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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> steve: where has the time gone. it is 8:00 on the east coast, live from new york, this is thursday, february 1. welcome back to hour three of "fox and friends." new video shows suspected illegal migrants landing a boat in san diego and then they scatter. where they go, nobody knows. south carolina governor kristi noem will join us on the border crisis in 10 minutes. >> ainsley: parents urging lawmakers to reign in big tech after mark zuckerberg's stunning apology. >> would you like to apologize for what you have done to these
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good people? [applause] >> brian: he didn't take responsibility. meet four farmers who want wives being looing for love on hit fox reality show. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now and quick reminder your mornings are better because you chose to be with? >> ainsley: friends. >> steve: that's it. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: brian says get dressed. >> brian: yes. >> ainsley: the song says let your hair down. >> brian: you could do both. >> ainsley: put your clothes on
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while letting your pony tail out. >> brian: is it hard to sleep with a bun? >> ainsley: they say not to. >> brian: don't you take your hair down at night if you have a bun? >> steve: let your hair down, it means relax. >> ainsley: they say do not sleep with your hair in a pony tail or bun because it can break it. >> brian: you mean crack it? do you use conditioner? >> ainsley: my hair is broken and damaged. it takes a whole team in the morning to get me ready. >> brian: i heard the sirens today, was it an emergency? >> steve: talking to john walshe. on fox nation and fox network. >> ainsley: your local fox affiliate, 8:00 monday nights. >> brian: saturday on "one nation" john walshe will be on.
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>> ainsley: tell them the story of all the people he caught? >> steve: he had a studio across from where i did "not just news" and they would keep track of who they caught and it was gigantic number and he was honored by the fbi. on "americas most wanted" i'm sure they will talk about the migrant invasion and crime wave. two separate issues. they are things that have people worried about their safety. we'll tell you about screen right. you see right there, that is a guy named jack with a gopro, a life-long san diego resident, took pictures of migrants in the boat on the shore of san diego and everybody left. screen left, la jolaa, a boat of
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migrants ran into an upscale neighborhood and scattered. these are gotaways. it is not often gotaways are doing it by boat, it is usually just across the border. this is documented and horrifying. why doesn't somebody stop them? >> brian: what is interesting about the first one we see, the boat comes in and suvs are waiting. they jump in the s.u.v.s. you have a nice boat and s.u.v.s waiting, these are sophisticated, like illegal immigrant officers. >> ainsley: someone gets them to the united states and that was on the street. the nice neighborhood, lajolla,
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is a nice neighborhood. >> steve: last night in new york city, the new york city police department cracked down on unregistered electric scooters because robberies have been a big problem. they targeted the migrant facilities. there were a bunch of electric scooters and whatnot. a lot of migrants use scooters to deliver for grubhub and ubereats and stuff like that. a migrant in the city for 15 minutes is delivering your food. cops said they use scooters to grab pedestrian's wallets and phoneings and purses. there was a story where an 11 had of year-old girl had a necklace around her neck and they grabbed that and stole it and knocked her over. they are trying to crack down on
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migrant crime, if that is proven in new york city on scooters. >> ainsley: john walshe said the reason he's coming back is crime is through the roof in america. last year 300 migrants in san diego, they ran out of room and moved the overflow to the airport. it is opposite in massachusetts. we were in new hampshire last week and drove to the boston airport to get on our flight. there were migrants living at the airport and they were moving them to shelters. that is why lawrence went there this morning. they are housing the migrants now and people are upset, right? >> lawrence: good morning, family. ainsley, you are right, people are upset about the current circumstances in the community. we have sound from kesha effey.
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remember last night they moved these migrants here in the middle of the night and they closed this door. it is not open to the public. not even people on the city council can go view it. they own the land. there is wallpaper covering that. we were able to look inside. this is what we're able to see. looks like a refugee camp and people we talk to on the ground are furious. one woman says kids that used to go here will return to the street. take a listen. >> it is place for our children. i have four children. it is sad, i have four boys. we don't have nothing in the community that is free for us.
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it is great they want to help the immigrants, what about the americans and people already here that don't have homes or jobs and are sleeping on the street. these people came from the airport here probably on buses and all for free. they are getting stipends and what else? i need money for me and my kids and i was born here. life is a struggle in itself. this is not the answer to help them. now it is going to destroy our community more. >> lawrence: that is not what you want to hear going into election year. i mean, it is not just here. we just came back from chicago and denver and same thing is happening in every city. they shut down schools and health centers and move the migrants there. people are not saying they don't care about people and how they feel and these migrants have endured. they are saying why are they
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being put last. why does the education system have to suffer why do kids have to suffer and community centers get shut down and why did you not put them in the rich neighborhoods? why put them in a community with a poverty rate of 28%. >> brian: poverty 28%. in the area you are in 45% is black and 28% hispanic, latino and 14% are white. put it in areas where people have less political power. people not able to donate to my campaign, we'll put them there and drop them in the middle of the night. people of brentwood don't have a
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voice. you are their voice in rocksbury. >> lawrence: that is right. that is why people say, they don't care about us. they don't care about us. it is evident in their action. i asked a woman on the city council and i appreciate her coming on, do you want to reconsider the sanctuary city thing? look at consequence. a lot of credit to greg abbott. it is only then when they started to ship migrants to liberal cities this became a national issue. don't take my word for it, in iowa and new hampshire, it was a number one issue and in -- probably going to be the number one issue. >> ainsley: this place is for kids and now being used for migrants and they are put in
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school. >> brian: you saw in chicago, they want to use the center, there is no money. now there is money and illegal immigrants living there. that sound bite will be used all day, real world stuff. >> steve: he'll be back in half an hour. speaking of social issues, social media is fun, you can see cat videos, catch up on kids. unfortunately there is sexual predators and drugs and things that lead to eating disorders and suicide. we saw a bunch of parents and family members at the senate judiciary committee yesterday holding up pictures behind the ceos and people who run big social media companies of loved ones who died at hands of social media. one point josh hawley asked meta
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ceo, mark zuckerberg if he has personally compensated any victims and their families. they lost pe people. zuckerberg said, i don't think we have compensated any families. then he asked zuckerberg this. >> there are families of victims today, have you apologized to the victims? would you like to do so now? they are here, you are on national tv, would you like to apologize to the victims and families? show them the pictures. would you like to apologize to the good people? [applause] >> [indiscernible] -- invested so much and will continue big efforts to make sure that no one has to go through the types of
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things your families had to suffer. >> steve: i'm sorry, we're doing our best, that is what he said. >> brian: tiktok, discord, looks like twitter got out unscathed, they were trying to bulk up and be more responsible. they got unphased. elon musk was not there and neither was youtube, and it triples what tiktok gets. that is what most people watch us on. they did not think it was worth their time to show up. there has to be legislation done after this and whoever came up with the idea to put real world families behind them and tell their story first, instead of old men and women who don't understand social media, it is like, let me understand this. my kid understood your business and my kid is dead. my kid thought he was protected
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and he or she is dead. they go up there with that sober view and try to rationalize they should not be regulated. they should be regulated. when they asked tiktok ceo, what about your kids, are they open to this? ted cruz asked and this is what ted cruz found out about tiktok in other countries. >> on tiktok in china, you are promoting to kids science and math videos and limit amount of time kids are on tiktok. in united states you promote self-harm videos and anti-israel propaganda. why is there a dramatic difference? >> that is not accurate? >> there is not a difference in what kids see in china and -- >> it is a separate experience there. it is not available in china. >> ainsley: you know how bad it is, we offer to your kids here.
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brian and are about to do a segment talking br how china is infiltrating lives, we'll get into that later. not good enough for china, but fine for your kids. when you have little kids, what are we about to go through? your children, were they in high school during the social media stuff? >> steve: it was just starting. with peter, what age do you give him a flip phone. i think when he was in high school, either eighth or ninth grade. he was in a lot of sporting events and had to be picked up and things like that. people showed up from social media companies because they are in trouble. meta is being sued by dozens of states that say they deliberately addict kids to
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platforms. kids look at the phone, they want that dopamine rush. i have 200 likes, kids love that. here is the thing, they don't know any better, they are growing up on it. new mexico lawsuit says meta failed to protect kids from online predators. what they want, they don't want regulation. these things have been able to flourish for a long time. >> ainsley: they don't want to be on the hook. >> steve: congress is protecting them. they passed something years ago to get the internet to flourish. >> ainsley: they probably give money to the congressmen. >> steve: protection for online entities when nobody was making money. now they make billions and billions of dollars, should be regulation to protect children. they will still make billions. >> brian: christopher wray was asked in a separate hearing,
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should tiktok be banned. he just told us how dangerous china is, they are looking to destroy our infrastructure, take down our pipeline and he didn't answer the question. he said that is decision-making process outside my lane. let me try to answer this way. as long as chinese government controls business, how can you get your way clear to mitigating those concerns. that is lawyer speak instead of law enforcement speak. of course it should be banned. they are the -- more concerned about the next election and getting 18 to 34's and that is their best way in. they buy time on tiktok to sell their candidate, they won't ban it. >> ainsley: john walshe says there were 17 countries that
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banned tiktok. >> steve: the guy said don't confuse us, we're based in singapore. hope congress does something. we'll start with fox news alert and headlines. three dead and nine hurt in a construction site collapse last night in idaho next to the airport. new hangar was being built and a crane buckled and it came crashing down. five are in critical condition. authorities are working to determine what caused the collapse at the privately owned site. just moments ago president biden arriving in washington for private prayer breakfast. every u.s. president since dwight d eisenhower, our 34th president has attended.
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the president is expected to speak in half an hour. i'll bet we take it live. and outraged -- farmers want governments to ease environmental rules and shield them from rising costs. eu leaders have agreed to a new aid package for ukraine. they are on board and united states has not acted. coming up, mob of migrants attacking police officers in new york. we showed you yesterday. one suspect flipping the bird as he leaves court yesterday. that guy there. classy. >> ainsley: wow. >> brian: ship him right out today. >> ainsley: will south carolina governor kristi noem ever let that happen in her state? probably not. she is next, we'll ask.
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taken off our streets. you want to know why our cops are getting assaulted? there is no consequences, we must change this. >> steve: he is right. outrage in new york city after fifth migrant walks free without bail after brutally beating two police officers in heart of time square. here is video of the fifth migrant walks out of the courtroom before flipping off the cameras. joining us to find out if it would ever happen in her state governor of south carolina kristi noem. >> steve: you know how it is in sanctuary cities, this guy allegedly beats up a cop. walks free and sees a camera and flips them off. that is what we're dealing with in some cases.
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>> it is. we have dangerous criminals impacting our cities and beating up cops. they need to be deported immediately. we need to start enforcing our laws. that is one thing i talked to the legislature about yesterday, i did a join address talking about invasion at the southern border and impacting south dakota. i don't think a lot of our population know we have presence of mexican cartels in our state. people are suffering from drugs and trafficking and we need to take action. we need a leader in the white house and expect joe biden to do his job. >> steve: good luck. we heard joe biden a couple days ago going to an event, he said, i've done everything i can, it is up to congress. watch this, senators reacting. >> congress has a responsibility
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to step up and give the president tools. when you have somebody like lankford getting together with people on the left -- >> i would like to see republicans give administration the money they say they need in order to get the security republicans claim they want. right now where is the money republicans, they are holding it up? >> the numbers -- give me a break. >> steve: ultimately, if anyone is going to happen in congress, same people blaming republicans have to do something about it, governor. >> need the president to do something about it. u.s. senators talking about fixing immigration for decades. consequences for who is in the white house. we had remain in mexico policies. it is different under joe biden. we are seeing unprecedented
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illegal immigration. it is an invasion, a war zone down there. i was first governor to deploy national guard three years ago and we continue to support that effort. i have a native american tribe suing the federal government over not protecting their people and give them tribal law enforcement officers they need to keep their communities safe. it is affecting poorest isolated communities. cartels are in south dakota and bringing fentanyl in. it is killing our kids. >> steve: you have cartel on reservations in south dakota. if people in the country illegally beat up a cop on the streets of south dakota, would you deport them immediately? in new york, it is not a
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problem. >> there would be consequence, we would do that in a heartbeat. there are no consequences, they don't want to be free and embrace. we countries like venezuela emptying prisonis and mental institutions, those are people they are sending in. we will have problems across the country if we allow it to go on. >> steve: thank you for joining us today from pierre. >> have a wonderful day. >> steve: you, as well. and warning to lawmakers about our safety. >> hackers are positioning on american infrastructure in preparation to reek havoc. >> steve: i don't like that. the biggest chinese spy attempts you have never heard of coming up, plus four farmers ready to take the bull by the horns and
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find their soul mates. the cast of "farmer wants a wife" straight ahead on "fox and friends." an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. >> brian: you might have missed this yesterday, we didn't. fbi director christopher wray sounding the alarm over chinese espionage. >> reek havoc and cause real-world harm to american citizens and communities. if you took every cyber agent and intelligence agent and focused them on china threat, china hackers would outnumber by
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50 to 1. >> ainsley: that is scary, we don't have intel to track this. there is volt typhoon hackers infiltrating electric at grid and they are attacking small businesses. >> brian: they are trying to create panic. say we defend taiwan or they decide to invade taiwan and they think we're going to act, they would do preechl e..ive strike on our grid. and you can't move trains, there is malware involved in the cyber work. so ready to pounce should they need it. you stop water, gas, energy, you stop america. >> ainsley: they are
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infiltrating our e-mails. they hacked the state department and ambassador to china, reading e-mails. >> brian: people are talking about improving relations with china. really? we don't have a match for it. yesterday it was about highlighting how e-mail could be compromised. highest level of our government we have been unable to thoroughly protect. >> ainsley: top leaders from china met with the state department. they started hacking last may, may 15th and went undetected until june 15th. it matters a lot. we're in the ai age looking to out innovate the world and keep control of something that could
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get dangerous. is anyone convinced ai advancements will be secure? almost naive to what the chinese is up to. >> ainsley: they shut the colonial pipeline down. it shut down gas. we had to get gas from other areas. let to this warning. things can get worse. look. >> chinese military doctrine to attempt to induce societal panic. chinese government got a taste of this in the ransom ware ashgsz attack on colonial pipeline. this is likely the tip of the iceberg. >> brian: what has happened is solidification of russia hackers, chinese hackers and north korea.
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they are cyber centric looking at us. with coordination, might be more formidable than ever. >> ainsley: that is just one pipeline. >> brian: pay the ransom and put them back online. >> ainsley: they are foreign countries in the u.s. >> brian: that is a lot, look at the darker the color, more land they have. compare that to just china, the dark area, chinese-based investors that own u.s. land. some are around military bases. this is why ron desantis was so alarmed and banned chinese owning of businesses. they buy through other companies. >> ainsley: north dakota, 370 acres in august of 2023, last august, 270 acres in michigan,
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60 miles from military armory and the largest training facility. chinese companies bought 140,000 acres near laughlin air force base. >> brian: mike gallagher named by kevin mccarthy focused on china and the threat and they outlined it yesterday. little disagreement, now he has to act. will he get legislation and people and money to fight the problem? >> ainsley: and tiktok, they say, our kids don't have tiktok. >> brian: wray, say it should be banned, it should be banned. >> ainsley: lawrence is back outside a new migrant facility in boston talking to outraged residents. he is next. >> great they want to help the
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immigrants, what about the americans and people already here that don't have jobs, don't have homes and are sleeping on the street already. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue.
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i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people
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in boston being housed in a community rec center after being moved from logan airport. lawrence jones is in boston talking to outraged residents that wanted to use that center. >> lawrence: they moved them from logan airport. got pushback from the public, but they moved them to this community center and they decided to block off so we can't see inside. in a "fox and friends" exclusive, this is what is happening inside. this used to house kids coming in for classes, basketball and swimming. we spoke to an outraged mom that has four kids and will not be able to use this anymore. >> we want to help them, but what about us that need help here? i'm a mother and i have four
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children. they need help and somewhere to go. something to do. >> lawrence: what is consequence of this being changed? where will kids go now? >> probably to the streets. where most of them are already at. when we look for help, it seems like the state and governor and them people ush approximate us away. they want to turn our children to animals. they want our children to be bad and f up. we want better for our community. this is crazy. >> lawrence: that mom said, they have pushed the community away for folks housed inside this building. that photo one more time. this is what is happening here and everyone is saying at a national level, this is third stop on the tour and happening in denver and chicago and now here in boston.
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the president wake up on this issue and border czar wake up on this issue and reverse the sanctuary cities? guys. back to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: great job this morning. new video obtained by fox news digital show host of the kansas city chiefs watch party in handcuff. a source telling us jordan willis checked into rehab soon after. the families of the fans are waiting for toxicology remarks. police insist the january deaths are not being investigated as homicides. defense secretary lloyd austin will hold on-camera press briefing 10:30 this morning, first time he'll be speaking with reporters since his prostate cancer surgery and
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secret hospitalization. those are headlines. coming up, meet four men lassoing love in "farmer wants a wife" but first check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: we'll have that for you, cover lloyd austin live from the pentagon. and a video does not lie, folks. portland is first to soften drug laws four years ago. how did that work out? that state is trying to put that in reverse and a warning about chinese hackers and miracle on the highway, meet the state trooper who lived to talk about it. dana and i will join you top of the hour. where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality,
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that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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>> good morning, i have oh friend from the woodlands, what's your name. >> hi debbie and wayne. i know you're watching. >> let's look at the maps. i know i'm wearing a groundhog day hat. 43 in new york. 30 in chicago. saturday's highs. it is feeling more like spring in a lot of cities. what is punxsutawney phil going to say? we don't know.
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the party starts at 3:00 a.m. a big old storm moving into the west coast bringing flooding rain across southern california. the biggest story. i will hop on a flight and go to punxsutawney. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: i love that. nice of her to make them for us. >> i have hats for you guys, too. brian won't wear one. >> ainsley: we'll make gloves out of his. >> happy groundhog day, everybody. >> ainsley: great memories, thank you so much, janice. good luck on that trip. four farmers getting their pick of the crop in the new season of farmer wants a wife premiering tonight on fox. >> farmer wants a wife. four farmers, select five women who come and live with them on their farm. >> i have dated in the city. haven't found what i'm looking for. >> i'm looking for my forever person. >> i have a daughter, 12 years old. >> dating in a small town is hard.
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>> sharing with a special lady would be the world to me. >> ainsley: here are the farmers looking for love. ty, mitchell, brandon, nathan, thank you so much for being with us. was it so much fun? >> it was a great time. >> ainsley: we'll watch this tonight. it is on fox. tell me what you were hoping to get out of it and what you enjoyed most. >> hoping to find somebody. relationship. somebody to spend the rest of my life with. >> you needed someone -- you have a 12-year-old little girl so some women i remember back in the day would say i don't think i could date a guy that has children. other at my age we're like the more children the better. do you already know which one you will probably pick? >> that's one of those things you can't ride off into the sunset and broadcast it for the world before everybody knows the story. >> mitchell, what are you learning from this? >> a lot about myself, patience, having five women living at my farm at the same time but a pleasant experience.
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had a great time looking for love. >> ainsley: have you been disappointed with any of them? some don't think i could do it for the rest of my life. >> i wasn't disappointed. they helped me out on the farm. >> ainsley: brandon, what are you looking for? >> it would be great to have somebody to assist on the farm. i also look for a partner and friendship and somebody that is emotionally intelligent like i am and somebody that enjoys the lifestyle. >> i look for somebody to be my rock. not to get their hands dirty with me but somebody i can understand what i do for a living and appreciate it. >> ainsley: is it funny when you get a city slicker girl on your farm? >> entertaining. >> you saw the commercial. one got stuck in the mud and had to pull her out. >> ainsley: did she quit? >> no. >> ainsley: where do you live. your age, where you live and what type of farmer snow
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>> 42 from missouri. cowboy. >> 27, nashville, tennessee, a cowboy, horses and cattle. >> i'm 29 from colorado and i grow potatoes, barley and alfalfa. >> if you get married they'll move to your property, correct? i love the show, thank you all so much for being on with us. y'all are so cute. we love our cowboys. it's tonight at 9:00. watch it on your local fox station. thank you, guys. anything else you want to add? brian kilmeade. where is he? we need to come out here. he gave the segment all to me. i think we do have a clip. we have a minute left in the show so we can talk. we have a clip from the show. watch this. >> there will be five women moving into my house. >> i'm a little high maintenance. >> i already have my ring on,
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i'm ready to get married. >> look forward to -- >> are you ready to do farm work? >> it's okay. >> what are we getting ourselves into? >> these women are way more emotional. >> the spark for me isn't there. >> rejection isn't fun. >> he told me i'm fake. >> way more reactive. >> i want to leave. >> i'm out. >> ainsley: there is drama. how cute is jennifer nettles? they meet your family. did any of your family say don't pick that girl? >> you have to watch the show to see. >> ainsley: have a good day. see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. a lot of action coming your way right now. president biden at the nation fall prayer breakfast with the eyes of the nation and world watching him. how he handles several issues including iran and the border and on and on it goes. goodng


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