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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 5, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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from the things that tend tor divide us. i daresay we long for winter to be over in spring to come here and for those of us who spend a few days in subarctic iowa for the caucuses, that is especiallo true. so let us suspend science for a moment in place our collectiveun hat in the hands or rather the shadow of a groundhog. and hope for spring and further hope uniquely american rituals that unite us can remain untarnished. thank you for spending part of your sunday night with us. i hope you have a great week ahead appeared in telnet next week, you can find us online at gaudi
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>> president biden wrapping up in los angeles today as candidates compete for battleground nevada this week. even nbc can't believe how bad bidens numbers are in polls. >> a pollster tells us we are looking at presidency in peril. >> 16 polls for donald trump over joe biden. >> carley: a massive storm may drop rain today and tomorrow. we are keeping an eye on the radar for you and taylor swift making history at the grammys last night. something she said his fans going wild. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. todd piro has the day off. senate negotiators releasing
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text of the border deal after months of closed-door discussions. madeline rivera is here this morning. >> this bill is only hours old but facing backlash from the left and right. when the number reaches 5000 over a seven-day period. negotiators clarify this does not mean 5000 are allowed in. the bill provides $650 million to reinforce miles of new border wall, deports illegal aliens after they cross the border. senate majority leader chuck schumer is looking to vote for this this week. >> everyone who looks at our
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bill says it will greatly reduce flow of illegal immigrants into this country and it is done in a fair way. >> the bill is expected to cost $118 billion. it does not only address the border, it includes support for ukraine and 14 billion in security assistance for israel. getting the legislation through congress and president biden's desk appears tougher. house speaker mike johnson says i've seen enough and it will not end the border catastrophe biden has created fchl this bill reaches the house, it will be dead on arrival, does not sound promising there. republicans want to impeach
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alejandro mayorkas today. full house could vote on impeaching him as early as torm. carley. >> carley: madeline, thank you. >> you got it, carley. >> carley: the united states stepping up response to houthis threats carrying out 100 strikes over the weekend and shooting down an anti-ship missile in the red sea. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with more. hi, trey. >> trey: good morning. overnights, the united states announce new strikes in yemen as the group prepared for more launches toward red sea inform this new video released by u.s. central command, you can see the uss carney, uss eisenhower supporting the strikes and
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followed a larger campaign on citizened that hit iran-linked targets in yemen. houthi have threatened more attacks, saying that escalation will be met with escalation. u.s. forces are bracing for a possible targeting in iraq and syria on friday. national security council said this about the situation. >> what you saw is the first round, there will be additioning strikes taken by the irs gc and who they are backing. >> trey: jake sullivan would not rule out striking iranian territory. there is no diplomatic solution on end rising tension across the middle east. carley. >> carley: trey yingst from tel
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aviv this morning. thank you so much. bring in lieutenant colennal scott manm. what do you think? if the goal is to force iran to back down, do you think our response has been strong enough to achieve that? >> good morning. no, i don't temperature is a good first step, precision targeting with precision fires th. this is a threat to pin down. it will take a more determined and focused response and could focus on iran. >> carley: you think striking inside iran would be a reasonable response? if so, what would be the response to that be? >> any response where we target
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the source and sponsors are threats is an appropriate response and we should always signal that. we've always been clear, if you attack our forces, it will be met with a response three x or five x of that caliber temperature is appropriate and right now i think a lot of the veteran community and wonder where that is and we are looking to see it more for our troops out there. >> carley: what do you think about the biden administration saying we will respond and reacts, isn't the element ever surprise valued? >> absolutely. and never want to second guess the tactics what is being done. from political side, that signalling i don't think is helpful. what needs to be done is
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proportionally response instead of signal whatting we will do. there has been enough of that going on. a lot of the veteran community is losing confidence in the political leadership. with appointment of ambassador to the middle east who was overseeing sib process in afghanistans, it is one thing after another. the veteran community is losing confidence in our ability to take care of our own. >> carley: you are referring to tracey jacobsson, she was nominated as u.s. ambassador to iraq. what is notable, she was in charge of the siv program during the withdrawal from afghanistan that was supposed to get paperwork to afghanistan allies and military personnel to give them paperwork to be here and flee the taliban.
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so many people are allies and still stuck in afghanistan. can you update that and expand your thoughts on her getting this nomination. many see this as a promotion despite the siv failure? >> there are tens of thousands of siv partners who fought alongside us who are being hunted. a group, moral compass, testified on capitol hill on the horrible atrocities happening against our allies. the state department promotes to ambassadorship the person who was overseeing special immigration visa process. it's a slap in the face to veterans who see our politiciansesa tone deaf and veterans are still paying for safe houses and overseeing medical care and advocating for
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their allies and the state department sends 80 million every 10 days to the taliban is will not negotiate with the resistance. it makes no sense for the military right now. >> carley: her nomination will need senate approval. maybe they will take what you are saying now into consideration before casting their vote. thank you for joining us, great to see you. >> have a great day. >> carley: you, too. alvin bragg says he is ready to hold the mob of migrants accountable for attacks on nypd officers. critics are not convinced. an angel mom will react next and a tribal group picked a fight with kristi noem temperature is a busy monday morning edition of
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>> carley: a second so-called atmospheric river is hitting california, like a river in the sky, leaving 37 million people at risk of dangerous floods. that is 94% of the state a population. eight counties under state of emergency. wind gusts expected to reach 92 miles per hour today. adam klotz has at forecast.
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this could be deadly. >> adam: it could be. it began yesterday and we'll see days of moisture in california. it is an atmospheric river. you see round after round after round of rain monday through tuesday. a long run of winds running on shore across southern california. how much rain does that add up to be? orange is another three to five inches. there are reds that get five to eight inches. this area sees two inches, so way above what you typically see. talking months of rain in a short period. the color is the extreme threat.
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it will be bad tuesday and wednesday, ground will be saturated and flooding a major concern. we have flood alerts covering the entire state. tracking through today and tomorrow. today into tomorrow morning is the worst of it. >> carley: thank you so much. news from the other side of the country, new york. bragg says he will present evidence tomorrow against migrants charged. bragg faces criticism for releasing suspects without bail. bragg says our office will bring everyone responsible for heinous attacks to justice. we will not rest until every person is held accountable. mariam mendoza is the mother of sergeant mendoza, who was killed
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in a wrong-way collision crash and she joins me now. good morning to you. thank you for joining us. this scenario that took place in new york city is something you have been warning about for years and it is personal for you because of what happened to your son. first start with your reaction to this footage that shows illegal immigrants beating up police officers and get released without bail. >> this reaction and what happened in new york is what is coming next tlchl is no place else for this to go. illegal criminals know they can continue crime and commit crime and shoplift and do heinous acts in the united states and never be held accountable and alvin bragg knows when you release an illegal criminal like that, they will never be found. some of them are in california.
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they assume another identity. this was the worst thing he could have done and state of new york, 3-1/2 years minimum for assaulting a peace officer and these men face nothing. and you have online chatter by venezuelans saying we have control of your streets and i believe them. >> carley: these illegal immigrants beat up these police officers and now giving a middle finger to the cameras and essentially to the country. we don't care. we've gotten away with it. your son is the exact type of person every mother would want their child to grow up to be and his life gets cut short by somebody who shouldn't have been
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in this country in the first place. bring us back to 2024 and what you have been through. carley, it was the worst day of my life. brandon was integral part of our community and in mesa, he did things for the community and he didn't deserve to die this way inform may, it will be 10 years i've been bringing the word out. the attention span of americans are short, they may listen to your program and say that poor lady lost her son, what is for breakfast. it doesn't stick with peep and he will for 10 years for me speaking out, i feel like america, we need to wake up. we are collateral damage and are
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becoming second-class citizens and crimes we would commit as a citizen and restitution we would have to pay, these illegal criminals are getting off scott free and only so much america can take. we are frustrated with this government. >> carley: the man who killed your son had a past criminal record. are you surprised this keeps happening and what is the solution here? >> no, i'm not surprised this keeps happening. it is happening more than people realize. these stories are kept from the public. i'm sure it happens in new york city but they try to suppress these types of stories. the solution is to close the border and get somebody in dhs who is in charge and understands the mission of department of
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homeland security and until we get people who are willing to stand up for american citizens, back the constitution and the oath they took and do the job they were hired to do and american taxpayers pay them to do, this will continue getting worse. >> carley: a lot of illegal immigrantses fled to california. they do not have an intention to show up to the march 4 court date. thank you for joining us. president biden won in south carolina, only 4 registered voters showed out. the business owners behind that grassroots efforts are showing up. and we'll discuss last night's
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grammy awards and taylor swift's announcement. don't go anywhere. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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(soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> carley: president biden is heading back to the white house after trying to sell bidenomics in nevada ahead of tomorrow's primary. >> i know, we know we have a lot more to do. not everyone is feeling benefit of our investment and aggress, lower than any other major economy in the world. in the world. and in recent weeks seeing real evidence consumers are feeling confidence in the economy. >> carley: former president trump leads biden on the economy
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by 22%. more support for trump when it comes to the border, 57% trust trump and 22% trust biden. one candidate has her sights set on the white house. >> look at the situation in the race. we started out with 14 candidates and we've ticked off one at a time a dozen fellows are gone, i have one fellow left. i'm not going anywhere. >> carley: nikki haley will appear in the state a premarry tomorrow. only the state's caucus determine who will gain the 26 delegates. president biden claiming victory in the south carolina democrat
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primary. only 4% of registered voters hit the polls statewide. >> president biden: the guy we are running against is not for anything, he is against anything. i mean it. it is worse than 2020. >> carley: small business owners and founders of political movers join me now. good morning to you both. one thing i found interesting. you come from a political family with strong ties to the democratic party. jesse jackson and carl allen are cousins. why did you choose the republican party and why are you encouraging others to do the
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same. >> i chose the party, when i went with -- i sorry, i chose the republican party they did not hold any type of standing to what i actually came with my vision. i asked them multiple times to hear me out and multiple times they did not give me any type of standing or input and with my brother here, he can give more insight as to why we started this movement. >> carley: apologies, i both chose the republican party. tell us about the organization and what you are trying to do. we want to get the younger community into the voting scene
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and bring in the younger generation so they can ride the wave and change the way we are viewed in the state. i don't think oftentimes you see black republicans and we want to change that. it is stigmatized. >> carley: yeah. and caleb, one thing that happened over the weekend, it was a mixed bag where he won the primary by overwhelming margin and 4% of voters turned out to vote. how do you read the numbers within the black community? >> the numbers don't lie. him being president is not a surprise he won this state. it is more surprise he still
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counting on black voters to support him. we do not support him because he's black. i will not support him at all. >> carley: he said if you vote for donald trump, you are not black. seth, what did you think when he made that comment? >> i was horrified temperature is common for a leader of a party to win that party. i don't think it matters. maybe four years ago it did, as of right now, it doesn't. >> carley: caleb, donald trump is gaining numbers and appealing to that voting group. >> the former president has done
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things when in office. my mom is a veteran, when he was in office, she was able to get disability and get things she was promised. i am looking for this type of president. we have biden here, this guy, we barely know if he will get up the next day or what is his schedule or plan. i don't have a clear idea. >> carley: thank you for joining us. have a great day. all right, no college degree, the state of massachusettses no problem. >> cheryl: will explain that coming up.
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out prepaid credit cards to migrants and learning illegal migrants wanted for beating nypd officers could be cashing in on benefits from the state they fled to. cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: let's start with where the migrants come from. it is believed they beat two officers and fled to california. texas governor abbott is planning giving prepaid credit cards $1000 a month, watch. >> insanity is behind it. it is offensive and r reprehensible when you see police officers in new york city being beaten by illegal
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immigrants who should not be in this country in if the first place and they are let loose on to the streets. >> cheryl: and they flip the bird at the cameras. new yorkers are angry. they will hand out prepaid credit cards to the families. they are supposed to ooze them at bodegas and grocery stores, the question is how do you prove that? as far as money goes, migrants gave false names and fled to california. if true, they are going to get healthcare january 1 and there is more illegal migrants getting healthcare benefits. they can get sex changes on the backs of california taxpayers.
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they just added 764,000 to their roll there. expensive properation. >> carley: the immigrants that beat up the cops are seeking asylum. it seems like they are who asylum seekers are seeking asylum from. they are using our tax dollars. >> cheryl: why don't we deport them? we're a sanctuary city and same problem will happen in california. >> carley: 50 cent saying, what, trump, call me. >> cheryl: some americans don't have college education, now the state is waving requirements to get jobs filled. only 7% of jobs postod site for
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jobs has education requirement. it reads our administration is focusing on skills and not so much on education. this is not just happening in massachusetts, a lot of corporations doing the same thing and first big name we heard walmart, accenture, b of a. many americans are walking around with crushing amounts of student death. >> carley: this is interesting. other states could follow. thank you for joining us. there is this. talk about america's crime crisis, former trump administration mike gill has
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died after being shot in a carjacking last week. he leaves behind a wife and three children. his wife says there is a void in our lives that can never be filled. the carjacker killed alberto vasques jr. his father joined us last week. >> i don't think this is just a d.c. issue. it can happen to anyone. he was lovable, very approachable. just going to take time for all of us to get our family back together and we'll never have that chance to see them or be with them again. >> carley: florida attorney general ashley moody joins me. what a horrible situation here,
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two beautiful lives lost, two families shattered. your general reaction to this and the crime crisis in washington, d.c. right now. yeah, it is heartbreaking to hear family members whose lives will be upended for what could have been prevented by law enforcement efforts after seeing escalation in crime temperature is tied to top prosecutors like swab and the u.s. attorney declining to prosecute cases temperature is a simple affect. crime escalate s and people become subjects in this cruel experiment. you can't arrest your way out of violent crime, which is untrue. we should focus on resources.
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>> carley: listen to d.c. attorney general brian schwab, listen to what he said about the crime crisis in washington and get your reaction, watch this. we as city and community need to focus on prevention and surrounding young people and families with resources, if we want to be safer in the long run. >> carley: apologies for cutting you off, i wanted people to hear him say it directly. when you hear somebody say that, what is your reaction? isn't that his job to prosecute and arrest our way out of crime? isn't that what he should be doing? >> it makes me angry that siperson like this is in charge of going after criminals. he is saying what every rogue fake prosecutor says, give criminals more money and not prosecute them and hope all of
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this goes away. this guy, this ag that got into office on his page, he brags about not that he has to put bad guys in jail, he brags about going after cops and advocating for people on death row. he is a top law enforcement position. this is happening everywhere in new york, san francisco, portland, chicago, rogue, fake prosecutors who will not go after criminals and decline to prosecute and result are murders and violent attacks. >> carley: including an afghan interpreter who was murdered, fled from the taliban and came here and served our country only to be killed here. d.c. carjackingings nearly doubled from 2022. clearly something has to change.
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thank you for joining us on this importance topic. have a great day. don't expect president biden to sit down for an interview during the super bowl. wait until you hear his excuse. joe concha will respond to that. steve doocy will look at what is coming up. >> steve: coming up on "fox and friends" in 11 minutes and 30 seconds, after months of talks, senate negotiators released tksz of national security package including funding for ukraine, sxralt gaza and southern border. a vote could come as early as wednesday, the measure faces an uphill battle after house republicans say it is dead on arrival. republican james lankford will join us in a "fox and friends"
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excl exclusive. plus most voters trust donald trump to handle the border and economy over the current guy. we will break down a nbc polls. tracey chapman joined luke combses last night, reaction from music's biggest night. governor landry, i think that should say jeff. representative mike mccaul, and rachel campos duffy all stop by. see you top of the house, "fox and friends first" with carley back in a couple. you are watching the fox news channel. technology that's ready for the road ahead. the lexus nx.
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help you save. ♪ >> carley: well, it was a memorable night at the 66th annual grammy award last night starting with an emotional performance from the legendary johnny mitchell. the 80-year-old star making performance debut at the awards after recovering from a brain aneurysm ♪ both sides from up and down ♪ still somehow tracy chapman
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stand ovation after her song fast car ♪ you got a fast car ♪ ticket to anywhere ♪ maybe together we can get somewhere. >> carley: not the grammys without a little shade. jay-z taking a moment to clap back at the academy after his wife beyonce missed out on the album of the year award. >> i don't want to embarrass this young lady but she has more grammys than everyone and never won album of the year. so even by your own metrics that doesn't work. >> think about that. the most grammys, never won album of the year. how does that work? >> still big night for taylor swift who made history after winning the album of the year award for the fourth time. and her fans will be happy with this announcement. >> i want to say thank you to the fans by telling you a secret that i have been keeping for you from the last two years, which
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is that my brand new album comes out april 19th,. [cheers] >> it's called the tortured poet's department. >> so looks like we are getting some new music from taylor swift. here's the question. cocould we see here at the super bowl t sunday. touching down in las vegas for the big game last night. this is 49ers quarterback brock purdy's super bowl ever. san francisco's first appearance since their loss to the chiefs in 2020. the chiefs are looking to become the first team to win back-to-back super bowls in nearly 20 years. speaking of the super bowl. president biden will not sit down for that traditional pre-super bowl sunday interview for a second year in a row. he says it's t to, quote, give americans a break from politics. a spokesperson from the white house says we hope viewers will enjoy watching what they tuned
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in for, the game. joey concha is a fox news contributor. turning down the opportunity to speak to millions of voters during an election year, w why? >> carley, this is by farther lamest, most intelligence-insulting excuse you will ever hear as far as why the president is hiding from this interview for the second consecutive year by the way. oh so they could concentrate on the games. the interview is like hours before the game. it's not about that. please stop. truly telling that joe biden's handlers are simply petrified of putting him in front of a camera without a t teleprompter or scripted remarks to guide him. the super bowl, even the pregame is by far the most watched program of the year. and when you're a president who is polling lower than any in polling history three years into the job. you would think he would be out there trying to sell his message on why he and his administration deserve four more years. no, joe biden is a -- i will be blunt about this -- a coward.
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plain and simple. he should be telling his handlers he wants this interview because, instead, you know, it likes like he is hiding somewhere in delaware that day, which he probably will be doing. donald trump should take that opportunity and say hey, i will take that spot. i will do this interview instead. >> carley: well, there was just a bunch of new poll numbers that nbc released yesterday not good for the president. his approval rating according to the nbc news polls 37% approval. the folks on meet the press, they react to these polls when they just come in. listen to their reaction. watch this. >> one of our pollsters t tellss we are looking at a, quote: presidency in peril. >> in our poll donald trump now leads joe biden by five points. >> this is the biggest lead nbc has ever had in 16 polls for donald trump over joe biden. 37% approve and now 60% disapprove. >> we should say that is the lowest approval rating since former president george w.
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bush's second term. >> carley: what do you think about this, joe, a presidency in peril. that's not something you want to hear on sunday morning if you are the biden administration. >> joe: not at all. that poll is one more reason why joe biden can't just avoid interviews and press conferences anymore like okay is everything. the fact is a that is he trailing independence by 20 points says it all. he ain't coming close to being reelected that will cost him in steroids that matter and we are talking about georgia,aries, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania. is he trailing in all those swing states according to a bloomberg poll by decisive margins. unless things change on the ground, this is a president that may be a one term president and first one-term president on the democratic side since jimmy carter. >> swing states are the ones that really matter. joe, thank you so much for joining us. have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: i just checked my watch it's 6:0


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