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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 30, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i know she's kind of liberal my ghost. she shouldn't begu liberal. she should be a totall conservative given everything. >> look, people can saeoply whae is good for the game and bad for the game and that can beno debated. debated. administration is saying privately in public that theyd would like to use taylor swift to get her endorsement. this has h been onyork "the new york times" and>> "newsweek." theymbek." would be dumb not to want it.a o >> there is that poll 18% of the electorate would follow hert endorsement and 3 out of 10 3people under 35.t if they can get taylor swifthi endorsement and push them over the finish line.ed but i talked to marsha blackburn first home she defied and flamed as spectacular. >> laura: she has braa good brd management style. the biden polis can learn from taylor swift. see you tomorrow >> todd: awaiting an update from
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the pentagon, u.s. response to the drone attack that killed three troops in jordan could come in stages. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we learn the identities of the three army soldiers, two of them were under 25 years old. some are calling for the u.s. to send a direct message to iran immediately. brooke singman has details. >> brooke: pentagon releasing the names of the three soldiers killed in the attack. they were assigned to 718th. sergeant william drone and specialist moffet. the president faces growing calls to take action against iran. >> sounded like the administration has ruled out
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strikes within iran. >> i appreciate the question, i will not telegraph punches. we are not looking for war with iran, not looking to escalate the tension anymore. everything has been done to deescalate tension. >> did does the administration not hold iran responsible for the attack or the risk is acceptable? >> i'm not going to telegraph punches for the president of the united states and how he will respond. we will respond appropriately. >> brooke: u.s. official confirmed the iran-backed drone was mistaken for a u.s. drone set to return to base at the same time. the white house is refusing to comment. there were been 165 attacks on u.s. forces since october 17th.
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michael waltz says we must respond accordingly. >> we have drone operators and others in the middle east and they are going after isis so they don't hit us here. right now they are sitting ducks for iran and their militia. it is a simple reversal of policy, you hit the irgc operatives, including soleimani's successor, number two, you dry up the cash iran receive $100 billion in oil sales, waivers and hostage money since biden has come in. >> brooke: this marks deadliest attack on u.s. forces since the afghanistan withdrawal. >> carley: thank you. a former special operation intel analyst and drone expert joins me now. bret, the fact this enemy drone
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arrived at the same time as a u.s. drone, what do you make of that? >> sounds like they mistook it for a u.s. drone, they need to get a handle on that. america has capability to deter iran and groups like hezbollah so it doesn't happen like this again. starts with strength, not just in words, but in actions and this administration doesn't understand terrorist groups very well. who in the government has experience successfully combating iranian backed groups before? i don't recognize anyone in this administration who knows how to deal with them or went up against them in afghanistan. iran is globally targeting americans and we don't seem to be in war with them or have a
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plan to stop them other than please don't do it and it is not working. these recent drone strikes are the consekwensz, how many soldiers need to die before this administration wakes up? >> carley: according to politico, u.s. responded to 10% of the attacks in iraq and syria. the president is facing a chase what to do to make sure this does not escalate and stop and politico says among the decisions are striking iranian assets in the persian gulf. the iranian government has suggested a strike on iran itself would be a red line, the official suggested once the president gave got ahead retaliation would likely begin in next couple days and come in range against a wave of targets.
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there are republicans who are saying biden administration should striked in iran. it is looking like biden administration will choose a different option, what do you think about that? >> we have to reestablish deterrence, iran is a needle that can't exist today. i don't think airstrikes are good enough, they are not good enough in this case, they are a bandaid on the larger issue. iran is using proxy forces, we should use our proxy forces. we have better drone technology, but we don't use them, they collect dust. why aren't iran's oilfields on fire. what is stopping them from doing it again? we definitely need a strategic global campaign to strike a lot of officers running around the world creating turmoil,
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operating with impunity, setting up terrorist networks to target americans. strike targets in syria, iraq and iran and that is not simply good enough from the air, we need a campaign that unesh loos special operations and intelligence officers to proioritize striking these operatives. >> carley: there is a spy ship in the red sea giving houthis information, taking that ship down would be a good place to start. >> absolutely, lethal drone strikes will continue and it will get worse and worse, especially when it comes to the houthi. these groups were small groups operating out of huts and we could have done something years ago. many u.s. troops know how the houthis started and we could
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have stopped them before today. it comes down to doing something, instead of talking and stopping this covert influence. >> carley: you mentioned it was technology failure why the drone entered near the base and strike killing three soldiers and wounding so many more. could it be this iranian-backed group had information on when our drone was supposed to return scheduling leads to questions what else might they know about our troops in the middle east? >> potentially. we have to get more information about what took place there. regardless, we've seen drones penetrate our defenses before. it may not be good enough to have a technology bubble around our military bases, we need to go on the offense and do something. >> carley: thank you for joining us. have a great day. mother of kennedy sanders
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joining "fox and friends" live. she called her daughter her angel. a california child killer about to walk free unless gavin newsom intervenes. prosecutors are trying to keep the killer behind bars and one is here next. >> todd: and watch this, a woman clinging to the hood of a car, trying to stop the person who kidnapped her dog. the woman in the video will join us live to give us her story an that dog back.
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>> janice: good morning, start with temperatures, the biggest story. two-thirds of the country above
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average heading for february. you can see 30s on the board, we're going up across the northern plains and central u.s., today, wednesday and thursday. we'll get relatively warmer air into the northeast. potential record warm lows, overnight lows certainly in the west and central u.s. 100 new records, something we'll watch over next few days. clipper system, fast-moving storm that comes in. snow east of great lakes and mixture of ice that will dissipate on wednesday. not a big deal, could impact travel today, wednesday a better day. here is west, several areas of low pressure moving in toward coastal area of california, the northwest, that will bring rain and flooding concerns for
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california and then the snow will spread inland or sierra nevada and rockies. next seven days, pretty quiet and the west coast is busy and those systems travel eastward. this weekend, talking about this system and another batch of rain and mountain snow for the east. forecast highs, this is a big deal, we are getting 60 in kansas city, 55 in louisville and thursday we will warm up in the northeast. typical temperatures you see in springtime. we'll see what happens. >> carley: weather gods are smiling on us. >> janice: if you like this kind of thing, yes. i like the snow. >> todd: the canadian in you. tough story, fate of a man who
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beat a three-year-old child to death is in the hands of gavin newsom, who can overturn his parole. goodman killed his girlfriend's child and tried to frame her for the crime. he was sentenced to 25 years in prison and now granted parole. michelle minor serves on the board of parole and defended the decision and says she does not pose a risk to public safety and suitable for parole. a los angeles deputy da joins me now. do you agree that someone described pulverized the organs of a three-year-old child is not an unreasonable r.f.k. to public safety? >> absolutely not. this individual is a grave risk to public safety.
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anybody that murders and to theured a three year old does not deserve to be released back into public. if you kill or murder a child, torture a child, at minimum, you should spend your life in jail. you forfeit your life. if she believes he's a changed man, good for him, work on rehabilitating other prisoners from inside the prison. >> todd: the medical examiner said this was the worst case of child abuse he had ever seen. we're talking about a toddler, a three year old. i have a three year old, this story hit home. in may of 2022, goodman was denied parole and forbidden to reapply for three years, bringing us to may of 2025.
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there was a review which led to him getting parole. what changed in that timeframe? >> i'm not sure what changed. any review should be review of parole commission and individuals involved. once denied, he should be denied and it seemed like he was being released early. the commission on it should be reviewed. >> todd: great question, should california or powers that be, maybe in federal context re-examine, one, how you select parole commissioners, their qualifications and their role. in california, you have told us on multiple occasions, seems like the parole board is rubber stamp to free bad people and put
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them out in society and tell the victims, sorry, you're out of luck. >> right. there is a wave where california is treating the criminals like victims and victims are inconvenient. there is an election for da, there is a child abuse prosecutor running against george gascon and hopefully he will win and restore law and order. right now, we're on a slippery slope with criminals running wild, getting released early and no consequences and people suffering are the innocent. in this case, a three year old is innocent, incapable of committing a sin, he did nothing and his killer is going free? i don't know who spoke at the
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parole hearings, the three year old doesn't have a voice, he needs somebody to talk for him. prosecutors in my office are banned from attending those meetings, we need advocates for the victims and hopefully -- >> todd: we've had john atami on and he talked about changing the rules. the job of a da, represent interest of a victim. we'll see what gavin newsom does. >> carley: check out this amazing video. officers running to the rescue of circus animals stuck in a fiery truck accident. >> come on now. go ahead.
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come on, let's go. come on. everybody get back. >> carley: that is not something you see everyday. the semi-trailer was on its way to circus when the fire broke out. he and a nearby sheriff's deputy saved all 10 animals on board, giraffes, camel and a horse. they were treated for smoke inhalation, but doing okay. can you imagine seeing five zebras on the road in indiana? >> todd: you don't expect that to show up in a news story. >> carley: they did today. take a look at this, cartel smugglers seen on video dropping off people in california. >> todd: they are not from guatemala. one connecticut school district will no longer recognize
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veterans day or columbus day, that is not sitting well with parents. wait until you hear about this one. d
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there are over five million satisfied golo customers. go to that's g-o-l-o dot com. (gentle music) ♪ >> todd: house withins make being good on promise to hold secretary mayorkas accountable by articles of impeachment today. >> carley: crisis on display of migrants illegally crossing into the u.s. after being dropped off by suspected smugglers. madeline rivera has more. >> expected to meet at 10:00 a.m. today to mark up two articles of impeachment against alejandro mayorkas. it could last all day.
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democrats could throw in as many hurdles as they want. they are calling this effort to fire mayorkas a sham. >> this is a ridiculous effort. president biden has been working hard to negotiate a bipartisan agreement in the senate to try to fix our broken immigration system. >> mayorkas has been engaged in senate talks on a deal. senators may drop the text of this bill in coming days. republicans argue mayorkas has refused to comply with federal immigration law according to impeachment resolution. illegal border crossings topped 300,000 last month. fliers saying welcome to the
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united states were seen telling them how to make the next steps. >> we have 300 people who match the terror watch list, he has done everything but secure the border. >> dereliction of duty, failure to uphold laws of the nation and violating his oath of office to protect the nation from enemies, foreign and domestic. >> don't expect the articles to hit house floor until next week. right now gop can only lose two votes. it is likely to die in the democratic led senate. >> todd: bring in a retired ice field director and congressional candidate in colorado. john, go back to the video. the individuals crossing the border are from china, india and
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turkey. last i checked, china, india and turkey do not share a border with the united states. why are they traveling to mexico, if not for joe biden's lack of a border? >> john: yeah, there is no border right now. they are coming in broken parts of the fence line that cartel is cutting through and coming in unabated. >> carley: a member of a terror group entered the country last year. he was captured and let any. just days ago he was rearrested. >> this terrorist entered in
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march and the border patrol released this person into the united states. this person is a bomb manufacturer and he winded up in minnesota. we did pick this man up. there is another terrorist in new york from senegal. it is happening too often. >> todd: talk about numbers at the border, hundreds of thousands of individuals. we caught one after a year. you are in the know and speak with people involved in capture and recovery of individuals, how much terrorists do you think are walking free in our country right now we probably never will catch or john may catch once it is too late? >> john: that is the whole thing. we have no idea how many people are wandering around this country that are terrorists. we have gotaways and millions
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let in because this administration is doing nothing about it. it is a free-for-all. border security is overwhelmed, no support for them. they are told to get people into the interior. this issic maing the united states less safe. something needs to be done and this administration refuses. secretary mayorkas says we're secure, we are not, this shows we are not secure. >> carley: what about the impeachment of him? we are expecting a full house vote later this week. do you think impeaching alejandro mayorkas will be a positive influence on the southern border? do you think it is the right thing to do? >> absolutely, he's the leader and needs ownership of this situation and he doesn't. the border is in crisis, he
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refuses to say it. men and women of ice, their moral is down and it is due to this man's leadership. he should be impeached and i'm looking forward to watching the impeachment process. >> todd: these volunteer groups handing out welcome usa fliers, do you know who they are? who funds them? >> a bunch of n.g.o.s, nongovernmental organizations are making millions off of doing this. there is a ton of contracts out there to have people help illegal aliens coming in to help them out. it is lucrative, lucrative for cartels to bring in and n.g.o.s are helping them out. kaishl >> carley: thu.n. organizations help them, too. they give them cash to get to the border and who is largest
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funder of "the unmaking of the president 2016"? we are. thank you for joining us. >> carley: we want to see more of you guys, people who watch our show everyday who are up right now, as a matter of fact. send a quick video with your name, where you are from and why you love us and love watching our show. >> todd: and why you are up early. >> carley: e-mail videos at friends first at this video is going viral, terrifying video shows a woman clinging to a car after thieves stole her french bulldog. that woman you see in this incredible video is here next. >> todd: wow. is taylor swift in her campaigning era or is her endorsement something in joe biden's wildest dreams? break it down with cheryl casone
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next. you gave me disdain in that read. >> carley: i liked the pun. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love. see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> carley: president biden may not be polling well against his republican counterparts but be looking to shake it off with a boost from taylor swift. >> todd: >> cheryl: has more. >> cheryl: use the picture with her and her chiefs outfit. "new york times" is saying she endorsed biden in 2020 and last year it led to 35,000 new voters. karine jean-pierre was asked about this yesterday and said she invoked the hatch act. she has endorsed him before in 2020 saying, i will vote for joe biden and kamala harris.
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we have seen celebrities like jay-z and beyonce for hillary clinton and -- for barack obama. it is not unusual to see a celebrity come out. does he go to the eras tour? >> todd: she got 35,000 people to register during one of the last elections. this will come down to swing states and votes. >> cheryl: he has a big problem with young voters. >> carley: i would just post, get out and vote, nonpartisan, make everybody happy. fani willis not happy, she is under scrutiny. >> cheryl: did she and the boyfriend go to the white house? former prosecutor says reports
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about fani willis and nathan wade in the white house raise serious red flags, listen. >> i want to know if there was improper purpose, were they trying to set timing up to interfere with the 2024 election? these need serious answers. >> cheryl: bank statements we've seen, they used taxpayer money to purchase a hotel stay, 5700 dollars toward cruise ships, they went on a big cruise. $2600 cruise package, is there something here? was this election interference? did they meet with anybody at the white house?
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be sure to get that trial on the books. >> todd: hot water for fani willis is boiling. major front to vets, a italians in one connecticut town. >> cheryl: they are setting it up and going to have kids come to school on veterans day and columbus day. i find as the italian sitting here. they are saying we think kids should come in. comments about columbus day, are infuriating, they say he is contro controversial. he founded the country. schools remain open on both holidays, both holidays will be acknowledged along with other holidays and observances.
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they try to have kids come in on a muslim holiday, one of the days of rash. can't celebrate veterans day. >> todd: my wife's entire family not happy. >> carley: thank you. we have to get to this, shocking footage showing a woman clinging to a speeding car. the video everybody is talking about. she's trying to stop the thieves who stole her french bulldog, on. aly joins us now. good morning to you. this video speaks to every single pet owner out there who would do the same thing temperature isser itifiying to see you on the hood of a car after the thieves ran into you because you were trying to stop
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them. tell us the full story and what led to that moment. >> i was having lunch with my dog, a normal day. we were -- i was feeding him meatballs and he went under the table to smell something. he tugged on the leash and i let it go, he was pulling hard, a woman was picking him up and carrying him away. i said, excuse me, that is my dog. i thought it was miscommunication, who would steal somebody's dog away from them. excuse me, i need my dog back. she spun around and jumped in a white kia and i started to get nervous and i chased her. she pushed me out and locked the door. i ran in front of the car and
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said, stop, stop, i'm a human in front of your car. that did not stop them. they drove into me and i found myself on the hood clinging on to the windshield wipers. next thing i know, going 40 miles an hour down the road on the hood. >> carley: you fell off after a block of being driven on the hood of a car. when you fell off, are you okay? what did the people around you do? >> well, i was surrounded by people. when i was thrown off the car, it was a few blocks away, there were no people. i felt defeated and alone. it wasn't until the video came out everybody knew what was going on. this is a huge savior to me and my situation. >> carley: getting attention. your dog's face, two different
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color eyes. he is a unique-looking dog. if you have seen onyx. is there a tip line to contact? >> if you have seen somebody, call the number on the flyer or call local police. los angeles police. we are getting a lot of tips and scams, too, hard to sort out. i'm not excited anymore when somebody says i have your dog. >> carley: you were scammed out of $50, if you pay for my gas, i will bring you your dog. did you get a good look at the people who stole your dog? what did they look like? >> i got a good look, four
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light-skinned african americans, overweight, no tattoos, no jewelry, nothing to distinguish them. it was just pretty plain. they had their license plate whited out, they might have been professionals. >> carley: this is becoming a trend. french bulldogs are number one dog to steal. when lady gaga's dog got stolen and now you and there was another dog in new york city. if police find these people, they could get charged with attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon. i hope they find these people. thank you for joining us. do you have one more thing to say? >> i want to say -- i won't press charges and we will give you full ransom, we are focused
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on getting the dog back, most important message to them, please give the dog back and do the right thing. >> carley: glad you got that in. thank you for joining us, sorry this hatched to you. "fox and friends first"ed, president biden weighing response after three soldiers were killed in a drone attack. and white house is under pressure over messages like this. three brave -- three folks who are military folks who are brave and always fighting and fighting on behalf of this administration of the american people. >> carley: congressman cory mills joins us live coming up next. >> todd: what was that? meantime, more after this. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last.
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♪ >> todd: we now know the names of the three army soldiers killed in the deadly attack carried out by iranian proxy fighters. sergeant women rivers, specialist kennedy sanders and specialist brianna move the all assigned to the 18th engineer company army reserve unit based out of georgia. the white house sparking outrage after this response while trying to offer condolences lost three
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brave-three brave -- three folks who are military folks who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf and -- of this administration, of the american people. >> todd: florida congressman cory mills is an iraq war veteran and he joins us now. congressman, what's worse the fact that after two years karine jean-pierre can't get out a simple message much less a message of condolences the easiest thing you can do. we can all do that. we have all done it or the fact that she things the military, the brave men and women who fight and die do it for the administration and not the american people. >> well, both things are extremely disappointing. first off, it's easy to offer our condolences to our brave his or hers who fought and served in our armed forces and proudly served the united states of america and the united states citizens. look, it's very simple. we swear an oath. we don't swear to an
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administration. we swear it to support and defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. that's protecting our way of life and our inai inalienable r. i'm not surprise she'd think it's there to serve the administration. it's malign ways but it's disappointing she can't do something so simple as honoring our fallen heroes. >> todd: quite a slip. because it really does freudian give us insight into the way they think. they think the app. rat tuesday of government is there for them and for their means and not for the underlying country. that is wholly concerning to the larger issue, congressman. the longer joe biden waits the worse and the weaker the united states look. what should joe biden have done immediately upon learning of the death of those three brave individuals? >> well, you know, this is one of those rare situations that i don't know that an immediate retaliatory strike is exactly what is needed.
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we not here to play a tit-for-tat game with iran on their terms. i also would argue if we haven't done the proper analysis to determine why we weren't able to stop this attack drone from impacting one of our outposts in jordan, then i think a retaliatory strike that would potentially put our soldiers at further risk wouldn't be the adequate response. we also have to bear in mind, todd, not all of our responses needs to be equal, kinetic. we can look at the non-kinetic elms of further economic sanctions. stop the billion dollars in fungible income that joe biden has provided, which is funding these types of attacks. stop the actual increase in oil exportation that is being refined in china and start actually putting back the trump policy that sanctioned and nearly crippled all of iran. and so while i agree that we should have an equal and a very, very direct response, we must ensure the safety of our troops first and not get into a tit-for-tat where our soldiers are playing catch with missiles
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rockets and attack drones. >> todd: understood. finally an israeli dossier is alleging that 190 united nations employees have ties to hamas. and they claim 12 were directly involved in hamas terror attacks on october 7th. these people are accused of king, violence, providing ammunition to hamas, t; there ae the 1 up on your screen. joe biden has given their organizations, the united nations relief and works agency, unrwa $1 billion after trump cut its funding. final thoughts on that, congressman? >> well, the bottom line is that what the united nations used to stand for is not what they stand for today. it's useless nations. the same as nato put in 1947 to try and go ahead and prevent soviet union expansionism and now that stands for now america takes over. look, for too long america has continued to foot the bill whether it be through our treasury or social distancing we put in harm's way.
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look at what senator mike lee said by removing ourselves from the u.n. if they're not going to do their job. we are not here to support the very terrorism that threats american lives. >> todd: it does beg the question what is the role of the u.n. anymore, congressman? >> well, i think that's something we all need to define. again, i refer to it now as useless nations or nato now america takes over. we have to get back what they owner loy did if not stop tax power funding and take care of things at home. the role of the united nations seems to get the people who go to the united nations, the elite make it up richer and richer. that doesn't make sense. >> not to mention that was actually some of the concrete that was supported and some of the equal billions of dollars that went in it to help palestine for the terror tunnels. >> todd: got to leave it there. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. welcome to "studio


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