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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 31, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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- i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. >> kayleigh: hello, everyone,
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this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno here with my co-host kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. also joining us culture plus group co-founder and ceo lili gil valletta and author of "cancel culture dictionary, guide to winning the war on fun," jimmy failla. we begin with disturbing story out of new york city. police officers were beaten by a violent mob of migrants. this horrifying video shows the moment the attackers pounded two nypd officers who were trying to break up a mob in time square. they tried to arrest one individual, the mob attacked, pushing and punching the officers. you can see one suspect kicking an officer in the face while he is on the ground. one officer suffered a cut to
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his face, while the other sustained body bruises. five of the suspects were arrested later that night and face charges for assaulting a police officer and more. with police sources telling fox one man has two open assault and robbery charges. to add inassault to injury, at least four have been released without bail. the nypd chief spoke out this morning. >> you saw the video, reprehensible cowards. you have eight people attacking a lieutenant and a cop, trying to kick their face. before they were arrested, they should be sitting on bail and indicted and taken off our
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streets. you want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? there are no consequences and we must change this, end of story. >> emily: jimmy failla, you come from strong family history of police officers and president patrick henry condemned the attacks and said there is an epidemic of attacks on police officers. >> jimmy: there is more empathy for the criminal than the victim or cop and that is aftermath of 2020. at the top of the government, there is basic indifference to quality of life. i travel as a comic and i go to every town, i don't have the
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best agent. i kid. everywhere you go, you pull off the exit ramp, wow this town let itself go. they can't get laws enforced and that border crisis is now dereliction of duty that affects ever state in the country. i'm not surprised by this, i'm disgusted this has not been addressed and stopped. >> emily: harris, this is real, numbness and apothy, that is decision-making. this guy has pre-existing cases for punching, biting and kicking a retail employee. he tried to steal from them. he punched a loss prevention officer. >> harris: i am shocked by this. i didn't realize we migrated so
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far that we give criminals that came across illegally the same rights we have. it is easier for criminals and harder for victims and now people who break our number one law first coming across the border. you didn't even get her legally and they get to do crime against us. and you let them go with zero bail. i am actually surprised and shocked we have gotten that are fa. i don't want to be surprised or shocked about what happens next. i want to feel confident we have to do the right thing. if they came illegally, deport them, do not spend taxpayer dollars. if they did this, send them back, if they didn't, send them back. no more taxpayer money normalizing crime by criminals who don't respect this country
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enough to dpet in line and come here legally. full stop. >> jimmy: i'm sorry, what frustrates me, this is not a political issue. when you get mugged, they don't ask who you voted for this. this is an american point, america is better than this. >> harris: sovereignty as aination, i don't care how you vote or think, this is the united states of america and if they broke laws to get here, don't spend another dime on them. deport them. >> emily: and it is police officers and kids getting the worst end of the deal. kids are getting shoved off their soccer fields and now nypd getting assaulted. we know we are projected to spend $12 billion in the next three years and watch our cops getting beaten down and be
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subjected to laws and policies demoralizing. when is enough enough? >> kayleigh: these men who we believe are here illegally. the charge is assault of a police officer, gang assault, disorderly conduct. you mention the individual who has a separate assault charge and in that incident he allegedly pushed, punched and bit someone. biting occurred and punched a loss prevention officer. that is state law in new york. we'll see if they get convicted, they'll have a day in court. we have federal law whiches and i will quote directly, the attorney general, merrick garland, shall take into custody certain migrants, among classings of migrants, he shall take into custody someone who is
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inadmissible on specified grounds and deportable for having committed specified criminal assault. aggravated assault is on the list. federal law and we have to wait to see if there is conviction, will the attorney general take action? is this specified criminal ground? it should be if it is not already. remember the idea of put guys in school gyms next to kids in school? these guys attacking a police officer by new york city schoolchildren. brilliant idea. >> emily: age of the men, 19 years old, twenty, 21. and zero id, photos are elective.
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>> you know as an immigrant myself that spent 10 years coming a citizen we talk about follow the process. there is 1.4 million work visas that are backlogged, folks with phds, mbas. this video we keep playing over and over again is the best advertisement today, tomorrow, this coming months for smuggling networks making more than 13 billion a year with the business of crossing over people freely. and that is no longer just freelance or coyoteies, it is a network tied to cartels and we need to understand that allowing
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this is perpetuating advertisement of come to america so easy. you go there and don't get in trouble. >> harris: you get treated like an american citizen who committed a crime. >> emily: all of us have been deprioritized, that is biden's america. coming up, president biden making his way to east palestine, ohio, one year after the toxic train derailment and many are wondering why now. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you.
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>> harris: really interesting moment with mark zuckerberg versus a bipartisan panel of senators on capitol hill several big tech ceos including meta ceo zuckerberg are testifying about
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online safety for america's young people. watch this most recent heated exchange with he and senator ted cruz. this is zuckerberg and josh hawley moments ago. >> do you believe you have a constitutional right to lie to congress? >> senator, no. >> let me just -- >> i would like the opportunity. >> let me clarify for you in a lawsuit brought by hundreds of parents alleging you made false and misleading statements about safety of your platform for children. you argue in not just one pleading, but twice in december and january you have a constitutional right to lie to congress. do you disavow that filing in
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court? >> senator, i don't know what filing you are talking about. i testified honestly and truthfully, i would like the opportunity to respond to the previous things, as well. >> i have a few more questions and let me ask others who are here, it is important to put you on record, who will support the kids online safety act? >> harris: you did hear dick blumenthal, as well, you could hear his voice. mark zuckerberg, jimmy, on the hot seat trying to earlier explain and continue to transparency they don't have. mark zuckerberg, it is facebook, dude. if you were not keeping up with the sticker talking about child pornography, how many clicks
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that is getting, it could be wrong, maybe it is not child pornography. if you don't know who was clicking or if the sticker was effective, why put it up there? >> jimmy: they are trying to indemnify themselves to look like they are trying. as a parent, that jumps out at me. they can hyper tag anything. this content that gets uploaded is viewable instant anuously. if they want to work to make sure kids do not come across this content, they could do it. there is motive not to do it. as a parent, this bothers me. this is not something beyond their capability. >> harris: senator cruzzed if you don't know who is doing what and you don't know a be in, can you give it to us in five days?
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he couldn't comply. i don't know if it is gettable. it is gettable if the question is how many people clicked on taylor swift last night, it is gettable. what is more important, maybe that, i'm a chiefs fan. no, i'm kidding. or something that could be viewable by someone underage? >> emily: you are right, they can encapsulate data points about you and your child's search usage and the instant you ask for accountability, the walls go up. i spoke with briana vigor, she was online trafficked for three years. she was valedictorian, happy,
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faith-filled home and going on under her mom's nose. the perp is walking free. the laws are antiquated and unbearable. reality is she went on to found stop traffic and made it her mission to stop other families from going through the same thing. the point is how easy it is and how stalwarting the companies are, they are doing everything to not help and create any form of regulation or transparency. >> harris: i am confounded by how we incentivize them. they are lawyered up and ready. hold your face moments mark zuckerberg has had, maybe something changed here. we were trying to show you this before, with senator josh hawley of missouri.
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it wasn't teed up right, show you this. back to the point where mark zuckerberg has surprising reaction in this hearing. >> is it -- >> victims. >> i -- >> would you like to do so now? they are here and you are on national television, would you like to apologize to the victims? show him the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you have done to these good people? >> i'm -- [applause] -- the things your families have suffered through. this is why we invested so much and will continue to do efforts to make sure no one has to go through the things your families have had to suffer. >> you know, why mr. zuckerberg
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should your company not be sued for this? why is it that you can -- you hide behind liability shield and can't be held accountable? will you take personal responsibility? >> harris: in that moment, emily and kayleigh, when you look at the legal side, that is what every attorney would tell you not to do. he did it, stood up and apologized and the hearing goes on and talks about adjudication. >> kaylee: that was the root thing to do. i had this conversation with other moms and we have four year olds. we said, this is my biggest fear. a mom whose daughter is in first grade said earlier these kids are getting on social media. same way alcohol was with young people before it got banned.
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you heard applause there and asked mark zuckerberg to apologize and lindsey graham spoke to big tech leaders. when in history and maybe often, i don't think so, have 44 attorneys generals banned together and said there will not be instagram for children? what is last time hawley, a republican, partnered with klobuchar, a democrat, who partnered with lindsey graham, republican. let's ban deep fake images without consent. we have to unite on this. put party aside, say no, this will not happen to america's children. >> harris: a big moment to show you. house speaker mike johnson speaking on the house floor about the border senate deal, let's watch.
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>> a precious two-year-old child was found dead in her home with fentanyl in her system. we are losing loved ones to a drug being smuggled across the border in droves. it is a parent's worst nightmare, burying a child. because of open border, more and more parents are having to experience the unthinkable tragedy. there is a very important question we've been asking for a long, long time. where in the world is secretary mayorkas on all of this? he is the secretary of homeland security. it is his responsibility to prevent harmful drugs from flowing into this country and secure the border and he's done nothing of the sort. he's doing the opposite, handicapping law enforcement.
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they say in their own words and told us at eagle pass, it is impossible to do the job they were trained to do. perhaps the secretary is busy releasing people on parole. since fiscal year 2022, secretary mayorkas released more than 1.5 million aliens on parole. immigration and nationality act states parole should only be used on case-by-case basis and temporary basis, but millions are granted parole before they are expected to appear before a judge. some are given a piece of paper that says we'll see you in a decade. it's absurd. mass parole is a clear violation of federal law and dangerous and
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subversive and intentional. we've learned biden administration is simply releasing 85% of illegals coming across the border into the country. coming to a neighborhood near you. for reference, in 2013, obama administration detained 82% of illegal aliens. how do we go from detaining 82% to releasing 85%? it only happens if this is by design. it only happens if this is orchestrated effort by administration to do exactly that and that is what the evidence shows. john adams said facts are stubborn things and these are facts and you can't look away. this is part of why chairman green and house homeland security marked up articles of impeachment last night and wrapped up at 1:15 this morning and did important work for our
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country and we will move forward swiftly on those articles. it is long overdue. secretary mayorkas is only part of the problem. i released a memo documenting 64 specific actions that the biden administration has taken to undermine border security and promote release of dangerous illegals into our country. 64 times. these are alarming actions and these are public, anybody can look at this. day he took office, president biden revoked executive order 9844, ending construction of the border wall congress had paid for. materials are rotting in the sun and elements. why? joe biden decided he didn't want a wall inform february, administration stopped applying title 21 to children and
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incentivize families to send unaccompanied children by cartels and traffickers. they admit they have lost track of 80's,000 unaccompanied minors. what we saw down in del rio heartbreaking. you see small children, unaccompanied, some can't even speak the language, they have interpreters, they don't know who they are, they don't know their full name, who their parents are. they sent them there -- >> harris: you don't have to go to the border to understand that the people who go there come back with so many stories. the house speaker preaching on what we know to be true when we go there, children are the greatest victims of byted
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biden's border crisis. >> lili: the children and the women, children have sharpies with written message or alleged uncle or aunt somewhere they will go see. you don't know, there is no way to verify that. i spoke to catholic charities, and they said 80% of women and children that cross were sexually abused on the way in. here we are, politicizing great movies like "sound of freedom" exposing this first hand and we are still callous or ignoring reality of these young people, women and many men that you have described here that why are they coming by themselves and the only reason is, as smuggling operation and up for no good.
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i hurt for those children. >> harris: it is interesting as they prepare this bill. >> kayleigh: if mayorkas does get impeached, he would be second cabinet member ever. what a shocking thing, to have republicans in districts say we will vote to impeach because of what is happening at the border. >> harris: not since grant. white houses president biden will visit east palestine ohio next month, one year after that chemical train derailment that spewed toxins into the town's air. you could smell the chemical, i was interviewing people. we had clips. president biden promised to go there in march of last year,
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couple weeks after it happened, then you saw it excuse after excuse and it is my calendar, it is whatever they can think of. watch. >> there are plans for president biden to visit east palestine? >> i don't have anything to share on a planned visit. why has president biden not made a visit there? >> he will travel to east palestine, don't have anything to share on travel or upcoming dates he'll be there. >> you said in march you would go to east palestine, ohio, you came here, now come you have not gone to east palestine yet? >> i have not had the occasion, i have not been able to break. i was thinking i would go this week, i was reminded i have to go around the world. >> harris: what would the occasion need to be? >> it enrages me to hear our
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commander-in-chief try to explain he is too busy for americans who are suffering a massive tragedy that he promised he would go to. he hasn't had the occasion. what was going on, this commander-in-chief spent 138 days in delaware, in st. croix, in tahoe, nantucket, this president was on vacation, including 22 days on official vac vacation. that is official vacation. >> harris: he says he is always working, okay. >> emily: he had the opportunity to meet with tiktok influencers and had a separate roosevelt room with social media influencers after the inflation reduction act.
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max said the president will do a collaboration. he knows the president will visit him and carve out time for him and vacation knows. tom steer knows the president will be here, who didn't know, residents of east palestine. >> harris: they were waiting and struggling and we were not hearing from officials. i was talking with people more than willing to talk on the phone, they had soil, water, air contamination, apparently it is pretty bad now. never too late to do something great. see if you can be great. >> jimmy: that applies in politics, that is transparent, skip shuffleboard and go to east palestine, ohio.
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i opened my laptop and saw him napping in a beach chair this summer, he could have gone. wasn't a good picture either. no motivation for him to go. what we are seeing in east palestine and the border, they are trying to clean up messes because it is an election door. they want credit for putting out a fire when they started. presidents are supposed to go to bring pres pool and draws national attention and says this is a stop what you are doing moment and we have to pool our resources. he wouldn't good. >> harris: bully pulpit moment. ohio wasn't considered a swing state and this puts it back in play. >> kayleigh: excellent point and east palestine, hair line between ohio and pennsylvania,
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both of which are swing states. there is a damming time line here, february 3, train derailment. february 7 state of the union, no mention and no formal statement. you get to february 8, kamala gives environmental speech and fails to mention this environmental catastrophe. february 14th, mayor heard from the 5d administration and february 15th, biden gives a speech on rail and does not mention it. two weeks to hear from the administration, where were you and what were you doing? >> harris: the mayor when asked about the upcoming visit said these words. i don't know what he would do here now. okay. biden's department of justice may send peaceful pro-life activists to prison for 11 years. next.
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>> kayleigh: president biden department of justice charged peaceful protesters outside an abortion in 2021. [singing] >> praise to the king of kings. give the lord everything and i will adore you. >> kaylee: so they are singing to god there, expressing faith outside the clinic and now could face 11 years in prison for
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that. they were found guilty yesterday of conspiracy and violating clinic entrances. pro-palestinian protesters that ripped down a fence and hurled water bottles and sticks at officers, not a single arrest. protester that swarmed homes of supreme court justices, zero arrests. >> lili: women in their 70s and one who is sick and not in good health. >> lili: here is what is alarming. this is why trust in the legal system is at an all-time low since 1973. that puts democracy and integrity at risk. we have to make decisions and you are lawyers, based on legal
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principle bias this double standard of justice and what we are seeing against law-abiding christians and praising and worshipping versus others more v violent and has no consequence is why trust is low. >> kayleigh: and listen to your federal government, this is why they are not able to prosecute those cases. >> since the dobbs act decision in neighborhood of 70% abortion-related violence cases are threats against pro-life, victims are pro-life organizations. >> we apply the law equally. there are more prosecutions with respect to the blocking of the
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abortion centers but that is because they are -- those actions are taken with photography at the time during daylight and seeing the person who did it easy. those attacking pregnancy resource center, which is horrible, are doing this at night in the dark. >> harris: wait, wait, is he saying daylight versus nighttime light is why you can get this adjudicated? who is walking in pitch dark? no one. how can you read signs at night if it is pitch blackout. that is insulting. >> gillian: it is. resign, attorney general of united states, we can't catch them. >> harris: it is dark out.
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>> jimmy: they can catch anybody if motivation is there to catch them. this was photographed? guess what we did, watched videos of it and photos, this is not happening in amish country. people utilize technology. people do not honestly believe we are seeing equal application of the law. that is dangerous. >> kayleigh: go after pro-life women singing to christ but not of the supreme court protesters, that are illegal, people were pepper sprayed and law enforcement officers punched, you can't prosecute people there. >> emily: this is sickening. a couple things. number one, they are facing 11 years because it is federal
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conspiracy against rights charge. this is prosecutorial discretion. we elect district attorneys and pay salaries of federal prosecutors to inn sure they apply law equally. seeing people singing hymns at the age of 70 would be considered conspiracy and woman testified she came to get an abortion and left because of the protesters, that is why they were convicted. that is unacceptable and for the attorney general, christopher wray admit 70% of violent threats and crimes are against pro-lifers and prosecuted by those who are pro-life. unacceptable in this day and age, it is biden's america and we are supposed to sit and take
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it sitting down. eleven years for sitting in a hallway. >> harris: it is tyranny of the minority. >> kayleigh: on to this. man facing hate crime charges after he destroyed a satanic statue, more on that next. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor.
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>> emily: this statue was placed inside iowa's capitol building and now michael cassidy is charged with a hate crime for taking it down. those who tore down statues of jorn washington, thomas jefferson were not charged with hate crimes and most were not charged at all. elon musk summed it up, what has become of america. question we ask all day.
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when we say they really do have an issue with this country and what this country was built on and stands for, they don't want to give us credit for progres we've made as society, it is easy to tear down washington and jefferson, this makes it look like they care about the statue game. when you go to the museum of natural history, teddy roosevelt is not there. imagine going to mcdonald's, we are tearing down ronald mcdonald statue. >> harris: who are they to? >> jimmy: statue people? sla slack-tivists. they are not accomplishing on
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anything on the cause they proport to care about. no popular statue in the park, that did not boost test scores or lower crime rate, it is gave them a video, likes, i like to feel good about myself for five minutes, digital dopamine, to feel virtuous and destroy the world around us. >> harris: is that from your book? >> jimmy: we'll get there. >> emily: kayleigh on application of justice at hand of doj,
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>> kaylee: you see crosses bloodied. it was likely paint. picture of pope frances defaced. where are hate crime charges there? they don't exist. to your point, show us your true colors, so we can vote you out. i worry about the election. >> lili: i worry about the essence of america and our culture. there is reason why we read our constitution, official document one nation under who, god. are we worshipping now god's greatest enemy and nation that is 60% christian? >> harris: you want me to answer
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that? >> lili: yes, we are, which is scary part about it. this keeps eroding culture and making it okay for sake of free speech and it is plain right or wrong. >> harris: those strong in faith, we must be bold, do not hide our light under a bushel, shine lightly. >> emily: that is right, more "outnumbered" in just a moment. m,
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♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, jimmy is tackling cancel culture with "cancel culture dictionary, a to z guide winning the war on
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fun." you can order it at also the subject of a new fox nation special which is available to stream now. all amazing. >> this is a big day for community college graduates. i probably shouldn't be admitting that the author majored in super mario brothers but i did save the princess on more than one occasions. cancel culture, what it did, take places we went to to have a good time and turned them into political battle grounds. no more escapism. the argument is not like we have to get these guys, it's not a call to arms, it's a call to chill out. a lot of the battles waged in the name of power or progress did not bring us any as a softwood lumber i alluded to aunt jemima being canceled, what did that help, other than the poor black family does not get
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royalties. she was 130 age the same as mitch mcconnell. i feel we are writing the wrong battles. i give 26 examples of things that were canceled, some one told a joke we didn't like or sang a lyric we didn't like and areas we used to go to escape the divide, comedy club, ball game, the battle grounds where the divide was further intensified. when i was a little kid, my white parents yelled at me for having too much ice cream. now my ben and jerry's ice cream yells at me for having white parents, ok. we are doing it wrong, america. and all this is is a road map back to a world where we can co exist and have fun. >> did you talk with other comedians like dave chappell -- >> not chappell, obviously it would give his career a bump to hang out with me, you want to give back. we talked about all of that and how all of these cancels are
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superficial, a lot of the people do come back, so the only thing we have to show is division. i'm the guy who genuinely cares and the moment of some rear rare exposure of a guy of my intellect, i'm trying to use it to help and you can help by going to to help win the war on fun. >> harris: it's like a telethon for culture. >> kayleigh: do we have one of your taxi cab stories? >> you better believe we do., you can ask me anything you want. anything except my mom. >> emily: read that amazing book. and now here is "america reports". >> john: emily, thank you, congrats to jimmy on the new book. the white house will hold a briefing as the border crisis leads to police being attacked by alleged migrant mob in new york city. shocking video shows a group of men pummelling a pair of


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