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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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opponent before the coming election. so they do need to rush and they have been having courts that haven't really gone along with that yet. so it will be interesting to see if other courts. >> bret: if you look at that calendar it does tell a story. quickly. >> more than likely a trial now before the election. and, you know, negative testimony and possibly a conviction don't help donald trump. >> bret: panel, thanks for rolling with the punches tonight. a little breaking news. ukraine funding on the line. talk to three ukrainian teens taken captive by russian soldiers. remember if you can't catch us live 3:00 p.m. in the west and . here is laura. >> i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks so much for being with us. my angle in moments. first, just moments ago, the house defeated efforts to impeach dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. he survived by a razor thin margin after four republicans
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voted no. now, let's go live to capitol hill where fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has all the details. now, chad, we heard yelling. then we heard cheers from the floor. what can you tell us? >> well, democrats were yelling at the republicans to close the vote. because they were prevailing in this, obviously democrats did not want to impeach alejandro mayorkas, so they were winning, they kept yelling regular order. shut off the vote. and so here's what happened at the end. as you say there were four republicans who voted no. but i want to point out that that's with a caveat. here are the four who voted no and i will explain why this is very important. mike gallagher republican of wisconsin. ttom mcclintock. ken buck republican of colorado. the vice chair of the republican conference blakemore. now, at the end of the vote he switched his vote so this lost. 216 to 214. it was 215 to 215. by rule, a tie vote loses in the
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house of representatives. so why did blakemore, who wanted to obviously impeach alejandro mayorkas, switch his vote to no? did he have a change of heart? no. because republicans want to call this back up some time in the future. probably not tonight but some time down the road. they know at some point they are going to get steve scalise, the majority leader back. he has been out for cancer treatments. and there is a special election on long island next week. if republicans win that seat, they might have the votes to impeach. but, still, this was a major defeat tonight. they made a big promise. and this was frankly kind of embarrassing, especially after republicans made all of this noise about alejandro mayorkas and as i always say it comes down to the math and they lacked the votes, laura. >> laura: yeah, do you have the votes? they didn't have the votes. chad, thank you so much. joining me now is arizona congressman andy bigs. he was one of the impeachment managers. now, congressman, you know what i think of alejandro mayorkas, right? i have been hammering him since
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january of 2021 explain to the viewers what the point of doing this given the razor thin numbers you had. especially because the real -- isn't the real culprit joe biden not mayorkas who is just the hired help? >> well, laura, two things about that. we can say joe biden should be impeached and maybe that's where we should go. i can tell you this alejandro mayorkas, as early as 2021 issued a memorandum where he iterated what his proposals were for the border and those were basically to open the border, disobey title 8 of the law where he was going to then change how you did everything from remove people, he was not going to allow him to remove people. he was not following the law. so, impeachment was designed literally since 1450, the year 1450 was to remove somebody from
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office who is going to do irreparable harm or potential damage to the community or the state. and that's what alejandro mayorkas was -- is doing. he is continuing to do it. and that's why we felt -- i feel like it's our duty to actually try to remove this guy because i think he is a danger and what he is doing is causing irreparable harm and, thus, our duty is to go forward. and if you are not successful, then that's not okay. i mean, i would rather be successful. but you have to fight the fight or else there's no point in you being here trying to do what's right. >> laura: let's say he had been impeached, and you actually had a republican senate. and you could remove him and convict him and remove him from office. would you think that biden would put in someone that you and i would like in that position? wouldn't it be like a game of back a monthly? we have the next alejandro mayorkas? >> everything with this administration is like whack-a-mole, for sure.
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and, yeah, they could appoint somebody else and nominate them. buff the senate then could not accept that confirmation. you get somebody who is temporary there. part of the impeachment process is to hold people accountable. and alejandro mayorkas needs to be held accountable. now, on your other point though. i do believe one of our strongest checks against an executive who has gone bad, which i think this administration has, particularly on this issue, is to use the checkbook so i have been arguing literally for several years to reduce the funding for many of this administration's programs. >> laura: yeah. >> until they actually enforce the border. so i i do think impeachment is necessary and required. it's our duty. i also think there is other ways to get at this cat as well. one of those is to actually say no more money for -- i don't know, how about the fbi new headquarters? how about the ira green new deal stuff. let's stop funding that stuff until we can get confirmation
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that they are going to enforce the border. >> laura: if a phone call was w. zelenskyy was an impeachable offense, what biden has done to the u.s. border and to our country causing death and destruction should be an impeachable offense. i think biden is impeachable here. congressman, thank you so much for joining us. all right. wake up call or wake. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ now when the border bill fiasco started unraveling i started to think how the g.o.p. leadership could so wildly misread their own party on an issue as important as this. i mean, do they ever listen to their own constituents? they ever read anything about what the constituents believe? any polls? don't they see that everyone is fed up with double speak on the border? and then i was thinking about trump's beak, you know "the art of the deal." where he explains why p.r. alone, like the type you have
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been hearing about the bill from people like lankford and sinema and chris if you are if i, that that kind of bluster can't rescue a bad final product. trump wrote, you can't con people, at least not for long. can you create excitement. can you do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press and can you throw in a little hyperbole. if you don't deliver the goods people will eventually catch on. and that's what happened here. we told you weeks ago that the phony border security bill being cooked up in the senate would be an insult to your intelligence. but they kept saying that oh, you're being unfair. you should just wait for the text. well, of course, by now, every honest broker knows that the actual text of the bill, scroll the prompter, thank you. text of the bill is much worse. now, as speaker johnson said on this show last night, it wasn't even a border bill at all. it was really just an immigration bill and a liberal one at that because the border remains open. unaccompanied minors don't count
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towards the 5,000 person trigger. millions still are allowed into the country, including through the ports of entry, and mayorkas, retains the power to grant asylum. and, remember, biden can end the emergency for what he calls the national interest and the border emergency itself sun sets in three years money for lawyers for migrants, of course millions for that and it's a huge boon to foreign workers. so, by late last night, they had already lost 22 republican senators and it was effectively a dead deal. now, you all know this because you have been watching, i tried to warn senator lankford that he was just setting himself up for the fall, to be the fall guy. but he wouldn't listen. at least he found a new friend. >> it's been an extraordinary effort by senators lankford, murphy, and sinema. the result of all of this hard work is a bipartisan agreement that represents the most fair, humane reforms in our
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immigration system in a long time. >> please, trusting biden and mayorkas on a border bill? would be like trusting jeffrey epstein at senior prom. the bill wouldn't have stopped the invasion. it would have simply regular rised the flow. making managed it a tiny bit better implementing a true border operation which he knows how to do it would have given biden a small political escape hatch on the border itself. why would any republican ever agree to that? but now joe, all he has in his quiver maga bad. >> all indications are this bill won't move forward to the senate floor. why? a simple reason. donald trump because donald trump thinks it's bad for him politically therefore he doesn't -- even though this helps the country, he's not for it. he would rather weaponize this
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issue than actually solve it. >> laura: the truth is and i'm sure biden of the addled mind knows it. trump did largely have the border solved. this is just one of dozens of substantive reasons that no sane conservative could ever have voted for this. and now that it's effectively crashed and burned, the democrats are following their little consultant drafted battle plan. it's a hard pivot. you are seeing it play out to blame biden's border catastrophe on trump. >> we're going to have to carry this message into november that the democrats have actually stood for fixing our border and the republicans have been completely missing in action. >> laura: what did senator bennet say? missing in action? republicans missing in action on the border? now, how often has our border czar visited the border again? do you have any plans to visit the border?
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>> i'm here in guatemala today. at some point -- you know it -- we are going to the border. we have been to the border. so this whole -- this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we have been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. [laughter] i don't -- i don't understand the pointed that you're making. i'm not discounting the importance of the border. >> laura: now the moment we heard that she was put in charge of the border was the moment we knew that they planned to overwhelm our country with migrants or and their thinking future democrat voters. now as we painstakingly have cataloged, all their border dereliction, even democrats started speaking up. >> i said it last year when we had 15,000. i'm telling you now, with 110,000, the city we knew we're about to lose. >> as buses continue to arrive in the city of chicago, and all over the country, the type of
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chaos that has been administered has left many of our local economies under tremendous amount of der rest. >> laura: looks like a hostage tape there. we all fee the growing power of the cartels. the criminal gangs. the chinese, the north africans the northeasterners coming here by the hundreds of thousands that ain't maga's fault. it's all biden and mayorkas. none of it is an accident. they are achieving their goals here. as i said with chad pergram if a phone call to zelenskyy is an impeachable offense, than what biden has done to the border darn well has to be. the vast property damage they have caused greeniacs it's been environmental catastrophe. think about every innocent american brutalized by migrant crime. every child who has been trafficked and abused. every woman raped along the way, including a lot of migrants.
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every dollar spent on migrants that could be spent on our own veterans and our own homeless, but somehow biden thinks voters in november are going to take it out on trump? because republicans said no to defending other countries when the senate couldn't agree to defend america? >> folks, would he have got to move past this toxic politics. it's time to stop playing games with the world waiting and watching. by the way, the world is waiting. the world is watching. they are waiting and watching what we're going to do. we can't let -- we can't continue to let petty partisan politics get in the way of our responsibility. >> petty partisan politics, translation. conservatives decided they wouldn't be rolled again. and hyperbole about putin, that's not going to change a single voter's mind. >> this bill is standing up to putin. opposing this bill is playing into his hands. as i have said before, the stakes on this fight extend well
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beyond ukraine. if we don't stop putin's appetite for power and control in ukraine, he won't limit himself to just ukraine. >> laura: okay. none of this makes any sense. because, if the uniparty really wanted all that money for ukraine -- and it's a lot of money or they want some for the dreamers or foreign worker visas, whatever they want, they needed to bargain with something real. not offer some fake border bill that empowered mayorkas and neutered a future president trump. the days of heavy footing the populists are over. unless something wild happens, trump is going to be the party's nominee in november for the third presidential election in a row. get the hint, everybody? everybody has got to get used to that reality. this is not the party of mitt romney or liz cheney. and if trump does win, the deals that come out of his administration will actually be good for the american people
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first. real negotiations with real results by including all the key players. the senate uniparty tried their border sneak and they failed miserably. this will either be a wake-up call for them or their political wake. and that's the angle. joining me now is utah senator mike lee. senator, your message tonight to your republican colleagues who still might be holding out hope that some version of this bill will ultimately get passed? >> well, first of all, if they have any questions about it they should go to kill the border to have any questions answered. but, laura, this thing is going to die. it's going to die not because republicans are petulant, and they don't want to solve the border. it's going to die because, number one, we know that joe biden created this border crisis. that's why we have this humanitarian disaster unfolding on our southern border. it is not for want of adequate
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legislative authority, that this happened. it is because joe biden has defiantly, willfully refused to enforce the border. now, i know that he and all his little friends in both parties wanted this to be know mass at a moment everyone would bow and hug and support their bill thinking we wouldn't read it. we read it, laura and what he we found was quite discouraging concerns we had over time. negotiated over a three or four month period. for reasons i can't fathom, people negotiating for us senate republicans failed to see details. we couldn't see text. we didn't see text until monday night when it was released through the media. >> laura: why did they do that, senator? was it good faith. >> i don't know. >> you know why. was it good faith. >> it was not good faith because the firm, the law firm of schumer and mcconnell as learned over time seeing
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senators from seeing it until the last possible minute they can pass it deadline they themselves ranged. they can trick members into passing. even though they hadn't h. not had adequate time to read it. no time to offer much less vote on amendments. it's worked for them over and over and over for them. you know what, laura? they have played this note so many times that it's not working anymore. and this is glorious. this is a wonderful thing. because the american people and those they have elected are smarter than this think know when it comes to something as essential as border security. we're not going to put up with this. >> those days are over. mcconnell has got to wake up to that or obviously it's a political wake or a wake-up call. senator, i would like your
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reaction to what happened in the house of representatives tonight. this earth to impeach alejandro mayorkas over the border issue ironically. border dereliction and what has been done at the border at his direction. ultimately at biden's direction. do you believe that alejandro mayorkas should be impeached for his actions? >> well, of course i do. he has defiantly refused to enforce our border. it's had grave consequences for american national security. i was down on the border a few weeks ago in mcallen, texas. a place where i lived for two years as a young missionary. i was really distressed by what i saw there and what i learned there. these are not just people coming in from latin america. these are people coming from places like afghanistan and syria and china. all kinds of places. and they are coming over, you know, about 10 million people. >> laura: we have known this. >> since january 20th, 2021. >> laura: my point here and you are a former clerk of the supreme court you know. this the ultimate person here is
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biden. mayorkas is just the stooge carrying out the orders. right? i don't really i can't stand what mayorkas has done. i think it's a disgrace and reprehensible. why isn't it biden that's impeached? why mayorkas? he is just a member of the cabinet. put another mayorkas in. >> we should beach is both of them because i agree with you. they are both at fault, ultimately the buck stops with the president. it's not inappropriate to impeach mayorkas because he invited this. i mean, from the early days of the administration. he was already telling the cartels, signaling to them through the news media, well, what i would say traveling up in the caravans going to take us a few weeks. >> laura: senator, you have been a great leader on this border bill. we really appreciate all your factual analysis. i think it really had a huge effect on sinking this travesty. thank you. now, we never needed a border bill as we know to stop illegals from crossing. my next guest is proof. texas governor dan patrick tells us what this is all about and how to really stop the border
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>> this is unbelievable. like i can't believe this is happening. republican senators decided they don't at this point in time a bipartisan bill to fix the border. because, what they actually want is chaos.
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because that's what donald trump says he wants. >> nice try, chris. zero credibility. now, we know the republicans overwhelmingly favor tough border enforcement, real border enforcement. and remember eagle pass used to be a place where we had huge illegal border crossing. but, guess what? now in eagle pass, we are actually seeing a huge reduction in texas in the illegal border crossings, why? because we actually have real enforcement taking place. now, the governor says that the number has actually dipped to single digits crossing the border illegally from several thousand all because they actually enforced the border. something the biden administration refuses to do. joining me now texas lt. governor dan patrick. dan, your reaction to this democrat, you know, these talking points, i think they wrote a couple months ago to
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blame maga and trump and republicans on chaos. for chaos at the border. >> look, president biden is the chief of chaos. whether it's on the stock market, whether it's inflation, blns weather it's on the border and military and woke culture. is he the creator of chaos. not president trump. president trump had order on the border in his last couple of years. i have negotiated thousands of bills as lt. governor senators i know what the senators and people want us to pass. i'm not going to bring forth a travesty of a bill that's going to be voted down and people are going to be outraged. what the u.s. senate did and those republicans, lankford and you can anyone who is supporting that, they ought to all be voted out of office the next time they run for office. that bill is a joke. as you said it your ingraham
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angle was right on point. joe biden couldn't have written it better himself. guaranteed 45,000 a day all kinds of exceptions. why these republicans thought anyone -- any conservative, any republican, any person that believes in securing the border thought this was a good idea was beyond me. this was the worst piece of junk i have ever seen. >> laura: yeah. it's dead now and because the people actually have an ability to read. >> i just can't believe they brought it up, laura. i can't believe they even thought it would pass. >> mitch mcconnell thought would do the big sneak didn't work out so well we know you all with the razor wire. national guard troops and so forth. now it looks like eagle pass, which was site of so much nightmarish chaos with the migrants, the reduction on the number of migrants crossing is unbelievably fantastic.
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what happened? >> well, we took it over from the biden border patrol and by the way it's not the border patrol. those men and women they love texas. we love them. they want to take the handcuffs off and go back to border enforcement instead of being hotel clerks. we took over that area about two and a half miles between two entry point bridges. last month 2,000 to 3,000 a day. some days more than 3,000 crossed. we put the barbed wire, concertina wire and containers we put out the national guard out there. it is single digits cut the wire. put it right back. 3,000 to 5 or 6 people. we know how to secure the border. let the border patrol do their job. buoys across the water. turn it over to texas. we will have the son of a gun secure in less than a week as trump when he becomes next
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president. >> lt. governor thank you so much as always. the media are celebrating a big legal win, supposedly against trump think are missing something big. i will explain it. davis and sol wisenberg will explain it, next. ♪plac voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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57 page court ruling alter the course of history. at its core it sends one message over and over again. no one, not even a current or former president of the united states, is above the law. >> laura: well, the u.s. court of appeals for the d.c. circuit rejected former president trump's claim of immunity in that election interference case brought by jack smith. but while the media focused on this being a huge win for the prosecution, it doesn't mean that the case will necessarily
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be heard before the november election. remember, trump has 90 days to appeal this to the high court, then it's not clear that the court would even expedite the petition, leading to further delay and most legal experts did expect the d.c. circuit's ruling. the bigger news came out of a court of course u.s. district judge tonya chutkan where she reportedly said i hope not to be in the country on august 5th. if it is it's because she is in trial on another matter that has not yet returned to my calendar. of course, that's president trump's case. and if that's the timeline it's well after the republican national convention where trump is expected to officially become the g.o.p. nominee. joining me now is mike davis. is he the founder and president of the article iii project, former law clerk to justice neil gorsuch. also with me sol wisenberg former independent counsel and fox news contributor. sol, what do we make of this?
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>> didn't i tell you two or three days ago this case was not going to be tried before the election? and it won't be. the thing that really stands out at me, apart from the substance of what the court of appeals decided, is that normally, even before you talk about going to the supreme court, you have got 30 days in which to file a motion for rehearing and almost everybody gets an automatic stay when that happens. but, that didn't happen with former president trump. they said if you file a motion for rehearing, we're not going to stay it. if you want to stay this decision, the effect of this decision, you have seven days to let us know that you have filed an application in the u.s. supreme court for a stay pending your filing of a writ of setter i can't rory. so, basically why is former president trump being singled out in this way? it's obvious the court of appeals want the trial to
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proceed before the election and that's an inapparently political decision. i'm continually amazed by the ability of trump's opponents to shoot themselves in the foot in ways like this. >> now, moments ago, someone who used to be a good friend of ours, judge l ludwig. former appellate judge for the fourth circuit went on msnbc where his new friends are and had this to say about today's ruling. watch. >> today's decision by the d.c. circuit did not hold that the president is arguably disqualified under the 14th amendment from the presidency. but it did speak very pointedly to the argument that he might be. >> laura: mike, i can't understand what has happened to judge luttig, personally, what
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about that argument? is that what you are reading in this decision? >> not at all. and i think that president trump fried judge michael luttig's brain. what we have here is the issue does a president -- can a president be prosecuted by his successor for his official acts? members of congress have both civil and criminal immunity. federal judges have both civil and criminal immunity for their official acts. why wouldn't the president of the united states? doesn't this mean that trump 47 justice department can prosecute president obama for capital murder for his extra judicial drone strike of two american citizens, including a minor? the supreme court now has to take this case because this is so much bigger than president trump and their trump derangement syndrome. >> laura: sol, what do you think about this immunity claim? you hear things from both sides on this. that there is no, you know, textual evidence of broad
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immunity for all actions post office that you took while you were in office. but, is it clear which way the court would actually go on this ultimate question? >> the supreme court -- i don't think they goal as far as the d.c. circuit panel went. and let me make it clear. there are parts of the opinion that i agree with. and there are parts of president trump's position on total immunity that i don't agree with. but, i agree with mike here. you could, under the theory, the rationale of this ruling, you could take a former president, and say that he could be indicted for stuff that is classically considered within executive power. >> remember, laura, i don't know if you remember you are probably too young. there are people who seriously wanted to indict president nixon for the bombing of cambodia. a person who wrote a book about
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charles manson wrote an entire book arguing that president bush shut be indicted for murder because of the invasion of iraq. under this ruling, the rationale of this ruling, these looney theories could become the law. i was astounded by that part of the. >> the d.c. circuit lefties that has to be turned around as well. mike and sol, thank you. here is something you are not going to hear joe biden bragging about. millions of parents are now forking every big bucks to support their adult children. shark tank investor kevin o'leary reacts, next. ♪
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>> raw power. >> dad, what are you doing? it's shark week. >> here's the deal. you have one month to find jobs you are on your [bleep]. i will arrange interviews for monday and you will go. >> dad, why are you talking to me like this. i'm your son. >> i'm not buying that crap anymore. >> laura: well, scenes like that are playing out in households all across biden's america because adult kids, many of them, are still living at home and for some of those who finally do move out, well, mom and dad still pay the bills. 59% of parents tell pugh research that they're paying for
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cell phones, streaming services and groceries and some even hand over cash for their kid's mortgages and rent. this all comes at a cost. 36% of parents say that bailing out their kids has hurt their own personal finances. joining me now mr. wonderful himself, kevin owe leary. chairman of alerey ventures. kevin, great to see you tonight. what's going on here? >> >> affordability here. pre-pandemic, rates, interest rates were practically zero, as you recall. we go through the pandemic massive increase in basic rates. mortgages 3 and a half to 7 to #%. affordability pro teen and gas other issues increased inflation rates 33%. but the average wage in america barely bundle. it's about 62,000 massive
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squeeze whole court of people leave college and say wow, is it ever expensive to live? what happened here? well, life happened. every generation is looking backwards saying can i do better than my parents? this co-hart is in trouble because they got whacked by some hard core inflation that has not gone away what does this mean for belief in capitalism and the american dream if you think no matter how hard i work i can't get ahead and still living with mom and dad, what does that mean for the future belief in our system. >> our system always survives. this debate goes on from one generation to another. this has been a particularly tough jolt for this group gone through this last three years. it's been a long time liner inflation. inflation suspect 33% there is
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where the squeeze is affordability tough in rent, for example. old adage and my mother did it to me when i came out of college. kevin, the dead bird under the nest never learns how to fly. i have said this countless times. i said what does it mean, mom? i'm done. i have taken care of you from birth to the last day of college. figure it out. to figure it out luckily i did. i feel sorry for my own kids. i said, guys, you're on your own. big daddy can't pay for everything. you got to go figure it out. >> laura: kevin, someone tweeted to me because they knew you were coming on tonight on x that their child is single, 27, has a decent job and healthcare, lives alone, rent in particular is so ridiculous i have to help out with car payments, cell phone, three years ago i never had to do that. and your tip for the parent would be just cut them off? >> >> may wife always sneaks in. i have a daughter like that almost the same age. i said no, no no then net my
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wife keeps sending her cash. what do i do? >> laura: maybe we have to end more no more streaming services, kevin. make we have to just rent a car for a while. i mean, we all had to figure it out but it's no fun these days. kevin, come back soon. great to see you. all right. is apple's new vr product turning america into a high tech dystopia? jimmy failla reacts to that. he is going to have a headset on and more.wi ♪th ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed.
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you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95. >> oh goody. now it's time for a wtf. joining me now jimmy host of fox news tonight. jimmy, you're everywhere. saw you on this morning. you never sleep. >> never. >> we get you at the end of the day with no energy. >> come on, ingram. >> apple vision pro. this has been introduced to the masses. it's a little disturbing, check
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it out. >> when you put on the headset you see the real world. look at what you want to select. use your hands to select it. this is called spacial computing. face timing with others in vision pros is as crazy as you think. you too can have this for the low low price of -- >> jimmy, i foe you have yours already. >> stop it this headset costs $3500. it sounds expensive. think about the money you save on dates. if you walk around with this, nobody is hanging out with you this. is weird. i was prepared for this hit for once in my life. i read up on this, i mean in all honesty who ever invented this has to own stock in add medication. why would you look around looking at 800 apps at once. we went from staring at our phones, the phone is the world. for 3500 i would save probably
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$3475 and drop acid for $25 at a dead show. same effect, laura, you don't have to wear the goggles. >> laura: you see people like this everywhere with their fingers. >> you need the tippingers to blow up the blow up dahler you're dating. >> laura: it's zombie land. alright. disney trips now are complicated. there are classes to plan, to plan a vacation. watch this. >> before i lay out our outfits, custom park touring guide and map. i will wake up the boys. we have the virtual cue booked and then i have my best kept secret. the touring guide. we're dropped off in front of the contemporary report this. walk way is the best way to get to the magic kingdom.
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>> laura: then you wait for four hours. >> it's horrible. disney as destroyed the spontaneity of a theme park. now it's living can i get cotton candy? no we have an 11:10 to get to the people mover. disney went woke and the rides changed. now you're looking for snow white and the 7 genders. it's not the park you remember as kids, laura. you need the sherpa to show you around the park. >> laura: it's suppose to be the happiest place on earth. when you look at the people in line. especially if it's a hot day. i have been there many hot days. they don't seem too happy. >> no disney, the park is fat people on scooters eating turkey legs. that's the park, driving and chewing. they call it the magic kingdom.
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yourself worth goes through the park looking around the park. >> laura: jimmy, great to see you. ♪ ringing her bell ♪ feel like the whole wide world is ringing down on you ♪ brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue. >> laura: that one moment singing karaoke in a uber gives you the idea of the guy tobey keith was. as you heard the country star died yesterday surrounded by his family at the young age of 62. he was battling stomach cancer. he face it did with classic keith spirit. >> i lean on my faith and just pray. lean into it. you have to do what you have to do. i don't know how people do it
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without faith. that's my rock. >> laura: how do you do it without faith. his career span decades. during the iraq war when most entertainers declined to visit the troops, not tobey. he considered it an honor and privilege to perform for them. as he did in 2002 during his uso tour. he released the song courtesy of the red white and blue. he performed for hundreds of thousands of troops over the years in over a dozen countries. ale the more admirable. he didn't actually support the iraq. man d he love the military. >> there is a whole lot of really good people here that appreciate the support they're given. whether you are for the war or against it, whatever support the troops they're doing a hell of a
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job. >> laura: i remember on the radio at the time after the iraq invasion there were many of us that said, where are the entertainers. keith was there. the other fact i didn't realize until kid rock texted me, tobey had an eye for talent. >> if it wasn't for him there wouldn't be a taylor swift today. early 2000 she was the first artist signed to keith's brand new record label. tobey keith, husband, father, grandfather, country star, and patriot dead at 62. god speed. >> jesse: welcome to jesse water's "prime time" tonight. >> the only reason the board certain secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> jesse: joe biden living in the il


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