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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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acknowledged that the man has not been and he said in part, i should not have been listening to the crowd. that was my mistake and i should not have had that knee-jerk reaction. on this show we always set the record straight. that's the all the time we have left this evening. as always thank you for making this show possible. please, please set your dvr so you never ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled and greg gut field is next. >> i'm trace gallagher. "gutfield!" begins in a moment but two big stories we're tracking. special olympics claims about biden's poor memory and republican voters are caucusing
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throughout the silver state at this hour and alive look at don donald trump's campaign and he's expected to weigh in on today's special counsel report on the investigation into joe biden's retention of classified documents and the heated news conference where the president sparred with the media about his mental acuity. watch. >> president biden something special counsel said in his report is one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> am well meaning and elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. i'm president and put this country back on it's feet. >> how bad is your memory and can you continue as president? >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> another update at the bottom
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of the hour and a full hour of breaking news hour on fox news at night, including a conversation with former president candidate ramaswamy. here's "gutfield!". ♪ >> greg: yeah. you happy? happy thursday everybody. alright. thank you. it's girl scouts over there. we'll get to brain dead biden in a minute. if i remember. but first, remember last year when sports psych dead spin posted a picture of a kansas city fan showing only one half of his face and he showed one side which was black face and in reality his other cheek was red?
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those were his team colors but dead spin didn't show you that. here as flash back. >> instead of getting the approval that most woke media's generally bat skin they had to face elan missing's x in record time community notes showed the kid's full photograph and not just the half painted black and the folks at dead spin are guilty of egg face. [laughter] and i keep getting younger. so dead spin tried to backtrack adding a half assed apology saying the intended focus was on the nfl and checkered history on race. it was all about the fan! you painted a target on his life but now that 9-year old family's
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boy is suing dead spin for maliciously attacking the child with their race drenched political agenda and the kid is a member of an indian tribe. join the club senator. easy. but it doesn't looking good for dead spin. the writer karenj phillips and the company, go media that owns dead spin. i hope they chief gets enough money to buy dead spin and turn it into a pickle ball court if it's possible. racial smears have consequences. you can't put out a race based agenda and expect people know the to fight back? blame the race hustling industry and among them is a very white
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woman angela d'angelo. she describes it as this. state in which even a minimal challenge to the white position becomes in tolerable triggering a range of defensive moves including validation and silence and withdraw. meaning you are white and i call you racist and you disagree you are fragile making you even more racist. so it is as lose, lose situation like choosing between jesse waters primetime and jesse waters time. [laughter] >> yeah. all for that joke. and in one training session she said to be less white is less oppressive, less arrogant, lesser entertain, less defensive, less ignorant and more humble. but she must be the whitest white person to white the earth
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why does a white woman think black people need her help anyway? i thought this broad was against white saviors unless it's her making a buck. isn't it weird how anti-racism ends up being extra racist? it's like a vaccine that make your heart fall out. [laughter] but say what you want about her lazy stupid world view she has a financial incentive to keep one this decisive crap. in 2021 she was making 14 grand per lecture. i hope she's donating that to reparations or buying joy reed a new wig. so what's robin up to now? here she is explaining the single image that captured the concept of white supremacy.
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>> the single image i use to capture the concept of white supremacy is michelangelo's cystine chapel god creating man where god is in a cloud and there's all these angels and he's reaching out and he's touching, i don't know who that is, david or something? and god is white and david is white and the angels are white. that's the perfect convergence of white supremacy. >> she's like a robot. she confused david and adam because they are both white and i guess we all look-a-like. >> you all like look-a-like. so confused. >> first of all the painting is called the creation of adam and that might hold a clue as to the identity of the person being created, and if you think of it god doesn't have a race you
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idiot. on the seventh day he rested and a woman would go shopping. she'll say, she shouldn't need to know anything about history or art because it's white supremacy and how convenient for her. she can churn out untestered idiocy without any work whatsoever but thank god those works of art will be around after robin is long gone. what other works of arts can we deem transphobic. look at the last supper. not a black person in sight. and what about who'd energy's the thinking. he's obviously thinking of ways to keep the black man down or the scream. he's upset seeing tyrus using his condo's pool. [laughter] if you can find
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racism in the cystine chapel you can find it anywhere and that's the grif of people like robin and joy reed, you create racism where there is none of it. with 99 billion alone in inclusivity it's all connected by reducing human beings to their immutable characteristics race obsessed snake oil salesman do us all a grave disservice lining their own pockets and dead spin is on the hook doing what she does. she may start seeing her speaking gigs dwindle if she complains that's mighty white of her and by her rules that makes her a racist. let's welcome tonight's guests. from macadamia's democrat she's
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an expert on nuts. chelsea gabbert. don't let his beard fool you he wears it to get into r-rated movies. stand up comedian tyler fisher. she has comedy flair and removable hair contributor kat timpf. >> and in new york city tourists take walking trips around his biceps. [applause] >> you know i came up with phrase if i want to know the truth it's called follow the money. i just coined it. >> good one. >> thank you. if you want to find out why this stuff is effective it's because people are paying for it. and you don't have to try too hard to come up with it. just use the jargon. you in i this will ever end? >> the money driven mentality?
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no. it's so blatant to see how people like her are being, obviously profiting heavily from this. the thing that should be bother some to seven how many corporations are falling for it and writing out the fat checks. to be fed this nonsense where they are saying, in order to be anti-racist you have to be racist and that we should be judging people on the color of our skin as long as the people being judgeed are white and i think, it's just incredibly insulting when joy reed said after nicki haley lost iowa she said it was the fault of all the white christians in new hampshire and nevada and she's by passing the fact that we as voters are not as stupid as she thinks we are and we see nicki haley for who she is. she's a neocon warmonger that's
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never served a day in the tale military so she thinks hey, i got to look tough so she'll go start wars air reguardless of our country and that's who we see. >> tyler you are an about racist? >> yeah i heard them in the back. >> shocking. >> i said small lives matter. what about us? >> that is so true. >> they forget about us because they can't see us. >> it's not our fault. looking down is hard. [laughter] >> what do you make about the dead spin lawsuit? it's like a perfect consequence, you know? this kid is going to basically bankrupt that company. >> that's what will end this is lawsuits. i'm suing an acting manager that said they are not hiring straight white men anymore. i recorded the phone call and i'm taking them to the supreme
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court. [applause] >> yeah that's real. it doesn't get press because as a black woman nobody cares at me, right? but no, first of all what's gayer than a rainbow headdress? racist maybe but not homophobic and the cystine chapel? god is touching finger's with a naked guy right? call him racist but he's not homophobic. where's that presentation. >> maybe she was homophobe in and didn't like to see two men touching fingers. kat? how you doing over there? >> i'm great. >> trying to figure out what to ask you. what do you think about whatever i just said? >> i'm so glad you asked. we're talking about race but she said patriarchy so she said the cystine chapel was sexism in
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this painting from the 1500's that was a couple of dudes and i'm like, wait until she hears about the rest of the 1500's. i googled women's rights in the 150's and google was like, no. [laughter] >> there are no hits. >> seriously i think you were owned by your parent yours husband so she thought she had a hot take but i don't think the take was hot that the 1500's were kind of sexist. >> originally we were going to call it the good old days. >> you still call it that. >> fun times back in the 1500's tyrus. >> yeah. real blast for me. [laughter] >> you were not going to be on the show tomorrow when we talk about sunny austin. i'm so pissed off. >> we just - she's a brilliant
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racist because she knows to just say this, they create a monster that's not there. they can control it and bring it back and corporate can still do dirty things and have people working overseas for ten cents but they pay one person 12 grand a year to come in and tell everyone what's wrong with them. that's like the stuff you use odd do for money in england where someone would pay you to beat them up and you tell them it would be wet better. doesn't matter what's on the wall she is like the orange on gut field represents the oppressive burden of proof of the flesh of the yellow man who has to be underpaid on the show. so if everyone could please reach your hands in your wallet
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and tens and twenties and pass them to me to fight this orange oppression. i said i like green and cat liked green but you had to have orange and it was your white privilege that allowed you to pick orange when we did not want the color. they are full of [bleeped out] she knows nothing what she's talking about. the cystine chapel, 14th chapel, she has no clue. she don't know. she just says things. people are nice though because they are fighting back but i hate you mention that the young boy happen to be native americans. he didn't have to be native americans to cheer for his team and we're headdress. any fan in america that wants to support the chiefs and put on a headdress, you go right a damn head you don't have to be
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connected to a tribe. >> maybe change the name of cystine chapel to cystine normative chapel. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection
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>> oh biden. [applause] >> biden's too senile to stand trial. the special counsel released his report today and is not pressing criminal charges because biden is a little old man with a brain full of birdseed. that's the medical term they
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used. special counsel robert hur described biden as a well meaning old man with a poor memory. special counsel saying what we already knew biden is mentally unfit and wouldn't survive being under scrutiny of a judge and jury. what's joe got to say. no, no, no, yeah, yeah, no charges man. alright. i got a poor memory. i got a poor memory but that's why i needed to have the boxes in my garage because that's mimo toed if i forget something i look in there and it comes back to me. i kept the door down most of the time. come on. i'm like not orange man bad. he took his boxes to florida. that's too far. i could have gotten them back l lickety split because i got a
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corvette. ♪ i got a fast car ♪ ♪ working in the market as a check out girl. things are going to get better ♪ >> tyler that trump thinking about now? >> a sympathetic old man trump would say he's not sympathetic or well meaning, he's just mean, and he's not a man he's just elderly, right and he could be the prirs president to be assassinated by gravity. think of that. no he walks around. where we going? where we going? right? right? [applause] >> kat this is kind of scary isn't it?
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i think this a story that transcends every side of politics. >> it should. >> yeah. >> i don't think anything transcends politics but they basically said he's not of a mental capacity to have responsibility for his behavior. >> yes. >> but a country? sure. that is what's happening and that has been what's happening and honestly if there would be an easy way out for him though, i'll do the superbowl thing and do interviews, but i don't think he actually can. it's just so insane. it's so insane but we have become used it to almost. when we hear him talk we never think it will go well. we talk about this yes and yes and the day before and day before on how many dead people he sees. that's the argument. he doesn't have to be
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responsibility for his argument to go where he is to turn country. >> he see, so many dead people. i don't want your sympathy applause. tyrus? yeah. that's all i can say. >> i mean we didn't need this report to know it. anyone who is watched t.v. or this show has seen enough to know that if he was a horse we wouldn't be going towards the barn. you know what i'm talking about? come on buddy, there's nice apples over there. come on. come on. and your kids are like, aw sheesh. he's going to put him down. his hair is forming a halo on his head- is amazing to me because you get to form that before you are judged so that's
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nice. we have been sold a bill of goods. whoever is running the show is having a bad day right now but nothing is going to change. nobody on his side. you are not going to see cnn go into the 25th amendment and why? we need to have it right away. no they will say i saw him last week and he was amazing and figured out my taxes and balanced the budget and saveed two babies from drowning. he's amazing. you didn't see it? >> like no i just saw the speech where he went um... he's made deals the last three years. i'm surprised that we're not going to come into work and all this stuff will be read and a completely different fan-base a because he signed the wrong treaty. >> is he right? is this going to keep going?
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i don't see this going for a few months. it's getting worse. >> it's getting worse and they are celebrating. they celebrated this report and when i was reading it to your point, cat, it's like okay, he has a very terrible memory and he couldn't remember when he was vice president or the year that his son died and they are not only saying well he's fit to be president but they are trying to make the case the american people, give him four more years to a guy that can't sit before a jury that refuses to talk to the american people during the super bowl. there's no confidence in his ability to be our commander in chief and a blatant standard of how he and president trump have been accused of the same thing and one guy gets off and one guy gets 40 felony count, so any
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faith and trust in an equal and fair justice system is further eroded. >> did you hear that? that was kamala doing back flips. >> why? she don't speak much better. [applause] >> she has no excuses. >> yeah, she does. they are not writing the right amount of alcohol on the box. >> up next satisfaction dies with our personal lives. >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gut field go to fox/gut field and click on the link to join our studio audience. salonpas. it's good medicine. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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>> good evening i'm trace gallagher and gutfeld continues in a moment but first two big stories. president biden fires back at
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council about his poor memory and the nevada caucus has just wrapped up and we're expecting results to come in true and former president donald trump is expected to sweep all 26 delegates. now a live look in vegas at the headquarters and the former president will address his supporters there soon. we will keep you updated. drum listen weigh in on today's special counsel report we're told on the investigation into joe biden's retention of classified documents and the heated news conference that follow where did the president defended his mental acuity. watch. >> my memory is fine. my memory, take a look what i've done since i've become president. none of you thought i could pass the things i could pass. i guess i forgot what was going on. >> stay tuned for a full 60
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minutes of the breaking news coverage on fox news at night and we'll talk to ramaswamy and we'll talk about joe biden and the classified documents and nevada. back to "gutfeld!" >> thank you. thank you. should you change your political fax if you can't get no satisfaction a new gallop poll run by horses says americans are not happy with their lives. that's worse than back when they cancelled hannah montana. that was a bad year. this guy was president and this by the was vice president and this person was only at 20
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confirmed kills. no surprise the coincides with boy den's economy. you need three jobs to live in a van today. that includes van salesman. why did i okay that? however certain groups are happier than others. turns out satisfied people tend to be married religious, income earners, older and democrats and they are satisfied they are not being hunted by the fbi and imprisoned from their beliefs or banned from the out back steakhouse. oh wait, that's just kat. you don't do that to the blooming up one. meanwhile the poll revealed that republicans saw their satisfaction drop by ten and that's the biggest since the great khakis shortage of 1812
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and 70 percent of adults said they were somewhat satisfied but something is up because we're done. is it because life is less affordable and the american dream is now a "pipe dream" and world wars loom or our boarder is as secure as hunter biden's pants. more and more people are not satisfied and perhaps there's only one solution. lower your expectations. that's what fox viewers do when they watch saturday night's at 10. in your face jimmy. cat you have a good eye on the polls and what they mean. cut through the bs, what's this mean? >> i have a hard time believing, like that number seems high to me. >> yes. >> half of the americans are very satisfied with life? they are lazy then if you are
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satisfied y your life you are not trying to make it better at all and i don't see how you can look around and every day we're one step close to our inevitable death and we're satisfied with death but i get why religious people are happier. >> maybe that should push you in the right correction. >> mean i would but i don't. >> let's meet after and we'll do some reading. >> yeah. >> i am saying we have had huge leaps in technology and convenience. our lives get easier but we are unha unhappier. >> there are huge industries that profit heavily from people being dissatisfied. when you look at big tech and social media for example, it's constantly the algorithm pushing
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the things, here's what you don't have or you should look and you don't and all the way to big pharma that profits big from people saying i'm unhappy or depressed and so long as these industries continue to profit it doesn't matter how the dynamic change and people will be continue to be told you are not enough. >> companies like disney are more interested in not making you happy. what about social media tyrus? there's this thing we can see other people's success. i had to chime over the fence to see what my neighbor's had. >> usually you spent the night at a friend's house before you found out you were poor. 47 percent? really i disagree but that probably is about right because
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that's the 47 living off the 53 percent of us working all the damn time. i'm not bitter. my life is great. so happy. [lau [laughter] >> you guys know jordan peterson. i wonder what he would say if only he were here? please welcome oh i thought he was here. he's sent to reeducation camp. but i think you know, get something sticky on your hands and try to get it off. clean your damn room, you know? maybe cut down on your pronouns, you know? maybe instead of 20 genders there's like nine? get your life in order. stop dating feminist. stop listen together robin
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deangelo and be a little less white, you know? i blame her. robin d'angelo. we've all been hating ourselves for the last couple of years for being white or too short or whatever it is. >> that's not why i hate myself. >> i changed my height to millimeters just to trick women. i am an illegal immigrant in new york city. i have a hotel in the plaza and i'm living life. >> alright. coming up jesse files another appeal for a crime that wasn't real. [applause] ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition with five little words...
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>> still lying like? tyrus jesse so let wants them to
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throw out his hoax conviction. remember he lied that maga dudes attacked him in 2019 and five years later he says he still didn't make it up. >> he didn't. you got his name wrong gut field. the problem with you oppressors. it's juicy.we would have forgot about it already. i'm all for holding on to the lie fellas but at some point look her in the eye and be like, it was me. i did it. i ate all the oreos and i blamed it on the children. i wanted to see them get in trouble once. i did it. okay? it didn't work out so buy my album, you know what i'm saying? come out. juicy, that's rude but i'm saying. >> come on out. >> he's already out. you didn't know. he needs to own it and move on. america is very forgiving. he could have had a reality series by now.
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>> he could play himself in the movie. >> that's the problem. nobody has heard of him since the last time he was in the news. who knows but he has to get back in the lime light so this is how. he's going to suck every drop from it. >> what do you think it's like for his family members? somebody is going, come on jesse, tell me. you can tell me. just like. >> i normally don't step in but you know nothing about black families. i'm going to stop you. that's not what's going down. you still going to do this stupid [bleeped out]? [laughter] >> i would hope he has someone in his life telling him bro, let it go. >> this a real nuisance on the family. [laughter] >> what if he writes a book called, if i did it, part two? >> i think you gave him an idea.
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>> yeah. >> or o.j. will start writing book. >> first of all happy black history month. you know? you know? it's black history month. he's a black gay guy. he's not going to get the same criticism as white guys with resting january 6th face. i feel bad for him. he's humiliating. really is. it is. >> kat? he's in denial. some people are in denial believe their lies. >> that's the thing, so this little lying problem of his is so extreme i feel like it has to have been a problem for him in his personal life long before it hit the national stage. when you go to jail for something. drugs, alcohol, whatever, usually the time that gets you in jail is not the first time that you did the thing so why have we not heard the beginning of the story? doesn't he have an x that wants a book deal?
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i would read that? what was it like to date a man that lies at an olympic level >> it's true. you don't hear about friends other than remember don lemon was his friend. and love maybe? i didn't say loverer but, i'm not, not saying it. allegedly. >> listen. you can take all that out of it. we all have a person like this in our family. the guy that holds on to the conspiracy theory. the invention someone stole from him in my house it was like i had an idea for social media called,y. x came and ruined it all. there's always one that will hold on to it. there's literally people arguing that south won. >> that's tyler. >> my parents think i'm on cnn right now. so [laughter] >> alright. up next peta is racing hell on
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fake horses on a carousel. pass >> if you will be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gutfeld go to fox news and click on the link to join our studio audience. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year.
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♪ ♪ >> five more words. [applause] >> greg: speesix band merry-go-round p.e.t.a. is now coming after carousels, where people go around and around on fake metal horses and other animals because it is unintentionally celebrating the exploitation of animals. don't they have a point? >> they do have a point. but think of people like me and you, greg. we go to disney world, we are not tall enough to ride the roller coaster is. what the hell are we gonna ride? [laughter] >> greg: that's true. >> i think i have a solution. instead of the horses they should have models of joe biden. the kids can get on the joe bidens, so he knows what it's like to have them sniffing his hair. you know what i mean? [laughter] >> greg: there you go. tulsi, what's next? stuffed animals? are you not going to be able to give your baby a stuffed animal
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because it's exploiting real animals? >> i think p.e.t.a. has done some good work and i appreciate, minimizing the suffering of animals. >> greg: i agree. >> however, on this one, i think of kids who might be afraid of horses because they are very big and very strong. let them ride the merry-go-round and pique their interest and ride a horse after that. >> greg: i love the rides outside of supermarkets. remember the ones you put quarters in? my mom would put me in there and she wouldn't come back. [laughter] but i found my way home! >> he's clever. >> greg: yes. what do you think? i agree with tulsi. p.e.t.a. does some really good things. but do you think they do this for fun? >> i think, sort of. but my main thing is, eww, there's so many germs. kids are disgusting and covered in bacteria. [laughter] >> greg: are you antibacteria?
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those are living things. >> that's why we put masks on kids for covid. remember how ridiculous that was? i saw a kid take his mask off on the train and start licking the pole. come on! that's what kids do. i'm not shaming them for it. they have is not everywhere and it's like, let's put the next kid and his not in there, another kid, more boogers. what i still go on one? probably, yeah. it's gross. >> greg: attire is, as an animal lover, where do you stand on this? >> i wonder how many letters from horses they got tired of being depicted as something you ride. they have feelings, too. they also pull carts. this is stupid. this is not fun. this is who they are. these are the same people that, in chicago, voted for a cease-fire in israel. and they hugged and kissed like, "we did it!" did anyone tell them over there that chicago has called it?
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the mayor of the chicago is like "we are done." now, p.e.t.a., stop objectifying animals. what? how can you? you ride a horse. you write a fake course. you can read the fake horse for as long as you want to and the need to ride what? the real horse as much. so the merry-go-round is actually helping them out. >> greg: that's true. that's called logic, america. [applause]® t don't go away. we'll be rightri-z back. [applause] i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer,
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8:00 pm
>> greg: we are out of time! thanks to tulsi gabbard, tyler fisher, kat timpf, tyrese, our studio audience. trace gallagher's next. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles, and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night." breaking tonight, a live look now at trump headquarters in las vegas. we are now waiting forhe


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