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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 9, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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all the experience and all that stuff? what do you think? >> dana: i don't know. i just went with kansas city because you were going for san francisco. what do i know? obviously. >> bill: i'm not cheering for a team but a player. >> dana: brock purdy. one thing before we go. favorite football moment of every playoff season i've ever seen. do we have that here? no, we do not. here we go. this is you in 2022 after the bengals win. >> dana: hemmer isn't here because he was there and he joins us now. bill, i was having a heart attack on your behalf. you haven't responded to any of my text messages. glad to know that you are alive. what was it like? >> bill: right on. it was amazing. i'm so happy. >> harris: president biden on defense lashing out during what was supposed to be good news that he will not be indicted for those classified documents he
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was hoarding. instead, it was sad. most importantly, it was a storm of unpresidential behavior. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." some questioning special counsel robert hur's decision to file no charges against biden and big focus on the many, many examples of a deteriorating joe biden. hur wrote that a jury would have a hard time convicting a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. he noted biden didn't remember when he was vice president. and couldn't recall when his son, beau, died. a furious president biden called an impromptu news conference. >> president biden: i've seen the headlines since the report was released about my willful retention of document. that is not only misleading but just plain wrong. there is, in fact, a shortage of evidence that i willfully
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retained classified materials related to afghanistan. i did not share classified information. i did not share it with my ghost writer. i guarantee i did not. >> harris: are his handlers not telling him the truth or did he not read it? we want to give them a focus back-check with quotes from the report. president biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials, two, he marked classified documents about afghanistan were found in a box in mr. biden's delaware garage. that's right from the report. these are quotes. the third one, some of the portions that mr. biden read to his ghost writer remain classified at the secret level. dr. marc siegel. >> i compared him to my 100 year old father able to answer the questions and remembers that
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french president mitterrand died in 1996. my father remembers that and he is 20 years older than the president. it proves to me, at least, it is not linear age. it is a question of fitness. >> harris: biden also worked to distinguish his document case from president trump's case. he is facing 40 counts. let's watch. >> president biden: i was especially pleased to see special counsel make clear the stark distinction between this case and mr. trump's case. >> harris: haley post evidence the double standard is declaring. they were both reckless with classified documents. if biden's defense is old age and forgetfulness trump can make the same claim. he should quickly hire biden's lawyers. brett tolman in "focus." let's go to peter doocy outside what must be a bevy of activity today, the white house. >> there is going to be.
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the special counsel observations of president biden look bad. we asked the president how bad. >> something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. >> president biden: i'm well-meaning, elderly man and i know what the hell i'm doing. i'm president and put this country back on its feet and i don't need his recommendation. >> can you continue as president? >> president biden: my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> the report was so bad biden's lawyers ahead of time tried to have that time stricken writing to the special counsel we do not believe the report's treatment of president biden's memory is accurate or appropriate. president biden said he didn't do this. >> president biden: i take responsibility for not having
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seen exactly what my staff was doing. the things that came out of my garage and home and things moved not by me but my staff. by my staff. >> he is disputing a line in the hur report he forgot what year beau biden, his son, passed away. >> president biden: i know there is some attention paid to my recollection of events. even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that? frankly when i was asked the question i thought to myself wasn't any of their damn business. >> it's a very emotional topic but as we understand it, it was some of their damn business because when you go back to the reporting from january of 2023 at the biden office, some of the classified materials were
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reportedly mixed in with materials about beau biden's memorial service, harris. >> harris: i started off with it's sad. most importantly not presidential behavior. peter doocy, thank you. the "wall street journal" editorial board with this headline. biden's dotering document defense. biden was well aware of the rules required to protect national secrets. all of this also raises a question of double standards. trump is alleged to have lied about the documents and refused to cooperate. in contrast to biden. that may be true, but hur's report will still be front and center as part of trump's defense. and you can bet it will now be a staple of trump's presidential campaign. brett tolman, i want to start with something that people may not remember. it is how we found out about those documents in the first place.
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they had been sitting, some of them, at the penn center with biden's name on it, and they weren't actually turned over until many days after those documents had been unearthed and four months later the public was told about them. your thoughts. >> harris, thank you for having me on. i will tell you that i have some very interesting thoughts on this. one, i have a case right now, private citizen, that possessed and illegally retained classified documents and i'm absolutely certain that they are intent on charging him with a felony. so it is a contrast to watch and see a special counsel identify this as a private citizen, illegally retaining classified document and then above that is disclosing information from those classified documents. you highlight a very important point, and that is how we got
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here in the first place. let me make notice of something not a lot of people are talking about. why did the special prosecutor make in his report these comments about joe biden's mental state? he did so because there is a requirement in the department of justice that you bring in a case if you have sufficient evidence to get past a jury. so this was a grasp by the special counsel because they do have enough evidence to get past a jury, they had to somehow identify something that would give them a hesitation to present it to a jury. and that was the only thing -- this should tell the us how weak their justification is for not bringing the case because their only line of doubt is that he is so old and his memory is so bad they worry about getting it past a jury. the public needs to see why the special counsel is going through
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that manipulation in order to justify no charges. >> harris: that's really interest. when you say evidence, they had sufficient evidence, i fact checked some of what the president said last night and among those things was that, in fact, he had shared classified information with at least one person we know of and that was the ghost writer, which then that person would repeat that information because you are using it for a memoir, and then some of it was top secret. so if that's what you mean by evidence, the report tells us that they had evidence. >> yeah. in addition to that, harris, you are absolutely right. there is sufficient evidence to get it past a jury. that standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. above that you have allegations there may have been some destruction of audio tapes in reaction to the notification that joe biden was going to be interviewed and investigated for this. if that's the case, you have an even more compelling reason to
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bring the case because you have potential obstruction of justice. >> harris: he threw every staff member under the bus. over the years those papers are sitting in different places in torn boxes. many staff members that have left and come and gone and so that's a lot of people. so that was kind of an easy out. like blaming the stadium full of people. not that many but a few. the left is now, if we get the politics now, is directing their anger to attorney general merrick garland. a posting online. i'm furious, another james comey deja vu event from 2016. political hit job allowed to be public without balance and protocol with the special counsel report it pushed trump closer to re-election. merrick garland must resign today. >> merrick garland had one job. that job was to justify not
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charging joe biden and justify charging donald trump. we don't agree with the analysis the department of justice has been using, but that was the one job. it tells you how close a call this came with joe biden, that they had to rely on something that was going to also be damaging but really was their only card they could play was we don't think he is competent to stand trial. and if that's -- and the reason for that is it all goes back to they had plenty of evidence to bring this case and they had justification to bring it since they brought one against -- very similar against president trump. >> harris: do you think it is a pass? if he can't stand being indicted, how in the world is he allowed to stand being a commande commander-in-chief? how is that allowed to happen but they can't indict him? that feels like a pass.
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why can't they go for it? there are a lot of people who can't remember things and still end up in court. >> harris, i have never seen a prosecutor screen a potential case that has this much evidence on a classified documents retention and disclosure case in which they made the arguments for the defense and the defendant in their analysis of whether to bring the case. it is unprecedented. >> harris: you have that case cooking now so you know what these things look like side-by-side for regular citizens and the most powerful american in the country, joe biden. good to see you. thank you, brett, for breaking it down. new polling repeatedly has shown voters are not buying bidenomics. what won't help? the treasury secretary's admission about the sky high prices americans are buckling under right now. plus we're waiting for the u.s. supreme court's decision. yesterday was a big day particularly for the former president donald trump.
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explosive oral arguments we watched in that battle to stay on colorado's primary ballot and others. watch. >> u.s. supreme court will reverse the colorado supreme court. they will make it clear that no one state can take president trump or any other presidential candidate off the ballot. even potentially 9-0. >> harris: it was part of what some are calling the former president's best day ever. he does have a beautiful wife and children but politically yes. ari fleischer in "focus" next. e! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund.
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or visit today. >> harris: we're now waiting for the u.s. supreme court's decision in the trump colorado
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ballot case. supreme doubt on disqualifying doubt. justices seem likely to get them back to the balance box. even the liberal justices were tough. >> why should a single state have the ability to make this determination, not only for their own citizens, but for the rest of the nation? >> why didn't they put the board president in the very enumerated list in section three? they were listing people that were barred and president is not there. >> they were ineligible. nevertheless they were -- no, we're talking about section three. don't change the hypothetical. please don't change the hypothetical. >> it will come down to a handful of states deciding the presidential election. that's a pretty daunting consequence. >> harris: the nation's 45th president was optimistic. >> in watching the supreme court
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today, i thought it was very beautiful process. i hope that democracy in this country will continue. >> harris: the national review called yesterday trump's big day. those u.s. supreme court arguments followed by the damaging robert hur report on president biden and trump's massive win in the nevada caucuses. a good day. ari fleischer, fox news contributor former white house press secretary. can you unpack it a little bit? the day for president trump. >> well, joe biden's strategy all along has been to hide in the basement as he did in 2020, not become the issue in the campaign and let trump become the issue. yesterday, trump became a good issue because things went his way. biden with the focus on biden became a disaster. that's why biden's strategy is to not be a visible president. not be an active president.
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not campaign in a visible way or take questions from reporters. when the focus is on him, he fails. the best way joe biden thinks he can win is keeping the focus on donald trump. >> harris: it was interesting last night i was watching every network. journalists do that. robert f. kennedy, jr. ended up on one of them and said that there is a page turned to him now. paraphrasing. now it's okay to ask about how is joe biden's acuity, so on and so forth in a wider scale. that's the kind of day when they did not indict you, that you could only bring against yourself. >> you know, i spent a little bit of time managing the white house press corps, i loved it. here is what i would do today if i were donald trump given that disaster of joe biden last night and inability to answer questions and the way he lied when he said he didn't willfully keep any classified information. he didn't share any information
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with his ghost writer. he lied. i would challenge joe biden. i challenge you in the next three days to hold a news conference and answer reporter's questions. if you do for every one question you take, i'll take three. and put the challenge to biden. and then let biden just not answer any questions today, tomorrow, the next day because he can't. the white house staff will not put him out. it would be a disaster. by the way if i'm a white house reporter the question i would say to joe biden is when were you vice president? when did your son die? what was the last country you visited? if you want to see if he can't remember things, ask him. make him show on live tv he can retain information. get to the core of the issue. that's what i would do if i were trump and if i were the white house press corps. >> harris: for all those gotcha critics. all you did there was masterful is go to the robert hur report and ask the same two or three
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questions they asked. that's a healthy heads-up if you read the report. >> do you remember when joe biden went to prague and came back on a rope line with a little kid at the white house what was the last country you visited. he couldn't remember even though he had only just returned. ask him the obvious questions in which we've all seen him fail already and let him do it on national tv for the american people to see. >> harris: this isn't for vendetta but within the bounds of politics. that's where we are. he said watch me at the beginning of this process when the questions were already coming. all right, here is a taste of how the liberal media are treating the former president after yesterday's arguments. >> iran was broke when i left. they had no money to give to hamas. >> okay, i think we've gotten all the illegal analysis we'll get out of president trump. this is actually an opportunity
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for him to come out and say how -- >> he wants to talk about himself. >> harris: ari. >> i'm so glad you played that and so glad cnn did that, too. what the american people know is that they are laughing at us. they aren't laughing at donald trump. they're laughing at people who might support donald trump. they're laughing at half the country. the exact same clip that don lemon displayed when he was mocking donald trump's sporters with two guests he had on his show. he laughed his head so hard it hit the set. thanks, i needed that. they laugh at the american people. it's what we saw on c fricke n and why they cut away from it and think it's funny that trump talks. the disrespect for the office of the presidency for donald trump that drives this country crazy, half the country crazy. it fits the deplorables line that hillary clinton used.
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they laughed at american people. >> harris: you talked about what donald trump should do. that challenge to the press corps to ask the same questions that were in the robert hur report, excellent. also to say to joe biden for every one question you take in the next news conference trump will take three. brilliant move. a number of republicans that want president biden removed using the 25th amendment. it gives the vice president and cabinet power to remove the commander-in-chief from office via majority vote if it's determined he or she is no longer fit for office. your take. >> not going to happen. these are joe biden's protectors. one of the reasons i think robert hur wrote the report he did. think about this. who other than his protectors, jill biden, the top white house staff, people who around him, cabinet. who has seen him in action other than those protectors who won't tell us the truth?
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robert hur was the first outsider to ask questions to gauge joe biden to see him. members of congress see and hear him come and go. hur spent two days asking questions and i suspect he was astounded at what he saw and that's why they keep him away from the press corps. the job of them is to pierce the white house's defenses and get to the core of the truth and the facts what is going on. robert hur has been the only person allowed inside to see it. the rest of it is the white house protecting joe biden. >> harris: oddly the president went there several times as if he were proud of those five hours that he spent and they were filled with examples of things that didn't go well for him. all right. quick on this. senator john kerry lighting up treasury secretary janet yellen at a hearing before the senate banking committee. >> these prices caused by bidenomics are here to stay, aren't they? >> well, the high prices were
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not caused by bidenomics. i don't expect the level of prices to go down. some prices will be higher than they were before the pandemic and will stay higher but wages have risen considerably. >> you don't think we need to get these prices down? it's okay that bacon is up 20% under president biden, chicken is up 23 1/2%, coffee is up 30%, gas is up 44%? new cars and trucks are up 20% because people can't afford -- used cars because people can't afford a new car? they're up 24% under bidenomics. you don't think we need to get these prices down. >> wages are also up and wages are up. >> they're not up 24 and 27% or 23 or up 31. >> harris: from louisiana, of course, that's senator john kennedy and he was ready.
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>> the core issue in the re-election. this and the border. american people aren't feeling if. if you went grocery shopping it cost you $50 years ago and up and up. it's not the inflation rate is going down, the price of what you are paying keeps going up. that's what the american people know and feel every time they go to a store. >> harris: you know, for kennedy and others who are home with their constituents over the upcoming, you know, passover and easter break, it doesn't get any better automatically. we're too close to the election for them to try to hope the american people will spend a few more holidays around their dinner tables and not feel this. quick last. >> i do think there is time. biden -- if you are a democrat you can hope the economy turns around by november. i would say you have until june before it's cooked into the cake. we'll see what happens with the
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economy in the real world. >> harris: the cake might be very expensive to eat still. ari fleischer, great to have you in "focus." special counsel's report raising some questions about president biden's mental fitness. we've been talking about this. it has now taken the topic to a new level. >> the question is, are democrats willing to go forward between now and november with a candidate that many in the country may not think is up to the job for four more years? >> harris: democrats calling the findings a political nightmare for their party. a week filled with brutal gaffes is not helping biden's case. it has been tough. power panel.
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that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. >> harris: president biden may have dodged criminal charges over the special documents report. the political implications are off the charts.
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"new york times" headline the decision should have been an unequivocal legal exoneration but it was a political disaster. "new york post" front page. elderly man with a poor memory. special prosecutors report proves joe biden is unfit to remain president. even the liberal outlet the atlantic biden's age is unavoidable. joe biden looks like he is turning into a statue of joe biden. one panicked democratic lawmaker told nbc it's a nightmare. it weakens president biden electorally. for democrats we're in a grim situation. gianno caldwell and david car lucci. this is a tough spot for you to be in. i come to you first because you are a democrat. your thoughts. >> i think this is good news for president biden if you actually read the 388 page report. it clarifies and makes the distinction between what
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president biden did and what president trump did. and what president trump did was he ob files indicated officials and lied. >> harris: if we had an hour show we could go into the what aboutism you are doing. what we're concentrating on now is the political fall out of this. not what the report found. the president couldn't get that right. he was found to have willfully retained classified documents, some of which were top secret. so i appreciate the aboutism but we want to go to the political backlash. did you see the news conference? one more shot and i'm moving on. the political backlash is what to you? >> i don't think there is much of a political backlash. maybe a couple of days on focusing on ageism. this is a double edged sword for the greek op talk about gaffes, trump has just about as many gaffes as president biden. president biden can admit a
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mistake. donald trump doubles down all the time. he can never admit a mistake. that's proving in a way to the american people. >> harris: if you look at the day each man had, oh my goodness. i don't know what you are looking through. >> we are talking about the 388-page report. yes, it talks about his memory and talks about some gaffes but what they're saying is these are honest mistakes. >> may i please? any democrat including you, david, that choose to come on this channel or any other channel to defend the president ought to be ashamed of yourself. the very, very, very serious issue. that special counsel's report said if i own a popeye's chicken restaurant joe biden wouldn't be up to the job to be a cashier there. he has all of our lives in his hand. there is a war in the middle east now which could turn into world war iii. who is there to make the decision and he is there to make the decision and he could possibly forget a detail and ort his generals to do something to
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put our lives in jeopardy. we have an open border terrorists are pouring through. drugs that are coming in. we are not in a situation where we can play games with the president of the united states and the fact that you are sitting here saying this is an okay situation for him is not the right approach that any patriot, no matter what political party you are part of should be saying. it's disappointing to hear you say that. it really is. >> the disappointment on my end to say we'll only focus on the key part that says oh, he made some mistakes. he did mix up some dates. >> harris: your guy that you defend couldn't take a victory lap. he couldn't do it. he doesn't know how to do it. he was pressed not even in a hard way by the reporters in that room until he got into a back and forth as he always does with peter doocy. he was just take the victory lap and couldn't do it. he couldn't remember certain
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things even then. si si is not the president of mexico, we know that. look, you can call it a gaffe but it fits within the line of things >> when this doesn't mean we cancel somebody because they mix up a few names. it happens a lot. >> harris: let's watch and you can react. it is painful to watch. it is painful to watch and i'll row the tape. it is painful to watch while defending his mental fitness last night he confused two presidents. watch. >> president biden: as you know, initially the president of mexico, sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the gate. >> harris: this week he said he discussed the 2021 capitol riot with former german chancellor helmut kohl. he told that story three
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separate times in the past week. on top of that he actually met with the chancellor merkel in 2021. not only had the other gentleman died, the woman who took the job he meant with sense. he claimed he had a discussion -- this is really what started some democrat heads to kind of turn and watch. those people like mark penn, who i know you know. worked in a former white house. 2021 it was a discussion with french president mitterrand, who died in 1996. count have had a 2021 discussion with him. even trump bashing last night host stephen colbert put biden on blast. >> this could be proof that joe biden has the ability to communicate with the dead world leaders. he is so old he straddles the line between this world and the next. that means follow me, that means biden can pierce the veil of
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mortality to assembly the greatest team to tackle any problem. >> in las vegas he told a story about recently talking to a french president who died in 1996. >> i'm not going to go down the rabbit hole with you. >> what rabbit hole? >> the president talked about having conversations in 2021 with european leaders deceased at that time. >> what he was trying to say, many people, elected officials, many people, you know, they can misspeak sometimes, right? >> harris: i want to meet you where you are with the word gaffes. that seems to be what you see all of it as. nbc poll taken before any of the most recent moments found more than 3/four of voters had major or moderate concerns about biden's mental and physical fitness. that includes 54% of democrats.
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david. >> concerns are one thing and then going and voting for someone is another. i think actions speak louder than words. that's what we have to focus on here. we can take some snippets, some parts of the 388-page report. we could take a few gaffes and misspoken words. that happens to all of us. we all misspeak occasionally and what matters is what are you actually doing? are you walking the walk or just talking. are you talking more than you should and saying more. >> harris: are you comfortable with what he said to israel. >> he was choosing his words very carefully. >> harris: are you comfortable with that foreign policy telling our strongest ally in the middle east. if you want to play the game of policy he put that out there, too. are you okay with that? the israel over the top? is that where you are? >> well, no. he was choosing his words carefully. we have to look in the entirety
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in what the administration is doing. he is making progress and that's what matters. >> harris: i gave you one that was important and i disagreed. >> do i agree with every thing president biden does? no. overall, yes. >> david, david. you should at least be honest enough with the american people. the number one cable network in the country. a lot of people are watching you now saying you know what? maybe there are considerations that need to take place. maybe a need to invoke the 25th amendment. maybe democrats can be more honest where joe biden is. i don't wish any harm on the president. i pray for the president and i pray for this country. this man has put us in a terrible set of circumstances and no one, including his wife, jill biden, will say enough is enough. they need to get him out of office. he is endangering the lives of all of us with the position he is in. the fact that you won't say that because -- >> i disagree with you. i disagree with you, that's why. we can have an honest conversation. >> harris: absolutely you can
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disagree. >> voters decide. why president biden will win re-election. >> harris: you can disagree and we'll see what happens. i wanted to show you the bevy of receipts. only an hour show, i have many more, too. both gentlemen, great conversation, thank you very much. good to see you. if you thought the outrage couldn't get any hotter over that cop beating that happened in new york city and they are looking for people who are non-american citizens in that, it just got hotter. district attorney alvin bragg is trying now to do some damage control. >> grand jury has returned an indictment on seven individuals for their roles in the assault on two police officers in times square on january 27th. >> harris: that was telling us that seven of the most dangerous of those people. illegal immigrants roaming around. they wouldn't give us the details how they knew they were the most dangerous. it took them a while to round these guys up.
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a little late now, since he let them out on bail and where it started, 0 bail. jason rantz in "focus" next. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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>> harris: watch the screen. look at this. manhattan's d.a. alvin bragg released this body camera
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footage of that horrific beatdown of two nypd officers. as you can see from this vantage point, so much violence. he also finally announced charges against the suspects. it took nearly two weeks for that to happen. and only one of those held on bail you saw flipping off cameras and paying people, his way of showing some care, i guess, in new york city of the most of the suspect reportedly fled the state after a judge freed them with 0 bail. and all this time later d.a. bragg apparently feels like everybody else. >> this assault, as it did to many of you, sickened me and outraged me. we all rely on members of the nypd every day as i said to keep us safe and keep us the safest big city in america.
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let me be clear, the behavior depicted is despicable. >> harris: i have been wanting more information when did these guys come into the country? who are they? not american citizens. when will we get the details? >> your guess is as good as mine. they will have to show up to court to learn more information. only one of these migrants involved in the attacks is still locked up. it shows what he did as well as other migrants involved. we do know about this man. the 24-year-old at wry curse island right now. he appears frustrated when the officer touches his yellow coat. the officers moves him up against a building and he pushes back. look here. [shouting] >> this is when the other migrants start kicking the
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officers while they are down. the five identified migrants all face felonies including several second degree assault charges and one charge of tampering with evidence for swapping jackets. >> mr. juarez, depicted in a gray jackets with his hands in his pockets, he watches this assault from a distance but eventually gives up his gray jacket that he is wearing to mr. brito. >> he said five people involved in the attack haven't been arrested yet and said there are no warrants out for their arrest. he defends his decision against requesting bail for several suspects saying he wanted to proceed cautiously to insure he identified the right people. >> harris: what about proceeding cautiously -- he said they were
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dangerous. you know they know their story is illegal immigrants and they know it by now. they have all this information on them. they need to tell the public what they know at this point. if those guys are still on the run, it is ridiculous. nate foye, great reporting as always. the "new york post" blasting the d.a.'s delay with this headline. now d.a. alvin bragg gets around to indicting the cop beaters who fled. in "focus" seattle radio host jason rantz. i am hot on this issue right now because if those people are as dangerous as bragg said they were they don't have warrants for their arrest? >> precisely. we go through this every time with alvin bragg. it is a rinse, wash, repeat. goes easy on somewhat. gets pushback from the public and tries to walk it back but doesn't actually do anything meaningful to change the situation. we'll continue to get this over and over and over again. and i will say this, he is at least consistent. we know what it is we'll get.
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i can guarantee you it will just continue to happen. in this case we were all lucky to have these officers not get seriously injured or killed. we're having people coming into this country illegally who are not being vetted, who are being welcomed into new york city with open arms and they are only waiting until after a crime occurs before folks start to feign their outrage. this will be a political issue. on the people of new york to step up and demand something better. the next time you have alvin bragg out there understand you will have to put the pressure on him from the beginning or oafs he will completely ignore what he should be doing. >> harris: first line of defense are law enforcement. how many of them have to be harmed until they wake up to what's happening in the city. by the way, the governor kathy hochul could get rid of alvin bragg. she could replace him. if she wants to complain about what has been happening and she
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has been, why doesn't she get rid on the soft on crime d.a. who doesn't want to put out a warrant for these five dangerous suspects and they need to tell us who is on the streets. you know they know. when did they cross the border? who are these people? how dangerous are they for the rest of us? wow. jason rantz. great to have you in the program. thank you very much. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." we had a lot of breaking news yesterday with the united states supreme court case that was before it on keeping donald trump off the ballot in colorado. we await that decision. we've been told it will likely be days, not months. we'll coverist when -- cover it when it happens. "outnumbered" after the break.
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