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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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against political statements or not, he was acting constitutional. we will see. >> laura: raymond, i think it is time to confess right now, you need to make a confession. how many times have you been to disney? >> laura, i've been going since a child but i haven't been recent years. i tried not to go -- >> laura: you are such a liar! you are there a week ago. what are you talking about! >> i tried not to go. >> laura: your kids are adu adults! you drag your kids there. i know that for a fact. >> they take you where you don't want to go. i'm going >> todd: a fox news alert. parents headed to capitol hill today, they will go door to door demanding lawmakers take action against big tech. >> did anyone verify it was
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child abuse material? >> i don't know if it was followed up on -- >> did you report the people that wanted it? >> victims? would you like to apologize for what you have done to these good people? [applause] >> todd: plus, should we ban hamas terrorists from entering the u.s.? seems like a no-brainer, not for sq squad members ilhan omar and upons cori bush. carley has the day off, i'm todd piro. a response the white house says could last weeks. lucas tomlinson has the latest.
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>> lucas: four days since the drone attack that killed three soldiers. 14 have not returned to duty and three had to be flown to germany, one is in critical condition. u.s. forces have been attacked more than 160 times. here is john kirby at the white house. >> we believe the plan was the islamic resistance in iraq. we have obligations to our troops and those attacks have taken the lives of three of them. we will have to do, we will do what we need to do to make sure those responsible are held accountable. lucas tomlinson super hornets launched airstrikes to the rebel
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army in yemen. uss carney used a $5 million interceptor and the uss gravely shot one down. last year defense secretary lloyd austin said u.s. forces had been attacked 80 times in iraq and syria. here is jack keane. >> jack keane: characteristic from day one. working diplomatic negotiated settlement with emthis as if they were a legitimate nation acting responsible on a world stage, which was intent of the obama administration nuclear deal. here we are 10 years later after that deal signed almost and this is not a responsible nation.
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lucas tomlinson any u.s. strikes against proxy groups will be done with one less carrier strike group after ford returned home from the mediterranean. only ike remains. >> todd: in light of the fact of this, christopher wray says chinese hackers are targeting the u.s. with potentially damaging cyber attacks. >> there has been too little focus on the fact prc are attacking our know plant says, grids,or transportation system. chinese hackers are reeking havoc and want to cause real
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world harm to american citizens and communities. >> todd: michael lucci is combating ccp influence in the u.s. what is the worst case scenario as you see it? >> worst case they could turn off our lights, damage our water treatment and stop cellular phone communications in the event of innovation of taiwan and director wray says in 2027, they want to break our will to respond to aggression. in texas, they put malware on the electric grid because they want to shut it off. the government needs to speed to protect our assets here. >> todd: you are in the business of combating ccp in the u.s.,
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how do we fight pack? >> in the state of nebraska, they found nuclear missile of silos are surrounded by waway telegraph equipment that needs to be rined out immediately. in texas, they said no investment from adversary nations. in florida, they protect data turned over to the government, these are essential solutions. build supply chains based on free countries. build supply chains based on freedom and make sure malware and technology used against us does not get in the supply chain. >> todd: there is a china related investigation every two hours. he said if we devoted all fbi
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resources to just the ccp, we would be outmanned two to one. how? >> we tried to welcome china into the liberal world order. they came in and proved they are still a communist country. director wray said this is not about the chinese people, it is about the communist government and described this multi-prong assault and attack on the united states of america. we need a whole of government solution, including private sector, the federal government, like the experts yesterday and state governments need to step up. that 50-1 ratio we have to reverse that and use state and federal assets together in
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syenergy to protect america. >> todd: you mentioned land in nebraska, shouldn't every state ban ccp from buying any land within their state borders? >> yes, that is what should happen. the governor of missouri issued executive order to make sure they can't buy land near military bases, that is most critical and where we see them buy land. in texas, 130,000 acres. in florida they are working on it. in states across the country, keep the land near military bases free of the chinese communist party. these are free soils, we should not allow a communist government to set down roots on our free land. >> todd: seems logical and necessary, hope people listen tomp a fox weather alert.
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satellite showing a pineapple express expecting to blast california with flooding, wind and snow today. some areas seeing wind gusts up to 70 mile per hour thchl weather system can carry 27 times more water than the mississippi river. senior meteorologist janice dean has the forecast. >> janice: it is all about the origin of where moisture is coming from, deep tropical moisture from hawaii. we call it the pineapple express and will see heavy rain, strong winds and snow. there is the thursday event and we have one behind it, a break in between systems and another plume of moisture will move in through the weekend and could be more impressive than the one
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we're talking about today. through friday, first round, heavy rain, mountain snow toward the rockies and here top wind reports for wests, you were talking about 70 mile per hour, in the mountains, close to 100 mile per hour winds and that causes a worry for avalanche winds. we will set records today through saturday. plain states getting in on this heat relatively speaking. it is not like summertime, it feels like spring in a lot of areas. minneapolis, 48, what we expect at the end of march and billings montana, 60. 65 in st. louis. heat is the story. and that pineapple express in
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the east coast and moving across the u.s. over next couple of days. why am i showing this k-d punxsutawney phil -- will phil predict six more weeks of winter? my guess is yes, because we have not had much. wow, jonathan. >> todd: another tease, you have given us swag i have in my bag and i will wear together for ground hog day. >> janice: you were first to get the present. >> todd: as we say if you are not "fox and friends first"s -- beating nypd officers. what the governor said about throwing criminals out of our country and a rec center is close to becoming a migrant
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center. the community is not letting that happen without a fight. >> good morning, i'm pam from missouri, always fun to wake up with "fox and friends first"os fox news. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7.
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with qualifying internet. >> todd: new york governor kathy hochul says she is open to -- attacked two police officers in the heart of time square. >> brooke: governor hochul says deporting the migrants is worth looking into. >> the two police officers assaulted near time square by a group of individuals who were migrants, why is it okay that they are left out on bail and they are left to remain in the city's care? >> i'm not satisfied with that at all. these are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault. it is wrong on all accounts. >> should those individuals be
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deported? >> that is definitely something that should be looked at. if someone commits a crime against law enforcement in new york and they are not here legally, definitely worth checking into. >> brooke: far cry from what she says earlier. >> give me your tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to be free. that statement encaps liesing our values, we want peep toll come here, despite the circumstances that drove them to this country and state. you are welcome here. >> brooke: five migrants were arrested and charged and all of them have been released without bail. here is video of the fifth migrant walking out of the courtroom before giving two middle fingers.
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>> now they form gangs so when the police try to move them on from jostling and pit pocketing people, they resist and form gangs. you saw the video evidence, they gave a horrific beat down to two police officers. >> brooke: some suspects have previous crimes. >> todd: every single person who comes here illegally is committing a crime. thank you very much. the governor of massachusetts closing a community sports center for four months to house migrants. residents are not happy about this decision. >> why do you think it is okay to take resources from the
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citizen of massachusetts. >> everywhere in the state -- >> that is not an excuse, you serve us, not these illegals. >> our children is the problem. >> you don't, you need to deport them. >> todd: shawn nelson, a lifelong resident, both join me now. shawn, why do kids in this community go for the next four months, many of whom are vulnerable and need this center to stay off the streets? >> they are being disbursed by the governor. her priority is illegal immigrants. i want to take our resources and give it to criminals who came here illegally across the
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border. she is taking resources from massachusetts with people who are struggling now. her responsibilities are to massachusetts, not someone who hopped over the border. >> todd: catherine, you heard when asked, the governor said we need more housing. when it comes to the governor, what do you make of the response or lack thereof when it comes to, we're taxpaying citizens and we're getting the shaft. >> it is simple, massachusetts is full. michelle wu is putting a huge burden on residents of rocksbury. there is an open-air drug market. people are struggling in this neighborhood and now having one
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of their assets taken away, it is not fair to them. >> todd: do you scratch your head and wonder why doesn't wu and -- tell joe biden to shut the border and this would not be necessary? do you ask yourself that? >> i know why, they are going along with joe biden's agenda. boston is full, they don't care about us, they only care about their agenda and their political career at our expense. >> todd: the state says migrants will be out by may, do you trust that? >> i don't. last time it lasted three years when you had covid lockdowns. three months, turned into three years. >> todd: when you look in new york city, when migrants have left a place they have been
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housed, that place has been left in absolute disrepair. the state says after the four-month period is up, you can trust them to have it cleaned up for kids and seniors. do you trust it will be cleaned up when the migrants leave? >> i do not. i know in the state of massachusetts and boston, the government takes their time. they say it will take two weeks, it takes a year. we ran for city council and heard complaints from citizens and they have been calling city hall and calls are being ignored. >> todd: catherine, why do demmic accuratic leaders in
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favor of those invading our country? final word, catherine? >> that is a great question. we have over 7500 immigrant families living in boston. we are depleting our resources and it is not fair to american-born citizens who are struggling for resources. >> todd: think of veterans that are homeless? keep up the fight. breaking this morning, new video of chiefs fan jordan willis being walked from his home in handcuff. the latest on that bizarre story. plus, the carjacker who left a former trump official in critical condition during a ram pain in d.c. took the life of that innocent father of two you
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see on the screen. his parents here to speak out on the senseless crime when we come back. ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪ well i was on my regular route, when i find this note... bring rings to beach wedding? fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries. so i grabbed the rings and hustled down the beach. who has the rings? i do... i mean, i do. okay... save wedding...all set. just another day on the job. if this is what we did for love,
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>> todd: new video obtained by fox news digital showing the host of the khou watch party being handcuffed. he was released and we are learning he checked himself into rehab soon after. source telling us after the shocking loss of his close friends, jordan recognized he has a problem with addiction. the families are demanding answers. >> since so much is relying on jordan, i fear we may not get the full truth. the story is changing all the
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time. did they do toxicology on jordan to see if the same thing could be in their system? >> todd: jordan willis is not facing charges and police say the deaths are not being investigated as homicides. and a spree reeking havoc starting at 5:00 monday when former trump official mike gill was shot when they tried to steal his car. the suspect shot and killed roberto ramirez and he ditched that car and stole two others before firing shots at state troopers. that suspect was later shot and killed by police at 4:30 a.m. jacob walker joins me now. our condolences on losing a
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child, it is something i cannot fathom. how are you holding up? >> doing the best we can. we have a lot of family support. my mother-in-law's family has been wonderful. just friends. still doesn't seem real. we're holding it together. >> todd: how would you describe your son? >> aj was a fun charasmatic guy. wouldn't hurt a fly. >> todd: how are the kids doing? >> well, as of yesterday, the oldest one, she knows now and we
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were waiting to tell the younger one because it was hard, how do you tell a 10 and seven year old their dad was murdered and they will no longer see it again. trying to take it one day at a time and trying to do the right thing by him and help them process this best way we know how. >> todd: god bless you. i don't know how you do that either. look at d.c. for a moment. what happened to d.c. and other once great american cities where no one is safe anymore? >> i think we really have to ask ourselves that question. do we really care, at this point. i just don't know. i just think this country, i don't think this is a d.c.
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issue. this country is not many places you can feel safe in america. >> todd: did roberto feel safe when he went to work in d.c. or with his girlfriend in d.c.? >> he loved the d.c. area, loved life, loved being outside and he loved people. it is just hard to put it all together. just understand how someone can take his life and i know they attach the mental health thing to it. i think that is a cop out to not have to deal with guns in america. >> todd: what do you want the world to remember about your son? >> just that he was a fun-loving guy. at this point, it could happen to anyone.
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aj wouldn't harm anyone, he was lovable, very approachable. it is just going to take some time for all of us to get our family back together and we'll never have that chance to see him or be with him again. >> todd: you mentioned he is not a violent guy. he handed over his keys and was still killed. what goes through your mind when you think about that, jacob. >> he did everything i told him to do in that situation. as we try to teach our kids and prepare them for situations of danger and would say pops, i got you, i know. still cost him his life.
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>> todd: jacob, we're just two dads talking and should be talking about fun stuff like sp sports, we shouldn't be talking about the loss of a son. nothing i say can bring back your son, i can thank you for telling your story and telling your son's story. we appreciate it. you are in our thoughts and prayers, we're praying for you, jacob. we'll be right back.
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>> todd: 78 billion tax bill heading to the senate. it would expand child tax credit and provide some breaks. here is cheryl casone. >> cheryl: in the senate, we are calling it a starting point. we'll see what the senate does with the legislation. this bill will include phased in increases and boosts refundable amount from 1600 to 2000 in 2025, making it easier for families to qualify for the child tax credit.
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business side, this goes back to 2017, republican tax breaks of 2017, to encourage more manufacturing. you can expense r&d if done in the united states. you could open a new plant, invest in community more. house speaker johnson says this is important bipartisan legislation. and ends wasteful covid era savings tens of billions. it is tied to income. you got to work to get tax credits, big point. >> todd: in the tri-state area, they agree to talk about the deduction at a later date. it was not agreed to 20,000 dollars. way to strike while the irons
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are hot. >> cheryl: he will be going to east palestine, residents are saying this is disappointing. listen. >> we have not gotten one penny or bottle of water from the government. people are scared, we don't know what is going to happen to us in five years. >> i didn't have to invite president biden to come. i sent a personal invitation to him to discuss the health concerns. >> cheryl: when he gets there and remember, it's been a year. will he drink the water? here is white house response. >> this is not a political stunts, this is not what this is about. this is about this president being a president for everyone and showing up for this communities, that is what this is about. i will not get into political
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stunts about drinking water. >> cheryl: political stunt is rich, since he is going a year later. >> todd: action on capitol hill today after a scene yesterday >> cheryl: a lot of emotional moments, parents that lost kids much watch this exchange between mark zuckerberg and backlash directed toward him and what he did with the backlash. >> mr. zuckerberg, you and the companies before us, i know you don't mean it to be so, you have blood on your hands. you have a product that is killing people. >> would you like now to apologize to the victims harmed? show him the pictures. would you like to apologize for what you have done to the good
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p people? >> [inaudible] -- the thing your families -- >> cheryl: exploitable, predatory sexual content on these platforms. what are they doing about it? parents will make the rounds today on capitol hill going door to door to leaders to say are you going to do something? and the mental health in teens did not go over well. >> todd: not suitable, not enough. thank you. shareholders suing boeing saying the company prioritize profit over safety ahead of a terrifying incident when a panel flew off an aircraft depressurizing the cabin 16,000 feet in the air. >> boeing is responsible for whatever happened, whatever the specific cause, an event like this must not happen on an airplane that leaves one of our
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factories. we must be better. customers deserve better. >> todd: families say that company has not been held responsible for other crashes, an ethiopian crash, they have not been held accountable. a family joins me now. it's been almost five years, no amount of time will take away pain of the loss of a child. what can you tell us about the crash that killed your daughter? >> there was a crash in indonesia a few months before the ethiopian crash that killed sammia. the cash should not have happened, it was manufacturing flaw. david calhoun lied about safety of the plane and then the crash
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in ethiopia happened. the securities exchange commission found they lied, the d.o.j. said they lied, they said they checked it out and it was safe. a judge in delaware checked it out. there have been accidents on this max aircraft. they are like the ford pinto of the sky. we are glad nobody was killed in this blowout incident. they can't blame the pilots, but have to face they have flight management computers going dark, motors that are bad and they don't know how to manufacture good planes. they know how, they are stripping the company for profit and hurting people.
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>> todd: nadia, you wrote an article in 2020, four years ago calling for the boeing max to be grounded and called out boeing back then for haste to get the boeing max back in the sky. tell us about your fight over the intervening four years and what you thought when you saw what happened last month with the panel being blown out? >> when i saw what happened, i was not surprised. there are so many public pilot reports that detail problems, over 20 serious quality defects on max planes. this includes the max eight and nine. and the eight is still flying. there are service difficulty reports, i have sent you guys most recent reports telling
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about defects in the planes and boeing is talking about not getting exemption for the max seven for the ice -- there is a special problem with the icing control anti-icing system. if they put it on and there is no ice, it will burn up the engine. this is a problem they say they will not get an exemption for the max seven. this exists on the max nine and max eight that are in service. this was a miracle that happened that called our attention to these problems, we've been telling about these problems and pilots have reported them dutifully. >> todd: we have multiple boeing staffers saying they would never fly on the 730 max, they saw a rush to pressure employees to
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get them out of the door. >> todd: boeing put profit over safety in rushing out the max, is that the reason your daughter died? >> it absolutely is. boeing fraud and profit over safety. >> todd: i can't imagine as a parent what goes through your hadded when you think about that. your entire life, your goal is to make sure your child is safe, that is your world. to have a corporation be accused of doing that is horrific. >> now our goal is to save people, you can choose not to get on the planes, these planes should be grounded by the faa, we should keep our people safe, you need to not get on the planes, make a choice for yourself. >> todd: hope they are watching.
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condolences. cori bush and ilhan omar. we will share thoughts about that. steve doocy with what is coming up. >> steve: coming up on a jam-packed thursday morning, first day of february, take a look at this stunning video showing a boat full of suspected illegal migrants landed on a san diego beach before they ran off into a neighborhood. unaccompanied minors are entering the country, who is taking care of them? and lawrence jones is live at a community center to make room for migrants. new developments in the death of the three kansas city chiefs fans who were at the watch party. new video shows the host being
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cuffed. host of america's most wanted john walsh shares insight and pete hegseth on the latest move by house squad members, congress salido on biden's trip to east palestine, will he drink the water? and governor kristi noem coming up. busy hour kicks off on the channel you trust for morning news. todd will be back with the world's early, early news show, "fox and friends first" here on fox news channel. >> from melbourne, australia, love you in the evening here, morning for you guys. keep it going, fox news, love ya. symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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♪ >> todd: house lawmakers just passing a bill banning hamas terrorists from entering the u.s. and rereceiving relief aid. seems logical. why do we need a bill for that squad democrats radar tlaib and cori bush yup voted against it. tlaib said the bill is another g.o.p. messaging bill being used to insight anti-arab anti-palestinian and anti-muslim hatred that makes communities like ours safe. former arkansas governor mike huckabee joins me now. your reaction to this, governor? >> you know what makes communities unsafe, todd? having people who ogo in into the late slaughter and is a evangelically kill innocent civilians while they are waking
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up on shabbat morning in israel. these people are idiots. there is no other way to put it. it's disgraceful what they did. my reaction is if this is going to be allowed and these people are staying in congress, i want george santos back. i want him back. bring him back and let him stay because if these two people can continue to serve in the united states congress, then george santos is a vast improvement. >> todd: are you calling for these two to be expelled? >> i think they should. i mean, this is disgraceful, when you get out and support terrorist activity and pretend that it really wasn't a big deal, well, it was a big deal. it continues to be a big deal. there are still american hostages being held by hamas, i want to hear these women come out and demand the release of those hostages, all of them.
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>> todd: it's sickening. this should be -- we should all be rowing in the same direction on this one. the fact that we are not is so mind numbing and it does raise question about those individuals but also the democrat party. they need to rein them in if you know what i mean. a new quinnipiac poll showing president trump hold lead. five person race with third party candidates biden only leading trump by 2 points and that's within the margin of era. haley leading biden by 5 points as well in a head-to-head matchup. what should we take away from these numbers, governor? >> not a whole lot. yesterday i was asked about a poll that showed trump was up 6 or 7 points. i tend to think that has to be more realistic. i just cannot imagine that there are a majority of people in this country that would say boy, joe biden has done great with the economy, the border, foreign policy, he has done great with energy, everything is coming up roses. let's keep this guy. he can't put a sentence together
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but boy is he doing a great job. i just don't believe there are people who think that and, if they do maybe they're being completely brainwashed by a media that covers for him but good heavens, there's got to be some awareness and awakening in this country about the job he is doing that is just about to destroy this great republic. >> let's keep in mind that the poll i referenced does seem to be outlier among the universe of polls that are out there right now. one other final point, it gives bind an edge in the popular vote but there are a lot of polls in the swing states that ultimately decide the election where donald trump is leading. got leave it there governor huckabee we appreciate your time. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast thursday, february 1st, this is "fox & friends." look who is back. we will talk to her later. brand new video shows suspected illegal migrants land on san diego beach and run like hell as a rec center tns


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