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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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friend. >> joe: a. you don't have a minute and a half. 10:00 p.m. owner the fox news channel. talking about perception here. these stories are leaked to the press. passionate engaged behind closed doors he morphs into samuel l. jackson dropping f bombs. portray joe scranton joe backward hat wearing blue collar guy who is as tough as trump and authenticity to show for it. by the way did you see that story in politico had more than four buy lines on it. four writes. the white house declined to comment on that story why would they? they already wrote the story. >> this is the thing to put it out there. biden is the real guy not the guy who stays in billionaire mansions when he goes away on vacations. >> todd: i have perino and gutfeld as well. i could have cursed as much as i wanted. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east
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coast, friday, january 2nd. i want to tell you i'm up to date on just about everything. >> ainsley: just about. >> brian: one more thing to tell you it's "fox & friends." so far you knew everything now new stuff. toxicology reports are in for the deaths of three kansas city chiefs friends found dead in their backyard. forensic pathologist dr. michael baden will join us in three minutes. >> lawrence: involved in the attack on nypd officers could be on their way to california. they have plenty of time to flip off the cameras before taking off. >> ainsley: and pets really are part of our family, right? a little girl saves her guinea pig from a snake. she picked up the snake, look at that, swinging it around. she is so brave. she and her dad are going to join us. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember. mornings are better with friends. >> brian: are we still doing
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this? ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up, a fox news alert. several people are dead after a small plane crashes into a mobile home and park in florida overnight. >> ainsley: officials say it slammed into one of the mobile homes, exploding it literally into a massive fireball and quickly spread to three other houses. >> here comes this plane going at 45-degree angle and just, boom. >> very surreal like you don't realize what you were just watching. >> brian: luckily firefighters were able to put it out quickly. reported engine failure before the crash. still no word how many people were on board or exactly how many were hurt. we will have a live report from the scene in about 15 minutes. but, first, this: >> ainsley: this is another alert. cocaine, fentanyl, reportedly detected in the toxicology results of those three kansas
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city chiefs fans found frozen to death last month, the beginning of january after that watch party. >> lawrence: these are only preliminary results but sources with direct nothing of the case tell tmz that other substances may surface once the official results come out. we know that the family members of those fans who died have a copy of the report but they have not confirmed what it says. >> todd: all right, this comes after we learned that jordan willis, the host of the party, checked himself into rehab. he is not currently facing any charges. police insist the charges are not being investigated as homicides. but should they be? let's bring in dr. michael baden right here. pathologist and fox news contributor doctor baden. this revelation we thought about drugs. reasonable people thought about drugs. what does this tell you cocaine and fentanyl? >> as lawrence said we have to wait for the official report to come out. it appears at this time that was fentanyl and other drugs
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present. fentanyl is used by doctors because it's a powerful pain killer and one of the side effects is making a person sleepy. and what happened here, i think, could have been that the four of them used the drugs together. the one fellow who comes in and sleeps on the couch, indoors, sleeps it off. >> brian: two days. >> for a while. more than 24 hours, right? whereas the other three get sleepy and pass out outside and because of the weather, and because of the snow, their body temperature drops very quickly from 98 degrees to 80 degrees at which point, less than an hour, the heart can't beat anymore accurately. so they die of a cardiac arrest due to hypothermia. very unusual for four people using drugs together to die simultaneously from fentanyl.
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the effects on people varies a great deal. so, it's less likely to be overdoses and more likely to be hypothermia caused by passing out in the fentanyl. >> ainsley: what does that tell you if all of them experience. he fell asleep on the sofa. the other three were outside. what does that tell you about how powerful these drugs are? >> we don't know all the drugs are fentanyl is the most powerful of these drugs mentioned. and it varies a great deal. there was something in the paper about somebody having a 30. the fentanyl is measured in micrograms. very small amount causes a lot -- at 30, some people will die 30. other people can go up to 100 and 200 and not die. it varies on the individuals it. would be extremely unusual for a true overdose to kill them. but they would all get sleepy and if they pass out in the snow, they die. one of the factors is it's a
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painless death. they don't have any pain when they pass out or they don't have any pain from the cold. >> lawrence: doctor, we know we are in the middle of a drug crisis. and if the report is true that they were mixing the cocaine with fentanyl, there was a report and bulletin done by the d.a. and they unclassified. this the concern was people were using cocaine and fentanyl based together because they were using the fentanyl to substitute for the heroin. why would people think that fentanyl is heroin? what type of effect because they sent this to all the medical examiners because people were dropping like flies. what makes them the same? >> well, fentanyl and heroin -- fentanyl both are laboratory made chemical, drug narcotics. they both have similar effects. fentanyl is much stronger than heroin. heroin is much stronger than morphine, which is the original one. so that but, when they are mixed with cocaine.
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sometimes addicts will mix a downer. fentanyl is a downer. neighbors you go to sleep. cocaine is an upper. some drug users think if you mix them together make it sara, that's not true. mix them together makes it worse. most nent deaths combine others with them. >> i'm happy to say i'm not an experienced drug user okay it be people get cocaine and they put fentanyl in it and they don't know. >> it absolutely. that's part of the problem. fentanyl is very cheap for the drug lords and they can mix fentanyl with marijuana. they mix fentanyl with cocaine. and that's why -- and much more powerful than the other drugs. so th the-the four of them may t have ever known what they were getting. they may have thought they were getting cocaine instead of fentanyl. that's why as lawrence said, we have to wait for the official toxicology report. >> brian: you have a witness a guy who lived through it. >> ainsley: sound like the guy asleep on the sofa.
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100 percent not homicide. i bet he told police this is the honest truth, this is what we were doing. and maybe gave them the drug dealer's name or number. and then police knew what they were dealing with. >> absolutely, one thing the police come there and they got things from the scene. they may have the packets or whatever the drugs were contained and they would have known and that's why they said right away that it's not a murder. they right away gave the impression it was a drug overdose. and the amounts of the drug are going to be very important in being certain how the effects. were there the initial report says trace of cocaine and fentanyl. fentanyl is much more likely to cause death that than cocaine. >> brian: face have you race. >> they do different things. they don't add to each other. one makes you higher and one makes you lower. they don't cancel each other out. >> ainsley: you can't -- it's not worth it. one mistake. >> very little bit of fentanyl
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can cause death. but a very lot may not. they find fentanyl users driving erratically have 100 micrograms. >> ainsley: it's so sad. they have children. >> brian: we get the big test, we have dr. baden back. >> good to see you. >> lawrence: new york democrats are on board with deporting migrants who walked free after attacking two nypd officers last weekend. >> brian: there with one problem. after flipping off reporters with smug look on his face. he left the courthouse right there. right now some of them are reportedly on the run. '. >> ainsley: madeline rivera joins us now. made lynn, what can you tell us? >> hey, good morning, ainsley, brian and lawrence. sources tell fox news the nypd is investigating whether some of those migrants used fake names to get tickets and board a bus heading west. the manhattan district attorney's office says it's investigating these allegations. meantime a spokesperson for the
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new york's office of court administration says in a statement. the court is not aware of the defendant's whereabouts. but they are obligated to the return to court on their scheduled dates. six migrants were arrested and prosecuted after a group of people were caught on camera kicking and punching two nypd officers outside a migrant shelter in times square over the weekend. you see it there of those six suspects, only one was held on cash bail. the other five are at least without cash bail after being arraigned despite felony charges. one of those suspects seen here giving the camera the middle finger as he walked away. the d.a.'s office says its prosecutors didn't seek bail because they needed to do more investigative work to figure out each person's role in the incident. prosecutors say at this time they are also not bringing charges against a seventh migrant arrested this week. a spokesperson says we vigorously condemn assaults on police officers and prosecute those responsible. the question here is whether the
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person arrested was even involved. at this time there is not sufficient evidence that he is one of the people who committed this terrible act. the nypd says it is looking for more suspects. guys, back to you. >> brian: it is unbelievable. now people are suddenly saying this is outrageous when we know they have been committing crimes rampantly throughout the city. thank you so much, mad line, appreciate it. we look at these guys and find out, two sources tell fox that they were bus tickets, changed their names or new ids which is easy to do 42nd street, manhattan. in route to go back south before they get picked up again. but, if you are bus, low moving vehicle. i'm pretty sure we could lasso them. >> lawrence: my favorite statement is from the court. it's ridiculous. the court ♪ aware of the defendants' whereabouts. they're obligated to return to the court on the scheduled date. >> ainsley: look at that guy on the right. >> lawrence: what are you going to do about it.
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>> ainsley: court administrator right now. >> brian: maybe he went to a laker game. >> lawrence: lakers. great bra branding for them a bh of criminals wearing their jerseys. i wonder why they gave them bail to begin with. attacking cops and criminal records released to society. >> ainsley: going to cross our border illegally. beat up our police officers in times square. you are going to be released. you see them being released because there is no bail in our city. and now you're probably freeing our city and you are going to california, they will give you a investor. they will give you beds and free tennis shoes, a cell phone after they stole the cell phones from the cops, some of them did. the governor get get them is all and send them back you don't touch our police officers, you don't tish touch anybody. tom homan the former ice director says i don't believe a word she says. look at her actions. new york city sanctuary city. opened the state to illegals.
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they can get driver's license and get jobs and stay in shelters. >> brian: she got rid of qualified immunity every officer feels they can be sued. it lost 6,000 since she took over. eric adams said i have signe another series of emergency hotel deals. $137 million to house thousands of illegals, some are here already and some are on their way, brooklyn, queens, manhattan. that great governor of ours is saying i want to put them to work. if that isn't the alternate definition of a magnet, i don't know what it is. >> ainsley: you want to hire him, brian? >> brian: he would qualify for a job. they are actually coaching illegal immigrants to do job interviews to get jobs that they shouldn't have. >> ainsley: the arrogance. come into our country illegally and flip everybody off after you beat up cops. that's how you say thank you? >> lawrence: part of the reason they can't be deported is because of the sanctuary city policies. ice can't come in. i have been asking every
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democrat i have interviewed do you regret the sanctuary city policy. do you regret the shortsighted look on this. it's just all about compassion. do you regret what have you done to the country? >> ainsley: also, too lawrence. tom homan saying you can't even -- new york city prevented. signed laws. you can't even -- if ice or border patrol wants to get a dmv record from one of these illegal immigrants or their criminal history, they're don't allow it. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable. >> brian: last thing i would say schools -- these are teenagers, right? they are not going to school or might pretend they're teenagers and go to school. they are overrunning these working class communities in the school. teachers talented not to complain 'it or they will lose their jobs. they don't listen. they don't note language. obstinate. everyone should have a big heart. there is nothing wrong with thinking american kids before illegal immigrant kids. no one cares what is happening
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in the schools or teachers. where the teachers unions. >> ainsley: that's why elections have consequences. so important. or we are going to be losing our country. turning to headlines for you. happening today the remains of three u.s. soldiers killed in iranian backed terror attack in jordan earlier this week. will return home to u.s. soil. president biden will be there with the families of the fallen for the dignified transfer at dover air force base. we spoke to the parents of sergeant kennedy sanders earlier this week and asked them how they would like to see the u.s. respond to the attack that took their daughter's life. >> >> we just continue to pray for them. so, you know, whatever is decided, i just that it will be a good decision that keeps everyone in the safest condition possible. >> in the best interest of the united states. >> ainsley: there is a new report that the pentagon is planning a series of strikes against iranian-backed targets in iraq and syria. now to frightening footage of
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armed robbers attacking and beating a man for his watch. this ugly scene unfolding inside a los angeles beauty parlor on tuesday. the thieves are seen pistol whipping and kicking the victim. the two suspects apparently following the victim before he ran into the beauty salon. one of the suspects getting arrested by lapd. the following day. the other still remains on the loose. country super star darius rutgers facing minor drug charges after being arrested in tennessee yesterday. the singer was charged and was released on a $10,000 bond. about an hour after he was taken to jail. authorities did not identify the controlled substance. his lawyer releasing a statement to fox news digital saying, quote: darius rutgers is fully cooperating with authorities related to misdemeanor charges. g.o.p. presidential candidate nikki haley is campaigning in south carolina today as the state's republican primary election is only three weeks away. the democratic presidential primary is tomorrow.
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the party is urging its voters to cast ballots in that race rather than waiting until february 24th for the g.o.p. primary. meanwhile, according to fox news, the polling, 51% of georgia voters want to see former president trump in the white house. narrowly edging out president biden who got 43%. i don't know if it's narrow. is that narrow do you all think? i think trump wins by a lot there. and in wisconsin, look at this, trump and biden according to the fox news poll they are neck and neck. also walgreen's announced they are closing a store near boston, which representative ayanna pressley says is racist. >> when a walgreen's leaves a neighborhood they disrupt the entire community. these closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent. they are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination. contains. >> ainsley: the company announced they are closing multiple stores throughout the nation because of all the rampant theft. >> brian: so it's not race?
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>> ainsley: it's because they are losing money. it's a business. >> brian: now i get it. >> ainsley: also happening today, y'all watch this. asteroid the size of a skyscraper. it's expected to just pass by the earth this afternoon. >> brian: looks old. it's going to be a little windy. >> ainsley: nasa says this is close enough to issue an asteroid watch but it will still be more than a million miles away. the asteroid typically pass by earth every 962 days. this will be the closest it's ever been. >> brian: same thing i drive upstate and caution, falling rock zone. what can i do about it? like this? should i be a sign like this look out for at as the ter rode as earth should we walk around about this? >> lawrence: is there wind in space? they say a million miles. could the wind alter that and. [blowing] comes toward earth?
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>> ainsley: asking the wrong people. we are journalists not scientists. i don't think there is wind there, right? >> brian: what about chris chulo, do you know? he has no idea. chris is more into history. >> ainsley: go to janice because it's groundhog's day. six more weeks of winter or early spring. >> lawrence: comes down whether or not phil the groundhog sees his shadow. >> brian: janice dean is at gobbler's neck in pennsylvania because we pay her. >> ainsley: gobbler's knob no neck. >> brian: did you have to go to the neck of the woods? okay. it's just one mistake. [laughter] >> brian: one mistake january his first mistake of the morning. [laughter] >> janice: fox news alert. >> janice: gobbler's neck. eh -- we are in punxsutawney, pennsylvania for circle coming
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down to greet. so fans. by the way we could set a record 40 to 45,000 people coming to this site in a town of about only 5,000. they make their revenue on this day, groundhog day. >> the prognosticator of all prognostications happens on february 7th -- sorry, 2nd. when punxsutawney comes out of his stump and he decides whether we're going to get six more weeks of weather or an early spring. now, right now it's 40 degrees. that he was the about 10 degrees above average. i was looking at your 7-day forecast here in punxsutawney. temperatures in the 50's next week. but i think -- i think that phil is going to predict six more weeks of winter. because that's usually what he does. his predictions by the way are less than a coin toss. but it's all about the translation. because he always gets it right. it's just how he talks and whether or not his handlers understand his forecast.
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anyway, stay with us all morning long. phil comes out at 7:35. the festivities continue here in punxsutawney, pennsylvania. woo! >> brian: all right. >> ainsley: wake up the kids around 7:30, right, janice? wake up the kids. don't you remember this as children watching this as our l.j. is the only one you look amazing. >> lawrence: thank you. it's like dreads. i always liked dreads. >> brian: i would not know. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. now to a fox news alert. a small plane crashes into a neighborhood. live report from the scene. >> lawrence: parents take legal action as the teacher's strike keeps kids out of class for two weeks. those parents join us next. >> brian: rodent rescue we are going to talk to the 12-year-old girl who saved her guinea pig by making a massive snake surrender. >> lawrence: what boss.
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>> ainsley: fox news alert. several people are dead after a small plane crashes in a mobile home park in central florida overnight. live from clearwater park in
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recall florida, kelly. >> good morning to you. investigators are still working to determine just how many fatalities, but we are told that there were multiple fatalities, as a result of this crash. still unclear just how many people were on board that small aircraft and how many people were inside the home at the time when the plane crashed into it. but, video from the ground shows just a devastating scene here in this mobile home community in clearwater a single engine v 35 plane crashing into a home and bursting into flames. we know that home was completely destroyed. three more nearby damaged by the fire. thankfully though, we are told by the fire chief here that inside those neighboring homes, those people were able to safely escape. the clearwater fire chief told us he was actually surprised there wasn't more damage caused by this plane in this tightly packed community of homes. neighbors though, telling us the crash sounded like an explosion. according to the faa the pilot
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reported engine failure just before going down. >> our units, aircraft units, out of clearwater saint pete airport also received a note, a response. regarding an aircraft that had some trouble. during that conversation with their tower, their tower loss radar and three miles north of the runway. and some of the responded this way when they saw the fire. >> fire rescue began stabling at the clearwater saint pete airport in hopes of an emergency landing. but the plane never made it there. instead, it crashed about three miles north of the runway. the clearwater fire chief explaining because they were already staging those specialty fire trucks there that are there to deal with an airplane crash. of course, you are dealing with a lot of jet fuel and dealing with more explosive posh when a plane comes down. specials engines able to reroute
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themselves to this neighborhood within minutes and that likely saved lives. >> ainsley: kelly, thank you so much for that report. all right recollect we're going to hand it over to brian on the other side of this studio. >> brian: let's talk education, newton public schools closed today for the 11th day in a row. teacher's association have yet to agree on a new contract. next guest taking he'll action to get their daughter back in school. joining us now are newton public school parents allison and david goldberg. welcome to both of you. how frustrating has this been? >> i mean it's been immensely frustrating. david works, i work. our kids are at home. they are board. they are arguing. it's really just getting out of hand at this point. it's been 11 days. >> brian: david, is this deja vu all over again? this is the pandemic come home. >> it was the same as it was during covid. and essentially what is going on here, in my opinion, the newton teacher's association in
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conjunction with the mass teachers and national unions are using our kids as leverage for a political agenda that they want to push across and essentially make these public strikes legal, which are illegal in massachusetts. they want to make them legal in order to be able to go ahead and embolden them to continue with the strike. >> brian: what david is alluding to is the fact that allison, you get-out union is fined 50,000 a day because you are not supposed to go on strike. keep negotiating. find out what you can get. i think teachers are dramatically underpaid in this country no, doubt about it. find out what it is but don't make the kids suffer. that's your problem, right? >> exactly. i mean, the negotiations can continue. i am the daughter of a public educator. i'm a licensed social worker. i want the best for our schools. i want the best for our teachers. but there is no reason to use our children as pawns in this game of chess. they should be in school while negotiations continue.
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>> brian: what do you say to the teacher's union we have no choice they weren't being negotiated with in good faith? >> you know, the school committee is working extremely hard to lessen the gap from where they were you know, at the beginning of this whole disaster. and, you know, in my opinion, the teacher's union is simply not willing to compromise because they simply want to try and change law here. they want to make newton an example and go to the next city and do it again. and make these strikes legal so they are able to go and negotiate better contracts with themselves. >> brian: wouldn't it be great new a school choice while you work it out we are taking our kids elsewhere. >> that would be a one thing. i just think newton, everyone thinks newton is this extremely, you know, womenty city. there is all walks of "fox news live" newton. folks who utilize the school and need them for food on a daily basis. it's unfortunate the teacher's association is using this as our
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kids and city as penalty flag in order to hold out here. >> brian: what they isn't norm at this. they want more money, more money for parent leave and things for that nature. it seems like it's negotiating on a regular basis. final thought here, and when do you expect to get this case moving? >> there's a hearing today at 3:00. so, hopefully the judge will come down with some economic sanctions. although the unions already mentioned they don't care about the sanctions. but, if this was truly about the kids, the kids would be in school. so let's get them back to school. >> absolutely, other parents feel the same way? >> definitely other parents feel the same way but they're afraid to speak out. they are afraid of what is going to happen to their kids going forward once school opens, what's going to happen when their kids are applying to college. it's, you know, unfortunate, but that's the reality of it and people are afraid to speak up. >> brian: you are not. we appreciate that we appreciate you coming on. of the goal should be getting
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the kids education. we still don't have a way to get them caught up from all the huge gap they had when they weren't getting traditional school for the last year and a half, for that year and a half. thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thanks so much. >> all right. coming up straight ahead. migrants involved in the attack on nypd. who flipped off cameras? maybe on the run. former el paso u.s. marshal robert el monte fears they could be part of a gang related surge. you saw that neck tattoo on one of them.e to he's next. ♪ ime... to streaming full-time! so i made their moves count... filing with 100% accuracy and guaranteeing their maximum refund. ( ♪ ) intuit turbotax.
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(vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more.
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that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at >> lawrence: fox news alert. five of those migrants accused of attacking nypd officers last week. some seen flipping off cameras and laughing while leaving court now reportedly on the r run to california. now democrats speaking out. >> any response to police searching for additional suspects. >> get them all and send them back. you don't touch our peace
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officers. you don't touch anybody. >> lawrence: then change the law. here to react former el paso robert elmont at a. okay. marshall, tell us what you are seeing here with these violent criminals now that are here illegally. do you feel like this is just opened pandora's box? >> oh, yeah. absolutely, good morning, first of all. absolutely. this guy flipping off the cameras. flipping off america. we assaulted a police officer. we don't care. we are going to do it again. and then what emboldened them even more is being released with no bail. now look like they're on their way to california. this is something i have been talking about for a long time now on fox is that we're going to have a lot of these migrants that are coming over here, a lot of them are going to be hard core criminals like these guys right here. >> it angers me.
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if not every american is not angered when they see this there is something really wrong with our country. >> lawrence: california is notorious for its gangs there it seems like they're heading from one liberal city and liberal state to the next there is be a lot of criminal activity they can get into in california, right? >> absolutely. they are going to california because they know how california is. and they see that as a land of opportunity for their -- for them to engage in criminal activity. and my concern is that i'm not saying they are, but they may possibly because they from venezuela. they are young men. they may possibly be members of an extremely dangerous gang from venezuela. and those gangs are extremely, extremely dangerous. there have been confirmed reports of them, their presence in chicago and miami and other cities. and they are committing violent crimes already up to and
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including murder. so, this is only going to get worse before it gets better. larps lawrence it's out of control. we talk so much about my home state of texas. about the southern border. but we were surprised when we saw these migrants pull up hop out in san diego. for the second time this week, roberts will tell me what you see about this. we are getting invading all parts. they are coming across the grrd walking, swimming in boats, flying in. this is crazy, right? >> it's crazy. and it's crazy because we have our border is absolutely open. it is not secure. it's been insecure for a long time now. and this is evidence of that the thing that gets me or i wonder is that are these migrants coming over here to try to find
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work to make a living or do they care if we know absolutely nothing about them. and either way, it doesn't matter who they're, they shouldn't have been coming into our country this way. it makes me wonder when are we actually going to shut down the border. and i know there has been at love talk about shutting down the border. but, quite frankly, in my opinion, even if we were to shut down that border today, i think it would be too little, too late, the damage has already been done. what we need to do is focus on the criminals that are here like these guys that assaulted the police officer. we need find them all over our country and send them back to their country. >> lawrence: such a valid point. we have got get it under control. unfortunately a lot of people believe what you believe. it may be too late. robert, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. divoorntion. have a good day. >> lawrence: you got it. coming up, one woman has been going to p.a. for groundhog's day for 16 years. she joins janice next with their
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prediction. and to another furry friend in the spotlight. we talked to a young girl and her dad who saved their pet guinea pig from a snake. she is a boss, and she's next.
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>> brian: president biden taking aim at grocery stores blaming them for high prices squeezing american shoppers. >> inflation is coming down. it's now lower in america than any other major economy in the world. [applause] the cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas, so many other essential items have come down. but for all we have done to bring prices down, there is still too many corporations in america ripping people off. price gouging, junk fees. greedflation. >> brian: exactly, never take responsibility, kids. jot that down. the most recent cpi reports show food prices rose nearly 3% between 2022 and 2023. yes, i blame the grocery stores. amazon is launching a brand new shopping assistant powered by artificial intelligence. the program is called rufus. the retail giant says it can answer customer questions and make recommendations based on their likes and their needs for
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now only available on small app. plans to roll out rufus to customers in the coming weeks. later today apple will be releasing the long awaited vision pro-shed set. the virtual reality device allows users to interact with the app. on fir phone. the starting price for the apple headset is $3,499 kurt the cyberguy apple store in new york city. 8:00 a.m. hour. he will strap it. go down to ainsley and lawrence. >> ainsley: thank you. you are looking live at gobbler's knob on ground hog day. >> ainsley: they are having fun, aren't they? so will punxsutawney phil see his shadow this morning j? that is the big question as thousands are heading to pennsylvania to see if there will be early i spring or six more weeks of winter. janice dean is one of them.
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she is there at gobbler's knock. knob. remember as a child watching with your parents come look? come look. >> janice: this is a big deal. make sure it's a fox news alert when phil comes out of his burrow and predicts six more weeks of winter or early spring. we have so much going on. started at 3:00 a.m. by the way at gobbler's knob. i was up with tens of thousands of my friends here. we had fireworks. we sang the national anthem. all that's left is to say hi to phil. that comes up around 7:25. you don't want to miss it. now, i want to introduce you to my friend pam merkin. you and i met last year. groundhog day is her birthday. >> and she made these beautiful hats for us. this is something that you love to do. you love to knit groundhog day hats. >> yes. i crochet all day long and send them up to the punxsutawney bed and breakfast. i give them out to the people who stay there and to friends that i have met. >> i love it. now, how long have you been coming to groundhog day?
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>> this is my 16th year in a row. >> you live in texas so you make the trek. >> we do. every year my husband is a good sport about bringing me up here. he thought he was going to bring me up here one time for my 55th birthday. this is my 16th year in a row. i'm 70 years old today. >> coneat labor relations happy. why do you love it so much. >> oh my gosh, i don't know. it's a wonderful small town atmosphere. everybody is so friendly. where can anybody celebrate with a fireworks display i think it's for me. >> janice: it is for you. everyone is so kind here. >> i have found and met so many wonderful people. there is people we keep in touch with from year to year that come back with us every year. so, it's just like a family reunion. >> janice: we need more punxsutawney phil in our lives. >> we do. if the world was like punxsutawney, pennsylvania,
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everything would be wonderful. >> janice: god bless you, pam. thank you so much for being here. i gave hats to everybody in the studio. i think l.j. is going to wear it. so is ainsley. brian will not wear it. but he will take it home to someone who will. >> brian: i'm in awe of it. >> ainsley: good thing we have hair -- [laughter] >> janice: look at that. >> brian: you look like a viking. >> ainsley: silver me shivers. >> brian: hdo they cost if you want to sell them to the home country. >> happy groundhog's day. >> ainsley: how cute is that she lives in texas and this is her thing. >> lawrence: i heard of the accent there is no way she is from pennsylvania. >> brian: the investigative reporter in you. >> ainsley: that makes sense. >> brian: that's why you are investigative reporter. pick things up. context clues drew us to that conclusion. >> brian: i'm learning every day. >> ainsley: okay.
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i'm going to take it off for the next interview. this is a cute story, too. every little child loves groundhog day. i have good memories. every peg for hamster or begin any pig. a young girl in australia saved her pet guinea pig after a snake had it in -- the snake had the guinea pig in its mouth. as you can see in the video. she swung the snake around before her guinea pig. >> brian: guinea pig at the end. >> ainsley: big lump. >> brian: 12-year-old rosy and dad luke join us as well as guinea pig max vaughn still alive. fantastic. >> ainsley: maxey bon. hey, guys, good morning. hey, rosy, tell us how this all unfolded. >> yeah. it was pretty crazy. definitely i wouldn't do this every single day though. >> lawrence: i have got to ask you. >> it was a petty full on
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experience. >> lawrence: you are fearless. were you scared of that snake? it didn't appear that way had? >> yeah. yeah. it was pretty crazy. when i tried to grab maxey bon, the make just got him and i'm like oh crap, there is a snake right there. grab it and try to get the guinea pig out of its mouth. >> brian: you saw the guinea pig. you saw the make. got onto your guinea pig and then what did you do? >> so, i actually -- i went to get the guinea pig to put him into his cage. because i usually let them roam around in that little behind there as you see. when i tried to grab him he ran a different direction toward the snake. so then i saw him screaming, he was underneath a little space so i couldn't see the snake. then when i picked up i saw the
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snake around his neck. the guinea pig was screaming, i was screaming. and i just picked the snake up and just started just swinging it around like a lasso. >> ainsley: you were so cute. i bet getting so much attention at school. interviewed on the other side of the world on national television. so, dad, luke, you look like in this video you wouldn't and grabbed the snake and you threw it so it could slither into the bushes. your wife is coming out it looks like this is breakfast time? all the dogs are there what is going through your mind? >> it was crazy. honestly. like i had to almost kind of jump in like a revolving door to grab the snake off rose. i'm quite terrified of snakes as well. because it was in her hand i didn't have a choice at all. definitely not steve irwin, i grabbed it because she had it and i'm like okay. i have got to throw this thing and if you watch the video a
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little bit further i grab it a second time and i accidently threw it into our neighbor's yard. so i will to run after it and actually say to my neighbor mock on his door. hey, i have just thrown a snake into your yard. i'm really sorry. and so there was a bit more of a commotion that happened next door as well. the snake survived and the guinea pig survived and i'm really proud of my daughter. >> brian: i love this story and like to offer you right now instant u.s. citizenship. we need super heroes here. and we need you both in america. thanks so much, guys. >> lawrence: wonder girl right there. >> ainsley: rose you definitely have a job in television one day she is darling. have a good weekend. >> brian: texas sees a drop in illegal immigrant crisis. texas and arizona see a strike. is greg abbott's strategy working? let's thinwi typk about.
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