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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 5, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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that scene. they have that bullhorn. you are part of this history in this museum. how do you feel about that? >> very good. they should put part of george bush 's -- >> but you are there to, young man. >> i just happened to be the guy with george bowed, to be with the president. i just happened to be the guy next to him. that's it in a nutshell. >> he was there at the site a couple days before helping out where he could. he was recently retired, but like so many firemen and heroes that day, whether they worked or not, were supposed to be in or not, whether they were tired or not. everyone wanted to help. said "it's just what we do. it's just what i did." ♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm dana perino with
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judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ talk about adding insult to injury. there is a new migrant outrage after these illegal immigrants gave america two middle fingers while walking free without bail and then use false names to flee to california. new york city is planning to dole out $53 million in prepaid credit cards to migrant families being housed in hotels. this rapper 50 cent, is that how you say that? said that the prepaid cards might be used to motivate -- to vote against biden in 2024. "maybe trump is the answer." but he said that 57 has got it all wrong. >> we have to recycle this money back into our local economy. we are spending this money anyway. they are going to go to bodegas. grocery stores, supermarkets. local businesses are going to
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benefit. it's focused on baby supplies and food. i told 50 cent to hit me up. i would love to explain it to him so that he could go out and do another tweet of saying "you know what? eric is a smart manager," and he would maybe write a song about me. >> dana: a manhattan d.a. alvin bragg insists he wants the copied migrants back from california this week. he will present evidence to a grand jury peer two days ago, he was defending their release. >> while the video is shocking and disturbing, pure conviction -- in a court of law, it is essential that we conclusively identify each defendant. in manhattan we do not tolerate police officers. i watched th. despicable behavior. it sickened and outraged me. >> dana: try that in a red
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states. a cnn anchor seemed speechless after being told that illegal immigrants do not steal in florida, because they are, they go to jail. >> they were doing organized retail theft. they were doing snatches on the street. what the detectives are telling me is that they have crews that operate in new york, do their stealing, then go to florida to spend the money, then come back. why don't they just stay? there in florida, you go to jail. >> dana: there you have it. they were speechless and said "amazing." i don't even know where to begin, perhaps with the debit cards, $53 million. going to save money, he says. >> greg: amazing how cnn is always shocked by reality. [laughter] it goes back to that moment when lemon and cuomo were talking about crime. "he went out to dinner, we had a great time, there was a crime in new york." they are eternally shocked.
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this debit card fiasco is just another example of how democrats and liberals don't understand the concept of incentives and disincentives. how do they miss this in life that if you reward behavior, you get more of it, if you punish it you get less of it. do you think this is how they raised their kids? their teenager breaks the law and when he comes home, you give him a gift card to nike. it doesn't make sense in real life. sending migrants back isn't even a disincentive in itself. the messages just keep coming back. you need a deeper hole. we need to look at other countries and see what they do. you have to make the punishment worse than just starting at zero. i know that sounds harsh, but that is how it works. that's how you battle description, and you also have to look up bureaucracy. we talked about this before. punishment -- -- --
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we have to apply that to bureaucracy as well. that means perhaps dismantling the whole system and starting over. this is insane. how do they do this? >> he tries to say that it would actually save taxpayers money if you do this. governor abbott of texas had something to say about it. >> it sounds like insanity is behind it. it really is offensive when you see police officers in new york city being beaten by illegal immigrants in this country who should not be in the country in the first place. then, after they engage in this crime against law enforcement officers, they are let loose back out onto the streets? what is going on in new york is outrageous. >> judge, the d.a. wants to bring them back. >> jeanine: do you think he has been reading the press or getting a lot of phone calls first of all, this man doesn't know anything about prosecuting crime. you have got a mob of illegals
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who gang assault police off officers. they make arrests, and then the d.a. lets them out on bail. the d.a. initially chose to remain silent. last week, we had someone with a microphone, i think a fox person, who wouldn't answer the question as to why they were let out without any bail. i am sure you know this, dana, but the truth is that it was a violent felony for which bail is allowed. now, i do not take the judge off the hook for this either. the judge could have said "i want bail set in this case. what do you know about this individual and their ties to the community?" that's the whole point of bail. if there is anyone who should not be or should be at least held to a hired standard, it is an illegal, because they have no ties to the community, no family, no residence, no job. you assume they are going to flee and indeed they did. a couple days later, the d.a. comes out and says "we do not
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tolerate assaulting police officers, but the reason we did not ask for bail is because we have to make sure that we charge the right people to write crime." are you stupid? you charge them with gang assault. it means they are complicit. they are charged with aiding and abetting each other. until you get to the particulars, you don't have to identify who did what. you may not have to as long as you can show that they were in a gang and complicit. then he says some of the most culpable may not have been identified yet. let me ask you a question, mr. d.a.: why did you arrest them in the first place if you are not sure that they could be charged with a violent felony? class c. are you saying you didn't have the evidence, or you did? stop running around in circles. and, it takes them ten days to put this case to the grand jury? you have video cameras, street cameras, victims willing to testify. this case if i were the d.a. would have been in the
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grand jury the next day. the cops would have helped me out and you would've had it done. shame on him. this is already pointing the finger and now mayor adams says "we want to work with ice." don't give me that nonsense. you want to work with ice? at the city council to change the section of law so whenever there is an assault on a police officer or a gang assault, that they can call ice. they are not saying eyes cannot make an arrest. >> and you can think de blasio for that. >> jeanine: and adams for continuing with the nonsense. >> dana: harold, haven't been around the table in a while. we missed you. i'm sure you are happy to be back. go ahead. >> harold: thanks again. i agree with the judge, with regard to how some of these judges have to help us get around some of the inequities of the cashless bail system. the ties to the community standard that the judge speaks to is the reason why any migrant
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who -- you should hold them until you find all of it, until the next step is required. migrants are overrunning the city in many ways. not only in new york, but chicago as well. the major -- the mayor, i hope he at least gets on board with him. the mayor is a friend. i don't understand what we're going to accomplish perhaps with this being more of a magnet and an incentive. we have to change the law. any violence inflicted upon a law enforcement officer -- there should be no bail period. whether you are eight migrants, new yorker, american, should not be a case without anyone -- for violence on a police officer or any law enforcement officer. just 30 seconds on this. i think this deal reached in the senate, i have not read all of it. we have talked about doing a reading perhaps outside of the
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show of what the agreement was. i do hope that the speaker will bring it to the floor for a vote in the house and allow normal process, or regular order as they call it, to take place. they were republicans have every right because of the rules. there are things we don't like about it. i would support a wall if i were in congress. if there were things in it like about the asylum or reform process, let it take place, go back to the senate, and let's get a negotiation going. what i don't want to have happen, we talk about 350,000 people coming across the border, drug trafficking, human trafficking, all the other things coming across. i want to find a way to get to some conclusion that we can all agree upon. remember, republicans have the majority of the house in two votes, democrats have a one-vote majority in the senate. the president's democrat. this is a divided government, so let's figure out a way to get this to some conclusion, because otherwise we will have this exact same conversation about new york and chicago, for that matter other cities.
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>> dana: jesse watters, the floor is yours. >> jesse: you don't have to waste our time harold, though i love you and it's good to have a background table. jerry nadler said that the migrants were here to get crops but now they are kicking cops. how about that? dana, when i look at this, i see what you are allowed to do. you are allowed to break into the country. they give you a bus ticket to new york. you can come here, get a free hotel room, free cribbage, meals, and then you can kick a cop in the head, get out of jail with no cash bail, then skip town, drive drunk to california for a free sex change and democrats will not deport you. the free reassignment surgery, where one can become wanting to. it doesn't matter. will you work taking tax dollars from hardworking families here and giving amex debit cards to migrants. it is not like an ebt card where you cannot buy booze and cigs:
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eucan with these amex cards. that's why i live in new jersey, so i don't have to deal with this nonsense. potus has not answered a question about this. these people are getting kicked in the head in manhattan, and no one has asked him about this? no one has asked him about cash bail century cities, criminal illegals. he's gone three years without having to answer about the border. trump would go wherever he want, talk about whatever was hot that day. even barack with all the press conferences would feel they question. how has he gotten this far in the presidency ends doesn't even have to answer for these policies? this is absolute insanity. >> dana: we will talk more about his situation. coming up, the liberal media hitting the panic button as donald trump supports his biggest lead over biden. hey there.
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> greg: joe biden is ready to tango. >> how are you -- right now? speak of doing this immediately? speak of doing this immediately? got nothing else to do. >> greg: somebody is getting ahead of their dependence. donald trump scoring his largest lead yet against joe biden and the latest poll by nbc, and increasing his lead by five points. donald, 23 points when it comes to who has the better mental and physical health to be president
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eric trump blows joe biden out of the water, besting him by more than 20 points. black voters are a big reason why. >> donald trump has a reputation of being the moneyman. >> some things he talks about with business. i can agree with as far as this. i am trying to grow my business. as far as biden, i haven't seen him really care about business like that. >> a lot of my friends -- a little bit younger. we have only voted once for our president, and trump is kind of all we know. weren't with trump. that's the one thing i'm hearing over and over. spew to with numbers that bad -- >> greg: the media will need a whole number of lawns to scope. >> the economic poll numbers for president biden come despite most of the key economic indicators remaining extremely
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strong. >> the economy is so striking because jobs are up, inflation is down. voters aren't giving him credit for that. >> how do you solve it when people have concluded that you are not fit to be the president of the united states today, let alone for camora years? >> a lot of shocking debate, outrageous, everything cutting, which again for me is preposterous. it's laughable. >> greg: no fax there. jesse, joe biden says he's not going to do the interview in the super bowl halftime. is this an opportunity for trump to do it? shouldn't cbs -- >> jesse: because he's really president right now? [laughter] >> harold: you don't mean that. >> greg: i see what you did there. >> jesse: this is what, norah o'donnell? last year was bret baier who he canceled on, this is nora they only wanted 3 minutes. this is an election year.
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you are dodging the super bowl interview. you are not campaigning for president if you are dodging. that is softball after softball. the first question is on ukraine, the second is gaza, the third is what you were going to eat when you watch the game. that's 3 minutes. can't survive that, tells you everything you need to know. the media has lost touch with the street. i have my ear on the street. when i have my ear, i mean johnny. he goes to a couple barbershops wherever he is at. it's the same thing: there was money in your pocket four years ago, now there's not as much. if you look at that wage growth chart -- greg, i know you sleep with that chart. >> greg: you know it. >> jesse: wage growth after the trump economic tax and regulation policies went in and went through the roof. wages skyrocketed. then, if ouchi's -- then, the lab kill it. the spending policies crippled the wage recovery. people don't have as much money now. that is the bottom line. you can talk about these
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wall street numbers like gdp and jobs, but it misseds the kitchen table issue people are really feeling. >> greg: unlike you. >> jesse: unlike me. >> greg: harold, i go to you for no particular reason: blacks. [laughter] like everybody else, the economy matters. may be the lesson democrats is the only color that brings the country together is green. what say you? harold ford jr.? >> harold: being in the barbershop, watching the barbershop scene, it is something that frankly i am hearing from friends and others around the country who have their own journeys who are helping them understand -- own johnny's who are helping them understand. the white house, you are making a mistake not to do the super bowl interview. the 2-3 questions. he gives the president an opportunity to get as many reps and practice as he and others may need to lay out the agenda
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and vision for the campaign. when the president walks out of an event, he has got to come in regards of the question, be railing off point after point after point why he should be reelected. there shouldn't be any waiting for the question, trying to be funny about things. this is a serious moment. this polling data -- this is the first time in my lifetime where secretary clinton, and then candidate donald trump, both had plus 95% name recognition. people felt like they knew them. never had one president and a former president in my lifetime running against one another. everybody knows them. you have to be on your a game every time you get out of that helicopter, off that plane, come out of the oval office and out of an ice cream shop if you are on the campaign trail. finally, this issue with blackman is serious. i started with it, jesse and greg started with it. you should take seriously what those young men are saying. i don't think it was just isolated to those four young men there. it's not animosity towards the president. what it's saying is you are not
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"not meeting me where we are. there are things in our lives -- not broken but in disrepair. help us fix them." a candidate that's able to do that will have the best chance. there are three dates i say in the presidential year: memorial day, when gas prices are, the fourth of july, when food prices are, and early august when schools across the country -- we start late in new york. in the south where i'm from and the midwest where kids are starting and early august, the back-to-school prices for kids, this is a big -- those three moments and obviously after labor day, things get going here. you have got to get focused on this faster. i hope you reverse your decision for the super bowl. i want to see before. i want you to tell me again why you should be president again. >> greg: judge, the dems as you saw in that montage, kept talking about this robust economy, but the american people don't feel it. they are going "what's wrong with you people? why don't you notice those?" >> jeanine: in particular, she
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is truly shocked by this stunning biden/trump poll. they live in their own world of trump and derangement. they hate trump so much that they are not listening to regular americans. whether it's in a barbershop -- and i was impressed with that -- or whether it's in a supermarket. something is happening in america today. something is happening, when you've got immigration as the number one issue, and you've got trump beating biden by 30 points when biden has the opportunity to formulate policy on that very issue, you have americans now who are angry. they remember what president trump tried to do. they remember the beat down by the democrats on the wall and every other issue of racism, xenophobic and all this other stuff. they are like "wait a minute." when it comes to the blacks in particular -- i'm answering you. when it comes to blacks in particular, i didn't turn around
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to look at you for that one. [laughter] when it comes to blacks in particular, i said when he went from 85-62%, a drop of 25% in black voters support for biden, i thought a lot of that had to do with the fact that here's donald trump. this guy is getting prosecuted like we are, but the bigger thing now is immigration and how that intersects. immigration is now affecting black americans and minorities in this country. they are watching in real time do school programs, schools, sports centers, gyms, all these places where black parents, black mothers in particular have an opportunity to send their kids after school to school programs to keep them out of the games, to keep them away from selling drugs, to keep them occupied. being taken away from them. they are americans, and they are being given to illegals about who we know nothing?
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who beat down police officers and then get bailed? immediately and let out and run to another state? that does not happen to african americans in this country but it's happening to illegals. you know what? that's going to blossom at the top of the highest rates in this country. >> greg: it's interesting the way the judge lays it out. animal sounds like migrants are getting reparations -- it almost sounds like migrants are getting reparations. >> dana: those are called preparations before you are a citizen. you get all these benefits. a couple things from me. biden ran a basement campaign in 2020. they would love to reprise that. that's part of them not doing the super bowl interview. to me, for them, the risk is too great. one of the issues in the poll from nbc news was competency and age, and as my friend collin reed says, father time is undefeated. that's one of his biggest problems. i personally am okay with the super bowl tradition going away.
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may be, we can take a pass on that and it would be fine. it's interesting. they will pass it up but i think it's because the risk is too great. i also wanted to point out, remember last may, abc news had a poll that had biden and trump at this polling level, abc news tried to disavow their own poll and say it was an outlier that's not happening? this is real. these stories about black men are proliferating. "the washington post" had one about all the economic issues. the other thing this did not capture, aside from black men, it is the high credit card debt, it's hard to get child care, cars are still expensive. car insurance is extremely extensive. house insurance is expensive. everything is up. that his wife the stock market is up, that's great for a lot of people. jobs, also may be good, but it's going to take a while for people to feel better about it. >> dana: may be trump should do have the puppy bowl.
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>> jeanine: how does eiko? >> greg: have time and he does a q&a. you don't know the puppy bowl? it's better than the super bowl. you know i'm right. up next, kamala rolling up her pants suit for a 2024 presidential campaign. of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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kamala, if you are watching, and we know you are, have you ever consider that maybe the problem is not us? voters were asked to rate their feelings toward harris, and it's brutal. only 28% felt good about kamala, and amazingly, 10% feel very positive. people love her. speak of the people who know my work are incredibly supportive. understanding that the work i do as vice president -- the foundation of that work is years and years of working on issues. i feel good about it. >> jeanine: harold, i've got to tell you -- >> harold: are you going with the black thing again? [laughter] >> jeanine: she says people are incredibly supportive -- "this is what i've done, people
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who know my work are incredibly supportive. don't -- -- what has she done? >> harold: i can take off those things. the economy is performing. jobs are down. she is part of this administration. i think i've said many times on the show that it would behoove the president and the vice presidents, probably the vice president a bit more because this has been part of her portfolio to get down to the border. if i were the president and vice president, i would give a lot of consideration to holding a press conference at the border in the next few days in the evening. and say "we are going to reverse the remaining mexico policy back to where it was before, the catch and release policy aunt" -- >> jeanine: she's not, so are you criticizing her for not? >> harold: i'm giving advice. can rightly my answer? >> and she is watching. [laughter] >> harold: and ask every
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american to ask the senator and congressman why they won't allow a vote to come to the house or the senate for the border security package. i can live with people voting, but it's hard to live with politicians telling the american people "we believe there should be no -- whether it's democrat or republican's. we have --" ballot access. i have said it. they should be on ballots. the same is true with congress: let the bill come to a vote. do not call it dead on arrival. let republicans and democrats go back to the voters antics point where they voted for or against a bill that will help make our border more secure. that's what i would be doing. >> dana: dana, the l8 -- >> jeanine: dana, the "l.a. times" says that this is -- >> dana: i thought the article was over-the-top and gross. it's never about look at this amazing thing she did. imagine if biden said "i want you on the hill every day -- as a former senator -- and i want you negotiating this bill." then it would happen. i understand she is talking about abortion, and maybe that
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works for them, but the reason that we talked about her initially on "the five," and she was watching -- we would try to give her really good advice. i thought i gave her excellent advice. it was totally ignored. the thing that she is getting prosecuted for now is something that happened when she was a prosecutor. prop 47 is possibly going to be repealed. it has an 89% approval for repeal. that bill basically allowed for the retail thefts, for example, and if they get enough signatures, that will be on the ballot this fall. that happen when she was ag of california. that was in that era. i'm not sure what the "l.a. times" thought they would write this piece, although it was interesting, for once it was not an inside d.c. publication. they have been hoodwinked too many times with that story and all these makeovers she's gone through. >> jeanine: jesse, she is
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talking about setting the stage for 2020. >> jesse: setting what stage? >> jeanine: presidential. >> jesse: overly? [laughter] very funny. if gavin -- not if gavin has anything to say about. judge, ever list you -- judge, ever wished you had not learned something? >> jeanine: no. >> jesse: i wish i had learned to watch. now i have some of humanity, i feel bad demonizing her. iooze humanity. >> greg: you ooze or lose it. i feel bad for demonizing her -- >> jesse: i feel bad for demonizing her. the way to heel anxiety is to confront your fears. she should sit between jesse and jeanine and experience it. that's the only way she can get through this. [laughter] >> harold: three days away. >> greg: she will be on your lap, harold. that's what we say. she watches "the five" because everybody watches "the five."
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we are essentially the "vanderpump rules" for people who were not dropped as chi children. i maintain that fox news is bravo for people who can change a tire. does that make sense? i understand the charm of this show. kamala watches "the five" for obvious reasons: she digs me. [laughter] men come to dana for their high school crush, right? viewers come to the judge for your no-nonsense perspective. everyone comes to harold for his persuasion. others come to jesse hoping he's dead. [laughter] the majority -- let's be honest -- they come from my animal magnetism, my unbridled masculine heat that emanates from every pore of my body. i don't blame her for watching. i want her to reach out and contact me. we can get together, i can help you. we all been well. >> greg: you ooze masculinity. >> greg: idea. >> dana: maybe she loves animals. >> greg: the best show to
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drink too, by the way. if she's not watching "the view." if it were in pill form, it would be banned for what it does to your brain. >> jeanine: and coming up. a liberal education fail in california. student scores plummet after spending hundreds of thousands on local kindergarten. -- on w oke kindergarten.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: students at a california elementary school are worse off. two years after their schools -- a court of a million dollars in federal funds, a woke kindergarten program. according to the sanford chronicle, the academic performance actually failed, after hiring --
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your honor, you saw me get a kick out of this. they were trying to confront white supremacy. some people say they spent a quarter of a million dollars. is that too much or too low, what is -- >> jeanine: the founder of this whole concept, which was to train teachers to confront white supremacy and racism in kindergarten, said that the ideal world is a world that is "free of the u.s. empire." that's when i said it makes sense. 88% of them are not at grade level english, okay? these are kids in california. 96% are not proficient in math at their grade level. they are talking about white supremacist, anti-police, anti-israel, anti-capital. >> jesse: son, what did you learn about in school today? crackers. saltines? no, george washington was a cracker. "did you learn how to spell anything in school?"
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yes, kkk." i would call the principal right now. >> harold: what if you learn how to spell cracker? [laughter] [laughter] >> jesse: they used to say last year they are not teaching crt in school. the fact-check is incorrect, they are teaching it in kindergarten, harold. >> dana: a lot of these crazy woke education stories make some people think conservatives sure are crazy, these conspiracy theories are crazy. this is in the san francisco "to chronicle," which is the paper of record for the area, and all of a sudden they are like "this is actually real." and it's important for parents to know. it's a crime that 96% cannot do math. how much did you say on reading? 80%. don't come to me with your free college nonsense until you can get kids reading this k-12. >> greg: this is a big issue. there is so much white supremacy in kindergarten. it is the invisible scorch.
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is white supremacy learning? is it math? is a grammar? what is white's primacy in school? their scores were terrible -- what is white supremacy in schools? their scores were terrible, they lower the scores more, but attendance went up. them or they went, the dumber they got. you think that would tell you something. [laughter] if you thought that high scores were vital in these core subjects, you would be wrong. that would be a huge failure. this is success in the prison of equity. in the prison of equity, success is a marker of white privilege. you can't use success or achievement as a metric. everybody must be the same, but that's impossible when individual differences exist. individual difference would mean a higher grade it, if everyone sucks, you achieve the goal of uniform outcome, which is equity. the trick -- or the problem with
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equity is that it looks at people's products. there has to be a fairness in these products. it is like a pie, we have to slice it in five different ways. individuals are not products. the potential for individual achievement is different and cannot be divided up equally. you can't have five -- you can have five opportunities for achievements. you can't have equal outcomes. this is what happens. they don't care. they are sacrificing the individual outcome as long as everybody is equally bad. that's why i said as a joke what is white supremacy? is it learning, math, reading? that's what they are saying. >> harold: hopefully they learn how to spell "supremacy." i had come a country's are luke combs shutting down critics after desh teaming up with a historical and wonderful performance.
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from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: country superstar luke combs and tracy chapman sticking it to the woke mob who stuck scott combs as a racist for the cover of "fast car."
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i will start with you, harold. [laughter] >> harold: we cover the story. >> jeanine: i was going to give you credit. >> harold: i will still let you do that. the universal language of music never ceases to amaze or disappoint. it inspires me every time. i thought it was the best part of the grammys last night. i think part of the criticism from before was that this was wrong for him to do this and it was going to be, it's not right to her. this is going to be right on every level for her. this is such a great song, she is a musician and artist and she will make a few bucks along the way. i was happy to see it last night night. >> jesse: you love this song, dana. >> dana: i always have. it's mostly white liberals who are complaining he was a racist, but the person who was never negative about it was tracy chapman. she loved that her song was
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popular for another generation to enjoy and i think -- >> jesse: jeanine, you look like you are chomping at the bit. >> jeanine: i wanted to give harold credit. when we talked about the liberals going crazy because luke combs decided to record this song, harold said it would be great if they sang it together, which was brilliant, and that's what they did, and it is what america needed. we need to bring, whether it's generations or colors or whatever, just bring a marriage, >> jesse: america needs to hear it from the person on "the five" with the worst taste in music, greg. >> greg: do you know how many people die from speeding cars? [laughter] 17,000 people died in vehicular accidents, mostly caused by speeding. to glorify it with a song? i mean, i guess you guys think it's funny. [laughter] you know what it is? it's a great reminder that everything in social media is not real. the conflict surrounding this was enjoyable to talk about, but it wasn't real. i doubt that conflict ever even reached tracy chapman.
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she doesn't seem like she was glued to x, facebook, tiktok, even cable news. when people live healthy lives outside of this world that we are in, none of this stuff bothers you. she probably thought "this sounds like a great edit." the controversy never got near her. >> is not the first song he learned how to play? >> that's true. >> assuring the audience he can live a healthy life watching cable news. please tell them. >> you can be healthy and watch "the five." "one more thing" next. customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need.
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jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> dana: time now for "one more. >> jesse: lachlan murdock, suzanne scott and fox news media president jay wallace traveled to israel last week to meet with the network's journalists who have been working tirelessly, since the start of the israel hamas war. they visited a border crossing
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near the gaza strip. met with idf officials and finally went to a c di kibbutz. lachlan said appreciated the opportunity to see firsthand the amazing job they are doing to cover the front lines. also incredibly moving to tour many soft areas suffered such devastation from the october 7th attacks. one idf soldier they visited with has a special message for "the five." >> this is a very special shout-out to greg gutfeld and "the five." we love you all very much. thank you for supporting israel. this is a blessing from the idf. please come and visit us any time. it is safe here. and when you come, you are always welcome to each and every home. shalom, shalom. love you. >> dana: that was beautiful. >> jesse: shalom. >> dana: bob beck width you might recognize him from this photograph. he was the firefighter who stood
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at george w. bush's side immediate aftermath bull horn movement. he 91 years old. died over the weekend. 30 years with the fdny and amazing human who brought inspiration to at love people we send our twoicious his family. also parrino on politics with anderson dropped today. greg? >> greg: so, kamala, what are you doing tonight? [laughter] do you know what is on at 10:00, my show. we can watch it together. you know where i live. mollie hemingway, rob long, kat timpf, tammaro think buoy. it will be great. you bring the shah below, i will britain the roses. >> dana: going to be great night. judge, do you have 10 seconds? >> judge jeanine: california man lays out his clothes the night before he goes work. combings out of the shower the next morning and puts them on. they keep disappearing at 6:00. stay tuned for mor


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