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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 7, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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clear he is reading statements that are being fed to him by a radical left cabal in the west wing steering him wherever they want him to go. they will continue to cast aspersions on everyone else but where responsibility lies which is on joe biden, his failed leadership and alexander mayorkas and criminal immigration laws. >> todd: it should be noted instead of making new laws, he could literally enforce the ones on the books and we would not be in the one we are in. >> carley: or issue executive order. >> todd: congressman ben cline, thank you for joining us sir. with that, "fox & friends" begins right now have. a great one, everybody. >> steve: live from new york, it's 6:00 here in the east coast. welcome. it's wednesday, february 7th, and you are watching "fox & friends." we start with a fox news alert. hamas is proposing a cease-fire for four and a half months. and ourselves blinken is meeting
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with leaders. so is there finally an end in sight? >> there is still a lot of work to be done, but we continue to believe that an agreement is possible. >> brian: plus, round two second impeachment vote on the table secretary mayorkas after last minute vote switch yesterday. >> lawrence: illegal strip clubs and terrorized neighbors. squatters are taking over more than a 1,000 homes in atlanta. >> ainsley: "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, everyone, mornings are better with friends. why don't you participate? >> brian: i'm not sure. ♪ ♪ >> steve: and mornings are better with news. so let's turn to the race for the white house. nikki haley waking up this morning to a loss in nevada as nearly 63% of republican primary
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vote goes to none of these candidates instead of her. she was still declared victor, however. >> ainsley: none of these candidates. you can check that box? >> brian: former president was not on the ballot. he opted out and will instead take part in the caucuses tomorrow. it's a race haley is not participating in. even that race will ultimately decide what candidate will receive the candidate ballots. you need nevada if you are going to win. >> ainsley: biden's second primary victory after winning in south carolina last saturday. >> lawrence: trump and bailey will compete in south carolina's republican primary on february the 24th. we will be there. we will have to wait to see if haley fairs better in the state that she was elected governor twice. >> steve: so, stay tuned for that in the meantime move back to washington. you saw this live on tv last night. the house of representatives last night failed to impeach dhs
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secretary alejandro mayorkas last night. it was stunning and embarrassing. >> ainsley: isn't out of the woods yet. a second vote is in the works. >> lawrence: brooke singman here with that. >> dramatic 216 to 214 vote last night. utah congressman blakemore was one of four republicans to vote against the impeachment. but he cast his vote with purpose. a last-minute switch to no actually allows him to demand a revote later date. meaning republicans still have a chance to impeach mayorkas once they have just one more vote, which could come when house majority whip steve scalise returns from his cancer treatments. but despite the stunning defeat, arizona congressman andy biggs is looking to the future. >> i feel it's like our duty to actually try to remove this guy because i think he is a danger. i think what he is doing is causing irreparable harm and, thus, our daughter is to go forward. and if you are not successful,
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then that's not okay. i would rather be successful. but you have to fight the fight or else there is no point in you being here trying to do what's right. >> the white house says it is all just political theater, calling the effort baseless and unconstitutional. now, come up on "fox & friends," we will be joined by california republican congressman tom mcclintock who voted no. and florida republican congresswoman laura lee who voted yet. speak for mike johnson says house republicans intend to bring articles of impeachment back to the floor when they have the votes. >> surprise appearance from a democrat. everyone thought was sick. al greene. so, when he showed up everything got messed up. and then mike gallagher surprised a lot of people. thanks so much, brooke. >> steve: mr. green showed up in a wheelchair wearing hospital clothes because he had emergency abdominal surgery but the vote was so important. >> brian: santos ousted. steve scalise dealing with cancer treatment that really
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narrowed the margin. to say a fox weather alert. at least nine people are dead in southern california and the region is still in the grip of a dangerous as moss atmospheric river that started on sunday. >> lawrence: a cliff side collapsed forcing evacuation of an apartment building. >> ainsley: so scary. look at those images. right on the edge. more than 27 houses and businesses are still without power there 8 counties remain under a state of emergency. so now let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice? >> really historic for this area. and we have had this pipeline of tropical moisture moving into the same areas of southern california in and around los angeles. and the santa monica mountains. over a foot of rain for some these regions, getting a year's worth of rain in just 72 hours. and then we have got the winds in the mountains with over
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162 miles per hour. so, hurricane force winds and, you know, hurricane force rain. rainfall in some of these areas. this is what we are looking at today. so we still have the potential for some pockets of heavy rain. but, as we get into thursday and friday. we'll clear things out. san diego we are still watching you though for the potential of 1 to 2 inches. remember, this is like a desert area. 1 to 2 inches for florida is no big deal. 1 to 2 inches for san diego is a big deal. then we have got the snowfall. of the snow pile in the mountains. we could see the potential for avalanche danger in the next couple of days. there is the rain still to come through friday. los angeles, a wit of a break here. we do have another batch of moisture that's going to move in on thursday. here's your forecast today some of that energy moving through the four corners, intermountain west. the other big story we are tracking is the heat. it's going to feel more like springtime for the eastern half of the country over the next
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couple of days. if i could tease something, looking at the potential for a valentine's snow storm for new york city next week. i was looking at the computer models. >> steve: i'm dreaming of a white valentine's day? >> janice: it can happen. >> steve: i remember 15 years ago. >> ainsley: spring like weather. >> janice: 50 degrees on the weekend and then potentially 6 plus. 1st through the 14th. watching the computer models. >> steve: very romantic ride through central park. >> janice: maybe get snowed in and i won't see my husband. >> ainsley: kids have to buy valentine's day card get working on those. >> steve: kids? come on. >> ainsley: i bought them. will you please do them for me, mom? no, you need to write the name of all your friends. >> brian: i love what seinfeld said open up cards listen i'm out of ideas totally blank. those are the worst.
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happy valentine's day. >> janice: i have gone to cvs. >> brian: sit there and pretend you are not rubbing soldiers with other people also at the last minute. nothing more romantic sand truck, salt on the roads on valentine's day. slowing you down on a one-way street. >> janice: little russell stoffer chocolates. is that what they are called? ruffle stover? >> steve: made in my hometown of abilene, kansas. steve. >> janice: this weather report brought to you by ruffle stover. >> carley: no candy talk from me. we press forward killing 131 people. over 300 people remain missing. thousands of homes are gutted and many neighborhoods have turned to ash.
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just look at those images. a swat sniper killing an armed suspect in a florida bank after authorities spotted him getting aggressive with a hostage. police arrived on the scene yesterday, yesterday to negotiate after learning about a robbery in progress at the fort myers location. authorities say the suspect was armed with a knife and claimed to have a bomb. once he was spotted putting one of the hostages in a head lock, swat fired. luckily none of the hostages were hurt. the nypd revealing the gang of mope head riding migrants accused of running a robbery ring also hacked into bank accounts. authorities saying, quote: they're getting into their venmo and zelle accounts and using that money to make purchases. they will clear out the accounts. police have connected that group to more than 60 different crimes. and hang today on capitol hill, the senate is expected to have a test vote on the border security package today at 1:00 p.m. eastern time.
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regardless of the outcomes of the vote, the bill is in trouble. house speaker mike johnson saying if the bill passes the senate, it is dead on arrival in the house. the border battle highlighting the stark difference between biden's border and former president trump's. there have been nearly 5.5 million more border encounters under biden than in trump's entire presidency. and boeing is responding to the ntsb after officials claim the door plug that blew off alaska airlines flight last month was missing key bolts when it left the factory. boeing writing, quote: boeing is accountable for what happened. we are implementing a comprehensive plan to strengthen quality. this added scrutiny will make us better. it's that simple. this coming as faa administrator mike whitaker pledged to hold the manufacturing giant accountable during a congressional hearing yesterday. the attorney representing 21 passengers on the alaska airlines flight in a lawsuit will join us later this hour.
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alsoen capitol hill, the house failing to pass the $17.6 billion value aid bill. the vote coming down to 250-180. falling short of the two thirds majority needed to pass. house speaker mike johnson says is he disappointed the bill did not pass. saying the decision by president biden and leader schumer to torpedo this bill to aid the israeli people in their fight against hamas is a disappointing rebuke to our closest ally in the middle east at their time of great need. and those are your headlines, guys. a lot going on today. >> steve: no kidding. all right. let's see what happens. in the meantime, let's go international, a fox news alert. secretary of state antony blinken is right now in israel as hamas presents a three-stage cease-fire deal. >> brian: right. could last for four and a half months. trey yingst is live in tel aviv. trey? >> yeah, hey, guys, good morning. for the first time in weeks, there is progress on a possible
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cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. 124 days into this conflict, hamas has responded positively to a proposal that could end fighting. reports indicate there is a plan that hamas put forward in response to one that was released by the egyptians and the qataris that would stop the war for four and a half months. see all of the hostages released, and israeli troops withdrawing from gaza. such a deal would also mean the release of thousand of palestinian prisoners. this plan would be implemented in three stages. each 45 days long. u.s. secretary of state tony blinken confirmed the counter proposal was given to qatari and egyptian negotiators overnight and said this while in doha. >> there's still a lot of work to be done, but we continue to believe that an agreement is possible and, indeed, essential. and we will continue to work relentlessly to achieve it. >> blinken is here today and meets with palestinian president mahmoud abbas and israeli prime
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minister benjamin. netanyahu much will focus on release of hostages and the day for the plan after the war in gaza. much of the region waiting to see what happens with these cease-fire conversations. understanding that a proposal to end the fighting could lead to deescalation of tension across the middle east. guys? >> brian: trey, if you are talking about 1500 palestinians talking about being released 500 of which serving life in prison? >> trey: absolutely. and possibly even more. hamas wants to ensure that they are receiving top prisoners from israeli facilities. we are talking about people who have conducted terror attacks against civilians in the past. people with blood on their hands. and so it will be incredibly controversial internally in israel. and something that will likely sets up a political fight among the government of benjamin netanyahu and some of his top cabinet members. >> ainsley: trey, what about all of the hostages being held in gaza, would they be released,
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too, all those israelis? >> this initial proposal would see them released over this four and a half month period. the sad development that we saw last night though, according to reports, 20% of the hostages are believed to be dead, according to israeli intelligence. and so that really puts a damper on these conversations, understanding that the israelis are now negotiating in part for some of the bodies of their own civilians. they do want to ensure that those are still alive, can make their way out of gaza as part of this agreement. but, again, it will be incredibly controversial, understanding that hamas is not negotiating in good faith and they can try to leverage these conversations to ensure they could pull forces inside gaza into traps and possibly even manipulated israeli public in a psychologic way. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: hamas, bad guys. trey, thank you very much. keep that in mind as we set up this next little bit of sound we want to play for you. in addition to all of us wanting
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some sort of resolution there, the president of the united states wants it over with. because he is so under water on the numbers regarding gaza and israel. i think we, yesterday, cited a poll where only three in ten americans think that what he is doing is a good idea. here's a -- here's the president yesterday. it's hard for him to get through this soundbite. he does sound confused. and is the one point, he confuses hamas with, like the loyal opposition. hamas is not a party. it's a bunch of blood-thirsty killers. here is the president yesterday responding to a question about this hostage deal. >> there is some movement, and i don't want to -- i don't want to -- let me choose my words. there is some movement. there has been a response from the -- the -- there has been a
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response from the opposition, but, um,. >> hamas? >> yes, i'm sorry, from hamas. but it seems to be a little over the top. we're not sure where it is. there there is continuing negotiation right now. >> lawrence: pretty unbelievable the press has to help him out on this issue. it's kind of an important factor to actually get hamas right. >> steve: they are terrorists they are not the opposition. >> lawrence: latest nbc poll 76% of americans are concerned about his age. that includes democrats and independence. this further the narrative. a lot of people say we feel sad about this. a lot of people in the jewish community are furious about this. he can't be on the ticket. i just don't see how it happens. >> ainsley: that's the democratic option right there. >> brian: benjamin netanyahu the prime minister evidently says he is an f'ing fill in the blank. >> steve: biden on him.
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>> brian: biden on netanyahu. he is backing up israel. has lost a lot of the arab community. he is unable to tell his side of the story. if you see some of the protests in new york. it's not -- as much as they are saying cease-fire, they are pro-hamas. there is a huge portion in this country pro-hamas. that's a huge problem. so he takes this stance. he is not all in because he is against the sitting government that he is backing. the munition -- they are in desperate need of munitions according to many reports. can't seem to marshall that. at the same time, he can't even reiterate -- he can't even defend his stance for israel. >> ainsley: and our reporters should be able to go into the white house press briefing room and talk about what is happening around the country what our solutions are instead, reporters like peter doocy, our white house correspondent has to go in and ask karine jean-pierre about this president's mental health. not only did yesterday you just saw that soundbite of him stumbling, the long pauses. the day before he got mixed up. calls president macron president
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mitterrand who died in 1996. this is every day now a stumble, a blunder, can't put words together and that's what peter asked her about. listen. >> how is president biden ever going to convince the three quarter of voters who are worried about his physical and mental health that he's okay, even though in las vegas he told a story about recently talking to a french president who died in 1996? >> i'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole with you, sir. we are going. >> what rabbit hole? >> go ahead. >> steve: what she could have done she could have simply said what you said, ainsley. the president said mitterrand, he met macron. she could have explained it that simply. she would have just said he got confused. the problem. >> brian: never said he got confused. >> steve: that's why, brian. because the republicans are saying, look, the president is confused. if it is reiterated by his own press secretary look he said mitterrand and meant macron. it would have validated everything the republicans are
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saying about the president. is he struggling. we all struggle from time to time. unfortunately. >> ainsley: from time to time. >> steve: unfortunately live he is the most powerful man in the world he has got to be on top of his game every day. >> lawrence: we can't have a weak president when we have all these international conflicts going on that doesn't include the domestic issues. i think the press secretary has made it very clear as well as everybody else in the administration that they wants to avoid the answer. but, you have 76% of americans that feel the same way. we can't all be crazy here. >> brian: jen psaki used to set almost policy and give the president cues on what to do because she was so conversant in the policies. kjp can't cover for the president and doesn't seem to prepare for her own press conferences. >> steve: she could have made it easier. the alternative is maybe he actually does talk to dead people. just saying. i saw a movie like that once. anyway, that's what the president said yesterday. meanwhile, still ahead, today, squatters take over more than
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1,000 homes in atlanta, even turning some strip clubs -- turning into some strip clubs i should say. we have got a live report. >> brian: experts warn chicago gangs recruiting migrants to carry out crime sprees. retired illinois police chief says the situation is reaching a boiling point. that is next. >> ainsley: riley green is here with his brand new single. stick around for that. ♪ ♪ mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition... ma, i want to make perfume!
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not unearthed all the tunnels yet. you do want to get those hostages back, of course, but expense of 1500 prisoners held in israeli jails and, of course, we will have a final sweep on super bowl lviii. 6:00 on sunday. but safety press conference on all the preparations in place. this is the first time las vegas will be hosting. they will be at aleejt stadium. normally the home of the radars, going to be exciting and of course las vegas is up for the challenge. meanwhile, let's go over to ainsley who has something special in store. >> thank you, brian. turning now to your headlines. we will start in england. prince harry and king charles reportedly meeting for less than one hour after harry's arrival in london. harry's visit comes one day after buckingham palace announced his father was diagnosed with cancer. prince harry is planning to spend more time in the u.k. to be there for his dad. a flurry of reports says that or say that republican national committee chairwoman ronna mcdaniel will step down as
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party chair after south carolina's primary on february 24th. an rnc spokesperson tells fox news, quote: nothing has changed. this will be decided after south carolina. some possible replacements include rnc general counsel michael wattly, who could gain the backing of former president trump. rnc committee members would ultimately need to vote on a possible replacement. new york city mayor eric adams is trying to defend his $53 million program that pro? we are not giving people american express cards. we found that the food delivery service that we set up during the emergency key could find a better way to do it and our belief that we want to cut 20% of the migrant cost family of four receive up to $1,000. critics are slamming the plan
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saying that is more than what a single household gets with the snapp benefit. those recipients only receive $291 a month. and those are some of your headlines. all right. let's hand it over to you, lawrence. >> a lot of kids in harlem in the bronx that could use that money. >> here illegally. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. migrant surge at the border groition skyrocketing pace under president biden. he insists he is not the one to blame. watch. >> every day between now and november the american people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine, to make it clear to the american people that you work for them, not for anyone else. i know ohio work for. i work for the american people. >> lawrence: not us. it seems the only work getting done is by criminals.
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as experts warn migrants are being recruited for crime sprees, particularly in suburban chicago areas. here with more is retired riverside illinois police chief tom whites zel, thank you so much for joining the program. looking at crime stats. this seems like a huge problem. right? >> yeah, it is it's worked its way from the city of chicago to the suburbs. what is happening when the migrants are landing designated landing zone in chicago, when they step off the bus or in some places the plane, they are given phones. they are being recruited, some of them to go out to the suburban malls and shopping areas and entertainment zones and commit crime. being provided transportation and mapping. imagine you get off the bus and you wouldn't know where oak brook, illinois is or riverside
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illinois. our communities that have major malls, you would have no idea it even exists. they are being coached on how to do this whole criminal enterprise taking place. over 35,000 illegal migrants arrived since august of 2022. and $156 million spent since october of '22. sir, you have been in law enforcement for a long time. what's been the reaction of the law enforcement community because you guys are going to have to police these areas now. >> unfortunately enemy of the cases it's why bother? the officers are arresting the same individuals five and six times a month, twice a week because they are never held in custody unless there is some aggravating circumstance. they are being released immediately. and this is how it goes down. the migrants they commit a theft.
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they never surrender. there is either foot pursuits or car pursuits which obviously are very dangerous. and when the police catch up with them, can you read any report they are fighting with the police on every instance. they are going in, being booked and being released back into the public. >> lawrence: what do they have to lose? you aren't able to work with ice. what's your comment on that as well because of sanctuary policies, city and states law enforcement aren't able to call ice to come pick them up and deport them. >> in chicago and illinois directives not to internet data bases poor ice and other federal organizations. we are not able to check the status of those migrants through the computer system. >> lawrence: by the way, law enforcement don't enforce the law if people come here illegally, just let them terrorize your community. tom, thank you so much for joining the program. it's ridiculous what is happenings. >> thank you very much. >> lawrence: you got it. coming up a groundbreaking
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verdict, the mother of a seoul shooter found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. next guest says this opens the flood gates for similar cases. plus, new insight on what might have led to this mid-air blowout. a lawyer for the passenger says the decision to fly that plane endangered all of his clients. patrick that homes now tom brady comparisons ahead of the super bowl showdown. watch. >> i have only won two super bowls. there is a couple other guys in front of me before i even get close to chasing tom. all you can do is try to be your best every single game. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness,
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that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at is. >> janice: still following the story in southern california where they have received a foot of rain in days in and around the los angeles area. a year's worth of rain really in a matter of days. here is los angeles over the next three days, so we will start to clear out on thursday and friday. northern and central california you will get another onslaught
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of heavy rain and mountain snow and a couple of days where we can breathe a sigh of relief, right? damage done in some of these areas. mud and rock slides could last for days if not weeks. that's the story we are following on fox ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. shameless squatters are running neighborhoods in atlanta now. a trade association says illegal tenants have danny taken over 1200 homes turning some into strip clubs. todd piro has details for us what happened in a lawless community. ruining entire neighborhoods. the problems don't just stop with the squatting, either. place say take a look. this atlanta home, beautiful home was being used as illegal strip club. and the squatters hosted noisy parties and organized illegal street races in the neighborhood as well. now, according to that trade group, it is one of just 1200
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homes that have been taken over. authorities say evicting squatters in atlanta is a tough challenge something lt. colonel found out from returning from active duty. she discovered a man who has a lengthy criminal history scwawghtd in her $500,000 home. back in may she told fox news that police response was so slow she had to figure out another way to get that squatter out on her own. >> it has to do with the sheriff's office, though. the police can't get them out because it's a civil matter but had i not gone to the media i would not have the opportunity to get my home back today. >> todd: experts say online listings at virtual real estate agents make it pretty easy for squatters to target vacant homes and the process of evict something so time consuming some residents are actually paying squatters to leave, brian, insane. unreal. >> brian: it's unbelievable. 21 minutes before the top of the
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hour, now. this ground breaking verdict jennifer crumbly the mother. [clearing throat] the mother of the oxford high school shooter ethan crumbley has been found guilty on four counts of manslaughter and with her husband facing trial next month, what implications could this case have on the future of prosecuting crimes committed by minors? here to react criminal defense attorney lexie rigden. lexy, your thoughts, a lot of people who sympathize with the case are worried about the precedent. first off, this mom bought him the gun. this kid put in writing how troubled he was. then he ends up killing people and ruining lives. >> right. and you know, as a parent myself, my heart is with the verdict but my head is very troubled by it. because usually in our society we are basically just responsible for the things we do ourselves unless there is an issue of accomplice liability or conspiracy. obviously we don't have that here they are criminalizing could have, would have, should have parenting.
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even though she testified on the stand she shouldn't have necessarily done anything different. she didn't act -- she and her husband didn't act the way they should have. i'm troubled as a defense attorney by impubipubicking culpability on to anybody didn't have. politically motivated prosecutions which we see a lot of these days. >> brian: you see the shooting in nashville and see what happened in uvalde. see all the signs looking back these kids seem somewhat troubled. the kids and neighbors pick it up. the parents miss signals. now they are paying for the price with their freedom the kids write the thoughts won't stop. the mom writes back, ethan, don't do it november 31st, 2021. eric rinehart comes back, the illinois state attorney prosecuted the dad on the shooter -- shooter's firearm card mental health i. unfortunately he said i think
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the sea change is that as we are grappling with a firearms. we are going and to should see more of the prosecutions brought. this verdict confirms legal system to the whole parents criminally responsible when they allow their kids to access firearms and also aware of their kids kid's dangerous behavior. of the school told the mom to come up and get the kid because they were worried about him. he said you can have instant psychologic care and she says no, i'm working. and the kid ends up being a school shooter. >> you know, beyond gun, my other concern is there are a lot of troubled people, troubled kids in the united states, thankfully this school shootings don't happen very often relative to how many mental health issues there are. so where does that lead us? does that mean if you have a child who, you know, is having some mental health issues you need to lock up the kitchen at night because there is a steak knife in the kitchen that they can take to school? where does this actually lead us in terms of prosecutors being able to capitalize on this
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guilty verdict in other jurisdictions, even beyond handguns or weapons, firearms. >> brian: lexie could force parents to say when i found out about this i did x, y, and z. now they are worried about their own freedom and if you know your kid is going to be a school shooter of course you would act. put it off look at this and say wait a second. i have to call the school therapist. i have to follow up on my own because the school has already documented that the parents have been alerted. >> and one of the things that she had actually argued in her trial is that the school that day said he is having issues but he should just stay here because it's better for him to stay here at school than to go home. he might as well be around his peers. there were a lot of failings owforts parents also. >> brian: parents are suing, too. because their kids are now gone for no reason. lexie, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, dozens of government
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employees charged in the largest bribery attackdown in doj history. new insight mid-air blow out. attorneys join us next as the faa administrator says the planes are now safe. >> and so you would fly on the 737-9 max? >> yes, i would. for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today. (woman) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar
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>> ainsley: we are back with a stunning story, the justice department making its biggest bribery bust ever in a single day. the doj charging 70 current and former new york city public housing employees with accepting kickbacks from contractors in exchange for contracts. according to prosecutors, superintendents and assistant superintendents in nearly 100 public housing building here in the city receive $2 million from contractors. they allegedly received contracts worth less than $10,000 that didn't require a bid. >> and if the contractors didn't pay up, the defendants wouldn't give them the work. that's classic pay-to-play in this culture of corruption today. the corruption we have alleged infected every corner of the city. >> 70 city workers have been
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suspended. federal prosecutors say agents have been investigating the bribery and extortion claims for a decade now. steve, over to you. >> steve: that is a crazy story, ainsley, thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> steve: meanwhile the national transportation safety board is revealing stunning new details in what may have led to that mid-air blowout of that door on that alaska airlines jet last month. remember that? well, the preliminary report says that four bolts needed to hold the jet's plug door, door plug in place were missing. mark linquist is the attorney representing 21 passengers on board that flight in a lawsuit against boeing and alaska airlines and joins us right now from tacoma. mark, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: well, this seems like a no-brainer. okay. there should be bolts there to keep the door from blowing out and they weren't there. what went wrong? that's ultimately what we got to figure out, right? >> yeah. that's the job of the ntsb. keep in mind, this was just a
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preliminary report. we'll get the final report in about a year. but it did confirm what you just said, a plane was delivered by boeing to alaska airlines without four critical bolts, which means the plane was essentially a time bomb. this door plug could have blown off at any time. >> steve: indeed. not only -- i didn't even know about a door plug until this story came along because i have sat in that seat where there is no window. i wonder why it's no window. now we know because it's sometimes a door plug. >> the pilots flying this plane didn't realize the way boeing built the plane, if the door plug blows out, the cockpit door is going to fly open and everybody's headset flew off. obviously boeing did not do a good job telling people who fly the planes what is going to happen. >> correct, this is like the max 8 disaster in that sense meaning there was critical information about the plane that pilots did not know.
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and pilots need to know everything about the plane they are flying. >> steve: absolutely. tell us a little bit about your passengers. i'm sure they wake up every morning and they say, you know what? i had that dream again that i was on an airplane and half the plane was missing. >> right. it's a variety of people from adults to infants to a 13-year-old. you're seeing some common issues like sleeplessness, nightmares, flashbacks. some of them have physical injuries, hearing damage. they have all been impacted pretty severely to one extent or another. this was a near death experience for people on the plane. >> steve: absolutely. i can't imagine. had the plane been at a higher altitude this is a possibility this could have been catastrophic and nobody would have made it off the plane. thankfully, everybody did. i understand one of your clients, i think, was at a birthday party and somebody popped a balloon? what happened?
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nothing other than at a party a balloon pops and she breaks down. trauma effects the mind and body in strange ways. >> steve: indeed, as many people would, and this kind of hearkens back to 9/11. there were a number of people on that plane of that flight we are looking at right there sent texts to their loves ones who said i think this could be it. >> exactly. people on the plane thought they might be sending their last text. they didn't know. they here this whoosh. there's a hole in the side of the plane in the movie the plane goes down under those circumstances. >> steve: indeed. ultimately, i think the more we learn about this -- and boeing put out a statement. they said whatever final conclusions are reached, boeing is accountable for what happens, essentially, and it goes on. but, it sounds like these aircraft manufacturers, pretty
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much have to police themselves. there's the statement right there. they have got to police themselves because the faa isn't really in charge of inspecting the airplanes. we're just trusting the airlines and the airplane manufacturers are doing a good job. and we just found out sometimes they forget bolts. >> unfortunately, that's an excellent point. boeing has been essentially their own watchdog for many years it's not working the faa needs to do its job. >> steve: is this plane, mark, safe to fly on today? >> today it's the most scrutinized plane in the world. i expect to be stepping on it in a couple of months, so i hope it's safe. >> steve: no kidding. we all do. mark linquist representing a bunch of people suing the airline and boeing. thank you very much, mark. >> thank you. >> steve: five minutes before the top of the hour. brian, we have got some sports now. >> brian: let me tell you what
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going on right now. 3 time olympic gym mist douglas returning. she made history during the 2012 games when she became the first black gymnast though win the overall around medal he. her last app.ance at the olympics is 2016. football, kansas city chiefs super bowl quarterback patrick mahomes staying humble as he fields a question about fans comparing him to tom brady. >> i only went to two super bowls. a couple guys in front of me before i even get close to chasing tom. all can you do is be your best every single game. >> brian: on his way. not yet 30. stay tuned jay glazer who is joining us at the 8:00 hour to talk all things super bowl lviii. is he as good and insightful as it gets a quick look what is happening in sports. meanwhile, coming up, mayor eric adams trying to defend his $53 million prepaid credit cards to migrants. that's at the top of the hour.
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4:00 am
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