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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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you don't need to overpay for it. this it's like walking. we shop. you save. >> jimmy fallon got a new book. how would we knock out the game show spinoff called the wheel of cancer, the cancel culture dictionary and a to z guide to winning the war on fun with a collection of cancellations by the outrage over your copy now at fox news books .com. all right, time for our video of the day. a lot of people seem to think this would bring about world peace. take a look. >> remember when you were having a good time and i got any guys out there sat around a man and all right luke combsdr and tracy chapman. great song. great job. i'm shocked. thatll the gutfelde we have left. >> but now your heartbeat trouble. greg gutfeld, put a smile on youl put ace..
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you are so sweet. thank you. happy mondaymonday. and hello, kamala. so we heard a lot the wall whent trump was in office, but there's another wall whend t comes to the border issue, the one between reality and what the media will report.e and it's a wall 50 times harder to breach the one trump was building. but finally, it looks like that wale thl crumbling like a wicker chair under ana navarro. we've all seen the video. ckingw >> a dozen migrants attacking two cops in times square. the videtimeo seems to have brot through the media moat that protects the left and,ogres shown everyone what progressive policies on immigration reallyiv look like. >> and it's scarier thanjesse jesse watters without his and makeup.
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>> yeah. foppr thosort lae who support ld enforcement, the images have become like the famous rodney king vide o. but in reverse. and it's hard for us to all justalong whe se get when w the people we gave food, shelter and cash, then bea bt up our protectors. and now the media and dems act like they suddenly gee, i wonder if it has thi anything to do with this whole electionection year. i guess you can't turn the country blue when you're turning citizensin black and blue. >> and so here in new york, progressives are sweating like aoc, trying to make change for a corner chang. take manhattan d.a. alvin bragg ,soros hand puppet. it was bragg who decided not to even ask bail for the attackers who predictably fled new york upon their release. it's the biggest mess al's made since someone handed him a sloppyes al' since joe in a vg chair last week, al gave a hasty press conference trying >> ilean up his latest mesavs in manhattan. >> do not tolerate or acceptint
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assaults on police officers. >> i watched the tape this week. despicable behavior. it's taken me and outragedme. and sickened and outraged, , th but not enough to do anything about it. the incompetenent t. >> now, this is the same bragg who said in his first day in office that the office will seek dispositions di immigration c consequences. that was the cause. and now this is the effect.d ef cause and effect, al. just likfect al,e cronuts, are g your waistline into the equator . >> is it me or is declaring on day one that illegals have ae get out of jail free card? not exactly a recipe for a successful prosecutor, and yet they can't stop creatingt exactl more incentive. take new york city'se more new y million program to give prepaid credit cards to migrant families. lid money hande to so-called asylum seekers. apparently the pre-loaded cardps
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only good at grocery stores. and migrants must sign an affidavit swearing. ea they'll only spend it on food and baby supplies. affidavi only yeah. and they also promised to ease up on the assault. then there's new york mayor eric adams, who rode into office on the promise of restoring law and order. one vegan school lunch at a timeadam. could adams could rescind the city's sanctuary status, thereby allowing cops to cooperate with ice. you remember ice? cooperat, who the dems deemed tv villain on earth for doing the job? the dems now sille and oo despe need to be done. but adams, who previouslw y the migrant crisis would destroy new york. gee, thanks, miss cleo has apparently vanished into witness protectionentl. it >> could it be that visit he got from the fbi who took his phones in and ou t they're investigating him? i guess nothing brings on an appreciationigatin. biden's policy genius like a looming federal indictment. lik speaking of migration, there's new york governor kathy hochul ,whose use of a turkey baster to inject botox has her eyebrows t migrating
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to canada in the wake of the vio video outrage. >> hochul is now saying that deportation is, quote, worth checking intquo yet.ust wh guess what? new york needs a bold leader who's not afraid to eventually look into things, but only afte after a 2 p.m. deep tissue massage. nois, by the way, is the same hochul who has not only abetted the criminal justice reforms that allowed the migrants release, but signed a law that itrime a crime to even threaten to get someone deported. >>o it's the only thing that keeps me from getting a cat sent back to detroit fro. >> hochul also rescindls the executive order that bans new york state officials from cooperate with ice, and she could fire alvin bragg for little thinglittles like not dol his job. but that'll be a cold day in . maybe that's why our face is frozen. finally, there's joe. let's forget the the roughly
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90 trump era border border initiatives he revoked when taking office. we know joe certainly has. he forgets to remove his suit before entering his walk in showehis r. ower. >> right now, without congress, biden could sign an executive ordet congre bidenr that bringsi in mexico the simplest, most effective southern border policyn in we've had.icy we or he could invoke this measure right from his government websit e and refer specifically to the venezuelan migrants. quote dhr ically ts also decide to terminate your parole at its discretion for other reasons par as violating any laws of the u.s. if you stay in the u.s.he after your parole expires, officials who encounter you may refer you to ice for immigration proceedings. in other words, joe bidegration, his discretion could simply order these defendants ejected like a grandchild at a biden family reunion. i know, but won't because
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venezuela won't take him back. and anything that resembles common sense makes him agree with the big evil orange meanie atop agr of this.e gr >> huge groups of illegals from china were recently seen pouring into the southern border on "60 minutes". whsteady stream right through a gap in the fence. who could have seen that coming ? hmm. and so now senate demsdems are cooperatin g republicans on an immigration deal. it even includes building that immoral eve wall we keep hearing so much about. sure, they want to make itimmorn of papier maché and cotton candy, but at least it's a start. >> suddenld buy, the dems soundt a lot like you know who. it's same old democrat specialty. push a policy that feels good but doe specials bad. then when it causes predictable intos, turn republicans to try to clean it up. rinse and repeat. to clthey're chaos junkies addd to dumjunkieb joe chuck and nan how about a dose of common sense for oncese o and when
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the country really needs it? not when you're scared of being thrown out on your. >> let tonight's get. he's smart, funny, and charming . but enough about the guest who dropped out. here's fox news contributo >> g tom. ha ha ha ha. her her commentary gives liberals dysentery. editor in chief of the federalist. molly wher thee he recently grad the cover of white hobo magazinerecently. tv writer and producer rob la pu and terroristsce put her on their watch list at new york times best selling author and fox news list, york guide h always a pleasure having you on the program. yeah. yeahu go..
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>> there you go. very cheery monologue right there. i know, i know know.but it's buh that this guy says he couldn't arrest those people because he wasn't sure who they were. why not just take them all iy nt their a gang and then figure it out? yeah. whd i mean, the mayo, and the rw they're giving the free money, which is probably better spent if you hand it directlpentif yom than handing it to these non-governmental organizations and everybody. e just the amount of waste you can see just walking from here over to grand centralng , they have migrants coming out of the hotels right now. right. , anand then this border bill, which you got republicans that are preaching to me, i mean, uh, what's his name. om >> dan crenshaw. yeah, he's dan splaining. me. oh, got to read the bill.. you got to read the bill. it's in the details. i'm not goint gointog read the . no, i don't trust the bill. there's already laws, th o on the border. it' who needs another bill? it's already against the law to come into our countryady agan and they're not enforcing that. so i don't need somebody explaining that to m e. , fi and i have looked at the bill. 5000 people a day. that's liknd peoplday.e if you p
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shoplifting. >> mm. shand then you're like, okay, let's build a shippingd and receiving just ford the shoplifters and they can steal 5000 a day.we're and after that we're going to shut down the shipping and receivingo g, and say, you got to go round the front and you got to steal the old fashioned waned waw,y. you know, that is a great analogy. it i[cheers and applt. th thi hat the problem with this is i'm not even sure what you're saying is correct, because i haven't read it. i'm not sure t su it's 5000 a day,y prob but it's not my problem nolet to know that.? right.ead th i didn't read the bill. yelly, i don't know how. >> anyone could even get these . put it outjackasses pu, and they it must be passed immediately. y anand it's on you. it's on you for not reading it.s and that just me off.not pl because to tom's point, you know, i'm not playinay gamg. i'm not going to, like, ingest this bloated monstrosity because i don't trust you at all. anyway, what do you say? it jus likt like babbled.
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>> they negotiated this bill in secret for months. they wouldn't anyone know what was going on. then they release it under dar k of night and they say you haves, to pass it immediately. the problem was, senator mcconnel senat l and senator fundi schumer, what they really want is funding for ukraine. they saiukraine.>> gred they wis to care about the border. if you give us what we really bunt and the most of the moneyto in this bill, in fact, goes to ukraine. right. but they forgot that they were supposed forgothey werosed to t to care about border security. and instead it is it jusdet codifies all these things that were there already against the law. sore alragains they're expandinn possible in terms of breaking our laws t to cross intoolitic the country. and it is a joke. i mean, i've been in politics for a long i've seen a lothing i have never seen anything as offensive as what tryingbill. to do with this sham border bill. >> wow. that's a high bar. aw i've seen a lot of offensive things. i just saw some the senate the other week. >> well, my god. yeah. oh, by the , theyever c. they never catch you, rob. you know, weirdly, they did catch me. yeah.
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me, thank you for posting the video. yo hey, congratulations on your fox nation specialur. >> thank you.>> gre yes, it's -- it's called r it's calleob: itd history the wr in six glasses. it starts a very, very funny people hosted by jim belushi and the great dan aykroyd. lots of fun. fox nation, all yo lots ofu got to do is sign up for fox nation for the rest of your life, and you can watch itx the. g: i so also enjoy the holiday hobo. looko enjo that you're doing.yo. thank you. well, i could. ewgrew it because i was >> gccupied reading the bill, which i read. >> doesn't it botheroesn't i hor process works? well, but here's what i do think about. .one thing bothers me is theitsf bill itself that if 5000 people in that is going to trigger the trouble, thing at but 5000 is fine. so that means that everything in the borde r is so messed up, that there are people who think, wel like000 is about as good as we're going to get like that. that's considerehat's coeredd ar people who which has been b anbananas.
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>> so americans are thinking, well, 5000 seems like a lot like actually, it's not a lot. actualt's like it is 50,00u so you're welcome. yeah, exactl'rwelcy. the second thing is like, what if you're a family in new york cita familyyork cy and yout of like, struggling a little? what you should doyou shou is yu should go to mexico and sneak ny in the border, come back to new york, where they'll pue t you in thhotel and give you money right. why would you not do that? why would that why would whyat. woulxactly.liesd, you know, famc a little bit who are struggling financially? >> greg: tha holiday vacation right there, kids. we're going to go to mexico and then we're to come>> rob: . going to stay in a hotel a in times square. all right. anotheotel r tourist attraction in the world. and we're going to and we're going to get a free little >> rob: gift wee card every whatever, every week from the mayor. it's -- it's kind of great. i don't know why more americans are doing that. you're right. because, you knoeaw why we'reth. americans, rob, and we don't game this system because right n >> um. i don't know all the slowdown and slow down, tiger. yeah, we dyeah wo.
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but you ride the rails like you do. well, we'll ride the rails, right? i make little mark ride ras. ars nice lady makes pies, you know, like that. but marks no, we do do all that. but that's because we're americans and that'se we're the privilege of being an american. yeah. like, if you're not american, you look. y, you can either have a generous welfare state or you can have open bordera ges, but you can't have both. that is true. cat has said that many times. e kasaidcat and i would quote yn it, but why bother? >> because you're right here. yeah, you're rightt bu here.e >> you know what it feels like? it does feel like two things. one, w e are watching voteso th on reparations, but we're just this a reparation forrepara people who don't even live here. right. forand number two, what rob talking about is gaming the system. any time the democrats create something, they never think about ho thew a system can be gamed. >> more incentive is goverw n right? so if there's an incentiveev to come hereeryt, wouldn't people come here? yeah. and to pretend liktoe doesn't exist, that's just absolutely absurd. >> i mean, if you can say, okao
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don't come here, but if you do, we're going to giv youe you mony and a place to stay, then that's the first part. doesn't matter. stayit's like, do you ever have friend who's always going on and on and on to you likean? oh, my ex won't leave me alone. like he's texting me all the time. you only know alone i got is so annoying. >> but she leaves out the fact every time she gets drunk, she's sleeping with him. mm. >> there's incentives for him to do it. so factr what she's saying doest matter. yeah. that's a great, a great analogiy .ma yeah. and the thing is, you know, we >> k but the dentives,tter. disincentives aren't there. meaning that if you just send somebody back that's just likea playing a game of pinball, you just play another game. so they come back and they comfe back over again, you send it back, then you need to put them in a worse positioback.n. n th they were if they hadn't broken the law. so maybe w hadne do send them to anchorage, you know. you know what i mean? oro chorage, and you then you po the dealers. you send the felons to their block. >> i mean, you have to create a disincentiveblock. behavior.e. the people who are most m surprised by this are probably the migrants. yeahos
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. ns >> you explain to them what's happening. they must think themselves. wait a minute. this is too thismust think is i being punked here. yeah, this can't be true. any free stuffn't be tright.? no, this can't be true. because the countries they come from don't offer any those. yeah robuse the com exactly. te well said, hobo man.. thank you.ey up next, nikki haley in ach i sketch is guaranteed to make you wretch if you'll be in the new york area, like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and clicndk on the link to join our studio audience. fixed what's my sci fi story? i'm a photographer. i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving r, see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed, right? ♪ a of glass. their experts replaced coc rock mby windshield and recy sompair, . felite rt is the one i trus. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view.
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fast. absolutely free. that's our air n. >> two, 321, three, two, one.itc it's cominomg your way. o hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. thank you.nk thank you.a swin snl let's nicky take a swingys h while trump says he looks like
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the king. today's video of the day comes to us from nikki haley, who upsh on saturday night live. and she fit right in by nototer being. she played the role of a concerned south carolina voter in the opening ski peningestionint questioning sho a fake donald trump in a town hall. and she showed all the charisma of, a £5 bag of all purpose flour. roll it, frag ofn. estion >> my question is, why don't you debate nikki haleyy won'? ' oh, my god, it's her. the woman who was in charge of security on january six. it's nancy pelostyi. yo are you doing okay, donald? you might need a mental confidence to cast a menta. >> you know what i did? i took the test and i said, okay, perfect score. they said, p d i'm 100% mental.mental >> you spent $50 million in your own legal feesnt. do you need to borrowme some money? oh, nikki, don't do this. nikkoney. i nikki haley joel oso we got the sixth sense. remember that when i see deae d people? yeah, that's what voters will say. ba they see you and joe on the ballot. i don't know. the only dead people we sellot.e
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are the writers for this show not to be overshadowed. trump on instagram to point outn similar. he looks to thstagrae king ofe g rock and roll. >> take a look. you go see it it's uncanny. so maybe elvis didn't die, justt died himself orange and went into real estate h. nt meanwhile, joe says he's not going to participate in the traditional super bowl halftime interview. drewarticipate, it's the first e the nfl said a president had too much head trauma. what is joe, think if that's indeed possible? in. no, no, no i di, look, i want to do it. i didn't want to do fox year.cb. >> all those guys are softies. scott pelleyose gu o'donnell i'o both of them. i'll scratch pele's from smelling o'donnell's hair. they liki'm sme my but as my st they don't want me doing. i'm they think i'm going to say the wrong thing. i'm good. n if i losepla
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my train of thought, i just whisper. tell if that fails, i just tellonim one of my famous stories. >> yeah, like the time i wasg in working an all black polishin te restaurant in the puerto rican section of koreatown. and i took out korean popular i pierogi. t that marley, the fact that he's not d doing the super bowl interview says a lot. it's like a three minute interview. i mean, i think most of the questions are like, who are you rooting? r are >> what are you eating? it's a three minute interviewlas with one of the largest audiences in the world, like i b ,such a gift to a politician to be able to do that. any other questions? t e are in no way going to be difficult. and i think the team, the biden bi knows that he is so unpopular that just seeing him p thtually botherseo. there was a poll that came outh this weekend showing that he's justhe smoked in every demographic category versus, its trump. yeah, it's funny. it's like i think they really worry. ike ink rob that if he could juy
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one thing and it's over. yeah, yeah. this is a high wire act for election. finitely >> yeah sure city for they knowo when to sleep they probably eitherg can't definitely his no one's sleeping well but can we just take a momentt ta we have m here. >> yeah. do you like appreciateik wor what tom? the work that tom's doing,k being all right. enbiden. >> you know what is? okay, what i have to say, honestlye , never been much of a fan, but this is just good stuff. >> you know, it's what is weird about the that tom's impression and that was going to get to that. but no was w we've jumped over there. all right. i guess we should call it the rob lang show anyway. tonig ah, hobo. >>e expectin rg you to you k say anything nice. >> oh, i had a jump in. no, but you know what it is?w wo it's like that tom like, estimated how joe would be.e oh, and he started, like, degrading it. tom starte tomd himself, and th,
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like, joe started catching up in the degradation. yeah, it was weird. it was all of a sudden, there were times when i wasion. watching joe biden, likeei on twitterrd or something, and go, that's tom. yeah, i thought it was tom. to. >> you think, oh, tom, it's a little. that's a little too on the nose. yes, that'little too os a littlh dementia. >> yeah. dan, that's actually joe biden. yettle toos, i knew it. >> i'm joe adonis. dou're good. i care about joe. doou t you? >> what did you do you think t nikki should have done snl? i think no. should do any comedy show ever. they're never funny. they always look weird. yeah. and they always looked liky alwf that great steve buscemi thing. >> hello, fellow kids. you know, they alwayyou s like bob hope in a hippie wig. it never works. yeah, exactly. trigy to be cool. cat trump in elvis. >> that was a stroke of genius. is thake ot you know what i love about that when you what i love about that is that trump is
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could be incredibly silly at any moment. t' li just like take the out of everything and then it's just likehuh,, oh, that's>t uncle trump. well, i've seen it be reported:n a lot like it in the true sense, have reported on. think >> yes, yes. trump thinks he's out. and i'm like, oh, she knows. but going back to the snl thing quickly, thil thins that likeot everybody knows she's not going to win because win they wouldn'e have her on there and be niceha to her like that if they thought that she had any chance of being the nomination or ottin the nomination. because if she does, then they're going to apologize for like normalizingg to h haley or whatever, because they,i you knowhale, number one, wer what people were thinking maybe ron desantis was going to be the nomineinking m e mean years ago.year >> and i never did. by the ways so people were lik, oh, it's he may be worse than trump. so the fact they're treating her so nicely means that they don't see her as any threat to him. i think it als treatio shows that they that nikki haley's only job here is to tea.
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r down trump. and snl also wants to tear down trump. yeah. so the problem tr is she's pretending to run for the republican nomination, and that's not going to geticann her past. no, it's not. you know, tom, i just came up with a great ideomn far.a. n you should do it in the halftime of the super bowl. do live on two x, a threedo l minute interview. >> gght have to do it if we can get tyler fisher together. >> do trump and you guys can dot it together. but that's a lot of work. and i'm lazyog sunday and well, we'll see what we can do. greg yesdo, yes, yes. >> care to comment on a nikkiy haley beat? donald trump see, there was something else in there. >> yeah. okay. nikki haley not funn aley noty. not at all. not a surprise. all this. yeah. the brilliant thing about trum o with meme is i don't even think he looks like elvis. >> he just wants people talkin that's side by side. it's like, does he look likeby elvis or is that half elvis? elv half trump?ha you know, what is it? but thenlf. biden weighed in on it. >> this is what's so funny. yes, he weighed in o
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n what is trump's strength, which is this kind of weird meme . eve and it makes you think because then everyone's talking, whoa, does trump look likeg whatever? and then the next thing you think of is, well, wait a minute, what does biden look d then tt thin like? and i'm thinking, like, if anything, it's that, you know,it the the skull with hair on it in the iron maiden. >> yeah. like, yeah, i couldn't think of anything else that resembled that show for you. >> that character has a name. e the iron maiden is on every cover. he's got a name and i hate that. i can't remember it. jeff, joeyi ha, joey, it's joey. i take my audience's on that.die all right, we gos t to move on. we're just calling out name eddie. ait's eddie? eddie oh, they act like they know now. oh, it's eddie, they act. there you go. all right. ups have the tools to save our schools this
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oh man we don't deserve him swear swear must do vacation elevating education but if we give him a shot maybe schools won't rot it's tru muse is settg out to save yet another failingc american institution? t >> no, not that. that's a lost cause. this our education system. i know. i didn't know weei still had s one either. back in 2021, musk suggested startinguggested a new universit called the texas institute of technolog y science, which is a great idea. finally, is school not obsesse d with identity drag queen, story hour and tampon machines for men's bathroom is something the devoted to the hard stuff that's responsible for civilizationstuf like engineerig life and physical sciences, computer sciencesciences, and, yesterday, he pushed the idea again, tweeting, shoultweed i me the texas institute of technology in science real. real?
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and then he adds, it would, of course, have advanced social studie toos. instit >> so there you have it.ut the texas institute of, technology and science and advanced social studies and . nice, nice. and we thought only cared about neural implants, aerospace rocketnts,s and robot it's amazing. the world's richest man possesses the mentalit wy of bat simpson. >> now, despite the rumors in those movies i madee in germanyresume back in the 19m >> i aoviem not a homosexual, a but guy. >> he gets mm e. >> he's creating a bold new academic universe. but marrying it to and .s an i think i'm in love. now this comes after it was
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announced last decembergh that ellen donated nearly $100n million to help launch a series of new schools. ully n >> austin. and thankfully, there's no mention of starting st of stupidonalo students. >> yonkers. there's not a lot of whys, not a lot of wise. sorry, yonkers . i love yonkers. tioniz >> so elan could revolutionize the education system the same wae y revolutionized the electr car industry, the spacecraft industry, and roboticson. i think i speak for all americans when i say, elon, we can't waii spr evert. e yo >> see your and .ur and if he's looking, build an international faculty. >> there's one educator who comes to min lood. >> rob, you have to join me. , in in his or that we have the world's richest man itg
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is hard wired and it is hardwired into us like yeahr, what? i read it. i thought, oh, that's a great idea. i got an oh, comi was e on. and then i then because it was so i thought, well, you know, outr. n ot to be inclusive and in that, you know, institute does have to be ath department of internationaitutil cooperative knowledge. and then i came up with naa bun of other ones, and then i finally said and also the, you know, the institut ande for big nut bins for all the sortfo of the transgender people in the middle. >> right. he's going to be super inclusive he e. uturer and now i'm doing it for i 5 minutes. like the guy, he's lik and e, g: h figured me out. yeah, he has and like, he hasths enough money to build thesewith schools with those acronyms, he will stick to it. >> you know he will. yeah h. and also, i mean, you have to say, please do buil bd that.. it'shat we do need that. yeah, we do need that. okay. >> it's like it is like bart53 i simpson with $53 billion. exactly. kat, would you send your kids
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to and . well, first i need to have kids. haveit was a hypothetical. onah, well, the first thing i did was click on the tweet and see what time he tweeted this thing and the and . a 3:he tweeted at 3 a.m. central, 4 p.m. eastern on a sunday morning. yeahntra. time and then the first time it wasjt just tweeted, it was 1:30 eastern on a sunday morning as well. sosunday this needs to be sometg he only considers on the weekendonsiders, you kno a little weekend project. wed i'm sure. that's why. but he's going to build these schools. i mean, he's got the moneye sch, but it also kind of speaks to that weiro d. clas well, it's a secretive, elite class. they always start with the acronys.lways starm with th organizations and then they work backward. you knowd then t, he is really d class troller, though, because when he tweeted this, he wass li texas institute of technology and science and legitimateke tes people, famous people were weighing in and they were sciesg, shouldn't it be texa
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institute of science and technology? >> it was like, nope, technology has to comed first. and they're like, but the science precedes the does it not? >> he's like technology first. >> by the way, i live in yonkers, greg. i know you do, but i you know, i have good there's there's noe ar academic term that begins with the letter y i checked. yeah, believe me, i did my research. i k he's going min to do this? >> sure. yeah. sni think like one of the, you know, he's made so much money throughout his life and even on just merchandise alone, it would work like on. yone wants >> ew. sweatshirt, right? yes. yeah, i'm going to stop. he's going to be like the newsws dean is richard herthiz, right? oh, man.aman apartment share, amanda, hug and kiss. yedas, exactly right, seema. but yeah, exactly. i this so much and i knowi love he's going to do it.
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i mean, i remember whe td n he t he talked about buying twitter, he tweeted, hey, should i buy twitter? what do you guys thinked? and everybody thought he wasn't he wasn't serious. and then he does iand evne thoug >> yep. and he did it knowing he was going to lose a ton of money. he didoia to it anyway. and that's i think what he you know also like can you imagine like people would wante t to be on the marching band. >> yes, exactly. just a fill it out, spell it out of field. fav i got to move on hot favorite topic coming up. kamala gets when she's constantly dissed of a guy who lost the bet and my dignity. ha wasn't punishment enough. what areha you looking at, huh? an it's a one speedd ray car service. odds are you get paid for that yourself to get all stateyt
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well, mrs. harris, if you can't stand the heat, get intostanhen kitchen. >> am is. that's according to a former staffer who told axios she could be driven distractionrenty and apparently for calm. that's a very short driv fe. he and you can blame her, right? i mean, look at this. dot . s come on. she's only human. mostlyuman i'd sleep with that y every chance i get. ery chanand i do. i so my co-host and i got into her head. luckilo y there's enough space in there for all of us. bus her cosmowhat'us is so ditzy she doesn't evenitsy know her job is supposed to be overseeing the border. kill people. and cigarettes are more popula . >> kamala harris. she is high as ia am. drink shaming. i'm just saying. well, i'm trying to give her an tryio give no senseat made sense. >> i think the media can market anything except kamala. . t anyt >>hi greg, explain the budgetal like kamala would have. the budgeta is everything.
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it's not just some things, but it's everythin.g togetherrew now. thanank you.k you. g says something that she'd ratherthat watch a fox show that boxer than anything on cnn or msnbc. and they blow smoke up her like a dwarf with a cigar. s to take, kamala ha some of the blame. mate she provides more material than the suppliers to lane bryantri. >> so one little show on fox drives kamala crazier than she already is, and she's s mad saying she won't rest until she finds ou t the show airsw ai and exactly how many people host itrs and. kat, what do you make of this? >> this is kind of like doomscrolling in a way, or like somebody who readskind o tweets that are critical of them. yeahads th no, because it cane y
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get into your head. yeah. so i try really hard not to do it because people are so mean. >> yeah. you know what i mean? it's always likeople are, alway. like they're always, like, holding their grandkid in the picture. like holding, oh, talk to your grandkid, you evil. right? seriously? like, do bla yeah,h. yeah. so that's why i try really hard not to look at it, cause it's about, you know, it's whateve, r. but this is funny because it's either two things, it's, r and a former aide said that a said this, right? anonymous. so eitheidr this is true or it's not true. >> and the aide made it upue because this person thought this would be the most embarrassing thing to admit. would be that you get to yes, exactly thing. econd >> either way, it's pretty funny. what's the second thing? either it's true o tom: eithersa listen to me when i talk. i was listeninlkg. got. i can get this at home, tom. tom >> are you impressed, jill?help
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>> maybe it helps her. what? you know what i was going to say? ing i was a little bit impressei that she watches it, because obviously she can take it if she seesmp watchuse obvi peoplen of her all the time. and it's more i would be more interested in people who werei l talking bad about me than msnbc or something like that. and this goes to my theory that i know that fox is always ahead in the ratings, but ii think that they undercount the ratings because i thinkuse there is a lot of people out there who are watching fox peopt and weho admit ie a lot don't even know how big the audience is. >> yeah, that's true. g thbut yeah, i think it's very interesting. and i think she wants to overcomk intereste. 's that's why she doesn't stop like she is. has been in national stop. joke since the beginning and she rambles on and then it's gotten worse. on,she rambles longer now and e makes less sense because i thinssk sees and she's like, wait a minute, i'm really cool. i'm going to go out there and i'm going to do this and dii >> i can overcome this. and she can't. yeah. so she's going to just kee't. p it jus up. >> that's digging a hole deeper and deeper. molly, what dog that you think?o
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>> so i actually think shellie might just enjoy the show. so i watch it when i'm getting ready for special report and not. i don' think. t want you to get a big head about it, but it's like a really funny, good show. there's a reason why a so many people are watching it, so it could just be that. peoplher thing is nobod y, elsebout is talking about her, because the way that left wing media handles the fact that she has be been a failure on every single issue and that she's an embarrassment if they don't talk about her. >> so at least on your show, so. sionally, she gets tough >> yeah, she here is her and, you know, and everyone knows her name, . >> robb. does that ring a bell from cheers? sadly, it does, yeins. . >> yeah, she would be a great sitcom character. but she has been. is tedoes.he would baxter. yeah. i, i, you know, i don't watch your show. >> i'm too busy reading the congressional immigration bills. .i hat rei want to get all the s right, but it's not a 5 p.m.,. right? yes. it's not much of a workday for someon it'se. exactly. clocks out of five. what is it liko e? is what she's doing just
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a union eight and that's it. like i'm done no it,w. m i'm on break. i'm going to watch tv. like, that seems kind of unusual, right?g why is she doing it? and the second thing i would say is i couldn't agree that she'sy shwatching watching, but it's apparently making her anxious because you guys are talkinma becauseguys areg ah a disaster would be if she was president. mm-hmm. and that makes me anxious ent ans. w >> yeah. so now she knows how we feel.e i think she's watching itk because of me. >> oh, possible. greg: i think that's why everybody watches. i, i and i think that i. >> i think you pay a lote of people to tell you that. yes, exactlyto tu that's how is supposed to be. all right. up next, to avoid mental lows, stopbe your nose if you'll be in the new york area with, like, tickets to see gutfeld, go to >> slash and click on the link w to join our studio audience. >> psoriasis all over. i couldn't get my hair done then. psoriatic arthritis. consensus works on bothat loo
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>> i know, right? yeah. you see that? a story. five words, five >> nose pickinseg leads, dementia. tom, this scares the of me.ienc >> scientific data showsa show people who frequently pick hig their noses are at a higher risk of developing alzheimer's . if that were the case, i would had at.en diagnosecase i
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>> but i know, and i thinkand i don't know whyi the nose is sacred. >> i see people sticking their fingers in their ears all the timeseg finger when they're giving speeches. you know, i see people sticking their fingers in their mouth givs, but you can't go near that nose right as you know i privileged. >> well, i don't pick my nose. g but as you know, greg,re i do rinse out my nasal passage. >> saltwater iodine mixture. >> he does that does you area a psychopath. molly, is this some kind of weird strateg y by femaley fe scientists to get men to stop picking? that is literally exactly what ima scient thought when i was like,i there's no way they've actually analyze this. there's no way they would knowoa who was picking their nose and who wasn't. but it does seems picking be oy of those not that any science is really being done with rigor right now. if they wanted guys to pick stopping their nose, they said that they're ten times more likely to suffee r from micro. then they really would stosu fr >> i heard it would be great if they published a study that says that picking say your nose increases your risk of alzheimer's disease. but the buggers reduces
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your risk of alzheimer's diseas be. i would freak people out. why? at why do you do that to yourself b ? everything and everything. and you did some that it what you did but you didn't reallyy read read study because the study also says that if you get somebody else to pick your nose, they get your alzheimer's els interest and kat we don't really pick their noses. >> do they? you know, what's one of the best things that ever happened to me? e ofg happenetomy whole entire life : in 2017. i was on a train wha. i saw the most beautiful woman in the whole world. i saw her pick her nosoman the >> really? her and then i saw her see me see h her do it. er dand she was like. >> she was so embarrassed. wow. she has no memory of thao t nop >> no, not me. i'll never forget it. that because usually i thinku ge that if you are in public
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picking your nose, you generally don'care t about e rules of society. so you might not care about this. you're note studies. e been >> probably it's this mights have been a misfire. o wa i'd say it's just there's noth way to think that the theoryshin is that you're pushing my microbes up into your brain y . >> you know who needs to study this more? the texas institut me of i think t joe biden was like great. now you tell mele, is alzheimers cured by ? a all right. don'lzcured byt go away. we'll be right back. your whole doll ball. you know, i did. that can help sell my house once. it smells like that. yeah. this is a beer made by the monks greeks. once they discovered it,
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they turn it into a ceremony. the original cocktail. it was a rock. they gave it to greg to, like, re-energized coffee runs, business discussion about philosophy. we had the best soda. it was like a throwback, i thought. yeah, i tell you what, this is very manly. >> i want to dance. oh, charlatans, let's drink our faces. and by the way, he does take tips at. the end. i never take two lumps before dinner. >> it ruins the appetite they have. do you always feel like chariot people? >> can i give you some feedback as a bartender? you . spiratio what's my sci fi story? i'm a photographer, and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glasses. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed, right?re i scheduled to say flight ouafet breath their experts replaced by windshielic ♪ d and recalibrae d and recalibrae my car's advanced safety systety m
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goldmine. da at 800 798 6200 or visitis green coventry direct accounts. >> it ain't my dad's razor. got a watch. it's from gillette lab the fivss green barber, these trapped hairs for my face. game changer. is gils contourshe major to it. so the five blades can y hair in one stroke for the ultimate gillette shaving experience, the best it caand weakn get.senv >> gillette labs.he with majority of my patients with sensitivity. with sensitivity. i sealth ee with sensitivity. i sealth of recommending things that i know work. >> greg: we are out of time thanks to tom shillue mollie thanks. i love you, america. ♪ >> laura: good evening,


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