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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 30, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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said by removing ourselves from the u.n. if they're not going to do their job. we are not here to support the very terrorism that threats american lives. >> todd: it does beg the question what is the role of the u.n. anymore, congressman? >> well, i think that's something we all need to define. again, i refer to it now as useless nations or nato now america takes over. we have to get back what they owner loy did if not stop tax power funding and take care of things at home. the role of the united nations seems to get the people who go to the united nations, the elite make it up richer and richer. that doesn't make sense. >> not to mention that was actually some of the concrete that was supported and some of the equal billions of dollars that went in it to help palestine for the terror tunnels. >> todd: got to leave it there. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. welcome to "studio m" here in
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midtown, manhattan, 6:00 in new york city. it is tuesday, january 30th. this is "fox & friends." right now the white house weighing options after an iran-backed attack killed three u.s. soldiers. we are learning more this morning about those fallen soldiers and the mother of one of them will join us live this morning from georgia. >> carley: exclusive video shows human smugglers dropping off migrants at the california border. and lawrence jones is going to cities across the country to see the border crisis firsthand starting in chicago. >> people invading our cities. >> lawrence: you think it's a full-blown invasion? >> it's an invasion. >> brian: a big show. roster of guests mark green leading the impeachment push against dhs secretary mayorkas. he will join us live. hear from two presidential candidates nikki haley and it r.f.k. jr. i'm not sure what party he is running on but, man, is he
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making an impact. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, jot this down once and forever your mornings are better it with "fox & friends." >> steve: say it again? >> brian: not you, steve. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right. our top story this morning on capitol hill today, house republicans making good on their promise to hold secretary mayorkas accountable for the crisis at our southern border or, as an invasion as we just heard lawrence and his guests say. house republican lawmakers plan to begin finalizing two articles of impeachment starting at 10:00 this morning in the capitol. >> carley: this comes as scenes like this play out in border across the country. dozens of people from china and turkey illegally crossing into eastern san diego county after being dropped off by suspected smugglers. >> brian: everyone is getting paid.
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meanwhile, sanctuary cities nationwide are struggling to keep up with the migrant surge. some have thrown in the towel. chicago's mayor revealing the city will not be evicting migrants from city run shelters this week, extending the deadline for a third time. but, let's go to lawrence jones live in chicago. former health center there that's been converted into a drum roll, please. migrant city. hey, lawrence. >> hey, good morning, family. you know, in my home state of texas, it seemed like many people that are democrats considered us whiners when we were talking about the crisis hitting us. well now all the sanctuary cities it's hitting them. chicago is stop number one where many of the schools that were once served, you know, low income communities, health centers. you got playgrounds, sports teams that were normally there. they have been taken over. now, they were closed down prior because of funding. but all of a sudden they found some funding for the migrants. here a s. a little teaser from
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what did i yesterday talking with some of the residents. watch. some of the residents that has reached out to me say it's a slap in the face and that's why they are outraged at these city council meetings. >> some people as i go up and down, you know, talking to residents, they are so disappointed, you know. they are so broken-hearted. you know, they're losing faith. ' their belief system has low. we have to let them know and give them some light of faith and hope that we are fighting on these issues. we are not just going to allow the borders to be open in chicago and other cities to be invaded and things that we paid and worked for taken away from us and gave to them. lawrence lawrence you know, guys, later on in the show, you're gonna get to see what we saw outside of one of the places where the migrants are going to be. as soon as our cameras came up
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they scattered everywhere. as we started to survey the area, we looked down on the ground, there was all these little packages. it wasn't to pack your kids lunch. they were once drugs were inside of the packages. and it was just discarded all other the place. it's unbelievable what is happening in chicago. it's only going to get worse because february 1, they will decide either renew the contracts to let the migrants stay or they are going to be on the streets of chicago with nowhere to go. so what are they going to be doing? guys? >> steve: lawrence, there in chicago, we reported in the bast how migrants from some of these central american areas go to chicago and it's like nobody told us it was going to be cold here. so the mayor, as we mentioned at the top, has extended the deadline. he was going to kick everybody out the day after tomorrow. but now i think it's going to be march 1st instead of february 1st. but here's the thing. they are running out of space.
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because not only are they using that public health center behind you, but also, o'hare airport. one of the busiest airports in the world essentially they got a lot of room, so they put migrants there, too. >> lawrence: so true. to that point i always thought disgusting democrats said they're a sanctuary, they had no place. open invitation for them to come here and no plan to deal with it. i think that's heartless. to your second point of them coming to the city and saying that they are seeking a political asylum, then they are experiencing cold and better in their home country. you start to doubt their asylum claims as well. so, they will have to figure this out. this is our first stop. i don't think think have any type of plan. february 1st is right around the corner. what are they going to do with the migrants currently housed? are they going to renew these contracts? do they have the money? if they have the money, why
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aren't they serving these communities? >> carley: that's such a good point. migrants home country claimed to be under persecution is better than chicago, then that is a sign that they're here for economic reasons and not because they are actually claiming asylum for real reasons. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. it's all going to come to a head. remember, guys, this is all the mayor's faulted here in chicago. if he wasn't a sanctuary city, then greg abbott just would have picked the next sanctuary city on the list. they are a sanctuary. so you have got joe biden, the mayors in these cities. but you also have kamala harris who is the border czar who is supposed to be dealing with root causes and we haven't gotten to the root of the issue. >> steve: no kidding. lawrence is going to thereby all morning long. he is going coast to coast this week looking at the migrant troubles. lawrence, we will be back with you in a little bit. in the meantime, we will switch gears at'6":07 here in the east.
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and the pentagon yesterday released the identities of those three u.s. soldiers killed in that drone strike in jordan, which was launched by an iran-backed militia. >> lawrence: politico is now reporting president biden is weighing options which could include strikes against targets like iranian personnel and naval assets. >> brian: madeleine river are a live in washington. >> brian, carley and steve. a senior biden administration official tells fox the u.s. response won't be a one off and will play out, quote: over time. what you won't see mentioned among the range of potential responses in that politico report is directly striking iran. remember, some senate republicans had called for that. here's our own jacqui heinrich asking about the issue during the white house briefing monday. >> that is like the administration has ruled out strikes within iran. >> jacqui, i appreciate the question. i think you can understand -- i hope you can understand, i'm not going to telegraph punches here. we are not looking for a war with iran. we are not looking escalate the
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tensions already more than they already have been escalating. everything we have done has been designed to de-escalate those tensions. that said, it was a very serious attack it. had lethal consequences. we will respond and we'll respond appropriately. >> biden administration ultimately blames iran for this weekend's deadly attack in jordan that killed three and hurt more than 40 service members. the president weighing options with his national security team is trying to figure out how to respond and hold those accountable without further inflaming tensions in the region. there have four been at least 165 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq, syria and now jordan since october 17th. the service members who died in the drone strike in jordan were identified as 46-year-old sergeant william rivers. 23-year-old specialist briana move the. and 24-year-old especi specialit
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kennedy sanders. later this morning on "fox & friends," you will will hear from the family of sanders. it will be interesting to hear what she has to say. guys, back to you. >> brian: madeline, thanks so much. amazing the president said don't and they did. who would have thought the word don't wouldn't be effective. every time we get hit 160 times we keep saying we are not looking for war with iran. excuse me, they're actually hitting us, we want to make it clear we don't want war with iran. that's something they should worry about. we should never take that off the table even if that is, in fact, the case. the timidity is something that breeds more attacks. yesterday we are going to wait, and find out what is going on. 160-plus attacks, nothing but weakness and i will tell you not many people are really feeling assured that there is anybody in that administration, especially a secretary of defense looked like still suffering the effects of his surgery. he looked like in another state.
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that was not the sense of strength and determination and resolve and respect for those who lost their lives yesterday. so, there is nobody seemingly with the energy or the understanding of what we need in that region and the red sea is still virtually shutdown while u.k. tanker still is smoldering after being hit over the weekend. >> steve: the white house says there will be a rake of options. let's see which one joe picks. in the meantime lots of other news, carley. >> carley: police are searching for a stolen chrysler 200 after a deadly carjacking in our nation's capital last night. authorities in washington believe the suspect took off in the vehicle after shooting the owner right outside several high end apartment buildings. and just hours before another man was shot in a separate incident a few blocks away. authorities sharing this photo of the suspect, offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to their arrest. and to a developing story. new charges filed against the philadelphia teen murder suspect, who escaped police
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custody last week before being recaptured on sunday night. shane pryor being charged on monday with aggravated assault, hindering apprehension, escape, simple assault, and reckless endangerment. the 17-year-old had already been behind bars awaiting trial for a 2020 murder he allegedly committed when he was just 14 years old. a massive fire that erupted at a chicken farm in texas could take days to fully extinguish. the fire broke out yesterday afternoon destroying two large structures at feather crest farms in brazos county. still unclear what sparked those claims. thankfully no reports of any injuries. a judge ruling alex murdaugh will not receive a new murder child saying a court clerk did not influence the jury after she was accuse of tampering? i simply do not believe that the
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authority of are south carolina supreme court requires a new trial and a very lengthy trial such as, this on the strength of some fleeting and foolish comments by publicity influence clerk of court. >> the decision comes despite the fact one juror admitted the clerk suede her decision by making it seem like murdaugh was already guilty. murdaugh's lawyers plan on appealing saying quote it's either going to be decided in my opinion in our favor in the appellate court or five years down the road in federal court unless they change the federal law. and today, the illinois election boards is considering whether or not to remove former president donald trump from the state's primary ballot. they are considering a petition filed bile five voters who argue trump is ineligible because of his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. the meeting comes a little more than a week before the supreme court hear arguments in a similar case in colorado. that is still going on. new overnight, space shuttle endeavor landing in its final
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destination last night. a giant crane lifting it into space at the california space science center where it will be on display. it took six months to get the shuttle, its rocket boosters and external fuel tank into place. and retired in 2011 after completing 25 missions. an opening date for the exhibit has not yet been announced. and those are your headlines across the country, around the world and even in outer space. >> steve: that's right. we got one of the shuttles right over here at the airspace museum. >> brian: i hope we make sure we are don't need it again before we take it apart. >> steve: brian, we are building new ones. >> brian: i keep hearing about that. going to the moon, pushing it back. going to mars any day now. >> steve: can you see the moan where you are? is it sunny today? is there cloud cover? that's what j.d. does every day. she tells us where it's sunny. >> brian: tells us where the moon is. >> steve: she does. if it it's clear she can see it.
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>> big headline is the incredible relative heat that two thirds of the country is experiencing, 193 above average. 20 to 30 degrees above where you should be this time of year for parts of the west, for central u.s. the great lakes. the northeast will start to get in on this wednesday and thursday. but, really, i mean, it's really incredible the temperatures that we are going to feel over the next couple of days. you know, and then as we get into next week, things are going to moderate. we have a lot of winter to get through. so enjoy the heat while it's here. 47 in dallas. 39 in fargo. 40 in chicago. we do have a quick clipper system that originates from canada. distles across the upper midwest and the great lakes. bringing some precipitation, some measurable snow. doesn't have a lot of moisture to work with. dissipate by wednesday. it could cause some messy travel for the midwest. next system moves into the west coast. heavy rain. flooding issues for california and then mountain snow for the
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syria-nevada in towards the rockies. and this one is what we are going to watch other the next couple of days as it travels across country. for now, enjoy the warm temperatures. this is really incredible for the end of january. feels more like springtime. if you like that kind of thing. steve, carley, and brian, this morning, carley you look like sunshine. >> carley: thank you. you look like sunshine every day. >> steve: listen to this. >> janice: you two, brian and steve. >> brian: you didn't mean that at all. you really wish we weren't here. so let's be honest. >> carley: a lovely moment. >> brian: it's gone now. >> carley: thank you. >> steve: in the meantime, mankind is one step closer to being able to use computers in our brains as musk company has implanted a computer chip into a huge patient's brain. and todd piro joins us right now in the studio. so, todd, the whole idea is essentially, you would be able to think something and then your body would do it.
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>> todd: fascinating. all thought about this for years. now it's a reality. human tech start up neuro are a link successfully inserting chip in brain first human test subject on sunday. brain chip is meant to allow people wirelessly perform computer functions by just thinking of it in a think and click mechanism. millionaire ceo music posting on x yesterday about the cyber net particular implant first product up settered into a person's brain using a surgical row bottom. the first users will be people who have lost the use of their limbs. now the start-up's co-founder telling bloomberg in november the short-term goal is to restore autonomy with those with debilitating conditions. the long-term goal is, quote: to have this available for billions of people and unlock human potential and go beyond our biological capabilities. we would love to know a little
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nor what that means. the fda granted neuralink to proceed with trials in may. hoping the brain computer interface allow people with disants disabilities to communicate faster than an auctioneer. quite a standard is he trying to meet but we will see. >> brian: right now the perfect stocking stuff for christmas apple tags small. now i'm requesting to give people neuralink chips maybe 25% off the surgery. >> steve: you have to have brain surgery. >> steve: todd that, auctioneer quote came from elon musk. he said imagine if steven hocking could communicate faster than a speed typist or auctioneer. >> todd: ed to future, the potential for people suffered with disabilities quite frankly have not had much to look forward. to say yes, from have been improvements. something like this could be a literal game changer. >> carley: that's what this company is all about. a lot of elon musk's other companies, x, they get more attention. this is really to help people
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who are paralyzed. >> steve: quadriplegics in the beginning. >> carley: a veteran and lost the use of your legs or you got into an accident, it sounds like new hope for those people this morning that's amazing, todd. >> todd: what elon musk does, like him or hate him, he puts into practice the things that i think we thought about as kids or maybe we were growing up is this even possible? no, that's just jetson type stuff he is actually doing it. >> steve: let's hope it works with the patient. thank you very much. fascinating. >> brian: 198 united nations workers tied to terrorist organizations. mullen says it's not enough to pull the funds. what he wants to do, next. >> carley: "fox & friends" exclusive. lawrence pulls back the curtain on the migrant crisis in chicago. >> the money is coming from the hard earned taxpayers. taxpayer dollars that don't have the luxury now to go to the park in their community because migrants are there. >> steve: plus, a school
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district removes veterans day from holiday calendar. that's not sitting well with some people as can you imagine. what one school board member is proposing they do instead. welcome, folks, it is "fox & friends" for this very busy tuesday. >> steve: good morning, new orleans ♪ i want to see you ♪ i just want to see youri ♪ ng "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. pain was keeping me off my game. and now i'm winning again. blue-emu is the powerful relief i need. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. (sigh) if you struggle with cpap...
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>> brian: there is this israeli dossier now out available for you all to read. 190 u.n. employees have ties with hamas or islamic jihad operatives including 12 who they claim were involved in hamas terrorist attack on october 7th. the alleged crimes include kidnapping an israeli woman. raiding a can i buts and providing ammunition to hamas fighters. here is markwayne mullin. a senator in charge of getting aid into gaza because the idf is on the march looking for hamas. what does this do to our money, to our continuing donations to this organization? >> we should stop it meeldz. idf had been telling from us october 7th that the employees
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were involved in this. proof that vehicles and assets were being used by hamas. we didn't want to hear it. i mean that as a whole we didn't want to hear it, proof is in the pudding. idf said we will show it to you. that number that you said over 119 or whatever the number is actually 49% of the u.n. employees working gaza had direct ties to hamas. direct ties. that is very alarming. so, when we were having aid going in, i was saying this the whole time that aid was being auctioned off by hamas. when we were taking aid in for the gaza citizens. they were actually taking it and selling it and selling it to the citizens that they are trying to care about. and at the same time, we were actually funding the war. our aid was funding their fight. >> brian: and right now, there's a big push to say hey, like norway came out and said hey, u.s., i understand you are angry and other nations joining the u.s., this is the only way to get aid to these people. what do you say to that? >> they are funding the fight.
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they are selling the product that's going in. there's a systemic issue going on with u.n. inside gaza. these individuals, they don't care about the citizens. they only care about killing israelis. hands down, that's it. so, if we can't control the money, and they are using it to fund the war, then we should have stopped the flow of it. >> brian: trump stopped it. >> yes, absolutely. >> brian: he stopped it in the third and fourth year of his administration. obviously there was some intelligence out there that led him to do that because you don't really pick up this intelligence when you are working a business or hosting the apprentice. so they knew about this before the october 7th attack. >> i don't think we nude as far as it was going. but we knew there was a problem. and that we have known that for quite some time. >> brian: we also know there is more death and it's the u.s. again. ironically, this is the odds were this was going to happen. when you have over 160 attacks and a handful of reprisals, now we find out that three of our -- three of our americans are dead. dozens more are wounded after
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this drone attack over in jordan. the president promises a response. he is looking at his options. are you briefed on this? what went wrong and what do you think the response should be. >> we haven't got a classified briefing. phone calls ton it immediately. this happened entire 22. on the border between jordan and syria. it happened 22 right on the border in jordan. reserve unit watching it. we knew that the drone was come in. we thought it was a u.s. drone. we misidentified it, obviously. we have now three dead over 30 injured. the issue is the response. since we knew it was coming in. we also know where it went. the response should be immediate. the problem is we have a weak leader in the white house. this wouldn't have happened if trump would have been put in. we would have immediate responded and known it. when you try to appease the iran i can'tens which isn't going to happen. they only believe in peace through strength not appeasement. then you have an issue. we have 153 attacks we have
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responded. to say we have only responded to a handful. they will continue to fuel this fight. now they went too far by killing americans and attacking our base directly. so, we should have already responded. but this administration is not geared up for that. >> brian: right now, nobody wants war in the middle east, the enemy has a vote. mike pompeo said yesterday is we might not want a war with iran but they are at war with us. >> you agree with that. >> mike is 100 percent right. we don't have to go to war with them. if we are being more aggressive and step up. they believe in strength and they will cower down. they do not want to fight the united states. they are not looking for a fight. if they wanted a fight. they are funding terrorist organizations, brian. if they wanted a fight, they would use their army, not these terrorist, not these proxy wars. they are not looking for this. they are trying to disrupt. it's propaganda for them. a way to say hey, listen, look at us. we are going after the great snake which they consider the united states that you can't simply go after the houthis. you can't after hamas.
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you can't go after terrorist organizations. if you are going to take out the snake the head is iran. >> brian: senator lankford working very hard and diligently, i think it's so wrong to attack him personally if you don't like this border bill. >> is he a great guy. >> brian: so he is working with murphy and cinema to get something done. they brief you regularly. your job is to go tell the house how it's going. do you think there is anything with this bill that has a future in the republican house? >> it's requesting to be tough. before speaker johnson can bring it to the floor, he has to have a majority of the majority. and right now i don't believe he has the majority of the majority to even bring the bill to the floor. even it's sad because decisions have been made and the bill hasn't been released. you don't even -- how can you say you don't like something if you haven't read it. you need to read it and see what is in it before we start making decisions. but, you know, unfortunately, we have lost the messaging on this. >> brian: it will be great if you have time to read it before they make you vote on it? >> supposedly we will have 72 hours to read it, to go through it. for a guy that reads as slow as
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i do. >> brian: good luck in new york. >> thanks for having me on. >> brian: let's go up to steve. >> steve: guys, thank you very much. it is exactly 6:30 here in new york city. we have got some headlines. the coast guard unloading $455 million worth of cocaine and marijuana in saint partiesburg, florida the huge haul of drugs was it waters in the eastern pacific ocean stopped 6500 pounds -- the bust stopped more than 6500 pounds of marijuana and nearly 4,000 pounds of cocaine from hitting the streets of the united states. that's a really good thing coast guard detained six suspects during the seizures. meanwhile there is controversy in stanford, connecticut after the city school board voted to remove two holidays from the calendar.
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hmmm, which ones would they be? after a 5-3 vote, the district will hold classes on veterans day and columbus day. no longer holidays in their schools. they put out a statement saying, quote: both holidays will continue to be acknowledged on the stanford public schools calendar along with other holidays and religious observances fall on days when school is in session. however, the kids will have to go to school. what do you think about that? email us your thoughts friends at veterans day and columbus day. meanwhile, we have a big show still to go on this tuesday. house homeland security chair mark green and 2024 presidential candidates robert f. kennedy and nikki haley coming up on the show. plus, a "fox & friends" exclusive, lawrence jones is in chicago getting a firsthand look at how that city is being overwhelmed by a surge of migrants. >> illegal migrants, drug cartel, people that's breaking
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into cars, can you imagine them being loosed into the streets ever chicago? i'm not going to say that nobody is going to be safe, but you better protect yourself. >> steve: no kidding. lawrence jones on what he saw. lawrence, you're next. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes.
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emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. >> carley: chicago migrants originally set to be evicted from city shelters this week now being given additional two weeks to find housing. >> brian: this is now the third time mayor brandon johnson has extended the eviction notice for thousands of migrants. >> steve: it is cold in chicago. currently they have got 36 degrees. lawrence jones is there. actually, lawrence, you are missing the cold weather. it's 30 degrees here. >> yeah. we got a little rain here as well, mixing with that cold weather. guys, we have talked to you about what is happening at the border. we reported on it. we have told you about the cities that have declared
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themselves sanctuary. but we wanted to explore the impact on the residents, because they want to be sanctuary cities. chicago is first on that list. take a look. >> what's the big problem in chicago right now with the migrant crisis? >> the mayor allowed illegal migrants to come into our city to evade chicago. to that schools, park districts, that was closed and allowed the migrants to be re-purposed. these apartments, middle class families was living there. and they're building them now for migrants. >> lawrence: where is the money coming from to pay for all of this? >> well, the money is coming from the hard owned taxpayers, taxpayer dollars that don't have the luxury now to go to the park
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in their community because migrants are there. >> lawrence: you think it's a full-blown invasion. >> it's an invasion. you know, they are using asylum and some of them are saying look, we were living better where we were. if you were in fear for your life, how could you be living better where you were? >> lawrence: this used to be an academy for young women and now they say they cannot continue to operate it because of funding. now they are operating this same academy as a place for migrants to sleep instead. >> it is just like wodz worth. just like many of our schools. our parks that was closed shut out for our children to pay taxes for to be successful. you tell us that there is no funding or lack of funding then you bring migrants in and make them cheryl's. that's not the american way.
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>> lawrence: they shut down this health center behind me what was confusing is they turned it into a migrant shelter. >> this health clinic this was a place you didn't have a lot of money and issues, you could go there and get the service they took that away from the community. >> they said they couldn't afford it anymore? >> lack of funding. >> lawrence: lack of funding again. and now they have the funding to put migrants in here that are in the country illegally. >> they have the funding and every now and then they say hey, we found more means, we found more money. >> we are at a location once a school and now migrants have taken this over as well. >> this school where we are at now is called wadsworth. we are in the heart of woodlawn. this school was part of the 50 schools that was closed in the city of chicago due to lack of funding. >> lawrence: as we are here, you smelled weed, you see the migrants that are starting to
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scatter now as they see that we're here, they were all in this playground right here and now they are going back into the facility. before we got here, all of this was full of migrants. it's already out of control right now. how much time do we have before there is utter chaos in chicago? >> when they release what is in these buildings, whether they release them out of these buildings, out of the clinics, out of the parks, that's when the chaos is going to start. >> lawrence: and, guys, we reached out to the mayor brandon johnson. of course, we didn't hear back from him. guys, i think it's important to note that we are in the political season. voters are watching about the issues that matter to them. and i know that the current president is using a lot of racial, inflammatory rhetoric when dealing with minority communities, but they are going to remember what's been done in
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their communities, the promises that were being made to take care of them. right now, they are prioritizing illegal he is right now. >> lawrence, we talked about it here on this program in december. the city of chicago had such an inflow of buses. they enacted a policy where there could be a big fine for the bus company if they drop people off without an appointment and without a permit and so they're dropping people off just short of chicago, in some of the suburbs like will met, illinois where people are not accustomed to a lot of newcomers like that and suddenly that town has got to deal with it. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> just because you stop them miles away that isn't going to stop them from coming to your city final distinction is clueless. maybe spend extra days getting there they know exactly -- we reported from the border these folks know where they are going
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to go before they even enter into the country. greg abbott is just helping them along the way. >> brian: mayors are complaining the federal government is not helping them out. people saying using our money to help out people who don't belong here. it's a lose, lose all the way. the problem is fundamentally at the border. lawrence, thanks so much. really agonizing. republicans got to get from and explain they have a plan to fix it. no republicans ever show up in these cities. >> carley: lawrence is going to be in denver and boston next. traveling across the country and giving us a firsthand account of what people in these cities, not near the border, are experiencing because of this border crisis. yesterday marked the first time the biden administration called it exactly what it is. it is a crisis. that's the first time that. >> steve: about time. >> john kirby said the word there was no way he would have said it if governor abbott didn't bus these people to these cities because now it's affecting blue areas as well. >> brian: now i believe it if they said it i did not believe
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it was a crisis before that. >> steve: absolutely political. now joe biden wants that senate bill to pass and donald trump says maybe we would be better off with no bill. >> carley: still ahead, the re-election era. biden's aides reportedly hoping for backing from taylor swift. jimmy failla joins us on biden's 2024 end game. >> brian: speaking of t swift. she might think twice looking at expensive. could she afford it? would travis charge his girlfriend? all questions. >> steve: she is his plus one. >> brian: i have no idea. >> carley: your sports round up coming up next. ♪ going down swinging ♪ ♪
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. i think the big story is relative heat across the country feels like march, april and may, billings, montana 62 today. record highs for parts of the west and plains moving into the central u.s. heavy rain in the forecast and mountain snow that's going to cut some of those temperatures back. but, for the meantime, not too bad. look at some of these temps in dallas, 74, 59 in atlanta. new york 38, that's around average. we will have to wait for the next couple of day, clipper
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system going to march across the great lakes and upper midwest bringing some potential moisture and snow but it's a quick mover and it will dissipate by wednesday. fox for all of your latest details. carley, over to you. >> janice, thank you so much. listen to this. today, millions of women will be using ride share services to get where they need to go. despite headlines about scary encounters some women have had. the latest data from uber and lift reveal thousands of female passengers say they have been assaulted by a driver. now a boston transportation company is trying to ease those fears with ride share options operated by women and for women. the company is called drive her. and their founders a join me no. thank you so much for joining us. the statistics here really are stunning. according to uber. there have been nearly 4,000 4,0 assault victims and 91% of them are women.
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so, tell us about this company and your mission to protect women not just passengers, but also drivers as well. >> so, i started this company while working a second job as a lyft driver and realizing those statistics and seeing how afraid people were to get in the car and how relieved they were when they saw that i was a woman. so i decided that you know, nobody should have to fear or be in danger on their way home. or on their way to work late at night. they created a company because we screened the passengers as well as the background check and dmv check the drivers, creating a safe environment for both passenger and driver, it's a more personal touch that we give. we try to make sure women and minorities still welcome and respected and treated as they should. and we just have the goal of always' reserving safety first, comfort second, and excellent
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service. >> carley: sharing a void that was there in the ride share industry that a lot of people might not have considered before. what you are doing is getting in the back of a stranger's car there are headlines that are so scary like this one out of the miami harold from november 2nd, women fights uber driver as he traps her in are can a, tries to undress her according to florida cops. another headline from november 2nd. usc student allegedly raped by a lyft driver inside vehicle. lastly from the "new york post." uber driver caught on camera raping a woman after, quote saving her from earlier sexual assault. i'm sure you talk to at love your passengers about why they drive herr, what do they tell you a lot of the passengers who choose our services they really choose because of the safety
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component. because we are reliable. we don't cancel last minute. and because they can relax and be safe and put their kids in our cars, make sure they can come in late at night and no surprise element. the car will be clean. the driver will be respectful. >> carley: peace of mind. >> yes, absolutely. >> carley: we are running out of time. i do want to get to you. tell us the mechanics of it how can people find drivher if they want to use it? >> carrie, go ahead. >> go drivher request via form or call the number right there and get directly to me. and they can reserve a ride and we'll provide them the menus and amenities and change. >> carley: carrie, quickly, any final thoughts? >> yeah. as a dad, who wouldn't want their daughter driving with a female instead of a male driver. it's a safe ride.
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we built a great environment, we have a wonderful referral program through quick, allows drivers also bring friends and other women that know they want to drive but were timid before and we are looking to grow this not only in boston in other cities real soon. >> carley: unfortunate that something like this is necessary but boston is a young city. there's a lot of college students. a lot of young professional women. so, it's a good thing you are doing in a very scary world. thank you both so much for joining us, have indoctrinate day. we hope it expands nationwide soon. brian, over to you. >> brian: that is really important with father of two girls, absolutely important. meanwhile, turning to sports now if carley doesn't mind. interesting color on the super bowl. super bowl lviii new heights not for the teams but the fans. average price for tickets topping $12,000 on seat geek that better be great game. the chiefs take on the 49ers as you know february 11 in the las vegas. in honor of travis kelce and taylor swift i don't know if you
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heard they are dating. some customizing flight number. using flight number 1989 after swift's hit song and flight number 87 which is travis' number. now to this. the budweiser clydesdale welcoming newborn to its stables. yes, the water broke last night. i meant to call you. the colts have yet to be named. already enjoying the ground with more than 70 other clydesdales. how come they can walk right away. warms spring ranch is getting ready to host a super bowl watch party next sunday for $100 you can get food, two beers and able to watch the game surrounded by super bowl and add icons. that's probably worth it. coming up in the next two hours. exclusive video shows smugglers dropping off migrants. big show. mark green. robert kennedy jr. wants to be
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