. >> jesse: that's right. anybody gets a pardon, even hunter. just for the sake of balance. listen, are you saying this thing might not be on the level, this relationship, between these two? >> well, i mean, we all saw the oversexualized a.i. photos that went viral of taylor swift, and, i mean, when i saw them all i could think was deflate-gate. >> jesse: not fan of taylor. i can see. not my type either but die like her music. ben, behave yourself. get a good night's sleep. thank you. >> thanks, jesse. thanks for having me back. >> jesse: johnny goes
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tailgating. >> joe biden is in his last quarter of his first term. if you were his coach, what would you tell him? wake your ass up, push through the finish line? and then we'll ship you off and you can go tape your nap. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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5:55 pm
>> jesse: the afc championship game was yesterday in baltimore.
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chiefs beat the raidens by a touchdown and they are going to the super bowl to face off against the niners. johnny had never been to a football game and didn't want to go but we sent him anyway. ♪ >> who is excited to see taylor swift? >> oh, my gosh. taylor swift. no. >> we're in baltimore. we don't care about no taylor swift. >> she can get the hell out of here. we're not excited, we do not want her here. >> oh, my goodness! >> what's the game plan today? >> we're going to be loud. we're going to turn up. weir drinking a hundred beers, a hundred vodkas. [whoa] >> who is going to the super bowl? the chiefs or the ravens? >> the chiefs. >> the ravens, baby. >> the ravens. you ain't even dressed accordingly. ravens, baby. >> what's wrong with the way
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you're dressed? >> you're dressed like you're going to school and not a game. >> how do you get up in the morning and put on your pants? >> that's not politically correct that name. >> definitely not politically correct. >> it needs to be changed. >> what should it be changed to? >> kansas city swiftys. >> kansas city cry babies. >> the american natives love the chop. >> that sounds sexy. >> are you proud of our commander-in-chief? >> absolutely. dance prices are up the roof. >> do you see the economy right now? absolutely not. >> kamala's boyfriend? >> how is he doing, by the way. >> the border is wide open. >> anybody in this country that elected him can go out. >> if i were smart i would say thank you and leave. >> joe bide isn't in his last quarter of his first term. if you were his coach what would you tell him? >> joe biden. it's time to hang up your cleats.
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>> try not to climb any stairs. >> got to know when to fold them. ♪ >> lay off the ice cream and increase the caffeine. >> i like my coffee dark. >> kamala harris will sure make a good president one day, won't she? >> i don't know about that. [laughter] >> no, i wouldn't vote for kamala right now. >> she's a puppet. >> whatever happened to love thy neighbor? ♪ >> donald trump is sure making a comeback. >> can't wait to get him back in and make america great. we still love him. >> close the board and increase the guns. >> i'm not necessarily a person i would vote for trump but if i did been were in the race i would vote for trump. >> i need water. >> i need water.
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help me, i need water. help. >> what have you heard about nikki haley? >> who? what? >> full-blown liar. she lies. lies. lies. >> i think we're getting under his skin, just saying. ♪ >> jesse watters is very upset the eagles didn't make it. >> try to make him feel better. >> eagles are a bird. the ravens are bared. just jump on this side of the birds. >> i'll come on the side and we'll hug it out. >> go get a chiefs steak. extra cheese, extra wiz and sit in your house. ♪ >> jesse: on saturday before the games on sunday i was at monster jam at the provincial center. jesse sr., big monster truck fan but little advice for everybody you've got to have the headphones because that's really, really loud. and i had the pink ones
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obviously. it came down to grave digger. but we beat the traffic so we're not sure what happened. we got texts. frank, from massachusetts, those migrant chanting biden biden is like biden rally. martin from texas, if we had jay leno's money we would think the economy is good, too. >> matt, from leesburg, florida, the only swift biden needs is to swiftly leave office. harry from florida. did hunter design the bank a shirt? yes, i didn't get a good look at that but it looked like either a bangs-sky drawing or maybe a little hunter biden nose candy. i'm waters and this is "my world." *


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