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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 9, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. >> steve: east coast and friday nebraska #th.
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this is "fox & friends." we start this morning with president biden he made this blunder mixing up the names of world leaders, again. at least these weren't dead. on the heels of a scathing report from the special counsel, listen president of mexico cece did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> brian: but he claims he knows exactly what he is doing. >> ainsley: plus the new york special election implications for the balance in power in congress. we will talk with that g.o.p. candidate this hour. >> lawrence: with valentine's day approaching breakup is hard to do but pizzato hut is making it easy. >> brian: all right kneel is a daca. >> lawrence: the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now remember mornings is better with friends. >> steve: with pizza, actually. >> ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. the special counsel investigating president biden's classified documents case is not seeking charges against the
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president. >> brian: it was determined that president biden's actions pose a significant national security risk. >> lawrence: jacqui heinrich is at the white house right now with details. hey, jacqui. >> good morning to you guys. this report cleared the president of the threat of any charges against him. but it provided considerable material that will be harmful to his re-election bid. the special counsel describing the president as having diminished faculties and a faulty memory, which is really kryptonite for an 81-year-old president soorking second term with voter concerns about his age. special counsel pursuing charges not because there was evidence to do so because in their view a jury would have hard time finding biden guilty. saying he present as a, quote, sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. the president gave a rare late night q&a to the press airing his anger about it. >> i'm well-meaning, and i'm i
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will derly man, and i know what the hell i'm cooking. i have been president and i put this country back on its feet. >> biden opted to not exert shield portions despite uneasiness of the inflammatory description of his memory that lawyers found to be so inappropriate and gratuitous they wrote to the special counsel to be revised. they were not. one line biden found particularly upsetting, quote: he did not remember when he was vice president. he did not remember even within several years when his son bo died. >> there is even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself, it wasn't any of their damn business. >> republicans have been quick to seize on hur's decision not to prosecute biden. nikki haley tweeting the double standard is glaring. both joe biden and donald trump were reckless with classified documents.
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if biden's defense is old age and forgetfulness, trump can easily make the same claim. trump should quickly hire biden's lawyers. the president had this unfortunate gaffe in the very press conference that was meant to assuage voter concerns about his age, conflating the mexican president with the egyptian president, guys. >> steve: yeah that, was very unfortunate. jacqui, you perfectly summarized bad memory parted, which is on the cover of the "new york post." elderly man with a poor memory. the bad memory part is kryptonite for somebody trying to seek re-election. you are in regular communication with the white house comms team. does anybody think last night was a good idea? obviously somebody talked joe into hey, go down there and say something and it was kind of a disaster the way he was barking at the press. >> you know, it's possible that the president decided to do it against someonens advice. we actually don't know. you know, whether or not he said
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even after a long day where he traveled to virginia and addressed the democratic conference and had some events. i'm so mad i can't even go to sleep. we don't know exactly what motivated him to call that presser. i think it was 7:45 last night which is very late for him. however, we do know that early in the week, we expected him to do some kind of a q&a on thursday because he said i will take your questions on thursday and at that time the white house was reviewing this draft report to determine if they were going to use any executive privilege to redact or shield portions of it. they ended up not doing that despite all of this material that they were clearly so unhappy with that his lawyers made that known. >> ainsley: thank you, jacqui. we have been saying he needs to speak more and come out more. i'm glad that he did. the problem was it just reinforced more of the impressions that we already have about his age. >> brian: look at, for example, what other networks are saying nbc, a nightmare. special counsel's assessment of president biden's mental fitness
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triggers democratic panic. the "new york times" says this biden cleared in documents case report raises concern about his memory. cnn biden erupts over special counsel's report as aids look to short circuit campaign risk last one sphiewndz special counsel questioning his memory. here's the thing. the subplot to this is what they found. he was absolutely careless over the course of decades with confidential intelligence. and the thing that he very critical of president trump on, he was more than guilty of. and they talk about things being fanned off all over the vice president's house. over at the university of delaware. top secret stuff was just sitting there in boxes. and we already see the way the pictures that were submitted with this, not on cnn by the way. i didn't see them. those pictures submitted with this that just show how haphazard they were kept. i don't know how do you anything like this let alone look at your 40-year career and put that in there and balance blame staffers ton and then they just say
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overall the only research we are not indicting him because he is too old and senile. >> lawrence: brian, not only did he blame the staffers, but he also disputed what the special counsel said about his memory loss. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: and about his son. if i'm the president. if he wants to make this case, which i think it's not going to go anywhere. they should release the tapes then. they interviewed him. >> brian: republican house. >> lawrence: release the tapes to the american public so they can decide if the president is fit to stand trial. the second thing is this: and i would love to hear ainsley's point of view on this. what is jill biden doing right now? i know it must be -- i just told you all today i just recently had a family member it was brought to me that someone i have known my whole life has early stages of dementia, and so we feel for the president. but we as a family, have stepped in and said look, you can't do this. you can't do this. >> steve: give me the keys. >> lawrence: give me the keys. it sucks to be that person.
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i just wonder what the first lady is doing in this moment? >> ainsley: you know, i'm wondering what the democrats are going to do in this moment because we still have enough time between now and the election to choose a different candidate. the more that this is pushed, right now, donald trump can beat joe biden according to the polls. both candidates could. both republican candidates could according to the polls. if they continue to see this, what happens next? are they going put someone else in and then a democrat would win? biden is beatable at this point. >> brian: who could tell him, ainsley. who on the democratic side? >> ainsley: barack obama? do you agree? >> brian: absolutely. >> steve: they have always had kind of an odd strained relationship. >> lawrence: i don't think he would listen. i don't think he would listen, remember, the president told him before, joe, you don't have to do this. >> steve: because barack obama chose hillary clinton to be next. >> brian: trump card. pun intended. he does an interview. he says it pains for me to say
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that but i don't think joe biden can do it. >> lawrence: wow. >> brian: if he does that on television. >> ainsley: barack obama? >> brian: it's over. >> steve: your question regarding jill biden, if you pick up or go online to the "new york post" this morning. they have got the lead editorial is about how jill biden and top democrats are committing elder abuse. >> because they know that he, look, essentially, the fact that he has a terrible memory now is his get out of jail free card. that's why robert hur is not going to prosecute him. and so when joe biden gets angry saying that guy is out of line talking about my memory like that. and my son like that. of course i remember when he died. but that's the reason they didn't charge him. and so i think there are a lot of democrats who are waking up this morning for the first time thinking, you know what? we thought joe was the guy. maybe he is not the guy. >> lawrence: deeply emotional thing. and i get why it makes some
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people uncomfortable. but i will tell you this who is uncomfortable, the 1 soldiers who were lost in afghanistan. the three that were just killed the other day. the people at the border being overrun. the criminals unleashed on this city every single day because of sanctuary city. >> brian: he won't meet with the democratic mayors to get money. >> ainsley: not only does he not know when his son died according to this report from the special counsel, when he was meeting with the parents from the afghanistan social that died, he was telling them i can relate to you. my son died the same way. and then recently said that again that my son died on the battlefield when his son died of cancer democrats are worried. you read all the headlines. so long ignoring it and defending him. now the headlines are changing and we still have, what, 8 more months. >> lawrence: with the 13. >> brian: speaking of democrats, harold ford was kind enough to give instant analysis. more news unfolded after "the five." here's what he said. >> this is a tough night for the president. and i think many in the
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democratic party, which is my party, are going to have serious questions going forward about what this means. this last night will be the closing ad in a campaign against president biden as we get to november. the question is, are democrats willing to go forward between now and november with a candidate that many in the country may not think is up to the job for four more years. >> steve: there are a lot of people saying that the headlines, "new york post," elderly man with a poor memory. >> brian: on the post. i'm not used to them quoting a report. that's crazy. >> steve: they're quoting, brian, the joe biden department of justice. that's what that is will new york city police department showing mob of migrants beating down the two cops in times square. they eventually let him you all out. >> lawrence: this is interesting.
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now the manhattan d.a. says he secured indictments against the seven suspects, ainsley. >> ainsley: gosh, it's hard to watcher that, ainsley. only one of them now is in police custody. >> brian: do we know how the cops are? does anyone ask? >> brian: madeleine rivera is live with the latest? >> yeah, brian. those cops are okay now. the manhattan district attorney says they were requesting new video to figure out each' is' role in this case. nypd body cam footage shows the initial stop. one of the two officers tells the migrants gathered on the sidewalk of 42nd street to move. as they begin to move, the man in the yellow jacket yells in spanish. the officer, quote: looks like ugly betty. it appears the officer then takes the man by the jacket and pushes him against the wall. it looks like the officers try to arrest him. a struggle follows which sparks this fight.
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[scuffle] [bleep] 85-240. >> the man in the yellow jacket something held on bail. four other suspects were indicted. some for allegedly grabbing, kicking and throwing the officers onto the ground. it's unclear where these four suspects are. they were released shortly after they were arrested last week. two other people have been indicted. their names not yet released. three suspects have not yet been identified or arrested. some of whom the d.a. says were the worst attackers. steve, brian, lawrence, and ainsley? >> steve: madeline, the nerve-racking thing is the fact that they had them in custody and then they just let them go and now they are looking for them. thank you for the live report. >> you got it, thanks, guys. >> interesting how they come out and then our leaders here are all up in arms you don't touch our cops. in fact, you don't touch anyone. send them back.
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but where were they when all of this started to escalate? where were they when the votes were being tallied for sanctuary city? should would he be a sanctuary city? they all were in favor of it. >> steve: remember, rewere just talking to paul mauro retired nypd cop. we were talking about how sanctuary city status is really not about providing stuff although cities do. it's about the local cops don't cooperate with ice. and that is the problem here. because ultimately, it would be like hey, the people you just let in, they beat up some cops. here's what he had to say about paul mauro that is, what he had to say about that beat down and the body cam video and who these migrants are. >> if you look at the body cam footage, you can see a number of the perpetrators faces quite clearly. >> steve: right. >> this idea well we needed a lot more time to ascertain who exactly the perpetrators were, et cetera. doesn't really hold water.
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number one. number two, if the investigation evidence was so fuzzy, how did you charge them to begin with? >> steve: right. >> you didn't have probable cause then to charge them. but they did charge them. so that the idea that we well, we don't have enough to hold them but we did have enough to charge them that is legally inconsistent. >> brian: quick thing about to talk to mazi long island. ripped the israeli flag off the front. homeowner comes out fighting. that guy gets arrested. $50,000 bail. is he going to sit in bail. the illegal alien that fought because he doesn't like israel. >> steve: charged with a hate crime, i believe. >> brian: they grabbed and held him had video. these guys have video. that's the difference between new york city run by the left of the left as opposed to nassau county which in relate time has now flipped red. >> lawrence: brian, did you hear the d.a., standing right next to
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the mayor, his quote was, he was outraged. excuse me? you were outraged. >> steve: let them go. >> lawrence: you let them go. didn't make sure they were still in custody. i think he is more outraged about the coverage now. under pressure right now. not just from republicans but from democrats and independents, too, that say why would you allow our cops to be attacked. by the way did they go visit the cops? do we have an update on how they are doing? >> that would have been the first thing opened that up with and they didn't. >> steve: they are okay. here's the thing. you are right about the coverage. the coverage it was on all the papers here in new york city and it was on all the tv channels. people are going why did we let them in to beat up our cops and then they let them go? >> brian: does that remind you of anything? the bodega owner who they put in rikers island until the video emerges. >> steve: new york city has a funny way of doing that. they have been doing that for decades. >> ainsley: yeah, i can't wait to get out of this city, i have a job work here.
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eventually i'm going and moving. we will say where are you going it's always a red state. the problem is if you stay here, especially if you are a conservative, and they know that, you are going to the slammer if you defend yourself what i was just going to say not only do you have to worry about your safety walking down the sidewalk, if you defend yourself and you hurt the other person who is attacking you, you are going to prison. >> brian: especially if you are a cop. >> steve: other thing regarding your safety right in this block, when i drove up this morning, there was police tape because there was a shooting at a store right around the corner where one of the people and we don't know, you know, where they are from, one of the people was trying to shoplift, and wound up shooting at a security guard and hit a brazilian tourist. so it's -- nothing is safe in this town. >> lawrence: last thing i would say about this is this. imagine if the cops would have had to use force here and someone would have got hit attacking the cop. there would be protests all through manhattan, all through
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manhattan about what happened at this moment. yet, when they are assaulted, there's no outrage at all. remember that. >> brian: by the way, those pro-palestinian protesters also are anti-cop. they also have a great chant there 17 minutes after the hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean who has been following the weather. >> good morning. we could have a snow storm next week. let's take a look at it for now though temperatures are warming up in the northeast. going to set some records here in the new york city area going into the 50's this weekend take a look at maps. 44, sunshine coming out. potential record highs for the great lakes through the northeast through saturday. the cold air is going to start to move in on monday and tuesday. for now feels more like springtime pittsburgh, detroit, sara cute. close to 60 degrees for a lot of the these cities. a lot of snow moving across the rockies, the intermountain west and southwest. area of low pressure that's going over the gulf coast states that's what is going to come on up toward the mid-atlantic and
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northeast perhaps for a valentine's day snow storm that could bring some pretty big snowfall totals. as you can see, the models are coming into very good agreement that new york city you could be in the bulls eye for maybe a foot of snow. very heavy snow for this area. so, i mean, it's really amazing news that these computer models are coming together because this time yesterday they were completely different. so there you go, ainsley. i know ainsley and lj are very excited about the snow. i don't know about brian and steve got to scoop it. valentine's day is ash wednesday a solemn day as well. >> janice: prepare for that and snow angels. >> ainsley: absolutely and we thank you and god. >> steve: coming coming up on 7:20 now here in the east and carley joins us with some news. >> i certainly do, guys. just a tragic story. right now police are searching for the person who shot a toddler and his mother outside an apartment building in maryland. the 3-year-old boy was taken to
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the hospital where he died. the mother is in stable condition. authorities in prince george's county says the department are using all of their resources to track down the killer. they're offering a $25,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest. former president donald trump easily wins the g.o.p. caucuses in nevada earning all 26 of the state's delegation. plus trump securing a win and in the u.s. virgin island caucus wells over 70% of the vote. meanwhile the supreme court appears primed to keep trump on the ballot in colorado. all nine justices expressed swept schism and doubt over the state's argument. and some justices on the left questioning whether colorado has the authority to make a decision that has nationwide implications. and today is national pizza day. and with valentine's day around the corner, pizza hut is offering a special goodbye pie. if you in a rocky relationship
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it can help ease the sting of a breakup. pizza hut limited edition hot honey pizza. we have some on set to try. honey is the best. >> steve: one of the goodbye pies. who wants pizza? >> lawrence: i will take some. >> steve: nice and doughy. >> brian: i don't understand the concept. >> steve: goodbye pie. >> brian: you buy for yourself? >> lawrence: right your name on it and say you are breaking up with them. >> brian: you think a text message is cold? >> ainsley: sticky note is worse. >> lawrence: honestly a great idea. you have something to coat your stomach as your sorrow. >> brian: coat your stomach. >> lawrence: you are going to drink during the break up so you might as well coat your stomach. >> steve: pf chengs was giving out fre free free dumplings.
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>> ainsley: valentine's day gift from you all. these are from my daughter. >> brian: show the cover. >> steve: hot honey on this is fantastic. >> ainsley: i will have to try that. hayden gave you these and ask if you would use these during the show. >> brian: right now? >> steve: is it break up pencil? >> ainsley: lexy was at my apartment yesterday and she was playing lexy is our assistant. lexy said could i take these pens and give them to the guys? she said yes, if you bring them back. and she said this one is for brian. the warm pink. the lighter pink is for you. that's a good idea. >> lawrence: we promise not to write your name on the break-up pizza. >> lawrence: you promise that? >> brian: thank you very much. >> steve: goodbye pie. >> brian: while you guys are eating us out. let me tell you what is coming up next. one of my favorite guest of thei week jack keane isll coming up which penetrates deep to target the source of pain
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>> brian: saying that publicly, biden's comments coming as his administration is negotiating for the release of more hostages. here to react, fox news senior strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane. general, the significance of the president saying that yesterday, and is he right? >> yeah, i mean, this is really unfortunate. but at least it's in the public what's been going on for weeks. the administration has put a fair amount of pressure on the prime minister and the idf forces to change the nature of their operations. on the one hand, reduce the comprehensive bombing campaign. that has been reduced. number two, to change the nature of the ground operations and stop the clearing operations, which is building by building, street by street, tunnel by tunnel, and conduct limited raids and also focus on leaders. the idf looks at that quite
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accurately, in my view and says well, that protracts the war rather dramatically because we're not going to systematically dismantle hamas as a result of it as a fighting force. and i know for a fact that when we focused on leaders in iraq for three years, while we killed a lot of leaders, we were at the same time losing the war on the ground because our strategy wasn't right. and it would really be inappropriate for the idf to take that advice and start following this and it will not lead to their end state, which is really to dramatically reduce hamas, dismantle it, and prevent it from ever attacking again. if we put in play the strategy that the united states is suggesting, what will happen is the hamas leadership will survive a fair amount of fighting force will survive, and what will happen? they will rearm, rebuild, and
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reattack. and that's absolute failure for the israelis because then they are not, what? they are not protecting their people. and that's what is driving the leadership of israel. and i think we should support them and get out of the way. >> brian: i 100 percent agree. evidently the prime minister gave the secretary of state a virtual slap in the face when they were together a couple of days ago because i think he suggested the same thing. there has been a change of leadership in ukraine. zelenskyy has fired his former chief of the military, he has hired a guy named general zers ski who is nicknamed the biewmp, is this a good move? >> well, that's up to the ukrainians to decide here is he a popular guy. he tried to change the soviet doctrine focus on centralization
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and decentralize his force. you saw that in the accomplishments a that they have had in too long that. so he has earned huge amount of respect. so much so that many people in ukraine want him to replace zelenskyy as president. so, that's attention point right there. the second tension point for president zelenskyy in an interview and that infuriated the president. also, the new 70s secretary -- defense minister, excuse me who i have spoken to a couple of times i know full well that he has had issues also with syrskyi. obviously he is very qualified. they are in war. not everything is going the way they want to. they want to make a change. let them make that change. >> brian: gotcha. >> and it's complicated because of the issues i mentioned.
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>> brian: and we just got to get them the aid and hopefully they will get that through. mike pompeo and mike pence wrote an editorial and they seem to be singing your song, general. they are talking about it's time to strike back at iran directly. you feel the same way? >> oh, yeah. this is long overdue. the center of gravity for all the proxy activity that is going on in the middle east is iran, the longer we ignore that, the longer it goes on. it is that simple, brian. >> brian: i hear you. general jack keane, thanks so much. the world is a crazy place. you have a great way to navigating us true it. thanks so much, general. >> yeah. have a great weekend. >> brian: you too. speaking of the weekend coming up at 9:00 we are going to have a great show on one nation. don't miss it. we are going to talk about human trafficking and why it is so prevalent in nevada right around the super bowl with rule powell. host of undercover underage. dana perino, tony perino, john
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harbaugh best team in the league in the regular season losing a heartbreaker to kansas city city. he is going to be joining us to talk about the first family of football as jim is now back in the nfl. coming up straight ahead. president biden defending himself against a scathing classified documents report. plus, the supreme court seeming reluctance tooff trump from the ballot. we are going to break down the supreme court arguments, next. busy show.yroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction,
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. happy friday my friends. we have a couple of things to talk about. first of all very warm in the northeast. feeling more like april. almost may with some of the temperatures we are going to enjoy this weekend. let's take a look at it. so, record highs, these are actual record warm lows, so controversy night 150 new records for the next couple of
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days, of course, we are talking about the super bowl. a little cooler than average, but they will take it, sunshine and 57 as the 49ers take on the kansas city chiefs. here is the forecast today. we still have some energy left over from spheric river moving in from the rockies. the rain in texas and louisiana. that's the beginnings of something, my friends that will visit us here in the mid-atlantic and the northeast starting early next week. so, yeah, tuesday into wednesday. valentine's day may be a blockbuster winter storm. so we are going to have to keep our eyes on that. i will just tell you this. the pattern is we could see several storm systems moving up towards the northeast coast. here are the forecast models, starting to see some agreement on both of the reliable forecast models for maybe some jackpot snow for no, this which would be incredible for people like me. all right, listen, i have an exciting thing happening this weekend, airing on 8:00 p.m. on saturday. fox weather, the very first official deans list special 30 minutes of me at mount
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washington, which i did a couple of weeks ago. it's going to be so exciting. they made an animated version of me which pops up during the show to give you little factoids. it's been 20 years and i finally get an amazing animated feature. well, sort of. >> lawrence: i see a new book in the making. >> janice: the dean's list. you always make the dean's list l.j. >> lawrence: thanks, j.d. biden firing back at report highlight diminish the faculties. >> peter: in his description you are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well-meaning, and i'm an elderly man. i know what the hell i have been doing. i'm president and put this country back on its feet. >> lawrence: moments later, another gaffe. biden mixing up mexico and egypt while talking about the situation in gaza. >> as you know, initially the
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president of mexico, cece did is i sisididn't want to open upe to allow humanitarian material to get in. >> lawrence: joining us from reaction. sol wisenberg along with fox news contributor and former white house -- i'm sorry former house oversight committee chairman jason chaffetz. gentlemen, thanks so much for joining the program. counselor, i will start with you. the record was stunning. talk about the legal strategy that the president may have because the special counsel essentially said he's not fit for trial. how are you going to defend yourself with that? >> well, that's really not a legal strategy. he doesn't need to have a legal strategy when the special prosecutor says we're not going to indict him because he doesn't -- his mental capacity is to limited a jury would be sympathetic to him. what i thought was significant about last night, from a legal perspective, is that, unfortunately, the president came out and lied about what the
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special counsel hur found. the president -- the special counsel said there is evidence that biden willfully retained and disclosed classified information when he was a private citizen. willful is important in this context. willfully means not only were you deliberately doing it but you knew it was in violation of the law now the special counsel also said we don't think a jury would necessarily convict him one of the big reasons is they would have great sympathy for him because of his mental decline. those weren't his exact words. but that's in effect what he said. so, that's how i view that. the president very clearly lied about that and other things last night. but, he doesn't need to have a legal strategy because he has gotten a free pass. >> lawrence: jason, let's talk about the politics and start with what the special counsel said in his report. he said he did not remember when he was vice president,
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forgetting on the first day of the interview, with his had term ended. and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began. he did not remember even within several years when his son bo died. if he is not remembering those things, how can he even remember the nuclear codes, what his foreign policy is, how to secure the border, how to tackle crime. i mean, what are the politics of this? how can he be president? >> well, we need a president that knows how to negotiate and not just negotiate with, you know, a teleprompter and walking up and back to the podium, but who is in grasp of the facts he demonstrated at the very press conference trying to show that hey, i do have the mental capacity to do this. and then he makes the big gaffe. i think there's a huge question for the attorney general of the united states do you believe the special prosecutor that the president cannot remember basic facts about his own life or do
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you believe the president who says he is mentally fit? and if he is mentally fit, then why not charge him? this is the recommendation that goes to the attorney general. the attorney general can move it a different direction. so, mr. attorney general do you believe the president that he is mentally fit or do you believe the special counsel who says he can't even remember the basic facts about his life? >> lawrence: very yes, sir to get to the bottom of this. just release the tape of the interview and let the american people decide. >> yeah. >> lawrence: i want to move on to another fox news alert. the supreme court is primed to keep trump on the colorado ballot in a blockbuster hearing where the liberal justices expressed deep concern. >> lawrence: counselor, where do you see this going? this could be not even a split decision. >> oh, i think, without question, the supreme court is going to reverse the colorado supreme court and u.s. supreme court is going to reverse the colorado supreme court. they are going to make it clear
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that no one state can take president trump or any other presidential candidate off the ballot. i think it's going to be at least an 8-1 decision with sotomayor in dissent or even potentially 9-0. it will be on a narrow enough ground for chief justice roberts to get that much agreement. but that's definitely going to be overturned, what colorado did. >> lawrence: we will be following it. gentlemen, thank you so much. >> lawrence: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing!
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>> steve: let's talk elections. ail eyes are on the election to replace george santos. remember him. the election is this coming tuesday as republicans look to expand their narrow lead in the house of representatives. republican mazypilip and sparred over border security last night in the debate in the district watch? >> unfortunately my opponent has embraced the extremism. she says she is concerned about the border. but she opposes the bipartisan solution that would actually close the border. her opposition will result in the border staying open and more
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migrants coming to new york. she says she is submitted to israel but she is endangering israel. because she opposes the current bipartisan funding of israel. >> steve: okay. he is talking there. she is talking now because she joins us right now. new york congressional candidate mazipilip. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: the issue last night in that soundbite is about our southern border and in particular is talking about the senate border bill and security bill that was not advanced by the republicans. this is now the number one issue in so many spots across the country because people don't feel safe and at the same time it's like we are we letting so many people come in. >> exactly. and as we all know, you know, when he was in congress in the majority, he decided to open the border. tom souzzie caused the migrant crisis. he caused the border crisis. now he is saying he would like to go back and fix it. why you decided to open the
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border? that is the reason why we have migrant crisis. he is not capable to solve the problem. he is excellent talker. he likes to talk. he has been doing this for many, many years. >> steve: he does like to talk. you are absolutely right. you have a unique point of view though because you are an immigrant from the country of ethiopia who did it the legal way. >> exactly. and that's the way we are supposed to do it. i'm all about bringing people here to give them the opportunity to live the american dream. it has to be done correctly, the way i did it, my husband who came from ukraine, he came here legally. what they are doing is so irresponsible in many ways. i mean, to open the borders. to allow unvetted immigrants we don't know if they are terrorists or criminals. we note amount of drugs they bring in the borders and illegal guns.
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that was a big issue. he was there he opened the border. he is not capable to fix it. is he just typical politician who promised and promised he failed to protect our borders. he failed to protect us as americans. >> steve: well, in the last couple of weeks, the congress has had an opportunity to do something about it. they chose not to. regarding the center lankford bill. it pretty much blazed out. but, because george santos is not a congressman right now, he got the boot, that seat is not in the republican column. as if you win, on tuesday, then you would be able to vote with the republicans and vote your mind because they needed an extra republican or two this past week. particularly for the impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. it sounds like they are going to bring it back for a vote in a week or so when steve scalia, scalise, rather, is back. you, by that pointed could actually be seated as well.
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>> absolutely. when i go to congress absolutely i will street impeach him. mayorkas, he failed to protect the american people. he should not be there. and this is why this elections is so important. we have to have a strong majority to start to do the right things. right now they don't have it. this is about saving our country. this is about stopping the nonsense of the left democratic party as they are promoting and putting the american people at risk. >> lawrence: what do you make, mazi, about the argument if you were to impeach mayorkas. >> yes. >> steve: get rid of him, joe biden, who thinks he is doing a good job, thinks mayorkas is, is going to put somebody just like him in that job. and mayorkas says he is not going to go. are the republicans just wasting i their time on that. >> they are not wasting their time on that. they're holding somebody who was responsible accountable very simple. if you fail to do your job. you have to be held accountable. this is exactly what they are
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trying to do. >> all right. very good. we thank you very much for joining us. we know you have been very busy. you were up late last night with the town hall and whatnot. mazi pilip out in long running for congress. good luck to you. >> thank you. >> steve: still ahead joe biden lashed out last night at reporters including our very own peter doocy. that's what we call him at my house. that's at the top of the hour. >> is your hemry and can you continue as president? >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care.
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