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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ >> steve: good morning, everybody. exactly # 1 de 31 degrees. this is "fox & friends."
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>> lawrence: california facing first ever hurricane force wind warning. parts of l.a. and san diego under a state of emergency bine brian fox news alert. the border bill is out. and it's led -- its lead g.o.p. negotiator defends it. >> there's a perception that this allows 5,000 people in a day to be able to come in. that is absolutely not what it is. >> senator james lankford joins "fox & friends" for an exclusive interview this hour. >> and you'll flip over. this the american city seeing the biggest profit from flipping homes, one of the stars of hgtv's flip or flop joins us live. >> steve: he would know. second hour of "fox & friends" for this monday remember morning are better with friends. ♪ >> brian: we start with a fox weather alert.
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37 million people on the west coast are at risk at life-threatening floods today. >> at least 8 counties in southern california are under a state of emergency with wind gusts expected to reach in some cases 92 miles per hour. >> let's check in with our meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast, hey, adam. >> good morning, guys, yes. this is a big storm system currently battering portions of california and at moss fearing rivers moving on through. get, this yet, the third wettest in history in los angeles. let's dive into it. he that means they saw a little over 4 inches of rain in that area they typically see 2 inches a month. they saw four inches in one day we have seen wind gusts 80 miles per hour. we will continue to see very heavy rain. just a stream of moisture all day long. rounds of storms taking you through monday into early
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tuesday morning. so significantly more rain is ultimately on the way. how much more are we talking about? well, on top of what we have already seen, could see another 5, 6, 7 inches in some of these areas. certainly something to be paying close attention to over the next couple of days. those are your headlines for now. tossing it back inside to all of you. >> steve: steve this is all part of the pineapple express we heard in he will nino year. how long does it last. >> there isn't necessarily a time frame on he will nino. you just looked out for this one for the time being it is currently still solidly in place. we are expecting to romaine through the winter anyways. >> brian: adam refusing to answer the question unbelievable how evasive. >> adam: not a time frame on el nino. today is national weather person's day. hats off to you. >> ainsley: we appreciate what you do. >> brian: give him a hug and help get him in. border beal ever bill finally
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released last night. >> steve: mark meredith in washington to preview what is in it and what lawmakers on both sides think of it. they're both running on it so everybody hates everything. >> yeah. there is a lot of people voicing their opinions this morning, steve, ainsley brian, lawrence, good morning, friends. bill which was released overnight which contains both foreign aid as well as border security changes generating both praise and disgust. depends on which lawmakers opinions you are asking for. it may not make it far at all. taking a look it the bill. $118 billion going to a variety of different things, 06 billion to ukraine. money to support israel. 2 goal assist military operations in the middle east, as well as additional money for humanitarian aid in gaza. when we're talking about the border though, which is generating the most interest this morning, it would create new rules for how to handle border security including stopping the border from being open. essentially shutting it down if there is a certain number of encounters over a weekly period 5,000. end some of the president's catch and release policies,
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create new emergency authority for handling the border as well as increasing the recruitment efforts for the border presidential. heard kyrsten sinema playing a big part in this proposal. >> individuals who want to come to america to get a better life or seek the american dream to find work. those are what we call domenic migrants. they are not permitted to enter the country whenever they would like. and our new law will ensure that they can't get into the country. >> president biden says the legislation creates both, quote tough and fair changes to border security. is he fan now urging congress to pass the intreement quickly. but there are plenty of indications that that may never happen. even before the legislation came out. we were hearing from lawmakers who vowed to do all they could to prevent this from moving forward. we heard from mike lee he said no self-helping senator should agree to vote on 370 page bill this week. if you agree that senator should have the bill for at least a few weeks and maybe a few days at
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least before voting on it, say. so he wants reaction there also hearing from the house speaker mike johnson on the line who said. this if this bill, reaches the house it. would be dead. he also said i have seen enough. this is worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the president has createds a the lead democrat negotiator proclaimed under the knowingation. border never close. as i mentioned he says it will be dead on arrival. while we are hearing from some republicans including the house speaker coming out against this. few democrats including alex padilla who says is he not a fan either. obviously a lot of interest of what happens next. as you mentioned we will hear from senator lankford the key architect in the next hour. >> brian: if the word comes out that the republican controlled house, does not want this, and will not pass this, 10 senators who might have the proclivity to join it just say okay. i won't do it. because i'm not going to put the house in a spot. so you need 10 of them to join
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them, right? >> right. also what we could see this. could also move towards religion conciliation. maybe they will reject what the jat is offering outright and then there is further negotiations. , the more you give on one side. of the big e. chance it could also fail for democrats. and like i said you have already got progressives coming out against. this people not thrilled with the inspirational tied israel. so that could also poison the legislation in itself. because this is such a comprehensive package, guys, can you imagine how difficult this is going to be. it is the white house that is coming out in support of this. you do have some republican senators. also we heard from senator mcconnell. the senate minority leader also a fan so far. whether or not this actually gets to fruition, anybody's guess at this point. >> because the republicans are running on it. and joe biden's numbers are so under water on it. the republicans want this through november. so they can say joe biden broke it. but then the democrats now, if thicans don't go for it, are going to be able to say hey, we had this plan. and the republicans blew it up. so, you know, sorry about the
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fentanyl. >> mark: steve, you are right. you can see those campaign ads that will be come out here in a matter of months. former president trump has made it clear he doesn't want this package to move forward either. we will be looking to see how much of his opinion will impe w. but you are right. this debate is really not stalling out any time soon. thanks, mark. i'm sure the president is taking a victory lap because he has the ability to revoke that emergency order it. gives him the soul authority to do it. >> steve: can he do that today. >> lawrence: can he. contention about what this catch and release exist. it's literally in paragraph 2 when you go to release from custody. now, they say there will be a hearing put in place when they relet you from custody. but that exists now. when they release people from custody about 4 to 5 years out. but you still -- these people don't show up for their court date so, again. >> now they will have ankle monitors. and they got to be here within six months.
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you got a good point who are the people doing the interviews, they might be hard asses be really tough. not going to be traditional judges. >> going to be hiring more immigration judges in this bill to expedite the asylum and deportation proceedings. more funding for the wall. increased technology at the border and add more detention bed agents and deportation flights. the problem was republicans said we're not signing over aid for ukraine or israel unless we do something with our border. >> brian: so they did it, yeah. >> steve: extraordinary thing and you mentioned this at the top of the 6 locke hour you never would have thought that democrats would vote for one dollar's worth of wall-building. there is some wall-building. >> brian: already been allocated. trump money they left in the savings account. >> it can be spent at the administration's discretion. but the interesting thing is under this suggestion, is they can turn people around on the spot. it's like okay. you got a criminal record? yes. get out of here.
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what are you trying to do? >> brian: question is do they? >> they can't because it's not law. >> immigration judge. >> senator james lankford coming up shortly. 25 minutes is he going to expand on this. a lot of questions. when you put out a bill and only hours old, released and 280 pages of just border security. obviously we can't cover everything. we will get to the most of it. one thing i will say is i think three of them are honest brokers doing the best they can. nobody is looking to throw anybody on the bus, they all have different objectives. senator moderate. if you are if i connecticut is a democrat, and then you have lankford don't get elected in oklahoma if you are not a conservative. >> steve: brian, to your point, that's why it branch kels mr. lankford and some republicans came out and said this is a stink bomb before they actually saw it. >> ainsley: big poll came out yesterday nbc. >> ainsley: they talked to 1,000 registered voters and trump has scored his largest lead yet against joe biden.
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>> beyond the margin of era, ainsley. >> ainsley: that's right. on nbc new poll. look how he does on border. they were asking these individuals, do you trust trump on biden to do a better job handling the border. 57 percent said trump. only 22 percent said biden when it comes to the economy. 55 percent said trump. and 33 percent said biden. >> steve: this is mine months before re-election. >> brian: huge. >> steve: very, very bad news for joe biden. so, with these registered voters, it's interesting. trump would beat joe biden by 5 but then you know, if nikki haley were actually in the general election. nikki haley would beat joe biden by 9. but, the problem is, the primary process. and right now donald trump is leading in the primary with religion scerred republicans. 79 to 19. he is ahead by 60 points. >> ainsley: beating nikki haley you mean?
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>> lawrence: thee numbers shouldn't be shocking to anyone. finished tour last week talking to folks typically vote for democrat. outraged at the it the president. just came back from new hampshire iowa where immigration was the number one issue it. should be a aalarming ringing at the white house right now. i don't think they are. i think is he going to take a victory lap with this legislation. >> ainsley: to your point, lawrence, if you look at the numbers, they have been polling trump and biden over at nbc for five years now. biden was leading just last 1kwr50u8. then september they were even, then november trump jumped ahead 46% to 448, and now this is trump's biggest lead. >> brian: nine months thought 2020, trump was down by 14 points to joe biden. now in 2024. joe biden has got a 37% approval rating. 67% disapprove. here's the thing. if you want to beat somebody. can you beat them. can you close that gap. you're going to have to talk. he does not want to give a press conference. he turned down a super bowl interview. which would not have been the -- i'm sure gayle king would ask some tough questions.
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you should welcome that as a president. a chance to get in front of 50 to 100 million people. he turned it down. he has a middle east strike on three separate nations. and he wouldn't even call a press conference. he called a lid and gives one word answer through a chopper through the sounds of choppers in the background do you think these bombings have been effective? yes. how do you win by giving me an answer through a chopper? >> lawrence: that's why i don't believe the narrative that the democrats want to run against donald trump. that's why i don't believe it at all. when you look at the polling coming out. issues where biden is weak on. trump is strong on. his defining issues. the narrative that they just want to run against donald trump, that he is the weaker candidate in this race, i just think it's laughable. >> steve: i have got the answer, brian out of this nbc poll why joe biden has one word answers. this particular poll finds fewer 3 in 10 approve of how is he handling the hamas-israel.
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>> ainsley: handling everything. handling everything. border, crime, all of these international conflicts. >> steve: not good for joe. >> brian: if you are bill clinton, george bush our barack obama. you sit down and talk it. explain it. try to persuade people. you don't go to the beach. >> they are terrified of what he is going to say,. they don't want him to talk because he can't put sentences together. >> brian: the fact that you are right makes me wonder how do you close the gap if you can't talk? >> lawrence: do you know who want to talk? we want carley shimkus to talk. >> steve: we do want her to talk. >> how are you doing? good morning to you. let's keep talking about the former president. he made some news yesterday telling maria bartiromo that he has an idea who he might pick to be his vice president. >> i called tim scott this week. you are a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself. he has been a real tiger. he has been incredible.
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and others have, too. kristi noem has been incredible fighting for me. she said i would never run against him because i can't beat him. that was a very nice thing to say. >> carley: two names there both south dakota governor kristi noem and south carolina governor tim scott have endorsed the former president. new overnight the phoenix fire department battling a large blaze near a construction company storage facility. as many as 100 firefighters responding to the scene. firefighters got the blaze under control earlier this morning. making sure it didn't spread to a nearby church. and listen to this. the state of massachusetts eliminating college degree requirements for more than 90% of its job postings. putting emphasis on skill-based hiring instead. the governor there signed an jordan only requiring college degrees for jobs when absolutely necessary. right now only 7% of jobs posted on massachusetts state website has an education requirement. and those are your headlines,
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guys. >> brian: force to make college more affordable. how about that? >> carley: that could be a i'd effect of this. companies doing it too like walmart. get a lucrative job at walmart as well. >> steve: $400,000 a year. >> carley: crazy. sounds pretty good to me. >> steve: it does. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: carjackings in our nation's capital washington, d.c. have surged 98% from 2023. as a former trump administration official becomes the latest victim of murder. our next guest says it's time to prosecute these crimes. >> ainsley: plus, remember this video of a college professor threatening a reporter with a machete? well, she is back in the news, by guys. we are going to tell you why. that's next.
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>> carley: happening today in michigan. a jury is beginning complications on a manslaughter case against the mother of michigan school shooter ethan columnly. prosecutors claim jennifer crumbley failed to inform the school that the family had a handgun after the school found a picture of a gun h. her son had drawn. four people were killed in that shooting. crumbley's husband will also face the same charges next month. and new york city professor who was fired after getting caught on camera holding a machete to the neck of a "new york post" reporter back in may has been
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fired again from a different school. she told students in an email last month that she was fired from her position at cooper union college in manhattan for making anti-israel comeent. a folks person for the college telling fox news kittle we don't provide comment on personnel matters. and federal reserve chair jerome powell says there probably will be fewer interest rate cuts than the market expects this year. saying the economy is growing. >> with the economy strong like that. we feel like we can approach the question of when to begin to reduce interest rates carefully. >> carley: powell says the fed wants to see inflation move to 2% after the bureau of labor statistics reveal 2023 ended with inflation up 3.4%. hgtv host terry mow fuse is a joining us on the state of the
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housing market he would know all about it? >> he would. >> mike gil has five days after being shot in parked vehicle. he has passed away. the nation's capitol saw 950 carjackings last year. # hundred increase from the year before. 77% of the victims held at gunpoint. residents are raising alarm on the crisis in their city. here to react is former d.c. neighborhood commissioner' dennis rutter. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me on today. >> i wish these were better circumstances. this guy, mike gill, he was just sitting in his car, somebody came in, shot him in the head. shot somebody else. they are both dead. i was in washington, d.c. over the weekend and we used to the stay in washington. but we don't stay in washington anymore. we stay out in virginia because there is no safe neighborhood in washington, d.c.
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>> that's correct. i live in the district of crime. i live in a city where there are over 7,000 car thefts last year. 2 # 0 were homicides. 959 carjackings. and i have a d.c. attorney general that says he can't prosecute and arrest his way out of crime. which begs the question what are you doing today? >> steve: exactly. we know the answer. we have seen it across the country there are no consequences for certain things. and we have heard from your mayor down there. and she said if somebody does -- somebody breaks a law and they use a gun, we're going to crack down on those people. they don't. it seemed like three quarters of the crimes involve guns. and, yet, the cops, they don't really go after them because the people at the top say no, don't do that. >> so, actually, i got to correct you there. we have a wonderful police department. you know where our problem lies right now? it's the department of justice. they are not prosecuting crimes. i had to actually sue them back in 2016 to find out how many crimes they were spriewght.
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>> right. since then they have been refusing to share data. prosecutors not prosecuting and judges that are looking at criminals who are committing violent offenses and saying now, now, you are not making senator decisions. what we really need is congress to do something. >> right. and you are louisville right. when i was talking about the cops, i'm just saying, you know, the district government does not have their back. and so it's a revolving door. >> right. >> absolutely. we have d.c. council writing laws that helps criminals. as it d.c. resident i went to them and said what are you doing? why are you helping murderers and carjackers and i keep getting told they're under the age of 2'6", they don't know what they are doing. you guys are out of your minds. you are telling individuals to go forth and commit murder and there will be no consequences. so you know what my one ask today of congress is? my one ask is to go and hold hearings and tell the department
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of justice if you want your budget, start prosecuting. if you want us to give you attorneys? then tell us what your attorneys are doing. because right now they are not prosecuting crime in d.c. that's a problem. >> steve: the evidence is as you know, denise, there was that washington football player who was, you know, carjacking. there was henry cuellar he was carjacked in front of, i think, a whole foods and navy yard. the town is not safe the district leaders have got to wake up. >> yes. district leaders and congress. because i live in the district of crime. i don't live in the district of columbia. i live in the district of crime. >> steve: you are absolutely right. >> that's unacceptable. >> steve: let's hope somebody is listening and does something about it because effects everybody. denise rutgers. thank you and stay safe in the district of crime. >> thank you very much.
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meechted. >> all right. it's terrible. 7:26 now here in the east. and fox all right alert, first ever hurricane force winds interfor sacral california. adam is tracking that coming up. look at that almost 10 inches in the canyon. but, first, the highly an dissipated bypass senate border about bill has been released. senator james lankford is the lead jon negotiator ands you can see is he live from capitol hill, coming up next. good morning, senator. it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you.
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>> ainsley: this is a fox weather alert. this video out of california shows the moment a bridge in santa barbara engold by the creek it went over as california has its third wettest day ever yet.
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so let's check in with our meteorologist adam klotz for fox weather forecast. >> garage, ainsley, serious weather situation happening across the other side of this beautiful country in california as we are seeing at moss fearing river founding portions of southern california. these are the rainfall totals over the weekend in southern california. up near 10 inches, this part of the country sees maybe two inches in the month of february so, way more rain than those folks are used to and it is not going anywhere just yet. this is future forecast models. sue that he stream of moisture all day long, the time stamp is in the left hand corner of the screen. begins to break up a bittle little on tuesday. still scattered showers moving through. won't clear out until wednesday. how much more rain are we talking about. another 3 to 5 inches, in some cases maybe a little bit more than that rarely see the extreme flat flood watch threat but is in place all across los angeles county this morning. those are weather headlines now
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now tossing it back into you dry line of. >> brian: a fox news alert. the long awaited border security bill is done. already facing backlash in some sectors as the techs claim there is no amnesty for those already here. some of the highlights. 50,000 visas for five years. $60 million led over from the trump years build the wall. start finishing, get 50 miles. increase ice funds and detention capacity to 50,000. shutdown authority after an average of 5,000 encounters a day. but the let negotiator and next guest insists most media understood part of the bill the one i just red. joining us first interview since the text was elasted last night cincinnati james lankford. i want to go to the part that you wanted to most misunderstood. the 5,000. what is it exactly? >> yeah, it's really ridiculous go on the back side of december what just happened when we had 10 and 12,000 people a day coming across.
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this authority is a 5,000 authority to say if you get to 5,000, which we have been there every single day except for 7 in the last four months, that it completely closes the border down, it deports everyone. it changes the paradigm from right now what the administration is doing is catching and releasing everyone to actually cashing and deporting everyone. it literally complips the script on it. i had people saying i don't want to do that at 5,000, i want to do that 3,000. fine we can do 3,000, every day we're at 5,000 it. doesn't matter between the two we have to be able to have something that mandatorily deports everyone rather than releases everyone. that's what this does. some people are thinking this is somehow like counting 5,000 people in every day and ring releasing them that's be a suredz. double deportation flights. we add ankle monitors for people actually coming through that these doo these family groups come through track any individual that when we don't have expas city, all the things that we built into this to make this a much stronger 178 gaps
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that are in the law get closed in this structure. >> you are saying even people come through and fit the demand and can't get in that counts. including people that get rejected that counts. so when you hit that 5,000 number. everything shuts down. almost like the stock market when there is too much trading. they will shut it down until the next day. you are saying if this was in place now. the border would be shut down. >> that's correct. the all right would be shut down not only shut down today. would have been shut down every single date last four months and turning people around. instead actually people have been released into the country. if this would have been in place four months ago we would have had a million fewer illegal immigrants into our country right now. >> will the, also, there is some text in there that says the president does have some discretion to open up the border after it's shut down. and not go by these rules, is that true? >> so, again, we are back to the crazy details of this people throwing stuff in there just trying to be able to attack a proposal that actually closes the border down.
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yes, there is a discretionary peace on this. mandatory closedown. 275 days in the next that has to be closed down. there is some discretion for the president to be able to open it, 45 of those if we is something like hurricane come through central america something like that manage a natural disaster not like a random turn around on this. folks said hey the secretary of homeland security would that authority. so would every president. chad wolf in a future trump administration would have authority. the key thing here is. changes change to the asylum laws, builds more wall. adds more detention beds and deportation flights. changes the 10 year backlog that we are currently in now to weeks before people are actually deported. that's what the bill really does. >> the major thick that you got, you believe be one of the major things is asylum changes. now, the criteria to get into our country. you need to do, what? >> so right now if you walk across the border today. can you say i have fear in my country and you will be released into the country for 10 years. under this bill you walk across
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the border and say i have fear in my country say prove it. higher standard of evidence. check your criminal record. they are are going to say could have you internally relocated into another place in your own country? which by far most people could. could have you stopped somewhere along the way and actually remained there? if any of those are true, then you are deported immediately. instead, today, they are going to be released for 10 years. under this bill they would be deported quickly on it. >> brian: not unaccompanied minors and not families. they get ankle monitors and get to stay, right? >> they get ankle monitors get through higher standard. they don't get to stay. they go through higher standard. immediately have processing within weeks. and deported as well. the difference is it's very difficult to be able to actually hold all of these families in that position so you have got to find another way to be able to do it. this bill addresses that right now, again, those families are released for 10 years. in this structure it would would be weeks and then deported.
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people have got to decide on this. do i want everyone in the country unlimited numbers what we have now or do we want to have a faster, stronger system that we are actually deporting people. >> brian: all right. so let's talk about the ngos, catholic charities. they get huge money to house and provide accommodations to illegal aliens who are trying to get into this country. you put $1.4 billion into this. that is an area in which i know republicans are upset about. do you want to expand on that? >> yeah, it is interesting. i have some folks upset about trying to get humanitarian aid to people struggling. i get that we want to be able -- we are americans. we provide food and water to people and don't just leave them in the deserted to be able to die. i would also say that aid is also attached to our beds. here is how we attach those two things together. to be able to get that economic assistance get out. that means the biden administration. before that assistance goes out of the end of it, that means they have got add more deportation flights. they have got to add more detention beds. they have got to add more ice
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officers. they have to add more border patrol officers. they have to actually implement these things before those final dollars go out. so those things are attached. that's enforcing mechanism to say you want those dollars to go out. you got to actually deport people. >> brian: mike lee says not only does he need three weeks to read through it. no self-respecting senator 370 page bill this week. any 41 senators can appreciate the bill from proceeding. if you agree senators should have this bill for at least a few weeks and certainly more than a few days before voting on it, say so. you understand where he is coming from, right? don't you guys have a procedural vote this week? and vote on the bill by the end of the week? >> so, we actually have this bill came out yesterday. sunday. first procedural vote is wednesday. and that procedural vote is literally just open it up to be able to go through it and to be able to say are we going to debate it this week. that's what senator lee is actually talking about. it's interesting he said he is already opposed to it he needs three weeks to be able to read it already opposed to it. again, people have got to be able to read it, go through it
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themselves, don't just go off facebook posts what the bill says. this dramatically changes asylum and defor stations. no longer have a 10 year backlog it. builds more wall. read it for yourselves. just don't believe what is online. >> here is what speaker johnson said i have seen enough. this bill is worse than we expected. won't come close to any border catastrophe the president has created created. as the lead negotiator proclaimed under this situation the border never closes, if this bill reaches the house it, will be dead on arrival. your thoughts? >> yeah, unfortunately, he would step out and be able to say that right away before obviously he had had a chance to be able to read it as well and be able to go through it. the key aspect of this again is as we as republicans going to have press conferences and complain the border is bad and then intentionally leave it open after the worst month in american history in december? now we have got to actually determine are we going to complain about things or actually address and change as many things as we can? if we have a shot and it's amazing to me if i go back two
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months ago to say we had a shot under a democrat president to dr. mackley inat the deportation flights. lock down the border to be able to change the asylum laws and accelerate the process now one would be able to believe it. now no one wants to fix it. i don't want to debate it or discuss it. we have to decide as republicans what are we going to actually do about the border? leave it open or actually leave it closed? >> brian: here is what senator -- excuse me speaker johnson said yesterday on meet the press. >> we are willing to work with the senate. i'm not disclosing that. and i have been very consistent for the hundred days that i have had the gavel we are willing to work. but they have to be serious about it. if you only do a few of those components, you are not going to solve the problem. kristin, that's not a republican talking point. that's what the sheriffs at the border -- the border patrol agents, the deputy chief of u.s. border patrol, 33 year veteran of the agency told us. he said it's as though we are administering an open fire hydrant.
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i don't need more buckets like the president has proposed. i need to stop the flow. we know how to do it. joe biden is unwilling to do it. >> brian: if you could answer him, what would you say? >> i would say we do have to be able to decide here because at one point i will hear people say we don't need more laws, the president has all the authorities they need. the other side said we need more than the laws than this is actually giving. we have to decide is this a matter of we have all the authorities that are needed we need to do nothing or need to do everything because he doesn't have -- the president doesn't have enough authority? at the end of the day, let's do everything we can. we do have a desperate president, we have a democrat senate and republican house. >> this is a moment to soferlg as many things as we can and keep working on the next thing. >> brian: what gets people nervous we patched this president i think you will agree with me do more damage to the border than any president in history. he won't even go see it at a time in which it is broken. he doesn't want to hear about it. the vice president ignores it. they're all in support of this bill. chuck schumer is in support of this bill. only senator padilla out in
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california has been skeptic. and a lot of republicans in sync particularly said what am i missing? why are they in support of this bill? >> i would also tell you there are liberal protesters in d.c. and if you come around the capitol, there is protesters put up all over the place saying posters stop this republican immigration bill as well. they are pointing at liberal activists furious about this. it's locking down asylum. it's changing the parole authority right now today. biden is going to give out 1500 work permits to just random people as they cross the border. this bill ends that. that's what the liberal activists are actually fighting against as well. so there are a lot of things in this that people should look at and go can we put a stop to this chaos? >> brian: lindsey graham is in. any other republican senators are in to join us in support if this comes to a vote? >> yeah there are to wait quite a few out there. people are going through it. and people want to be able to read it and review it. some people are taking it seriously and going through does this have a change in policy can
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we under a democrat president compel them to do things that they do not want to do and for this white house to be able to step out and say they are in support of it. i would tell you i have been in negotiations. they have fought this all the way through at the very end of it say okay. we are going to do it. there is a big difference here of what will actually occur if we actually implement the things in this bill. >> brian: senator lankford, thanks so much. we are just scratching the surface on 280 pages on pure border security. i think you outlined it and best of luck. i just know one thing. you worked extremely hard on this for the last four months and anyone who goes after the personal attacks is way out of bounds. senator, thank you so much. >> thanks, brian. >> you got it. yemen's houthi rebels issue furious response after strikes mideast over the weekend. new york city rolls out $53 billion program to, get, this hand out prepaid credit cards to migrants. rachel campos-duffy joins us with her two cents. ♪
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steve all right. the united states stepping up its response to houthi threats across the middle east. more than 100 strikes were
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carried out against the iranian-backed group over the weekend. with u.s. forces shooting down yet another antiship missile in the red sea. trey yingst is monitoring it all from tel aviv today. trey? >> yeah, hey, guys. good morning. overnight the united states announced new strikes against houthi targets in yemen as the group prepared to launch more attacks in the red sea. this new video here released by u.s. central command shows the uss gravely, uss carney and uss dwight d eisenhower supporting the strikes. the u.s. response on sunday followed a larger campaign on saturday that hit 36 different iran-linked targets in yemen. houthi rebels have released a statement threatening more attacks with a spokesperson saying the aggression won't go unanswered and that escalation will be met with escalation. u.s. forces remain on high alert across the region, bracing for a possible response to those strikes. and the targeting of iran-backed positions in iraq and syria on friday.
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on "fox news sunday," national security council spokesman john kirby said this about the situation. >> what you saw on friday night was just the first round. there will be additional response actions taken by the administration. against the irgc and these groups that they are backing. >> over the weekend, national security adviser jake sullivan did not rule out american strikes against iranian territory. right now, there are no diplomatic solutions on the table to end rising tensions in the middle east. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, trey. now it-to-this, the migrant crisis here in new york city already costing taxpayers at least $20 million a mo month. nau the city is rolling out a new $53 million program giving prepaid $1,000 credit cards to migrants to use for food. "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos-duffy is here to react. good morning, rachel. >> rachel: good morning to you, ainsley. >> ainsley: can you believe this? this is insane.
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a four star hotel. free food, free healthcare. free anything. clothes, you get a driver's license if you are an illegal here in new york city. and, we saw last week, can you go out and commit a crime. can you beat up a cop. you are back out on a street and give you a bus ticket to california, a free ticket. now $1,000 a month. what do you think? >> yeah. this is just the tip of the iceberg. >> this is a pilot program for just 500 of them. so then this is going to be expanded even greater than. this i call this the taste of home bill. the way that mayor adams has just they don't like the food we are giving them $11 a meal and throwing them out. they want a taste of home. let's give them a credit card and they can go out and buy their own plus, then they are not cooking in their hotel rooms which many of them are doing, which, of course, is dangerous. and he actually says this is saving you money. this is-this is what i call liberal math, they are saving
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you money by doing this. that's not the only place they are quote, saving you money. we know with the u.n. the international organization of migration, that's under the u.n., is also giving credit cards to migrants as they are making their way through the journey providing them with maps, helping them figure out thousand get to the united states. and who pays for the biggest funder of the u.n.? that's us. and then you just had senator lankford on here with brian kilmeade. i thought it was very din disingenuous with him. he talked about over a billion dollars going to ngos, including many catholic churches. i'm assuming some of them are also these international organizations like the u.n. catholic churches and lieu than churches and ggos getting this money, ainsley, they know this open border policy is facilitating sex trafficking. in particular, child sex trafficking. our government has lost track of
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85,000 children. many of home have fallen into. this not just that the ngos and churches who purport to be so, owe they're doing this out of charity. no, that's not true. we know this because whips have come forward. so, instead of these churches and these ngos saying hey, let's close the border this is dangerous for women and children. they are linerring up to get more money from the taxpayers. i find it all shameful. and disgusting. and the people of new york should be absolutely outraged. but this is just the 53 # million, ainsley, just the beginning. >> ainsley: and the migrants have to sign an affidavit swearing they will only use the cards for baby food or supplies for their babies or food for themselves. sure they will do that they're already breaking the law. >> rachel: can i say one more thing, ainsley? many of these migrants own money. they are like indentured
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servants they owe money to the cartels. you can be sure those cards will be used to pay that off. >> ainsley: great to see you rachel. >> rachel: thathank you. you. >> ainsley: more than a 1,000 rally in texas the standoff between biden and abbott continues. >> what we want is to enforce the immigration laws of the united states. >> louisiana governor jeff landry was there and he is coming up. our period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. happy valentine's! from use one word to describe our relationship. rollercoaster. (laughs) he's my best friend in the whole world. ooooh, these are cute. thank you! boom boom, boom boom. share your love this valentine's with hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks.
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