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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 8, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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blue campaign. that's an awareness effort designed to educate people on how to thwar s efforteducate t traffickers. lyft will give tutorials to its drivers, startinlyftg in vegas area, and the driver only version of the app will give drivers some guidance on how to contact the right authorities if c they see something shady out there. thessays human trafficking can be much more prevalent during these big events like the super bowl because of the masses of people thee and the anonymouo that those crowds can provide. and sean, whsecrowdsy this a bi? an estimated 27.6 millionaround people all around the world are victims of human traffickin tre victig, at leaste to the state department. so back to you, though. malaysian thannd it thak you for that report. that's all the time we have this evening. thank you for being with us. g. thank in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. >> greg gutfeloud. oh, yes.
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i love you, too. i love you. and i love you. happy wednesday, everyone. so one of those stories you hear about a firefighter thr who sets a fire so he can ride in and save the day, but instead the house burnsemins down. that reminds me of joe and the border mof joe a. he torches the border and now we're supposed to trust the samee suppost th guy who sts raging blaze to put it out. know, it's like believig o.j. when he said he was going to find his wife's killer. >> he's still looking. yes, he is. he's do we give him mores and gas or look for someone with a fire extinguisher r someon and a? pulse? that's the question joe biden asked america yesterda uestioy during a speech that reminded me of winston churchillreminded, py because winston churchill is also dead. hi >> all indications are this bill won't even move forwardll o to the senate floor. why? a simple reason. donald trump. hecause donald trump thinks
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it's bad for him politically. he'd rather weaponize this issue than actually solvthis ile trump and the maga republicans said no becaus e they're afraid of donald trump.nald tru afraid of donald. ans have republicans have to decide who do they serve? nald t donald trump by the american people every day betweenru and november, the american people are going to know that the only reasonable k bordr is not secure is donald trump and my republican. >> folks, we've got to move past this toxic politics. >> tapper that is amazing. first of all, he asks, who do the republicans serve? this is the man wearing the ukrainian flag because they gave money to his kid. >> who do you serve? ou servebut short term buzz of s whoa, posturing inevitably gave this hangoverality that was visible yesterday on the president's face. day on t look at him. it's painful to watch. it's got to the point that nowio joe barks maga whenever he can't make a real argument.
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for him, it's only two syllables. >> even luckier. trump is only one. o >> but it's his answer for everything. he's like a but it who only knows onl one position, and we're kn getting screwed. seems oh, but it it's something has finally dawned on joe, that spiteful anti-trump tantrun m he threw when he took office, reversing roughlyg roug 90 trump era border policies has now become the defining featurhle of his administration, and he's become a melting, angrtion, any ice sculpture. and then there's homeland security director mayorkas. sorry, it's hardrk to giveassor, a thumbs up. >> a man who looks like a thumb . he's failed miserably to defend our borders. so when the house of representatives voted tuesday evening to impeach him,l it should have been what figure skaters call a slad havem dunk. but three republican owns these fellows right here on your screen joinen yourd, the dems,
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in voting against what would have been the second ever impeachment of a sitting cabinet official. of ang cabinn those names so you can vote against them or at least sign them up on grindergn them . n grindr ou our audience doesn't grinder. good for you. mike gallagher postedience dd oy he voted against impeachment, quote, creating a new lower standard for impeachment will set a dangerous precedent that wilfrom il be weaponized at future republicans administrations. ly fur >> it will only further pry open the pandora's box of perpetualth pry impeachment. so you get this, people.impe thosachme gop defectors didn't vote to impeach trump. didn't vote to impeach because t it would lead to the dems doing it as well. do we live in a twilight zone, sir gallagher. the demssi already impeached trump not once, but twice. did we already forget that? is biden's dementia contagiousat ? does maga now stand for making alzheimer's great agaiusn despi"
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what it already makes? gument.we don't want to hit then because they'll hit us back. well then wht y, are you in the ring? you're fighting for us, rememberare fi? anyway, republicans say they'll try their hand at impeaching the caucus they again. maybe in a few years whens agai our southern border starts at nebraskn, few yeaa. yeah, but like i told my assistant when she a day offs for her mother's funeral. don't hold your breath ft hold. but it's not really about caucus. >> it's about joe. we wouldn't have this crisis had by not rescinded trump'sd border policies and just let it remain in mexico in place. in pa he prefers his policy of remain in basement instea d. the problem with yesterday wasoi that it ignored one and ignorable fact this disaster was not occurring under trump and that the republican house now is weak. as jerry nadlewasn't or sphinct if there's one thing establishment republicans love to dnadler'sthere'o lose gracefs they lose, so do we.
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cash strapped local governments are now spending billions for the care and feedingcal govenowr arrivals with no work permits and limited job skillsk pe and c respect for the law than ilhan omar. ilhan omar gown.ight i don't even know what that>> ge meang:s. e vide the video of two nypd cops assaulted by venezuelan thugsby exposes the issue that dems had labeled racist jets for bringing it up. migrant crime. it u empties its prisons and we get a crime wave. what did you expect? they broke you the laws in thei own country. and now they're free to roam in a biggeeyr, richer country. it's like offering a free bucket of fried twinkiesy. . and then shocked that joy bejar shows up. on the foreign policy front, biden's decidegnd to link securing the border to funding for foreign wars. now, let mfor e get straight. russia is at war with ukraine. hamas terrorists slaughtered israeli citizens. >> oh, yeah, joe, it's hamas. terrortizensthere is some movemm
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and i know i don'tov want but maybe choose my words.vement dana, there's some movement. there's ben in response from the. there's been a response from the opposition. thebut is yes, i'm sorry, fromu hamas. >> oh, my god. quick. somebody smelling saltssmelli and then put them in a little girl's hair. oh, yeah that's not good. that is so not good. at least he didn't say extreme magaat l and some aussie dumb. maybe he's up on the embalming fluid. fluid. it's not even funny anymore. really. i feel bad saying that becauseme this is terrible. but those wars mean america. apparentlys te.
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get a southern border. if anybody can explain to mee tv this works, i promise to give you brian kilmeade home phone h numberom. he goes to bed at 830. so a these countries, they havee sacred borders. but america's looks like. walmart on a black friday. of course, the experts will saey ,look, man, you got to fighte st the bad guys over there so they don't comhedon'e here. fine, i get that. but why not make it harder foryf to get in here before they flee from the wars that wei are fighting there? >> i know. i know. it. >> it makes too much sense. like muting your tv whenever jesse's on. the truth is, the border crisis is like luminol for the crimise scene. that is the biden administration. it's detecting blood all over. and joe'ke luminmes is holding b as well as the border itself. thanksi to his incurable joe has managed to makera our border as incontinent as heh
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is. can he stop the flow at all? i bet we'll get the same old answer. s where you go. tonight's guest that he took a night off from banging in your act to be here tonight. comedian diet off yourd on a seo bright joe biden keeps walkingr. towards earth. the campaign communications expert erin perrine, and she took those epic and gained weight. "new york times" best selling author and persistent at that dish. and when he plays monopoly, "n he uses real house's "new york times" best selling author, comedian and formeinr nn world champion jeff. , you know, because you're an expert on immigration. i was going to ask you whai watw your solution is. >> but then i watched those clips again of joe biden ando tt
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realize these are not gaffes anymore. this is just the statu s of hisry behavior. it's kind of scary. i mean, i feel bad making jokese about it now. yeah, it's hard to make it funny. yeah. like it reallyy. itlly is. is.barrassi >> like you just watch. they go, this is embarrassing. yeah. the leader. yeah., i know, like jfk, like we choose to go to the moon, you know t, get jacked up. you get hard watching that. you watch this, you just go, oh, this is what we're done. yeah, it's. it's very embarrassinge doing?., >> very embarrassing. oh, so what is the plan? just don't talk about it. yeah theplan i listen, we have a position here. yeah, but then you ask people like, well, you know,ou l you you when you go to a country, you should probably follow the rules to, like,llowah get into that country. i can't just go to austria and they go, hey, don't san't sy that. yeah, one of these guys beat up a cop. they're not even a citizen. they go, whoa, whoa, racist. y o well, what's the point? like, can we talk about it? like, there have to be some other side . tal? s yeah, the only side they're concerned with are for the people cominnly sideg in. it's the most bizarre thing. a border actually has two sidesas two right inside and out. and like s, if you bring upe a i
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your concerns, you're a bigot. >> right. just by talking it, i thinkot that's pretty scary also. >> and not very funny that we ve can't e talk about it without being like this. >> you're problematic. what happenelid? caller by the way, so this is a special i told him., by t i was told it looks good.he you're like jeff d i hip doctor . look, i i'm here to tell j you you got cancer, but what are you doinefip doctog? that is the doctor. i'd be. >> it is the doctor you be. you've only got three months to two months to learn what io e love. okay, aaron, i apologize." fore that. what do you up? you think not impeachingogize fo new york is a big deal? >> i mean, it really. i mean, it's like. i guesgas is a s life goes on.o. >> is this a big defeat? no it's not because, one,caus they'll be able to bring it up again. >> and, you know i think the least surprising part of this is that like e to geting a whilthat i things done in congress. that's the same song and dance. i worked on the hill for yearsia
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. i haven't been there for a few f years, but it's really not much iss changeeweally nod. the way we make the change here is we elect somebody else to the white house. the reason we are facinga half three and a half to four times more borde morer crossings than a two year period under joe biden than we did under donald trump is because of joe biden. let , the 90 executive actions that he took away from the trump administration purely because he said up donaldld tru trump, that's a no for mmpe building the border wall. he stopped doing that. part of that border wall was ste dam infrastructure in texas. and he was like, good luck to everybody. like everythinnfrastructure in n bad. it has only made the border worse. ped. s ennt to see this en you can't believe like you can't be shocked that it's going to take congress a while to get thiu nes right. need a leader in the white house who's willing to take action to get it right because e clear between biden and mayorkas, no one is going to close the bordee thr. >> the united states. yeah. he would rather forgivforge stut loans. yeah. ive and it will do it and has done>> that and then did catch and release people ind releaneda the unitedte you entere the country legally. hey, you got a one way ticket you be an nypdcountrlly,yo. copu
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you might make it to california but that's that's that isr the tenet of their policy right now. is nore of their policyht now . yeah. you know, kat, i was just i, i was caught off guard watching biden again. nos, they were. i think we all know now why he's not doing a super bowl in his. i mean, it's bad. that's serious. what?e, okay, if that's audition tape, g what gig could you get? no, no. like drama? n it's only 3 minutes. fu there's no only in that 3 minutes. yeah. the super bowl is supposed to be fun,n, i hear. and, like, that was like, the that's, like, miserable. they it ou lett. but, i mean, the thing is, why is it that clip everywhere like i'm pleading ignorance that is the first time i saw oh no i mean just because they all look the same, you're like, oh you know what's crazy is that i don'i don't care what part ofr from what you believe whenever you're watching joe biden speak, everyonu be
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e watches him like this. >> you know, like likewatches ,e what's going to happen? you know, like, that's nothappe how you should watch the video. >> like, oh, like if you're just, like, heartbroken and scared the whole time. yeah, this isn't none of this is normal. it's disturbing. 's dhe's so, he yeah, it's like this. he shouldn't be. he shouldn't be. >> have to do that. no, at this point, they need to. they need one of those big things that take him away. >> the problem he is. well know george w bush, a big apology we gave that we raisedl that over the coals for saying like fool me once and then, you know, losing his credital thought this guy everyday is so normal to us. now we just go, that's how w toe talk. >> yeah, but it is normal. i thought he was just splitting justdiff, like he's got a ten minute speech. >> but if he combines it all together, you get it done he's. ee minutesitting t i thought it was just a you know, i'll say three or four things at the exactat thin tim.e, which is a higher level of thinking. that's true. which, you kno. g: that'w, we just don't get it. yes. oh, my bad, mr. president. i'll work on m myy. bad,
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this is just the incident with the border patrol officerse and their horses. >> his should have been out of there. yeahs, , and this is one. republicans. e termhis is why w limits. >> they care more about getting reelected than doing the right thing. >> his his lackadaisical efforth with the border, with the way he treats the men and womenw ab who protect the border. how about the mothers who to congress he had to show up because he was, quote, in a meeting with mexico. you should have brought their too. but it goes back to the same thinghrought. republicans are for this and this proves they say they want change. >> who cares if i knowthat b that beingei leader and doing the right thing and getting a person, this man out here thho'sfailed and there's one can argue that he has, it means i might not get reelb, ed, but i did my jo was better for my people. fine. that's man up. so be it man up. did my part.
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>> but this says more this. you know, we always want to go at the left and say, when they're doing this, this says more about us and the spineless people that supposedly are conservatives. they know that this man has cost money is ruined mon. r there was people that couldn't leave their homes because everyone thought they were thou black people. >> and think about that. that's what and you're serving for pork and that's how you'retr being treated. >> that'eated. s just one didn't show up for the moms then. it was perfectly fine being like border were lettinge. people drown in the water. yes. it didn't matter what a horrible thingit didtter that h, but you just didn't want themwa to comnt te back at you to turnu in your little pin and tie and go home. >> yeah. all righ home.t. up. yes. mayb e every woke ad was just a fad. beautiful and healthy looking guys. it shouldn't be a compromise if i elimination three nonirritating products developed by the experts
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beginning to end shop. now that show allegiance icon
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>>eir profits up in smoke after embracing the woke. but no grofits ww a number of sl commercials will reportedly avoid a woke in an effortls wil to sell their product or at the very leastntly avo to keep kidp rock from shooting. it turns outrorom shoo wing hecg and ads only further alienated consumers alread y impacted by biden. economy people don't need to be called when they can't afford't eggs. so instead, this year's brands are expected to lean into humor and non-controversial celebrities as opposed to unfunny hectoring lefties. guess it's not your year. kathy griffin. meanwhile trump is extending an olive branch to bud light posting on sociagrile, trul. pon the bud light ad was a mistakeg, of epic proportions, and for waa that very big price was paid. anheuser-busch is a great pasrican brand that perhap deserves a second chance. decaeven trans
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republican caitlyn jenner joined trump in urging republicans to move forwarittrud from their boycott. and that takes. aughte but it's a fair question. second chance?er] look, i'm a fan of second chances. i didn'tances. fire poor boy the first time he rejected by advancerejecteds. put that in the clip reel. but as tyrus pointed but didn't just lose business. they also fired 350 employees in the aftermath of the mulvane debacle. and there was a worse outcome for. but oncean prized clydesdale horses. yeah, bad news for the horses,s. but great for. the post-it notes business buat really happened that happen, they sent away. >> all right, tyrus. so on the one hand you're, you i mean, you're very passionate about, but in the fact that they they should rehire the people, they d o that firste checks before you cut the checks. yeah, but here's the thingre's ' i'm all for
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third chances in some cases, if you show a change in behavior and you own your giving good young comedians endorsements is great. but that's not that's notroblem the problem. 350 americans who showed up to work every day bust their , were out work. that's what two celebrity checks. yeah . ty if those people america we messed up. we're bringing our forces back and we're goingessed up tol this storm will respect that giving. like i said being a part of you have seen nfl that is that is greathat'st. but the only way you stand up to this woke behavior is by changing behavio behavior and s, we're not accepting this anymore and we're going to fix more, anof wrongs. a lot of people were canceled and a lot of people didn't have the resources peopl come b. so, in effect, the dilemma of owning woman face geing canceled, 350 hardworkin americans that don't have the ability to go on social media or tv talk shows to get their careers back. so fix bye bye anlld i'll be the first
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one to go out and buy a bug at my house and i'll have a kend g party split, right? >> i will be the first one. but how about you invest in those 350 workers, then talk about redemption. but just movindemptiong and thrg money at people who already have it don't mean to me personally, cat. >> on the one hand, i'm happy because i get the feeling i' dead.eism but on the other hand,d, what will we talk about? yeah what we, this is like been my bread and butter for ten years. >> uh, have you ever told me that i'd spend this much time of my adult life sitting , talking about bud light? like it's part of my. it's part of my jof myb. >> i've been like, no way. um, yeah, i that that what you said really is at the hearte of it is that people want to chill. they don't want to sit there and be tolhere andd, least of ar the people who are presumably doing better than they are financially, that they need to feel bad about the waythey they're living. >> people want to watch sports. and i was and again, i was . football fan for
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one week between the lions winning and the lions losing, yn and i experienced a lot of joy in that week. thatthey this was to be an escaa from everything else. they people just want to havo he fun. and again for me i've i've not boycott it i mean budweiserdon' i don't drink i just don't really have time to drink so i haven't reallyha been drinkin. >> but i think that it became ad people didn't want to be asked questions about why are you drinking while you're drinking g ,that it became this lightning. rod of a thing. so i think they have to overcomso thee that in orderr something to. >> yeah. is that bud light? agree with you? that's greg: "thatd light? that. that's what they got to deal with. werenk a lot of lessons learned. >> and i mean, the one thing that they did is, they listened to activists and influencers on sociaanl who don't even buy their product. it was like an illusion or a it's they're listening to people with delusions which created the illusionwith yeah they took bad advice from people who aren't there of like target demographic here. and even if they were trying to expand to more people i,
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you don't have to spend $7 million in 30 seconds to have people hate your brand could don that in one tweet and 2 seconds and then destroy your brand. they havane to put money behind a message that they were trying to seldl in relation to a product that didn't match. yeah, that's what upset people. and itmatch.t cost jobs.r mark it cost 30% of their market share. it's going to take a lot foret it's goi them to come back. and yes, i love the clydesdales commercials, love a commercialeo ,a puppy in it. i you got me sold. i'm in on these commercials. 'mbut that's not going to changh what happened, how they got hereangeened and and total marks that they've sustained. because when you win, like when you to the games, you win super prizes. and that's what happened with them. they didn't listen with them wh they were inauthentic to their brand. and when you do that is when you're going to get in the moset trouble as a brand name.>> >> jeff, are you a little dismayed bud hadn'tman? come to you to be their news? but i have thought about thaeff gillis got a deal and i was like, good for him. but th e second old jeff gets sober now. >> alcohol company. yeah. ! >> i don't know if there's if the a nice coffee companreybu
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that would like to. i'm available, but i think kat nailed it. i'vet been beaten this drum foo a long time that what i like about sports is that it's justni or what i like about companies is just companies. i,e abou i want to hear from millionaire athletes trying to lecture everyone about history they didn't go through and slavery aboutey e they're dripping in nike and blood diamonds when that' the most hypocritical of the left right. you would have to agree that no one cares about corporations pretending to care about these social issues. >> yeah, that's. it's the grossest these isst tt an email. that's like here at wells fargo, w"here ate stand withyo the women's march. >> you like what you're saying? yeah. down to taco bell, get me two tacos for 99, but get outoo of here, guy. that drives me nuts. it's like i why you're doing this to me to taco. i took a second. i took a biden right there
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to get money. you just kin d of like taco p2. >> i still don't get it. dthat explains the green room. >> yes. all right, we must move on. up next, gen zers think it's fine to stay home drinking wine if you'll be in the new york area and, like, tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. the beverage is it drove the world beer, wine, spirits, tea, coffee and soda. let's drink our faces which by the way, he does take tips at the end. i never take two lemons before dinner. it ruins the appetite there they have. >> do you always feel like chariot? could i give you some feedback as a bartender? you .
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families. in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. call the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help protect your rights .
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prefers to drink at home versus bars at home? well, it could be saving money. young professionals in cities avoiprofessid, huge bar tabs.sig instead of using my proven technique of pulling fire alarm right before last call. but there's also genlast z-ers who live in the burbs and stay put to avoid driving. it's true. >> it's not like you cant get pulled over in your race car beit to d. l have i still have one. sure, you can hire hired uber,su but those drivers get snippy after they've puked in their cars a few times snippy . ir car there's s also the notion,ther but there's also the notion that thesee on people are shunng bars to avoid social interactions, preferring to sta a eractiony in solitude at home.oi after all, there's no line at the bathroom and everyone nam always knows your name because you never leave. so with fewer people choosing to drink in the bars, it could spell the end of the bar. but for someone like me, i it's okay. as a well-known celebrit okayy. ired viruses got exhausting.
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i was so tired of women coming to me all the time and asking me to stop. in so to god, if you go to me, i'm going to slap. yeah. i think i needro a minutcesse to process carry through drinking at home. you are the first person to talirstk to about drinkingt e at home. the best thing is that you can tht of kind of the whole idea of like, oh, you need a glass for this and a glass for this. oh, do you need a mug? no, yo a. >> you can just drink wine oute of like, a bottle. you'll think i said that to you. what said to you was i had one cup. yes, you had one cup. and i would. i had one who i had what have you. >> it's like i can tellt le at least one person left who doesn't get itast oesn't g. i don't look it up, but yeah, i look going out.i have first of all, i had one cup o with one person, lived in my apartment and like, i don'an wt. i don't know why we have so many dishes now, but going reada
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is only fun if it's like on accident. yeah, it's like when you, like, get ready and, like, go out. mentit's always a disappointmen. everybody. there's a disappointment. everything's a disappointment but it's like you're not supposed to be out then. like, it can be fine because you're doing something you're not supposebee doingd bee t >> it's cheaper to stay at home with the friends you already frs have rather than make like, new friends, new friends in the bathroom that you like, never talks in the to. yeah. yeah. i don't know. pru know, jeff, i think like't , i drinking at home probably eight, 12 years ago, wheneveob r lef i red eye because we were always going out drinking and i started drinking at homeand and then i find myself that's all i did was drink at home was like that it's like i never went out ever went out was like i developed a phobia driven in harms way better. i agree with the story. i think it's weird, but it's cheaper. yeah, like said, there's no, bathroom line, which i think you said. thinand also, you know how easyc is to get a girl to go back to your house when you're already at your house,enu you're already there. >> you know, there's no last'ra like. yeah, you want to.
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yeah. come on, do the thing that was open. we d o whol >>time. which is what? make a intercourse. oh, okay is what. >> so that's the medical term. >> and i'm like, we don't like big words around. yeah. bang yeah, yeah. >> and you go to bars, do you do? >> what's it like? oh, it's greato you . i have bartenders who are nice to me. i mean, this feels lik are nicee a remnant of the covid era they were talking about. this poll was betweeeyoll isn 2d 26 year olds. these are kids who, like, never got to go to bars, never got to be 18 and going to a bar before you were 21, at leastbef. like, hang out and see. but like, maybe they just don't know what it's like. likedon't kn wha, go say hi to the bartender. they're generally pretty nice if you don't know why you like,u you can ask them and they might give you a sip and the or a trye wine or some beer if you don't know you like it. likee like in this poll,s like it's like like 48% of them drink to unwind and 48% of theme drink two to for the sheer joy of it.
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okay, so you're a normal perso n . >> a normal person and go to a bar to that a young person hasba to drinkr. he to unwind. what are you unwinding fromd ofs right? >> what kind of stresses do you have? that would depend on who >> tyrus: ons from whentrue you're drinking. >> greg that's i've never seen you in like when you first got. >> i never seen you actually at a bar. no, becausr.e for for a lot of reasons. and i know it's your firstreligi thought as religion, but no thanonk high the the first reasn is one i always end up working. mm. somee somebody wants some of the bathroom is they come to you. >> hey sir is. to if there'st th a fight breaks out, are you going to do somethinatks outg. i sure and no, i'm on my winnke break. i nem, i don't drink wine. never have. don't like the smell of it. can't stand it. and wine drinkerdon's, differen. animals. let's be honest. they they want to talk le h and,outsid like, play records and sit outside with their shoese off
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and you're already meet all of those people as a defensivea ber measure it's just i'm a beeruy guy and some of the and nott to to mention you got to go out you got to take out so you canno let yourself know that you're still making the besw thatt. yes. you know, i'm saying like t the fellowske ou ,you old ladies like you don't stop. i thought, we're going to grow up you go. will you go out and you intersected and she'll say in the car over like sin the c, man, you see the immature guys over there? >> oh, they're so rude and didn't grow up and be like, yeah, i diand d. all right. comyog up, story is from local places that will put smiles on your facedney fais if you hae on your facedney fais if you hae chronic kidney, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with seizure because they're places you'd rather be more secure. it or gen cause serious side e including ketoacidosis that may including ketoacidosis that may be fatalrare, infectio dehydrat, urinary tract or yeast urinary tract or yeast infections and low blood sugar ,
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hi, i'm kelly. crystal. kelly and this is local newss everlowhere ev guess brings thef from where they're from? all right, jeff, why don't jeff go first.ant me >> do you want me to start? k i figure. yeah. let's get it off on an unhinged noteat: le. >> all right. well, i'm pretty unhinged about this, actually. preunhingedablet's check out t. i just wanted everyone to see what's happening on myeryone t e of the country. in my state. in my state, we've literally wet floods.d flood warnings. my phone's been blown off of flood warning phone hs even e i'm over here. it's sad. that's the l.a. river, which sad. isn't a river at all. it's just like a little concrete causeway. yeah, it's nothing.ard you skateboard down there, it's a little thing. this is whatdownwhole th it's. c this man in a helicopter rescued because he couldn'ecausi get. the reason i'm showing you this is because all i ever hear about ons or from the everythino is about how hard we are on the environment and global warming. >> oh, humans are bad on the earth and about on the ocean. eais hars f is hard on u
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the earth. forget about nobody ever talks about the hurricanes and the floods and the earthquake. s tai >> every day this earth hasng iv taken people. and i've had enouge d enoughh o. >> the litter. but what! about? the motor oil and the oil i don't get. i'm done with it. so you're on it. >>r idea your idea is just to gn offensive on the climate. the ctake out the apex predatos yeah, i want to hear it all you got. i want i want car cs that run on seals i say we start fighting back. workshop area. >> mine is not as aggressive>> i as you want. yeah. no, you went. he. she was right. nailed it. mine is about the shirtless individual hair chase and kelseymine is e shirtl , who came to the buffalo bills, kansas city chiefs playoff gamo came te ando made that into a meme that he has put on a t-shirt. g them f
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he is selling them for a local children's hospital in buffalo. that that's a great back story if you don't know about bills mafia bills mafia is very giving sports community. the children's hospital in buffalo has a patricia allen fund which is named after josh allen, our incredible quarterback's grandmother. she passed away. layed we didn't know josh played a game and 2020 was lights outa and what bills fans found out they started giving money so that fund on hey to thar. they've raised over $2 million. and so this is going to beportut another great opportunity. i'm super excited that jason kelsey is putting out thisatoney shirt in order to give more money back to the buffalo community and the buffalo doesac the same. when lamar jackson went out for a game for concussio went oun b, fans gave money to his foundation. when andy dalton broke our 17 year playoff drought by beating the baltimore ravens throats when he was a cincinnati bengals quarterback. we gave $400, i love this about bill's mafia. let' thi s keep it up. let's give as much money as we[a can't write that. >>n i?ppla to translate j that?
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that was very different from jeff's. anybody here want to line up for a kick off? oh, maline uoff?n great story p. >> well, now bring it all down . the world is going to in a handbasket because needasket grandparents, preferably bigger ones with sticks. >> sbeo their shores has a problem with kids from comingi out of school and invading and taking over the store. they build town. they build papere. towel forts, they run into things. they steal the electric carts, h the obese people, they're running amoke and eveni. stealing in broad daylight. apparently they had a half dayld couple of weeks ago, but it was a full day over there. they had about 150 kids just tearing up. just turn it all up and push and bullying everybody and no one's doing anything. wher bullyin ande are the big m? where are the crossing guards? where are the people that beat when i was a child and triedto s to steal things? >> that's kind of brilliant,
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thoughhings?. if like if you don't want to do a babysitter, you can't find one. just drop your kids off to the grocery stor your kide. b but they're building forts out of paper towels. where are the paper towels?re t where are the guys? oh, my god. i can sehe e table. my kids would be here justom 50 to report from 50 yards away. "fater, i'm outsidya watching the evil. i'm documenting. i'm documenting. i will testify against everybodocumenti iwilly because we're the parents. >> they're used to being people thapehat stufft with thif and this, it's a really sad sign that hat a gang children cd just stroll up in your placeess of businesands and it over.d isl our kids are world's all bad. back to you. s no all right, greg, i knowwant you're not greg. you're. grei want to get your turn bece he's really excited to play it. >imilar it's very similar to. i'm also talking about the deadly atmospheric storms that have been lingering over california have be so far. we've had 475 mudslides, 400is fallen trees. but get this, it was also, it deadly. three people were killed when wind toppled trees on sundaywinn
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killed people in sacramento, santa cruz and sutter counties. accordinnto,g our authorities. >> but you know what? there is a silver lining to all! this deadliness the suffering right here. >> aldo rivera gabrielle, the oldest of my five kids at almost 10,000 feet elevation on top0,000 fe of mammoth mount. they had six feet of new snow in the last five days. the conditions causing chaos downconditio in the rest of soun california are a skier's glass . >> sr's bleso silver, all youpe people dying in the mud. we had i great day skiing. never, never, never, never never, never, never would. greg, there is no. there are no second chances. ces. . up next, should you have to pay for your own birthday? >> oh, what a good time we heard.
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call 1-800- 8279797. that's 1-800- 8279797. >> a story in five words. >> hey, your own birthday. it. roll it. >> you invite people to a restaurant of your choosing forant of r your birthday. you should pay for everybody. i know that's going to be deeply unpopulars deeply, but ia think that you can't pick a restaurant and askre to come and celebrate you and pay for themselves. >> a sergeant that i have to
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rely on my people. it's really hard. all right. aaron, she thinks that theerin birthday boy or girl should always pay for thi their own birthday dinner with friends. >> but this is creating a firestorm. what do you think? i actually don't think that she's necessarily that wrong don't. ut if you're inviting people out, it would be. but you think about this in reverse is how i was thinking.. i will she just assumed that i'm going to invite all these people to a party and be like, and you get to pay foreryoneou now.ople but if you're inviting people, you can split the bill like you casplit thn talk to people. if you're an adult inviting people to an adult birthday party, you canadult ca have a conversation about that without it being an issue. but she just makes it so awkward and uncomfortable as influencers tend to do because they're just weird awk people. >> yeah, you know, jeff, i mean, when a adult throws a birthdayt tha for them. >> yeah, that's the strange part. yes. i think that if you, if you di s d it and you invited her, thene st you should pay. but i also think that there's a bigger thing happening with influencers and these rappers and these young kids, theyspotify, soundcloug d, whoever these people are that have all this money, guys, followers, they're so happy
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to flex with the expensive sunglassesve and living it, then then tip better and paying for stuff. >> if you're going to flex on everyone about how much moneabouw muy you have in theses then pay the bill becauseo be it's very to be cheap and also rub it in everyone's face about how welln ev you're doing >> all right, gramps. you don't think so? no, i agree. poinams.out because others are s going like. but about the bottom one. we like all these bad 20 zero video cut. the julia takee jes, his juicere th the car takes his car. tht's face it, because they're fully it's fuleyl. >> well, complain about having to pay for stuff that people can't afford stuff. yeah so yeah influencer. you're doing your interview from your bed chatting about how to pay for your own dinner at a party. >> then you should, like they should pay for you because it's not easy doing all this. so and plus not going to a8 th party because once you're over
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18, the candles cost more than the cake do. so i'm not going i don't celebrate birthdays. give in my kids, let them pick them. yeah, i don't tend to be fair. i should probably give it to mym mom. she went through. yeahsh, she was £90 and had a £10, 24 ounce baby. >> so she didn't serve in the military, but she served that day. ye militarys. thank you for your service. i think there's a joke in there i almost made, but i'm not m ca. >> oh, go ahead. go ahead. what do you how did you howe were you able not to talk like that? >> i don't talk know, right? yeah. yeah. you talk like, you know, you much more masculin>> greou >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i think you're. i think your vocal cords that explode if you tried. woul yeah, i don't. i know i couldn't do that. i hate myseld . kat: nof enoughi >> so i think people, whenrd people get weird about moneyalkb in general, it's just let's figure it out. >> i remember i'm going to tell that i'm going to talk, e this. what is my time to talk about this? i went to a friend's birthday dinner. i arrived later in the night and everyone at appetizersa dr
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dinner drinks. i had a drin k and then the next day the bar after i wentrs to buy, after i paid foron the birthday person''s ds drinka and the birthday person's boyfriend's drinks, two rounds of drinks are both. and then i got a text message. can you venmo me for dinnebr? >> it's $100 a person. so i did it. but like a h you being a . and then i texted my friend and was like, ohxted you know, e i didn't eat at the dinner. why am i? and then like, oh, such a huge misunderstandinga hugeundersta.h >> well, not really, because he kept on. yeah , i don't go. hey, we'll be right back. >> come to my seminar. you'll be saying, wow, don't you really want know? hey there. i'm dennis miller to see my new three part series, the infomercials that saw this. do you care? nostalgic for the time when infomercials ruled the airwaves ,you'll also get interviews with all of these stars. the first you've got sign up for fox nation operators. they aren't
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out of time. [applause] i love you america. . >> good evening everyone this is the ingraham angle from washington. i have good news the


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