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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 5, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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far to start 2024. police here say there have already been 57 since just the start of this year, bill. >> bill: wow. not good, grady. they need to figure it out. thank you, nice to see you in washington, d.c. grady trimble. here we go. got a coast guard aircraft captured a whale waving and slapping the water during training exercises in hawaii. >> dana: cool. that's how i would want to go whale watching. i'm scared to go whale watching. did you know that? because i don't understand how the whale doesn't know to come up under the boat and knock everybody out. my husband says that never happens. every four months it happens and everyone sends me the headlines on it. >> bill: do you think the wave was waving hello or goodbye? >> dana: great question. i will ponder it all day. harris faulkner takes you from here.
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>> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. $118 billion, 370 pages. the senate border security deal is out for all to read. the headline from what i'm seeing when i read parts of it. it would unlock billions of dollars in foreign aid. in fact, critics are claiming it would also let in thousands of illegal immigrants into our country per day before any action would be taken. we'll get into that and really wipe away the myth. it is not 5,000, it is 8,500. it is an average of 5,000 a day over a seven day period. as many as 8,500 could flow in on any particular day. that's a detail we need to know. well, it needs to pass the senate first, as we know. house speaker mike johnson already has declared it dead on arrival. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." all right. let's take a deeper look and see what's inside the bill.
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$60 billion for ukraine aid. $14 billion for israel. $10 billion in humanitarian aid and $5 billion for our indo-pacific partners. that leaves $20 billion for the border situation. remember, the northern border is now coming into focus as well with problems there. oklahoma senator james lankford led the republican side of this bipartisan negotiation to get this bill. he was on earlier. >> right now if you walk across the border today you can say i have fear in my country and you will be release evidence into the country for ten years. under this bill you walk across the border i have fear in my country they say prove it. you have to have a higher standard of evidence. >> harris: the senate is expressed to hold a test vote by wednesday. sources i've been talking to aren't sure they will have the votes but they are looking at it. south carolina senator lindsey graham says this is no time to
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rush anything. >> the oldest game in town is bring an important piece of legislation right before a holiday or a break. process-wise we aren't going to deal with this next week. it is too important. we won't take up something this important and pass it right before a two-week break. >> harris: florida congresswoman kat cammack. but let's go to aishah hosni with the breakdown of what's in the bill for border allocation. what would it accomplish? >> a lot in the bill. i want to mention some breaking news in the last hour here. does not bode well for what will happen to the bill in the senate. the man in charge of winning back the senate for senate republicans has just said he is a no on this bill. we're talking about steve danes in gop leadership and he writes this on x. i cannot support a bill that doesn't secure the border, provide taxpayer funded lawyers
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to illegal immigrants and gives billions to radical open border groups. i am a no. again, he is a huge blow for anyone that supports this bill. here is a look at what is actually in this border security package. $20 billion goes into this. when it comes to policy it ends catch and release. expands detention capacity for families. raises the asylum standards. you have to be able to seek asylum in another country before coming here. it fast tracks asylum claims and adds $650 million to expand the border wall. also includes the mandatory shutdown you were talking about of the border when we hit a rolling average of 5,000 encounters in a single week. that's the part a lot of republicans are stuck on. they say the president has the authority right now to shut down the border. >> i think p the border bill dies, the republicans in the house believe the president has enough executive authority to
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change the situation overnight. return to the policies the prior administration, trump, that were working like remain in mexico. that's not in this bill. >> chuck schumer starts to have debate this week. the white house is hitting back at the speaker saying he is failing to come up with any excuses to prevent this bipartisan action to secure the border. we're expecting even more harsh criticism as soon as house republicans return later this afternoon. >> harris: what i wanted to hit with you. i had just said from the sources i was talking with it didn't look like it would have enough votes on the republican side. they need as many votes as they possibly can have so when it goes to the house, they have a chance of maybe having some negotiation rather than just a flat out no. so it will be interesting. thank you for starting with that breaking news always.
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critics also are pointing out that president biden already has the executive power to stop the border crisis. aishah was giving us a little bit of that coverage. let's move on. fox news contributor byron york wrote this. the man who broke the border says the border is broken and he is the one to fix it. he wants the authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed. all of that is in quotes. he hasn't used the authority he already has. late night host bill maher. >> joe biden saying you know what? if you give me a new law. the president can fix this. he already has the existing laws. this is all for show. i need a piece of paper from congress to deal with the border. no, you already have that. >> harris: kat cammack of florida, member of the house energy and commerce committee and agriculture and government weaponization i want to start first of all with just busting
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some myths. if we had that from aishah's story, you would see it is an average of 5,000 a day. that means that it can go up to 8,500 any given day if the average was five. i don't know that moves the ball down the road when we had 10,000 a day just a short time ago. >> exactly, good to see you. i am absolutely shocked that anyone is even considering this garbage package. as you mentioned, biden will be putting more pressure on the senate and house going to the american people trying to sell this knock-off of a border deal. like they were trying to sell us on gucci but the package the guy in the alley pulled out of the trunk. that's the equivalent of this border bill. fear not. he will be going to particular tock to get his talking points. this is not a border security package. it is a ukraine package and aid
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for palestinian package. this is assistance to arab partners package. this is not border security. this is a way for them to parole people into the united states faster. you are not securing the border in this package. we would do well not to lie to the american people and try to sell them on that. they already are pissed. we need to make sure they understand that this is not a border security package. when they know it's not. they can read. we can all read. it is in black and white. this is not border security. >> harris: over the weekend everybody was waiting for this thing to drop. it was friday. they didn't want it to be the late night friday night news dump and then late sunday. all of that time that gave a lot of you on the hill to maybe talk about what would need to be in it. we already knew some parts of it. what does this have to look like once it gets to the house? is there any part of it you say we can work with that? >> well, first and foremost it has to be -- the border has to
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be the priority. you see ukraine has a lion's share of the funding element. the funding to the border is to increase processors moving people through faster. offers citizenship to afghan parolees. more visas, increasing incentives for people to come here illegally and reward them for engaging in illegal action. we passed our border security package last year. it is called hr2. it actually secures the border. it addresses the human trafficking at the border. addresses narcotics and humanitarian and public health and national security challenges at the border. it is a real border package. that's what would have to happen for us to agree to any sort of border security package. >> harris: you mentioned tiktok. let's not miss this. another issue that needs to be addressed now. 60 minutes with this report on illegal immigrants using chinese-owned app to cross the border. tiktok is china's.
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watch this. >> we wondered how all of these migrants knew about this particular entry way into california. the answer was in their hands. >> tiktok. >> you learned on tiktok. >> tiktok is a social media platform created in china. the posts we found had step-by-step instructions for hiring smugglers and detailed directions to that hole we visited. >> harris: unbelievable. wow. >> wow. this is just incredible. we've known about the social media companies being complicit with human trafficking. all you have to do on any one of those platforms is type in a message and you will find traffickers willing to take you to anywhere in the united states for a price. you get the phone numbers to call, the pricing, how to send the money, and again, when we called out the social media companies they said well, we
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need to be sensitive to those that are trying to escape persecution. that have legitimate human rights issues. but they totally ignore the fact that women and children are being trafficked and abused at the border. they don't want to knowledge that. this whole tiktok thing is no surprise. let us not forget joe biden just last week suspended lng exports because of a tiktok trend. our adversaries know the white house is taking its marching orders from tiktok. that is dangerous stuff. we have got to get control and put the real adults in charge. this ain't it. >> harris: we'll move to this. we learn more about last weekend's vicious attack on new york police officers in times square and u.s. customs and border protection issued warrants for some of those suspects. a source is telling fox some may have fled to california using fake names and taxpayer funded bus tickets. they are here and they have access to things that are given
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to people who are here illegally. they get the free transportation. the policies of manhattan's far left district attorney alvin bragg got the suspects out of jail with no bail. he now says grand jury charges are coming this week. how will he catch them? reports of yet another benefit for these families illegally coming to our nation. a new big apple program to dole out $53 million in pre-paid credit cards for those sheltered in new york city hotels to buy food and other supplies. they could have stuck around and, you know, engaged in whatever was free here and then got the free ticket to go west. congresswoman. >> oh man, harris, i don't know where to start. you have heard me say it before. you play stupid games you win stupid prizes, all the blue states and cities are reaping what they've sown. the rapper called it all out for people to see how ridiculous
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this is. when you have the rapper saying that maybe trump was right to be as tough as he was when it came to border security, that should be a wake-up call across america to all the democrats who think that they have the african-american vote in the bag. and particularly young people in the bag. don't forget, harris, the liberal left raided the $130 million emergency assistance to homeless veterans pot of money and gave it to the illegals for bus tickets and plane tickets and hotel rooms. $130 million for homeless veterans rerouted to illegals. nothing new. the arrogance when illegals flip off cameras. because they know there is no one stopping them. they have no fear and this is what happens when you have george soros funded d.a.s and blue cities and states that they they are not to account for anything. they think that they are above
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the law and can make their own laws and they are reaping what they have sown. >> harris: they didn't go to florida. >> they would know better. >> harris: even your husband is part of the law enforcement and emt community there. you don't mess with florida. much like texas. we'll get into the bill more as we read more of it this week and it heads to the house. thank you. >> good to see you. >> harris: another day, another fresh round of pitiful poll numbers for president biden on the economy, border, general confidence. things that matter. one democratic polling expert calls it a presidency in peril. hum. plus the united states finally responding to that deadly iran-backed attack that killed three american soldiers and injured so many more. critics say it is now too little too late. >> it is tragic in a truly
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shameful thing that we waited until service members were killed after all those attacks until taking some type of response. this isn't going to be good enough. >> harris: so the questioning now coming much harsher about the timing and telegraphing our punches to the enemy raising doubts about the president's leadership capability right now going forward. retired navy captain and former pentagon official brent sadler is in "focus" next. have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> harris: u.s. forces launch iran bought and paid for houthi
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terrorist attacks in yemen. the pentagon says the houthis were prepared to fire missiles at ships in the red sea. the houthis now say they are going to punish us. well, they started it. let's see if the white house will really make them pay. our military did hit more than 85 targets in iran and syria on friday and that was in response to an iran-backed attack that killed our three american soldiers in jordan over the weekend and we want to recognize the two dozen or more -- at least that many who were injured. men and women on the ground. national security advisor jake sullivan said this. >> it began with the strikes on friday night. that is not the end of it. we intend to take additional strikes and additional action to continue to send a clear message the united states will respond when our forces are attacked or people are killed. >> harris: peter doocy with
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more. >> there is more coming. we hear from democrats in d.c. that taking out a top iranian official in place like iraq the way the trump administration did killing soleimani there in baghdad is harder than it looks. >> took him out in baghdad. extracted revenge but without leading to a wider war. that's what the president is trying to navigate here as well. as jake sullivan said all options are on the table and we should extract further receipt rib retribution. >> 168 times in places u.s. troops have been attacked by proxies paid for by iran since mid october including sites in jordan, iraq and syria. the top republican in the house is urging president biden to be a little less surgical when selecting these targets. >> we need to make absolutely clear to iran that nothing is off the table. we should not be appeasing iran.
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that's what the biden administration has been doing for the last three years. we project weakness on the world stage. >> there are concerns president biden has tell graphed his responses too much giving these iranian paid for proxies too much time to get out of the way. >> this idea of hitting hundreds of targets that doesn't matter. the only iranian we killed in syria, iraq or some [bleep] to get out of the way. we gave them a week's notice. >> if president biden orders more strikes today it will be from vegas. he wakes up there and has nothing on the public schedule until he goes to the airport to fly home. >> harris: he will miss the chiefs in the super bowl. oh, that's right. he is not doing a super bowl interview for the second year in a row. going to handle that from the basement. thank you. brent sadler, retired navy captain and heritage foundation senior fellow, so good to have
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you in "focus" today. the criticism is the timing on this is all out of whack. they hit us 166 times these different groups, these bought and paid for proxies by iran and then we began to retaliate a little bit. we did some 15 times almost negligible. now we'll hit them a little bit again. >> absolutely. if the intent was to reduce the capability and intent or the capacity of the houthis, hamas and certainly iran's proxies to knock it off. telegraphing ahead of time. minimizing the amount of damage and the inability to take out the leaders on the ground directing this, moving the munitions and finances is just not going to work. >> harris: so i have a question about this. during world wars we have let people know for the protection of civilians on the ground. who are we trying to protect when we hit military targets by
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giving them a healthy heads-up hey, we're coming? >> it seems like we're trying to hold out a fig leaf to the mullahs in iran to try to get back into negotiations at the strategic level. certainly in world war ii putting out pamphlets made sense in that situation. in this case we try to prevent further attacks by parra military forces that have been attacking us well over 168 times. so it's a different game. giving and telegraphing who and where and with what you'll attack undermines the objective to stop the attacks on u.s. forces throughout the middle east. >> harris: military is built to win. that's what we do. you saw this with israel early on and hamas. they also in their efforts to protect civilians in gaza were dropping information and getting hey, we're coming to a certain part of gaza. we have done this. other militaries have done this. that's what you do.
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are we at war with iran? >> i don't think we're at war with iran yet. the question really is should we be? we're clearly the proxies have declared war on the united states. we're in the crisis now day 115, 35 americans all right killed by hamas, three by iran supported proxies. the three service members killed in a longstanding operation in jordan. the attacks continue to be unabated in the red sea. yes, we need to do nouchlt it's a pay me now or later. the biden administration decided to pay a lot more later. what we've already had to spend for this very tardy counter actions. >> harris: that's the treasure. the lives. the american lives. because i know iran doesn't care about those proxy terrorists that they hire. but we do care about our people. president biden's officials
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repeatedly are denying they want escalation with iran. it's like a drumbeat. >> we're not looking for a war with iran. >> we're not at war with iran. >> we're not looking to take the united states to war. >> we don't seek a wider war or regional conflict. we're not seeking war with iran. >> harris: i would rather here this is why we're doing this. we are pushing back to make the enemies pay. instead it's we don't really want to make them pay. >> all of those statements that consistent we don't seek, we don't seek. iran does seek a wider war. they are very aggressively going after their specific interests. the united states continues to back down when they are pushed. the only way we stop this cycle of violence in the middle east and certainly lessen the threat to americans, not just to service members, but americans throughout the middle east, is to start to impose costs on the igrc that are operating and funding and funneling the resources for these attacks. we need to go after them.
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the other question about should we attack inside iran, i don't think the time is right for that but the time is well past for applying serious pressure and costs by taking out their iranian parra military forces in the middle east. >> harris: you brought this up. all of this to get iran apparently back to the table. can you do business with someone that is also killing you coming through the back door? >> sometimes you have to but you have to be willing to apply equal pressure and that may mean direct action begins iranians out in the field. we've been extremely too hesitant. the result is iran is doubling down and refusing to negotiate on any level. so the only way you get them to the table is you start to apply real pressure and real costs. that might include drawing blood of the igrc overseas. >> harris: thank you very much for your time and expertise and service. >> thank you very much.
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>> harris: president biden's team is reportedly bracing for something that is about to come out inside these classified documents. it is about his handling of them. remember he had them parked by the corvette by his garage in delaware. they could contain embarrassing details including fresh pictures. texas governor greg abbott getting plenty of backup in his fight with the federal government over biden's border crisis. >> half of the governors of the united states have joined with texas and our cause to make sure states can do everything possible to secure our border. >> harris: we got to see what that actually looked like over the weekend. those governors showed up at the border and standing with tech as. one of the governors we're glad to have in "focus."
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>> all i know is this. that is the open border policies that joe biden has allowed can no longer be tolerated. the federal government has failed texans and americans. >> every state in our country is now a border state because of what is happening. >> joe biden has completely failed one of his most basic and important duties as the president. he has failed to protect our borders. >> harris: a show of power, republican governors joining texas governor greg abbott at the border. they spoke at selby park in eagle pass, texas yesterday. you know that's the focal point of texas's razor wire battle with the white house. abbott promises he will not back down saying his measures are doing the job of keeping illegal immigrants out and he is right.
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the numbers are down by more than 76% at that crossing illegally crossing they were coming. my next guest is one of those governors at the park. governor tate reeves of mississippi. i welcome you in "focus." >> thanks for having me on. >> harris: tell me what your first impressions were when you got to the border and you saw the containers and the razor wire. >> well, you know, one of the things you don't see particularly well in many of the pictures that came from yesterday's press conference is that literally shelby park is underneath a bridge. on that bridge is a legal port of entry from mexico into the united states of america. so the policies that the biden administration has implemented has made america less safe and literally it is mind-boggling to me this is the decisions that have been made by this administration. >> harris: it's interesting.
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if people chose to they could legally come in. so when you go down there and i've been to eagle pass, it is miles of people coming in everywhere but that specific entry point. >> that's exactly right. that's a legal port of entry and it is literally people were crossing to and from mexico into texas the entire time we were there. individuals who have legally followed u.s. laws and the fact is that thousands and thousands of people that are illegally entering the country, some 7 million people illegally entered this country since joe biden has been president, it's mind-boggling the numbers and it is not just people smuggled over the border and invading our country. there are drugs and other very bad things for people across the country. >> harris: what the governor is doing is working, though. as you just pointed out only a
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few people choose to do it the right way and thank you for telling us about that actual security checkpoint that's there. there are options. they are choosing not to do it. my point is what the governor has done by putting up that razor wire has cut the numbers down exponentially. >> no doubt. prior to the razor wire going up there at shelby park they were averaging thousands and thousands of people crossing that waterway right there and over the last three days since the state of texas has been in the park, there has been an average of three per day crossing illegally. the work that the state of texas is doing, that governor abbott is doing is working. i commend the people of the texas department of public safety and commend the people of the texas national guard and that's why so many governors from around the country stood with governor abbott and said we'll help do our part.
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we will send national guard troops and others as we have been doing for the last three years because the core function of government is to take care of the safety of the people of our states. we as republican governors will step up and continue to help do that. >> harris: one last one on this and i want to talk to you about taxes in your state. you have something coming. tell me abouw mighty this fight might be, though. i'm curious, are you going to help put up razor wire? this is a big job now and it is happening in other states because as they are leaving eagle pass alone, the cartels and smugglers are going to other areas. >> one of my fellow governors said yesterday that because of the policies of the biden administration, that every state in america is now a border state. that is exactly right. i guarantee you that every one of us, everyone watching today, all of us governors and others, we know people who have died of
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overdoses from fentanyl. 452 million doses of fentanyl have been apprehended at the border since joe biden has been president? just imagine the number of those that got through that aren't apprehended. those are going into college campuses and affecting our kids and in many ways seeing untimely deaths for many americans. that's the reason this is an issue worth fighting for. the reason there is so much support amongst governors around the country to stand up and say the biden administration needs to do their job, period. if they will not, we will do everything in our power to support texas in helping them do the job that the federal government ought to be doing. by the way, was doing during the trump administration. >> harris: governor, let's talk taxes. you have gotten calls from state legislators to phase out
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mississippi's personal income tax by 2029. that's around the corner. that money would instead go toward economic development, highways and judiciary in your beautiful state. you are asking for more spending on police in mississippi's capital city of jackson. when i first read about this and knowing you were coming on the program i said that sounds like florida. tell me what you are hoping to do. >> it has been my goal to eliminate the personal income tax in the state of mississippi because i just believe fundamentally if you want more of something, you ought to tax it less. we certainly need more income. we've been driving per capita incomes up in our state. they're up 30% in the last five years, major movement. we have also cut income taxes numerous times over the last five years. right now there are nine states in america that have no personal income tax but of the 41 that have one, mississippi has the fifth lowest.
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mississippi is a place where companies around the globe are choosing to do business because we have a very good business-friendly climate. low taxes, we support our businesses. but we believe if we can continue to move towards the elimination of the income tax, to move similar to states that we compete with every day. we compete with texas and tennessee and we compete with florida not only for economic development and new capital investment but we compete with population as well. we want more people moving into our state. one way to do that is for us to eliminate the income tax. >> harris: it is so interesting because people are looking to go to those places that are more like what you are describing because we are so over taxed in blue cities. if the jobs are where the better situations exist, you will get more people. thank you for telling me about that. i don't know how many people knew about it. i really appreciate what you have done. you've pulled back and you had
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to make some budget adjustments to live on fewer personal taxes from people. you are kind of getting the state off the dole of the taxpayers' money and soon you will wipe that part away. fascinating. i will check back. thank you very much for being in "focus." >> thank you so much for having me on. >> harris: all right. here is a question. are we going back to the basement? it's okay, i guess, if there are good windows down there but my goodness. president biden is ducking out on another major interview for a second year in a row. i mentioned this with peter doocy earlier in the hour. despite he would reach millions of people watching the super bowl. but he won't sit for that traditional interview. now he is being hit with some pitiful polling. >> biden's polling is stuck at 37, 38% approval. very low. he is behind in every
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battleground state on average in america. >> harris: can biden reverse course ahead of the november election? isn't that the question? ♪ (♪) with wet amd, sometimes i worry my world is getting smaller because of my sight. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪)
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>> harris: president biden may have won the first official democratic primary of 2024 in south carolina. however, turnout was only 4%. there is no voter intensity in that party there. speaking of low numbers the current commander-in-chief is facing a stubborn polling problem. the nbc survey has him at 37% approval rating. 37%. 60% disapprove. that's the worst in this particular poll. he trails former president trump by double digits in several categories. 22% on the economy, 35% on immigration and border security. democratic polling expert says, quote, what is most concerning is the erosion of biden's standing against trump compared to four years ago.
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most damming is that biden is up to the job. power panel doug collins, former georgia congressman, patrick murphy, former pennsylvania congressman. great to have you on the program. patrick, i will start with you. what's wrong with your guy? what happened? >> doug and i are both former federally elected officers in this country, members of congress after serving in combat. we will tell you the number one poll that counts is the election ballot. joe biden 4% voted in the election in south carolina. that's the one that counts. 273 days, harris, until election day and that's an eternity in politics. well we'll see. >> harris: i've never seen you spin anything like that. 96% of 4%. >> he will be the nominee. >> harris: if i had a bigger
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heart i would send you talking points that would work. doug. >> well, i don't think patrick needs talking points. nobody cared in south carolina because they had been written off. the democratic machine biden will win it. no one showed up and intensity wasn't there. these numbers are bad for biden. there is a problem that is compounding this campaign. if you look at the head-to-head with biden he is better in the polling, 45, 46. they are even in polling and that should make republicans understand this is a long-term fight. the longest general election we've had in over 100 years will take place this year. it has already started. trump and biden are against each other. trump is the nominee from the republican party and a long fight we need to keep focused on. >> harris: that's brilliant, too. when viewers come up to me and want to know who will win and all that. it's too early to say who will
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win. what you need to decide is your vote. are you going to vote early, going to show up? what will you do? that is what matters. patrick is so right about that. when asked about biden's showing in the south carolina primary congressman jim clyburn down played biden's loss of support among black voters. watch this. >> the largest percentage, over 97%, was in the town of orangeburg where there are two h b-cus and community college and he got the largest percentage of the whole state. so that demonstrates to me what i have been saying all the time. that joe biden has not lost any support among african-americans. >> harris: recent polls show a significant loss in black voter support, though, for biden compared with 2020. reverse order now, doug. >> i think that was spinning south carolina really well there.
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it affected what they wanted to talk about. a poll fox news poll last week in georgia. demographic broke down african-american voters, trump was getting 23% of the african-american vote in georgia. just a poll from last week in the state of georgia. you see it across the country. republicans are not looking at getting 40 or 50% of the african-american vote. it is not happening historical reference. a nationwide republican candidate who can get close to 20 or between 11 and 25, those are winning numbers. those are numbers that say donald trump will be the next president of the united states. >> harris: it is interesting and donald trump worked on the economy for the whole nation but he pointed out what happened for blacks and hispanics in this country under him. that you saw historic lows in unemployment, that whole thing. what in the world would biden do if trump started showing up at black churches and black communities, just show up? i mean, just start showing up because those people are not being talked to right now, obviously, if they aren't
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showing up at the primary polls or telling you on camera, which they're not, that they're supporting biden. >> i think president biden is showing up. he is president because of south carolina. people forget four years ago he lost iowa by four points, new hampshire -- >> harris: we know it's because of south carolina. what will he do without south carolina is the question? >> he showed up at mother emmanuel church a week ago talking about as president what he delivered for the black community. things such as. >> harris: we carried it. >> the first black woman ever appointed to the u.s. supreme court in justin brown jackson. 50% approval rating in the black community. largest increase in black-owned businesses in the last 30 years. >> harris: why has it gone down since 2020. only 4% of the electorate showed up forare the primary recently. i understand that.
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that there is an also-ran type of thing with biden. doug, last word. >> i think last word is look, both sides are getting out and fighting. there is a significant drop no matter how you spin it. south carolina is going for trump in november anyway. a mute point. >> i agree with doug. it's about georgia. that's a state that president biden won by 12,000 votes. that will be close, nip and tuck. >> harris: now we've migrated to georgia. i just gave up on me in south carolina. >> i want to see my buddy down there. >> harris: if you go to georgia i will come, too. my birth state. so glad you are with us. "outnumbered" is after the break.
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