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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> laura: good evening, a everyone, i amnd laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." thank you for joining us. desperate measures, that is the focus of tonight "angle." all right, last night we told you about those peaceful pro-life protesters in iowa who are facing more than a decade in prison.c. they are crime? praying and singing at an abortion clinic. but what if you are part of a pro-hamas protest that blocks major arteries at the nation's capitol when congress is actually i n session? well, "cancel culture dictionary: an a to z guide to winning the war on fun" got exclusive video. >> is closed for theg] ates united states of america andonis distinct indistinct everybody pray for israel! there is a palestinianover revolution! >> laura: he's calling for a revolution over there, here,
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both, who knows.e but because he hates america, that means, of course, he is protected because a lot of people on the left don't like o america either.yo he is celebrated byoo anti-american establishment. now,kising as we told you last , some polls are looking promising for donald trump especially infe the swing states. but just as the country faces a minefield of problems theseat days, so does trump. a coordinated legal attackso directed by powerful interests.i of course, it is all a joke to those who get the big payoff gspirit >> first thing, rachel, you and i would go shopping. we would get completely new wardrobes, new shoes,y. motorcycle, fishing rod for robbie, rachel, what do you want? speak away how house. >> it is yours, rachel. >> laura: now, everyone needs understand that left-wingeft flank will do anything andchan everything to blow up a chance
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in november. in the election, the goal is to fundamentally change america because they believe our country is also so rich and also so racist. their ammo can be summed up in one line: reward your friends and punish your enemies. so no matter where they gain a. foothold, think about academia,t corporate america, courts, federal agencies, media, entertainment industry, even the churches, they start perchinggi conservatives from their ranks. then they began using those institutions to persecute their political enemies.rds, the principles of fair ofth subjective standard, equal justice, all of it right out the window. now claudine got that harvard post not because she's the best of the best. tshe got her post because she s inb the club and would follow orders. now once left-wing are in place, th to e real damage is inflicte.
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thanks to the left's dream of cashless bill in new york, lreamigrants beat up those copse roaming free. and literally, they gave america the double finger after being released. well, "the new york post" isnoas reporting that police nowdy believe that four of the migrants who beat up the cops have already hopped on a bus to california. they apparently gave fake names to a nonprofit that helpsnpro migrants get out of the city. a nonprofit gets money from you, the taxpayer appearance of zero for them, but not for the january 6 tebecause they were political enemies. so the doj wanted to make examples of them. that explains the nationwide dragnet, federal resources put into the prosecution peer they are still looking for 300 people. of course, the solitary confinement come at thein obscenely long prison sentence, all of them because the
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democrats worldview, the jay sixers cast out of society forever and never be allowed toi workto again. even if they didn't enter the mmitcapital and even in if they didn't commit acts of violence, it doesn't matter. what about the congressionalit o staffers who film themselves having gay and the capital room and posted on the internet? since the establishment likes that behavior, they are part of a protected class and no charges will be filed. so what happened to congress' demands we protect those sacred hallowed halls?ja remember pelosi after january 6th? o t you are half, bent over aeg conference table, but if you are a liberal, you are good. but if you put your legs up on nancy pelosi's desk and you are behind bars poor and a year's.on again, they believe the purpose of every institution is to helpy outheir friends and to punish their enemies. if you are a liberal d.a. likeii fulton counties fani willis, you
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think you are well within your o give your secret loverp. work. because you are also working ton take down trump. bif you are a democrat ag, the people know the job in the end is to protect joe biden. because the main enemy?il always trump. why was henny bundy surprised the most surveilled building, you can leave evidence of cocaine and get away with it? t people wonder why the indictments haven't heard trump. i will tell you why, most americans see it as one bigof political vendetta. in that same style of perniciou politics is why the military is getting the recruitingte shortfall, especially among e men, ditto in law enforcement and white christiaron parents are pulling their kids from public schools.r they don't want to spend theiree time and certainly hard-earneden money in places where they feel hated and even targeted.
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it's not just for economic reasons, by the way, people area leavinusg new california, illinois but also because people see those states as harassing for successful but coddling the criminals. i remember when democrats actually had some sort of ethical code. remember live and let live, but that is gone. and activistthey base is even w. they are determined to persecute their enemies and again, protect their friends.othe that makes it easier to advancei their other great priorities, things like limitless abortion, drug legalization, di, open borders, and of course, transgender is him. so the establishment and left-wing supporters are cornered now.t they know america doesn't like joe biden. they know america doesn't like open borders and enlist oars. they know america doesn't like the notion of treating devout religious people is outcast. so there are risks now of
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democrats losing political power. and they will do anything they can to hold onto it. so, we have to stand firm. we havzinge to keep publicizinge standards and growing this coalition until it is so big that even the left wilacl be forced to back down. and that is "the angle." joining me now 2024 g.o.p. presidential candidate, vivek ramaswamy. it seems like everything is upside down in joe biden's america. >> look at my about aligura,n rt now we are in the middle if ilo vewere in this country between e majority of us in this nation who left our country and faces shared values and frenchin minority in a choke hold whoan hate the united states of amerid everything we stand for. and i do call it a war because they are weaponizing one element of our system after another,nc justice system, financialve s system, media to advance thei objectivesbe. i think conservatives need to wake up and say the left has been far ahead for a long time g
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on frontiers that conservatives haven't paid great care to protect peer the justice systemn and financial system amongst them. but we have to think over thet longer run and not the short run of the next election if wee reclaim the one standard of rule of law in this country, one standard of maximizing financial markets and the media while wewe are at it at it. >> laura: well, you have toges. get power back. ewin elections in order to make changes. i think this election is absolutely critical in doing that. r reaction, vivek, what happened today when a mother in boston was asked about ncesthe consequences of what war political decision made to close a recreation center used by a lot of actors, kids, and others igrato house migrants and wherea those kids would end up going. watch this. >> probably to the streets!most to the streets! alreadyst of them are at!at
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you know, when we looke for heu it seems like the state and governor and the people, they push us away! they wanted children to animals. we want better for our community come up with this right here is going to be bleeped >> laura: vivek i know republicans say there is no point to go after the voting blocs of people traditionally democrats.t. i completely disagree with that. i think african americans, many of them seem to be looking around and sagging, wait a second, this is not what i bargained for. >> absolutely and in my campaign about the advice of my opponents to go to southside of chicago, inner city of philadelphia and kensington. i saw widespread agreement onse america's first principles. forget republican versus democrat. we should use our resources in to protect our own sid border confronting south shorer high school on the southside of
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chicago to encampment for migrants at $7,000 per migrant per that is offensiv oe regardless i where the republican, democrat, black orpo white. i see an opportunity to yourn, i importance about winning the election, not only can we win this election but in a landslide of historic margin like reagan did in 19901984 and trump can do that in 2024. the working class coalition, man to woman, black, white, democrat and even republican, independent select to a nation has borders.h america first means all americans, not just the ones who agree with us on every other issue. way,i think if we approach this saway, we will have historicthis landslide this november that they are i say could unite thist country. but it is up to us to step up ip season and not to hide from thao as a republican party has been prone to do a long time. wend have to show up here that s the first step. >> laura: vivek come i think
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not accepting the politicalgo narrative of the left as gospel. a lot of t times republicans wil shrink the second they are attacked by the left. pbs did that documentaryxp osexposing what was really going on with how the january 6th, you know, production was created an committee looking into january 6th. watch this. >> the one thing that we knew was the information that we have is compelling of the things that we we needed to do is tell that to the american people in a compelling way.ough that is why we brought in a former president of abc news spirits because they wanted a storyteller. while theybril were brilliant, y were brilliant lawyers, storytelling for a mass audience is not what they do. >> laura: they admit they brought in a "storyteller." yeah. pla >> it is straight out of george orwell's playbook is theuld s reality. george orwell's would be rolline
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over in his grave to see selecting from the media and that is actually more powerfulhe even for controlling levels ofdo power in d.c.rr the thing they cared most abouto laura, the narrative they wanted to drive and not selective disclosure of the facts that did or didn't happen that day but the spin they put on it for the public to consume. it is up to us not to point to the palm and say it is a top-down issue. part of the problem is we as a people have becomeam a sheep. it is up to every american across the border to look in the mirror and say we will not swallow what we are force fed pure and nation of sheep doesl breed a government of woods.k it is the job of politicalin leaders to fix the government. it is the job of everyone watching this program right now and every citizen at home to look themselves in the mirror and say, how do we not swallowd what was force-fed either in it will do both of those things to get the country back. >> laura: we saw it during covid and we see it now, vivek,
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great to see as always, thank you so much. >> new york stories has been one of immigrants. our message to>> nor the worldk, send use ur people, those who need the cloak of comfort that we can demonstrate as new yorkers with big hearts and open arms. >> nypd tells me it's lookingkn for more suspects after two officers were knocked down, kicked, and punch right here in times square.ho >> you don't touch our police officers. you don't touch anybody. >> laura: now, do not for one second think that governor kathy local has seenchn thons themi n biden's migrant crisis. she really is reacting to the justified public fury about the migrant crime wave. because the factee is illegalsas have been creating and as crimes for years. remember theel story last tim september a newly arrived venezuelan arrested and released six times for attacking by standards and police officers?s soak of manure, migrants are
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rampaging through new york is nothing new.yo former tom homan joins me now, the i.c.e. director and you know this all too well, but democrats claiming to finally get it, it is time to deport people. give me a break!tion >> i don't believe a single wort she says. her actions speak louder than words. if she meant what she said why does she have a state law that prevents ice and why does she have the green light to prevent from getting access to dod data or criminal history data? matter of fact everyhi law enforcement agency in new york has to signor t a promi they share this data with i.c.e border they lose access to dmv data. so, why sh te asking foreall $2.8 billion to illegal aliens in her state if she's serious about this? she got a letter from the
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minority senate leader in new york state asking her to send national guard troops to texas. so she really means what she says, there were a four thinge she can do right now to takee action. about an end, she doesn't mean what she says. she is an open borders gove governor and to illegal aliens and entice them to come tone ly g new york. not only but they think they can get a job and protection from>> law enforcement becaus le they e a sanctuary city. >> laura: someone should tell her the voting for academy awards is almost over,iw right? such an acting shot today which is pathetic. you will not be half surprisedis but fox news bill melugin reporting tonight the border patrol is saying the del rio sector had a 76% decrease in apprehensions of illegals from december to january. peer that has goneer t from the top two business pots on the border to one of the slowest in weeks.'s, that is, of course, following
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texas' very much-publicized increase enforcement across the river from mexico. whknowo would have thought, tomy that razor wire, enforcement,aly you know, publicity about enforcement actually leads to moreo border security.up >> it actually, mexico is stepping utsp enforcement effors in mexico all of a sudden. why's that? there must be election coming.k they want to make biden look d owbetter so enforcement action move the numbers down and secretary mayorkas playing a game instead of the port of entry and will bring more portmo of entry's and bring more to the airport. it is a shelf they wanint to protect their mit prevent trump from becoming president because he will shut othe cartels down. trample shutdown illegal immigration and secure the southern border once again. they are making too much money o at this. >> laura: big time, tom -- >> mexico. >> laura: ard e you surprised that 150 democrats voted against
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the portability for alienslate caught with duis and alcohol related offenses? 150 democrats making that offense. >> medic surprised at all. they realized 10,000 people died from dui. another disgusting example of open border advocates who don't want to hold illegal aliens e accountable. not only to enter the country illegally but committing a felony and killing americanci citizens. 10,000 people ,0a year00 died to duis but that is okay, that is >>okay with the democratic part. >> laurao be: tom, thank you. you have to be the next homeland security material. hav good to see you. talk>> and challenge the biden e administration at your own rih we saw the anglicans trump and out the world's richest man. he is also a target next. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> laura: oh, my god, the man couldn't speak a year ago and it's worse now. i remember when the left and the democrats thought elon musk was cruel. remember those days? was the electric car guy, the rocket guy that was before hewi decided toth protect freefi expression by buying twitter and exposing the twitter files. so now democrats are reallya giving elon musk the trump a delaware judge avoided $66 billion compensation pac package. mccormick'sen ruling said the largest compensation deal for executive of publicly-traded company 250r times as large as medium here that must role as a superstar ceo with thick ties to the. directors dominated the process that led to its approval.e well elon musk respondeds th stating, never incorporate your company in delaware. what does this mean for futurejo
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companies who may choose to incorporate elsewhere? joining out of mike davis founder and president of article three project, mike, he did take the risk's pay package in history and transform the company. he turned it into a complete juggernaut trading like 20 andnt went up to $190 a share?e ca but a liberal judge can now dictate what shareholders and corporate board say they approve? >> that is exactly right. a the tesla board hired elon musk in 2008 and it was allm, i performance for his compensation. if he did not perform come if he did not deliver at very aggressive markers, he did notaf get paid. here we are five years latere th after he more than delivered. tesla is more than ten times more than when elon musk started.rat's and the democrats donor judge os
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this delaware business court is resending this deal and takingco away the compensation from elon musk. >> laura: well, you dig aou little deeper with the judge and you find that she owes her career, mike on the bench to democrat governor and longtime biden friend, john carney. t he appointed her in 2018. she rose through the ranks in e cothree years to head to cour. in the first major case, she'd cited against twitter against f elon musk. before that, she was a partner at a law firm that consistently ranked as one of joe biden's top sources of campaign cash throughout his political career in delaware. not shocking, i think, to a lot of people watching tonight that this wild decision to avoid a compensation package comes from this particular judge. >> yeah, when joe biden tells
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his justice department, his a federal tradnde commission, his securities and exchange inin coming his democrat donor judges back in delaware. when joe biden tells them to jump, they say how high and jump for president biden.musk these democrats hate elon musk because he is actually delivering free speech to all americans. democrats can't live in a regime with free speech. >> laura: mike, this is back to what we said in the "angle," protect your friends and punish your enemies with institutions who dominate beer that is their ammo, correct question marks a because they have shown thats to over and over and over. if they can do this to populisto billionaires lik te donald trumu and elon musk, imagine what they can do to the rest of us. >> laura: mike, thank you.rsta coming up gavin newsom tries toa pretend he doesn't understand why californians feel paralyzede by crimeal. the left claims to know the real reason why so many stores are closing in high crime areas.
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today, victor hansen and larry elder way in the next.
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>> laura: we all know the line >> laura: we all know theas e,line "ignorance is bliss" butn governor newsom's case it is lustful and it is more politicaa theater. video surfaces where he pretends to be shocked that he is blamed for out-of-control retail theft. >> as we are checking out, the woman says, "oh, he is walking out of that. he didn't pay for that."e' the governor, the governor lower the threshold and there is no accountability. i said that is not true. we are in a conversation and where is your manager? why am i spending $380 when everybody can walk the hill
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right out. >> laura: well met, asking to speak to thensti manager, gavin. senior fellow victor davis hanson joins us now. he knows what is happening is because of the policies that heo supported and advocated for.ce this is purposeful ignorance. he is more's marnie by the day and i thought that was impossible. >> most renounce shoplifting to sdema mere misdemeanor and iil shouldn't say shoplifting theft under $950. , laura. endorses it o'mara, no california politiciai is more responsible for the mess. he has been 27 years without a job in the private sector. board of supervisors, lieutenant 7 governor of san francisco, california governor.what straight 70 years and no one's anmore responsible to california has become than him and he knows
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it, too appear there is nothing to consider. as the's g bill would say in the legislature right now. go ahead. >> laura: i love how he says,an how doesd everyone else get to walk out with stuff and i have to spend $380? is that justice hair careso products? i'm nom fendt sure. but he defended that prop 47 turning nonviolent cr felonies o misdemeanors. what. watches. >> we created this narrative. everybody is rushing to prop 47e as the threshold. that is not the fundamental issue. the other issues that are not 4u related. >> laura: victor, he can't get awaym from that tape, can he? >> know he can't and there's a new bill out that prohibits a type of person he encountered froms stopping theft and list these have special safetyff
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training which no small business can afford. de facto means that that employee was not allowed really tothat stop that thief unless st ghad special, you know, trainig peer that is not going to happen. it seems right on when sheth identified him as the culprit. three decades is too long to avoid responsibility for what california turned into. he is the poster boy for what california is in 2024. >> laura: they have to say california and i say this every' time you are on, victor. i left that state and i stillok remember the california bar. i took the bar there and i love. california. people have to wake up. thank you, victor. when liberals aren't acting clueless about the crime crisis, they are, crime racism. s.w.a.t. member ayanna pressley playmate discrimination for pharmacies closing stores in hen home state. speak of these closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent. they are life-threatening acts
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of racial and economic discrimination. that is why i joined with senator markey worn with answers from walgreen ceo. shame on you, walgreens. >> laura: shame on stores for g to make a profit. it turns out the stores have lost lot a ton of money and neep heck of a lot more security. a former presidential candidate larry el larry elder. an odious figure on the scene for sure but do you think she believes what she is saying? or is this more political theater to demonize those who a are actually productive and>> lifting up and elevate the thieves? >> the race card. do not leave home without it. i have no idea what she believes. i know this, the area she iss tw complaining about as a crime the rate that is twice the national average. by thearea way, 85% of people il that area are black and brown.dh 85% of the people in the area where black and brown when they open the store . if she really feels bad aboutert
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it, have your rich friends pitch in and build the store. ayou operate it and find out is you can make a profit when people are stealing. it is stupa crime stupid, it isa crime stupid, it is a crime stupid! that is what is going on here. >> laura: of the saddest part of all of this , larry, is democrats their own pro criminal policies led to the conditions that force this particular walgreens to shut. watch. >> defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police. >>lkin yes i support the defund movement and we are talking reduction in nypd budget andbu defining $6 billion nypd budget. >> not only do we need to defend but we to dismantle. we went defund and dismantle. yeah, that is what cbs and walgreens, that is what they are doing, dismantling their storesu and leaving. >>p. you can't make this up. she is part of the defund the police movement. when you make it easier foro
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criminals to steal and unlikely criminals will get caught, convicted and incarcerated,ay b crime will go they may be criminals, but they are not stupid. she ought to look in the mirrorw she spent $60,000 a couple of years ago on private securitysh while calling foe r the defundig wnof the police.ow she is concerned aboutn her own public safety, her own privatedb safety but walgreens is not to be concerned about the safety of workers and customers. it is an absolute outrage appeared to pull out the race card and tell them they need tou stay there and suffer? they will face legal liabilitieu if workers are hurt because of the crime. >> laura: larry, as always, itwt is great to see you.gran thank you so much.m what are real americans thinkino of the migrant thugs giving them the finger? rame it'n or rural reports frome scene of the attack next. >> do you blame president biden for this? >> i do, i do.
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>> because the wall was being built.
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house has actually stopped by "fox & friends." because sometimes the road to the oval office starts with a cup of coffee on the curvey couch. ♪ ♪ ♪ his >> laura: all right, president biden is looking tos lay the blame for his border crisis at republican's feet. sadly, rhinos in the senate are more than happy to help him do it. but is it working? we sent raymond arroyo to the e officers were attacked by vicious migrants tos ask real americans about who they think is responsible for this migrant mess.g >> laura commit was in front oft this building on 42nd street where two cops tried to break up a mob and they were assaulted by illegal aliens who are now out bail free. i decided to ask new yorkers,sie what should be done? their reaction to the incident.
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do you blame president biden for bthis? >> i do, i do because of what was being built.o >> honestly come i think we havh to protect the border. we need to know who is here and i' om a diehard democrat and i'm saying that. >> your thoughts who is to blame for the migrant crisis we are seeing in the city.d on >> the government. you know why the government is to blame?e go they let them in and the only way they can get in is through h the government. >> who do you blame?>> >> joe biden. >> wife? >> because president trump did not let migrants in. >> the border is wide >> is it because of joe biden? that is where everything started about four years ago. blame the white house. they can do a heck of a lot more at the border. >> the governos whr says they sd be deported particularly the ones who did attack the cops. >> they don't have the credentials to adapt in society. we need to deport him back to
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where they >> they need to get deported. they are not here legally. >> we have to deport them. we have to get rid of themre bu' don't how we do it once i get it here. >> deport them or stop allowing them to come to our city andwe d bring that garbage over here. we don't need that. we have our system going on. we already have people in the system three or four years and want somebody else to come from somewhere else: 19. >> they are 19-year-old venezuelans beating up the cops. >> deport them and send them to jail in venice way >> laura: well,, raymond arroyo, what was youwhr take away what didn't we seek? >> i will tell you what you didn't see. so many people were afraid toy talk. they would like torrie say some. but they felt they were worried' about their jobss .r they didn't want to say anything on camera pier there was a lot ofcrat fear, a lot of anger andp cuts across democrats,
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republicans that i spoke to. a lot of people in thebu video e not republicans, but they were deeply upset the way this is challenging and draining state and city resources.hings yo but the problem is kathy houck was saying one thing as you pointed out earlier in the show and doing another. she is granting 4,000 state job to illegal aliens. those are jobs that could go toe american citizens appear they will again getet the shaft for. these people that just arrived by the way, that shelter, that place i'm standing in front of it as a shelter on 42nd street. itis is between madam and where aladdin is playing on broadway.d but you know what, you don't have to buity a ticket to see a d whole new world.ea it is on the streets. i it is fights, drug deals and people have not seen in decades on 42nd street. >> laura: now, raymond, you but,i have talked about this off-camera, but other than thena crime, which is terrible and all that comes with that, the drugs and all the things donald trump warned about in 2015, he wasr
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totally right about it. also trash with referees, she actually meant physical trash. you hear that from new yorkers. i see it all over northernesse virginia, maryland, d.c., tireso trash, mattresses must stuff you did not see in those areas, even in suburbs peer that is new as well with the migrants. >> you see the mopeds all around delivering drugs, food, girls,sy i'm told by some of the cops. this is all courtesy of the american taxpayer who are housing these people. in fact, new york state isom incentivizing them by giving them jobs, shelter peer that is the welcome mat no matter whatn hochul is saying about deporting these folks. new yorkers have one line on this regardless of party. >> laura: raymond, i think this issue is one of those issues and obviously the economy important but this issue cuts across lines of ethnicity,
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parties, background, age. people know this is wrong and they are upset and i hate that raymond --raraym >> is falling apart. >> laura: raymond, excellent work, thank you so much. and facing backlash for using biological man to promote women's surfing. pro server bethany hamilton joins us next.
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden.
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wow. >> laura: wow! now doing damage control with outraged that the surfing brand after accused biological male to promote women's surfing. now, the company sasha, the face
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of women's surfing and in an instagram post last week. >> how surfing influenced myis i life. it is one ofhe o the only sports where we get to perform a certain dance on a changing >> now this comes months after cut ties with bethany hamilton after shon ae announced her ownr opposition to biological males competing in women's surfing events. apro surfer and shark attack n bethany hamilton joins me, bethany. we have to get into the real .controversy but i have been a a huge admirer of years for so many yoe u have overcome losing your arm and all the challenges that went along with that. what do you say to leading athletic organizations that feel compelled to permit biological man to compete in everything from surfing to swimming, cycling, eve,n weight lifting.
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>> i feel like society is kindnd of like losing its grip on like the physical strength, the str differences because it is very clear. it seems so wrong and so unfair. as a mother of a daughter come d had a daughter last year, three boys and a girl. i want my daughter to have all of the chanc ae that she can in whatever sport she may do. so she definitely motivates me, hey, people what the heck is going on here? >> laura: reality. bethany, i'm sorry, let's talkh about the reality of surfing and what you need to be excellent, a top, top surfer, the type of athleticism, balance, upper body strength and why do men and women in that arena differ? >> yeah, it is kind of the big difference still and always will be come i think. you know, you looked at surfing in particular mn so much faster,
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so much stronger, so much more with just like this beast mode approach. girls are pushing them selemsefd i'm proud of this current generation. so many girls pushing so hard and it is just so cool to see him be as so part of. but it is never that gap is never going to be, you know conch, completely bridged. >> laura: it is -- our >> it is like rocker womanhood and let girls do their thing anh guys do their thing and you canh admire both but there has to bee a line in the sand, you know? >> laura: if the top let's say0 100 female surfers ifen the word could have, you know,, high school surfer who may be has won any competitions who happens to be a strongng y, youg man, would he have the upper hand or the upper body toth
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perhaps compete in those categories? >> yeah, when the world firstwig announced having male bodied athletes to compete against the females, my first thought wentie to, you know, certain countries and the guys that may be aren't quite goodit enough to make it n tour. >> laura: awe! b >> they would come and dominate inthere are so many incredible companies doing incrediblele tthings. there were 75,000 companies onsq public square that stand for american values. >> laura: yes. a >> there is a movement and if you want to support this beautiful movement that, you know, has like everything in order so to say in a little less insane, check out public square. i'm doing a book event coming up, reading books to children at the library. my book is called --
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>> laura: that is awesome. >> inspiring children to overcome theirme fears and face this world with courage. we don't have to be caught up in all of the chaos.ut but we can go out there and live life beautifully. you know, make a difference. >> laura: bethany, you are incredibly gracious. so inspiring on so many levels. bethany, thank you so much. we really appreciate you. >> a lo haw! >> laura: that i thas it for us tonight. do not forget to set your dvr and follow on social mediaqu little poll question on facebook. and i want to see how you answer it.r all right, thank you for watching. remember it is >> todd: a fox news alert. some officials now say the ille


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