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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 3, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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beats at jones. we one thing and one thing only backs strange backs from weekend chores tip pulled backs doing your favorite hobbies. we even know quarterbacks don't be experts in back pain relief for more than 100 years available in a store near you. hamas considers a new ceasefire deal as fighting rages on. there's a heavy smell of smoke, a response to the deadly drone strikes us strikes in both syria and iraq. for the latest mideast coverage ,stay with fox news channel. >> all right.un unfortunatelforty this friday night, that's all the time we have this evening. and please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. as always, thank you for with us. thank you for making this show possible. in the meantimnge, let not your heart be troubled by greg gutfeld standing on put a smile on your face. have a great weekend. it's fri
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and i. that's all i can answer. you know what that means. likes welcome tonight's. like his books, people would love to see him the leatheple wm bound novelist and literary critic walter kerround.. and when life gives you lemons ,please squeeze it into his eyes. co-host of fox and friends eyes first time buyer. oh, she defies conventions extewears extensions. "new york times" best selling author and bouncers contributor kat timpbest-sf. and he has nightmares about chandelier. "new york times" best selling author. comediannew york who i get to be
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>> all right. before we get to some newe new stories, let's do this. >> greg's leftover me. it's leftovers. i read the jokes we did use this week. and as always, my fi it's my fit time reading them. so if they , we'll tie joe mackie's y suck to the back of a truck and drive away. it's too bad. enjoys i t. >> all right. the first one. ooh, a diaper spa in newhire hampshire is catering to adults where they role play as babies in diapers and to show customers how it's done. they brought in a profession called speaking of joe. he's finally heading to ohioo bn and plans to visit east palestine, where he will likely
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ask for a cease fire. >> new research claims that dementia can actually be spread between humans. >> well, that explains it. this week, ilhan omar hosted the president of somaliaquote, and said, quote, the president and i have a special relationshipent an . girl i call him uncle and he calls me girl, which is thee same thing she says to her husband. a pair of crews passengers werei arrested after authorities se their luggage and found 112 bags of marijuana. in their defense 11. going on they were going on a cruise. ki a study finds that eating kimchi three times a day mayy prevent obesity. to be fair , eating anythingtast that tastes like three times a dae li y may prevent obesity.
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the boy administration is nowni classified martha's vineyard as a low incomstrati e area, making itt eligible for electric vehicle charger subsidie fors. caugh well, it's about time we caught a break,brea said one resident earlier this week. >> ben shapiro's new rap hitr became the number one song on itunes. on itun in news, lil wayne made a greate matzo ball sou ap. an australian had to be rescued after being stuck inside a claw machine for 3 hours. cops say it only took 179 tries to get him out. >> domino's pizza has unveiled a heat suit. it's a full bodyuit. made of tha same material used in their disulated pizza bagsused. it has a front pocket for garlic dip and a hip pocket for . >> you'll never use.
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a new hampshire woman miraculously, miraculously survived after fallingd bein and being compacted in a dumpster truck. i believe we have an image of the woman. this man wearing this. i'm not going to with you on this one. i'm a littlewith person. oh, terrible. tear ball. experts warns warn that a new enlarging trend aimed at menenil with small can lead to side effects. they include painful, complications painful, and an n cable news show that kind of made out of the camera.
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connecticut high school principal disgusted afterter a boy's tampon dispenser was ripped dowboys tn after only 20 minutes. thank god it didn't happen during first period. japan is reportedly seeing a rise in silver, which features aging grandmothern sile and in explicit acts. in a related story, guesd sn? moving to japan. >> a woman in a kansas penitentiary says that female inmates are so crazed jailste could make thousands releasing. videos. >> this could explain is could the new for prison guard. an australian woman claimsex that her dog is ruining our life with her husband. apparently, she's tirethd of watching an obese influencer
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slammed at hotel over. their tiny shower. she claimed the shower was sh, her feet weren't getting wet. >> that it? >> boy, no one is safe. a woman clung to the hood of a getaway car to save her french bulldog from the thievesr fren it. i have to say, i would have done the same thing in that situatiothe san steal ag from a woman. i like that. tha >> some journalists are apparently worried they're goin joug's c perhaps it's because no one in their right mind would. keitr righh olbermant bleep ]n american airlines is laying offf 656 workers as a result.
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>> passengers are now being asked to lose their own luggagluggage.e. chucky cheese is releasing a cookbook. it's about time, said one man . few people. investigators may have found amelia earhart's long lost airplane. and, of course millio the turn signal still was still on. do they even have turn signal. and finally, wheel of fortune were outraged this week, sayingi a player was robbes d of a prizf after clearly solving easipuzzle. >> and the answer was probably the easiest thing you'd ever see.e. now to the news. >> a senate staffer got railed but still won't be jailed. capitol police announcedcharge
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they will not bring charges against a former democrat agaifer who was filmed all fours having inside a senate hearing roofom, though they admit it was a perfect impression of the american taxpaye was ar. oh, you know, we can't air the screenshot of the because it's too graphic. and also breakfastbecause too i it home with him for the weekend. >> so instead, we're going to show you our producer jeans artistic interpretation.reta ittion is so unlike these staffs cheats. the case has been closed, at least for now. investigators could reopen it in new evidence come to light, although it's unlikely they'll get to the bottom it. they aren't even asking forthey tips. police concluded there was no evidence a crime wascluded t, by it was likely a violation of congressional policy. a viand the staffers just happy to put this incident behind him
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. >> but it's really stunning. no charges are being filed . jacob chansley, the infamous january 6, shannon sharman got 41 months in lockdown in solitary confinemen41 monthtc praying inside the u.s. senate chamber. talk about getting the shaft. . and this gets nothing. capitol police also add thatd hi he exercised his fifth amendment right to remain silent and refused to talk to thet emain sim. fer to he also rejected their offer g to go rollerblading. so it turns out laying pipe is no different than that january six pipe bomb. differenthey pursue it, perhapse it's an inside job. yeah. huh. walter, do you think thiss is is justice served or it's just ju that's lostor its disincentive to discontinue ? >> well, now we know officially that it's legal to have on camera in the senate. >> yeson.
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that was an unclear point of law before. and until you test a situation, you don't really know. yes, but now. now world knows it's legal. yes.s and soit i think the line forms at the right. yes. i. >> i think every senator, every age should take a ruvery aidn ag this. >> it's one of the few non illegal things they dol. i, i think the thing with is you get used to it. y woke me you know, you get what's called whlindness. watch too much of it. thi and when i saw this, i was like, this is somethins g and this is something i want more of. it was also point of view. it was shot from the point of view of one of the participants. so you could imaginene of th yof in the scene. mm-hmm.
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and i think american shouldnc have a chance to feel what it's like to screw a senatee to in tl hey, buddy. thanks for taking all the awayh me this episode. >> very much. appreciate it. uh, it's late for you, todd.hise do you think this would have turned out differently if, tead it perhaps, instead of beio a democrat, it was a magcrata extremist? 100%. because let's keep in mind these prosecutor?s found no violation of law because they said this senate room was theyt to the public, so therebyr you don't get public indecency lawseby at play. but you better believe if i that was republican one republican hetero, they would have found a way to make it public, make i t a and go after these people and look what happened to lauren boebert. i mean, she was in a randofterht in our sacred honored capital having some fun with a n dude. and the democrats wanted to expel her from congressto. 't the double standard doesn't just apply to january six. it applies to the other 364
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days of the year. so it was closed for days of puo but open for the . thank you. thank you. kat. i y. e a theor >> you like to hear it. you have a choice. no, you don'i have at. reason the reason they are pursuing this is because of the other y aren partner who is a very po person. right? just like the white house. thcainwas a powerfule. they. they don't find it necessary. necessary to investigate becaus necesoe might come to anr that would punish someone veryow high. >> yeah, i get. i get how that's fun to believe maybe. ohiso, was insulting. maybe that's it. no, i think that the explanatmight bet be something a little more simple than that. i think it's possible that maybe he didn't break any laws because this is a situation where they felt like . they didn't need to make any law. yeah, i think that's true. this is new turf. yes. >>r waske my daughte actually even part of the orientation. you know, like they're probably not like, here's your key. you have 24/7 access, but we dyw draw the line at darts.
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you're going to play if your must and like, don't don't make a p out of it. right. like, that's not in the handbook. that's not like there's law because it's not a thing that you think of needing to make a laa thing eedingw. that is so true. m so many things that haveany happened in the last five years have happened because we never expected they would becausd hap. like you wouldn't expect that illegal immigrants would be able to come over heryoe and mass beat up cops becausegh we never thought that that would happen happen.. but now it does. tyrus, what say you? justice served wha on a platter. >> well, somebody was served, greg oh, if this is the precedent, if it's. no, it wasn't open to the general public at the time of of confirmation, wouldn't that then send message to any facility that once it closes? yeah, it's game on. yeah. so like literally yeah, a fews o of you eager fans tonight want
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to wait for us to leave at the ike to s of the show. i would just like to say say i would just like to say this chair has the least amount of use so for the most bang for, your buck do it in greg's chair not these chairs and you know where he's been so don't do it in his chair. houl >> not this chair.m why do you should direct him to like the fox and friends sett there, that curvy couch and no one does it on the fox and friends that that couches universe is reserved for >> wnever he comes in. . we got to go to break. yeah. and tell us more about your new book,. yeah. bosus.t. it's cooking with doocy. cooking with yes, the lord and doocy. >> yeah. meal for everyone. all right. up nex
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t, politicians livelive f forever thanks to a brain chip and deborah, if you'll be in the new york area with, like, tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio. >> so you're telling me this battle to pass gets us into the creation museum, too? yep. how cool is that? what are we waiting for? let's go.whrk oh, mastodonul is. el you i think so. n this is going to be awesome. the what is so circle surplus of fuel? you need to takext flight. circle is the energy that gets you to the next level. circle is what you hope for, right? tosses limits so available at walmart and friends circle icon. over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022 and threats go way beyond just credit card fraud.
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it's a lie. it's a lie. it's zombie politicians. they'll diapers, canes and chips in their brains. so you want to bet? crazy story. a recent report sponsoredpentag the pentagon. yes, our very pentagon suggestos . america's elderly politicians could one day harness the power
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brain computer interface prvices to prolongof their functional authority in governmenolonalt, meaning evn as they age into their eighties and ninetiesage into, they'll jp going like an energizer bunny trapped inside. mitch mcconnell's body and the. tech could reportedly be implanted into their brainsit in secret, allowing senile senatorshe to regain their mobility and speech. >> after years of cognitive n mobilie. ork on now it won't work on everyone. first, you have to haveu a brain,ha but it gets the report also examines the possible oddity of thoseer very brain chips malfunctioning or even being hacked by foreign adversaries, which eliminates the need to bribe hunter biden. but the report paints a picture of our elderly leaders alternating between confused, incoherent and artificiall oy ci clarity, which got us totygot us wondering could this already
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be happening. roday, we're here to answe the most important of questions. is. emocracy stilltions. >> america's sacred caste used to make beer brewed here. >> it is used to make the who defines who authorized nature great lakes. >> i believe that america is big enougi believe g h, strong enough, blessed enough for all of us is exceed the group included groundbreaking asian like beer, wine and and the shanghai. i'm sure changa koala. >> we just have to remember jus who we we're the united states of america. >> putin's kleptocracy. yeah kleptocracy. but the guys who are the kleptocracy so maybe
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it's not a far fetched theory.. i guess our best plan is to unplug joe. r bestwait 2 minutes, and then g him back in again. >> todd, it's okay. is it does it bother you thatth the pentagon is spending our moneon is spy basically wrin treatments for screenplays for cronenberg? i actually had a different take on this. >> intt that this article and the corresponding study was really interesting. dw what it also looked at, itas looked at china and all ans that china could do. and i feel like to a certain extentto a cer we were not readr covid. and if you really delve into that article, it's basically saying what if china or some otherwhat i world power weaponized it purposefully? ch i mean, there's questionsr wn as to whether china weaponized covid purposely, but what if they did something in the futureinpurposelwhat that realle the antidote for? they're all fine of the socialag distancing measures that they ended up takin measureg.
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in fact, they just immunized themselves to it. the rest of the world sufferedhn . i found that part of itfo fascinating. but the thinunt fascg that don'r comforting, these people that are in dc right now, especiallty the old people, are holding on republicans and democrats mae have way too many people over 75, 80 years old who should be playing with grandkids ing withrunning the government . and if this were to take hold, there would be there woulds thaw be powers that you guys would want them to be. thost theme vessels that they cd control, like our president and cat. it's like they refuse to step up and step aside already as says this is another excusenr to hang around. >> dianne feinstein didn't leave until she was at death's dooruntil sh. leave >> it's so messed up.bee they literally just cause she died. i know whyshe di they do that to a man. yeah, they're discriminating. as >> they're discriminating against a post lifer. yeah, there's. yeah, this is scary. you know, this is scary because, like, you think of all go wrong with your
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technology all the time, like, and also. >> sorry, but who is worse with technology than the really old people, whicwith tech it's t on them like i don't, right? i don't even want to learn any of the new stuff really. okay. but like, their chip is going to bff, reale they're going to e signing up for all the viruses. yeah. they're always like, o chip gocp got that? and then, you know, now we are getting nuked, right?the like if, like, put the peoplbue like the finger on the button or whatever, if it's actually in their brain, they're going to leave themselve their brwills to so much that they'll be like, oh, like my chip told me i like, i a laptop, you know, and then peopwill never be for foreign governments to hack people because they'll get the technology put in and they'll just still trust the interns to help them with that. they'll never lear wn of itp thm selves and then we'll all be screwed. yeah. and they're likese we will, like old senators all be trying to marry nigerian prince s. tyrus. what do you think. >> this is realistic. well i if it's let's say
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it's true, can you start it now ? >> because the we're hearing every nigh becat i put a chip in his brain. yeah, but so we can figure it out. out. figure i'm fine with that.t's al and if it's already happening, we're seeing some of the problemsreseeing they need. the updated version. yeah. we saw mitch reboot in then. middle of a speech. you know, biden keeps getting hacked by hunter. >> that's why you hear in two coming outces of his mouth at one time. so, yeah, if if they're goin.gai do it, do it now. just because everything they said is is the side effect is already happening. so without the boost we'reing wi already dealing with they don't leave anyways. yeah. the and getting weird anyway so iftu that man put a chip in their headt to them, go back to havig to talk and think they're smart, that might be better because then they'll thl, you know, like if mitch all of a sudden got cool and showed up dressed with,h like, today's fashion and like,
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what it is, i'm herefashion, ret y'all, they would be like, see,d because you can be old and senile, but you can't be old and cool. no, that's c so, yeah, it might be a good thing that they're all wearing like, today's stuff. like we're ing today' swifty joe. >> we're going to see taylor swift, and then we'll be lik oing to e, cool old people.. >> vote them out. if it's just. >> if they can put chipsps i in individual's brains and havne lead us, that means babies, ba could get this toobi. we could be led by babies of infants that, you know, have these precocious chips in their brain. but i think that the ecociousy one in john fetterman. >> and it turned him into a conservative. yefettermad him into s. he was he was red tipped. yeah. red shirt. exactl ry. a sign we just have to find the signall and then we'll have remote controenl powers over. our leaders will be like stage flap your arms like a bird. you know, i would really lookaro forward to that.
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all right. well, that was gloom thay. okay. up next, biden blames the store. if you are more, what makes golden brand sheets so soft? it's everything you can't see that makes the difference. we start with the rarest cotton on. >> then we transform it with our signature for one under. we've this sheet starts out soft and unlocks new levels of softness with every wash. >> even if you can't see the difference you'll feel it. >> sleep better at nightan lawso with bolan branch. with bolan branch. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life budget, pen program. >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and >> if you're aged 50 to 85 and looking to buy lif budget, remember the three p's? >> what are the three p's, the three ps of life insurance on acan affo fixed budget are p, i'm a price you can afford, a price4 that can't increase and a price
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that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. >> it's coming your way. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. yeah. biden gets himself a pass forfoh the cost of food, milk and gas. instead, blame the grocer forefy your says the vegetable in chief. the day >> today's video of the day comes to us from president pants who attacked grocery com stores for continued high prices here at gladys . . the cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas and so many other essential item eggs,s have comee >> but for all we've done to bring prices, there i are still too many corporations in america ripping people of f, price gouging, junk fees, greed flashing shrinkflation. >> you see that articl,e
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about snickers bar? >> well, it's going to stop. >> americans, we're tired of being played for suckera, we and that's why i ran to keepeep these guys keep on and get the prices down. so in joe's mushy mind, there's greed. flash in but no bite inflation. sorry, gramps. maybe those items would be cheaper . tores di >> stores did need to keep them under lock and key. fuelde weren't sky high and pri the fed wasn't printing money to give to other countries. toillegal immigrants and student loan deadbeats, otherwise known as joe's constituency. the stores that aren't already closing du thae to crime are mey responding to the inflation juat jumped undeo thr his administration, which saps the value of our paycheck. whic less and products are worth more. so either suddenly all the supermarked worth mot and food g got greedy at once or a senileyt blowhard never worked in the
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private sector is wrong. sect harder thanre a chinese lobbyist, but then here again he attacks things that, unlike him, keep america afloat. epgrocery chains, natural gas, a working border, law enforcement, indoor plumbing.en joe should thank capitalism wiery timet, he enters a store because without that system which works, despite everything, the demse syha donei to undermine it, the american public would have turned on him ages ago . w but as long as we have food and and gas and amazon and netflix, joe can lie about the country as easily as he shakes hands with dead people. but he's right about one thing. weerica is tired's right of beig played for suckers. we can only be distracted for so long with breadbed circus and circuses, especially when the bread's doubled in price. and the circusn the br clown is the guy in charge. is it me, or does this guy no
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concept of how the economy works. econom the outcomes for the cause of the outcomes. yeah, it also just kind of thehe whole thing felt very like old yells at cloud. >> yeah. yeah. it's like in the grocery storeot . it's, you know, it's a snickers. the thing is like in therem., ke i call that you better the girl and you're just like, okay, grandpa, like i like you. you got you're right. like, i think anybody, regardless of any of their political views, watches that and is likeal views, you k, i think he's on it. >> yeah i think he's got p i think when i go to the store like he's going to take people are just like, okayy. i don't think anyone's even thinking about it that much anymore. it's just like, what? hekemore. he doesn'snt know't kh anything cost. he doesn't know what he's saying. i thinw what he isk even sayingt know how the economy works. that's that's like a very charitable to say. ing cl they weren't even close to that yet. titus, does this you offos or is it just funny? >> it's funny until i. the shopping at my house. yeah, i he can he's such
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you know, i try yes, i try hard to be positive about the other a side like i got to talk about one thing this dudut onee couldn't even get a story without about snickers. >> yeah. without screwing it up and think we don't know the difference between dos and they took it for suckers. no, the stories about snickers as a candybout bar. >> yeah. suckers is something that you get. you give to people if they evend smell your haiy ba something you r. you know? but the whole point of goingent after president trump watrums expose him. >> so we had it for four years.e we a transparent white house. we knew vote. we knew who voted, who didn'twh vote. we who was responsible because they were happy to tell us. >> yeahapph so trump fixed the border by taking his pen and writing out his really
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annoying eval signature that they were all scared of. and he added all these lawhes lw to stop border. so now we have a president who forgets. we've beenpresident wh watchingt four years because you made politics transparent by trying o to expose the evil red headed monsteher. so we know how it works now. and so when he says i can't do anything, who are you speaking to? >> you, us?. what trump did, you could do the same thing. sod do he says all the it's the stores. there's never a follow up question ever thismi administration what storesnistra what stores should we avoid specifically, sir? wh it whole is it fresh market? like what is the store that weew should be focused on doing this stuff? because again, to cash point, he has no idea what he's talking about. and the american people, we se e it you can't you can no longer. you get when you got to kiss this now before you bang it's like we know now you know what i'm saying we're nonow nowt falling for those other guys.
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i've always said that i should have a very different way of saying it, but f i believe i. i know it sounds nasty, but it's just me really aggressively saying, give me a hint. yeah. before you completely screw me over. and he's not kissing at, you know, do you think with this snicker line, he was snicker he saw one of the snics from halloween, the little fun size thing which i have to be this bag. and i clown they're not trying to hide his dementia. they're telling him, just go with it. yeah, i know. >> he called americans suckers for paying retai l forat are groceries. >> what? what are we supposed to do, shoplifte suft? yeah, or haggle. you know, as this spam is four bucks, i'll give it to you.
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i had. >> that was the greatest insult of my lifetime that a president has paid me that i'm and cker for wanting to eang tot and not being willing to shoplift my foog wid. s you know, it's funny, right? we've said this on the show. wa like suckers and we watch people of people running out wit of costco with 900 bucks or whatever worth the stuff. we're going like, why are we that we are the suckers? >> he just told us we're the suckers for puttintold ug with this. i mean, we y are. >> not only is cat right, as he sounds like he's ranting in a, you know, dog park or something . >> but. but, but, but he's turningbody on everybody who's productive on behalf of everybody who isn'roductivt. and i'm tired of his insults. yeah, i, i could win the insult contest ten times over with him but he gets to be on tv and i t
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whent get to talk back. >> except when i come here. exactly. you know, it's true. like chere trump insulted the p. they didn't. he never insulted the people. and that's all joe does, is it? it's of the people. but it's from a position of ignorance. yeah. he completely has no idea how a supermarke posit het. >> do you think the the supermarkets want the prices to be sup high? absolutely not. they don't make money off abthey dh. moneing hig they make money off of prices pi being low and sellingume more because are a volume business. so if you have more money in youbusiness moneyr and you cy more goods, that grocery store make mors money. >> yeah. so if he doesn't understand that simple transactio n, onomy? how can he one the economy. >> oh wait he can't. yeah it's so why do they haveey sales right. it's like they low pricese are what gets people in. >> what an idiot. all righ t i'm almost done with them. >> coming up old joe's obsessed with the dumbest members of the preswith thes.
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>> i'm laura ingram. i think my first memory politics in the political process was really when i was in high school. and i think, as i recall, there was only one table for ronald reagan. it was like the math kids and when they called the election for reagan, i think i jumped five feet in the air. >> i was so stoked. we needed a change and i think now we're at that same point. there are some things that better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings presentation looks great. >> thanks. well, you provide tools that help you make the right and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals a that one and look forward to a more confident futur, l protece >> that is one dynamic duo. >> yeah well plan well invested
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>> so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. i literally went on angie and typed in pool and got choices. getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids ,kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted something beautiful. we wanted something that our children would feel happy swimming in and we love it and still love it. connect with skilled professionals, get all your home projects done. well, get started today at, angie macomb, a story in five words. five words. biden obsessed morning joe tyrus the msnbc morningmornn show books. white house aides between seven and 7:40 a.m. becauseand that's where joe is awake to watch them. apparently7:e that is when he'sd with this show and he calls scarborough over with th advice >> what say you? well, there is the riddle.
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we now know who's runningo is r the countruny. so explains a lot now. now the snickers thing doesn'te seem so. oh, boy. and it's your fault because you made fun of scarborough. auh and he showed you because he's the pretend president of united states. yes. . here you ge ident ofo. the unitd >> gutfeld yes. it's so weird, walter, to start the morninst g he'd start theyourse morning by trying to make yourself stupid. it'sg up and going,l hey, you know what? i feel smart. i'm goin g to shave off 30 iq points. what's on mornin offg joe? so we find out that morningjoe joe is programming naptime. joe every day. yeah. okayamming nme this used to hapn with the days of our lives and my grandmahe. ke >> like, we knew if some wifee cheated on her husbandwi dinner she'd be talking about adultery. >> it's terrible would be t. and so because he's beings aide
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programed, his aides are now being forced to watch the show so they can anticipate what he's going to be concerned about duringte what day. >> yeah. so, i mean, what a crazyhich w situation in which, you know, whoever is puttingho joe, you know, morning joe's words in his ear is actually whispering into the president's mind actuallo th. >> so that's the most powerful person in america, some producer at msnbc. right. that's frightening. you know, it's true. it's i that is. t is.s he's getting is he actually is getting his news from a soap opera whenom a s. loo >> you look at those two right now. they were together, all had different spouses and now they're married. but i know the left is goingey . to go out and say, oh, well, well, trump did this with fox and friends when was president? >> the difference is and this is a plug fo andr "fox and frie" is the fact that fox oftenet fo speaks to the american peoplx eu it does stories about the concerns of the american people .
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>> and i know that sounds like a catchy plug, but it's real. and msnbc is very insider. >> it's morning show is a dc bubble for the old people that were hippies that are no longe r ,you know, cogent and cognizant of life and the dc ot of lif dc establishment. so it's -- it's it's a circulars line of thinking and it's useless. it uses for the country definitely u for uses it's a stupid loop cat. it's a stupid loop. you have stupidity coming one way, it gets reinforced, sends it back and it just keeps going aroundit back , around and a merry go round of idiocy, if . u will >> if you will. i was just one. i was just wondering.>> like, do you think nico gets jealous? do you think they fight about it? yes, because i definitely would. i would be, ike, oh, sorrydefine you're out of time from like, oh, the president environment, like, right, like she probably like what? look how upset she looks. just for example, over there, ay i know she's always upset that she gets resting upselookt
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face. >> okay, well played. well played because i'm not t going to hate on that because so do i. te othatand i know you smile.ous i do. yeah. but more thamile.n that. but, you know, i'm leaving out the smiley face. she looks shaming people, but she's definitely she's like she's probably . me?hy not why not me?u and i just i bet you they fighth about. eyi you like. argum that's the thing. that argument, no matter where it starts, it always endenattere there. >> yeah. i just like the manchurian candidate. wo i like th they could say anyg and joe would do it by noon. >> just imagine. you know, i think it's true. yet nobody else watches. isn't that crazy? because when president trump watch somethin sident tg had to watch out it, they could find how evil it was. yeah. you knowvil it, cool or whatever biden watches it and everyone's like, well, i mean, he i guessye he's, got to watch what he's got to watch. i'm not watch it. no one no one flips on. they shoul.d be the most popular morning news shows on the planet because the president, thank god he doesn't watch the view. yeah
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. how do we know any comedies? you'd be arrested? ye harris s, i'd be dead alread. yeah. all right. up next, we open the door to your questions and more. >> the biggest in fbi history, more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. i always was involved, must be held accountable. even man, that's going to change no matter what your political perspective is. >> attention former marines and family members stationed at camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp lejeune in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 through december 1987 and had been diagnosed cancer, it neurobehavioral effects had a child born with birth defects
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have you asked. what punishment would you give to the illegal alien that gave new yorkers the double bird water? >> well, first of all, he did it after he beat up a cop. it was his. just >> i think he should jusbet be forced to continue to in our deteriorating society. good enough. i am in a bad mood. >> i tried. thi >> i think he should be forced to eat all the foorcedd throw that migrants throw out because apparently this food is tortureappared to these peopl secondarily, he likes flipping the bird. soy,ipping i think he'd be suchi of birds. we should put him on a perchs, i on the tallest building near a park, make him extend his armsld and let the birds do what they will on him like a statue while he's eating
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the sandwiches that they throw at terrorists. >> so he. he held it like that. it was lik >>e this gre>>e held. just >> yeah, yeah, yeah. just give him a field goal. >> punch him in the face. yeah, you do it. you probably go to jail. now get ouyou'd pr t, minority. hello?l i was impresseged. of fac character. fact. anyone on this table wants to commit a crime. th. do it fort, any you. so i can be sure. that is an app that's uber. yes. it's a guy to go beat up copsu. for you. why? people don't do it. i go >> whi people,t it. me up i yeah. pick me up in an hour. you know, these. these guys hopped on a bus and went across the country.isn' >> isn't that punishment enough? from personal experiencet , p it's bad. yeah, i have. having such a hard time comingi' upveh ming with a punishment, wh makes me feel like maybes i shouldn't have kidme bels, bul would all be still smoke. cigarettes. yes when ts, but not like five years old.
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they'll be smoking cigarettes. i'll be like, stop it. and then they'd be like, you want one? >> be like , uh, jail. you beat up a cop. >> you should be in jail. likeu , i. and we even do that. >> could we?do twelcome to america 2024. >> we could. we could lock hie m in theto a e with a young age full circle on the terror. there you go. don't go away. we'll be right back. >> the tension will ring. families in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic at camp lejeune
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time takes it well to third time by ten times. our studio audience has never been paid. !lagher oour new america.aham >> good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham


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