tv Hannity FOX News January 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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new york. is your mom going to read your new booyork. k? throug think she'll get through this one? sam from west virginia this. ify hi >> is f trump uses windmills to electrify his wall, will that make it okay? t i don't know. what about electric gators? those counut electt. sharon from livonia, michigan. if kellyanne conway said she wan. raonway s going after biden with a meat cleaver, she'd have our house rated that same night. fi aren't you right, michael from florida. jesse, this is the chidajesse, y brain texting you. oh, you've got the chip. very good. >> connie from louisiana. so the zebra survived. that is a prime time first. >> yeah. we rescued zebras here at primeu time. t >> we would never do anythingham to harm a zebra, eve a on this g
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stor y out of washington. >> now back to regular programming already in progress. dosee the unrwa, which, by the way, claims to providepale assistance to palestinian refugees. now, according to the documentsn while 12 employees took part in the october 7th hamas terror attacks, including seven who stormed into israeli territory or allegedly responsibleg seve r truly despicable acts and intelligence shared with thedespicab united states, estimates that about 1200 abployees of this agency have links to hamas or the palestinian islamic. orin light of these allegation, the u.s. and many other countries, they have cut funding. s spar so to the agency, which haske sparked outrage from the radical left. even congressman cosio cortez calli is calling for funding to beng restored immediately.
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shocker. as did bernie sanders, who said, quote, we cannot allow millions to suffero said because of the alleged actions of 12 people. echoing remarks from the white actions house. >> take a look. let's no>>t impugn the good wor of a whole agenc y because bad of the potential bad actions here by a small number. i am not the seriousness of the allegations against those employees and whether there's going to be more that will be found. hopefully the investigation will well. we'll give us more insight. >> all right. here's the problem. this administratioblemn is once. again a day late, dollar short. now, since 2021, they have funneled more than 1 billion of your tax dollars to this agency. r tax llars toback in 2018, former president donald trump, he caught a cut all funding to the unrwa. and once again, he's been proven right. last night, the new york post editorial board, they stepped upla york poeditoria and they te step further by calling for the u.s. to stop funding the united the u.s nations alto.
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you know what? i completely agree. it is time for america to now take a stand. stop being a sucker nation. stop paying the bulk of the freight, meaning your tax moneym to organizationsea don't even like us and basically side with our enemies. and that bring s us to the country of iran. joe biden, your appeaser in chief, is about to make some of the most den the consequentials of h decisions of his presidency. there have now beeisn at least t 166 attacks on u.s. forces in the middl 1tacks one east.oce that's only since october 17,r l all done by iranian proxies. so the big question is, what is joe biden going to do? will it be a typical, meaningless response, a pinprick like, you know, striking an empty warehouse and claimingpinpri? ation bo well, the administration botched the response altogether. now, according to new reports,ie officials are now worried about large scale attacks on americans in thd aboue middle east. secretary blinken added this
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yesterday. take a loon addek. s very >> i think it's very important i to note that this is an incredibly volatile time in the middle east. i would argue that we've not seen a situation as as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region sinc facing e at least 1973 and arguably even even before that. >> americans, mr. blinken, the already under attack abroad. this weekend, we lost three brave soldiersis and 40is others plus injured. but still, this white house says there's no schedulesd remarks addressing the vile attack. three american troops are dead. othersican troops ar injured. isn't it time we hear from the president? but instead of addressing the nation, what what is joe thd doing today? oh, he spent the day campaigning in southerayigning a . he could have come to visit me. but before departing the white house, he offered anothe.epartie
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response. >> take a look. you're gottake a loo one respone to that. there's a chance that the american, as you are responsible for supplying the weapons with this one will be. that's not a response. the administration's reaction resthe deadly attack thie weekend has been downright embarrassing. yesterday, press secretary karine jean-pierre hast offered. these very bizarre comments. >> take a look at this. a deeper a look condolences goo and our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost three, three. brave, three, brave, three brave, three folks who are who are military folks who are brave brave are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf and of this administrationg of the peo american people. >> obviously a more so.
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more importantlyple., three folu what you just heard is an utter embarrassment, a disgracd isedia to those soldiers that died and, frankly, their families. they did not die fighting for thisndlies. administration. they died because of this administration's weakness and incompetenceof. that's what happened here. and the fact that they have allowed attack after attack, afteowedr attack to gowi unanswered. meanwhile, biden is being slammed after john kirbyde refused to say whether or not n he would attend the dignified transferotnd at dover air force base. but maybe that's for the better. reu may recall the last timey re he was there for a dignified transfer. remember the 13 marines that died duringme t his disasts afghanistan withdrawal? yeah. remember, joe is pretty bored. he's checking his watc checkinh, 2 seconds. just in case you don't remember. take a look. well, apparently we don't have that cut. i'm sorry about that. all right, now, i'm not cotocating for foreign conflic e
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. i want to be very clear here. however, let me be very clear. howeve t me clearno one person, no cous on this earth gets awa toor has the right to kill and or injure americans abroad. know, if they attack you onthae nearly 200 times, yes, that does warrant a fierce response, one proportional to what it is they've been up to. ifat it is joe biden wants to showhe is se the world that he's serious, well, maybe he wants to take out iran's tak refineries. that is the main source of the iranian mullahs money, its oilie . hit them where it hurts. they are fast. also approaching the ability to produce nuclearhe weapons. a and according to an iaea report last month, they haveae undone the slowdown in enrichment of uranium to near weapons grade. but they face no consequences from your appeaser in chief,face joe biden turned a blind eye to nearly 200 attacks against our military in iraq and syriais
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leading up to what happened this past weekend. he spent the better part of his presidency up to iran and helping the iranian mullahs get rich. now, between reportedly turning a blind eye to their oil salesni ,you know, tens and tens and tens of billions of dollars for the mullahs to foment more terror and and aid and abet in terror warshis ha and fighting proxy wars. remember, none of this happened under donald trump. un also $6d thempp billion, the ransom payment for a prisoner swap, and then extendedra prisone a waiver thad them to take in $10 billion from iraq for electricity other sales. in other words, this administration has frankly opted fo words, r a policy of n appeasement and sadly, the chaos the destruction carried out by iranian proxies was predictablrriee. tim this was all predictable. how many times do you have to get attacked before to and y
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and your troops targeted beforeo you realiz thone of these attacks are going to kill people? this would never have happened if joe biden dealt would with the nearly 200 previous attacks. here with reaction, one marine, while he has neverh th. mar never. a former marine. marine lieutenant colonel oliver north, siinr, i think you. semper fi, colonel. good to see you. you knowod te you. a lot about t you've dealt with this part of the world. you went there and you were given by your government. our government? a pill. why are you not when you went to iraa yon and wasn't that pill to take if you needed a kill? i was. yeah. so, you know a thing orng two about the region. i'm glad you did, too. yeah. so >> it's my wife and my kids and my 18 grandkids. you know, first of all. suredkids.. my, my, my heart goes outes to them. my prayers for the families and loved ones and of sergeant rivers and sanders and moffitt who were killed in action.
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i mean, we need to remember those words, their heroes. here we are on the edgeedge o of black history month, and we, have three black soldiers, brave men ane men and women of e men, two women who put their lives on the line, a definitiono ron of a hero.nd m you've heard me say thises. a thousand times, is a person who puts themself at risk foon r benefit of others. and they certainly did by going over there. they certainly weren't ove. r there for the administration. they took the same oath i did when i enlisted in the marine corpdid ms in 1961, december 29, to support and defend the countr decemy to tution of e united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to bear true e to same. allegiancstates a ale and at the end of it the words so help me god. that oath has changed very little since it was first begun. back in the era of the american revolution. and i look at what that what they just sacrificed the lives lost lives, the eight that were terribly wounded are now on their way to landstuhl, germany, or are already there. hopefully, and maybe comingtmen.
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back to the states for further treatment and the 30 some odd others who are d wounded and along with the 100 plus who've already beeen wounded in over 160 attacks that this administration has all but ignored. i wrote the quote down from i wr the secretary of defens e, that quote, we're going to nowwe take care of our necessary troop actions to defend the united states, our troops and our interests. well, that's a change in policsy because we haven't done it yet. the only the only risk that the iranianse irani were taking we' the words. don't don't, don't repeat it, which didn't stop anythingn' in fact, they did, did, did. s and they're going to continue to do so until the measures unti.n. i'll give you five of them that i'm sure aren't in what their package is here. here it is. we're now being told they're going to act. okay. five things. oval offic ae announcement afteb the raid is safely back, just like ronald reagan did after the raid in libya back in 1981. okay. all sanctions agains intulle
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the regime in iran that have been pulled back are immediately enforced. oil exports, steel, dual use, electronics, financial transfers. more secret meetings in vienna to assure somehow resurrectingomehow the phony nur deal. number two, bans on fracking and strategidrillic drilling ann our federal lands. and filling up the strategic petroleum reservl e need to stat now. and he ought to tell everybody that that will get the attention. by the way, of a guy named z.wir the americans are going to refill the strategic petroleum reservefe and thee of congress needs to say no more of this using it for political purposes. it's theretica for that kinded of infrastructure that we're going to need if, god forbid, there is a war. let'ifs secrecy and in tehran needs to be told that next time a u.s. installationextn is attad ,a u.s. personnel, a u.s. p ship, we're going to hold the tehran regime responsiblewee and we're going to act, quote, with devastate g, in effect,
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to shut down. and here's the thing that's left off the table to shut down their ability to export oil. that's the only way they're making any money right no only way thw. the united states ought to indict every single leader of any proxy group and do so so that they have a little bit of a caution before they travel all over the world advertising their wares. and though we don't have an extradition agreementhough w anl with folks in gather, interpol ought to put their faces up on post office boxes all oved p finally, in days like this, we i last to keep our allies. and last week, on january 26th, this biden, as you call it, it p the appeaser in chief, announced that we're going new approvals for export of liquefied natural gas to others who are our friends. the only reason they're not buying iranian oil this minuteus in the quantities that they could because their prices are way down. athe only reason they're not is because we've been shipping liquefied natural gaings.
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it's one of our great commodities. it will help our balance of trade. it's going to help all kinds of peopllle. brake and this guy just put the brakes on those kinds of approvals and everybody sta in europe's got to be saying, what are we going to do to stay warm? natural gas is the way they're keeping their lightswar? aremes warm on and their homes warm. this guy has got to he's got to start thinking strategicall t about things, not just tactically for political purposes. this administré action is going to get us into world war three by not deterring people like the iranians. el well, last thing, colonel,n' and i don't have a lot of time here is if you want to knock out their their income and the source of their income and thatut the is their oil. why not take out the refineries? and i'll tell you this, donald i trump pulled something together that i didn't think i'd see in my lifetime. and that was an alliance betweee inn israel and the unitd states and the jordanians, the egyptians,the unit the and the emirates against iranian hegemony. i would argue that thoseere
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countries probably, if they were wise, would unite and have a pacse wouldpackedt tt together and take out their nuclear facilities befor e it's too late, because ift trus they get them, i don't trust mutually assured destruction would dete r them. >> last word, these guys, this is a suicidal regime death is the is their axiom. that's in that new book that the wretched avengers wrote, by the way, that the title of the book pillars for freedom and the and the foreword done by none other than mike pompeo. so that that's the kindat's t of thing that that book advocates showing. that's the kind of thing that we ought to be doinhehing e g. is a hopefully what we're going to have is a movement in congress to say ngress t, you've got to stop what you're doing because what you're doing is going to get us into a wabeo you know, appeasement has ever worked. there's got to be a little deterrence. and you can only dtodeterrence n it shows strength. almost 200 attacks, colonel. >>t do a thing that made what happened this
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weekend inevitable because there was no deterrent factoiner at all. absolutely. colonel north, appreciate your safe home, my friend. good to talk to you. u. feodtalkall right. here with reaction, hoover institution senior fellow victor davis hanson, former governor of arkansas, mike huckabee. governor huckabee, start with you. when you look at the situation ,what the well, first of all, t why didn't he respond to the nearly 200 previous attacks? how could you not respond at all and not have what over the weekend become inevitable? utter weakness? that's what we've seen. everything that colonel north just said. i would just want to say amerthn to it. what else can be said? that was exactly what we need to be doing. i hear some people saying we need to go bomb iran. actually, what we need to do is what donald trump is doing, k and that's bankrupting iran. that was effective. th. as workingru and it was a far better approach. maybe we do need to bomb their refineries t, but we don'r need to just go after and start another war. we need to do what donald
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trump was already doing and it was effectively working. i don't know why we don't do it. i don't t do it.i'm so tired ofn democrats say, boy, isn't it great? the biden team is here. we got the adultwe've gos back a the room. no, what we got was senior adults in the room that don't know what day it, for god's sake. we've got to have some people who are looking at the peopleinn with the danger. kno it is what colonel morris said is exactly the prescription. maybe trump getsrrthe prescrip d and names him secretary of defense. >> you know what? donald trump also took out? davs soleimani. victor davis hanson. la america in a long, protracted war. however, we do have new military, sophisticated military technology where we can push a button here in the united states and with pinpoint accuracybuttn , hit anything, a darn target we want inside of iran. >> can wwee? >> yeah, we can. and that's why iran around knows that generally ive in history, if you are perceived that you'll do anything for peace, you're going to guarantee a war. and it's predictable that our
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responseantee a war.'s predi sce we we say three things. respt, we say we're goin sg to respond the time and place o of our choosing, they that they're tired of that. second, we. say while iran is supplying these surrogates, we don't have any direct evidence that it's iran. and third, we want to avoid a wider war. that's all nice things. but the messag thingse that they takea from that is that there's a magic number that we haven't reached. they think, is it 50? is it 100? we'll try 150. let's try 200 is that six dead americans, a eight dead, 50 wounded,th and they keep upping it to find out where they have to pull . ck for a whileey s but the problem is that deterrence has shown it's really hard to achiev e and it's very easy to throw away. and when they came in, donald trump killed the. so a maniac. he took the terrorist, the houthis. he put sanctions on them. .he cut off hamas.ant to he didn't want to get into the iran deal. on oil.
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he rejected it. he put in the sanctions on the oil. he had the abrams, according , . have no daylight between us and israel. and then when then when he got ri rid od so many, he didn't hao bomb iran because they understood that they were very and very deep peril. but when you lose deterrence, then finallyperil.ou lose you . to get to the point where your only option is a war. and we don't want that. and yeatt, ironically w and paradoxically, that's exactly where biden is leading us there biden iso a theater wis the more that he says he wants to prevent it and the more he appeases these people that think they're going to have a magic number until they're going to keep going, until they're forced to stop. >> and we don't want a war. but i don't know if he doesn't . >> we enter the trump protocols and the sanctions and alprotocos of the terrorist list, and we're going to have a war. and that's unfortunate, but that's what that's what you get down to. >> biden keeps it up. there's got to be i think you would agre>> would ae and bu would agree. and i'll ask you a next question. there's got to be
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a proportional response here. proporonalnse here me,and to mee all kind of on the same page. i don't know, maybe the right waybe tho abouy to go about it.h but we've got to cut offavhe their financing here because the money is the proxy wars and the terror attacks all over the globe to do that, to me, the surest way to do it would be to take out their refineries. i also thinkefineries would be proportional. >> mike huckabee, what do you say? sayi agree that you can take specific targets. you don't have civilian u docasualties. you also go after these proxies and hit them hard, hit them real hard. but ultimately,let it's bankrupting. but let them know that if that doesn't work, the bombingtt will start. but let's pray to god that victor davis hanson is right. the last thing we need or wantsn is an all out war. i think we can avoid it. trump through that, i hope we continue that strategy. >> would it be wise to take out the refineries? victor davis hanson if weo that get to that, we're going to have to, but i think it's much better t be quietloud
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and carry a club than loud with a twig. and the louder w e are, the more g predictable we are, the closer we're going to get to war. >> if you just keep victor and i think he should be disproportionate. disproportionate, and then that will stop i t. weak >> but he's too loud and he'san too weak and he's too predictable, and that's predictadangerous. that's the problem of deterrence and nobody respects them. and china is going to keep buyingchep iranian oil anyway.o. but i appreciate you both. thank you. when we come back, possible terrorists are crossing the southern border of our country. biden says there's nothing more that he can do to stop them. that is a lie. we'll explain. we'll check in with jim jordan. kewe will n paxton, they're up next.. and will alejandro mayorkas only be impeached? straight ahead . there are some things that work together, like your workplace together, like your workplace benefits and retiremen savings. presentation looks great. thanks forsoan reachl goals. yos
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that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today'sya, we financial goals that one and look forward to a more confident futurllested, we >> that is one dynamic duoatta designed for you. well-plannedck.. >> well invested. well protected. well protected. israel is under attack the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage, bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help. vs praying to our vinamilk nu, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refugees in their ownship of homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground reaching jewish people of all ages children, people of all ages children, mothers, the elderly, even
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survivors. your of $45 will make surerately that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies and the hot, nutritious meals a day so nutritious meals a day so desperat great e need. >> our teams are working shel risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and familiest time f whw living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important timends in for all o, the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stan d with our friends in israel, let them know that we are not only praying for the peace only praying for the peace of jerusalem praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. >> i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment.
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a major hearing on capitol hill today as the house homeland security committee marked uparticl articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas. now he's on tracesf impeact k. become just the second cabinet secretary ever to be impeached boanks to his grosbes derelictin of duty at the border. but according to his boss, joe biderdn, republicans,or the they are to blame for the border crisis. you can't make this up rder because's done joe has done all he can do. he's done everything humanly possible. he's tried his very best human a look. he can't do any more. >> take a look. our national to the very day p i got involved know the border patrolgive me stopped it. >> now, of course, this crisis has been entirely create>> now d by joe biden and his removal succl trump error.licies
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it's right there on your a screen. border policies, as we showed you last night. and as biden continues to do absolutely nothing, the border crisis continues to getelyhing , all thanks to his failed policies. again, look at your screen. check out this. video taken by one of our fox nation producers. illegals from all over the worlfor.legals fd being rigi border in california. they cross over like it's nothing. . eo fro and check out this other video from new york city where a mob of illegalnew yos beat down a pe of nypd cops as they dared to try and enforce the law. joining us now, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan and texas attorney general ken. paxton. good to see you both. congressman, i've done all i . ck up that's not true. i'll even put iton back upin t on the screehen because in theay first hundred days in office, he rescinded through executive fiat. stroke of a pen, everything that was working. stay in mexico. policyg. wall, construction, title 42, etc.. all of thiwall cons and more. nh
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you know, he literally rescinded his firsist 100 days in office. right now with the stroke of another pen, he could put pen . ack in place so he hasn't done all he can do. he doesn't need congress to do what trump to give him and hand off to him the most secure border ever buried secur. >> true. three things he did intentionally, deliberately, willfully, right from the get go. he said no more remain ight fro idall. in mexico while we evaluate your asylum claim, no more building the wall. and when you get here, you're going to be released that incentivized the entire world to come here. that's why we've had people fro we ham over 180 diffr countries come into our country and 300 and some on the terroristuntr watch list, for goodness sake. so god bless chairman green and his committee for bringing forward these two articles of impeachment. one failure to comply with the law to breach a public trust. t. that breach of public trust is important because mr. mallorca's has said all kinds of thing says sa s that are not accurate to the american people and just as importantly, to the united states congress
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, who's supposed to represent the american people. and that's what they're holding him accountable for. s whe holdingod bless them for . >> you know, ken paxton, let me there wasecause a deadline of friday and it seemed like joe biden was settinanlike joeg up a showdowne pass in texas between, you know ,national border patrol agentssn and the texas national guard. he's being urged democrats to federalize the texas national guard. ederalizthe best thing to come t of that is border patrol agents have spoken out in solidarity with the texas national guard. they have no intention of cutting that razor wire and they have nofthe rar wire og a showdown in texas against fellow law enforcement people, a military fel people? yeah. from the beginning, joe biden has ordered border patrol to do things that they did not want to do, whichd ordes they is noto their job, not just not do their job and aid and abet the carteland abartelss to get b people in here as fast as possible. and he's been doing that the entire. he entir time he's been
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in office. and i'm grateful for law enforcement in texas and border patrol because for l they do carear about their jobs. they do care about protecting not just my state, but -- but no country. t prot and it's clear that joe biden is not just not doing the job, he's actually helping the cartels and he knows it. >> yeah. and i tip my hatit. by the way,g to all the republican governors that are standing in solidarity with governor abbott and the people of texaty witgovernors. s jim jordan, i've been asked this question a lot. why impeach mayorkas when the policies came from joe biden? joe bide camn is the one thatwit rescinded the policies of donald trump with the stroke of a pen. he he's the one that set in motion nearly 10 million unvetted, illegal joe biden immigrants into this country. he allowed that to happen. mayorkas is basically just taking t to hap orders from the commander in chief, is he not? >> yeah, that's true. and the ultimate responsibility does reside with the united states. and frankly, there's uy residesh impeachment inquiry that we have relative to the president on a number of the other issues. ent inquyavon abut -- but my ore
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one who's carried out this policy. my caucus is the one who hasn't been square with the notin american people when he's testified in front of the united states congress. and that's part of whacongressts chairman greene and his committee have as their articles of impeachment. so that's whtheir es oy there'ss there. sean, this is just one part of what needs to be done. needs to.the second thing is we as congress need to use the power of the purse. we had one of mr. paxton's assistants front of our committee in judiciary today, and i ask him a simple question. should we callkeuestion. a time? >> no more asylum seekers. no more migrants get to come into the country. miing intohe agreed with me 100e we're on pace to get to 12 o million in the biden presidency . 12. that's equivalent to the entire population of ohio. we're the seventh largest state for goodness. . so let's say time out. no more money can be used. no american tax dollars cano mny be used to process or release into the country any new migrants. and how about this one? no money can be used by thefede federal law enforcement to go down there and dismantlera the barriers that texas taxpayers have put up. >> we shouldn't use american
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tax dollars for that. up shoul those simple sentences should be put on the spending bill. is there anything else that youn see, ken paxton, that governor doo? t can d >> look, i think he's doingythi everything he possibly can, and i think he's goingng possibe to do that. he's going to keep putting up the wire, keep putting up the fences, and we'll just see what joe d fewe biden does. look, joe biden's in a very different situation than he was at the beginning of his term. he's noweginningf facing reelec. his poll numbers are being hurt dramatically by this illegal immigration thing. so i'm not convinced that he's going to continue to press it. cuttinam not cg down our worker. all of that's going to get caught on videotape and it's going to hurt his reelection chances. otapwill hurt hii think he's do, but certainly he's starting to realize if he keeps doing this, it's onlin y to hurt his possibility of being president again. >> all right. ken paxton, thanssibility of be. and also jim jordan. thank you. when we come back, most dnc joy reid caught on a hot mic trashing joe biden. you're going to want to hear this also. wellu will wis, have a message r
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taylor swift. apparently, she's being courted by the biden campaign. they desperately courted want. >> and i really can't blame them considering the sales of travis jerseys have gone up 400% since he's been dating her. but they want taylor's be. well, we'll make her think about that maybe next. straight ahead. >> what do you do when your tire goes flat and there's no air anywhere to fix that? >> you reach for bulls eyebrow the smarter, faster hands, free way to fill it up with air. bulls eye pro is equipped with a rechargeable lithium ion power plant. so fast, so strong and so convenient. it's like putting the power an air compressor in the palm of your hand. look, you can inflate all four tires of your car on a single charge or inflator full of soccer in practice. bullseye pro is so advanced it ,has a built in smart pressure digital sensor that gauges and automatically stops the z
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to scooter braun's ethical holdings in a deal that i'm told was funded by the soros familyld . >> 23 capital and the carlyle group. oh. taylor blaming in part, the soros family. now, here's the question. does? i taylor actually realize that the soros is they're huge donors to left wingis and democratic causes. does taylor realize the guy that they want her t wano endor is a kind of stumbling, bumbling mess, doesn't have th e energy to even give it 30 minute speech, let alone perform a three hour concert like she doealone pes. want he also is kind of very creepy. she may want to check out those creepy videos.t bo they're online. or maybe she just bought into c all the lieson about conservativeservand repus and republicans, that they're racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and transphobe beckd and islamophobic that republicans and conservatives want dirty air and wateconsirty ar and a te on all abortion with no exceptions. if she believes all that she is believing believe a lie becae
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those talking points are simply untrue. now, i'm just sayingts are simp maybe she wants to think twice before making a decision about 2024. here with reaction is the host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick. tomi lahren, fox news. s, charlie hurt. tomi, i get why they want taylor. y they want. tc 55 million people watch the afc championship game on the fox broadcast network. and guess what? that was a record. and kansas city was playind. g kelce in that game. >> they won that game. travis kelce was playing and she was there. >> yeah. so, listen, taylor swift has had some bad taste in men. in the past. we kno w in 2020 she did endorse joe biden. and in her documentary, she did joe doce rather nasty thingsorr to say about my senator, marsha blackburn. >> but, sean, i thinshk she's turned a new leaf. i think now this new era of her life with travis kelcew this n some time in kansas city around regular folks, i don't think she's going to hitch
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her wagon to joe biden or the democrat cause she might be more liberaln and, you know, i tend to believe she probably is, but i don't think she's going to pick a loser. t think that shetied to wants to be tied to joe biden. i don't think that he excites her. i don't think he excitesink he anybody. wil so i don't think we're going to see this big conspiracy of her endorsing, joe, at the super bowl. i don't think that's going to happen. i think taylor swift is smarter than man. y give credit and my money is that she's probably going to shut up about politics. and i thiny shut up abouk that'e thing we can ask for. >> i think it would be smart parto one's going of to take advice from me. charlie, i've tried to give a lot of people advice. a lot of people don't listen to mople advpeople de. >> it' yeah, well, it is kinds of interesting. i think to me, the biggest news ouws out ot this is the fact the biden administration, the biden campaign, is so desperate forew any kind of good news at all that they're willingat allin toy to float the idea that maybe they might be able to snag this verye able very important
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political endorsement. but the other thing that i think is kind of interestinginte is that under the biden administration, we have seen so many odd things, such as using the department of justice to go after political enemies to the point that they want to jail donald trump. so they can't they don't have to face him in the election that we now like. it's like their rocket fuel for conspiracy theories. so as soon as you see all this stuf f of taylor swift and herme boyfriend at the football game, everything, everybody just assumes at that point that there has to be some grand conspiracythat poi theory behinn administration involved in the biden campaign. and it's not for no reason. the reason that people are doing thiso reasreason peope they've seen so many examplesma of where the biden cartel has pulled out all the stops and used whatever they have atmies their disposal as a weapon against their enemies. >> oh, if she looks at his
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record objectively. i don't i don't really see you would hope what success carn she point to kind of hard. all right. moving on over at most dnc, joy reid ot ms may be one of bit biggest boosters in the media mob, but apparently she's not so but ay she's happy with him . joy. well, accidentally dropped an f bomb on our show lasy act nightl while a sound bite was playing. we've got the tape. watcayave the h. he' >> over the weekend, president biden said he's ready to take action if congress is serious about solving the border issues ree action ess is. if that bill were the law today, i'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly. and congress bordt quickl needs to get it done or done. >> so still trying to kill the deal. i just want to apologize very quickly. e qui was chatting during a cliw that was playing. and, you know, we try to keep the show very pg 13.e to a so i just want to apologize to any one who is listening to mnylisten-the-scey the scene. >> i'm not exactly sure what toa think of thactt charlie.
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>> we'll give you the first crack at this one. well, i think it's kind of interesting that the left, which joy reid used to belong to, used to be really opposed to wars. and but now that joe biden is in office, they suddenly lovw e wars and they get behind all the wars that joe biden gives them. and it's ver they confusing foro somebody like her. so what does she do? she goes on tv and lies about it and tries to stick up for joe biden no matter what. even thougden no mh, as we saw e clip, you know, she's reverting whck to probably her morbacke se self, which is that joe biden is a danger on the world stageae and he should not be commander in chief. should not by? well, i'll tell you this most honest thing that's ever come out of mouth and it had to be h caught on a hot mic. but this also tells me what i've been saying for many, many months noyingw. it's that joe biden is not going to be the nominee. when you hear thoswhen youe in e
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liberal media, even if it is oni a hot mic expressing their disdain for this manng dis , they don't want to hitch their wagon to joe biden either. >> and they might have to keep they mighthe becausek. they don't want to make joe biden a lame duck. they have to do their good wor t and fight the good fight for joe. but they don't want joe any more than anybody else. once joe, democratanjomes don'tl joe. media personalities don't know what. people don't want joe. and nobody will have joe because i still maintain he's not going to be the nominee. thise is just another example.u example further evidence that they're getting ready to throw joe. undertr the old bus. >> nobody wants joe and nobody seems to care about joe. nts joe s own family, becaused a if they did care about him, i think there would be an an in ,that dand sayre you're not really fit to run, joe. but that doesn't look like that's going to happen. k like all right. we appreciate you both. thank you. tommy and charlie straight ahead. hie again, tryingcharl to get charges against him dismissed while his former business associatesed whil, thet guy, eric sherwin. you've heard his name a lot on this program. well, he testified front of thee
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house oversight committee earlier today. the chairman of that committee, james colmer, tells us what happened straight out. >> listen up. mass casualties en route. you were here. i'm here. we're in this together. shut down every block between here and next. let's do it. one chicago. >> check your local listings. if your roof is showing danger signs like streaks or raise shingles, it could be trouble. >> and a new roof could cost ten, 15, or $20,000. >> introducing roof backs. but first, professional and affordable roofing treatment that is scientifically proven to strengthen and extend the life of your roof. with roof, max, you will have the protection of a brand new roof and safe roof. max is skilled technicians apply a safe, effective and affordable natural treatment, and within hours you have a roof that performs like a new roof. roof max is exclusive treatment
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get a fast motor or five miles of steps per hour. the step counter, the sport mat and wireless remote all all ride zero experience. hunter biden once again trying to work the systemerience get hi and attempting to get his gun charges dismissed in delaware. sges dismnow the first son's lao filed a motion today arguing that the previously agreed upon diversioday that tn should stil. however, the judge already rejected the plea agreement back in july over questions of its constitutionality. and special counsel david weiss agreed the diversion agreement died with that plea deal. now, meanwhile, hunter's formere eric business associate, eric sherwin, he testified in front of the house oversight committee toda sfied front oy where he saidno he was, quote, not aware of joe biden's role in hunter's business joe.
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here now with more, chairman of the house oversight committee, james comer is with us. all right. so just to give background, eric sherwin was kind of like shn money guy in this operatio . right. and eric sherman was the guy that hunter would go the was to, okay, which account should we use to pay off pops home repairs here or pay this cetera, bill of pops, etc., correct? that's correct. and wecorrect? know that because of emails and we know that because hunter biden's ex-wiff e-maand becae wrote tha. >> now, weren't there reports to the joe himself had directd e contact with mr. sherwin? yects. we kno we know that joe biden communicated often with eric sherwin. w ed oftenwe know he did that thrh one of his pseudonym email accounts. rsation? whato, you know, the nature of the you know, the nature of that conversation. what what waalking as joe talkig about with them? well, he confirmed the sherwin confirmed one of the aliases that joe biden used. it may have just been foses thar
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the sole purpose of communicating with sherwin. withrwin.d bookkguy that pai joe biden's bill. he's the guy that did his bookkeeping. he also diee d that for a couple of hundred bidens llc. so when joe biden said there was a wall between betwe the government and himself, his family shady business schemes. that's not true, because they had the sam, that's ne thes that did the books and paid wal of joe'sjo joe's bills and deposited his checks and everything was the same guy. hunter biden used. >> now, hunter also in 2018, apparently text revealed a deep distrust of sherwin and his involvement in family affairs. and apparently ement in sherwin money and hunter told his assistant that sherwin winer told e that e owed them 30% of his income for ten years. then by 2019, the relationship deteriorated further. did you get any informatiorioran
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of him regarding this? >> now, you know, all of the people that we brought no. in for depositions, they have a hard time remembering the bad thingsad thing. y, we do but at the at the end of theng day, we do know that in the beginning the of the the biden sherwin relationshipying that, he was the key central figure in in paying all the bills and making sure that hunter biden wasn't over drafted in the bank that you knowand that h he did the same e joe biden. we know that he departed joe biden's delaware tax refundc and wrote a check from joe biden to hunter biden. joe ter bidef that thatmented is well documented in in email s . if he's aware of that and he was aware all of the money from hunter's business is whether he sayhunters he knows of joe's involvement or not, he knew that a significant amount of money was being funnele d to joe biden, did he not? well, he he kept saying same talking points that many
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of these associates use that joe bide ofn involved. but one thing he said that i think is very interesting is he said he did all this for joe biden and never charged joe biden anything. so provided a very valuablee service to joe biden for free. that's an ethi c violation. no politician, whether they're in congress or or the viceno pol president, staten accept gifts. i know what i pay my accountant just to my taxes every year after i do my books. this guy was doing joe biden'sdi books, paying his electric bills and depositing his his paycheck in his income tax refund. and he never charged joe biden. ndthat is a gift. that is a clear ethicsolation violation by joe biden. was he being paid by hunter biden? you know. this is another example of the comingr n? link of of accounts in funds that the bidens used. there was not a wall between joe biden and hunter biden in these schemes like the president has has alwaysth
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said there just wasn't. >> the national archives ceterds, you knojust washe nati. let me ask you have they been unwilling to hand over been hand ove all n emails between sherwin and joe biden and sherwin hunter the biden? do we have them all? no, we don't. we only have less than 1%ym of the emails of the pseudonym emails. now, we've been pressing national we have national archivesyou kw to turn these over. as you know, sean, they wrote theytter blaming it on the white house. so now we've written a letter to the white house usingnow ttea the national archives letter as evidence of further thisruction of our investigation. so this puts us one step close to, another subpoena for documents that we shouldn't have to subpoena. subpthuld have already hado access to those documents months ago. and they're obviously a key part of the evidence aof . y when we know today that sherwine said that he communicated with joeunicated biden through f those pseudonym email accounts. >> it's amazing. let's see how this unfolds
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. re i have a funny feeling you're getting closer to the truth and eventually you wilget. have those documents. james colmer, thank you. when we come back, a surprising update in th whene scandal pd prosecution of donald trump in georgia. that's next friday. >> come on, guys. you know, we hate to ask help whether it's asking for directions or taking care of ourselves when we're sick. but if you're over 40 and not feeling like the man you used to be, don't go it alone. get yourself a complimentary sample of new gen x total tea. a number one doctor recommended testosterone booster. just text live at three, two, one, three, two, one. guys. as we age. we have less and less free testosterone, which can make it harder to stay in shape. new x total d is powered by test, often a patented t ingredient clinically validated to boost free and total testosterone levels to help you get a leaner, stronger, but more and drive more. passion to new gen x is the number one selling brand at gnc
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