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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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the memory of these who needlessly lost their lives. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i'm dana
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perino. it's 5:00 in negotiating city -- new york city. >> president biden promises a response is coming to the deadliest attack of our troops in years. >> we lost three brave soldiers and we shall respond. >> the president and i will not tolerate attack on u.s. forces and we will take all necessary actions to defend the u.s. troops. >> we will respond to any aggression and hold responsible to the people who attacked our troops. we will do so at a time and a place of our choosing. >> so far it's all talk no action right now the administration is dealing with its failure to deter iran backed
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terror troops who launched a drone strike that killed three american soldiers. the pentagon releasing the photos and the names of the three soldiers stationed as a base called tower 22 between jordan and syria. sources confirm the drone had got past air defense at the base because it was mistaken for a u.s. drone expected to return at the same time. the pentagon and white house not confirming the story but says iran had its prints on it. the iran proxies have launched 165 attacks on u.s. forces causing and to point out the message against the regime is not working. >> i have one more don't. don't. >> what is your message to hezbollah and its backer iran? >> don't. don't. don't. don't. >> don't. don't. don't. >> what's the message to iran?
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>> don't. >> as president biden said, just don't? >> exactly. one word. pretty straight forward. >> the soft line on iran continuing with the white house and pentagon ruling out a direct conflict with iran. >> we are not looking for war with iran. fear not seeking a conflict with the regime? the military way. >> we don't seek war. we don't seek further conflict. we don't want to see this wide tone a regional conflict but we will continue to do whatever we need protecting u.s. forces. >> our focus is not to esz complicate there into a broader regional. >> i got to tell you we're not looking for a war with iran. ran is sitting there and staying, we can do whatever we want to these people. look. joe biden is terrified of escalation. he really is. he's proven it time and time again. he says, we will not tolerate. we will respond.
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except for the 165 times that they hit us in iraq and syria with many of our soldiers with traumatic brain injury which is a lifelong injury and would be weeks ago joe biden's beating his chest and he says iran got the message and there was a couple months after sullivan says you know everything is quiet in the middle east and we are clueless and feckless on the world stage. we gave iran a pass to avoid world war 2 and mike pompeo said they attack us with impunity we have sold jersey who are dead. they are not stupid. what they did with their drone they followed an american drone returning to be jordan the americans didn't see it and it
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killed three servicemembers and injured 34 hours. we have hostages held by hamas and the latest thing is joe biden says today it was wholly uncivilized. give me a break. get in there and start fighting. what did trump do? he killed soulemani. where they are now with biden it's clear they hurt when we bleed them financially and we allow them to sell oil on the operate market give $6 billion for the hostages and today bind had nothing on the schedule. did he call the families? what did he do? >> there's also jessica when you look at that montage that iran knows not to do anything that
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has proven not to work also when you look at the administration officials that spoke out today blinken austin biden they all had to read their statements of condolences as if they don't feel it. it's strange to me that the reaction is so subdued and in a way that you have to like read every word that you're sorry it happened. >> i think they were genuinely surprised which seems strange if you have 150 attacks unfortunately someone is bound to die from something like this and i think that the response does need to be more heartfelt, even if the most craven analysis of this you're thinking back to the withdrawal from afghanistan which was a seminal turning point in terms of how a lot of americans felt about president biden and the biden administration not necessarily the decision to leave afghanistan but the fact it was
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executed and we lost 13 servicemembers and people didn't feel there was at adequate sorrow or appreciation for their sacrifice and more could have been done to make sure we got out and they survived so that's something needs throb done better. secretary austin is back recovering from cancer and reading the statement and but you would want more. in terms of the biden administration financing them the $6 billion is being held by the u.s. under qatar government. i don't know if were critical of him but there was a direct response to him taking out a terrorist and there was no dispute there were bipartisan
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congratulations to donald trump for taking that action so i want to be fair and accurate about the money and financing. >> what about selling oil on the open market? >> you said six billion dollars. >> let me just say, this attack was scheduled to be right at dawn, predawn, so at a sleeping barracks to make sure there was maximum harm. >> whatever anti-drone defenses we have weren't good enough. there's a lot of u.s. servicemembers on these bases throughout the region and if we are just going to sit back and receive pot shots that's not a strategy. you can't go out and say don't and the iranians do, you can't tell putin know and ukraine is ininvaded. the guy has no deterrence. he's not respected as commander in commander-in-chief. people all over the world are running through his line.
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kirby is saying he doesn't want war in the middle east, nobody does but why are you schkt acting like we don't want any trouble? sometimes you have to use force in order to deescalate and so far joe biden has done nothing. now the strat jith i talked to said you can hit proxies. maybe wouldn't do much. you could hit the iranians inside iran. he said the main pressure point is karg island which is their crude oil terminal off their coast, it would wreck their economy taking a million barrels of oil off line, there's no bridge to the island and it would take a year to repair it. they would have no money to be finance proxies and we have to do something more because this is the deadliest attack since abu ghraib and we are not
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including the seals lost in that iranian vessel. they say they drowned. i don't know if that the true. i don't trust the defense secretary because he lied about being under anesthesia a week so this is a critical time. i hope he does the right thing but i don't trust joe biden to handle this delicately. >> any time right now we could be a week away from iran having a nuclear weapon and at any time as well in could turn into a national security election. >> i'm just glad lloyd austin is back. i wish joe biden was. when you saw him it what's like him reading the early bird special at denny's. even his life alert was blinking. it was batted. remember how trump was deemed an agent of chaos, four years of if you are michael to be replaced by the call cloor waters of joe biden.
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what a pyramid of dirt we were sold by the media, experiencing confidence and confusion from supply chains to the middle east to ukraine. how much more can we take? i agree trump's word made people uncomfortable. they made them peaceful. maybe there's something to be said about peace through unpredictability and saying we don't seek war. as jesse said, that's an obvious statement but you continue have to say that. 2-point know what trump would say but he would not say we don't seek war. he would say, let's seek what happens. we don't want to get into war but we are happy to blige if you wish. in fact you step back, you get out of the prison and you eliminate the predictable voices the people that say bomb
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immediate lid and the people that say no, don't bomb. there's so much there and it's either going after the proxies, right? or taking psychologically taking north korea off the list of existential risks. you snead to assess the timing of these event. what are you going to do up until november when the issue can solve itself with a new president? see, these are bigger idea. right? which lead to smaller manageable problems. right now the small prison ideas of bombing or not bombing will lead to what you're talking about. >> can i just add to that, the fundamental problem what's going on here is joe biden is so lock step with israel right now. that's really what aggravates iran in all this and russia. >> i think that's a fundamental problem. or iran is antisemitic and want to wipe israel off the face of the earth.
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>> no, i'm saying the problem, if joe biden were not such a staunch ally of israel right now i doubt this would be happening. >> we wouldn't be over there. >> the other thing i would say this, that the house last year passed a bill called the no funds for iranian terrorism act. it's sitting in the senate. you guys want to show can you do something, at least do that and show that you have something up your sleeve? washington. up next, watch out travis kelce the biden campaign is trying to win over taylor swift's heart and snag an endorsement. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> in today's edition of demel deer abuse president biden struggling to get through another speech this past weekend. poor guy seems to have forgotten what job he has. >> did you see what they recently says about he wants to hear the economy crash this year? a sitting president. bless me father, for i have -- come on, man. >> and he didn't say that. no amount of biden's brain receding will stop him, team calling in clinton and obama for fundraiser and how team biden hoping to get endorsement from taylor swift, and a single instagram post of her has led to 35,000 new rej administrations
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and fundraising from ms. swift could be worth millions of dollars for biden. the white house seems excited about the prospect. >> there is something called a hat check. i can't speak to anything related to 2024 and elections. >> i know in my shop and the preth office shop there are a lot of swifties, tans of taylor swift so i'm going to leave it there. >> leave it there. i love that phrase. dana bill clinton barack obama and joe biden are joining hands for fundraiser. i heard it was billed as a three some. >> that's good. and then they went to a bar. >> so what do you want to talk about? >> the democrats are doing well on small dollar fundraising. a lot of the state parties for the republicans are in disarray. they don't have money.
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they can't figure out. that's where you do the get out the vote stuff so the republicans have a lot to work on with that. the democrats would-be able to get from this fundraiser plus the taylor swift endorsement is kind of interesting to me. i think she's been pretty good staying out of politics. she did get involved in the guy running against marsha blackburn but she kicked his rear end. she has a lot of instagram followers in the administration and they care about that. last week they said, oh on tiktok they want us to ban liquid natural gas and okay, generation z we will do that for you and screw our allies and ourselves. i don't think the twichlt endorsement will have much effect, the polling will bear that out but they'll be noise and attention for it. >> judge do you think that
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endorsement help or hurt her more? >> well, that's the first issue i came up with, why would someone as popular as she is alienate? i'm not saying people are going to hate her but why alienate your fans? why put yourself in one area? the other thing is people or biden is assuming if she get involved in this election and she did support joe biden in 2020, it's not unusual for her to get involved in politics and marsha blackburn kicked that guy's butt but that's 10-c but with the young vote of new poll shows that 18 per cent of voters are more likely to back a taylor swift endorsed can dated but 17 percent are less likely to vote for someone she choose so they cancel out.
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so don't get involved in politics. we don't want to see you there but joe biden is in the hole with young people. he knows it f. he thinks taylor swift can get him out of it, go for it. >> regarding taylor swift jessica on scale 1-10 what do you think she's going to do endorse him or not? >> on a scale of 1-10? >> i'm going with a 9.5. >> really? >> yeah, i think so because for her a documentary about her talked about her decision to get involved in politics and her father raised some of the issues you just did she says it's too important to me the issues on the ballot and the danger that marsha blackburn's agenda poses, and core is women in their 30s, millennial women like myself on the other end of the scale. >> what was the issue so important to them?
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>> abortion. it matters a lot to women on both sides of the aisle. >> just want to make it clear that's all because people always say women's issues but they never say abortion. she did it for abortion. >> right, also known as are you duckive freedom and it's none of your business what i do with my body. i have never encountered a candidate who would turn down endorsement or fundraiser with people who are popular there. are some endorsements you get you run to a camera and say i hate this person. i don't know why they like me. donald trump got the opportunity to past former president's like if george w. bush would want to say something he would welcome him but he would say we are all republicans. i want your vote and here is w.
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endorsing me. we talk about pop stars. people who have the same appeal we talk about how they can win like oprah obama and taylor swift are people who have fans across the country regardless of their political beliefs. >> all right. there you go. >> jesse, so -- >> how would you please stand? >> i would say that joe biden doesn't know. >> he didn't know who the sitting president was. >> he confused him with beyonce and brittney. he doesn't know her songs and she doesn't know anything about abortion, she says arranged marriage. this is probably cooked up in a lab. these are the same people that
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dark brandon and dylan are telling you joe biden is swift. joe biden and swift nothing to do with each other. i read this article in the "new york times." the biden election strategy, don't run on bidenomics, leave the white house more than once a week, ask bill and barack obama to raise money for you and hope a pop star endorses you. this is not the election strategy of a winning campaign. it smacks of desperation and the fact he's clinging to taylor swift whom he couldn't pick out of a lineup without jill going like this, that's taylor, tells you everything you know about joe biden. >> strategy $83 million for defameing a woman you sexually assaulted. >> i two love taylor swift's endorsement. any politician would. or kid rock. >> and to church, and you think it's the end of the world. >> he goes to church? >> let's talk about the lawsuit.
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go ahead jessica, your thoughts. >> my thoughts is you shouldn't sexually assault people. >> was he found guilty? >> yes he was. >> it was simple. >> it means it's not a guilty verdict. >> it's always nice to bring something up is that has nothing to do with the topic. >> he said the campaign strategy. >> stop interrupting everybody. [laughter] >> long week ahead. >> it's only monday. >> you're arguing for two now. >> all right, up next, snl looking like idiots after their attempt to dump on donald trump backfires. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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>> americans liberal fact checkers will crawspl over brok glas s to try and correct a republican but never a liberal.a case in point. saturday night live is getting e pass after taking a bogus shot at former president trump, and suggesting he made up the term, debanking. >> trump did have a stumble wit an interesting term, debank. >> we are going to place strong regulations if the bank tries to debank. >> you might have to dedeambulance to see the doctor. >>ea geniuses at snl should tala tory a trump supporter. it's a real term. it refers to people closing
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organizations and accounts after perceiving them to be illegal ac financial or reputatioconal threat. snopes said the story about joe biden with a hard hat backwards reversed their story. da saturday night live has a dozen writer os and nobody could figu out debanking was a real term. if their ideology is so over the top they don't bother. >> i think it was the cost of writing a joke f. the joke gets a laugh which that one did and a simple google search ruins oughn the work you put into it you'rer not goinobg to do it but the is proble im is it's just a joke.
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politics is downstream from ha culturvee so a lot of people assume debank isn't real but in yowhu avoid the research it's l getting in the car around turning up thee radio so you don't here the knock in the engine. if i h don't hear the facts bu everything standt s but the problem is we can hear it, we havef accesths to the truth so joke is on the teller and the audience. the other thing is it doesn't affect anyone in their bubble. he probably doesn't know about it because his rich friends are safe. it doesn't exist if it doesn't affect your liberal friends. imagine a right wing comic denying homelessness exists.ts he never would. we actually can't afford to do that.te to do thatd we would be rake or the coals but we had also are honest about it and snopes to as survive hasus to redefine facts
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an.d opinions so it's their opinioign joe had the hat on rit when it was wrong. >> don't you feel that people on the left that remember it was like their had truth vs. other truth, which could be the fact. or either way, and now you have snopes reacting to criticism onp line thaest joe biden was weari thjoe hat backwards, not anythi they didha themselves. >> remember after 2016 when maio street media sent out reporters to understand how did they misunderstand america so much and they had to write all thesee pieces?it get ready forward them to write it again. this did happen to truckers in a canada as one of the reasons there was the protest and pr revoltedot and this is happenin tore people here in america, th is actually what's weird is even though they might not realize l it'sef coming from the left it' their --thing, esg, sustainablea government, whatever it is, debank i- s part of the goal. for example if you own a gun and
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you use your credit card or you wrote a check, and it's for a storhee like cabela's, it's th embarrassing but iost will be f to read that. >> saturday night live has got a lot of things wrong about me int particular. do you think they're left oriented? i think they got that right. [l it's fun to fact check a show like comedy news. we know about j.p. morgan chase what they did to people and nigel farage and i believe the truckers in canada got debanked for their rally. were not listening to data. what were you thinking about?
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>> i had was thinking about snopes. they said he was born in hawaii and now they said his hat was on properly but what else are they getting wrong? you can't trust anything they say. >> we are going toto move rightn from that igone. all right. what would you like to say? >> nothing about charisma for bi sure. >> i think this is part of the reason you're seeing saturday night live l have so much less e culturalle relevance.i it's not because i don'tdo agret with the pointhe of view. i'm no fan of donald trump but with such losuw hanging fruit t take something that you're not going to do a simple search, he says, so many crazy things, like the water and the magnet or whatever you want but don't do this because it gives people licensn e on the right and in t middlec who are sick of the vitriolic approach tr o this an
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they want to sit down on a saturday night or whenever and just laughh. and i think it's k tellinitg the conversation we he live where ay night they've hivet a never is from t monologuk e with dave chappell bill burr on and they can say i'm so mucevh bigger than this, and thmie ratings spike and thas what folks are looking for and i'm very kerr just and will find out soon what the impact of the changes in these late night shows will havnighe on jon stew when he e returns to taking ove thove daily show on monday nigh february 12 i think because jon stewart no fan of trump but someone who haass given himselfo veterans causes and shows up hereate which i appreciate ande interviews so that's something i'm very much looking forward cl to. >> up oonext, dogs aren't safe liberal ' a woman clintig to go the hood a car to save her animal.
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[ alarm ringing ] there they are! everybody get their banking done? let's go! drive! we got to go! someone's in a hurry. annnd doo-do-do-doooo-do! one mississippi. two mississippi. -can we go!? -yeah! faster! oh, no sirree. you see, i get discounts for my safe driving with snapshot from progressive. you should see my savings -- they're nuts. you told us he was a skilled wheelman. no, i'm a wheelman. it's a family name on my mother's side. -what? -irish. why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. well, it's spending season. but that's okay, because there's one. the app and cashback debit card
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that can help you earn rewards at your favorite stores. and 5.00% apy on savings to put toward those future plans. there's a lot of banking options out there. but one is not like the others. >> even our pets are not safe from raging crime in the streets,rate caught on tape a we seen clinging to a car after crooks grabbed her pet as she ate lunch in l.a. and dragging her on the car before swerving and flinging her off. she's okay except for scrapes and cuts an all she wants is her doe g juback. >> please give him back to us and we don't care about anything except getting him back so we t looking to press charges and all we are looking to do is recover our baby.
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>> police are still looking for the dog thieves but the bulldog breed can go for 10s of thousands of dollars. we are all dog owners. you have a french bulldog. t >>ol yes, i would do that. if you told me i would do that twyeo years ago i would have laughed at you. i would definitely do that. i would be mel gibson i in "ransom" you know why it makes people go crazy it's almost like a person, the face theyre make reminds you of relatives and tyrus has a good take they confuse dogs with te
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bears, bears ran away and talking to tyrus he says yes they have no idea what that gremlin is. is animal or human and why does ites i have a face and shoulder blades andke a muscles? so, other animals respond to im frenchys the way humans respond to spiders. do doesn't matter thees size, you just run screaming. that's my analysis. >> i would scratch their faces that off. [laughter] th >> i think the law needs to be changed little our pets are not property. they're family. >> i'd by sitting in jail wait manslaughterpe charges. s ha this is happening a lot we did a story about a dog taken from a woman's home them diodd pay 10sy thousands of dollars to get himf back. >> it's the reason the john wick movies aremovi so successful. >> don't take this wrong way but
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if any of you were kidnapped i would not bed, jumping on the h of aof car. tactically it's really stupid. think about it. i mean this is what they do in cartoons and some woman thinks she's going to recover her dog by being like a bug on the windshield, one swerve this woman is flying off on the sidewalk. you get the plate number and aw good laurd and then you don't get bruised and scratched on the cement. this is asinine. >> you don't think y this person has a legitimate plate on that car? first, i agree with dana, i'd kill the person.e' no question bit. number 2 i don't believe these people have a legitimate car and a legitimate license plate. number 3 miekt row chip your dog. that way whepln they take to it the doctor you can say it's your dog and pools are more like
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humans than an thay other dogs. my dogdos sit with me, they hav no problem, they're lonely, not lonely depending on whatever mood i'm in. >> i've microchiped my kids.e noart my dog yet. >> we are taking the microchip in you. >>me i would microchip them and a burna lf with you non-lethal self-defense gun. >> like a stun gun. >> yes g. >> can you get it on amazon?ti >>pl hyperkinetic. >> snoop dogg making a shocking announcement on his beef with donald trump.
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♪ ♪ >> snoop dogg squashing his beef with donald trump, he's been straight up nasty to the former president pointing a fake gun at a clown version of trump for a music video but snoop dogg is taking the high road jumping
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on the trump train after the former president tossed a pardon to one of his friends saying quote, i have nothing but love and respect for donald trump. all right, jessica. i see you taylor swift and i raise you snoop. >> honestly i don't know what we are going to do when donald trump wins the black vote because of this. >> greg, your thought on the snoop endorsement. how significant is this? >> i do remember pointing a gun at a clown version of you had and it turned out it was you. >> thank you. >> the point is not that trump is gaining supporters, it's that the democrats are losing allies and ground. trump just has to stay where he is and the rest of america will catch up to him. the crass american dad isn't so bad after all. a lot of politics is defined best how it affects you personally so it affects snoop
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because it's personal and addresses his safety and security. i think hour going to see this more especially you look at the migration issue blacks don't see that politically perhaps as much as personal security and safety issue. >> snoop double dip. >> yes, with biden at a 33 percent approval rating it's no long area dangerous career move to say you're friends with donald trump. >> okay, i'm curious whether or not biden has told snoop dogg he ain't black yet. all right? and i also want for the record to say i was right about something will remember when snoop dogg said when was it in november he was giving up smoke? he ended up partnering with a smokeless brand. it was a marketing stunt. so there. >> jessica anything significant? >> i'm glad you recognize it's a totally illegitimate idea he's
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going to lose the black vote i think you'll see this anti-politicization thing however you go in and do it in the voting booth doesn't necessarily translate to how you traumatic about things and it does mat fur a former president helped a friend out. i thought it was great. >> i take back everything i said. >> one more thing is up next. : . >> jesse: one more thing is up next ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ clufd liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you.
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so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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i was traveling around the country as a correspondent in 2016 and i was meeting real people, shaking their hands, feeling the calluses on their grip. >> they knew something that nobody else knew because they were going to determine who was the next president. you can't discount the american people. you have to listen to them. >> so i'm not for one more thing tonight. we've got a great show. jimmy fallon. who's he? captain andrew grill. it's going to be a great one. 10 p.m.. let's do this. greg. who's picking at our? >> this is a question that i ask every day. who is picking at our ball? well, let's go to phoenix at the phoenix zoo. >> and where do our duo of ground horned bills are hunting for tasty worms and insects snacks that are hidden inside a pool walls? this is so they don't eat it too quickly and it slows them down. >> oh, you can do that with dogs, too. >> yeah. so these are the things that are picking at our. oh, that's good occurring.
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>> but i hope it doesn't hurt too much. who is excited to see taylor swift tonight? nobody in baltimore? no taylor swift. >> there is johnny. 8:00. can't wait to see that one. all right. hey, if you have any $2 bills lying around, you might want to think twice about spending those. because guess what? they could be worth a lot more than that. the highest value right now for a $2 bill is 40 $500. notes, a bunch of them. and so my grandparents used to send that in across in the car and we were told to hold on to them. i don't know where my. wait a minute. where do you get 4500 from? if they're circulating uncirculated notes from 1891 circa 1995, though, you could get $500. all right. >> so tell us about where do you take it, though, for 500? problem that i'm not sure i'll get back because i got done. miscellaneous podcast episode. perino on politics just posted
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that jim garrity oc oc marilou a florida k-9, have filed a missing and endangered 11-year-old girl this weekend. mary lou led sheriff's deputies to a park near the missing girls apartment complex where the k-9 was able to sniff out the young girl who was trapped one of the bathrooms. check out how excited mary lou is once they get the bathroom door opened. >> that's pretty great. that is right. that's right. that's a guy. okay. celebrities just like us, they can be catfish as well. drew barrymore talking on her show about how she recently matched with who she thought was the los angeles rams player on a dating app, sharing that she had gone to the team's first practice game. then he admitted that he was actually a musician, i'm sure struggling musician, and uses the nfl players identity to why these things happened to her. >> yes, she's as television and she weird saying, oh, he's just like us, i guess. >> all right. that's it for us >> have a great night, n everyone. wattyone.
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