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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  February 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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attack people very. >> we are concerned. >> hippos are unpredictable. >> was someone coming out here are the best strategy is to hide it. >> imagine a 3-ton hippo in your kitchen or near your bed. >> the hippos that die didn't get this on fox nation right now it is available. his hippos they could not capture them they are too dangerous they've been multiplying all these years and now they are an invasive species requested on to glory anything about the drug trade there's something so cool about having cocaine hippos that have escaped and wondering. >> they are terrifying, terrifying there draws it is -- >> a great footage and i got close to them. all right that does it for us will see you nex ♪ ♪ i am a shannon bream america
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response after the deadly drone attack in jordan a week ago today. ♪ >> the president will not tolerate attacks on american troops. and neither will i. >> the attacks on iran back positions in iraq and syria escalating the nation's involvement in the middle east. starting shortly after president biden attended the dignified transfer of the three u.s. soldiers killed on a base in jordan. this hour we are joined by white house national security spokesman jon kirby and south: republican senator lindsey graham who says the strike so far do not go far enough. then, new pressure and senate negotiators to close a deal refresh aid to israel and ukraine while stemming the flow of migrants illegally crossing the u.s./mexico border calls grow to deport this accused of attacking police officers in times square. they were let loose on no bail.
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>> our freedom of justice system is upside down. it fails every day by exchanging the tune of the blue states top leader. our sunday panel addresses the heated election-year uproar over illegal immigration. i'll right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪. shannon: hello from foxnews in washington for the u.s. has carried out a series of strikes in three countries over the past couple of days so let's get you up to speed. credit u.fred u.s. military forh retaliatory attacks in iraq and syria at landing more than 120 strikes on 85 targets all across the region. that of course in response to an iranian backed drone attack in jordan that left three u.s. troops dead. u.s. attacks are targeting proxy groups across the region for now two locations that were it remain undisclosed as you know iran has long funded groups in the region ranging from 104 and
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11 on and the houthis in yemen. since the start of the israel hamas were u.s. troops in the region have been under fire from iranian supportive malicious facing at least 166 attacks and that time freight leading us to where we are today. with freddie's retaliatory strikes just the first we believe in a series of large-scale attacks. in a moment we will talk with jon kirby from the white house or republican senator lindsey graham. but firthe first return to treyt live in tel aviv but the latest on the series of u.s. strikes in the middle east. >> shannon, good morning the middle eastern means on the brink of a much broader conflict after the u.s. response to continued attacks from houthis forces in yemen and the response to that drone attack last weekend that killed three american soldiers. friday evening the united states striking back against iran and its proxies in iraq and syria. eighty-five locations hits with 125 precision munitions. according to u.s. central
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command. the targets control centers and weapons storage facilities. some affiliated directly with iran's revolutionary guard corps forces other with ironic back to militia and a statement overnight u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin hinted at further retaliation saying quote the president has directed additional actions to will the eye rgc and affiliated malicious accountable for their attacks on u.s. and coalition forces. this will unfold at times and places of our choosing the iraqi government claims 16 people were killed during u.s. strikes against locations in their country and condemned the action as a violation of iraqi sovereignty pretty bummed out location along the border between iraq and syria, residents expressed frustration with the runback militia hiding among civilian areas. >> we urge official bodies to put an end to this military existence inside residential compounds for. >> this weekend new reaction to
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the strikes from iranian officials in tehran. >> suite naturally condemn any move against the resistance front we reject and condemn these attacks that will naturally lead to the of the resistance requests the region waits to see if there will be further american strikes in the middle east or a response by iranian proxies. shannon: a trey yingst reporting for us from tel aviv thank you for joining us out to admiral jon kirby national security council coordinator for strategic communications but welcome back, good to see you sir. before the strikes are in freddie and other critics it talks about the delay whe one wk ago today the three soldiers were lost from the wasser journal editorial board militia leaders cannot say they were not warned and if any of them were still around when target areas they are the world's dumbest terrorists. was it too much of a delay? >> to thoughts their first ants that likely held back in the notification that we were going to respond if our troops were attacked the president has been
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clear we will respond it's not as if prior to the attack last week in the militia groups in the eye rgc and folks in tehran did not know we were going to take seriously any attack on our troops and on our facilities. the specific attack the targets we struck on friday nights you want to do this in a deliberate way. you want to carefully select your targets? you want to make sure all the parameters are in place to have good effects including factoring in the weather? these attacks were using manned aircraft you want to make sure your pilots can get in and get out safely. there's a lot of planning that went into that and again the pentagon believes we had good effects that we hit what we were aiming at. shannon: our next guest does not think has been tough enough strikes yet senator lindsey graham is set on this desk and said we need strikes inside iran. you have to get their attention with things that really matter to them like their oil infrastructure. strikes on ironic within i run on or off the table?
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>> i'm on a national television juggling to telegraph punches or get in front of the present in hiishis decisiinhis decision-mad certainly not going to talk about potential joint military operations. what i would say this is a really important point is what you saw on friday night was just the first round. there will be additional response actions taken by the administration against the eye rgc and these groups they are backing. shannon: growing calls from some on capitol hill they need from the white house you to come to them to ask for authorization. do you think that will come at some point with this specific set of strikes? >> the president is acting consistent with article two responsibilities as commander-in-chief. these are self-defense actions we are taking to prevent and to take away capability from these groups from targeting our troops and our facilities. shannon: is not just republicans you have senator cardin who chairs the intel committee. he said you guys seem to come to him. >> we are confident comfortable the present has appropriate authorities to continue to conduct the strikes to protect
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our people, or ships, our sailors, our troops and facilities throughout the region. >> critics say we are in this position because of the presidents action they point to things like easing sanctions on iran's oil industry that allow them to rake in tens of billions of dollars we know money is fungible how could we say with any certain seat those abounds are not funding these groups that are now taking aim at our soldiers -- my three lives lost dozens others injured opinion piece on the hill puts it this way. in a clear eyed assessment of bidens foreign poli foreign-pold present is one consistent threat which helps expend the dire estate of world affairs during his presidency his unusual commitment to the weakest or at least confrontational path he talked about being worried about igniting something broader in the region but is this idea of appeasement sending the wrong signal to folks who only understand brute strength? >> sure, it is hard to take a look at what we have been doing over the last three years and say we somehow have been soft on iran.
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more than 500 entity sanctions, 50 sanction regimes he has bolstered our force presence in the region including at one point having to aircraft carriers there. one in the med and one ant middle east waters in fact there's a carrier still there. and in terms of the attacks we have suffered over recent months he has increas increase the aggressiveness of our responses to go more directly after the eye rgc and he saw it happen on friday nights and i'm telling you that's not the end of it. we come to a different place here whether or not we have been aggressive enough and muscular enough on i write you write the president does not want to see a broader conflict in the middle east and we are not looking for a war with ironic that the american people don't want that either. we are going to do we have to do hold them accountable and it's not like their wor weren't attas in the previous demonstration either. then president trump ordered an attack on soleimani the head of the eye rgc the attacks on our troops in our facilities spiked
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up pretty dramatically to the point where the late 2020 the former secretary state mike pompeo was considering weighing the options of closing the embassy in baghdad these groups have been doing this for a while. let's see we got the first round out on friday let's see where this goes. shannon: let's talk about iraq and syria said iraq was notified in advance the government knew what was coming. they have since said they are not happy about what is happened "new york times" or bonus syria and iran condemning u.s. strikes on iran backed militias in their country saying such attacks only impede the fight against islamic state terrorists. threatened to drag the region even deeper into its instability have you heard directly from the and since then question what they said this is sovereign territory prick asked to not speak or diplomatic conversation arm sure our bathroom baghdad has had conversations since the weekend but i will let them speak to that. we have got to take seriously the attacks on our troops and ouin ourfacilities in this casen jordan three americans were killed three troops, three families are now grieving for
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the president is not going to sit back and idly take that we are going to respond how we are going to respond as aggressively as we need to there were appropriate notifications and discussions with the iraqi government i will leave it at that. but we also what to see the iraqi government move to help us read the threat of these militia groups on iraqi soil. that is something they should consider a violation of their sovereignty these groups are operating with some manner of impunity on iraqi soil. seasickness in that region and on relationships. ask theo's said the president is losing patience with prime minister netanyahu. he's clearly rejected the idea of a palestinian state we are state departmstate department it policy proposals with respect to that. it appears there is some growing daylight between these two world leaders how would you describe their relationship? when did they last taught? what these are two leaders that have known each other long, long time. decades here. the president has said repeatedly he does not always
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agree with everything the prime minister does and says that is still the case we are not going to see eye to eye. but the advantage of having alliances and partnerships in long relationships such as the president has had through his many years in public service is that you can have those difficult conversations with a foreign leader and you can make your case and i will tell you i cannot speak for what the prime minister says publicly i can just tell her that in our conversation with him and his work and what they know america's got their back we are going to continue to support the mets with a supplemental funding request is so important. they also know were going to be concerned about them. getting humanitarian assistance income senator blinken is on his way to the region right now. i would also say they have been receptive to that advice and counsel in those perspectives that we have shared. they have altered and changed the way they are prosecuting operations that should try to be more careful but quick certainly not open to the two state solution. just look at house speaker said yesterday they going to put up a stanstandalone israel aid packa. with the white has sig white hoe gets there?
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>> we are in good active discussions on the senate side. in a bipartisan way. >> a bigger deal with the border pay. >> to get the supplemental funding all the things of present places import includes border but also in the pacific, israel, ukraine if that gets sent to the president's desk he will sign that piglets would he veto a standalone israel bill to pass both houses? >> the presidencies are here now the house is a political ploy. i think he is focused on and rightly so on the terrific work that's been done on the senate side and a truly bipartisan fashion to try to address all of these national security challenges. shannon: we await the text, thank you we appreciate that's our time joining the south' salkind republican senator lindsey graham. alright, you heard of the admiral had to say not taking strikes within i run off the table you have advocated for them for a long time here. there are those who worry about that they say this is how america gets dragged into endless wars retaliations in which the moment may feel justified i unacceptable attacks
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of these militias. put us on a path toward a war that is not serve our interest that we cannot afford in one whose victory we can't define an whose exit we cannot envision. clicks the admiral is a good man. i think he does a good job telling a story that's hard to tell. our national security is in freefall. morgan ortega's made a very good points look at the record for the last three years. this is a symptom of a greater problem. we withdrew from afghanistan the taliban took over in 2021. showing weakness putin invades ukraine in 2022. in 2023 hamas attacks israel killing more jews than any time since the holocaust. 2024 we are having americans killed by iranian proxies in the mid east they are pushing us all over the place. our national security is in freefall. here is what works, it hit something they value. soleimani was killed with a single strike he was their there
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general patent and eisenhower. there is nothing left but us moldering car and a ring finger. it worked they got back in a box. >> way to monroe quickly there because the admiral noted there were attacks on u.s. interest after that. >> but they are in a box i don't remember it like this one through 60 attacks? we killed one guy we got out of their radiant nuclear agreemente cut their money off they were the weakest they have been and now that the strongest and most provocative. admiral, here's what we need to do you need to hit something the ayatollah values his leadership team, like soleimani or take him out of the oil business if we get their oil infrastructure you do not need manned aircraft is for refineries you can see from space if you'd knock one of them out they would stop this. our american troops are in harms way. if the goal is to deter around you are failing miserably. if the goal is to protect the american troops you are not achieving your goal. if you have convinced iran we do
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not want a wider war they believe you i don't want to war wiworkwith you, they got the me. they are not afraid of us they were afraid of trump they are not afraid of us. look what happened in afghanistan in 21. look what happened in europe in 2022. 2023 hamas attacks israel. it is not working. we need to change our policy. people are not afraid of us. this idea of hitting hundreds of targets doesn't matter but the only iranian we killed home doesn't know to get out of the way we gave them a week's notice that there another round of strikes coming i hope they really will hurt iran in their pocketbook. if you don't nothing changes. shannon: both you and the admirals have served in uniform you understand the risk of getting are broadly involved in these things. do you think there needs to be a request from the white house for authorized use? rex absently not.
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president biden is all the authority under article two to protect troops in the field. to those who want to get it approved by congress, every commander-in-chcommander-in-chit our truth. there are over there to prevent isis and coming back. do not just on vacation there hanging out they are there to make sure isis and al qaeda do not attack a seer. there iran is try to drive how the mid east thieves response we are giving is an adequate to the test for they do not believe or fear we will hit what matters most to them. >> okay guys do not agree that you do a grand the a.m. you asked. i want to get to this you spent a lot of time in the region you must prime minister netanyahu our administration to state deal which he clearly does not want habit reuters is reporting about conversations they spelled out this way but he told prime minister benjamin netanyahu to quote start talking about they
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can be. by the things that can't be with the british support for two state solution what should our position be? correctpeace with israel. they would be like recognizing the germans in the middle of the holocaust. on october 7 there is an attack by how moscow 1400 jews. they raped women, but babies and ovens we will not reward them for that attack. we've been worked with the administration that done a very good job to get saudi in israel to end the conflict. we need to dea go the palestinin issue. but nobody in israel is going to recognize a palestinian state until there's peace with israel notice going to reward this attack nobody's going to give a palestinian state after being slaughtered by hamas. so to my friend david cameron i
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like about it's a horrible dan bad idea to talk about the state unilaterally granted until there's peace and security of israel. you've got it backwards. nobody in israel is going to recognize a palestinian state until there's peace and security and that's what should be. >> it has been centuries probably at millenia and the wait for that list if we get there before you go want to make sure we talk about the border. we have been waiting we think we will get the text on sunday as of sunday morning we are still waiting. we are told even though we don't have a text yet there will be a move to get this to a vote on the senate floor before you leave for a two-week recess in february. there are a lot of folks out there who do not see the deal at all others say it's (to be going to vote that quickly? what's the oldest game in town is to bring an important piece of legislature right before a holiday erect for break. process was not one to deal that
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next week is too important but i've been involved in negotiations what we have achieved as far as i know we have not seen it yet is a real change and asylum. it's a real change in parole. surreal change and expedited ind removal but here's what trump said. odds are so bad they're not archaic, they are incompetent. i sent that they are old, they are just bad and we cannot get any democrat vote to change them. they're democrats willing to change the asylum not to make it better to deal parole, to enhance expedited removal. not going to take up something this important, right before two-week break. you got to fix in hr two is the gold standard of past the house. shannon: will not pass in the
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senate left that. >> you are dead right that's why you're doing the show you are so smart. in the house lost to republican votes an is not gain one democrc vote. we took a turn to up on the floor of the senate we lost rand paul, we did not pick up one-vote sprays of bringing a bill that fails doesn't solve a problem bridge and had a solo trouble? in what lankford is going to sit out the other side and negotiate. negotiate.i appreciate senator s done. for those who push hr to it's not going to happen so it doesn't happen you've got to do something else. >> you know they're going to say in contrast to that idea pappas senate balloon past the house it's also dead on arrival we will see but hopefully we have the text very soon precooked i hope speake speaker johnson looe substance of it and will save its worthy being voted on in the house. i want to just tell you that senator lankford is in the bestie can to fix a problem that has been around for a long time ago so it's going get everything they want. set it good to see you willing to [bleep] you once today. quick cited good progress just for you. the migrant crisis even the out-of-control disturbing video
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this week shows more than a dozen men attacking police officers outside a shelter in new york. all but one quickly released by authorities. they are back on the streets. we'll talk about that with our sunday panel up next
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i've a police officer to be charged as a bail eligible offensdefense meeting right nowy should be sitting in rikers. shannon: your governor reacting to the brutal bitty of cops by migrants and you're excited this past week criticism all but one of those men were quickly released. this growing frustration with how the issues of the poorest aborted safety of the u.s. are
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colliding. this talk about with or send a group. the politics editor at mario parker. marie harvard former state government spokesperson national review editor-in-chief rich lowry and olivia beavers politico congressional reporter. we saw the videos this week first of all the one of the police officers under attack. that shocked a lot of people. then they were turn returned quo fury when they saw this some of the suspects released to basically flipping off america. rich, did not close miss riverport some of them may be on the run. probably not excited about or intending to return for the court date progressed totally infuriating what you have is a toxic combination of effectively an open border. limits on how police can fight anviolent assailants and these insane bail policies. cops attacked and then these guys literally let loose. figure lucy and liberally literally flipping the country off. this is a huge problem and our cities and a huge problem for
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the president. shannon: and marie, you're hearing blue state mayors, governors and others turn to put pressure on the white house. this is ms our cities, states are struggling with things we cannot manage you got connecticut democrat governor this week cigna saying i will send the connecticut national guard to the southern border because it's about think the problem is free. >> precrisis and issuer democrats and republicans understand it is a problem in both of them are sort of right we do need law and order and our cities that is clear. we also need to address the root causes and why some this violence is happening that include criminal justice issues, that can include border issues. it is amazing to me were sitting here talk about immigration. joe biden has said he will sign an incredibly tough immigration bill if it comes to his desk. it will reduce wait times and drastically for asylum cases to be seen it will send a lot more resources to the board it will require closing the border if certain criteria are met and yet republicans in congress to help
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elected donald trump are refusing to pass it. so this is a situation there's a bunch of causes here in one of them, the border republicans and said they really care about they are refusing to move on it for solely political reasons. that's a tough line to argue. >> we should argue we don't know were waiting, waiting, waiting for weeks some and the house are saying we will give it a shot but we have to stay with the senate serves that before we do that. meanwhile in boston so the city there's a lot of tension flaring there is a community center there it's in a predominantly black neighborhood folks say we have been fighting for years to get this place updated come out for to come upgrade it has not happened and now it is being taken to be as are people who are here in this country, came illegally so they have what they need they can be treated like human beings but there's a guy in the neighborhood i was trying to play some of what he had to say but literally i would have had to [bleep] every other word. i think you would get his point he is angry that this is his neighborhood when he needed and wanted for so long did not come
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until now for someone else. >> you are seeing some of the quotes and i've been a lifelong democrat but now i'm starting to reconsider given these parks they felt their sons were able to play, kept them out of a life of crime. but one thing i think you were going to watch is just how much the migrant and crime issues are going to be colliding in places like new york. if you look it's already playing out in places like new york race into place a george santos is a special election where they are saying were trying to bring tom in for rolling out the red carpet. and tom's also try to separate himself for distance from the migrant crisis because it strained the resources and there is the friction between people who want to help and want to create a system for these people people are seeking asylum and coming into the country on people who feel like it is impacting their livelihoods and it's causing an unfair imbalance in their lives. shannon: the border text bill as we've been told is going to be up-to-date weathers before the
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end of the show i do not know we are told it is coming. so to this issue and boston's is translating into chicago where they found time to work and i cease-fire in gaza i'm not sure how this won't impact the situation for the mayor also says he supports removing police officers from schools, that of a crime epidemic there. they also situation local residents say again assets in their own communities are either not being used for them as promised with their big used else where there are several lawsuits as well. the free press quotes one a resident, all of these people i've supported every one of them talk about mayor brandon johnson and his allies are you kidding me there is a human chain crisis in the black community but every time we have a need in our community we are told there are no funds. mario there are no multiple losses in chicago. >> app so that is my hometown i am chicago i was there over the holidays and saw some of the stuff firsthand. if we were to take it autopsy of where we are right on the political cycle greg abbott is
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probably the most influential person of this election cycle. by taking the tactic of bussing migrants up to the city he has created exposed on the fishers within the democratic party. just of the time by news a ramp up his coalition you've got black voters expressing extreme dismay about some of the policies happening and blaming democrats right now. blaming democratic mayors like brandon johnson et cetera. so it's really kind of exposing a riff right now when given some of the long simmering tensions between the different communities and constituents. >> it is important to remember abbott has had a big role in highlighting the democratic division on this. it's a small proportion of migrants and cities like new york and chicago that have been bussed by governor abbott spirit illegal immigrants head to the cities in the way and would be regardless of what texas is doing in terms of the ultimate responsibility for the crisis of the border on february 2, 2021 a
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couple days after taking office biden repealed or made in mexico the asylum agreements with northern triangle countries and anyone who knew anything about the bird do those were to create a disaster and sure enough it has. he did not need to do that. no republican made him do that he did that have his own volition he thought anything trump had done had to be repealed in the trunk created with those policies a secure border. shannon: and marie what about that question at the present saying i need the new tools in this both in coming together we hope to see today. but folks will point out there were executive orders are stripped away but i was told at the time the transition teams were warning the biden team you guys know it's going to happen if you do this those were decisions he made three years ago. >> or two poems of the remaining mexico burie were the first is a number of courts have ruled it is not legal there were significant legal challenges to remain in mexico. the other problem is the mexican government has to agree to it and play an active role in it which we have no confidence that they will.
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it is not a long-term solution. sure at the time -- the biden family said in court findings that reduce the number of migrants coming across the border. also may be illegal. so it is not a fix we need systemic fixes only congress can provide. republicans in congress have been begging for democrats to sign something joe biden says he will sign it. shannon: how can he an election year? he is upside down and all o this pulling on immigration. so there is motivation on both sides to take two very different attacks on this request if biden were designed immigration bill a lot of progressives don't like it it is tougher than any democrats or the in my lifetime has ever said they would sign independence love it, moderate republicans who don't like donald trump like it. may be good politically but it's good for our security and for the border and republican she got behind it. shannon: everything ukraine, israel, tied together we will see if this thing could get across the finish line he got to see it first panel do not go far uup next to brenda around the
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polls as some democrats are setting the alarm are present biden's laggin lighting supportg critical voting blocs and voters speak out on how a criminal conviction would impact the decision of whether or not to stick with former president
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physics present biden is traveling to nevada today to campaign head of the state's primary on tuesday. it comes as the white house
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launching airstrikes in the middle east other than the killing of three soldiers stationed in jordan by an iranian backed proxy but fox's correspondent louis tomlinson live in vegas track and the president. hey lucas. >> shannon, since a private u.s. forces have large airstrikes in three different countries across the middle east. the biter ministration claims this conflict is not expanding. >> week knowledge tensions are high in the region but we do noa wider regional conflict. again we have seen attacks on our forces in both iraq and syria prior to october 17. weight attacks and the forces earlier in 2023. i think it's important to remember this is nothing new. >> asked the parents of those three young americans be lost, ask about all the strikes had been on american facilities and person of course you may not be a nuclear war, a full-scale war, but people don't consider this a war than they would never put on the uniform. parks won a battle the president
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wants to win here at home the potential head-to-head contests with donald trump. good luck first presidential rematch since 1956 the first time presidential incumbents have faced off since 1892. president biden spok spoken at wilmington before leaving for the west coast without mentioning trump by name. >> the guy we are running against, he is not for anything he's against everything. no, i mean it's the weirdest campaign i've ever been engaged in. >> present biden's name was not on the bell it was on the belt for the first time the 2024 race in south carolina after skipping iowa and new hampshire, states where he finished fourth and fifth respectively for years ago. biden did not need to anxiously watch the polls close last night he captured more than 96% of the vote in south carolina the turnout was far less. biden arrived in l.a. yesterday for a fundraiser at the home of hollywood director george lucas yesterday he arrives here in las vegas later today for more
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campaign events ahead of the democratic primary on tuesday. donald trump republican rival appeared last night on the saturday night live. fixed nikki haley week dollars 6 cents member that one? looks i'works i've seen them. [laughter] works that is what voters will say if they see you and joe on the ballot. >> for the second straight year president biden is to climb the traditional super bowl interview game bell played right here in las vegas next weekend. it will be a rematch of 2020. shannon: lucas tomlinson live in vegas, thank you lucas were back out the panel. let's start there at the news broke yesterday the president is going to skip for the second year in a row the super bowl interview which has millions of eyeballs, why not sit down for that? it's using the white house tried to go around the traditional modes of communication to voters they are going more towards niche outlets not some of the traditional venues you've seen
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presidents take advantage of in the past. it's probably a questionable strategy just given the white house and struggling to relate message with voters and connect with some of its key constituents we saw south carolina for example yesterday the outreach toward black voters that's a troubling sign given black voters are the bedrock of the party it kind of shows hey you need to figure how to communicate to some these key constituencies you try to barrel to the november general election. >> i knoxville has a polls this week some show real trouble for the white house for the president's reelection. our fox news: georgia if the president -- of the choice was voting for today gives president trump an eight-point lead in a very important swing state. >> i think very devastating we have seen swing staples coming in for months now they should be raising alarm because some of the ones donald trump won there are seven swing states we have been tracking and now biden is behind in six of them. think they're also optimistic they will be able to sell their
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economic message with president biden just had a very good jobs report. the fear of recession is going down. job wages are beating inflation for the first time after bad inflation but it still has not impacted his numbers i think he is helping in those states he's going to be able to sell those voters donald trump is recalibrating his message trying to claim this is an economy that's responding to him be in the future president which i think some of his advisers are saying we don't think that's the best biggest taking credit ahead of time okay. let's look to wisconsin another fox news poll this week they are in a dead heat 47 -- 47. it's a state president biden did win last time around. it is neck and neck for quickset of the states country really close this really extraordinary you look back at 2020 trump did not lead in any polls i think maybe there was one he was ahead of biden in 2020 every other one is to run against hilary clinton
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in 2016 same store at least last couple months before the election. this is the strongest donald trump has pulled ever it is national political rears not because he's usually personally popular, he is not it's because the enfeebled state of joe biden who is the weakest incumbent president running for reelection since george w. bush or jimmy carter. shannon: to have conflicting national bulge of head-to-head cnn had 1 ounce of 49% of registered voters to their back jump at the election between the two were held today. 45% for biden, fiber sensitive over someone else in a covid these are both very well respected polling operations ac biden holds a lead over trump 5s in that hypothetical election it will match up. [laughter] alexis is going to be a close election. polls this far out are not really predictive of what will happen i do think they should be concerning to the biden team and some of the states. trump has a ceiling a hard ceiling to voters he's probably there because joe bided right now is getting all the downsides of incumbency and none of the positive donald trump can run
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around so it every once and joe biden's governing he's dealing with the war in the middle east, dealing with an economy olivia is right they are running on this economy it isn't back in many ways better than pre-pandemic. wages are outpacing inflation, inflation is down they feel very good about this people are starting to feel this. the biden team is work to do this is a close election the country is very divided. but if our choosing which side to be on setting aside my own personal views i would pick the biden team i would rather be them with trump ceiling and biden have a tundra for them to run here they have time to make itthe economic argument to vote. shannon: the key places it will matter of the swing states the path to seven is the whole thing whole ballgame bloomberg says it's biden trails trump and each of seven swing states in the monthly survey lags from 42 -- 48 across all states and head-to-head match of th up thes that the former president leave grows 29 percentage point when a third-party candidate is included. that is another headache for the white house the idea of a third
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party really shaken things up a. >> it is nec rfk junior or court out west that is the thorn in the president side right now this point too. one of the things the poll also shows as much as donald trump has expanded his lead vertically on the back of the perception of the economy and immigration as well as if he is convicted on one of these court cases more than half of the swing voters say they are not going to vote for him. another 25% of the republicans even say that as well. for the last eight years or so we have been wondering testing the loyalty of the republican base with donald trump it seems like if there is a conviction one of these cases it has propelled into the primary he could get a little questionable the general progress "washington post" and war on that there poll with monmouth for this is from south carolina voters gop voters down there but they were looking at clearly president trump is outpacing nikki haley. but after they would vote for trump was convicted still the nominee 62% of those voters said they stick with the former
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president but 17% said they would go over too biden and 15% say thsaid they vote for another unnamed candidate. olivia if you get to the convention and you have your nominee and then, there's a lot of if's there is a criminal conviction before than what the republicans do? his name is going to be on the bow these numbers are not good be quick to see a full out messaging approach trying to undermine whatever the conviction isn't since donald trump is unfair you're going to see that riggs campaign argument again. >> a right we will stand by there are lots of hoops will talk with some of the legal issues coming up next panel, thank you very much. because by the mid- supreme court this week takes up the case of whether or not states can ban it president tr presidem their ballots. which justices should be be watching? how quickly we get a
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shannon: high court said to hear arguments this week colorado top election official urges the supreme court to uphold the state's move to keep president trump's name off their ballots. let's take the case or legal expert george washington you should while professor jonathan turley and tom to pre-former principal deputy assistant attorney general. welcome back gentlemen always good to see you. let's start first with jack smith the special counsel case on the generate six events involving president trump officially have been removed. the wrangling going out with issues bookmarked forth doesn't look like it's going to happen progress is totally up the calendar. there are so many legal issues now percolating there's immunity it's completely unrealistic to think we can adhere to the march trial date. she's pushing it back. my best guess as we look at late summer at the earliest because even once the d.c. circuit on the supreme court about resolve
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the immunity issues are still needs to be months of pretrial wrangling as each side prepares their cases before the case could ever go to a jury. shannon: supreme court said were not quite taken up expedited basis. but do you think if it comes back to them on this issue they will decide it right away or does get punted to the counter that starts in october? you think they settle up the summer? what's that clearly indicated sense of urgency of jack smith. jack booked smith that all the filing said we need to get this done please try to set this before the election the justices clearly do not see why this has to bbeen expedited to that degr. it's unclear if they'll make new effort. >> 's who begets even further with all these cases. plus i put the case of the argot this week of the supreme court. the brief of the colorado secretary of state colorado kicked president trump off the set is part of an insurrection report to the memory cannot be on the bout. just as colorado cannot be forced to place on its
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presidential primary ballot a naturalized citizen, a minor someone twice elected to the presidency it also should not be forced to include a candidate owned by courts to have violated his oath to support the constitution by engaging an insurrection held that land with the justices? >> is a silly argument there's a big difference when age requirement in this. first about it depends upon your ruling on a series of questions to even get trump disqualified it's got to apply to a president which has been contested. has to be self executed allowing the states to act unilaterally and finally it has to be an insurrection. those are very tough questions about it think the court is unlikely on the first question to rule on that. it is more likely to look at this self-executing question remember chief justices robert feels the burden of being chief justice he's going to want to try to eek out as large a majority if not unanimity on this question.
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the second question probably offers the best chance for that. shannon: there is a group of former gop lawmakers from the hill who also support what colorado has done the question of whether or not there was an insurrection they say this, by any reasonable good faith consideration of the events run generate six necessitates the conclusion trump encouraged and armanarmed aandarmed a violent t congress from taking an essential step in the transition of presidential power. as a result of this action trump is not qualified to serve as president. >> i agree there is no chance he supreme court gets to that question. i think the likelihood of president trump lives in this case and the supreme court of summer between zero and zero. [laughter] thirty-six you heard it here pretty quick to qualify someone who's leading presidential candidate you need to be absolutely clear constitutional basis for doing so. legal scholars and historians are all over the map on how this procedure works for this reason the supreme courts would be very cautious are going to try to achieve i don't think it's out of the question you get a unanimous decision from president trump's favor.
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the idea of the supreme court would kick him off the bow and uphold what color head has.i don't see. shannon: arguments on thursday how quickly would be get a decision days or weeks? months? what's his argument we are going to learn a lot everyone is going to be listening to the three justices on the left and how -- what question they're focusing on. i think hopefully will hear all of them reflect the same conclusion of many of us that down this road it lies at madness if you can have a single outlier light colorado effectively decide the election because let's assume this was california you could actually have california dictate an election unilaterally by the mere fact of the electoral votes. i think the justices will see that and they are going to put a quick end to this, i hope. shannon: i want to make sure you get to the case this week several pro-life demonstrators and abortion clinic charge and are convicted on felony charges that could get them more than a decade in jail justice
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department decided to pursue them. d.o.j. says this these defendants knowingly chose to violate laws they disagreed with that there's a lot of consternation for folks looking around and violent offenders back on the streets in all kinds of things and wondering why the decision to prosecute these people and the fact they could face more than a decade in jail for singing hymns and being at this clinic. quick sets that they know what the rule of law to be applied fairly and impartially and in an equal way you see these sort of situations people have a conservative viewpoint are purchased aprotesting footage oe protesting with the liberal viewpoint go free not even prosecuted. a lot of people look at this a juxtaposition and say what is going on is this really the fair and neutral application of the rule of law? the fact is protest laws should be enforced uniformly regardless of the underlying political viewpoint and if you are going to drop the hammer on people take a pro-life view and purchase the clinics you have to do the same ar for protesting fm the left including people are protesting the white house a few weeks ago. shannon: more than a year of
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people showing up at justices private residence and purchasing under federal law that everyone agreed the wording was clear about some state statutes as well i did not have a single arrester. >> what is going to happen here is there's going to be renewed interest in looking at the face act in dealing with abortion clinics and how it's written. it is very ambiguous terms there where you may not be actually stopping someone from going into a clinic but you could be arrested because you are in the vicinity, you are nearby coming or singing hymns, you are praying. the fact these people are facing a decade in jail shows a lack of consistency in sentencing parade that is the very heart of a system of fair and equal justice. shannon: we understand the sentencing is set for july the legal teams are discussing the appeal to lunch after that for the sentence could include tuna $60000 in fines. judgment, thursday. new develops in the middle east as the u.s. takes aim at a running back militia we've got an update for you, the latest is next.
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dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird. he was bad luck anyway.
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>> what you saw on friday night was just the first round. there will be additional response actions against the irgc and these groups. shannon: that was john kirby
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talking about the biden administration's strikes existence iranian proxies in the middle east. final update before we go, the u.s. and u.k. struck 36 houthi targets in 13 locations in yemen saturday, working to degrade the iran-backed group from continuing to hit global shipping vessels in the red sea is. early sunday morning u.s. central command if says it also conducted an additional strike against the houthi anti-ship cruise missile, all this after trued's separate strikes in iraq and is syria launched in response to the january 28th drone attack in jordan that killed three u.s. service members. u.s. b1 bombers hit 85 targets including command and control headquarters, drone and ammunition storage sites and other facilities. turning now to the border crisis here at home, senators are facing a standoff over whether or not they can move legislation including both a border deal which would overhaul the asylum system and funding for foreign aid priorities like ukraine and israel before a recess.
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scheduled just days from now. and on the campaign trail, president biden is headed to las vegas ahead of tuesday's democratic primary after a winning his party's south carolina primary last night with 96% of the vote. quick note, my podcast, living the bream, dropped this morning. i talk with trey yingst about the realities of life are on the ground in israel and worries that the war in gaza will widen in the region. we talk about the domestic politics here, domestic politics there, all the complication cans as many groups including hezbollah continue to threaten israel. could they open up a front in the north. well, that is it for today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream, have a wonderful week. see you next week for "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ seven starts right now. ♪ ♪
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