tv Gutfeld FOX News January 30, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST
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remember when donald trump's tax return>> sean:s were unlawfb leaked to the public? well, today, the formelic?r contractor responsible, well, he was sentenced to five years in prison for his actions. for hise called the leak a, quote, intolerable attack on our constitutional democracya and stated that trump was under no obligation to releasendstateo his returns. >> the people at nbc news, they loved it. got it right here. oh, he paid taxes. oops. t know that part. anyway, unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. please say dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss ano yo episode of hannity four news. anytime, all the time. every time. foxnews.coepisode m, hannity ic. and of course, we appreciate met you making this show possible. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. whim y of course.standi greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your faceng. have a great night.
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yeah. nday, ev happy monday, everybody. at yeah. oh, the power. >> so america's least populars s reality show it s still going strong. yes, i'm talking about the ye i southern border, of il millions of illegal, most whom. men em to be healthyle >> men are walking away fromm al all the other gals in thle world to cozy up to the world's most eligible bachelorette. >> that lady in a long flowinge gown. . yeah, the statue of liberty. or as i like to call her aatue of six.[laugh yeah. i mean, come on,tei we have doe
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better. so many hotter immigrants. >> so a migrant traveling from a venezuelvea will literally walk through six other countries refore hitting the texas borde . >> how do they do that? i go five blocks and i'm exhausted. iso is my driver. >> now, if you're so that you fe have to flee your nation on foot without a visa or a passport, aren't you desperate enough not to be choosyenough? wouldn't you be satisfied with the first reasonable option? ied with the finot everyone gets to marry the prom queen. the pri mean, i was dumped by me because she was too much into cheerleading practice and getting good gradeos. >> that and i was 48.. >> oh. but why come here when therebuth are soy many places before us with people who speak the language and have better peak food? >> well, it's simple. y 6 seconds after
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his saggy dented hit the oval office chair, joe, throughout a welcome mat that stretched from washington to tierra del fuego. he may as well put up signs in mexico saying, don't stop. in a few miles, you'll get free meals and changesico sayi. you murder someone. i know. , >> on tothp of that, the un jusn presented a plan giving 1.6illin billion to 17 latin american countries, partially in the form of prepaid debit t tries pa cards for migrants. now the un get s 20% of its budget from us, so we'reuall antually paying the migrants to come here. >> and what i know and what do you know? suddenlyat the u.s. had roughlyw 10 million new contestants that we're the one, which is why it's about time to replacene statue of libertyst torch with a can of pepperatue o spray. metaphorically an analogy not literally. i don't think they make them that big because the white house has turned the statue
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of liberty into a $10 waterfront. rned theno surprise takes progrm to its inevitable endpoint. . >> you don't get paradise, you get chaos. no person is illegal. t geu geeveryone is welcome. that sounds great in my hot tub. ? until the entire nation of bolivia shows up and it sounds great. theno what's the damage? -war, we've got a tug of war over razor wire, an even ovetri. verging on a constitutional crisis. there's also the well-deserved tht hearings for dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas, who looks like a cross betweenen james carville and a kaiser roll ro >> mayorkas is a border czarll, only a cartel could love. >> so go ahead and away. but let's no t get distracted.s the administration has painted themselves into a cornernot ge h is why they're now changing the rules. suddenly, we're noe being told h must negotiate, that we're close to achieving by legislation. bi partisan makens wonder
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who they're trying to buy. after all, why the do we b have to negotiate a border? wasn't that part of the originaleo negoti? the truth is, we don't need legislation. it's note don't ne that. see, when the great orange wall known as trump came into offic e ,he instituted the policy called remain in mexico, which whic by the way, is exactly the samec thing i told menudto. yeah, and they did.ause] but it was just an executivey order, a policy issued by the president. all it tooishe presidentk a pen. two things that biden confuses all the time things which is wy he has ink all over his face. so like most ideas remained in e in mexico was simple, and it worked. >> all it meant waxie sg thro that migrants traveling through mexico to claim asylum here had clait in mexico for their cases to be heard in a u.s. court. o now, since progressives threwa up every barrier to deportation th of that couldrrier
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take three years. >> so three years waiting around re. n side o but now on the mexican side of the border, phony asylum claimssylu plummet when instead of a luxury hotel, they get a motel six. >> no longer can you dreaml of trimming nanc6.y edges or screwing arnold schwarzenegger ,and he's boss. and so, as expected, citiesprin began to spring up down there. mexico started looking as bathed downtown seattle. and so quickly mexico started miforcing itd s southern border to keep migrants out. >> imagine that remaingr mexicoo with such a good idea, it created two different southern borders. >> but since this good ideatrum' with trump's, it had to be undone, which is like refusing to cass,h a winning lottery ticket because you don't like the cashier's tie. the left hates trump so much they'd come out against bangingc supermodeloms in here.
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yeah, i think that deserves applause. so it's not hard to see why republicans consider this supposed bipartisan border bill ares ed bipars dead on arrival as jor himself. it should never have beeival, ag to begin with. and to the horror of the media,n republicans falling for it, which is why nutcases like morning joe no cases lw accusece republicans and trump of murder people, as mitt romney said are suffering right now, that no flooding across border illegalss immigrants streaming across the border. democrat democrats and republicans in the senate know how to stop it. yeah. >> republicans and donald trump won't do it. it is immoraonald trl immoral. all right. all right. control yourselves all rig. at'a that's what i'm here for. [l calm herel dip.
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i'll take it. what's a moral? .you gasbag, is your phony display of outrage. ars of now, after three years of this ,either those two were stupid or they're playing stupid. two but not smart enough to pretend to be this dumb . >> it is deep. >> thankfully, unlike those bozos, we're not falling for i t . >> the point is remaining. mexico still works. and just as easily as trumt is d it. and biden undid it. biden can redo it. d it. , it's notp di we're asking him to tie his shoes or acknowledge his own grandkid it's. no negotiations, no legislation . >> we don't need to spende bo more millions on the border. that'srder. >> if you need money, takene what you made from selling offy, the border tak wall and buy yourself a nice new pen. they'd practice signinrder walg your name if you can remember it.
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>> let's welcome tonight'slc guest. shome ght'e played with the pree it was 3-d chess. co-host of outnumbered kayleigh mcenany. you might recognize him y the guy who brought your luggage up to your room. what's up,ou fox?ox new saturday night. that author of cancel culture dictionarys available in stores tomorrow. jimmy fallonl cultur had. he's so hot, his wife hasen to wear oven mitts. chef and restaurateu mittsr tou andrew grow and like the lyons, she's detroit and not going to the super bowl. the new york times best sellintg [appor, her cat tip kelly. welcome to this show.we you knowlcome what?y
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i think the dems really screwed up here. e. they had actually createdsc real bill with solutions, thenth if tutif if trump or the republs didn't act, you could say you, don't want to solve this problem. but they actually introduced a bill that was just a sandwich and everybody knows it. and it's actually codifying n. egal immigratio >> it's saying, come on in. that was their solution. they totally blew it. what sayhe solut marry me first? >> i will say i forgot i wil my diligently researched notes to this could get wild, but jimmy and i can use hiwilds so thank you. but look the talking points here. and that's what they pn that's all they have is talking points are delusion, right? ts -- ouso my audience begins by saying, i've got operational control. oh, wait, operational control. with 6 millionnt people comingr. more than the population of 33 different states. then biden's like, let's think yees.s liken, oh, it's been thiy for ten years, except you look at the graph and it goes like this, and thenar ah and it 2021l encounters so bad talking point.
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then let's blame the republicans. but waitbad talkin, you controls for two years. l. want unilateral contro this self-delusion. i haven't seen this level of self-delusion among a politician since hillary clinton blamed her election loss on the dnc, siton blam, women being controlled by men, bernie sanders and the list goes on. >> yeag h, yeah. i hate to see what she's like with notes. she's li and my god, i have to say, watching your go up likea that made me think of a commercial that comes on at night. t. thank goodness. jimmy, tomorrow your book comesr out. nice little note. can you, like, close in on at al that at all? yeah. this is is a grown man. >> this is a grown man who does his eyes with circles. >> does he ever? yeah. your handwriting is a lot more feminine than mine. yeah kandwriti. g: this yeah. i mean, this is very creepy. do you write it?
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you listen. >> you write ransom notes like this to give grieving parents. i'm just glad you kept my intimate note between us. there was. i read it first. there was nothing in there fthe >> no, it was fine. it was absolutely fine. on some leve sl, think you regrt my book or you resent it because it's taller than you. >> ie it's t but one shot. i love you.. i would not have a book were it. not for you. i do have it. i do have an immigration question. jimmy, do you? the best way to deter migrants from crossing the border is jusout have perform stand uhe therdeteossing ts to hav seas a guy? i would say yes, but judging the ratings from my new saturday night show, i'd have to say not show, ve to sa,a hey, girl.y, g itll, let'irl!s engineer this monologue. i really was brilliant. first of all, i really really wo that i agree with every word of it. joe scarborough should stick to doing what he does beste do is his pillow. >> let's be honest. ifk at him y and mika, c that couple is not banging.
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you can be that in bleep. stupid to go on tv and not seeee through what biden is doing. >> you remember the movie backdraft? that's what they're doing at the border. they set d the andraft now?" they'rd ot they're trying to claim responsibility for putting it ouhe t. except the bill doesn't extinguish the fire you don't need a bill for remainsn't extee in mexico, as you said, because it was rescinded with a pen.hiss so obviously this is a but on some level, i do feel bur the getting dropped off offt at new york because they get off the bus, look around and thinhe k they got deported already. >> you know what i mean? like you, they're 27. i didn't come here to see these people like, oh my god,wa you have to leave. it was a quick flighict to honduras. oh, my goodness. it's so true. ue. >> we actually created the whole we recreated the whole situation. ted tholone more note that's kid of off message, but it's because of your monologue. >> and i love the joke when arnold schwarzenegger, because you joked about migrants being able to bang arnold schwarzeneggeryourue. ed yeah, this is serious. when arnold bang the maid [audgets the towel afterwards,
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i genuinely want to know because in theorgenuinely, the y should get it. >> but she's the mai that sd. >> i don't know. these are questions that need to be never addressed, that the . >> andrew,[lau what doghte you >> where is this headed? good to see you, as always. thank you.tension >> thank you. that's going to be a tough there, the tension there. and this is a tough one to follow. i mean, this is much tension it'sike lindsey graham watching night war movies with his pants off. >> so noiewithw, so on. >> but you hit the nail on the head. the monologu e is that whenhe they came in, their entire platform in policy was anythin o trump to do with we've got to destroy it, right? so the economy, let's destroy itt to , world peace, let's destroy it. the border, let's destroy the succes s that he obviously had right there. but i think it goes even deeper. it's petty or it's mori think is goes all the way back to cinco de mayo when trump took pel.e with his taco his >> right. so this this is abouto
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destroying tex-mex cuisine, right? [lter] about.t'sbo so if they can flood texas >> g authentic mexicans, well, bye bye, tex-mex, do you what's your feeling on tex-mex as aatet chef? >> oh, i hate it. you hate it? i hate it. really? lly?i just lost. >> i'll never be able to rune for political office. to r the worst part of it, the max or the tax. it's the hyphen, the cumin. >> oh, it's the cool danny. the cumin. hmm and i don't want to call it the other thing. yeah, you know what i'm for? come in. >>te>> andres okay. i don't know why i said perhaps because given that point that they do everything trump does they do it reverse. shouldn't trump for a month solve this problem by embracing open borders so the dems would shut down the borderms would wa. joe scarborough actually did say somethin>> kat: g that was . >> he was like, donald trump won't do anything.
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it is he not aware that he's not in political of any kind? yes, i didn't understand that at all. yeah, i it's it's the whole conversation so dumb c and then the impeachment of mayorkas and democrats like, well, this is just a political movehment. it drives me nuts when politicians accused each otherhr of playing politics like that's not what they're all doing heroe . yeah, it was crazy because was what he was saying, what joe crn was saying, they're complaining about the way the border as itvn completely opposite of what we've been hearing for years and years and years whicah again, why i'm not surprised, you know, that there's nothi a lot of hope for this bill because it's just a lot of the net net, net net and nothing ever gets solved. it's been since the 90s that been any kind of overall in our immigration system. it's a very differenets solv's m i'm no longer a child for example and there has to be changes or this problem is going to continue. >> but unfortunately, especially after the lines lost yesterday, more hopeless ever.
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>> yes, perhaps the alliance >> gn. at: my >> i first know my first week f as a football fan didn't go well. i mean, taylor won. we have that realligh: at y low. >> that's okay. she won. do you not think it's possible that it's riggeds poss? i mean, here. you know, i think it's possible. you know, how much money>> no!ae because people are watching football now. >> the simulation needs to wingt . >> they'll care and they can, fatty and i'll. taylor oh, come on. i knowi'm the ravens and chad y it's quite possible we live in a simulation, that' s all ii think. and we just have a hold on. let's give taylor props. for one thing, though, she got liberals to admit it's okay to like whitfo though got lie ps >> no, that's progress.s. it's been a while for us. wh y is it's been a while. i chase taylor at stop steal. >> i guess that doesn't work as you want, right? and i don't know. i don't. i don't watch any football. next words have them stumped neo they blame it on trumpo iff yo you'll be in the new york area would like tickets to seu'e in e
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1-800- 6303838. that's 1-800- 6303838. >> we have a new home. what's that? we have a garage door that doesn't lift and we have a gate that doesn't open. >> so i went on and it took me just a handful of minutes. >> the vendors who came through and you were more knowledgeable. >> they did high quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. we felt like we got the most value out of the contractor that we chose. it is a beautiful garage yes, they connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done. well, get started today at a.k. come tomorrow. >> if migrants were supposed to add to the economshape fast
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free. that's our air n. >> 2321321. you're not even trying anymore. yeah, they're not even trying anymore. they mocked did banking as their ratings keeocked thp ta i speak of the dopes at snl who are being called out for suggesting at "s term d bank way up by former president trump. >> now, i know you didn't see it because up until now no one had really trump did have a slight stumble this week while talking about banks, and he introduced an interesting new term called bank.
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>> we're also going to play strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to d bankd you. >> they won't be bank you and we're going to d bank. going i don't know what the d ban tkt means, but he might have to take the ambulance to see the doctor. they need to work on their delivery to riders. oh, the riders shouldmoted! be demoted. so this is what happens. you have a punch line that can i only work if you assume everyone is as dumf you onb andy as you are. >> oh, you know, it's joking't a about how david bowie hasn't a d a hit in a while. >> a quick google search and they would learned tea banking is a real term. so when a bank closes, it counts when ts who they perceive a financial, legal or reputational risk to the bank,oh you know, the kind of thing that never happens to lives. so why shoulatd they bother knowing what it is? and so the joke wasn't stupid,
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it was debunked. meanwhile, it's okay. snopes, the left leaning factk e check site also got called out for their lack of basi,ot callec research during a photo op, president biden was seen wearing a constructionh.ppresidt backward with a strap and tightening uckwards,p, cleay visible on the forehead. might as well. >> just wear a t shirt that says attention, i'm seen. i'll snopes snopes initialthat checked was that he had it on forward because that's the wa on because y the brim wa. turns out they know less aboutkn hard worow lk. >> meghan markle oh yeah, and never mind the fact that absolutely no one else there on planet earth was wearing their hat the same way e . but tons of people pointed out that it doesn't matter which , y the brim spacingle point the tightening strap always goes to the back. tonanny one brought up on the village people knows that right? but that guy was erecting was
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snmething. snopes reversed that ruling. he did it on backward to matchce the direction he's taking the country. now. what do these stories have in what? s, "snl" well, both entities, snl and snopes, don't even have to trt eveny snl. assume no one will bother to care or check that d bankbo is real since it plaguesle out people outside their bubble and the biased fact checkingsiod site assume no one would notice, just like how they don't notice n that the current president doesn't even know who the current president is. t. >> donald trump. did you see any reason said about their watch the who wants to see the economy wants a year sitting president? i know not only does he see peol dead people, he sees the futuree . jimmy my theory for snl was
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that it was a sunk cost of a wae joke like the wrote it and then they realized it was a real word, but they'd already writteeal wordn a joke. >> it was like, that's a lot. of work. this is why, you know, you're not supposed to fall in love with jokes. >> we know this guy told that to my wif kno>> andree. hey. hey, girl, that was funny. if you have a apparentlyto m! i. it more than the rest of the people. i thought it was fun. i love it. they were on my sidereg: themy . >> you're right. you're not a joke. that's funny. but thatke. that's a pr is the m with snl and in a lot of ways, like, they're failing the country,, thfailin right?bes >> i do mean this because snl was an autonomous zone. it was a places an aut could gou have common culture and put our differences aside. >> but now can't tune into it without feeling like you're getting a partisan lecture from aa partisn who didt pass his history exam. you know what i mean? am, you and the problem, which is whyle i would say to a lot of people frustrated with sn"snl,"l, you a know this, but fox news just launched a new saturday night comedy show. it's weird stuff, but who cares? and if one of you were to watch, it would double our rating
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s. i love so thanks.hi but no, it's absurd. okay. and i love the fact thisyou ca happened at the same time snopes got called out because you can see what they'resee whag to do. >> they're trying to carry the biden branthey'rd and it'sjr only january, dude. >> okay, if this is whatavid. j they're doing in january, by like october, they're going to have deepfakeee going sof trump punching a baby. you know what i mean? which is unfortunate because . l novemb >> if they wait until november, he'll probably punch a baby nol matter. but i just love snopes getting fact checked because they're a fact site that's like a cop car getting pulled over for dui. yeah, it's kind of funnya cop c kat, what are your thoughts on this? i just don't, wh. snopes w >> why would snopes care that much about people not thinking much that it was backww >> so what if it was backward?h yeahif it wa. does he not seem like maybe he was? do that as a bit, you know, maybe, like, gone backwards? man,e you know,he not's. d not really like my thing, but maybe. mayb ae the people loved it, you know? >> it's like, of all the things that you're going to make, i mean, i don' it credibility, they have left because they've done this kind of thing before. >> but why would
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your credibility on the line to be like, know that hat was fat i don'the front hat wa understand it at all. yeah. why that's a weird. to die on when you like. so what was that like? of cours backware it's backward, look, he's standing up on his own. he's doing fine. like, yeahn hi. >> andrew as a chef, what if i somebody changed the recipeaste because it sounded cool, but it tasted awful. that's kind of theaw same way.ut it's like, i'm not goingco to check because it sounds cool firet looks niceol o. >> yeah. then they would get fired in my kitchen and then i would continuehen, andi the same recie thd they created that just so you know, to the harder part of the helmets is in the back areead.has a soft spot lik a child, like in the front of his head. so i think that's what it's fo'r . >> but you know what?"s it's funny, i stopped watching certain i live a long time agoaturlong, but is scary r the people who work on saturday night live because what they've done who wor is they've realized is that you need no content. it's just anti-trump content. ,o right. and anybody can pitch that. th why pay these guys millions
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of dollars a yeaes a r? ys try it's like me with my kids. i always try and test out new jokes with the at out nekes and they never laugh. so i just hit my head upso against a wall i jus. with som >> i hit myself in the face with something they always laugh at, hurting myself. they always laugh. snl is hurting themselves by doing this. you see, is deep. >> that was. that was deep. all right, kayleigh, last word to you, snopes or snl or both?>> >> i'll take both. but i just want to start by jimmy i'm not taking your notes anymore. >> the jokes were. leanymore., let those notes beh. so you look snopes. okayft, the fact checkers, these people are ridiculous. they hide, they go into hibernatio rids.n. "the w the washington post's fact checker glenn kessler. dems do all these crazy things. facker, dey thingshe's in hibery come out to to fact check okayle like mee me o, like you. >> the border is not open. okay? go look at the images wee show you each and every day. the border actually is open. but snopes open. credit to them how far reaching they say the gur-reachiy to him who actuh
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works in this industry was wearing his hard hat backwardsd . >> yes.n, i and biden, in fairness to him, he has a problem with straps, right? him, he's , remember,e cpap with the cpap machine, the straps. br, i mean, give the m, guy a break, i guess. yeah. all right. up next, whe reg: alln will make thleap and announce his veep ? your best defense against erosion in cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend for enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. t is at everyt game changer for my patients. >> it really works. ito the ship position saves us h time. it makes it really easy and seamless. it can order everything you need, slap the label on to the box and it's ready to go. cost for shipping, like we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash tm go to ship station .com slash tm and get two months free. >> and doug customized amc oh so,
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on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share. only if we win, call the meyer blair law firm at one 800 4673 800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help protect your rights . >> when will trump make a peep about his choice for veep as donald toward the gop nomination? there's growing speculation who coul d his number two, which is very different than biden's handlers discussing number twos as oh, that's easy.that's >> as the "new york post" reported over the weekend, trump's team had reached out to rfk jr early on about serving as v p. vp >> quote wouldn't write it off.t well, it certainly would prove of the old saying politics makes for strange bedfellows ma something i remembered whenever i woke up next to bea arthur.
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all right. but despite that report, a top trump aide said it's 100% fake news. no one from the campaign ever approached rfk jr. >> or ever will. nobodyd rfand it would also reqf rfk to switch affiliation again, as he's already beeiliasn democrat and independent and a member of planet fitness a mem.t so like jerry nadler's, whens p, he looks down, the vp choice remains to b he looke sorry. ao i apologize. of course, theregi other candidates on the short list, like vivek, who's been seelistnn campaign stops with trump after dropping out of the race. but fogn stopsp after all we kni trump's actual choice for vp could be hiding in vivek's hair . south dakota governor noemof she's got the looks of marie osmond. and as a wartime leade marie r, shee kept kept the peace between south . d north dakota >> there's also j.d. vance, tulsi gabbard, elise stefanik. but who else could he pick?
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are there any other out there that would be worth mentioning? >> how about ted nugent? go.? yeah. antifa definitely won't attack the white house. ab te lincoln, even in his present condition, he'll run circles aroundt cond kamalita. barbie.e] she's got more brains in her head than, kamala and lessunless plastic in her face than pelos i . and, of course brian kilmeade, ] that guarantees no one will ever want to take outhat guat t. oh, who's that?. >> what's that mean? the moanine groansg. would all right, andrew, who would you like to see as vp? you have you thought about it? well, i mean, already considering that biden >>y taylor swift as hisylor s vp. but, you know, trump's gotwi to go outsidft ape the realmhere of reality or he's got to do like red maybe, or, you know, like 50 cent because that's what a dollar's worth. now in this economy.
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oh, it is interesting how people in the hip-hop trumd are movinging ho trump. trump doesn't have to do anything, just be himself and the world comes to him. >> cat the one thing i likedcom about rfk was that he nevert rf blamed the voters for their preferences like he wasd o genuinely seemed to understand trump voters or be in how they felt. >> yeah, and the fact that he's not a republican , i don't thinka really would make that much of a difference. >> yeah. yeah. i meandience, trump isn't by th a republican by the standard of what a republican was beforet trump politics. >> i really completely changed po. t mangru so i don't think that reallydi makes any difference. yeah, i i'm now alreadffery abo- trump red ticket. i think we're the only people who know who shecket. peo is. dt so i'm sorry that you guys don't get it because that was reallye th really funny, but i don't think it's going to be mike pence. >> i guess going be >> i know red is. i love the gum. . good for you. thank you, kelly.
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does it matter who he picks? >> it's just trump. it does matter who he picks. >>, first, credit where credit's due to rfk jr. >> he's pulling in as a third party candidate. isr 15.8% of the vote.g an i mean, that's an enormous accomplishment. but i think it's safe to say if the republican national committee has an opposition researchion page against you, as they do with rfk, probably won't be the vo withp. howeve however, trump has to make up deepthe antics of the deep state. russia collusion hunter biden laptop misinformatiote.hue don't know what they have planned, so we need someone who can bring in independents. e whi'm going to throw a name ot there, someone like glenn youngkin, who trump's only behind in the state by three and he's up 24. that'stkin. not bad. but they get along. i always think about like whoever he picks, they havpicksk get along. >> i think so. but glenn youngkin can do it. biden's down se glenn 17 in th. one young guns up 24. bring on that guy. yeah, yeah that . i like scott adams brings up vivek and it's because he believes it's a perfect complement to trump in the sense that viveke he explains
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trump better than trump does. >> he's like he's like. he's like robin to trump's batman. lly funn >> yeah, that's really funny, but it's true in a lot of ways. trump's surrogatine are moreo h. on message than him. like, dead serious wasn't always like that. not wasn't i was going to joke s is a joke and say that it should- and th be for real. coud >> but -- but he's made so many anti-semitic comments. >> he's now president of harvard, now, i was like, have a right to a joke. >> and i'm like, he's got a gu y . listen, if you want theories, okay? in the era of identity politic s ,i think he does need a woman of color, i would say elizabeth warren. >> oh, i saw that coming. i got a frisbee in the desert that was his comment where he said, women of color, we owe them one. but noone., i, i thinkimpo it's substantial. >> but what's important is it doesn't matter who he puts on the tickertant, ihe putt. top think to prove a point he should almost consider a centrist democrat.
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no, i'm not even kidding. like, even likdemocre would kilu for saying this, but our mutual friend harold ford jr. >> oh, i'd lovt e that just to get him off the five that i . i think. how dare you. i'm kidding. thll i kno >>are yow but like it for the country because i'd like some he's great and gerald ford would be a greatd ford w president. be phenomenal. i believe that i would actually work for him. me tood acor and i would also lh every day because the democrats would call him racist. hitler. yeah, no white supremacist. but all true. all right. in t some people just know that thehe some people just know that thehe best rate for you is a rat-go'. on you with allstate, because you know that just becausein it fits in the cup, holder doesn't make it to go and you know make it to go and you know how to break ing -oka without breakingi, everything. and you're definitely not doing okay. i don't even know what this is, which are definitely not doing that with allstate. you're connected to rate based on you do at our family farm,
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but that's hollywood socialism, a limousine liberal begging other people for a ride. these cities needless to say, boy, had a hard time saying that. hard ty, it didn't sit well with america who collectively decided how dareed, how she post that s me when she's a famous actress, presumably worth millions. r it could pay for herself. evidently, most americans are it that celebrities cancele be tighter than the bark to a cheebritthe bark tree. cheapskate, big cheapskateea. to but when outkick founder clay travis, heard about this, to use a footbalarl, he stepped up to the plate and scored a slam dunk that make wayne gretzky proud. he donated the entirety of thelo leftover some 784 bucks to get alyssa to the $10,000 mark sheed needed and then tweeted this. hey, alysstea, since you couldnt afford to pay for your son's baseball team to travel trav, i just paid off
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the rest of the gofundme so they could make the trip. the only request is the team. play the tournament in maga hats. you're. yeah. nine kids in maga hats. guess we'll be certain kids in. o will be making it over the wall. a little migration humor cat. oh. k abou >> uh, what do you think about using this as a go? fund me. >> does this give you any ideas >>r a go fund me page? no, because i wouldn't. look, it was a bad look fo k r her to it for sure. >> but also, we don't really know like what her life is like and what her situation is like. s she's paid for everything else on the team. >> that's my theory, right? because everyone the tea else ih you're alyssa milano, you can't you get the uniform. you're alyssa milano. why don' m cant you pick u p dinnerdinner and like everyone else, she's paying. she's paying. she's paying, she's paying. at a certain point, she's like, i've gotten literally everything els e. ealthy
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>> and people might also think that she's a lot more wealthy than she really is, especially y because everyone's money out of her all the time. i'm on team alyssa milan out ofh on this. i think that she did the public gofundme page, kaley, to shameme the other parents. >> yesage, kay. >> assume that she should payr for everything. could be a credible theory becaus kayleige paid for the je. generally, however, she's drivinarently.g accordinge daily mail, like a $200,000 luxury electric vehicle. >> i mean, what a bad look when you step back, you've got two wars going on. got two americans crushed by in, homelessness on the rise and like pay for my son's baseball team. >> but i still thinkr asebal>> g that supportres the cat's point, which is that she's like, okay ,because i can afford a nice car, i have to pay for everything of all the time sheap was. i think she did this as a slap in the face. >> jimi, those other parents who just assume she's rich, i can tell you, having a youth sports age kid, any parent with a kid on a travel team just needs this money foe r.
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that's a big travel. parents are the bigges t you've ever met. i would posit that it is possible, though, that they've been putting the bite on her and she was, acg the research, worthworth $10 million. now we know she didn't blow the money on acting lessons. >> o$1ion.w h, so maybe maybe. s >> oh, andrew, it is itgofund right to have that up on go fund me like you havmee people choosing between a kid with who needs surgery or a kid who needs a tripa kid wha ki to cooperstown. >> yeah, well, if it was likeo promoted on the fund me page just because of her name, then yeah, i think that would d. pretty, pretty sa on gofundme is part, but i'm definitely on both of your sides on thir sis and i don'to really have anything negative to say about it other than i think thisab emblematic emb of biden nomics. right? so when you've got a list and milano needing ics. g ask for money for her kids baseball team, that's the economy, right you know and yeah and i just say this as a baseball fan the 're going to cooperstowns a
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because that's where the hall of fame is. yeah. if these kids want to get to the baseball hall of fame tho it the old fashioned way and just buy steroids, g: i'm you know, they'll all be there free. you can cost that, amy, goo gofundme foro your wardrobe. >> hey, girl. up nexrdrobe.t, wrapping gets ee while he's keeping it kosher. >> he'll be in the new york>> area. i would like tickets to se e gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. oh, hello there and welcome to a history of the world in six classes where we take you on a journey through six areas of civilization. excuse me and join me, your host, lovett. hey, i'm kevin nealon, and my new book is called i exaggerate . it's available in bookstores everywhere. what's going on here? what? what's the problem? i'm the host here. you guys are co-host. get me to look at my deal again here. >> say that you guys are getting paid. join me. and four seems really hot foru e a history of the world. mband six glasses.o st >>ill they should be paying yo, george. hey, i just got a text from
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five miles of step per hour. the step counter the sport mat and wireless remote call. now a story five words. shapiro wraps to number one. got >> so get the start. i've got the maximum you that they don't be a dog. it's yamagami. who y no cap. look at the grass. look at my car. you're blowing moneyou on prison cars. you go into prison. i'm on television dogs. no one knows who you are. >> i have. g: kay ohle, kelly, the song is number one on itunes. rapper nikki minaj. minaj actually could track the critter, congratulated him t . the only thing is he doesn't have a rap name. that's like destiny. rap name. he does. he does. and i was just trying to decide who is better him ors tr vivek, because i'm pretty darn good at rapping. i love to see the competition. yeah, i was thinkinging, t
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jimmy fresh prince in boca written method man is cheviot. forgive this, okay, but i grew up on long island and everyone who had a bar mitzvah gave themselves a rap name. oh, really? yeah. soischewit he would be, like, tn >> godd . i mean, very good to live ago. >> what about sends back ice-t ? yeah, this goes on forever. all i can offer you is the tang clan. i love him. u isi but i can just give you no on the song i happen to like be nn a >> i've never seen him talk see that slow before. yeah, i know. that'sththat what that's what's funny, is that he is like the next level of rappinwhg. >> he actually talks fast past a rapper. you know, andrew i that inr him order for him to, like, keep ito real, like to gain more cred with the urban audience, ce, he he's going to have to kill another podcaster. yeah's to, he definitely
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he definitely might have to shank somebody. >> and by the wa.y it's dr. dre is the name. oh darling w, here's the thing, right? >> there's no difference antween ben shapiro and eminem, just like you said, when you listen to his podcast, there is debate. he spit in lyricd em s faster. the only difference is their content. eminem's rapping about s rapp and vicodin and ben shapiro's rapping about yarmulkes and like what is a womanin? yes, yes. you know he should just you know, there's dr. dre. >> he should just be dr. shapiro. >> yeah. >> i think his real name is just ben shapiro. yes, exactly. >> i mean, like, whatever makes you happy, i guess. yeah, that's all. watc'siguess. my feeling watching that. >> no, you don't like it. am i going to listen that. lik t outside of the show? >> no, you're not. neither are you. i do. i don't. i don't, actually. i like lost total interest hip-hop, you know, area in years ago. they kind of lost me. inears ago jimmyone note to his lyrics, t. >> okay, good. they were good. but he accused opposition
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of blowing money on women and cars. g yeah, i disagree that that's blown money. yeah. okaymo. how about lil kim ish? >> kim? judah, chris. ha! >> i'm just listening. vanill a gefilte fish. >> i'm just. i'm not. emcee holl a back. yeah, i should stop. ha! d stop. shoul >> no, no, it's just, uh.>> now let's say.eds to oh, they're terrible. they're bad with while i'm behind. >> don't go away. we'll be right bt work. back. sometimes your work shirt used to be for more than work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downey does more to make clothes softer, fresher and better. your laundrt everyt shift stat saves us so much time, it makes it really easy and seamless. itwe can order everything2 mo
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