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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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to follow it closely. >> i no longer can vote there, a but we'll be pulling for you. a lot of my friends are supporting you and butng wef you the best. people want to get in contact with you. how did they dplo get intoo? >> definitely. they can reach me out to my v for ny .com magic for ny .com. yes. all right. buzz my phil, thank you. we appreciate it. that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank'se you ford being with us and making the show possible. please set your dvr so the shoer you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantimn epe ofe, have gd news. not your heartbeat. trouble. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. thank you fo r being us.o >> have a great night.
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happy thursday, everybody. so sometimes the univers einsometimes the univers you that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. like jesse watters getting jesse the 8 p.m. hour after being diagnosed with micro. yes here's here's another example. >> the wildly popular comedian named shane >> if you've never heard of them, here's a taste. the tonight, the united states killed the leader of isis. trump comes out of the situation room at midnight. he walks up and for the entire world at midnight just goes abu bakr al-baghdadi is dead. he died like a dog in front of of the whole world. >> abu, we can hear him crying ,said abu, don't let me tell you something. abu kraidy great, great. a bit. i wouldn't have crie quitd, right?ve crie
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baghdadi that's when we were all going. he's funny and he does trump better than alec. tha plus, plus, he hasn't shot anyone yet.. but what's special about gillis is that he beat cancel culture.e in 2019, he was hired as a cast member on saturday night liveon but was fired before he ever "s after on thbefore he ever people dug up old clips in which he made jokes about asians. showeoplnow, you've seen snl ine past few years. you might even say got lucky. you know, he's like the guyy wh who causes a ruckus at them boar gate, so he's banned from boarding the plane. and then that crashes. e that snl is like that crashing plane only not as as. wow. thank you.s really i got some applause from a sick person, but it's no surprise they fired him before he set foot on stage set.
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he was too dangerous forro elitist snobs who think anything trump ousr republican s an automatic punchline. he also didn't take ananythiy pn that they liked, and the ones ay what they liked, and the ones ay a french kiss from, we your grandmother. the last thing they wanted. but the fact is needed him more than he needed them, because since then he's become a huge success. enter bud light. hugyou remember them, right? last year, they briefly partnere d with trans influencer tra dylan mulvaney, which alienated their customer base, resulting in boycotts that cost billions. thank god we never covered tha t . >> it started april 1st after mulvaney, a.k.a. pee-weete herman, anheuser-busch's last 5 billion with a b as in blost corp, sales are plummeting faster tha fn hunter biden's pants in a theater. mulvaneyfaster influenced bud's customers to switch to st pauli girl so they won't have to wonder what's under the skirt. after all, we preferwanto wond t
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to be in a bowl. it's the first time dillon'sa complaining about the scandal.oh more proof that he's not a woman. how do you like them adams the apples. so thank >> their woke desperation. anheuser-busch's stock dropped faster thatheir lesson . it appears so, because guess who bud light is partnering with now? shane gillis? yes. it appears publi c works because bud light severed ties with mulvaney faster than meghan markle. >> severed prince harry's o hary on the spectru'sm. >> regular dude, miss gillis is about as far away as you can get from mulvaney without a beer belly transplant. >> and so bud announced on instagram. welcome to the team. shane gillistranspla. excited to be part of your 2024 tour. and yoyou got u got to admit, ts a much better slogan than 2023.g is bud the king of beers? four queens with . th
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>> so why now? well, maybe tuned into joe rogan, and i feel like you should be the new who could turn this around. >> they better hurry up. give me some money or i'm going to start drinking cures likegan who knew it was that easy? >> ge >> i should try that. hey, preparation h, you bettereg me some money or i'm going money to switch the stocks. wait, there's a wait. i'it, there's a wait. no, you don't know, todd. so don't. apparently, you haven't lived. i haven't lived. cleaven't lived. wants to move on andon a start selling beer again. >> they learne d two key rules of marketing. don't insult your core customer os. and when choosing a spokeswoman, beer drinking pros want girlhoosins in bikinit girls who ask for a reach around like edward gillis. what better spokesman than a guy who actually looks like
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he uses the product? >> oh, god. that's how companies laugh all the way to the ban bank, not the unemployment line. mulvaney acted like you've never seen a beard before. the ad was shot, but gillis looks like he spoons with aa 30 pack every night. k everit's imperative find a spokesperson who seems like they use the product. prey use the product. the product. if i were mattel, i'd hireoducts lady to sell he-man dolls. one of my childhood favorites. sorry. oh, a lisa lisa hiner side. remember that c executive who brought on mulvaney once complained that bu d had used too much bratty humor in the past. and guess who handed me my quarter pounder through the drive thru window yesterday ? lisa hiner. i kid mcdonald's is for bratty too. >> but you know, likes bratty humor, beer drinkers, people who enjoy drinking beer t your customers.
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>> you're not selling to trans influencers. there'ors? onere'ors? use them in the ad. so bud's doing the right thingm and goodin thed is for them. maybe our leaders will learn the same lesson. maybe le lesson. who made you, they can unmake you too. >> at least no who w have a spokesman emphasis on man who will make us laugh on purpose. wh >> and not because he looks like audrey hepburghn. e audr if anything, this opens the door for other troubled brands to do the sam brae. because, you know, maybe dudes are the answer. maybe disneyanswer should hire y the cable guy. ,ben and jerry'sre larry shoulde tyrus. he could have his own flavor. kick ass, crunchcould ha i migh. that. kick. y and victoria's secret. you know, maybe it's timthate il get in shape. >> so good on bud light for rediscovering its core values. well, snl limps along like a solar powered prius. la first, bud got the ufc, thend
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peyton manning and gillis. if they got any frat here, they'd sponsor a lighting contest. well, guess the energizer bunny sends her hate mail. host of the fox true crime podcast and leaker bio. as a former judge, this this outrderjudge, this of order. actor and comedian vince august . she saw her shadow this mornin gs ofaw her shadow this mornin . means six more weeks of not eating. "new york times" best selling author n eating. senator can be more than i. >> and his shirt size has more xs than taylor's s. ork ti >>me "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former entertainer went to his. emily, as we're walking on, you asked me, would i everak a job spot with but for bud light i would say yes because e
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you know they're paying. >> that's what i would agree with. how much >> mlle: tha would you do it fo? then you were like, free. yeah, i feel the question nevers said free to do it. i would doaid it for a lot a l of money. how much of that wouldot o be sn figures. we're in the decimal point. has to be over woul the side of this side. thing. >> yeah, i would do it for, like would d, 100,000. is this a good move, you think? yes. k? and i think what's interesting. that we're watching in real time in and you sort of laid it out is them. they're being actually pretty ballsy with the apology move, so they're unabashedly hiring the exact opposite, the exact antithesis of what they plantt. that they weren't right. right. i mean, look at the numbers. so apparentling th t antithy they paidulvane dylan mulvaney $26,000, and then they lost almost $30 bi billion. you're i.n my 2016 when peyton manning, he just mentioned budweiser. there's sort of a hullabaloo about it he just mention becausn it and they argued at the time that just hi arguem talking abos was worth $13.9 millionthey n
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in advertising. >> and the point was they never paid him. so now, thoughever pai all that you they are paying peyton and shane gillis millions and millions and millions and millions and they're having to do it in the long game. they're basicallllionss y sayin, you know what, worth it, because all of these numbers pale in comparison o to $30 billion. did you hear that? talkbillion.s talks. >> oh, i'll make you awith millionaire. stick with me, kid. i shouldn't be doing that about tuck, spence. it is kind of funny, though. their initia tucksl thing was th frat boys and then they've got like they said, the hood ornament of is. that is better than frat humorhd . >> i shouldn't say that is extremely funny. hilarious guy. how did you not. he's at do a dylan d mulvaney and tux joke? a dyyou know, somewhere in ther: now, it occurred to me tha my problem never with dylan mulvaney. >> it was with alicia jingo, hammerschmidme.t whatever his ne is, because it was we're note no that anymore.
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we're this. and why do you have to be one or the other? >> yeah. i mean, you, the peoplmeane that always trying to be inclusive, the ones that separate us in groups and the groueparate indp that e targeting is alcoholics. and those span every. >> yes. you should just say, listen, this beer is so good, you're going to drinhiis sk mucn of it. you're going to get so drunk, you're not going to know if dre with shaneng to know if gillis or dylan mulvaney. >> but tomorrow morning, you're going to have a good story either way. >> i gotg you'll to. >> kat, why are we approachede to be spokespeople? you know, we were there first when it came to cancel culture, we think, but should be underwriting this show. >> and we love money and we do drink. yeah and w. d i also think that with bud light, it was i think a loti th of peopline how you feelwere they were mad about not dylan mulvaney, but about saying purposely, not abou theyi to get rid of their mostngd of thinet rid of their mostngd of but i also think there was another piece to it which just drinking a bud light is an
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invitation for anyone in the bar to come up and talk to you u about. >> yeah, that's true. a lot of people just didn't want.ant like if you're drinkig that, then someone, anybody is going to gengt like and if[lh you're drinking a bud lightet only two reasons you're drinking it. either you drink a lot of already, you're trying to slow te, eith o down, or you have a lot of drinking do, right? you're trying to take it slow. yeah. you're managinakg your drinkingn in those situations. do you want an none y additional externality? is that coming at you? yes. soadditi i think that although obviously shane gillis, i think represents the brandthin and wht it really always has been, if you still run the risktill, thee that like people might still not want to take that risk. yeaht sk, you almost have to wat till those people die. and everyone who's been alive for that commercial needs >> h first.xactlyal needs >> exactly. they need to go after beer. drinkers who aren't children. >> children? >> thildren?
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not good enough. yeah, not good enough. od i hate to kill the littlei party. i have a problem with dylan mulvaneyhave a had a problem with somebody doing woman face. yeah, making fun of spitting in the facwomae of women, doingm being trans. i ditrans.d the other thing tha- is not. yes. they're shelling out money trying get guys back on the team but they have laid off what 20% of the labor force and they're the people who live the arenas. and baseball stadiums across the country have all been laid off. just las counte alt week they wt people off. so, yeah, you're going to pay peopy and one're going to pay comedian's pocket and that's great. but how about hiring back th coe people you laid off like that instead of admitting you're wrong? sot >> tld be great. and i can.n i can speaspk only becauseeat i drank bud light.lite yeah. it was the best beer to go with. i'm barbecuing. yeah best t, you know.e to best t, you know.e to to drink? tyrus? that was the beautiful thingdri for me to get where i needh to go with bud light. any of these. 24. so i always keep 12.i yeahalwa12.
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everything at my house. i i only get half enjoyment, so i just get kind of there jus. th but and i was diehard bud light because i even had the bud l light orange. >> i loved it. i thought it was great. it was a beer drink in college and e wasi change much. bee i dress the same since i wasdran 13. you're not going to get in a commercial you understand? y i want to kiss my . i don't need it. i i the money. mor but i got my integrity's more than that. i wouldn't take a dime froe tham right now. and i drank it my entire life because the policy is not righh because we haven'tit seen it come out and say we were wrong for allowin sg a person and woman face to degree great women. and this tate ag will happen age try that. they always do the apology like we're sorry for the sorry for what? what exact like i tell my kids y what are you exactly sorry for? you spit in the face of middle class of america. you made funf of women because you didn't think anyone matter and you had some dumb talking about was i stupid. you lost a bunch of money. good americans lost jobs. . t here you're giving a little bit here and there. but who's going to step up and say this ain't going say thy this ain't going to happen again? >> here's how. and by the way, the employees who work foron'tagd th for decas and even generations, we're
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goin g get it back. and this is how. so maybe we don't get a bunch of sponsors who get money. maybrs, maybe that money goesats back to the workers because that's who got hurt in this. >> all right g. okay. crimes a surprise when it's in n front of gavin's eyes. e fact >> why? or force factor? vitamin c, so popularannt s vitamin c, so popularannt s at walmartuppl the highest quality ingredient to deliver powerful healthyorcef results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friendsac family recommend force fat rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. food has definitely been a very dominant in my head. that's not the main focus anymore. dieting exercising and adding glp one through ro is a game changer. i have such a sense of mental freedom since i started with ro food no longer controls my thoughts. the only time used to revolve around food and now it revolves around we're going to go do
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paying. but the employee blamed it our not realizingngamed it she was talking to newsom himself. talkroll it. >> i won't there to be as true story. i'm there with my three kids. some guy walks out and dropssome something. my 14 year old says, sirthing.,c you drop this and he comes back, picks it ud p and keeps walking out. as we're checking out, sayst're checking out, out. he can pay for that. i said, why are you stopping? she goes oh, the govt' accountability. there's no i said it's just not true. she.e said we are the 10thameric toughest nine and $50 a 10th toughest in america. >>e didn't she's you know what a talking about, by the way, it's the 10th toughest in america. look it up t up. t up >> no one gives a . right. and i said, it's just not true. there'ids still a stop. >> they said when we don't stope them because the governor and then goe she goes, she looke at me twice and then she breaks out. e freashe calls everyone over oe to take photos. i'm like, no, i'm not taking no, like, no, i'm not taking
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we're having a conversation. where's your manager? how are you blaminr gre the governor? and it was, you know, $380 later. and i waing the wass like, why, i spending $380? everyone can walk the right out. hell r did he just say, where'sig your manager? what was he going to do, get her fired for not likingtohe because he said ten best did something. >>st it takes a special kind of stupid to argue that your crime policies are workinge right after you watched a shoplifter casually stroll out with merchandise and theng:u you ask for the manager. >> i think w ae found the new name for a male. karen. it's gavin. s sens his sense of entitlement, his desire to complainofs his self-centered this when interacting with others. are we sure he's notseterednes t
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and he's shocked thise is happening in his state under policies that he's got the power to changg in a se. >> instead, he's like alec baldwin complaining noo cop one wants to shoot a western with him. gall him. a gallon of moose would wonder, could this be a sign like crimfy policies are resulting in more crime? you don't maybe spend more timse california and less time pretending not to run for president. this guy spende ins more time p campaigning than the corpse actually running. and what's it? spending hundreds of dollars anher vids.ndreds of dollars he was boasting that because you can run away with $950t' of stuff? that's an achievement becauss e it's the 10th best in the country. >> i love that he looks like>> i everyone else in california that they don't even recognize him as the governor of california. rnia. yes, that is in target. and he's like, no, it's like, wed he's like, no, it's like,
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>> jersey, by the way, we all know what phil murphy looks like. puke. in fact, tomorrow they're going to pull him out of a tree stump. and if he sees his shadoa treews have six more years of the highest taxes in the country. >> no, this is it. you know what? this is, too. this is also like, i hat, ed the cringes moment in campaigns and debates is when they say, you know, i've let someone from sports on air were telling me this story. this is the real version of. that story. yes. yes. i met someone in target and they're like our governo tr is an and it turns out that was made into that story. >> yesry. it's this is the real version of that story. yeah, it's always like that. reg: thathat'll be changing, to >> i was at a target storean and i stopped. shoplifter. yes, because the clerk was too scared. thiss to. was all about ego. >> tyrus he was mad that they didn't recognize him. as mad t he's a bad month. >> his favorite in and out. his ? favorite in and out. >> yes. at wes. don't pay for things at walmart and target anymore becausean
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crime. and he's the guy who's supposede to be in charge of crime. and he's so upset that they're complaining him about crime. >> yeah, i'm just going to say this right now. democrats, stick with what now.democrt and that's saying a lot. yeah, it is. it is. yeah is.. >> at least with biden, we know he doesn't know what he's doings . this guy have us all at because we're making fun of the president, his presence. >> so we don't want we don'tan want. and it's not the male version we need to just the person. pero the new wordn, karens across. >e >> america, you are free. yes, you are free. yo. you are free. he just gave up walmart. yeah. gavi n or dad? no, marc, that's such a good. i guess i just got gavin by somebody and just use it from now on. like b that person just gaving: you? >> yeah. yeah, i just. . e isi just.
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>> where's your manager? you know what she should have said? i said manage, well, i'm your manageri' because she is like her tax dollars. h al his salary, huh? that's the problem with all these elected officialthessze ta who they don't realize morethey don't realize and he should have listened. tell me more about why you feel this way fee. way, because you actually are my employer you pay my salary.n >> but then this person waspersn working out today behind a cash register to be like, you know what you're talking about? about me bade an and i want to y to get you in trouble with your boss. the entitlement is so grossd and disgusting, and it just representssgusting how backwardu all these government officials the shese government officials actually and supposed to be. no. be why didn't he go and stop him? why did he expect this clear?lek you know, he the person h couldn't have been that far away. he should have run afterld have
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. >> right.e th i was thinking that for him to have the gall to asl tok hero woman behind that, why don't you stop him? maybe it's because maybe employc policy, employer policy. now, throughout california and much of the nation is under no circumstances are you supposed to stop shopliftersoplr because so many people have died trying, including under and thrying, including under his watch, including in southern california, throughout california. he should know califa, h that tt that he was shocked this is happening, this just goes to sho w absolutely insulated.d fo he is. and for him, i felt like i wasfl listening like a therapymeet session, you know, with amy. >> and then and then this is the guy when he when he talks about advantages, you know, he slept with his campaign managers , his wife,ry then he got to remarry and have this beautiful famile y be able to afford target $300. and he has the gall to complai n about someone saying, yeah, living in california now. caliand the one remember that ts everyone that he speaks for them, that he' speakthems the s you. if you are a person of color, if you areof a woman, right? b
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he wants to represent you because he does it better thanr than and that. and then when we dare to question him, that's the narcissism coming out where he basically has a tantrum. >> how dare you? or she could have said wbasicalo 10th customers because we're ten countries. >>n countries. you understand this is the waynd gavin's are you you're barbecuing at the park and agaiand n passes you and why they want to know why you're there. yes. and then whe're the n tell them, the reasons why you're. they're not good enough for the gavin's. yeah it go enough fo. >> such a good. you got to be careful. these gavin's ladies and gentlemen. all right, theree ladies teent pump the brakes on tampons next to cakes. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of, your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative your home, your equity and your peace
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of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox . nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that believe or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think what? there's a whole huge process. but the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk someone comes in with fraudulent deed if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it, cannot give it back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent, we're not going to file it. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security. it's not real. bottom line is, yes, it happens and we can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to stay in you. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you put your your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day home title.
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exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying cash. >> rewards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die, you may even if your loved one died decades ago, we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. called the meyer blair law firm at one 800 467 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. but nobody can run the door in the mine. >> tell us, what do you think? suspects now? hey. all right,ice. boys. bent frustration sign over
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products for. so should we demanrationd an apy from boys? you know, basic biology, connecticut teenage boys. aren't they all rip down a tampon just 20 minutes afters it was installed in theijustr high school bathroom? >> which raises the question, dt did it take so long? t the boysak tampon vending machine? >> and let's pause to appreciate the beautyt' of that wording was installed as part of a new state law that callst of new for free menl products and at least one men's bathucts and at least one men's yeah it's a law that ischool. about as logical as free aqua velva in a girl's bathroom. in and an email obtained by a connecticut news site principal expressed his deep disappointment. >> quote, i am awarea that theexpres law says men's bathroom. but the actions today were the workses de immature boys, no men. >> this is the most egregiourk s
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instance of vandalism. it generally only happens in boys bathrooms. >> you think o that's? this is the most egregiousink? instance of vandalism. no, it's the most heroic. fact is, they boys.d and the only thing that upsets a woke lemming more is someone s who's resistant to their brainwash. and adolescent boys are the leaso their brait susceptible to >> so it's not immaturity. it's common sense. also saying these boys are notte men while pretending that girlso are boys. i think you've lost cre all credibility on topic. you're not a man. you're a mouse and a ball. mouthis one at that. now, apparently the school's had other vandalism, includinghs broken stall doors torn down, soap dispenserchoondaliss and ts stuffed in toilets, and now in egregiously harm to men'ss an dispenser. well, what the do you expect?
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put a tampon dispenser in a teenage boys bathroom and you think it's going to it throughng the end of the school year? you should be grateful it lastedear. day. lasted >> but, mr. principal, maybe you shouldn't blame those for acting up. perhaps it was just their time of the month . the month but how would you feel if there were a tampon machine in your son's school restroom and he tore down? he tor >> i would be so disappointed that he didn't call me. do it together, son. yeah.son. >> at the bonding? yeah, i just. . oh. this is the world we live inthi. i mean, obviously, the firstipal thing you want to say to the principal is. >> shut up, gavin. the laws, it goes. let's say this is a need. b i would think it would be a case by case situation.
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unless maybe the numberse th are off. f. but the population of trans boys using the bathrooms in elementary school is what? a and that's all i would ask. like, is it three times a day? is it once a year? is it one student everyis i semester that fits this why description? >> so why even put them in thate situatioven? e because there's still not the nurse's office. yeah, and if they're. office i'm if they're trying to liveg their life as a young man, the last thing want is to be ine a men's room with other men looking fo r eight bellies. >> any one of you grab the tampon, anyone? i that's a good point. what are w neede? yeah, tyrus could put it in your nose, bro. it's not funny. look on pain.u di he considers auburn. he didn'ith yourt with your moms tampons. this is one of those. i was amazed? . ms amazed? and one time i got a bloody nose and my mother went there person was lik e, hold still and not a drop on my shirt. it didn' at phenomenal.
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and i had the bullet wounds. god i had the bullet wounds. three daughters, so i'm all about the being ready, the pads or tampons or whatever we'reatev doiner g. like i got a set for each one. i'm ready to go. i mean, there don't get to talka to your mom. i got you. i carry one in my bag. somy if i die in a car accident and you guys see a bunch of tampons in one, just to let you know, i'm an activem a with daughters, i was not transitioning. i car withn as someone who's ofn for a teenage boy. >> yeah, no, he's right. you have the right to puts on a hat, you know? yeah. you really can't. you really tsn have no idea of is.idea >> what do you expect from desty a teenager. >> they destroy everything. mhm. okaything.. o well but also as someone who used to clean bathrooms professionally. mho cleam yeah. i about the market. it's like it's not the faultt th of. whoever ends up having to clean up this mess, which kind of for the janitor. that's sucks like, what did you
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today? like, i'm cleaning up the busted opethpen dispenser in the boys bathroom. >> like, that as a da y, but asthat as a da as you know, in high school, like, i provided my own tampons . yeah, i just. i don't know. i feel like it. manys like it. people does this really impact? and it's a small school an schoo and now school it's national news and i justi t have much more to say. emily. yeah, they tore it dowmilyn 20 minutes. i think that's restraint. i know it took you enough. >> yeah. okay, so here's the thing, though. it's. it's nationa. it tookl because it was state law that mandates that tampons tha have be in boy bathrooms as well as when. and to your point, i lov- e that because the statistics think about where your tax ths are being mandated, bx where you are being forced to allocateingd toe the amount,, the expense that is for how many. and then when you weigh. thi >> so this principal talked about vulgar vandalism. he said he would discussl talkel
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it's dead, right. you know, it's in polite. well, i would argud argue worsen vandalism or being a boy, not a may n is the that occurredcud in the virginia women's bathroom i by a man wearing a skirt, a boy wearing a skirt. and her familyan is their school district for 30 million because they condoned it because it's because laws like this are what openelaws ld the fieldr everyone to take advantage of it. so i would rather ai i wour on one person being like i have to walk to the nurse's officnurr and having one person be in the bathroom because someone else becau worked. yeah. and if you if you're i gfreg: i you're transitioning, i think you can also carry a tampon with you. >> not that i would know. vince, do you think caring for my daughters all the time.g yeah. big deal. yeah. point of pride means that they do the rightal . ht >> or was it immature? was look, if you walk into a boy'st bathroom, the worst thingou you see is a dispenser on the ground. >> yeah,see is a you're already winning. okay. yes. aswe'v into
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bathrooms, and it looks like there was a pagan sacrific ehere was a pagan sacrific in the stalls, and you're juste like. i just want to knostall anw whan touch and not touch. you know, i think the problem here and emilylem hit on its is when you try to legislate this stuff. >> i mea in, grew up sometimes i you have to trust people. >> and when i grew up in the eighties from middle school,e be high school and beginning of college, you know, we didn'gt have to be legislated and want to accept not accept. an accept not accept. between boy george, the bands where the guys were gettine wil, long hair, were wearing makeup. none of asked questions. we accepted everythingep and girls wentted to michael and we were surprised. he likes me more so. but you didn't have to legislate and someone did attack someone who was trans or or whatever it was, the toxics- males that would defend them. m so the problem is don't try to legislate this stuff. you know, just sometimes you just have to let things happen and let people gravitateo
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to where they're going to go to. and you know what? kids will work this out. you know. i dono t, i think people should just follow my lead. >> i don't think i ever usedd the restroom ever in high school. i got my business done befor e and after. i was never going to sit on that toilet, not fon r anything. it was an all guys school. so there wasn't even yeah, itye was pretty bads, bad. i don't want to talk about it. wait, i'm on tv. i have to go all right, coming up, live, start to panic. if you destroy a statue that satan. >> oh, hello there and welcome to a history of the world in six classes where we take you on a journey through six eras of civilization. excuse me. and join me. your host, jon lovett. hey, i'm kevin nealon, and my new book is called i exaggerate. >> it's available in bookstores everywhere. what's going on here? what was the problem? >> i'm the host here. you guys are talking. get me to look at my again. >> george was say, but you guys are getting paid. join me for scene stealing hacks for our history of theustu world in six blasts.
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create this kind of fox newss gn story? yeah. like, this guy is going to definitelg to- y be. if i was if i was the hostfwhv of fox and friends, i'd be nervous. yeah. thank you. you're out, this gyou're. >> this guy's in. namendm is the first amendment, but i actually think that there is an argumenten think that.e hate crimes in general are unconstitutional. yeahunco, because of the 14then. amendment. >> mm-hmm. which is equal protection. the law. yes, because it's creating different classes of victims. diffsrent classes of victims. and different. >> you know, for for crimes. no, hate crime is ridiculous. if the crimee is is bad enough,s you don't have to then assign a whole nother layer vincole nother layer ho judge. well, how is this work? how is this a hate crime?w tthat's the problem with this story is a couple of things with the aspect that youat have somebody in california that stabbed their husband to death and is facing no jail time and this person's facing jail time. ths first problem with ourr la
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laws with regards to hate crimes and why they're notwsrdsa right with regard to that being a hate crime against a paga n statue and the factnow, that this guy, you know, broke this statutehi, it's a civil issue. it's a property damage issue, because i don'it's at the town t that there. >> it's not a government product. so, you knowit's governm what? see, this is where cops, too, have to stand up and say, i'm not going to go servecomp complaint. yeah, you know what? prosecute you. go arrest him. i'm noyou go arrt going to do tf because this is the type of stuff that makes us look like a really sill y country.lly sill >> this is a it's crazy, emily. in a way, it's like i the previous story in which we were challengeh we wd with issus that have never i mean, like we now have a satanice statue at a state capitol and we have to deal with. right. they actually escalated it to a felony because the crime they claim was religiously motivated because apparently claip also a religion.rently >> and that's my my issue with it is, how unequal thisequh application is. and it's where it goes
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it you're saying. goes so i understand the religious connotation. this woulde be classified as a hate crime. but if that were to be true, thent were how is it that 97% pr christopher wray of abortionwraf crimes that have occurred in this countrn y are againstpri pro-lifers, and how manyfe prosecutions have seen almost none. hundreds of attacks on catholic churchesalmost, arsons and vandm and everything. no prosecutions. but to your poin prosecutiont tt prosecuted under the felony. 11osecuted under the felony. where a group of 70 year old people who are singing hymns litele who are singing hymns are literally facing 11 years. that's where prosecutorial discretion comes in. soy facing i hear what you're s. thy facing i hear what you're s. god bless every law enforcemena' officer. i don't want them to disobey orders. but anyone who actually crossewl this man or all of thosepeople w people who prosecute the the pro-lifers and not the pro. but it's so.- yes, but there are a lotenes
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of times you approach people to scenes and officers sa y. crimin this is a civil issue. this is not a criminal issue. this is a propertyalssueis is . >> it's insane. the thing is, , this is just that this is a religious it's a it is insane. but we we have to be the adults in the room. we shouldn't have done it because, yeah, most of us agreer that we don't want a satan sat statue in our front yard. i'll be the first to admit it.ib there's not a of it, but i'mne fine with the grinch at christmas. >> but that's my line. yes, but if my neighbos bur to t up first to admit it's the prince of darkness and,s brig their front yard and his bright red eyes were coming throughrewt my as i watch my movies. and i went outside and i cut the head off a the statue. >> i'm an. mm-hmm. because when we agree with himth and like a lot of christians tha who really feel like, oh, you know, that's fine, that's fine.
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but then you got an cheapern wh person who walks in and seese of a statue of sweet baby jesus and decides to cut the head off. and we wany and decidet. wrong oh, hell no. oh, hell no. this is so wrong. whether you likethisrong.r you if there's a reason that was put up there, leave it alone. .hmm. settin don't do it because you're setting the precedent. and no and now he's at a bunchat of charges. for what? you took the head off somethin,l ,and now you could look a at jail. we got to hold him just as accountable as anybody elseau . like, bro, don't go destroying stuff, because it. it just leads to more pictust leads to more >> you don't like it. take a picture of it, make fun of it on instagram and mov it,n. by the way, this was obviouslywa put out there for this desiredyu response. it's meant to rile people up and they got what they wanted. their work. k people >> yeah. up next step outside of you there, there is turds in the there, there is turds in the aiaiothes r a >> ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin. down y with your clothes without dyes or perfumes the towel wash the downy is softer and gentler
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raining down on unsuspecting folks just outside of buffalo. new for over a month. how could they tell? experten s know it's because they could taste the corney can yellow. now they claim that it's likel y an airplane because of its appearance, but likely doesn't mean if s ance butt is.up could this be a cover up? is it really from a plane or? aliens on a bus, perhaps as revenge for us sending them?f jeff bezos. remember that?t co now the mayor can't confirm whether it's human or animal, it's i often sayan or animal, when i order from panda express . how much for their sponsorship yet, sponso emily had to use powerpo washers. >> this is insane. this isyou know who's investigg this? the faa or bar?ar >> because literally they're saying this airplanee literally someone above them in the sky has been, they say duringm the afternoon eating the hours regularly have been
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unloading that yet. >> yeah but that didn't saying you how many diseases all of your diseases are in fecal matter. yes this fe. hazard is like a biohazard worse than ebola. i think the story is nauseating. yeah . greg: w >> everyone should move.e we should do a segment illegal segment called mattershouldo s >> great. i love this story. yeah. why do you lovthisrye it? >> i love this story. what i want to see now is planes painted like pterodactyls or dragons and swooped down the . the i think that should be part of this. i thin pook it makes it. but look, you have plane doors flying off of planes. g ofpeople going to theiofr pan, and that's g that's what it is. that's what it is. >> what do you think it is? this is why i always wear a hat. yeah. it's never been a better timer n to buy a a hat, fellas. god, i didn't know what i wouldi dot' when i want a bird. does it to you is supposed to be good luck. so if this happens, go plays the lottery. >> i don't know. you're
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is this another. i know the thing you're going to be worried about. i, joe biden, to condemn. e why is he silent? yes. where's man pete? yeah, where? he's there in second place. i am calling on the president of, the united states, c to condemn this atrocity. onfirst by the people near buffalo. >> yes. we got a great story, though. who, detective, were here for number two. >> don't go away. two. back.o away. if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld, go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> the biggest investigation in, fbi history, more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my dream job to share this information to the american people. those involved must held
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