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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 31, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> laura: she is right about that and even she can't stand listening to them.s of all right, jimmy, big news of the day ha news to be your new k which is out today. everyone go out and get it, "cancel culture dictionary: an a to z guide to winning the war on fun." i would say that there d fun stocking stopper but wait until next christmas to get it.>> tell u is about it. >> it is a giant middle finger to the welk webb, the weaponizei censorship. essentially, as comedians, we are not here to read the room, we are here to leave the room. if you have a problem with that, go away! because we are tired of policing joy for grief and spirit that ie what cancel culture is. a big movement with the winners or losers. we are fightinsersg back, laura ingraham. th>> laura: congratulations and i meant high priest of fashion and best-selling author. congrats, go out and get jimmy's >> carley: we begin this morning with breaking news on capitol
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hill. house homeland security going ahead with articles of impeachment in overnight vote. two charges claim mayorkas is refusing to comply with federal immigration laws ands she breached trust by saying the border is secure as cbp agents cope. >> todd: democrats and republicans laying out their case in the early morning hours. >> secretary mayorkas does mas -- that is breaking the law. when he did that, he invited the crisis, created the crisis. >> this is trying to get rid of the secretary who has the hardest job in the administration and senate is trying to solve the problem.
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>> the cartels with secretary mayorkas are making over $13 billion a year in human trafficking while my democrats are laughing. is that funny to you? human trafficking is not funny. >> todd: mayorkas calling allegations baseless. vote is impeaching the secretary moves to the house floor, could happen by next week. >> carley: fallen army spe specialist breonna alexsondria moffett and kennedy along with sarj sergeant william rivers are promoted. >> a lot of us don't have the opportunity to come home. for those who don't, we should honor them and they -- deserving of this much attention my daughter has received.
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i'm gracious to be part of it. >> todd: heart-wrenching. president biden speaking to the family saying, i wish i didn't have to make this call, i just want you to know you're in my prayers and heart. mofat the timet's mom said when you smile, she smiled. >> carley: rivers will be honored in his hometown. we have update on another servicemember who is in critical, but stable condition. president biden says he has a plan to respond to iran. [indiscernible] >> yes. [indiscernible] >> responsible for the death of
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those three americans? >> president biden: i hold them responsible in the sense they are supplying the weapons to be people who did it. >> carley: there have been 166 attacks on u.s. troops since october 17th. we bring in the mom of -- kabul airport blast. good morning, we are glad to have you on to honor taylor and nicole and talk about the three here ors who died in this drone strike in jordan. kelly, i'd like to start with you. this attack came after 160 other attacks since october. it did not come without warning. when you heard this, what went
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through your mind? >> sadness. it doesn't surprise me. i believe there will be more. it makes me angry, this could have been prevented. my child's death could have been prevented. my opinion, if trump was in office, this would not have happened. it brings anger to know it was preventsable. my heart goes out to these families. >> carley: this is the deadly incident since the kabul airport bombing. what do you think, do you think it could have been prevented? >> i do. i think our commander-in-chief is putting posturing out of being weak and the world is taking advantage. >> carley: kelly, there was a
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situation yesterday where john kirby was asked if the president would attend the dignified transfer of these soldiers. >> the president had an opportunity this morning to speak to the family members of the three servicemembers tragically killed in this attack. he was grateful for their time and he gauged their feelings about him going to the dignified transfer in dover on friday. all of them supported his presence there. >> carley: that is john kirby saying the president is going to go. before he said he doesn't have more information, he would check the schedule. a lot of people thought it should have been an automatic yes. what did you think of the conversation and criticism
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toward the administration initially? >> it is ridiculous. he -- the commander-in-chief should be there, no question about that. the families would be better off if he wasn't there. it is unwanted distraction. a lot of bad acting and fake sympathy coming from them. my opinion it would be better if he did not come, but yes, the commander-in-chief should be there. he sends our warriors out there. our warriors are smart and know the cost and still do it. when a warrior is fallen and there is a section with the commander-in-chief and the family of the fallen and so yeah, he should be there, again, it should be -- he's unwanted distraction, i don't feel like he should be there. >> carley: that brings us back
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to 2021 and your interaction during your daughter-in-law's dignified transfer. can you tell us about that experience? >> it was a horrible day made much worse by a commander-in-chief who did not seem to be aware of the circumstances or our heroes. these men and women are the best and brightest we have to offer and to not get the same back from the commander-in-chief is not okay. >> carley: kelly, i understand you and your family chose not to meet with the president, you did see him there and noticed he kept checking his watch. >> i saw him check his watch three times. i told my daughter, stop looking at him, we are here to receive your brother, don't look at him
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anymore. unwanted distraction. he checked his watch, i don't care what people say. >> carley: we just played footage of it, it is on camera. your son died a real hero. he managed to reach into his vest and hand out ammunition to his fellow marines and christy, your daughter-in-law just posted a picture holding an infant child in kabul. both should still be alive. thank you for joining us. we'll always remember your daughter-in-law and son. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> carley: you're very welcome. to this. forget college, one high school graduate is turning down all his
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scholarship offers to open a bagel shop. he'll tell us his plan forric maing serious dough. >> todd: you use dough in bagels. another hard-hitting interview for the very close p. >> tell our viewers what a typical day as vice president harris looks like. >> i start my day by working out, i work out every morning and i try to have breakfast with my husband. >> todd: expect more of that. we will go through the tough questions about jimmy failla, and cheryl casone all here live. keep it right here on "fox and friends first." >> i wash "fox and friends first" every morning, their bubbly attitude will always make your day better. goodbye.
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there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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>> todd: a teenager in new jersey is living the american dream and did not need a college education to do it.
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milo bought all-star bagels. the shop is doing so well he added donuts to his menu. milo spaz joinses. why did you go dough instead of diploma? >> i made that decision due to the fact college i knew wasn't for me and bagel business was for me. that is how i grew up, in the restaurant industry. this is the choice i decided to do other than college due to the fact that college route. >> todd: how well is it going so far? >> my numbers are up 7% from last year. we increased revenue due to the fact we provide better services, better food and a better
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environment in the store. >> todd: what is reaction when you tell people or they see this 18-year-old kid in charge? >> you get a lot of reaction, wow, that is so good. or who are you? you are not the owner. just depends on the person and the people's attitude that day. if they have good food, they say thank you, my food was delicious, we're coming back. if you have a bad experience, that is when it gets an issue. they say, that is not me. you are not the owner. >> todd: despite your success, is there stigma against people like you who do not go to challenge and say, i will enter the working world, that is best decision for me.
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>> of course there is stigma. i've had people tell me to go to college and give up the bagel store because it will not be here forever and it will not be a stable job. where a college degree, you get a stable job hypothetically right out of college. >> todd: hypothetically is the right word, no guarantee you'll get any job. i know your parents are in similar businesses, what was their reaction? >> my mom's reaction was the worst. my sister went to college. my brothers are in college. it took a couple weeks to convince them it was not going to happen. they knew i was indecisive, once i had an action plan, it added
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better support and they are happy. >> todd: final question and there is right answer, on your menu, is it taylor ham or pork roll, milo? >> it is pork roll, we sell about 500. >> todd: incorrect, it is ham, milo. awesome story. we love this and need more stories like this. college is for some people, it is not for everyone. it is about being a success. if you are a success in the bagel business, more power to you. thank you for getting up with us. we appreciate you taking the time. let's send it to janice dean. >> janice: i don't understand the ham stuff, do you, carley? >> carley: yeah, valid question. >> janice: taylor ham or pork roll. >> carley: the guest was wrong.
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>> janice: are they the same thing? >> todd: same thing. tomato, tomato. >> janice: let's do the weather. i will look it up and know in the next 20 minutes what you are talking about. the big story is warm-up across the country. temperatures above average. for million, today through friday, record highs for minneapolis, fargo, grand rapids. more like springtime, feeling like march 31 for minneapolis, 47 is like april and in rapid city, it is like the beginning of may. enjoy it while it lasts. here is the forecast for today. that clipper system across the ohio valley now in the atlantic
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and will bring precipitation and mountain snow. in the west, potential for heavy rain and flooding along the coast of california. big-time snow for sierra nevada region and spread through the rockies and we'll track it through the weekend. rain still to come, three to five for some area says, that will bring big concerns for california and as we wrap it up, look at temperatures across map. 60 in kansas city. new york, we don't goat the big warm-up, we will take it. >> carley: we will take it and get snow in a couple weeks. >> todd: go to march and i will be closer to 50. >> janice: is that a tease you have a big birthday? been there, done that. >> todd: 46, but -- >> janice: welcome to the 50s,
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it is awesome. >> carley: mob of migrants viciously attack two nypd officers and they have been released without bail. the story gets crazier from there. we have details next. >> todd: that goes beyond entitlement. here is the president's message to the country. >> president biden: i've done all i can do. give me the power. >> todd: he's done all he can do, give him the power. shawn reyes will explain next. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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>> todd: former trump official mike gill fighting for his life after being shot at the -- deadly night of carjackings. the suspect entered gill's car before shooting him and darting off. the same gunman responsible for three other carjackings, leaving three others dead. >> carley: mob of migrants brutally attacking two nypd officers, four of the suspects have been released without bail. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: four have been
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released without bail. the brawl broke out saturday night when officers were trying to break up a rowdy crowd. they were trying to arrest one man when the others jumped in. the group runs from the area, the officers catch up and make arrests. both officers were treated at the scene. attacks on police officers are becoming an epidemic, the reason is a revolving door like in cases like this one. the justice system won't protect us while we do the work. jim jordan says it is time to get a handle on this crisis. >> we are on pace to get to 12 million in the biden presidency. time out, no more money can be
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used, no tax dollars to process or release any new migrants. >> brooke: 172,000 migrants have come since spring of 2022. the attorney's office says they are investigating the incident and searching for five other men who were involved. >> todd: it is a sense of entitlement. if you were here illegally, you would have a low profile and they are attacking cops. >> carley: attacks on police, illegal immigration and them being released without bail. one had two open cases in manhattan. >> todd: not boy scouts. >> carley: an illegal immigrant who is a repeat offender.
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>> todd: let texas secure the border. what you should do is simple, enforce the law and protect the border. we would like to remind you that you cannot do so without legal authority you lack. get out of the way so texas can enforce the law. >> todd: the president continues to defend handling the situation. preak i've done all i can do, give me the power. give me the border control, give me -- >> carley: shawn reyes, co-authored that letter and joins us now. good morning. this was coordinated effort between you and 25 other ag's.
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tell us about this letter. >> 27 states total. you read what we said to the federal government. the president's words ring hollow. his administration and their failed policies created this nightmare. we support texas right to protect itself. because of biden administration policies, every state is a border state now and we are dealing with this criminal activity. there are billions of doses of illicit drugs, who knows how many more coming across. add on top, national security vulner abltss, humanitarian crisis laid at the feet of
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texas, which is trying mightily to protect itself and america. >> todd: what is so important about your letter, it breaks down lies put out by joe biden. what is truth about how far texas can go under u.s. constitution to protect itself and there country? >> there is two articles i will focus on, article four, section four of the constitution requires federal government, byted administration to defend our state. clause three gives the state the right to protect themselves with sovereign power. this is something james madison talked about and the example of virginia and commonwealth of invasion by smugglers and proper
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exercise of power. we want to clarify for america that texas is well within its rights and we support texas. this is a fight for all of america and governor abbott and ken paxton are stepping up to protect our citizens. >> carley: we were reporting on this group of illegal immigrants who attacked a group of police officers in new york city and they have been released on bail. so many issues when it comes to bail policies, illegal immigration and crime. what is your reaction to that? >> let me start with the humanitarian problem, 85,000 children are still missing, who were in the custody of hhs, now dhs and hhs say we can't find them. think about that and put that in context and layer on top of the
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criminal crisis. 169 of those arrested from fall of 2022 through 2023, 169 are names on america's terror watch list. think again about all those we haven't caught at the border and layer on billions of dollars of human trafficking, sex trafficking, organ harvesting. the cartels are having a heyday. there is no resistance at the border. >> todd: thank you, sir. switching gears, we want to see you people who watch our show, guys and girls. send a quick video of your name, where you are from, why you are up early and what you love about the show. e-mail to friends first at >> carley: we love the videos, great to see your faces.
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>> todd: taking ilhan omar to task over the somalia first speak. >> carley: and biggest names on big tech on capitol hill outlines steps they are taking to protect your children. >> this is david from kerville, texas. mornings are better with friends. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> todd: governor ron desantis ripping ilhan omar for her somalia first comment over the weekend. >> carley: cheryl casone joins us. >> cheryl: it has gone viral for her comment about putting somalia first. here is what she said. for as long as i am in the u.s. congress, somalia will never be
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in danger. sleep in comfort to know i am here to protect the interest of somalia. governor ron desantis responded and made it shorter, he said, expel, denaturalize and deport. who do you care about? she said no nation state can survive without consent of federal government, somalia unite in that effort and i stand in solidarity with them. there is water dispute with ethopenia and somalia. you are here now, do your job here. >> todd: you work on bhal of the som
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somalians. frightening stuff. big tech in the hot seat over protecting our kids. >> cheryl: this is senate judiciary committee, led by blumenthal and blackburn. several big name ceos will be attending and testifying and they will be called in front of the committee. mark zuckerberg, ceo of x and you have the person who runs tiktok and discord. aishah hasnie spoke with blackburn and blumenthal, bipartisan here, on what they want to hear today. listen to how they said social media has failed kids. >> why has it taken so long?
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big tech companies have an army of lobbyists and lawyers who have fought every step of the way. >> the army of lawyers and lobbyists have cost them, i won't say how many millions of dollars, if they spent that money on protecting children, it would have saved lives. >> cheryl: zuckerberg says mental health is a complex issue and there is no link shown between using social media and worse mental health. >> cheryl: that is disputable. facebook and instagram are owned by meta. it is shown to be detrimental to teen girls. >> carley: president biden says he's decided how america will
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respond to iran and proxy forces after three u.s. soldiers were killed in a drone attack. [indisc [indiscernible] >> president biden: yes. i do hold them responsible in the sense they are supplying weapons to the ones who did it. >> carley: senator ted budd is joining us. what do you think about the response? wouldn't it have been better to do it than foresee it? >> it has been about weakness which provoked iran and proxies and cost american lives. we had over 160 attacks and lost american lives through his
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hesitation and weakness. in 2020 trump went after soleimani. that is deterrence. >> carley: john kirby says the response will come in phases, a tiered approach, multiple actions over a period of time. john kirby knows he is not just talking to the american people, he is speaking to iran. what do you think they are signalling there? read between the line? >> they don't want to go overboard, i have been with the fifth fleet before, we have everything in the region, if we give them permission to do what they need to do to stop iran in its tracks. >> carley: do you think biden administration should attack iran directly? do you support that? >> we don't want a war with iran, we want to stop attacks
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we've had 160 minor attacks have escalated over and over again. if we don't attack clearly and strongly, we know what to do, we don't want a war, we have everything we need to stop this aggression from iran. >> carley: sanctions is a big element, pull funding from iran so they can't supply money to iranian proxy forces who are attacking our servicemembers and three have died. we lost two navy seals and have americans who are prisoners in gaza. on the gaza front, your colleague, bernie sanders, made a comment talking about un relief organization called unra. 12 employees took part in the october 7 terror attack
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including kidnapping, going into a kibbutz. the staff has ties to terrorist organizations. bernie sanders says the u.s. should restore funding to this group, it is not acceptable for the 13,000 unraemployees to be involved and it must be investigating. we cannot allow millions to suffer because of the actions of 12. what is your reaction to that? >> we need to know with a full investigation and exposure of those involved in the attack, who was involved and the ideology there. the dollars led to purchase of rockets and digging of tunnels and radicalization of the people. we need to dig in and stop it
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now and perhaps permanently. >> carley: rashida tlaib and alexandria ocasio-cortez think we should return the money to the organization. >> absolutely not. >> carley: house committee passing articles of impeachment against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. house vote as soon as next week. not everyone approved of the effort, one outlet saying republicans should save it in case trump is elected. >> todd: joe concha in the flesh live in person to respond to that next. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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>> brian: let me tell you what is come your way in seven minutes. lawrence hitting another blue city hit hard by biden's open border politics and policies. denver mayor is calling it a crisis. >> you got 8,000 migrants that are using the er emergency services and they visited 20,000 times. and residents are saying they are being turned away. how do you handle that crisis. >> we have both humanitarian crisis here and now we have a fiscal crisis which is we are a welcoming city. we are a city where we don't want to have a mom and 2-year-old sleeping in a tent in 10-degree weather and that's what happened when people arrive in t-shirt and sandals and no
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support. >> more from the mayor on what the federal government should be doing. and squad member cori bush, she who says let's defund the police is under investigation over alleged misuse of security funds. but who she is blaming? right wing organizations, fascinating. all of that coming up straight ahead and so much more if you promise to get dressed. now back to a show already in progress. todd? >> tell the viewers what a typical day as vice president harris looks like and how you shape policy and why it's so important to have a woman in the white house. >> well, let's start with i start my day by working out. i work out every morning. and i try to have breakfast with my husband every morning before i leave the house. >> todd: wow, another easy question for kamala. who would run the country should anything happen to president biden if he wins re-election. let's roll second easy one. >> president biden's age is on
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voters' minds, especially during this election. what do you have to say to americans that are concerned by his ability to run the country and your readiness to step in at any given moment to help. >> well, of course i'm ready but, that's not the point. is he going to be fine. well, let me just say this. he is fine. not he is going to be fine. he is one of the most energetic and bold leaders that you can meet. >> todd: joe concha a fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joins me now. energetic and bold. congratulations, kamala you are the only human in the world who thinks that. >> joe: karine jean-pierre. google president's schedule next time we go to break. president's schedule. what will come up is joe biden's schedule for today. that vigor shows nothing on it outside of lunch with the vice president. that's it. we all know that he spent 40% of
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his presidency on vacation. there is no rigger, vigor. as for that interview by the way it wasn't softball. it was t-ball if you put a beach ball on the t. and there were no questions that were truly ones that are specific. they are open-ended that allowed the vice president to skate and spin. what i would have asked here was when we are talking about the border, for example, since she is the border czar. since you and joe biden took office more than 8 million people have entered this country illegally, including all this fentanyl that's killing more people between the ages of 18 and 49 than any other substance or any other reason in the country. city budgets, social services are being exhausted, lawrence jones is speaking with the denver mayor that calls it a humanitarian and fiscal crisis. so, what are you truly doing to fix this problem and you can't blame congress because the president has plenty of tools right now to ensure that the
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flow stops or at least is manageable. you got to ask questions like that. not just so, what are you going to do about the border? it is softball but it is people. >> todd: that is univision because you think it's a reputable news organization. i say that somewhat tongue in cheek. looked like when they give the microphone to the audience and ask questions. question compound question, typically day shaping policy in the white house. her answer is work out and breakfast. my concern is this goes beyond univision. do you expect more of in empty would you have north next nine months to try to boost up joe biden and kamala harris, especially with the latino voter that they are hemorrhaging right now? >> joe: precisely. we could go back to the border again, right? wall construction, u gov has a poll out today shows by 17 point margin americans want a wall to be completed so we actually have a border. that includes, by the way, when you break down the tabs,
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majority of historic voters 15 pointed margin. black voters. again, these are the questions you should be asking kamala harris. why do you oppose a wall when so many americans want you to complete what donald trump started they don't just ask the questions, todd. >> todd: when they do we will invite you back on one of those days to talk about it. i guarantee we will have you back. they won't ask. house committee impeachment articles against mayorkas, we know that it happened overnight. the house could vote on it as early as next week, not everyone thinks this is a good idea. whoever wrote this msnbc op-ed saying quote, this comes at the worst time by continuing to cry wolf when none is at the door. republicans lower our guard for impeachment when impeachment may actually be needed in the possibly very near future against trump. you know, look. i am sure those cops who got pummeled by illegals in times square. talking about impeaching trump and we are not out of the primaries yet.
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>> joe: great point. mayorkas, you can impeach him, but he is a useless idiot or useful idiot. if you replace mayorkas another mayorkas that simply backfills at this point. you mentioned coming beaten in times square. i mean, this was done by four people here illegally and now they are on the street right now and you see the video on your screen without bail. they are released in alvin bragg's new york. in ti tish james' new york. here is the bottom line, until you resume wall construction and until you resume the remain in mexico policy and until you stop catch and release this is going to continue to happen. so you replace mayorkas, that's fine. those policies need to be reversed at this point. >> the fact they are talking about impeaching trump before a second term evan happens is mind boggling. >> joe: joe, thank you. "fox & friends" now.


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