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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> look forward to -- >> are you ready to do farm work? >> it's okay. >> what are we getting ourselves into? >> these women are way more emotional. >> the spark for me isn't there. >> rejection isn't fun. >> he told me i'm fake. >> way more reactive. >> i want to leave. >> i'm out. >> ainsley: there is drama. how cute is jennifer nettles? they meet your family. did any of your family say don't pick that girl? >> you have to watch the show to see. >> ainsley: have a good day. see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. a lot of action coming your way right now. president biden at the nation fall prayer breakfast with the eyes of the nation and world watching him. how he handles several issues including iran and the border and on and on it goes. good morning, thursday here in new york city.
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bill hemmer, good morning, partner. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we made it to february. >> bill: we did. >> dana: a little long month that one of january. defense secretary lloyd austin will hold a news conference later this morning. anticipates building for his first major address since his secretive hospital stay. he is expected to face questions on many issues, not least his health. >> bill: payback against iran. what form does it come? questions swirling about the size and timing of the u.s. response after the deaths of three american soldiers and the wounding of dozens of others by an iranian proxy group out of iraq. all this with another group expanding their targets from the red sea to the air. >> dana: jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon to set it up for us this morning. you will have a front row seat this morning. >> we will. dana, this is the first time that the press has had an opportunity to question defense
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secretary lloyd austin about his secretive stay at walter reed and why he didn't tell anyone he was undergoing prostate cancer treatment even when taken by ambulance in the hospital and found himself in the icu. you can expected pointed questions about that and the response to the killing of three americans in a drone strike carried out by an iranian proxy group. there are indications the campaign -- we're told it will be a campaign -- to strike iranian assets in the region may have already begun. expect secretary austin to make the case for why it's legal and necessary given nearly 200 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east by iranian-funded and supplied fighters. iranian proxy groups across iraq and syria are preparing for the u.s. response. iran backed houthis in yemen are busy escalating attacks on u.s. navy and commercial ships in the red sea and gulf of aden since tuesday night. last night the u.s. sent f-18
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super hornets to bomb ten unmanned drones in yemen preparing to launch. the 12th time the u.s. has conducted strikes against houthis since january 11th and the second u.s. strike in under 24 hours. in a historic first on tuesday night a houthi cruise missile came within one mile of the u.s.s. gravely guided missile destroyer seconds away from impact. this is the closest a houthi missile has come to a u.s. warship. other missiles have been shot down at least eight miles away from u.s. ships. the gravy used its weapons systems to shoot down the missile, the first time ever that the sea whiz has been used in combat. that's not all. the u.s.s. carney guided missile destroyer shot down multiple drones and anti-ship ballistic missile in the gulf of aden wednesday. a u.s. defense official tells us. the carney shot the drones down
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with its five inch lightweight gun and shot down the ballistic missile with the ms6 that costs $4.3 million. of note defense secretary austin met with his british counterpart at the pentagon yesterday. britain is the only ally who has joined the u.s. in striking the houthi inside yemen. they-up dated congress yesterday. a broad campaign to degrade iranian proxies in the coming days and weeks. of note we have already seen reports that the irgc core commanders and fighters have fled their bases in syria expecting a u.s. response. dana. >> dana: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. thank you. >> these are law enforcement officers who should never under any circumstances be subjected to physical assault.
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it is wrong on all accounts. and i'm looking to judges and prosecutors to do the right thing. >> bill: we shall see what they do. the new york governor kathy hochul condemning this video you're watching right here. the brutal beatdown of two nypd officers outside a migrant facility in times square. police arresting seven in the attack and searching for and put out photos. one flipped the middle fingers on his way out of court. cameras were there to catch it. we're live in times square on the follow-up today. good morning. >> bill, good morning. outrage grows after a pair of officers were kicked, even stomped on here in times square. the brutal attack captured on surveillance. at this time at least five of the suspects have been arraigned and released without bail. two more suspects arrested late yesterday evening. the nypd's top officers, new york leaders say this city is
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sending the wrong message. look at the screen. one of the suspects 22-year-old leaving court after his arraignment yesterday. at times covering his face and giving not one, but two middle fingers to the media. the manhattan district attorney's office confirms cash bail was not requested for the five suspects because the investigation into the incident is ongoing. a spokesperson telling us violence against police officers is never acceptable and paramount we conclusively identify each defendant and specify each participants' role in the incident. every defendant charged so far is facing felony charges that carry a penalty of up to seven years. this is an active, ongoing investigation. but the nypd's chief of patrol said his officers are living in a spin cycle of abuse saying these suspects should be locked up. >> this happening over the weekend, we all see it. again, consequences for your
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actions. sitting in ryker's, indicted this week and have their day in court and go to jail. you want to stop the assault on our cops? this is where it begins. >> the last two suspects arrested are making their way through the system. we will be in court today monitoring any updates with all eyes on this case, bill. at least two of the suspects arrested in this case have previous criminal cases against them. >> bill: on it goes. thank you. rebecca, the nypd deputy commissioner for intelligence and counter terrorism is our guest. good morning. what more can you add to what we're trying to figure out? >> it is an out rage. unfortunately our officers have had all too much experience dealing with it. and i'm quite confident that they will come to an appropriate outcome. >> dana: what does it look like to you, ryker's or deportation? >> i think that's not our position. our position is to make sure that we're dealing with addressing the crime as it is coming to our city and making
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the appropriate arrests and hopefully anticipating before the crime gets to our shores how to deal with it. >> one of those arrested and released without bail has two pending cases already in new york. one for assault, one for robbery. how many strikes does it take? >> you know, these people do need to have real criminal justice implications as do all people who commit crime in our city. we'll do everything that we can to make sure that if you commit a crime in new york city you are held accountable. >> bill: does your department put pressure directly on the d.a.? >> that's not our purview to go into this. >> bill: they could help you a great deal, don't you think? >> i think all of our partners have to work together to face whatever the issues are. and we're trying to do just that. >> dana: does that include the federal government? >> we have great relationships with the federal government. on these complicated issues, we
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need to. none of it can be accomplished with just one agency or approach alone. >> dana: you are trying to get them before. the problem is they're already here. you talk about the liaisons, nypd sending of thinking liaisons to arizona and columbia to stop it before it gets here. these guys are here and committing these crimes. paul mauro talked about how there is a possibility this is a pick pocketing ring. listen to him yesterday here on "america's newsroom." >> i have to tell you according to my sourcing, the teams that are working pick pocket doing pick pockets in and around times square are venezuela migrants. they didn't learn that in america. there is a columbian team doing pick pockets. multiple arrests. cops know what is going on. they're ham strung by the migrant crisis by the laws and bail reform. >> dana: you say you have good relationships with the federal government. when something like this happens
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in times square, they go to jail. what happens if you called ice, the immigration and customs enforcement and say come get these guys and get them out of town. does that happen if it's a sanctuary city in new york? >> if they're in jail, that's a good solution to the problem. >> dana: they're out on without bail. >> we can't have people out on bail committing crimes in the city. we need to do what we can to make sure that we're intercepting people before they are committing major incidents like this one. >> bill: is the federal government's policies helping you or hurting you? they are working for you or against you right now? >> we have been invited down to tucson by customs and border protection to an interagency facility and part of that is to understand fentanyl crisis, trans national criminal organizations, drug trafficking organizations that may reach into new york city with tent
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tackles of new gangs or cartels. we have great relationship information sharing. that's the whole premise of our liaison program at the international level and then at the federal level. >> bill: even before you make that trip you can make a phone call to washington. has that happened? >> so realtime boots on the ground information sharing, that's what this program is premiseed on and that's what we need as a city to really be able to grapple with not just international terrorism but trans national crime. that's not about washington or politics or about poll cismd it is about protect theing new york city. >> bill: they need to be a partner for people living here and paying taxes. >> dana: that's nice to have the cooperation with arizona. one of the things people would say however if the border were closed and didn't have all these people coming in and getting asylum and being able to make their way across the country or getting bused to new york or chicago, denver, wherever it might be, you wouldn't have to go to arizona at all. >> local law enforcement has a
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pretty specific agreement. we need an expanded defensive perimeter to make sure we can understand and grapple with whatever threats are coming our way from wherever, from within or from the external environment. that's what this program does. >> bill: one more question. how many were involved in the beatdown of these two cops in total. seven, 11, more than that? >> this is an ongoing investigation. our detective bureau is in the process of deciding just that. >> bill: can we call it a dozen? >> this is an ongoing case. >> bill: more than a dozen? >> it was way too many. we can't tolerate that. >> bill: of the 12 or dozen how many of it is involved in this, how many are getting shelter in the city system today? >> again, a question that our detective bureau will be able to
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answer as the investigation is ongoing. the point, though, is unfortunately we've seen more assaults against our police officers from a large number of actors, not just migrants. but criminals around the city. that's not tolerated. our purview from my perspective at intel counter terrorism is looking at threats that are coming at us from external sources from overseas. >> dana: that could clue these venezuela or columbia gangs. >> certainly can. we'll find out more about that with these new posts. there are a lot of threats out there from a lot of different places and we're in a position to deal with all of them unfortunately. >> dana: you have a big and important job. thank you for coming in. >> bill: we'll continue this conversation. thank you very much. before the prayer breakfast the president was asked about a lot of this right now and came down to the border and questions about immigration, etc. here is how it went. >> mr. president, some house
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republicans are calling the border deal a non-start. can you get it done? >> we'll see, i'll try. a lot of republicans are saying the laws are on the books and go ahead and enforce them. >> dana: the president if you want to get it done you have to start calling members one-by-one and having that kind of presence. i don't know if you'll get that. we can pray. >> bill: 14 minutes past. check this out. >> the city of portland can make rules where you can smoke a cigarette but i cannot make binding rules where you smoke fentanyl. that is part of the reason why portland looks the way it does and that needs to change. >> bill: you might remember four years ago the state of oregon was the first to decriminalize drugs in america. the fentanyl crisis is out of hand now and causing lawmakers in that state to have a change of heart. the drastic action the democratic governor might be taking soon. >> dana: a highly anticipated hearing. georgia district attorney fani
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willis and nathan wade facing kens under subpoena. did you catch this? >> it's one lucky man and that man is with us today to talk about how he survived and what happened with the others in these two vehicles. stunning stuff. stay tuned. ckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> bill: an airport overnight in boise, idaho, airport hanger was under construction. crumb at the site of construction. they are trying to rescue victims. three dead, nine injured, five of those injured in critical
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condition. no word yet on the collapse. that's tough news to wake up to in boise, idaho this morning. >> dana: new legal drama for district attorney fani willis facing a subpoena and lawsuit alleging she withheld information about her relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade. the man she put in charge against the election interference case against former president trump. there are twists and turns in this every day. >> the drama is building to that court hearing on february 15th. they've both been served subpoenas. willis and the man she hired nathan wade will have to testify under oath in court and probably live streamed as well about the details of their relationship and even answer basic questions such as why was nathan wade hired in the first place? >> she is going to be asked why do you actually need a special prosecutor when you have an entire stable of full-time
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criminal prosecutors working for you that are already on the taxpayers' payroll. why do you need to go and spend this much more taxpayer money? >> investigation into the prosecutors continues to grow. at one point now they are looking at raising questions about donors to fani willis's campaign. some donors' business partners of the prosecutor, nathan wade and a lawsuit filed against the district attorneys office. defense attorneys want more information and how and why nathan wade was hired. official investigations underway into the two and the nature of their relationship by republican lawmakers both in the georgia house and the georgia senate. dana, back to you. >> dana: steve harrigan, thank you. >> together we must do more to increase access to treatment and we must do more to hold individuals accountable for selling fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. we know that a large share of
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fentanyl in oregon is trafficked through our major cities. >> bill: official eaves in portland, oregon declaring a an emergency. they were the first in america to decriminalize drug use. critics say it is the cause of a large number of deaths. i have a guest here. tom, good morning. the wrong trend. the numbers, go back six months ending in august of 2023, the synthetic opioids primarily fentanyl now, the number of deaths in oregon nearly 1200. tom, what are they going to do about it? >> well, they are already starting to reverse course. we've had an emergency since they decriminalized drugs in 2020. drug possession 2 1/2 grams of fentanyl, that's enough for a drug dealer to use.
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without even meaning to do it, i think they decriminalized drug dealing to an effect in oregon. you see the results. overdose deaths are climbing at a rate four times faster in oregon than the rest of the country. they need to reverse course. it is too little too late. we're already into it. >> bill: hard to reverse. you're right. a private security guard in portland on his experience there. >> this breaks my heart. these are -- what happened before 110 got passed was that i revived 0 people. and since 110's passing, it's almost daily. >> bill: it's too available, too cheap, too accessible. tom, why do you think this has failed? what was their thinking originally? >> well, i think -- i think they
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were still thinking we were talking about heroin as an example. fentanyl is ten to 100 times stronger than that and because it is synthetic you can manufacture it by the metric ton and smuggle it across the border into the united states. heroin, you have to grow crops and harvest and make and it is slower, takes longer. i don't think they counted on the proliferation of the drug. when i was on the street in 2018 buying oxy on the street they were $30 a pill. today in portland on the street you can buy a fentanyl pill, ten times stronger, for 1.50. >> bill: how did you get out of it, tom? >> well, you know, i always say accountability is a cornerstone of recovery. ask anyone in recover refrom addiction and they'll tell you it was because of accountability at some point in their recovery they actually truly found themselves and had an opportunity at a new life. we've removed accountability
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across the country with this issue and now you see the results. 110,000 overdose deaths in the united states last year. whereas in 2010 we had 17,000. why? well, fentanyl is one reason, other reason is the the removal of accountability. criminal justice reform mixed with bad drug policies created really terrible outcomes for folks and i really hope that they are seeing the light. >> bill: tom, thank you for sharing your story and your time today. we'll see what oregon does. >> dana: southern california invasion caught on camera. a boat full of suspected migrants washing ashore near san diego. we're live as more states battle president biden's open borders plus chinese hackers are said to be preparing to cause chaos in america. the growing threat to the homeland. >> china's hackers are position than on american infrastructure in preparation to wreak havoc
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intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed. >> bill: this flood of large migrant groups pouring through eagle pass, texas, slowing down to a trickle in recent weeks. fox news crews noticing that the razor wire installed by the lone star state inside shelby park seems to be doing the job. imagine that. matt finn live in eagle pass on that today. good morning, matt. >> good morning, bill. over the past couple weeks our crews have seen a significant slowdown of those larger migrant groups here in shelby park. you may recall in december there was that huge surge of 3,000 to 4,000 migrants arriving per day here. it has plummeted down to a few hundred. what has caused the slowdown right now? texas officials tell us we're in the historically slower, colder months, let's see what spring brings. there are other elements at play
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here. since the december surge, texas has seized this property and put up the razor wire barrier texas national guard are telling them to turn back to mexico and texas is criminally arresting single adult migrants who illegally pass into this park. that's all new. also texas dps and fox sources tell us mexico is now conducting meaningful enforcement in part intercepting groups of illegal migrants and sending them south. that shift seemingly came soon after president biden cabinet officials met with the mexican president in december for what was described as productive talks on illegal immigration. a question now is whether the illegal immigration numbers we've seen here in texas will shift to other states like arizona and california where a shocking new video from san diego a boat drives ashore and taking off running. it's not clear if that group of
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eight were ever caught. some of the latest numbers we can report from the san diego sector earlier this week on monday alone there were more than 1300 illegal crossings there including more than 160 chinese nationals. back here live in shelby park, texas, we can report texas has not relinquished control of this park to the federal government. >> bill: that stuff in san diego. it is broad daylight and they leave the boat there. amazing stuff. matt finn, eagle pass, texas. thank you. >> dana: f.b.i. director christopher wray sounding the alarm on chinese cyber threats. yesterday he told lawmakers chinese hackers are getting ready to reek havoc on americans. our guest follows it closely. take a listen to christopher wray yesterday on the hill. >> there has been far too little public focus on the fact that prc hackers are targeting our
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critical infrastructure, our water treatment plants, our electric grid, our oil and natural gas pipelines. our transportation systems, and the risk that poses to every american requires our attention. >> dana: you cover this exclusively almost in minute detail. for virus at home who might have missed what he was saying, what do they need to know about this threat the chinese are threatening? >> well, i think it's significant. he was joined by a number of other key leaders in the cyber and electronics area. the key message was the extent and scale of the chinese cyber and computing and critical infrastructure infiltration. i think wray pointed out the chinese have 50 to one in terms of hackers compared to u.s. sort of equivalent capabilities. the key point that he made is this is really in preparation for a potential big day over a confrontation over taiwan. some of it that would be used to
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degrade the u.s. ability to support military operations, god forbid that ever happened but also to inflict real harm on the u.s. homeland. >> dana: let's give an example of that to people. it could make teenagers mad in american if tiktok went down but systems that deal with medical device, electronics, safety systems, things like that that could really hurt everybody here. >> yeah, it's well beyond that. the balloon said they can get military kinetic force inside the homeland. we talk about the electric grid. transportation, air travel, rail, etc. even if they are thinking about it from a military point of view they will want to slow down trucking, rail, air, sea, freight, that will throw an enormous unbelievably large wrench in the american way of life. >> dana: mike gallagher from wisconsin heads up the china committee. listen to him yesterday.
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>> it will outlast my time in congress. i'm confident of that. in light of the testimony we heard from director wray. ban or force the sale of tiktok. this is bordering on national suicide if we continue down this road. i get they have hired lobbyists former members of congress but the time is now to do something about this. >> dana: i don't narcs are you an advocate for banning tiktok in america? >> i think tiktok is a harmful influence in our national life. the bigger problem here, dana, is the military threat. the head of cyber command said it's the biggest threat to u.s. interests in the world. this is, i think, much more about our readiness. i think we need to take a look at this. right now jake sullivan met with his counterpart in thailand the other day. noises coming from both washington biden administration and china right now. this is an example of look at what they are doing, not what
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they are saying. underneath the water the direction is moving in the same -- the current is moving in the same direction. i think tiktok is noxious but it won't decide whether we win a war or not. the most important thing as congressman gallagher said we need a surge of hard power into the western pacific to deter xi while we still have time. a member of the biden administration, nothing has changed to dissuade xi from his core goal of resolving the taiwan issue but ejecting the americans from the western pacific to allow the chinese to dominate asia. that's the real threat to our national future. >> dana: follow him on x. good for keeping up to speed on these issues. thank you for being our guest today. take care. >> thanks, dana. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: did you catch this? clark making history last night. she poured in 35 points in the blow-out win over northwestern,
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her fifth straight 30 point game and second place to the all-time scoring list. clark is back 100 points behind kelsey plum. can she pass it? >> bill: i don't know. i would need mr. google to tell me what the difference is. she is awesome and wears our favorite number, 22. keep it up. we are minutes away from defense secretary lloyd austin's first public remarks since the americans were killed in northeastern jordan since he had the secret trip to the hospital at the end of december carrying into january. we'll cover it live when it happens. plus this. >> it is demonstrative of their upside down world that says the real terrorists are the united states of america, idf. the freedom fighters are the hamas terrorists who massacreed 1200 innocent people. >> bill: two squad members break with the entire house and vote
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against a bill that others say would punish members of hamas. jimmy failla, look at him. he does it all. he is up next. ♪ ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. that one. and look forward to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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>> dana: alec baldwin pleading not guilty to one count of involuntary manslaughter. the second time he has been charged in the deadly shooting. if convicted he would spend 18 months in prison. that continues. plus this two squad democrats vote against a bill banning hamas terrorists from sphering the u.s. they claim it was ploy from republicans to incite hatred. the bill passed the house with
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over 400 yays, jimmy failla is here. author of the new book cancel culture dictionary. i got up to chapter g. it is very good. >> you made it to g and we're talking? that's a win for our family. let me buckle up and do adulting for real. if you are out there voting against this bill, you are drawing a moral equivalence between the united states and hamas, which i think is disqualifying. there is no more primal obligation you have to constituents than keeping them safe. these are terrorists. if you are one of only two people who don't get the joke, which is that they don't value human life the way we do, you are not fit to lead people because you don't prioritize their safety. that's what we're discussing here. we aren't discussing identity politics or stoking racial hatred and why the vast majority of the house of representatives, including their own party knows better than to vote against this
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bill. >> another congresswoman out of illinois voted present. 422 to three. >> goodness gracious. i feel like i'm watching the final score of a jets game. >> tlaib says another gop messaging bill incite anti-arab, anti-palestinian and anti-muslim hatred. we've already got that on the books is what she says. the vote is clear. >> i'm not trying to diminish anyone's intellectual standing. the adults are talking. this is about our safety, not about anything in between. we all know what they did. we all know who the bad guys are here. on some level they have to know who the bad guys are. that identity politics grift is what they subsist on.
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we can draw a line at terrorism. where is the line as people. >> dana: i remember getting a call from a member of the press when they used to call for email. your boss is one of four people that voted against this free trade bill. do you know why? i had no idea why. you get all the attention. so he wanted to make a point. my thing is with this. they wanted the attention on this and you know what they used it for? they will get fundraising. take a segment and put it online. even jamal bowman didn't vote for it and he was recently writing 9/11 conspiracy theories. >> he was trying to find a fire alarm before the votes in all fairness. >> dana: indeed. how is the book signing going and events coming up? >> we're crushing it. a major event next saturday. hemmer, you don't know this. i'm in little point, new jersey
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with dana perino. >> at the little point book shop. >> that's why she is moderating. >> books and greetings a great store. you are doing all of jersey. when you come to little point book shop do you tell a few jokes? >> whatever you want. balloon animals. card tricks. people get their money's worth out of me. i have a real connection. last night was the virtual book signing. these books innings are supposed to go 30 minutes. it went over two hours. we needed an adult. you couldn't have another maniac like me. you need a minnesotan. everybody who follows me on fox needs to know this. this is 26 chapters of me bargaining with the world in good faith. not an own the libs book. i can't rent them. they use their apartments for
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migrant shelters. cancel culture, we now go after escapeism for grievance. it used to be places where we put our differences aside and now cultural battle fronts. it is not a call to arms or we have to get these guys. it's a call to chill out. i want to go back to the 80s. my political party is the keg party. >> dana: having a conversation with you but i don't have to be in the same room with you. >> like covid all over again. a zoom cocktail party. >> bill: great to see you at 10:00 eastern. saturday night. doctors diagnosing adhd. the leading cause may be the cure. we'll find that riddle in a moment here. out of control car slamming into one another and that trooper paid the price. he will join us live next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products
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>> dana: new video obtained by
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fox news digital shows the hose of the kansas city chiefs watch party in cuffs moments after three of his friends were found frozen to death in his own backyard. the host checked into rehab after the tragedy and a source says he is facing his addiction head on. so another twist in that case. >> bill: you get a sense that they are cranking up the pressure on him with the video coming out. you get it, right? >> dana: i understood exactly what you meant. >> bill: to our audience at home. listen, watch this and wait for it. so that's stunning video from the state of oklahoma, state trooper jesse gregory narrowly avoiding death while conducting a traffic stop. he is here to share his story. we've been trying to talk to you for a week and a half. thank you for accepting our invitation to come on today. i understand your wife was a little ill.
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give her our best. >> thank you, sir. >> bill: you are on the side of the road. i don't know what that other driver was thinking. what were you thinking when that vehicle struck you, sir? >> that's our worst fear on the side of the road is obviously being getting hit by a car. along with other dangers that pose on a traffic stop. but i remember the entire thing and honestly as soon as it happened, i remember the entire thing. i immediately knew i just got hit and the biggest fear was how bad? i didn't remember kind of barrel rolling to my feet. i guess that's adrenaline kicking in. it was scary. that's my worst fear. i immediately knew what happened and the biggest thing was trying to call for help. make sure i'm okay, that the driver is okay, and so --
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>> dana: what were the conditions like that led to this? i understand it might have been icy. it doesn't look like it from the video. >> no, it has been really cold here in oklahoma and it was probably since it's been so cold it was a warm 50 degrees. one of the nicer days we've had recently. but it was about 1:30, i was headed home. got off at 2:00 and i was just cruising down the interstate. he had an expired tag. that will be a quick, easy stop. see what's going on with it. and the funny thing is when i lit him up we were on the inside lane. the fact he put his blinker on and we traveled all the way to the outside lane, so when i do make a passenger side approach i don't have to worry about traffic or watching cars. in my head i was like boom, that's brownie points. this guy cares about my safety and his safety. we won't try to stop on the
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inside shoulder. so that's just what happened was the last thing i thought. >> dana: that driver and the driver of the vehicle that hit you were both okay? >> yes. i remember as soon as i was able to get to my car and call for help the driver that i had pulled over was out of his vehicle and he was telling me he was okay. and then i think we had somebody that saw the collision stop and help the female in the black s.u.v. that had struck us but i never made contact with her. >> bill: that black s.u.v. rolled over several times. it's amazing that everybody was okay. what a miracle. as you say, you did a bit of a face plant on the side of the road, right? you sprung up. >> i don't know how i just -- like i said, i knew what happened and my head was kind of numb. i think that's the scariest
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thing i knew i just got hit and my head was -- my face was kind of numb feeling, i think, from some grass burn but yeah, the scariest part i didn't know what my head looked like. >> bill: we want to squeeze this out. >> dana: the oklahoma highway patrol is using this as an opportunity to remind people. we show this video as a graphic reminder of the consequences of distracted or impaired driving and the importance of the slow down move over law. that's a good thing to remember if you are out there on the roads. >> absolutely. i don't think -- we talk about it and preach it all the time and ask people to get over for us. it is state law. i wish it was state law across the u.s., you know. it's something that happens way too frequently and so we just -- video like this is something that i hope people can remember and might see something. >> dana: we've been worrie


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