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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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travel. >> dana: let me do my before we go. this is cute. a french baker wins first prize knocking off a five time defending champion with a five minute difference. he completed a dog sled race and the final leg the start order was reversed and the frenchman was the last to take off but in the end finished first. that was in colorado. cute little story, right? would you want to do that sport? >> bill: why not? >> dana: i like to watch it. >> bill: dress warmly and give it a shot. >> dana: you are for the experiences. we are here for that and you are here for harris faulkner. she is next. here she is. >> harris: it is a problem that is so big and so bad even democrat leaders can no longer ignore it. finally even those on the political left of the spectrum are seeing the collateral damage of letting the biden border
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crisis fester and illegal immigrants tip cities into chaos. i'm harris falkier and you are in "the faulkner focus." the story has been making national headlines for two weeks. in new york city a gang of men caught on tape who crossed the border at some point, don't know all the details of that yet. we do know they are not american citizens. suspected of brutally attacking two nypd officers. most were out on the streets again within hours of being arrested per a judge, no bail required. some of them hit the road. went all the way to arizona. immigration, customs and enforcement arrested four men in phoenix. the agency telling fox news some of the gang they rounded up were not connected to the attack. the "new york post" reports nypd arrested another man seen in the video of the times square attack. there are seven others they're trying to get. and we're told by officials in new york they are among the most
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violent in this tape. so they think they got one of them but they didn't even charge him since he is not seen actively at the moment of the video attacking police. several suspects, as i mentioned, seven still out there. yesterday a grand jury indicted the only person held on bail. the charges again are sealed and he is scheduled to be back in court next month. democrat governor hochul went after the no bail decision on those attackers. >> i have a big disagreement with those crimes were bail eligible and they had a right to be held and the district attorneys may be bringing new charges. it is frustrated. never should have happened. you don't put a hand on a police officer anywhere in the state of new york and get away with it. >> harris: frustrating and potentially dangerous. some republican state senators are calling on governor hochul
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to give manhattan's liberal district attorney the boot. now. here is what they write. alvin bragg's handling of the recent attack on two nypd officers by a gang of migrants outside a times square shelter must be the final straw. he turned his back on the police. his poor judgment is matched only by his unwillingness to take criminals off the streets, end quote. in "focus" jason chaffetz, fox news contributor and former utah congressman. your top line thoughts. >> yeah, this is predictable. when you decide you will be a sanctuary state, when you will be a sanctuary county and city, guess what? the consequences come into play. day after day after day cashless bail. the idea that anybody that comes out will be right back on the street. no surprise. this is predictable. part of the plan. what they did. these are the consequences of
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it. >> harris: it is mind-boggling that there are seven others according to the district attorney this week who said they are more violent than the people you actually see that we've rounded up. so then i want to know where are they now? and when he says they are more violent, how does he know that? have they identified them? should he be warning his citizens here? should the mayor be telling people these seven are still in new york or have this he gone to new jersey, connecticut, pennsylvania? are they in the region? if you are looking at seven guys and flip the bird when they are set free, we need to know where people are. and who they are. >> you are exactly right. they have no ties to the community, no respect for the law. the first thing they did when they came to this country is break the law. here they are breaking the law again. the problem. you have immigration and customs enforcement and within that you have ero, the enforcement
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removal operations of which there are only 25 offices in 7600 officers. they will not communicate and cooperate with the people in new york city. and in new york state because they are a sanctuary city. they will not tell ice these people are problematic. when ice wants to put a detainer on somebody so they can remove them, new york and other sanctuary cities and states and counties will not do that. so there is -- this is avoidable. don't come and whine once there is video out there governor and mayor and district attorney person. you have the opportunity to change your policy, not be sanctuary, communicate, enter into memorandums of understanding and get the federal help you claim you want to have help with. >> harris: i love how you cleaned it up. district attorney person. great stuff. mayor eric adams is defending
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his idea to give free paid cards to illegal immigrants who are here, part of a $53 million private program in new york city. >> we aren't giving people american express cards. we found the food delivery service that we set up during the emergency we can find a better way to do it and our belief we want to cut 20% of the migrant costs. >> harris: you don't think that's a magnet for them to come? look at the rapper $0.50. he is tweeting. he criticized eric adams posting saying i talked to eric adams. he broke down why the pilot program is put in place and now i want to talk to governor hochuls about the laws preventing him doing things to make the situation better in new york. he was critical how can you just give money to these people? he is following the money.
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>> yeah. he says right at the end not my taxes. why should we all have to pay for this garbage out there? look, this is so fundamentally wrong. what kills me what gets after me is we don't take as good a care of our homeless veterans, people with mental illness, americans who paid their taxes every step of the way. these people are paying -- i read in the "new york post" paying $5 hundred a night to be housed by the american taxpayers. we talking about new york city. there are millions of these people. joe biden and kamala harris when you let people into this country what do you expect? they will need food, shelter, education, hospitalization. i mean, these billions of dollars, what are they supposed to do? some have work permits, some don't. if you don't have a work permit, here illegally. what will you do? resolve to crime and it will affect every city and every county and every state in our
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nation. >> harris: that's exactly what is happening. of course, the reports of some of the illegal immigrants don't like the food they are being served so it is easier to give them a credit card that's pre-paid to let them roam and find what they want. i remember a time not too long ago when eric adams was the candidate and he liked the idea of illegal immigrants being able to vote in his jurisdiction. so what would incentivize them more than don't leave the city, don't go to all these other blue cities. let's put some money in their hands and he has an election coming up in november of 2025. so we're about a year and a half away from that. interesting. your last quick thoughts and we'll move on. >> that and the census. all those democrats who said let's abolish ice and get rid of them. really? now you need them and they should be active. you don't support them and you won't work with them. >> harris: i don't get it on the left. they want to defund police at one point in our recent history,
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abolish ice. we have to have laws on the books and we have to keep those laws. the "new york post" editorial board with the biden's broken border has migrant criminal gangs raging in new york. critics warn that president biden's let them all in border policies would have paved the way for criminals to flood the nation. bad enough that new york's insanely generous treatment attracts more illegal immigrants anyway. worse that its soft on crime environment attracts criminals. nyc's migrant crisis hits new level of madness, free rooms, meals to thugs robbing us. jason. >> for three years the biden administration told us the border was safe. it was secure. they had operational control. this wasn't a problem. and now suddenly you have joe biden coming up and saying it is donald trump's fault. it is so sad because it is so preventable. the border was secure, becoming
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more secure, biden made choices, kamala harris, where is she in all of this? she is absolutely not there. she is nowhere in this discussion. she is supposedly one of the leaders of the democrats in the white house in the executive branch? come on. >> harris: the biden border bill. you could almost set that aside. you were chairman of oversight committee on the house of representatives and have the president do what now? because this is an emergency. again, i put a fine point on this. they are looking for people more dangerous potentially than what the people in the video did to the cops. where are the seven, notorious seven and when will the public know he what to look out for? in the meantime biden can do what? >> well look, i was on the immigration subcommittee. under the obama administration they started to change the definition of credible fear. and the consequence allowed
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millions more people to come into our country along the way. and let's remember the democrats had the house, senate and presidency the first two years of biden's administration. didn't see a border bill from them then. they didn't do that. they didn't think it was important. don't cry me a river that a bill was supposed to be brought up on the floor released on sunday night and wanted to vote on wednesday and it's all the republicans' fault. come on, democrats, you need to take some ownership here. >> harris: jason chaffetz. a fulton county d.a. fani willis is facing more calls for her removal from donald trump's election case. the atlanta journal constitution is reporting one of donald trump's co-defendants said her recent remarks at a historic black church biased the jury poll on top of big questions surrounding her personal relationship that she has already now admitted to having
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with the lead prosecutor she hired and overpaid more than anybody. nathan wade. the former president posted this. fani willis and her lover perpetrated a conspiracy to make money, cheat and interfere with the presidential election of 2024. steve harrigan live in atlanta with more on the legal drama of fani willis. steve. >> this could be heading towards a dramatic conclusion with a hearing scheduled for the 15th of february. right now as it stands already five defendants have said the d.a. fani willis should be disqualified. as you mentioned last week, she admitted to being in a personal relationship with the prosecutor that she hired, nathan wade. a key point here she says that relationship only began after wade was hired. now defense attorneys claim they can produce witnesses who say that actually the relationship began before and that the two were even living together.
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as it stands now there are increased calls for the d.a. to step aside from this case. >> fani willis is the one who put herself in this position and now in a situation where she has to look in the mirror and ask herself hard questions whether it's appropriate for her to continue in this role regardless of what the judge does. whether the judge disqualifies her or not. >> willis is calling for the hearing the 15th to be canceled and calling it a circus. we'll wait and see what the judge decides. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. we'll stay on that story. climate czar john kerry spent millions of taxpayer dollars on his own staff. who are they? and what were they doing for high six figure salaries? but a new lawsuit aims to uncover all of it. this on his watch, your money. plus claims the government was using really frightening big
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brother spying tactics on amer americans. their targets, so-called maga republicans. all americans should be upset about this. >> they will try to bring that in a few years where they will know every penny you spend everywhere every day. the american people will fiercely resist it as they look at what's coming down the road. >> harris: brian kilmeade to talk about the treasury secretary's testimony when asked about it. hint, dodge ball. veteran homeowners checked your credit card rates lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. it changes everything for them. it can for you too.
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>> harris: did the biden administration use big brother surveillance during its january 6th investigation?
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brian kilmeade is standing by in his radio studio. let's set it up first. the house judiciary committee unveiled what it calls evidence which shows the feds told big banks to track private customer transactions. and in that january hearing, which we watched and covered and also learned, that the banks were told to look out for certain key words. that the feds called extreme indicators. terms like trump, biden, antifa, retailers like dick's sporting goods, bass pro shops. treasury secretary janet yellen called capitol hill and just dodged questions. she didn't deny it. >> have you instructed banks or financial institutions to provide this information? >> well, the job is to work with financial institutions. >> are they instructing them,
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financial institutions to search americans' legal transactions in attempts to surveil their purchases? >> i -- i promise a thorough look into everything. >> this is really concerning. >> harris: not just concerning, steve forbes says it is wildly dangerous. >> american people feel and fear that more and more of our freedoms are being taken away. they want to take everything away that makes life worth living. showers and dishwashers that work. you take something like a digital currency, try to bring that in a few years where they'll know every penny you spend everywhere, every day. it's tyranny. >> harris: brian kilmeade is here with his radio show. and host of the one nation with brian kilmeade. brian, why do they need to know if i went to dick's sporting goods? >> brian: if you went there and
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happened to be in with a washington you are in trouble. using it to these banks and saying i can't make you give me this information but i'm the government and i would like that information. tap into your patriotism to help us out. if you were in washington and maybe went to the trump rally and then had gone to dick's sporting goods and bought a gun or cleats and they decide to go to washington they will try to put them all together, any of these other places, bass pro shops. that's how they think they profile trump supporters. >> harris: that's a word, profile. maybe i because i have children who are athletes would go to dick's sporting goods to pick up an extra tennis racket or gymnastics gear but you scoop up everybody. they are gaining more information than just about january 6th. they don't throw out that information. now they say i know how harris
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or brian shops and they -- why do they need that? what power does that give them? >> brian: the power it gives in investigating january 6th. we don't have all the answers. the fact that janet yellen doesn't have the answer means they're doing it. fox digital had the story and we got the answer from janet yellen right there front and center. i worry about when 9/11 happened we had to find out who the terrorists were here and unwind the hamas and hezbollah group here and we went in and started tracking some of their movements and transactions and we did unwind a lot of the financing. we never thought this stuff would be used on us. and now the scary thing is a lot of those same methods seem to be used on us. we're not the terrorists. i understand the january 6th nothing good about it, i got it. understood it. this is all they are focused on period. i've never seen such resourcefulness in pursuing one day a couple of hours as bad as
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it was, they are still investigating like there is no other crimes, like we don't have thousands pouring across our border every single day. >> harris: it's so true. as i pointed out it scooped up more than just those people who might have been in washington, d.c. it scooped up everybody who went to those retailers. that was an abbreviated list of words and retailers for the interest of time. we have a bigger graphic that shows all of it and half of america shops at those. probably more. >> brian: if my bank gave over information to the federal government without telling me, i am pretty sure i could retain a lawyer. that's not cool. >> harris: there is that part. well, get a load of this. energy watchdog group wants to know exactly what was going on inside the offices of climate czar john kerry. he is leaving by the end of late winter, they tell us. the group just filed a freedom of information lawsuit against
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the biden administration over this. the lawsuit says in part for nearly three years kerry has been jet setting on the international climate conference circuit while sending taxpayers the bill, the american people are on the receiving end of countless green mandates and rules and gas stove bans and skyrocketing utility bills with no opportunity for consent or input and many decisions are hatched in john kerry's office. it is our hope this litigation will finally bring to light the information we deserve to know. the boston herald through its own foia request found that john kerry's staff cost taxpayers more than $4 million a year with the bulk of his policy analysts make six-figure salaries. are you feeling benefits from this? >> brian: not yet. he was unclear and unwilling to cooperate along the way. we know this, too. he was the former secretary of state. why was he always involved in
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all these meetings prior? we know about his relationships with iran and we know about him traipsing through europe saying don't worry, trump will be impeached. just hold onto your hat. he was working against the state department under trump and now he gets this mysterious job as climate czar and he is just about everywhere important in the world flying with a huge budget. $4.3 million and now john podesta, a dicey character who is involved in every suspicious thing going on with the democratic party dating back to the clinton years is taking over. in charge of implementing the climate provisions of the inflation reduction act. now he gets this mysterious climate czar title. my sense trump won't have that if he wins or nikki haley won't retail that if she is victorious. a czarship that is biden sent rick that needs to be
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transparent and that's why they're getting sued. >> harris: what can they do about the czar who is in charge of the border? >> brian: that's a no-show job. >> harris: another foreign policy mistake for the biden administration sparking a retraction and an apology. conflicting information over whether they alerted iraqi leaders before u.s. attacks on iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps inside iraq. here is how it an unfolded. >> on iraq, we did inform the iraqi government prior to the strikes. >> as for the specific response on friday, there was not a pre-notification. we informed iraqis immediately after the strikes occurred. >> i deeply apologize for the error and i regret that any confusion that it caused. it was based on information we had or that was provided to me in those early hours after the
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strikes. turns out that information was incorrect and i certainly regret the error. >> harris: it's like a movie moment. are you lying then or lying now? what is that? >> what was the controversy when they finally decided to hit when they were ready after three americans were killed in jordan and 40 injured many were serious. the word is we'll hit when we're ready. the criticism was you gave them so much notice all you hit was infrastructure, not people. when kirby plays into it by saying we gave the iraqis a heads-up. that furthers the narrative. someone has to back out. admiral kirby had it right originally. the militias have nothing to do with the iraqi government. we want to stay on iraq's good side to keep our presence to watch our enemies up close and personal. we're in negotiations to get out. they are under pressure to not let us bomb militias in that
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area. we gave them a heads-up. i'm sure there are people in the iraqi government that told the militias that allowed people to survive. the bigger story i think jordan, tower 22 might not have been missile defense for our troops while they slept. that's a huge story. how dare you draft our people. put them in harm's way and not give them proper defense. >> harris: the secretary of defense needs to be doing these news conferences and standing up there and taking the questions whether than anybody else we're seeing. we can't be together now because we're simulcasting and you have to go. thank you to your listeners. even some liberal media members are not denying it. president biden may be trying to hide from the press, one of them calling biden out for once again skipping a super bowl interview two years in a row.
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plus biden playing the blame game on the senate's border bill. >> president biden: donald trump thinks it's bad for him politically. even though it helps the country, he is not for it. he would rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. >> harris: oh, the name calling went on and on and on. senator rick scott is in "focus" next. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood,
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the vote on secretary mayorkas? why bring it to the floor if you didn't have the votes? will you hold another vote to impeach him? >> last night was a setback. democracy is messy. we live in a time of divided government. a razor thin margin and every vote counts. sometimes when you are counting votes and people show up when
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not expected to be in the building it changes the equation. we have a duty and responsibility to take care of this issue. we have to hold the secretary of the department of homeland security accountable. mayorkas needs to be held accountable and the biden administration does. we'll pass the articles of impeachment on the next round. >> what would you say to americans concerned that congress isn't able to do basic functions? >> it's simply not true. we're governing here. sometimes it's messy. framers anticipated you would have a system with people did riff recent viewpoints from different parts of the country would have different ideas. what they anticipated is we would be able to get in a room and arm wrestle and come to consensus to move the ball forward. that's what's happening here. you see the messy sausage making. the process of democracy play out. it is not always clean or pretty but the job will be done at the end of the day. >> some of your critics will say
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your inexperience and congressman mathy said getting rid of kevin mccarthy was an unmitigated disaster for your party. >> it was a mess what happened here but we're cleaning it up. massey is one of my dear friends and colleagues. i don't think it's a reflection of the leader but on the body itself. the place where we've come in this country. the nation is divided. we lament that, right? the differences, the difference between the two parties now is wider than it's ever been and lots of emotions and we live in the age of social media and 24-hour news cycle. previous congresss where this wouldn't have been possible. what we need to do in a time of great challenge is lead on principle and that's what we are doing. the process is messy sometimes. the job will be done. we'll govern this country. the greatest country in the history of the entire world. the world is counting on us. we have steady hands at the wheel. everybody take a deep breath.
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it's a long game and we'll get the job done. >> harris: so you just saw the house speaker there and he may have been giving a talk back after the senate majority leader chuck schumer had some words to say about him. this is a back and forth. the bill came out of the senate. it goes to the house. and you heard what the house speaker had to say. listen to the game that's being played. this is chuck schumer before we heard from the speaker. >> all those republicans who said well, first said we want -- they got both options. >> the bottom line is the majority of republicans in the house said they want to do ukraine and israel and we hope that if we pass it in the senate that the house would then rise to the occasion. the house is in chaos. it doesn't behoove the speaker to block everything because 30
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hard right wing people just want chaos like donald trump. >> harris: republican senator rick scott from the great state of florida is with me now and i want to tell you, this is just breaking. national sheriffs association opposes negotiated border bill. just a quick quote because i had time to read through this. crisis at the american borders, which this legislation fails to address stated by the nsa president sheriff greg champagne. he said security should be the priority. your response first to that. >> i agree with him. this is not a secure the border bill. this is an immigration bill. we asked for a secure the border bill. we said we're not going to go work to secure ukraine's border if we don't secure our border. drugs, terrorists, traffickers, everybody coming across our border. it is wide open. we don't need a bill if biden would do his job. so this bill is an immigration bill. we need to secure our border.
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>> harris: biden doing his job would mean that he would have to flip the switch back and put into place some of his predecessor's policies and part of the candidacy game he played was i'll undo what trump did. it gets complicated when that causes so much problem, right? i do want to get to this quickly. i understand that in less than two hours republicans could be doing a test vote in the senate. how is that process going? >> we don't know. we know now the bill we got sunday night, none of us knew about. it was negotiated in secret. mitch mcconnell said we won't do anything to tie biden's hand to force him to secure the border today. we got back sunday night and republicans have said -- >> harris: why not? why can't you do something to force biden's hand to close the border now? >> mitch mcconnell decided it won't be part of the deal. decided on his own that would not be part of the deal.
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i am for a secure border. so i cannot support something when i know that mitch mcconnell said we won't force a lawless administration, the biden administration to secure the board. why are we even talking about this? the border will not be secure under this bill. so we have to say hey, thank god somebody worked on it but it is an immigration bill. nothing happened here. we quit doing the stuff in secret. it was done in secret. we don't get the text until sunday night. they expect us to vote on a significant change by yesterday and now they'll try to say oh no, we couldn't get that done. democrats don't want to do it, all right? now we'll do ukraine and israel aid by itself. wait a minute. that was our problem in the beginning. we won't spend $60 billion on ukraine without getting our border secure. >> harris: you are generous when you say it's an immigration bill. it is a ukraine bill.
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gets 60 million and the border gets 20 -- billion in both cases. customs and border protection sources are telling fox news there have been more than 1 million illegal immigrant crossings since october 1st. when the fiscal year began. it is the fastest that we have reached that number ever. and there were 900,000 encounters as they call them. people coming over illegally during that same period in the last fiscal year of 2023. the difference is more than the capacity of the stadium which is hosting the super bowl in vegas this sunday. here is a look at border encounters under president trump versus under president biden. 2 1/2 million under trump. 8 million under biden. in the same amount of time. the pressure from the former president title 42 after -- because when those numbers were
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taken we were just getting into the pandemic and he was doing more and the numbers were going down. senator. >> well, think about this. same laws. so trump secured the border and biden opened the border. this is all intentional biden could fix it now. he doesn't want to do it. schumer doesn't want to do it. chris murphy who negotiated as soon as the text came out said the border will never close. well, that's the opposite of what republicans wanted. so why would you think that we'll vote for this? and we should not vote for ukraine aid and potentially $10 billion that could go to gaza which goes to hamas? just giving the president authority to do that? nobody called and asked us if we believed in that. how can that be part of the bill that we want to give money people still holding american hostages. it is absolutely wrong. >> harris: well, when you say the border will never close,
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that brings me to a border council union conversation i had with the president for that yesterday. that is why do you think this current administration led by joe biden would ever follow any kind of closing shutdown orders in a bill when he won't follow the laws that are already on the books now? who would think he would suddenly have an epiphany to do that. >> he won't. he is lawless. if we don't have something in here that says he has to do it or he doesn't get something he wants, it won't happen. it is not going to happen. >> harris: thank you for being in "focus" and handling breaking news. appreciate your time. president biden calling in the big guns. look at that. maybe people with higher likeability ratings, approval ratings overall? former presidents obama and clinton to help rally democratic voters. he definitely needs that help, biden. new polling shows how many of
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his own party people have big doubts about a second term for joe biden. >> it is clear that biden is decaying at a rapid rate in terms of popular support. people don't believe he is capable of being president. >> harris: you know, president biden had a host of gaffes in less than 24 hours. piling onto his already pile of problems, the power panel weighs in on all of it next. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program.
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>> harris: voters are expressing it. their doubt that president biden's mental fitness as 81 years old looks to become the oldest person ever to win the presidency. a new poll finds 76% of voters say they are concerned about the president's age. even more concerning 54% of democrats say they have moderate to major concerns. >> president biden: i sat down and said america is back. mitterrand look add me from france and said -- said, you know, why -- how long have you
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been here? >> harris: mitterrand died in 1996. >> how is president biden going to convince the 3/four of voters worried about his physical and mental health that he is okay. >> i won't go down that rabbit hole with you. >> he said he had talked with mitterrand. >> you have seen him around the country and in michigan. i will leave it there. go ahead. >> harris: i'm with peter on that. what rabbit hole is she talking about? carley hurt. mark penn democratic polling expert. charlie, start with you. what is happening in the rabbit hole? >> i don't know. it's a weird rabbit hole for sure. i think the most alarming thing about joe biden right now is if you go back and look at videos from just three years ago just
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when he was running in 2020 and compare his ability to string a sentence together, put words together, remain -- make any sense at all and compare that to what we see today, it is pretty shocking. and i think that when you look forward for the next 12 months or nine months it won't get better. it will only get worse. and so i think it's a real problem that the administration and democrats face right now trying to go forward into the longest campaign we've ever had with this candidate. >> harris: mark, before i come to you i want to play this. the president seemed to forget hamas when answering a question about the terror group. >> president biden: there is some movement. there has been a response from
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the -- there has been a response from the opposition, but -- yes, i'm sorry, from hamas. >> harris: you know, mark, i often say it is not age. i understand that's how the polling questions are asking it. but this has to do with readiness and fitness for the job, commander-in-chief. a lot of 80 plus year olds are more with it. you cannot deny that something is happening. you don't need to be a medical professional to know that you can't understand him a lot. >> well, you know, look, i have generally dismissed these concerns because he is running the presidency, he is making a set of cogent, whether or not people like them or not decisions.
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the hamas one threw me for a bit of a loop. it is not about an old story. he tends to get these old stories and tends to not get the details right. hamas is an active war situation and that one did throw me for a loop, to be honest. >> harris: you are a brilliant analyst and messenger. what would you tell your party about joe biden right now? >> right now i would say that joe biden has to calm these things. 75, 76%, my polls show the same thing. the concern about age is simply too high. i would get out there and do the super bowl interview. the best thing is really to make yourself available, answer the questions, get some good sleep and do a good job. that's the best answer to these. >> harris: you know what? i'm glad you brought that up. president biden's struggling re-election campaign calling in the big you guns for a blockbuster fundraising rally
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next month. he won't do that signature iconic super bowl interview but bring in powerful friends. former president barack obama posting i'll be in nyc march 28th to support joe biden. who is coming with me? bill clinton says count me in. who else will be there? president biden is trying to stitch back together his 2020 coalition as he goes into the general election with a much more fractured democratic party than four years ago. charlie. >> so elections are about choices and so you can't help but look at the situation and compare it to the republican alternative. could you imagine donald trump declining the opportunity to talk to the super bowl audience in prime time in front of -- that's an opportunity -- he would never miss it. could you imagine him campaigning with mitt romney and george w. bush, needing them to shore up support? it won't happen.
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this is what joe biden is left with. >> harris: a few seconds left, mark, last word. >> the last word. it's a unified democratic party. you saw it again in the primary last night. democrats are behind joe biden. he will be the nominee. >> harris: you didn't give them any choices. the party did the same thing as you did when nancy pelosi wanted to take on tim ryan representative who thought he had a chance against her. that was never going to happen. bring you back on a different day. "outnumbered" after the break. s of family tradition with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund.
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>> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno, here with my co-hosts, kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner. also joining us today, fox news contributor leslie marshall and


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