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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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will: the air:00 hour of "fox and friends" weekend on february 3rd. the us launches retaliatory airstrike coming syria and iraq. president biden says this is just the beginning. rachel: alvan bragg has a message for new yorkers concerned about migrants free without bail. >> our obligation is to make sure we have the right people charged with the right crimes. we don't want to charge the wrong person. prison pete: president biden going to east palestine, ohio after the train derailment. we are going off-the-wall to show how he initially responded and what has been done since. the third hour of "fox and friends" weekend starts right now. ♪
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will: the us carrying out retaliatory strikes at dozens of targets across the middle east. officials claim 30 people were killed. rachel: the strikes coming just after the remains of three us soldiers killed in jordan return to us soil. pete: trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. >> reporter: the united states struck 85 targets in iraq and syria in response to that drone at tactical three american soldiers. according to us central command centers that were targeted in addition to weapons storage facilities belonging to iran's revolutionary guard and others with iran backed militias. john kirby saying this overnight. >> i want to repeat what i said
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in my opening comments. of these responses began tonight they won't end tonight. there will be additional responses, additional actions we will take. >> reporter: the biden administration is looking to send a message to iran and its proxies that attacks on american forces will not the accepted. this was a response to the drone attack that killed three americans and injured dozens more. the american strikes that included 125 precision guided munitions, the irani and president addressed the situation on the ground saying this. >> translator: before, when they wanted to talk to iran like other countries, military option is on the table. now you don't hear these words anymore. they even say we have no intention of any conflict with iran. >> reporter: we talked about this before but should talk about it again, irani intend
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their proxies and the police started attacking american forces in mid-october after the war erupted between israel and hamas. officials and iran have tried to directly link these two events. the irani and his want to ignite the middle east for their own interests. will: we lay out the baseball card, you see on a banner rate there. if you are watching the show yesterday, in addition to instant analysis from will kane, you saw 125 missiles shot in seven areas, that is the baseball cards. they wanted it to look either way like these are a lot of strikes, this the big volume, this is a retaliation. we are trying to learn what happened. what was the impact. rachel: what did you stop? we had on your podcast rand paul saying we should protect our shipping but did we
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protect, what happened? will: the new news of the hour is the number, 30 people have been killed in these strikes which is the obvious question of who was left behind. will: if they were given a heads up and had time to evacuate. who is the guy that goes you are good, stay here? we got to get to a thing. rachel: representative mike waltzed talking about exactly that. >> we get plenty of time to get out. once we hit the proxies i want us to be successful but i year it's not going to be. i heard tonight from soldiers who are downrange right now telling me this will amount to nothing but a multimillion dollar fireworks show and this
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is another check the box and by the way, the bbc and others are reporting that many of those sites were evacuated. pete: it is an excessive fireworks show. pete: it would be more effective to tape something in roswell and put it out and say these are the strikes. this is a signaling to the world. rachel: one of the problems is all of the things you brought up on the five are words we've had in the past that led americans who are watching now our coverage, so skeptical, cynical, about what our leaders have in mind. was the real purpose? nothing seems to add up. you could show us. pete: let's look at the region and break down, these are where
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a lot of the attacks occurred. on the border between jordan, syria, and air act. these strikes are against uranian proxy groups, many are very large facilities which meet with thousands of potential targets in those facilities so if it's one hundred 25 individual missiles you are not hitting everything that could be part of those attacks and certainly not hitting every aspect where we have troops. this is our sense of the attacks on us forces around the region so our presence is ubiquitous. we are all over iraq and syria but look at it from the irani and perspective to understand where they are after 20 years. afghanistan is over here. we fought a 20 year war in afghanistan on the eastern border, we fought a warty rack. iran is an 11 american sandwich and wanted to expel us from
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that and effectively done that. we've been there enemy. who else is there enemy? the state of israel, they want to wipe israel off the map. in doing those things they tried to enable their partners to be satellites for them. who was a big enemy for air ran for a long time? saddam hussein. when we deposed saddam hussein we unleashed a lot of chaos. the government in iraq was taken over by iran. bashar al-assad in syria, who controlled him, iran? these proxies throughout these areas who do they work for, iran and what other country is solidly controlled by iran and hezbollah? lebanon. all of it is an attempt by iran to reshape is that region. goal number one for them is to try to get americans out and they've been fairly successful after our adventures in iraq and afghanistan pushing us out.
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now they want these bases out and certainly want to divide any alliance israel would have from saudi arabia as well. there's you political aspects as well. rachel: as an american. i would like us to have shipping routes. we are to get things in and out. do we need to have a big presence to secure the commerce part of this? rachel: you want to land capabilities. if i come off of this. on the arabian peninsula we have other options on the arabian peninsula that are not necessarily in a rack and syria. if we were to remove our troops we would want to do it on our own terms. the calculation we are told by our leaders right now is all these bases are necessary to
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interdict weapons and fighters from iran from making their way to lebanon into israel but also to not allow the isis caliphate which was controlled through a rack and syria to remit asked which was defeated by donald trump and they believe we have to have troops to keep that counterterrorism going. is the downside bigger than the upside meaning they are creating targets of opportunity for iran that ferment more instability in the region. no one answered that very well. rachel: we were energy independent under donald trump which i thought made us -- less necessary to have a big presence. pete: who wants to be entangled in at least? i don't want to be dependent on them and make unholy choices about saudi arabia in oil and all that. the more you produce here the
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less you find elsewhere, demand is going to continue. we haven't solved the demand problem, we need oil resources, the more we cut off our own we go elsewhere and we are tied back down in a region, what benefit have we gained from being entangled? very difficult. rachel: the climate agenda made our foreign policy dysfunctional and unproductive, great job. i am a little clear. pete: the mess will get messier. will: domestic politics and the southern border. you heard the story of the five illegal immigrants who attacked the officer several of which were released without bail pending an investigation into their involvement. out on bragg is saying is that is what you want. he's the da. you want us to follow the law
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and get this right. >> what do you say to new yorkers who see the video, your office, what do you say to folks who are concerned about whether your office is taking this seriously. >> they are rightfully disturbed when they see the video. i was disturbed and disgusted which we don't tolerate people assaulting get police officers but in a court of law, we need to make sure we have the right people charged with the right crimes. i don't think any new yorker wants us to charge the wrong person, to charge something that was not their roll. rachel: every now and then there is a video that encapsulates how the left and right are living in their own universes. this happened, cnn clip i want to show you guys because it
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really shows how out of touch so many of our media elites are about how this plays out, why this happened and why criminals decide to come to new york city to do things like that like you are watching on your screen. watch this. >> what the detectives are telling me they have crews that operate in new york and they go to florida to spend money and come back, why don't they stay and steal in florida where they go to jail? brian: fair point. 's rachel: when they have money they don't want to hang in new york, they go to florida and they come back. pete: on alpine bragg this is why what i think what he says matters. you want to get the right guy. that's the justice system.
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but the point, when you are faithful to your robust pursuit of justice, make sure we get it right, daniel penny, lock them up, asap, how dare you say -- how dare you protect people on a subway. rachel: who do you want in your subway car? those guys who are part of a kernel cartel, mafia type group, gang group from venezuela do you want those guys in your car or daniel penny if you're a citizen. this whole thing is so warped, who we celebrate, who we don't. pete: imagine those cops, the foolishness of alpine bragg to say this is our system. your system is to release them.
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it is not confirmed but people said that's what's happening and their court date to show up is tuesday. are they going to california and they ride a bus to shop for alpine bragg, he knows they won't show up which means he doesn't care and users, got to get it right with the right people. rachel: they went to a nongovernment agency, they gave false names and got a free ticket to california. think about how president biden has been telling us how well he is vetting the people who come into our country. pete: the guy walking out given the double barrel. welcome to biden's america. rachel: bidenville. we are going to turn to a few additional headlines starting with this, fox news alert. paris police arresting a man
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who attacked three people at a busy train station using a knife and a hammer. the attack three miles southeast, one of the victims is listed in serious condition. the suspect may suffer from mental health issues, does not appear to be a terrorist attack. just a mental illness. the fbi and atf conducting arson investigation in minnesota after the offices of three conservative groups went up in flames. i know that organization, center for the american experiment. they operate in the same building, targeted for their political beliefs, the leader one of the group saying people attack you on twitter, it's different from trying to burn down your office or burn down your building. no arrests have been made.
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authorities have not revealed a potential voter. we are not sure whether conservatives burn down the biggest of our marxist community. will: this reminds me, why they have no confidence in the fbi, remember the molotov cocktails that were thrown at pro-life pregnancy centers, never found them either. pete: america's youngest porch pirate. a shocking video by miami police, 5-year-old is told by a woman, presumably his mom to snatch a package from the doorstep of a home. the package had $40 worth of clothing in it. police are searching for the adult who used the child to commit the crime. those are your headlines. really uplifting headlines.
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rachel: that is child abuse and this porch stealing, i have a lot of theories, neighbors stealing from neighbors, this is a lot of breakdown, how is multiculturalism working? we don't have shared values, don't care about each other as our community and our society we don't have things in common, i think it is not like the next-door neighbor but we are all neighbors, all americans. this is a really sad moment. this is on the rise and it is about lack of dnas, d fund, not arresting people but there's a connective tissue. pete: did you say nancy pelosi is my neighbor? rachel: referring to this tribalism.
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coming up. rachel: we are the american family. isn't that what we want to be? will: its marks one year since chinese spy balloon was spotted over the us, has the biden administration done anything terrain and the communists? that's next. rachel: brian kilmeade with what's a look at what is coming up. brian: one nation begins at 9:00. here's the tees. john walsh solve the crime crisis as only he can. he's back in action for a reason. do we need las vegas as the new capital of sports in america? the golden nuggets and many other operations, tells us why which if there's a guy with a better personality with a better story i haven't met him yet. don't miss this addition of one nation.
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>> more than 1100 arrests. >> i sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. >> those involved must be held accountable. >> he is an innocent man. >> it will change narratives no matter your political perspective.
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down at tax in the red sea. michael pillsbury, great to have you on and get your perspective on this. what is the role there in the region and what does it say for what is happening with the desire to go into turnaround? how does it play out for us? >> the reaction to the biden administration strikes in the last 24 hours, china is marking this, making fun of it, implying the us is week. their long-term strategy to portray us as a declining power, on the one hand chinese diplomacy he says we are behind the negotiations, we want peace, the big agenda is to get
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stable energy supplies and continue, i hate to say demonization but undermining of american prestige and strength. the spy balloon, the us could not detect our spy balloon. see what the theme is? their hundred year marathon, 2 thirds of the wasteful room. has a lot to do with specific measures china takes but donald trump would call them on and not let them get away with. trump had a phone call and exchange of letters with xi jinping himself all the time, the biden people are not treated with respect by the chinese. the biden people seem to bagel to have a meeting in san francisco let alone get something negotiated. rachel: if i put myself in the shoes of the chinese, i will do
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what i'm going to do now while president biden is in office should we expect in case something changes in 2,024 should we expect things to increase? let me show you christopher wray talking about china's cyber threat capabilities. >> if you took every single one of our intelligence analysts and focused them exclusively on the china threat china's hackers would outnumber fbi cyber personnel by at least 51. rachel: in addition to this, these cyber attacks, we are seeing a massive increase of chinese national military age men, well-funded coming across the border. what is all this mean? >> the big picture they are getting ready to use force
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against taiwan if they have too. quite a few messages to both us and the taiwan government that we are prepared to use force if we do it will be something you americans will regret. they don't say it openly but we know from the testimony they have placed trojan horses in our power grid, our water system, the ground links that go up to satellites. these are not often protected so encrypted data can be blocked by the chinese. they are warning everybody, don't make trouble on taiwan. if you do, while you're busy with iran, the red sea and houthis, we will attack with blockade or missile strikes or something more serious like the normandy landing. this is scary especially when you find out, you covered this, we found out the chinese spy balloon was using an american
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internet provider to send encrypted transmissions to china. what they were finding were our nuclear facilities. china has built a hundred nuclear weapons according to the pentagon in the last year. no one else is building nuclear weapons like this. this is a big pattern you covered very well. rachel: don't know what they are doing coming across the board, you suspect they are spies? >> we need to be prepared for conflict with china in a way they find credible and we can deter them. military age men crossing the border into america, worst case is its organizing china knows about it. rachel: scary stuff. thank you. coming up. it has been one year since the toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio and president biden is making the trip.
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pete and will go off the wall on that next.
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i send him an invitation a month ago, small group of residents wanted me to send him an invitation. i sent him an invitation. he has accepted. we will welcome him graciously. will: the mayor of east palestine, president biden will be visiting east palestine for the first time since that train derailment a year ago which unleashed hazardous materials into the neighboring community. pete: the mayor of east
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palestine thanking us for continuing to cover this. how was it addressed and what is being done now? it is february 3rd which means a year since the train derailment unleashing massive explosions. a lot of trains crisscross the midwest and the country but as far as spills go this was a big one and immediately caught our eye. will: we had the mayor on this morning. they pop up on your screen and fade away. we saw our lot of people saying let us know, this deserves attention, east palestine. within one day the epa ended up at the site and recognized this is a problem. look at these chemicals, orders, evacuation order.
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pete: they installed underflow dams to restrict the flow of contaminated water, quickly became about the water, is it safe, is it not, they realized we need to evacuate, the zone needs to expand. will: come in over here. the red is deaf possible. yellow injury possible, yellow injury more likely. death possible in the immediate range of this. pete: the contents were burned off. there was a controversial burning off of chemicals. will: five days later it was reactivated. pete: everyone wants to open up as quickly as possible. when is it safe to do so? apparently they detected no vinyl chloride or hydrogen chloride, the two hazardous toxins from the spill and think it safe enough to open.
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will: the epa shows up after the initial train derailment. pete: a week after that, donald trump showed up on the scene. i can't recall whether he was invited or if you looked at this and said this is a national disaster and we need to do something about it. donald trump showed up and president biden addressed the incident. we start with president biden addressing the incident and then go to trump. >> president biden: i've spoken with every official in ohio, democrat and republican. i haven't had occasion to go to east palestine. there's a lot going on. will: that's president biden. pete: a lot going on. a lot of vacations to delaware to have. a lot of days off to dive. will: donald trump made the
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trip to east palestine and here is what he had to say. >> we told you you are not forgotten. we stand with you, pray for you, stay with you and your fight to help answer and accountability, have that accountability. will: the images, i remember seeing this, thinking this is what leadership looks like. you go there, you talk to people, you walk around, you see the site, you stoically project the image we stand with you, we are here with you, understand what you are going through, want to hear what happened from leadership, see it for ourselves. seeing is understanding. biden kept saying we are tracking but that doesn't fly.
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that's not going to fly with a mayor who says you are the president of the united states. will: residents were put out for 5 days or so, what's long-term implication, are they telling us the truth, the water is safe, these are all the concerns residents still maintain today. >> most of us have ended up sick. i haven't let my kids set foot there since the derailment. >> this guy has not shown any compassion or moral value to anything. emotionally, physically he hasn't shown up and there's no help economically or with residents. pete: the mayor did say norfork southern trying to cover up what happened has been really good and responsive trying to make good on this.
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if you feel like the federal government is focused on everything else and not its own us citizens it will be interesting to see the greeting president biden gets if he said he's going, it took a formal invitation from the mayor, the mayor sent the invite based on a few residents. pete: i want assurances about the long-term effects, you can tell me what is safe today. what will it be like in 20 years? back to our top story. america responding to irani and backed at tax that killed three soldiers but not hitting iran. will: we are waiting to see what's in the border bill. senator mark mullen between the house and senate has an update next. i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief
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pete: the us lodging retaliatory airstrikes in syria and iraq in response to a drone a tactical three american soldiers in jordan and although president biden says this is just the beginning, his admin iteration has ruled out any direct strike inside iran. here is a member of the senate
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armed services committee, mark wayne mullen. i'm not arguing for attack inside iran but wouldn't you want iran to think you might if you are trying to deter them or prevent them from future action? >> you know the area as good as anybody. they believe in one thing, strength. if you show weakness they will come after you which is why we have 160 at tax, terrorist organizations attacking us since october and only responded a handful of times in this response where we killed three americans on the border between jordan and syria, and wounded 50 other individuals, we take days and days to respond and signal before we hit. you cannot, cannot kill the snake unless you cut its head off and this is what is happening here. we don't necessarily have to go after iran with direct force but we should respond
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immediately every time they shoot anything at us. we can respond in a matter of minutes but at the same time putting sanctions in place on air ran and we need to escalate from there if they are not willing to start behaving. pete: what is the goal? what is the goal of this? if the goal is deterrence they must know this won't deter, what is their goal? >> hard for me to understand. when we had donald trump in place, we operated peace through strength meaning we are going to go after you, if you torch us, we are going to black your eye and donald trump demonstrated that which is why there was stability around the world. he led peace through strength but this administration is trying to move through appeasement. through high school you can't by your friends.
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that's exactly what this administration is trying to do by appeasing them. you can't appease terrorist organizations or leaders in the middle east because they don't believe in appeasement. if they fear you they will respect you. pete: let's move to our own border, ours is wide open, president biden and democrats and some republicans are pushing the border bill, supposed to get the tax stub and what it might be about. here's a breakdown of the border bill of the one hundred $6 billion package proposed from october, this is what was previously proposed, 60 one billion dollars for ukraine, 14 billion for israel, 13 billion for border enforcement. we don't know if that will match what this bill is. you have a tough job of being the lead liaison between house and senate.
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is there any coordinating here? this bill feels like it is dead on arrival especially among house republicans. >> it is tough because house republicans and senate republicans like hr 2, hr 2 is the golden standard and it is not possible when dealing with an administration that leads into an open board but we know national security, we have to lower the bar a little bit but we don't lead the senate, that's chuck schumer, doing nothing isn't in the best interests. what is our goal going through this process? our goal is to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. if donald trump is in office, this guy has a wide open border since he has been in office, reversed all the executive orders trump had in place, we had a secure border. if we pass the bill he will shut the border down. he doesn't need the bill passed to shut the border down but our goal, these are three pillars, we want to make sure we stick in the flow and we have to
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change the asylum process, donald trump tried to change the asylum process and they took him to court. we are going to change the asylum process through this bill. we have to change the process. 85% of the 8.8 million people who crossed the border and claimed asylum, those 85% of those paroled to the united states without any background check, this bill will change that where the burden of proof meaning they can't say the magic words i fear my government, they have to prove why they fear it and there is no safe place for them to go in the country or on their travels which by the way could be very difficult because of north american pact between mexico, the united states and canada says if you enter their country first, you can claim asylum. all those individuals going to mexico to get to the southern border under the new rule would
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have to claim asylum in mexico. the percentage of individuals crossing the border claiming asylum without being sent back would be next to nothing and the deportation on a separate note, take 6 to 10 years for hearing. this will take days. pete: it will be interesting to hear when the text comes out and all the money for ukraine. >> a lot of people made their mind up they are not voting for this gland haven't read it. why vote for a bill you never read? everybody should take a deep breath and read the bill before we decide to support it or not support it. pete: we look forward to the text of the bill and we will discuss it tomorrow and have a conversation from their. thanks for your time. coming up. major waves in college, challenging the association's
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name, image and likeness guidelines. our next guest brought the lawsuit, tennessee attorney general next. something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly.
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pete: two states challenging and name and likeness
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competition and recruitment of college athletes. he joins us now. thanks for being with us. why take away any type of regulation? >> the ncaa is starting to enforce these rules, the rules are illegal, student-athletes have a right to be compensated for name, image, and likeness, they suppressed the market for that. you don't have college sports without college athletes. it's not right that everyone is getting rich off of this and they are medically suppressed. will: i want to read what the ncaa is saying, this legal action would exacerbate what members have frequently described as a wild west atmosphere. the competitive imbalance among
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schools and student-athletes. what do you hope the outcome is? federal regulation, state-by-state regulation or wild wild west for student athletes? >> federal regulation is the only answer to the legal problem. what we have is already the wild west, arbitrary enforcement, that, when they are unlucky enough to be in the crosshairs. will: something no one is talking about i would like to put to you. federal regulation title ix is the mechanism they try to achieve between men and women sports, equal number of scholarships for each program, the reason you get a bowling scholarship if you're a woman but not a man. so many scholarships. the and il program is undercutting the value of the scholarship. scholarship is not the ultimate currency anymore. if we are living in a world of
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and il how can you if you would want to achieve gender equality in collegiate sports. >> it's not something the university is giving the students, it's an inherent right they have, and electoral property, name, image and likeness, they retained that right, playing for school or not. and suppressing their compensation, title ix, >> in a practical effect, they are foregoing scholarships to take more money through the program. it literally is the wild west. jonathan scrum eddie, thanks so much. more "fox and friends" coming up. let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways.
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